(2006/09) SEPTEMBER 2006 MTB

sorry.. wanted to add more to my last post.. heh

<font color="0077aa"><font size="+1">Peachie</font></font>, ooops I was slowed by a second.. just saw your reply to Buttons on where to buy MULLER after I posted! This 'Market Place' is the same one at Tanglin Mall right? heehee.. hey u seem to be quite trusty with your new helper yah? actually for me, until now I still cook for A every meal. Maybe I'm just paranoid when it comes to preparing food for A..

If u do need to rely on your helper to prepare C's meals, how about coming up with a FOOD MENU for her to follow strictly?
<font color="aa00aa">Brenda</font>
When u cook for A, do u use a different set of pots, bowl, utensils, knife and chopping board specially just for her?

I also rely on my helper to prepare Megan's meals cos my culinary skills really left much to be desired. Most of the time my mum or MIL will supervise, and i will tell my helper what goes into the porridge. But yah... ur suggestion of giving her a list is quite good, then no need to always have to recall what i gave her yesterday!
<font color="ff0000">Buttons, I bought the Heinz yoghurt from NTUC & Cold Storage under the baby food section. But they do not have many variety. Thats why I considering buying the ones that Peachie recommends.</font>
thank you so much for sharing your PD's advise. yeah i'm putting the flu jab on my list but i think i want to introduce eggs into hannah's diet. how do you give the egg uh? hard boil egg take with what?

i bathe hannah before she goes to sleep so it's around 8pm latest. my mom said, if i bathe her that late, must not bathe her head but if she's very dirty, just wipe her head and quickly dry it up. so far so good, no flu. keep her warm after bath and quickly dress her up.

agree with ilovebabies, replace one meal with EBM and see if jovann poos. or try sweet potato every day lor. it's highly nutritious. i love it too. banana he don't like ah? hannah has consistent poo time. she poos twice everyday, after breakfast and lunch and sometimes after dinner at 6. b'cos she poo everyday, i resorted to buying her cheapo diapers. used to use drypants on her.

can i feed egg tofu to hannah or not? and how to cook egg tofu? hehee...

I add in the cooked egg yolk into her porridge.. or if i giving it to her directly, we mash it and mix with a bit of milk so it won't be so dry..

Jadelle bathes @ 6-6:30pm, after she goes to the playground to play/ watch other kids.. she take a 1/2 hr nap after that before wake up briefly and goes to bed ~9pm.
Seem to be most mummies bathe baby bet 6 to 7pm. but for me my girl eat porridge at that timing so unable to bathe at that time or right after makan. So if like that i got to bathe her ard 8pm, 1 hr after makan for her to digest her food first, but just worry she might get cold. I deefinietly got to wash her hair during evening bathe cos she sweat alot manz.. no wash very stinky leh.

Brenda, may i know how ur list of food look like. The food that baby can eat still quite limited, so is like eat the same thing every week or every day leh.

Btw, i give my girl pork and fish everyday, is it ok? Will they get sick of that?
I sometimes can't help but become amazed at the fact that we mothers always worry if baby will become sick or tired of eating the same food everyday. Until I started to put myself in their shoes and figured out that since they're still very innocent, they wouldn't mind if they have to eat the same food everyday. Just like I take milo every morning from school-going days till now. And to answer if he/she is sick of the food already, look at your own baby's cues. If he/she is rejecting the food when u know that he/she is hungry, then that's the sign we should switch to other food. Else, if it's highly nutritous, I don't see why we shouldn't continue to give the same thing everyday. Just my 2 cents lah.
<font color="0077aa"><font size="+1">Peachie & BM</font></font>, serious ah?? Wanna challenge me and Buttons with going to Bot Gdns for brekkie at 8am ah? Heehee.. I think if u girls really get down to organizing it, then Ill surely try! Maybe Ill just tent overnight there and wait for you girls to arrive in the morning! Heehee..

<font color="0077aa"><font size="+1">Buttons</font></font>, yah! My A poos at 9am thereabouts, everyday when she wakes up. Maybe a variant of 30 mins or so, depending on what time she wakes up and what time 1 of her lazy parents is willing to roll out of bed to bring her to the toilet.

I also noticed that if we include fruits like pears, apples, honey dew, papaya in her breakfast cereal/milk or yoghurt, shell poo one more time at about 5-6pm, just before dinner. I didnt plan her poo timings, they just happened to occur at the same time, everyday for the past 2 months already. But the quantity of the output is not the same though, sometimes about 200gms, sometimes only 50gms, and when this happens, I know she'll definitely be pooing again at about 5/6pm..

