(2006/09) SEPTEMBER 2006 MTB

yep just toast in toaster. sophie also bogay leh... i just tried for fun one day and she slowly got used to it. She self feeds so i think she thinks it's very fun. wahhaha... i tried giving her just white breat without toasting it but she chokes on it more. Donno why leh. I think coz it's very wet and becomes a chunk. But toast is somehow drier n easier to swallow/breakdown. That's what a friend of mine told me so i just tried and it works! But just give a bit at a time n watch to see if your baby can handle. If can't then try another time... just for fun lah. hee...

Hi Ling,

I am keen to feed Clarence toast and yogurt cos it sounds easy!!! I cannot cook too!

How you do the toast? Do you really toast it or u just warm up the bread in a microwave? What kind of bread is better? Plain white or wholemeal? And which brand of yogurt you got? Sorry for asking so many questions. Thanks!

Hi Eling,

Hehe, I think it's good lah... dun worry. By the way, will you be feeding the enzyme to little Amabel as well?

Hi Olsen,

Dun worry about the walking. Most toddlers can only walk competently between 12-15months. Anywhere before that the baby is usually in the pre-walking stage, such as "cruising" around the house by holding onto furniture, or walking supported by holding onto the hands of caregivers. According to most books, very competent crawlers will tend to walk SLOWER, as they could already get from point to point with ease and may not be keen to try walking. However, you can help your little one walk by doing away with that walker (baby needs to see his/her own feet to figure out how to walk) and letting baby stay bare-footed indoors (helps to develop feet muscles).

Clarence started assisted walking (ie holding onto the hands of care-givers) at 8.5 months, but I guess this has something to do with the fact that he doesn't know how to crawl for the longest time and the only way he figured how to was to use his legs to walk. He started standing up using his cot too, and my mom started putting him in his cot for 5-10 mins EVERYDAY just holding onto the rails and standing without us holding onto him when he was 6 months. And over time, he figured to cruise around his cot by holding onto the rails and developed his leg muscles. I guess that was the very start of him walking around. You can try that too.
aiyo i'm also quite a cooking idiot, only started learning when i became a SAHM w sophie! I put the bread in the toaster n when it's ready, it pops up
. hee. I use Gardenia White Bread (High Fibre), same as what i eat but i'm trying to find out if there are better alternatives so asking mummies here. I give Baby Yoplait (comes in 4 small tubs w 2 vanilla n 2 banana flavor). I norm only give her 1/2 to 3/4 of the small tub.

It's ok to ask so many questions. I'm also as clueless, just trial n error. Hopefully i'm giving you the right info!

btw, sophie also can't crawl properly, only slide forward using her hands so she's decided to pull herself up and keeps wanting to stand. I think she's trying to figure how to walk. Now she doesn't want to sit. Aiyo, nor lie down. But she's not very fast in this area... still can't pull her self up unless she uses my hands.
Hi Ling,

Thanks thanks for the fast reply!
Sorry, I mixed you and Eling up!

Pulling up liao issit? Then should be quite fast already. Give her MORE and MORE pull-ups, and in a month, you have a little pre-walker!
Judging from experience, I think little Sophie may not crawl at all, or may start cruising before crawling.

How often you feed Sophie yogurt?


If you manage to find Baby Yoplait, can help me buy a pack pls? I used to see it at AMK hub NTUC but lately there isnt any available, only got those 6 in pack yoplait yogurt but too much lor cos got expiry date for such stuff one.

btw i still owe you $5 hee....pay u on sat ok
<font color="aa00aa">Buttons, Thanks for the info on how to cook zuchinni! Can't wait to let Adele try it out.</font>

<font color="119911">Buttons, Peachie n Melody, Thanks for the congrats on Adele's crawling!</font>
nono definitely not going to feed Amabel with enzymes drink. Not comfortable even if it is safe for baby lah. Hee~

Oh i will give Amabel try white bread soon. hehe
you can also butter the toast with unsalted butter if you want. Except that it can get oily when baby tries to eat it on their own. Or if you've already intro cheese, can put on the bread too... But i haven't tried that. Still afraid that Sophie will choke. hee...

