(2006/09) SEPTEMBER 2006 MTB


Aiya, what's so difficult with bringing to Botanic Gardens??? It's a very baby friendly place! Just set you mind to it and bring lil Jovann next weekend lah! Aiya, my activities outdoors are usually shopping shopping shopping.... Nothing happening! Haven't bring Clarence to the pool yet.
How to paint ah..... Easy lah. Buy some cheap mahjong paper, invest in a splash mat or you can put your old newspapers to good use, put your baby on the floor with the paper and put the paint in those plastic food containers you get at foodcourts... and VIOLA!!! You can do finger painting (at this stage they do not have fine motor skills to use a brush yet)!!!
If you are squirmy about getting his hands dirty, you can cut some vegetables (such as cucumber, carrots) and do vegetable prints with him. Clarence loves finger painting at his GUG class, so that's why I thought of doing it at home. It's cheap, and it develops creativity in the child.
What paint on the walls??? Cannot lah... my hubby will freak out and poor Yuna will think she'd entered the wrong house the next time she pops over! Hehe...


Thanks thanks! Aiya, my weekends are normally quite usual... Honest.
I am normally tired during weekends, so we dun do much at home too. Very tough hor? Weekends these days are always so short!!! Haiz....

thanks ! i always get my avo from cold storage and ntuc only and it's not always available ! unless I get the organic ones which are damn ex !

btw which brand of oatmeal cereal did u buy ? I was looking for oatmeal too.
No probs!!! My oatmeal cereal is from this brand called Healthy Times. It's organic... darned hard to find.... I got mine at Brown Rice Paradise (they are the sole distributor of Healthy Times in S'pore) on the third floor of Tanglin Mall. It was recommended to me by Brenda and Yuna.
Not bad... very yummy!

Any mommy with good and cheap ideas on what to do with baby on weekends, do share share hor!
helo peachie, yes i feed Jovann avocadoes in various ways too. fruit itself, or add his fav heinz organice rice cereal INTO the avocado, or i blend it with papaya (he loves it), or with a bit of potato. BUT have not tried milk shake, coz for some time not able to get nicely ripen ones lah. yep yep i saw the ripen ones at cold storage and marketplace. but usually when i see them and buy, it cannot last long mah. must feed that day lah. anyway, will go see again. i am always buying avocadoes hahahahaa...

ilovebb and peachie, HT oatmeal hard to find meh??? i always see it in NTUC leh, near my house. i dunno why my friend also say HT hard to find. my NTUC always have. on the contrary, jovann's fav heinz organice rice cereal is super hard to find. i called up nearly ALL codl storgae outlets all OOS. end up buying from nedlands (she got it from aussie) and a July mommy. i always stock up. but now i wonder is cereal too heaty for him. anyway, i am going to start him on wheat and oatmeal SOON! just a week more till he 9mths! yippeee!! a whole new world of food possibilities opening up before me. FISH (silver fish, ngoh hee), oatmeal cereal, wheat biscuits, asparagus! yipee....

eeerrrr....abt brown rice paradise hor....eerrrr..... peachie, did u happen to venture near the fruits/vege section? DON'T! GOSH. when i was there, i went to the section to look see. then i notice how come the apples look so ripe. looking closer, i realise they are rotting. and on closer look, the mushrooms got MOULD. and the tomatoes have rotted! and the vege have all wilted. i got a shock and couldn't go-stan (reverse) fast enough! i was looking for the baby yogurt that brenda told me is sold there, but the yogurt fridge is too close to the mould paradise fridge section that i dun feel comfy looking for it anymore. its scary leh, why they still keep such food there? i am not going back again, unless i need something i can only find there.