<font color="0077aa"><font size="+1">Buttons & Yuna & Eling</font></font>, if your babies tend to poo during meal times or undesirable times, why not try to mmmm them before feeding or at times that u think its more appropriate? Just do the mmm routine for like the next 7 days and when the poo comes out, praise them! If u still got hands, clap clap! Make happy exclamations la.. Basically is to tell them that theyre doing the right thing and eventually itll get into them that when u mmmm them means to poo. Thats how I trained my A. But then again, u need to mmm them at the right timing la..

<font color="0077aa"><font size="+1">Rexbabie</font></font>, yes! a set of everything for A only .. Even though I cook for her personally but I still want to keep separate set of cooking utensils (only for the steamer I use to steam adults foods as well). Dont forget to have a separate SPONGE for washing the utensils too. These are inexpensive, so Id think we can afford to give them a separate one for hygiene purposes.

<font color="0077aa"><font size="+1">Eling</font></font>, I think I gave u a food list when we met the last time right? It lists all the foods u can buy for Amabel, forget liao ah?

What I was suggesting to <font color="ff0000">Peachie</font> is a FOOD MENU, meaning to detail down exactly what ingreditents to cook for each meal, eg:

Today's Lunch:
Pork + Garden Peas
Mashed Sweet Potatoes

Today's Dinner:
Jap Rice Porridge
Stew Beef with Carrots + Zucchini

Tomorrow's Breafast:
3 TBS x Plain Yoghurt, add bananas
3 TBS x Oatmeal + 60ml Milk

I'm actually in the midst of compiling a food nutritional guide cum menu. I know I told some of you some months ago! but still not out yet cos I've been either too busy or too lazy to get it completed! heehee.. once done, will share with all of you yah.. *still lots to go

Most important guideline u should follow is, KNOW WHEN/WHAT/WHY/HOW MUCH U PUT INTO YOUR BB'S STOMACH! Don't feed for the sake of varieties, be safe than sorry (some allergies kill!) and you'll be on your way to raising a healthy baby!
<font color="0077aa"><font size="+1">Eling</font></font>, to add on to what <font color="ff0000">Melissa</font> commented, don't we all eat fish, pork and chicken everyday? heh.. I love my fish balls and fried bee hoon. I can have them everyday! heehee..
<font color="ff0000">CHEESE</font>

Just thought I share this method of introducing cheese into our bbs' diet. As most of you are aware that Cheese contains lots of salt. So maybe feeding cheese on its own it's not too ideal for our bbs' still weak kidneys. And I thought if we incorporate the cheese into our foods and serve together, the 'salt' is somehow 'diluted' in per serving..

I suggest doing these:

<font color="ff0000">Method 1 - Steaming</font>
- While steaming the veggies or meat, stir in the grated cheese to melt it in.

<font color="ff0000">Method 2 - Oven-Baking</font>
1. Shredded Chicken/Fish & Potatoes/SweetPotatoes/Squash/Pumpkin/Parsnip in a casserole
2. Sprinkle grated cheese on top
3. Use oven to bake

Another method is FRYING, but I'd suggest keeping pan-fried foods after they turn 1 year old yah..
But for mummies who are comfy with giving butter and pan-fried foods now, can try this method of mine:

<font color="ff0000">Method 3 - Pan-Frying</font> (include Yoghurt too!)
1. Use UNSALTED butter, add a small piece to a frying pan
2. Add minced pork/beef, fry
3. Add peas/carrots/broccoli/asparagus/zucchini, fry
4. Add yoghurt, fry then turn off fire
5. Add grated cheese, and stir to melt in the heat.

For all the methods, use ONLY SOFT CHEESE for starters, like Parmesan or Cheddar. They're more suitable for young stomach..
storing food
oh ya i have one question abt storing food. Once it's cooked n very hot, we put them in the containers right? Shd we cover them to cool down or leave them open? Coz i rem my mum used to say that covering it while it's hot will coz food to sour after it goes into the fridge. Is that true?
Feeding bread

I have tried egg yolk on Rachel and she is doing well. So i guess I can feed bread ? but my qn is how to make them swallow the bread ? We have teeth so we can chew it but for babies, they have to swallow that piece right ? I am afraid they will choke. even if we dip them into soup it's still one whole piece.

So how to feed ?