No prob!
ha even i get confused...

hmmm... i think i give her every 2 days for breakfast. So it's cereal, cereal, yogurt + toast, cereal, cereal, yogurt + toast, cereal. 7 days. Slowly we can give them for tea too... esp if your babies are good eaters n pass 9 mths. So fun hor?
hey shall we plan a morning picnic there one sat? i love the les amis breakkie there, used to have it twice a mth when i had jo.

anybody celebrating? wanna get some party supplies from birthday direct. if many of us wanna get some things from there, PHOEBE, can help organise BP not??

Those webbies are referring to the ang mo spinach I supposed, not sure if our asian type of spinach is included. Also, can you copy and paste the link here on which web mentioned that? Also, are they refering to the cooking part that will lose the Vit C? cos u cook it before freezing and when u need to warm it up right?

I've also never freeze leafy veg. I find it so easy to prepare, should be about the same efforts as to defrosting the frozen/cooked ones and steaming them. If your helper/parents are already doing those steps, why not ask them to try, steaming the fresh ones for each meal? It's only plucking the leaves, wash a few times then steam.. And u pluck the amount u need for that feed.

The stuffs I freeze are like carrots, peas, sweet potatoes, pumpkin/squash.. these are foods that come in big portions and I don't like the idea of keeping cut veg in the fridge compartment. So I rather steam and freeze them.

I do my marketing once or twice a week and I don't use any veg or meat that's been kept for more than a week to feed A. Oh, except the frozen peas..

As I've always highlighted in my past postings as well as during my classes, DA BEST practise has to be cooking fresh food for our bb at each meal. I've never encourage freezing but if we don't have a choice, and when I say 'Choice' it means you've weighed out all the other consequences of the other choices. At the end of the day, feeding jarred food could be a better, SAFER, more nutrients packed choice for all you know.

Constipation/Diarrhea is a direct cause of diet. I'm not sure what you mean by overfeeding, as in quantity or types? also what are the types? are they all the 'windy' stuffs?

This got to one of the best 'tool' to ease stomach digestion. Yoghurt is safe to be eaten everyday, I suggest at breakfast time. If I remember correctly, Baby Yoplait contains salt (quite a high amount) and also they're all flavored. So I rather feed the organic ones..

Wholemeal bread should be a better choice as it contains lots of fibre and much more nutrients than white bread. Wholemeal helps with constipation too.
<font color="0077aa"><font size="+1">Buttons</font></font>, ya we do, but not at 8/9am when the morning dew is still nice and fresh! prolly as per what Peachie said, 6/7am better timing.. but I don't think I'm up to that challenge..
<font color="0077aa"><font size="+1">Peachie</font></font>, heehee.. no la, I was just saying for fun la! U think I really go there and eat chai tow kuai heh..! I'm sure the park rangers will kick me out!

Did u get ur baby yoghurt at HV Cold storage? I was looking for it at SK & harbourfront cold storage but didn't c any. Where did u get urs?
Yep i got them from HV.

for bread, you mean the wholemeal as in the ones with bits n pieces in them? Will it cause baby to choke? That's why I was a bit hesistant. That's why i got the wholemeal white bread. Supposedly same fibre abt as wholemeal bread but white. But if it's ok, i also prefer giving sophie the wholemeal.
<font size="+1"><font color="ff6000">CALIFORNIA BABY SPREE</font></font>