Joon, wanted to tell you! the Traditional Medicinals nursing tea u were asking me about??? they have it at brown rice paradise. but dun worry, the shelves quite far away from the fridge. :p

peachie, whats difficult about going botanic gardens? its not difficult at all. but its DIFFICULT to go there for BREAKFAST, which is what i wanted. coz my hubby that daddy pig sleep until 10-11am sometimes. by then, all the breakfast outlets are already close what. how to go????? and i ONLY wanna go there eat bf so dun need to convince me otherwise hahahahahaa.
oh btw, anyone feeding heinz organic rice cereal and cannot find anywhere, the stock has come in. that day at kkh saw a heinz counter and hubby asked. they said the stock ran out and they mass ordered but just came in, vaccum packing in the warehouse now. shld be on shelves soon i hope.

peachie, oh wow...the painting sounds so fun leh.....clarence loves finger painting? thats nice! so those kids paint is okie to eat? most likely Jovann will put into his mouth.

jasmine, that day i feed him tofu and encourage him to finger feed himself, but he just dip into the bowl, come out with fingers full of tofu and started opening-closing-opening-closing his hand and look curiously at it, not putting into his mouth. i had to guide his hand there. when u feed jadelle tofu, she feeds herself oredi?
want to know abt heinz shipment? can ask me mah. heehee.
my company is the one that distribute heinz. i can pop over to ask my colleague
Healthy TImes Cereal
Gals... another place you can try is VitaKids. It's at Paragon n Forum n Vivocity. There's another brand that i'm using also - EarthBest. Very nice. I actually prefer it to Heinz even tho it's like 2-3 times the price... hee...
Healthy Times Cereal

Another place you can try is the Four Seasons Organic Market at B2 of Great World City. I think it's slightly cheaper than Brown Rice Paradise at Tanglin Mall. I bought the brown rice cereal at $6.8, I rem I paid $7+ at Brown Rice Paradise.

Your painting game sounds fun but how to prevent bb putting their painted fingers, the colored vege, or even the container of paint into their mouth???
Err....I thought Healthy Time cereal is widely available at all NTUC and Cold Storage, very easy to find mah..

But I agree with Peachie, Brown Rice Paradise at TM carry a wide variety of Healthy Time products esp their food jars.
Ling, Earthbest jar foods was recalled few months back due to content of botulism spores leh. very scary. i dun dare to buy earth best. just tot u shld know. but whats on the shelf now shld be safe lah, but i dun dare to take the risk though it def look yummy.

phoebe, oh issit?!! can help me ask? i heard its in oredi, can confirm? but actually i may be changing cereal soon coz he can start on oatmeal soon, and many other kinds containing gluten, so i have a wider choice. but will be nice to know.
emoments, do u like andy lau? i just learnt from another mommy that both our sons' birthday same as andy lau hahaahahahaaa......info just for fun lah.
peachie, I would also love to bring Clarisse to have a picnic at the gardens but I am worried about mosquitoes leh... Do you apply any anti-mosquito cream or patch or whatever on Clarence? I tried the Johnson's anti-mozzie lotion on C before, but almost immediately her skin turned red, so I quickly wiped it off..

I have same question as edksd leh. Doesn't your boy put everything in his mouth? Mine, no matter what toy it is, will end up at her mouth...

Anyone feeding baby with Dumex rice cereal? Seems like HT and heinz are more popular here eh? I fed C twice with the Dumex rice cereal and twice she vommited..
So now I feed her milk and porridge only, give up on the rice cereal. Is rice cereal better than porridge?

besides putting everything in his mouth, kai has oso started to "drop" everything he picks up.

he somehow enjoyed it v much - picking up something, drop it down and out of the high chair or the cot and then look intensely at the "dropped" object and making some noise at it.

and until today, i still hv problem leaving him alone in the car seat. he'll wail all the way home and even attempt to get out of the car seat. luckily journey from my mom's place is only 10min the most.

the moment u put him in the seat, he'll cry. strange leh. nothing can seems to be able to distract him.
hi edksd, haha.. I know what you mean. The car seat is like an white elephant in my car. Basically we just have it there so that if *touch wood*, a TP spotted me carrying baby in the front seat, I can say I am actually law-abiding, but baby refuses to sit inside.