I will hard boil the egg then feed the egg yolk together with the porridge. Easier to separate the egg while and yolk when it is hard boiled.
<font color="0077aa"><font size="+1">ilovebbs & Melissa</font></font>, I think for the bread's or tofu's egg, we should be considering if the egg white and its high protein is part of the ingredient (I don know how to bake bread so not sure if they use WHOLE eggs or just the yolk). The concern is not so much on the egg yolk, though there're some research show that some bbs do get allergic to egg yolks, but mostly, egg whites.

So for the egg tofu, maybe u want to find out is it whole egg or just yolk is used? also, if I'm not wrong, egg tofu also contains added salt, right?

Hard boiled egg yolk is still the safest according to most resources..
Soft bun bread contains both. Egg inside recipe & egg yolk brush on top. But if look at those gardenia type loaf bread, you do not see any egg in the ingredient list.


I'm tempted to try bread & soup tis wkend. Let u knw d outcome nxt wk. I remember soaking my bread into milo b/f & it turn very soft & mashy, so maybe bogay also okie if we further mush them up hee...

For me, I cover 3/4 portion cause dun wan too much dust go into the food while they cool or maybe I shd use those big big net tat keep away flies to cover.
hi mommies,

any of ur bb wearing iplay swim diaper? not sure whether to get this reusable type or the disposable type.

btw, is s too small? quite dilema. too small uncomfortable. too big afraid cant catch the poo. went isetan, left only s size.

i notice most of u buy the iplay 2 pcs swim suit. isnt it easier to dress them in those 1 whole pc type like what arena has?
Ling, u talking about cooling baby puree right? I think i mentioend few days back on my method. when the hot puree has been transfferd to my food cubes, i put them inside a shallow container filled with tap water with some ice cubes. the level of water will be abt 2/3rd the height of my food cube. i leave it like that for 1/2 hour or so, then trnsfer direct to freezer. or for ur case, chiller? reason being hot food will spoil ur fridge, and also, like ur mom say, i think hot food go fridge immediately not good oso leh. if i leave it outside to cool like that, books say after 2 hours not very fresh oredi. so i use my ice cubes method to quickly cool it down.

peachie!! good recc on the mullers little stars hahaha. i went to buy just now leh, last pack of 6. i just did some food tasting of the strawberry flavored one, its nice....not as sour as horizon, so hopefully Jovann will like it.
tmlw i will try the peach flavoured one with mashed pears for breakfast. brenda, u can forget about looking for it at raffles city jasons oredi hahahah!

brenda, ur food menu for lunch hor, u didn't include cereal issit? so sometimes for some meals u dun feed porridge nor cereal one lah? how to gauge if its enough? sometimes J can finish 2.3rd of a potato with spinach/peas and papaya, but i still add 1tbs of cereal coz somehow i tot must have staple. but potato oredi staple hor?? hehehee...

when u say stewed beef, u dun mean really stew right? when i cook beef, i will steam it with the root vege, okie right? not considered stew? amother qn, beef tends to be tough tough when ovr cooked. but for babies, we def need it to be fullycooked. so how not to be tough tough leh? blend oredi is sufficient issit?

as for cheese, u mean those adult cheddar or parmesan is okie for babies??? eh, cannot say soft cheese leh. soft cheese referring to cheese like camembert, brie, blue cheese, etc..not safe for baby wor.

DOnt buy S for iplay... it's very very small. I sugg u buy L. More comfy for the baby. Even my rachel is wearing M and I feel a bit tight for her big butt eheh

btw usuallY i dun bath the baby at the pool. I will quickly bring her to the resstroom to dry and change her. Then quickly rush to my in law plce to bath her.

Think i will bath her there when she can stand, easier for me.
ilb, thanks. will buy L then. but hor i think iplay seriously out of stock is it? isetan told me no stock coming in. left only tt few pieces of s size.

has anyone used mustela physiobebe no rinse cleansing liquid? tot of just briefly clean up using tt and then go home then shower.
Hi hi,

I am baack!!! wow, so many posts!!!


Yup, I know I really trusted my helper. Cos she is with my mom every weekday and helping her to cook Clarence's meals, and she became such an expert at cooking his meals that I grew lazy and left everything to her. Very bad hor??? Hehe.... But anyway, after the EGG episode, I stopped buying eggs at home. My fridge is very sad these days... it contains only those foods which Clarence can eat, such as apples, pears, pumpkin, spinach, threadfin etc. The only other stuffs are maggi mee and lots and lots of ice cream for mommy!