<table border=1><tr><td></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD>Ea</TD><TD></TD><TD>1.55</TD><TD></TD><TD>1.05</TD><TD>$0.57 </TD><TD>(Per Oz)</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Nick</TD><TD>Item</TD><TD>Qty</TD><TD>USD</TD><TD>USD Amt</TD><TD>SGD Amt</TD><TD>Sub Total</TD><TD>w/GST</TD><TD>Shipping</TD><TD>Payment</TD><TD>Balance </TD></TR><TR><TD>chocolat</TD><TD>Calendula Cream 2oz</TD><TD>3</TD><TD>7.18</TD><TD>21.54</TD><TD>33.39</TD><TD>33.39</TD><TD>35.06</TD><TD>$3.42 </TD><TD>$33.39 </TD><TD>5.09 </TD></TR><TR><TD>doreen</TD><TD>No Fragrance SPF 30+ Sunscreen Lotion 2.9oz</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>11.35</TD><TD>11.35</TD><TD>17.59</TD><TD>90.80</TD><TD>95.34</TD><TD>$1.65 </TD><TD></TD><TD>$108.05 </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>Natural Bug Blend SPF 30+ Sunscreen 2.9oz</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>11.35</TD><TD>11.35</TD><TD>17.59</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD>$1.65 </TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>Swim Defense Shampoo 8.5oz</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>7.16</TD><TD>7.16</TD><TD>11.10</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD>$4.85 </TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>Aloe Vera Cream 2oz</TD><TD>2</TD><TD>7.18</TD><TD>14.36</TD><TD>22.26</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD>$2.28 </TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>Calendula Cream 2oz</TD><TD>2</TD><TD>7.18</TD><TD>14.36</TD><TD>22.26</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD>$2.28 </TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>emoments</TD><TD>Calendula Cream 2oz</TD><TD>4</TD><TD>7.18</TD><TD>28.72</TD><TD>44.52</TD><TD>62.11</TD><TD>65.21</TD><TD>$4.56 </TD><TD></TD><TD>$71.43 </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>No Fragrance SPF 30+ Sunscreen Lotion 2.9oz</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>11.35</TD><TD>11.35</TD><TD>17.59</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD>$1.65 </TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>jasmine</TD><TD>Calendula Cream 2oz</TD><TD>3</TD><TD>7.18</TD><TD>21.54</TD><TD>33.39</TD><TD>33.39</TD><TD>35.06</TD><TD>$3.42 </TD><TD>$33.39 </TD><TD>5.09 </TD></TR><TR><TD>jerene</TD><TD>Calendula Cream 2oz</TD><TD>10</TD><TD>7.18</TD><TD>71.80</TD><TD>111.29</TD><TD>182.71</TD><TD>191.85</TD><TD>$11.40 </TD><TD>$121.29 </TD><TD>102.99 </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>Super Sensitive Shampoo 8.5oz</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>6.42</TD><TD>6.42</TD><TD>9.95</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD>$4.85 </TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>Calming Shampoo 17.5oz</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>11.35</TD><TD>11.35</TD><TD>17.59</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD>$9.98 </TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>Natural Bug Blend SPF 30+ Sunscreen 2.9oz</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>11.35</TD><TD>11.35</TD><TD>17.59</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD>$1.65 </TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>Calming Botanical Moisturizing 4oz</TD><TD>2</TD><TD>8.48</TD><TD>16.96</TD><TD>26.29</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD>$4.56 </TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>joon</TD><TD>Everyday SPF 30+ Sunscreen Lotion 