I think Clarisse hates it in her car seat. Maximum she can be in the car seat is 5 mins. Anything longer than that she will wail and scream and like you mentioned, NOTHING can distract her...

eeh my rachel too !! loves to throw her toys from her high chair and then stare at the toy for v long !! it's normal lah .. they just love to see things being dropped and picked up by US !

why not let ur kid watch some video during the car ride ? if you have a PDA, load some barney or elmo videos and play it for your kid. I know it's a not a good habit but at least you keep your child safe in the car seat. I started my rachel in car seat when she was abt 4-5 mths so no prob for me.
Hi buttons, edksid, smiley,

Clarence stopped putting everything into his mouth more than a month ago... Dun worry, I think every baby is different and goes through certain phases. If your baby is still putting everything into the mouth, then it would be a good idea to delay the sand and paint play until later. Just wait a while.... this phase will soon pass.

The paint from ELC is non toxic, and according to the shop assistant at the counter, it is safe for babies to play with. However, the paint bottle contains small parts, hence you have to pour out the paint and NOT give the whole bottle to the baby. But non toxic doesn't mean that it is ingestible. So it's safer to wait till your babies outgrows the everything in the mouth phase.

Hi mommies who provided info on where else to buy HT cereal,

Thanks for the info on places to get HT!!! I tried a couple of places and was disappointed, such as Cold Storage at Taka and United Square, and Jasons at Raffles City... So NTUC at Bt Merah got sell!!! Good!!! Very near my mom's place!

Buttons, I totally agree with you on the mouldy vegs at the back of Brown Rice Paradise! I was grossed out!

Smiley, as for mozzies, so far Clarence has been going Botanic Gdns almost every morning and it's fine leh. You can mozzie patches to be sure!
ilb, i try not to let kai watch tv, not to mention a tiny pda screen. tt time i hv to let him watch bb einstein while feeding him coz he needs to be distracted while eating.

now i dun hv to. im so glad. i think he has outgrown the phase. and he's now eating a lot more and w/o having to distract him.

im waiting for the day when we can put him on a front facing car seat and see if it helps. i hope my front facing car seat wont become a white elephant too!!!

ya I understand your intentions. I dont really favour that idea too but I feel baby's safety is really impt with so many reckless drivers on the road. You know, my hubby's fren car got knocked by another reckless driver in a shopping mall CARPARK !!! and the baby wasnt in the car seat that time. Thank goodness it is a minor accident but it tells us that we cant be sure all the time. So better be safe than sorry.
<font color="0077aa"><font size="+1">jRt</font></font>, I found Jewel Boxs air con area has a nice ambience but the food was atrocious! They tasted like frozen food (yahh.. talking about frozen puree!), microwave-d warm then served! Not sure how much we spent though cos didnt check with Shawn when he paid, but I should think our wine was the bulk of the total cost.. I think it's quite alright to throw a cocktail party there, but having a proper dinner will be disappointing. Oh I forgot.. the manager is the type that wont even want to look at the customers, hes the can siam, hell siam type.. u know what I mean? Heh..

<font color="0077aa"><font size="+1">Buttons</font></font>, I was baptized at St Joseph's, next to my old school which is a stone throw away from your house on Bukit Timah Road, you want reference? I don't go anymore, but my mum still does so I can check with her if you need names/contact numbers... For me, I'll let my kids decide what religion they want when they are old enough to decide like 12 years old..

Your adventure at Brown Rice Paradise could be a one time affair. Ive always been popping my head in there to grab a couple of things here and there from their cold storage area. Ive occasionally seen some fruits that were about to rot but as bad your description laa. This shop is very well patronized and if so, the stuffs on the shelves should move fast. I suspect its due to the renovation of the building that leads to improper air-conditioning within the shop that couldve caused the stuffs to rot faster and hence, as per what you saw. In fact when I was there to grab the yoghurt that time, I was telling my friend that the veggies surely look dead! And it also felt warm in the shop.. Anyway, the yoghurt is properly tub-bed and sealed and Ive fed A with it and havent seen any ill reactions so I guess its safe la..