My mom will boil the egg for 10 mins flat (aka hard boiled egg lah). Then she will remove the shell and the egg white. The remaining yolk she will sometimes mash into his porridge or cereal, or just mash with milk.


Haha!!! So you took the last pack! I had a meeting today which dragged from 10.30 to 1pm, and by the time I went for lunch, all my lunch kakis have abandoned me (our lunch time starts from 12.30, but most of my colleagues go off at 12.20). So I grabbed a quick bite, then went Jasons to jalan jalan. To my surprise and shock, the Horizon and Muller baby yogurt have all but disappeared, except for 1 LAST pack of Muller on the shelf. I was totally amazed. There were at least 4 packs of Horizon and 5 packs of Muller there yesterday! Wow!!!

Hehe, I did not take the Muller (thank goodness I didn't!!! Otherwise it's a wasted trip for you). I just went round hunting for any other cheaper alternatives for baby yogurt (but didn't find any...)

I intend to feed the Muller first, maybe Clarence can have the strawberry for breakfast tomorrow!
<font color="0000ff">Jack & Lily Shoes</font>

Dear mummies,
Order confirmed and forward to supplier already.

<table border=1><tr><td>Nick</TD><TD>Design</TD><TD>Size</TD><TD>Qty </TD></TR><TR><TD>Emma</TD><TD>solid - chocolate (7165)</TD><TD>12-18M</TD><TD>1 </TD></TR><TR><TD>dumpty</TD><TD>cream / brown trainer (7172)</TD><TD>18-24M</TD><TD>1 </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>loveable lion (7134)</TD><TD>18-24M</TD><TD>1 </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>playful puppy (7151)</TD><TD>18-24M</TD><TD>1 </TD></TR><TR><TD>daisybutton</TD><TD>Handsome prince code (7149)</TD><TD>12-18M</TD><TD>1 </TD></TR><TR><TD>mary</TD><TD>Blue/orange trainer(7174)</TD><TD>18-24M</TD><TD>1 </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>Friendly giraffe (7123)</TD><TD>18-24M</TD><TD>1 </TD></TR><TR><TD>cheekz</TD><TD>smiling octopus (7140)</TD><TD>12-18M</TD><TD>1 </TD></TR><TR><TD>brenda</TD><TD>sailboats (7155)</TD><TD>12-18M</TD><TD>1 </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>flying dragon (7117)</TD><TD>12-18M</TD><TD>1 </TD></TR><TR><TD>xena</TD><TD>perfect princess (7150) </TD><TD>6-12M</TD><TD>1 </TD></TR><TR><TD>melody999</TD><TD>flying dragon (7117)</TD><TD>18-24M</TD><TD>1 </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>Perfect Penguin 7142 </TD><TD>18-24M</TD><TD>1 </TD></TR><TR><TD>nedlands</TD><TD>flying dragon (7117)</TD><TD>12-18M</TD><TD>1 </TD></TR><TR><TD>e-ling</TD><TD>Perfect Princess (7150)</TD><TD>12-18M</TD><TD>1 </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>Precious poodle (7148)</TD><TD>18-24M</TD><TD>1 </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>flying dragon (7117)</TD><TD>12-18M</TD><TD>1 </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>Sandal - cream (7158)</TD><TD>18-24M</TD><TD>1 </TD></TR><TR><TD>june wee</TD><TD>Sandal Blue(7157)</TD><TD>12-18M</TD><TD>1 </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>Cream Navy Trainer(7170)</TD><TD>18-24M</TD><TD>1 </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>Playful Puppy (7151)</TD><TD>12-18M</TD><TD>1 </TD></TR><TR><TD>teddyhope</TD><TD>cream / brown trainer (7172)</TD><TD>12-18M</TD><TD>1 </TD></TR><TR><TD>emoments</TD><TD>playful puppy (7151)</TD><TD>12-18M</TD><TD>1 </TD></TR><TR><TD></td></tr></table>

Will advise on payment information soon.
There are no ex-stock. Supplier will start to manufacture them and expect to send out in 10-14 days time.
thanks for the info on egg! i thought egg + milk is yucky but then again, baby don't know what yucky is! hehee. will try that.

i went to giant one day and saw huggies swimming diapers. very nicely decorated. maybe you should try getting one. i got one just for Hannah. it's expensive but what the heck. i'm also considering bringing hannah for a swim one fine day.
<font color="0000ff">california baby</font>
hello folks, went to bank and paid for our purchases. they should receive the $$ next week and process our order for delivery.
shld expect to receive it within 10 days.

u r welcome !

i have the huggies diapers as well. actually I tot it is not required leh. But since I bought one pack will use it, after which I dont think I will buy it. It's so ex !!

i preferred reusable one coz if i dun bring kai swimming tt often then the whole pack will b wasted as he might outgrown the size. the reusable one can leave for nx bb i guess.
<font color="0077aa"><font size="+1">Buttons</font></font>, you've got my msg about me canceling my seat for tmr's KM class yah?

wah.. u got so many qnsss for me, okok here I go:

Cereal - Yes, I take this as a brekkie item so I only feed once per day, at breakfast time.