2.9oz</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>11.35</TD><TD>11.35</TD><TD>17.59</TD><TD>17.59</TD><TD>18.47</TD><TD>$1.65 </TD><TD></TD><TD>$20.13 </TD></TR><TR><TD>lil_precious</TD><TD>Calendula Cream 2oz</TD><TD>5</TD><TD>7.18</TD><TD>35.90</TD><TD>55.65</TD><TD>55.65</TD><TD>58.43</TD><TD>$5.70 </TD><TD>$55.65 </TD><TD>$46.95 </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>Calendula Cream 2oz</TD><TD>3</TD><TD>7.18</TD><TD>21.54</TD><TD>33.39</TD><TD>33.39</TD><TD>35.06</TD><TD>$3.42 </TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>melody</TD><TD>Calendula Cream 2oz</TD><TD>5</TD><TD>7.18</TD><TD>35.90</TD><TD>55.65</TD><TD>55.65</TD><TD>58.43</TD><TD>$5.70 </TD><TD>$55.65 </TD><TD>8.48 </TD></TR><TR><TD>sha</TD><TD>Calendula Cream 2oz</TD><TD>3</TD><TD>7.18</TD><TD>21.54</TD><TD>33.39</TD><TD>33.39</TD><TD>35.06</TD><TD>$3.42 </TD><TD>$33.39 </TD><TD>5.09 </TD></TR><TR><TD>xena</TD><TD>Calendula Cream 2oz</TD><TD>6</TD><TD>7.18</TD><TD>43.08</TD><TD>66.77</TD><TD>66.77</TD><TD>70.11</TD><TD>$6.84 </TD><TD>$66.77 </TD><TD>10.18 </TD></TR><TR><TD>jamie</TD><TD>Calendula Cream 2oz</TD><TD>2</TD><TD>7.18</TD><TD>14.36</TD><TD>22.26</TD><TD>22.26</TD><TD>23.37</TD><TD>$2.28 </TD><TD></TD><TD>$25.65 </TD></TR><TR><TD>sepsurprise</TD><TD>Calendula Cream 2oz</TD><TD>12</TD><TD>7.18</TD><TD>86.16</TD><TD>133.55</TD><TD>133.55</TD><TD>140.23</TD><TD>$13.68 </TD><TD></TD><TD>$153.91 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Diana</TD><TD>Calendula Cream 2oz</TD><TD>2</TD><TD>7.18</TD><TD>14.36</TD><TD>22.26</TD><TD>22.26</TD><TD>23.37</TD><TD>$2.28 </TD><TD></TD><TD>$25.65 </TD></TR><TR><TD>peachie</TD><TD>Swim Defense Shampoo 8.5oz</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>7.16</TD><TD>7.16</TD><TD>11.10</TD><TD>81.69</TD><TD>85.77</TD><TD>$4.85 </TD><TD></TD><TD>$98.48 </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>Aloe Vera Cream 2oz</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>7.18</TD><TD>7.18</TD><TD>11.13</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD>$1.14 </TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>Calendula Cream 2oz</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>7.18</TD><TD>7.18</TD><TD>11.13</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD>$1.14 </TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>Calming Botanical Moisturizing 4oz</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>8.48</TD><TD>8.48</TD><TD>13.14</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD>$2.28 </TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>No Fragrance SPF 30+ Sunscreen Lotion 2.9oz</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>11.35</TD><TD>11.35</TD><TD>17.59</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD>$1.65 </TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>Natural Bug Blend SPF 30+ Sunscreen 2.9oz</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>11.35</TD><TD>11.35</TD><TD>17.59</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD>$1.65 </TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>rina</TD><TD>Tea Tree & Lavender Shampoo & Bodywash</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>6.42</TD><TD>6.42</TD><TD>9.95</TD><TD>19.89</TD><TD>20.88</TD><TD>$4.85 </TD><TD></TD><TD>$30.57 </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>Calming Hair Conditioner</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>6.41</TD><TD>6.41</TD><TD>9.94</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD>$4.85 </td></tr></table>