Eh! Brilliant idea of cooling the puree!! how come I didn't think of that.. *clap clap clap*

I know what u mean about not being able to get to Bot Gdns for brekkie Its something Ive always TRIED (gave up liao la..) to do since A was born.. Shawn and I used to go there for brekkie when I was preggy then take a nice stroll to smell the freshly cut grass and at about 11am, well head home for naps. But with A around, theres so many morning activities after she wakes up, milk feed then breakfast then bathe (<font color="ff0000">Peachie</font>, you dont ah?). By the time were done with that, itll be around 1030-11am..

Anyway, Ive found BRUNCH (since cant really have breakfast) within the Bukit Timah vicinity if youre interested though cos after makan can still go to Bot Gdns for a walk since the drive is short..
- Greenwood Avenues Sebastians (My favorite, I like the sausages there and coffee is free flow)
- The Wine Company (the one we went)
- PS Caf (damn ex laa.. but coffee is great)
Im sure theres more.. *hmmmmm* let me know if you do, can share share the list.. oh we drove past Cluny this morning, and theres a new caf called Gastronomic or Gastronomical, looks nice to have a cuppa.. Maybe we can hang out there after Sats class yah?

<font color="0077aa"><font size="+1">ilovebbs</font></font>, I used to try putting my avocadoes in the rice bucket like what we do with unripe mangoes or papayas, somehow I also kena the same as you skin turned orh loo loo but the fruit was still hard like a rock.. I did suspect that it's becos the avocadoes I bought are from Australia or NZ which are sub tropical climate countries so their fruit can't really tahan our full tropical weather here.. But if we buy those from Indons, maybe can ripe better..

Anyhow, I tried another method, which was to leave it with the sweet potatoes and bananas in a basket, and it ripens nicely! not sure the logic behind this.. but I think its got to do with the whatever enzymes the sweet potatoes or bananas exude.. u try then let me know if it works for u so that Id know its not a pure coincidence..

oooh sweet potato and bananas .. eheh so next time I buy Avo, I need to get these 2 as well ? ehehe ... ok Indo Avo I will buy. thanks !
<font color="0077aa"><font size="+1">Smiley</font></font>, I bought a pack of Dumex Rice Cereal before but I think it contains salt and sugar.. anyway my A didn't like it then, so just threw away la..

<font color="ff0000"><font size="+1">Mummies going for the KM class this Sat, anyone feeding the Si Sen Brown Rice?</font></font> I've got an unopened packet and would like to give away..

<font color="0077aa"><font size="+1">ilovebbs</font></font>, heehee we were the advocates for car seats some time back, weren't we? heh..

Just 2 nights ago when we were driving back from East Coast, my A wailed in the car seat for don't know what reasons la, usually she sits in there quietly (and I think it's becos we keep her in the car seat since she was born when we travel in the car).. instead of letting her off the seat, we stop the car rather.. bo pain..
Talking abt car seat! I also keep C in the car seat since she was 1 month old, so far no prob, very good! She can drink her milk, sleep, play etc...in the car seat. But lately when we travel home from my parents' place at nite, she will fuss and wail, but daytime is no prob for her. Dunno wat happen leh?? anyone encounter such incident too?

so what happen ? u stop the car and pacify A ?


could it be that C feels hot ? I have a small fan just abv the car seat cos my car seat is not front facing and it can get quite hot at times .. esp the weather now !!
ilb, i think all ur bbs are pretty 'guai'

if i put a small fan abv the car seat, tt'd be the reason for kai to struggle to get out of the seat to reach for the fan to destroy it.

the only time he'd sit in the seat is when he's asleep!

sometimes i'll play w him until he happy happy, then i put him in the seat, the moment his butt touched the seat, he'll cry even though he was happy 1 sec ago.
<font color="0077aa"><font size="+1">ilovebbs</font></font>, either fruit, no need both la.. we usually have sweet potatoes and bananas at home. But maybe u can try even papayas, pineapples or even mangoes.. Works or not, share share ok?