Staple - No, I don't feed porridge all the time. Potato is indeed a staple already so u can choose to skip the rice. Both are carbohydrates, remember?

How much is enough - Aiyo my dear girl.. I think some of the mummies here also answered your this qns several times liao le.. babies will be the one to decide if he/she had enough, not us..

Reference to your this qns, I suspect your J has constipation becos you're feeding too much of cereal, hence an UNBALANCE diet. Try to feed cereal only in the early hours cos most cereal is iron fortified and at the same time packed with lots of nutrients, so they need time to digest it. How about increasing the amount of each item per meal?

Soft Cheese - I meant those that are soft, creamy and not been aged for a long time. Sorry if it's not clear. And as per what I've read and done before, I used Parmesan and Cheddar. This is based on my own practice and experience, if u doubt it, u can don't do it or check with someone else yah!!!! (your fav exclamation!!!!!) :p

Beef - Yes, u can steam it, stew it, oven baked (minced) or even fry it (minced).

Stew means to cook in a clay pot (or whatever that allows slow cooking), add just nice amount of water with other chunked veggies for a long period of time like 30 minutes. I use a big chunk of beef (aga-aga 6cm x 2cm thickness) when I stew, so the meat is still tender after cooking. After stewing for about half an hour, remove and puree to the desired consistency. Rooties are very good for stewing. I sometimes add XBC, Spinach, Broccoli or Cauliflower to the stew when it's about to be done, like 5-10 minutes before I switch off the fire. And there's usually some gravy after stewing which I use it to LUM either the porridge or the puree itself.

For Steaming, I supposed your method is right if you're using the same method for other foods like fish which we've discussed before.

Disclaimer: I am no professional food nutritionist or dietician. These expressed methods are of my own practice. If you're uncomfy with it, don't try. And if you find references that can correct my practice, let me know as I'd be happy to learn too! I don't think anyone should simply rely on ONE resource, even if it comes from a very professional figure. Researches and studies are seldom conclusive, worse if it's coming from ONE source.
<font color="0077aa"><font size="+1">ilovebbs</font></font>, does the huggies swim diaper become PONG PONG, that means soaking up the pool's water when Rachel's in the water? cos last time I didn't know cannot wear normal diapers in the water, so A was wearing her usual Pampers diaper and after we dipped her, then we realised that diaper was soaking up water! and becos it was soaking up, the waist band area became very very tight! So scary! we then quickly took her out of the water and removed the diaper. We simply forgotten that diapers are made for super absorbency right! heh
Hi Brenda,

Sorry to hear that you had flu! ;p Take lots of rest, drink lots of water and avoid crowded places. Fastest way to get well!

No probs, will let you know how the KM class turns out! You have a great weekend!

By the way, do you know whether is there a difference between using skimmed milk or whole milk in yogurt??? The Muller - Little Stars was bragging on its cover that it uses whole milk. Do you know why? Is it supposed to be better??? Actually there are so many types of milk that poor me is confused.... There is Fresh milk (is this equivalent to whole milk???), Hi-Lo milk, UHT milk, reduced fat (aka skimmed) milk, flavoured milk and Lactose removed/reduced milk! Gosh.... Can babies take all these??? I am asking this cos yogurt and cheese and cream biscuits and even bread (yup, my bread from Four Leaves says that it contains fresh CREAM) may contain all sorts of milk! :p
im not the expert and ur Q is not directed at me but as kaypoh as i always am, i will try to answer ur Q :p. from what i know as much as possible, try to give babies full cream milk instead of low fat milk, in this case skimmed milk. (correct me if im wrong ms B). its because babies n young tots still need the fats thats r found in full cream milk for brain n other development. that being said, i also realised that products like cereals and yoghurts use skimmed milk, i wonder why.

hope u feelg better by now and pls dun be so sick to keep thinking A will be sick too!! heh...

eh u make me laugh lah! u mean u dunno wearing normal diapers into the pool will cause PONG PONG?? then what ur C wore last time when she swam?

as far as i know the way u massage shld be correct leh. cos i did the same like u, circular motion and then massage downwards towards the left side (baby's left).
<font color="0077aa"><font size="+1">Peachie</font></font>, what I know is simply <font color="ff0000">Skim Milk is Low Fat Milk</font>. At this point when our bbs need all that fats to grow and they burn them really fast with their mobility, low fat is not a good choice for them. That's why Whole Milk is prefered to Skim for feeding babies.