<font color="0000ff"><font size="+1">1. Price based on Lucky Vitamin (www.luckyvitamin.com)
2. Exchange rate of US$1.00 = S$1.55
3. There will be a 5% GST charge
4. Int'l shipping charge at S$0.57 per oz
5. Payment Column = amount which some have previous paid.
6. Please refer to last column (balance) on the final amount to transfer.</font></font>

Breakfast at Botanic Gardens sounds great!!! When??? Brenda and Buttons (the B&B) if they come, can have breakkie there at last! Gosh, plus you, I could potentially be having Breakkie with B, B and B!!! Hehee...

Hi Ling and Yuna,

I've got the yogurt!!! Yuna, I decided to get the cheaper one as well in the end!
Both brands are suitable for babies, so I thought grab both and try... after all the Horizon expire on 11 Jul and the Muller one expire on 1 Jul. Yuna, I give you 1 of the Muller ones to try try as well lah... You see which one Clarice likes better! I come over tonight about 10pm?

For mommies who are interested, the specs of the baby yogurt are as follow:

1) Horizon
Price: $10.45
4 packs
- Organic, specifically designed to meet the needs of babies and toddlers, and it comes in yummy peach, vanilla and pear flavours.
- No antibiotics, no added growth hormones and no pesticides
- The only baby yogurt that contains NutraFlora, a natural soluble fiber that enhances calcium absorption.

2) Muller - Little Stars
Price: $9.20
6 packs
- Suitable from 6 months
- No artificial ingredients, natural source of calcium, real fruit puree, made with whole milk, no added salt, gluten free, no artifical colors, flavors, sweeteners and preservatives
- Comes in strawberry, raspberry and peach flavours

sorry, so busy at work only managed to check now the postings..

regarding feeding tofu.. hmm.. i mash it and feed via spoon leh.. cos the tofu quite soft and messy leh if give to JAdelle via hand..

But Jadelle can pick up bits of food, "train" her with the gerber puffs which is in star shape. Those puffs are also my bribery tools when she frets and refuse to sit in stroller or car seat..

I steam them after skinning off the green skin.. and then i pop into the blender to puree. Feed Jadelle that with mix of other purees on weekends.. Weekends, she takes "western" food, no porridge, as she don't like the porridge i cook her..

Think MIL put so much stuff into her porridge, like si sen powder, pork stock, fish, silver fish, ngor hee, spinach, carrot, and whatever i puree, that on weekends, when i cook for her BLAND porridge.. she refuse to open her mouth..
Hey Ling,

Feeding bread
If you not comfy with giving baby egg, you might have to note that bread and cakes contain egg mostly..

But, having said that, I did give jadelle some bread too.. into small bits, mostly wholegrain bread. She was ok with it, so i am confident she has no allergy to egg.

Went for 9 month assessment @ poly clinic and Nurse say that 1 yr old going to have chicken pox and MMR injections, which contain egg. So, instructions given to me was to slowly introduce egg yolk into her porridge so that by then, we can confirm she will be ok to take that injection.

I will bring Jadelle for Pneumoccocal injections this weekend, before i depart for another biz trip..

Any idea if can take with flu vaccine?
<font color="0000ff">blessedmommy</font>
actually i've also started looking at the site for party decor ideas

can do a BP if we wanted to get materials for birthday parties.
Hi Jasmine,

I brought Clarence for flu vaccine on 8 June, but he did not take it with his pneumoccocal jab, so I really don't have the answer to your question. For your information, the flu vaccine is derived from egg protein, hence if the baby has an egg allergy, the flu vaccine should be avoided at this point. When we brought Clarence to my GP at Shenton Medical Clinic for flu jab, we have to sign a declaration, which includes declaring that Clarence has no history of egg allergy, before we can proceed wth the jab. Since you will be jabbing Jadelle soon, this may be useful info. 2 doses will be needed for all babies less than 1 year, hence you will need to jab Jadelle again 1 month after the 1st jab for her to gain full immunity. Plus if you wish to be extra careful, the flu strain changes once every 6-12 months. Once the prevailing strain has changed, you will have to go for another flu jab again to counter the new strain. Hence you could potentially be jabbing Jadelle at least once every year going forward.

Hi Melissa,

My PD is a huge advocate for flu vaccinations for ALL babies 6 months and above. It was him who suggested it as he noted that the flu virus is getting more virulent (he quoted the example of 4 babies who died in Denver from flu complications within 1 week last month), and flu is the leading cause for childhood hospitalisations and complications (eg pneumonia, bronchitis and high grade fever). Flu vaccinations will not protect the baby from ALL strains of flu, only the major strains for that season. But a baby who has gone through a flu jab will often show milder symptoms of flu even for those strains he/she has not been vaccinated for.

I did ask my PD about the possible egg allergy, but he said that if the baby has no adverse reaction to egg yolk (fully cooked egg yolk can be introduced from 6 months), the flu jab should be fine. If you are keen, can check with your own PD.