Recently, the seasonal Indian mangoes (sold in Cold Storage, lots can be found at the GWC one) have been a constant STAR in my that waiting-to-be-ripened basket.. and my avocadoes are NOW placed in there too, hopefully the mangoes will help the avo to ripe too! These Indian mangoes are really really really succulent, juicy and fragrant.. and they are seasonal so I think after June then bo liao.. so go grab them quickly if you're a fan of mangoes! The label on the mangoes say 'FIRST CHOICE INDIAN MANGO'. Forget about going to HV or Railway Mall's Cold storage, both I've combed and only left those I don wan ones! heehee..

Wanna make <font color="ff0000">mango sorbet</font>? here's how:
1. Half the mangoes
2. Spoon out the flesh into the blender
3. Add cold water (aga aga amount, taste to your liking.. also can add sugar syrup if u want sweeter but the mangoes are quite sweet already)
4. Blend
5. Pour into thick glassware, cover with cling wrap
6. Freeze overnight

For Mango <font color="ff0000">Sherbet</font>, just add fresh milk to blend.. don expect the taste to be the same quality as commercial sherbet la.. cos we don't have the 'turning' machines at home to smoothen the mixture.

Serve with pure cream (HEAPFUL ahh..) and freshly cubed mangoes..
If u fancy <font color="ff0000">strawberry sauce</font>, can use strawberry jam, simmer with a bit of water, cool it then drip all over the sherbet or sorbet.. shiok for our hot weather!
Brenda, you never miss anyone's question do you? Thanks!! I think I should throw away my Dumex one then...

I have trained C to sit in her car seat since young too, BUT since young, she has been wailing everytime we place her there... so bo pian...
heeh edksd

not guai.. they just got used to it and they know there are not alternatives.

sometimes when my hubby is reversing his car to park, the car will emit this reverse sensor sound right? then rachel will automatically straighten her body cos she knows she can get out of the car seat already ! ehhe .... that happens every morning and nite ... so it becomes very routine for her.
<font color="0077aa"><font size="+1">edksd</font></font>, hey! that's where I get my bread but at the Guthrie House location la.. thanks for the suggestion.. anywhere else ah?

<font color="0077aa"><font size="+1">ilovebbs</font></font>, ya lor, she started wailing when we entered AYE! we stopped at the Jln Lempeng's bus stop (we used AYE from Laguna Park to go back to Bt Timah) then got out of the car and pacify her for like 6-7 mins and when she stopped wailing, we jumped back and I think Shawn raced home at 200kmh! and we managed to get back within the next 5 mins or so la heehee.. <font size="-2">hopefully there's no traffic police women here..!</font>
<font color="0077aa"><font size="+1">Smiley</font></font>, eh if you're comfy with the amount of salt and sugar in there then no need to dump it la..

No la.. I'm quite free now so was scrutinizing all the past 2 days posts which I've missed! pai seh if I didn't reply any to those that were addressed to me cos the last one week I haven't been able to sober properly to read the posts properly! heehee..

<font color="0077aa"><font size="+1">edksd</font></font>, yahh I agree with what <font color="ff0000">ilovebbs</font> said.. in majority things, if we intro them when they're born, still at that don't-know-there's-such-thing-called-choices age, they tend to accept it easier than those that were intro later..

Like for wearing clothes eg.. My A hates them.. she somehow prefers to be naked! but she knows she doesn't have a choice, no matter how much she yells when I put her tees over her head, she knows I'll still find a way to. But she has never stop yelling, until today she still does that.. and also very good in struggling out of her pull up pants so I guess we as parents will have to learn to manage that stubborness of theirs. Like if she refuses to stay put in the seat, we'll not move the car.. that's what we practise la..

<font color="0077aa"><font size="+1">ilovebbs</font></font>, I use that pure cream (Bulla's) a lot le.. like stewing chicken also very nice with that or adding to chicken pies or oven baked fish! heehee.. go try my mango dessert recipes la!
ya i heard abt the earthbest recall too but i guess i'm just taking a risk.. heh. But I don't use it all the time. Just switch from Heinz only. Prob will try HT the next round...