<font color="ff0000">WHOLE milk</font> means cow's milk which also translates to fresh milk. Some studies shown that Fresh Milk (or Cow's Milk or Whole Milk or even Skim Milk) should only be introduced to bbs of 1 year and above, but these studies are not conclusive neither they were comprehensive. Lots of mummies have fed their bbs yoghurt and cheese when their bbs were barely 1 year old, and found no problem with that. So it really depends on how comfy are you with that idea.

And here are my translation:
Hi-Lo milk - Another Skim milk. 'Hi-Lo' is one of the selling brands. > Low fat

UHT milk - If I remember correctly, the 'UHT' stands for 'Ultra Heat Treatment' also another meaning for 'Pasteurization' (spell correct?!). Meaning, the milk is heated in a very high temperature under a very short time. This is for shelf life purpose. > No good for bbs cos most of the nutrients will be destroyed too since the milk is 'cooked'.

reduced fat (aka skimmed) milk - yup, just another way to name Skim Milk. > Low fat again..

flavoured milk > artificial flavoring added, so no good for bbs.

Lactose removed/reduced milk - another fancy name for Skim Milk. > Low Fat again..

Yes, you're right ALL other calcium rich products contain Cow's Milk, unless you specifically find those that use SOY based milk, which are also meant for vegetarian. Also, we don't feed our bb a whole cup of milk, only bitsy amounts in these foods so I supposed it's still safe la.

If cow's milk is introduced too early, our bbs' stomach might not be able to handle the high nutrients which calves need.. that's the wee bit of info I have..

I don't know anything else that produces milk.. errr.. goats? what else??

<font color="0077aa"><font size="+1">BM</font></font>, aiya that time A was only 2 months and I was so excited to get her into the pool so just stripped her, left the diaper then dipped her! heehee.. now she wears her sexy little thing called bikini!
Dear Dear Brenda and BM,

Thanks a million for the wonderful advice on milk!!! You are TRULY fantastic! Brenda, you really are a walking dictionary!

By the way, I realised that Horizon organic Baby yogurt uses "Grade A pasteurized milk, Grade A NONFAT milk..." This means that the Muller -Little Stars baby yogurt is better since it uses WHOLE milk is it??? Which is better for my wallet lah... hehe... $9.20 for 6 is definitely way cheaper than $10.45 for 4. Mommy is really getting poor just buying all his food!

This forum ROCKS simply bcos of all the fantastic moms here! Have a great weekend!
Ling/ Buttons
Ummmm last time when D had bad constipation n didn't poo for bout 1 week n I had to stick that thing into his backside his poos r still soft. It happened for 3 times n all the times the poos r soft n he will Mmmm mmmmm every morning n nothing comes out. But its considered constipation leh.
So now everytime see his pd she will ask if he still has constipation. So now I also dunno how to classify his pattern already ...haha

btw Damien also can't take cereals. I guess its heaty for him cos oce he take no matter what brand he will start constipation. That's why I started porridge for him at bout 6 mths.

Mmm mmm to them to teach them aah. U know my D hor even when he is doing the business n mmmm. If I mmmmm with him he will stop n laugh before he continue. I must look so funny when I mmm for him....hahahhaa
brenda, wld like to correct u tt UHT is 'ultra high temperature'

and to share... (hope i am not being too kpo)...

and UHT is NOT the same as pasteurisation. pasteurisation involves heat treatment tt only kills pathogenic bacteria, making it safe 4 consumption but the shelf life is shorter than UHT milk. while UHT is a more severe form of treatment tt renders the item safer but like wat u say, destroys more nutrients. this explains y UHT milk has longer shelf life than pasteurized milk aka our HL milk n those tt r in the chilled section of the supermkts. they need to b chilled n consumed in less time while UHT has shelf life of up to a yr.

<font color="aa00aa">Talking abt strawberry yoghurt, I tot someone mentioned in the earlier thread that fruits like strawberries n kiwi r are one of the highest allergy fruits. In this case, can we still feed them strawberry yoghurt?</font>