Hi BM,

No probs! July is a better month for me too! You keep me updated yah?
just transfer u for the VS spree. so sorry for the delay!

let me know if u doing a birthday direct spree ok. gettg few items. thanks!

ok mam! lets do it next mth ok! all are welcome!
hi mummies,
Just to check, you all bath baby twice a day right? For evening time bath, how late you all bath ur baby, i am thinking of changing to 7.30pm to bath her, is it too late? Heard that too late bath baby at night, they tend to catch cold more easy.

how's Jovann ? does he poo poo daily now ? Maybe U want to cut down his breakfast and replace with ur EBM and see if it helps ? at least he gets more fluid.

I rem my nephew was having bad constipation when he was young and my sis tried a lot of methods to make him poo poo but to no avail. At last, the PD said it could just be his body, so let him be as he is still active and not displaying any other problems.

My rachel poos everyday and sometimes twice a day. Her poo poo is still the soft type, consistent with the poo she had when I BF her. Probably she takes after her daddy who poo daily too ! hehee but but .. she drink lotsa water lah...

I make her drink water on the car ride every morning, after bath, and when feeding porridge. Give her one sip of water once in a while, when feeding porridge. This way she takes in water and helps her to swallow the food as well.

just my 2 cents worth la !


I bath Rachel at 7+ everyday too. AS long as the water is warm enough and ensure that the fans are not on, I think shld be OK.
Helo mommies thanks so much for all ur suggestions!!!

about water, i feed Jovann water every time after he wakes up from nap, and all the time throughout his meal leh.

green pear, Jovann eats a lot of pear coz thats the only fruit he likes besides papaya. when we feed pear, its one whole pear leh? and now luckily he is taking a bit better to apples, so at least one more fruit to feed.

ling, yah papaya too much can cause baby to be yellow leh..thats what the PD say.

about cutting bf....hmmm.....but hor, Jovann poo problem started long before i started him on bf leh....funny right?

yogurt, yes! i agree this sure can help! if only he eats! and the thing is, i only dare to buy horizon coz of what brenda and peachie said loh, horizon is the only organic and without skimmed milk or salt leh...the others have.

peachie, where can i get muller little stars???

about gripe water, my parents also suggested that. really? it does work??? maybe that will be a last resort.....hmmmm...thanks melody..

ilovebb, so nice that rachel poo so soft one!

ling, thanks for advice on white bread and how to feed! i can try that once he turns 9mths! yipeee!!!

u know hor, there was once, i one day siao siao go and feed Jovann a LOT of sweet potato in the porridge. and for the next 2 weeks, he poos everyday leh! how come ah? sweet potato helps isit? coz got fibre?

i am suspecting Jovann may be the heaty kind like me? cereals may be heaty and he is sensitive to it maybe? but if we dun feed cereal, not much else to feed for breakfast right? both my parents and MIL say it could be cereal. my parents say cereal is ang moh food, not all asian can take it? got such thing a not huh? i know that last time i get heaty very easily lah. any other breakfast ideas? bread?

jasmine, ur MIL must have pampered jadelle's taste buds during weekdays liaoz! hehehe babies are very smart. thats why till now i have not added ikan bilis or pork rib soup or chicken stock or whatever into his porridge. i just steam the meat either seperately or cook together, and blend. the resulting subtly sweet taste is enough for me and enough for him so far.... if u dun mind feeding him with the stock, ask ur MIL or mum to cook extra stock on Fri or something, then u bring home to freeze it up in small portions. and add into porridge to cook on weekends? u can do that....

Brenda! u didn't read my post carefully leh..... i didn't say i wanna freeze my cooked vege lah! precisely coz i wanna feed FRESH vege, so thats why i am asking how long can i keep the vege fresh for? coz in the webby u have me, fresh vege in the fridge loses 90% of the vit c in 1 week leh. whilst frozen fresh (not cooked) vege keeps vit c more! thats why i asking loh. i guess i better throw away my hengcai after 3 days wor....
BM! YES YES! thats what i am very keen to try. I actually massage Jovann everynight before i put him to bed, but what i am doing may not be completely right. and recently i rem that baby massage helps constipation, and i tried calling up this lady who supposedly does baby massage at home and teaches parents. but she is overseas and has not been picking up my calls! do u have any other recc???
U say Sophie constipation hor so make me think of this lah. Paisay not very related but I wonder if the concept is the same.
I dunno if toasted bread may cause constipation in bbs too becos hor if my chinchillas have diarrhoea I was told to feed them toasted bread leh cos seems that it will dry out their poo.

btw Damien sort of have a bit of constipation but his poos r still soft. He will constipated for like 3-4 days then poo everyday then constipated again. So my pd say he not the kind to poo everyday now so okie lor.