I also noticed that now Sophie will look at the toy for a long time before she puts it in her mouth. At least now she actually plays with them!
Maybe i shd try the painting... hee hee...
yes, shipment arrived.
re-dressing the stock now.

but got some stocks going out to cold storage tomorrow.
rest of trade should be able to get their stock next week.
brenda, thanks for recc on brunch! yah, by the time he bathes and have bf, its 10.30am-11am and time for his nap! how to go botanic for bf??? about baptism, u mean u are catholic ah?????? or christian? i know what u mean about giving them the choice. but for catholics, to marry we have to go through a 3d2n course EEE before having a church wedding. and we have to give the commitment that our children will be raised catholics. i know there are exceptions, our priest also mentioned that. but hubby is keen, and i am respect his reasons. prob will go through the pre-baptism course b4 deciding....

oh, put with sweet potatoes and bananas! okie will try!

brenda and jrt, the jewel box i went, that time i was dining alfresco. the food really nthing fantastic, not worth going there for the food. more for the live band, ambience, and GORGEOUS VIEW. but for manager, brenda the one i met different leh. he was helping us a lot coz my fren hubby planned a surprise birthday party for her. so we got the cake to hide, he needs to give us cue, and allowed us up this stairs where a private function is held so we can hide ourselves. very helpful... prob a diff one lah.

phoebe, thanks!
u buying what brand bedsheets? sometimes, though it says 600threadcount, u need to put ur hand inside the packing to feel the material. i have encountered before 400threadcount but it feels coarse. my FAVOURITE bedsheets are still PERI and SHERIDIAN. hehee. not that i have a choice lah, my mattress can only take this brand's bedsheets.
Hey, this thread is getting busy today.
It was so quiet for the past few days!


I think Brown Rice Paradise is getting from bad to worse.... It is so dimly lit these days, the place is dusty, the items are not properly displayed and the refrigerators are simply not working. Worse still, it is grossly overpriced! Brown Rice Paradise was so much better when it first started out more than 10 years ago. I remembered that my mom used to love that place! Well anyway, it is sad to see the first organic supermkt in Singapore being in this state these days....

Four Seasons Organic Market at B2 Great World City is much much better!!! I like that place!

Oh no, huccome you and buttons got so many morning activities??? Sorry for asking lah... Every morning we get up at 7am, then feed milk. By the time Clarence finishes, will be 7.15am. If we are going Botanic Gardens, helper will prepare the FM powder plus all the diapers plus hot water for milk when she gets up at 5.30am. After feeding milk, my hubby and I get changed and we will be on our way to Botanic Gardens by 7.50am. We will reach there by 8.30am, in time for at least a one hour stroll, then followed by roti prata brekkie.

Hehe, guess we didn't bathe Clarence in the morning, so maybe that's why we could get out earlier. Quite dirty hor???

Brenda, thanks for your handy recipes!!! Very useful!


I know exactly what you mean!!! This happens EVERY night too!!! Clarence will get really cranky on the way home... the more sleepy he gets, the more cranky he becomes. very jia lat...

Hi edksd,

I know which stretch you are talking about!!! I love walking there too! Esp at night.
But that was before Clarence lah.... Simply Bread's breakfast is yummy!!!
hi <font color="119911">peachie & buttons</font>,
stacker looks like this, click on link:

Stack the 7 rainbow-coloured discs. Helps develop hand-eye coordination. Stacking pole comes with rounded top and base to prevent injury if your child falls on the pole.

Annabel Karmel New Complete Baby and Toddler Meal Planner - frm ELC too

<font color="0000ff">buttons</font>,
U can go to St Mary of Angels, Bukit Batok (air con) or go St Joseph (non aircon) at Upp Bukit Timah - which is nearer to you for J's baptism.
I really like ELC stuff as well...
I took a catalog from them at the Paragon fair and I've been drooling over them... heh... But really ex tho. I've been buying cheaper alternatives instead.