Will transfer later. Thanx.
i dunno anyone who come by ur home to teach baby massage though i heard of ppl who do that. tot u attended classes at babies n cream right? they didnt teach u? when jo constipated i did that on her. i dunno whether its the massage or its the papaya but she did pass soft poo aft that. u know where the intestines are? its towards the left side, massage downwards, gently but firmly. hope it helps

sweet potatoes do contain lots of fibres n in many cases do relieve constipation. i think only jo will constipate from eating too much from it, the rest i heard no problem for their babies!

u tried prune juice? it helps too!

u mentioned cereal, yes, i agree its heaty. thats why after feedg cereal, u gotta feed him lots of water.

if all else fails, then maybe its jovann's body system. my eldest boy used to constipate for a long period of time too when he was 2. he wud strain so hard when he poo and his anus tore and there was blood in his stool. so heart pain right. he was given stool softener, it helps a lil only. its worst for him cos he hates fruits. but after a while it stopped on his own. my pd said the thing is to let them have the habit of clearing their bowels everyday. accumulation will make the poo hard and tear the anus.
oooo ya I'm planning to try the other yogurt brands too! Thanks for the info! Have you tried it yet? Does Clarence like it???

oooo kok my own head... i keep looking out for salt n wheat content that I totally forgot that bread has egg!?! Duh. So i guess Sophie is prob not allegic to eggs.

ooo ya that's right papaya yellow. I've been cutting down yellow on Sophie since coming back from Aus coz fed too much jar food, very yellow. But she's ok already. But i don't feed papaya all the time, alternate w pear n apple. Hmmm... maybe sweet potato is good, not sure.

hahaah... ya true. But norm only feed 2 times a week, shd be ok right? Actually constipate is only when they have difficulty pooing eg painful but if he doesn't poo for a few days and his poo is still soft i don't think that's constipation. Coz some adults also don't poo everyday but still ok. Some just diff.
<font color="0000ff">Peachie, thanks for the info on yoghurt! I have been wanting to let Adele try it. Right now, I am feeding Adele with Heinz Baby Yoghurt which is suitable from 6 months & above. But thinking more variety better mah.</font>

<font color="aa00aa">Jasmine, thanks for the info on how to cook zuchinni. Will try it out this weekend.</font>

<font color="ff0000">Eling, I bath Adele twice a day. Once in the morning usually btw 8 to 9am and once in the evening usually btw 5:30 to 6:30pm. Coz Adele tends to sweat very easily n she enjoys her bath very much.</font>
doreen, yes constipation is when the person dun poo for a few days coz the stools is hard. if damien stools are soft not considered constipation oredi. PD say some babies just dun poo every day and thats perfectly fine wor...

BM, left side as in baby's left side? our right hand side right? what i do is massage his tummy in a clockwise direction. so when i reach the left side of his tummy, i am stroking downwards...correct hor?

yes, i also intended to let him move his bowels every day, like brenda's arianne at a specific timing. but now he dun have the habit of doing so, so how do i start? and i need to educate both my parents and MIL to do at the same timing! goodness.....dunno possible a not. okie, A poos at 9am right? is that the "correct" timing? coz Jovann i notice tends to poo either during lunch or during dinner. very bad habit hor? in that case, shld I "arrange" his bowel movement timing to just afetr lunch?? how shld i start? after lunch put him on potty and go "nnnngggggg...", hopefully can see results in 1 week? possible a not huh??