You got to Botanical Gardens everyday? That's pretty amazing? We've only made it there once for a picnic w friends in the morning. N it's so near my house!
I think i'll try it soon when i can actually wake up at 7. I must go check out the Four Seasons ORganic Mkt u r raving abt...

thanks for the sorbet recipe... YOU'RE RIGHT i can't find the mangos at HV CS! You've wiped it out!
<font color="0077aa"><font size="+1">Buttons</font></font>, eh we keep the religion talk over sms yahh..

<font color="0077aa"><font size="+1">Peachie</font></font>, I think the reason is becos both Buttons' Jovann and my Arianne wake up like around 8-9am, that's why we don't have the 1-2 early hours like you do la.. Even if I don't bathe A, (and it's not dirty if u don't bathe your Clarence in the am la! aiyo!!) we'll still only be able to get out of the house like 1030am.

I thought your mum was an advocate for BRP at Tanglin Mall! heehee.. the veggie really that bad ahh, hmmm then I better be careful when I next go there. Oh. I did hear that the organic shop at GWC is great, will surely drop by if I do go there.

<font color="ff0000">How about Dempsey's L'Organic? Anyone been there??</font>

<font color="0077aa"><font size="+1">Phoebe</font></font>, my bedsheets are mostly 450 threadcount and they're quite good quality already so I can imagine the 600 ones would be even better!

<font color="0077aa"><font size="+1">Yuna</font></font>, I think my A is also reacting the same when it comes to night drive. I guess it's becos it's too dark out there for them to enjoy the scenery therefore they get bored and fuss la.. Maybe we should install those little TVs at the back of the front pax seat? heehee.. or sing karaoke?? hahaha!!

<font color="0077aa"><font size="+1">Nedlands</font></font>, I guess the ONLY trip we'll be making out of this country, within the next 30 days will be to Cameron Highlands becos of Shawn's car race (think I told u a bit that day at my mum's).. I'm planning to check out that spa hotel.. errr can't remember the name, but will find out.. u been there? Apparently it's quite classy..

<font color="0077aa"><font size="+1">Ling-ah</font></font>, Jelita's one still got some left, I saw on Thursday.. go there and get la.. Heehee
<font color="0077aa"><font size="+1">Phoebe</font></font>, errr just read your post - getting bedsheets from amazon. u getting your bedsheets from there?? are they american? just remember that american's bed sizes are not the same measurements as ours yah..
<font color="119911">brenda</font>,
Me Me. L'organic -I've been there. I like it there (organized and lotsa space) so have been getting stuff from there. Nice! for a cuppa too. But think they open on wed and sat only. They also sell baby organic clothes and baby cereal - but forgot what brand - not the one we know like Heinz, HT or Bellamy.

No le, have not been there for a LONG long time. So far away..by land transport i mean. But where u putting up when Shawn is racing? KL or the hotel near the track? I like Hilton or Le Meridien, near mid valley (shoppin mall). The Hilton toilet real nice and the 42" plasma. Pool is nice coz its high up, Arabian or Middle eastern concept restaurant has nice ambience..Check it out if can. aiyo, so many 'nice' in my lines. In plain words, its a really nice hotel and its new also.
oh yes, <font color="119911">brenda & buttons</font> I am off to ..ahem...spa spa retreat tis weekend...cannot wait. u know, they have 50% off the treatments if i make reservations before i go and do it within a certain timing. so its really worth it
<font color="aa00aa">ling</font>,
I really like ELC stuff and they are good stuff. I know what u mean by exp so that is why, i wait for GSS sale, then buy buy! some disc is better than none.

just to share, clare got some HABA wooden toy fm germany -there's this <font color="0000ff">(flowery) teether</font> - the paint is not painted on wood, its part of the wood, so its safe for the baby to bite. err..understand what i am trying to say. anyway its v cute. can turn inside out.

<font color="0000ff">clutching toy</font>