OH and another thing! i am suspecting another reason for his constipation. could it be coz i feed him diner very late? coz i want his dinner time to coincide with our dinner time, so i tend to feed him at 7pm. but hor, many times my parents or MIL only ready at close to 8pm leh! thats very late right? coz i think his body no time to digest the food before he needs to sleep oredi. i dun wanna feed dinner at 4-5pm kind, so maybe i change to 6pm, what u think? even if he just had milk at 4-5pm, he can still take dinner at 6.30pm right? doesn't have to be 3 hours right? coz whenever i ask them to feed early, they always tell me he just had milk at 5plus blah blah blah.....sigh.....thats the problem with having ILs or parents as caregivers loh.

peachie, how do u know clarence not allergic to eggs leh? u fed him eggs before?
Button, what i heard is that after baby wake up in the morning, dont carry the baby off the bed yet, raise the baby leg and move in circular motion 10 times then anti-clockwise 10 times, then go to the other leg and do the same. It do help Amabel if she never poo.

C used to have the same bad habit as J, she likes to poo during her meal times. but most of the time is she action action only, like make the nnngggggg sound but nvr poo when put her on the potty.

things are better now, every day after her lunch, will try to put her on the potty so most time she will poo around 1 plus if not 2 plus after she has her fruit.

tell you, babies got a lot of patterns one, very headache for us, must constantly change with them to suit their mood.
Button, ya hope it work on Jovann. Btw this applied on adult too. Hehe

And Amabel same too, have a bad habit: Poo while makan.
Eggs in bread,

From wat i know, those bread in loaf form normally do not use eggs to bake. Wheareas those soft bun bread needs to use egg.


Had transfer d rest of d amt to u plus d amt. for the shoes. THKS!!
Hi Buttons and Ling

I bought the Muller little stars and Horizon organic yogurt from The Marketplace (under Cold Storage chain) at B1 level of Raffles City Shopping Centre (where else but my workplace??? hehe...). Buttons, sorry to hear that Jovann is constipated. Try feeding more water and fruits, think it will help. About the eggs, yes, we fed him egg yolk before and he is fine.... The worst thing is - my Indonesian helper fed him egg white when he was 8.5 months!!! Faint! She was supposed to make tofu with spinach, pumpkin and minced meat for Clarence. But she saw my mom adding the egg YOLK the day before, so she thought she should add an egg too! So she cracked the whole egg in! Anyway, I was equally guilty. I was lazing in bed while she was doing all the cooking while my hubby was reading the papers. It was after Clarence finished the whole bowl of tofu that I realised that there is are egg shells in the dustbag. So I went through the pot and saw the strands of egg white that is mixed with the tofu.... Faint faint faint.... Clarence finished one whole egg. What to do? What is eaten cannot be undone. But he turns out fine lah. We monitored him for 2 whole days but no symptoms of allergy....

Ling, I have not tried feeding Clarence the yogurt yet. Planning to start this weekend.
Will let you know the outcome!

Alicia, no probs on sharing the info!
I've got loads of info from this forum too! Good things are meant to be shared mah.

Taka fans out there.... The DBS Black Card mall-wide 10% rebate at Ngee Ann City is back!!! Just for TODAY only. Quick quick, get ready your shopping list!

<font color="0077aa"><font size="+1">Buttons</font></font>, OOH! I mis-read your post?! Sorry, took it for granted that u meant COOKED spinach. Anyhow, I think some other mummies also did misread your post! :p Anyway I think I've got a good reason not to be so alert yesterday.. I was down with flu and bad throat, caught the bug I guess, and was high on drugs while replying your post yesterday! heehee..

And also, <font color="ff0000">I'll cancel my seat for tmr's KM class</font> since I've just recovered. Thanks for the arrangement and the rest of you, have fun yah..

Can the mummies who are going for the class tmr share with me if it's good to join? cos I'm seriously considering taking up the class package..

<font color="0077aa"><font size="+1">Peachie</font></font>, yahh I also want to know where did u get MULLER's? Are they PLAIN or flavored? Skim or WHOLE milk?

<font color="0077aa"><font size="+1">Jasmine</font></font>, your MIL put so much stuffs into Jade's porridge? wa pang!

<font color="0077aa"><font size="+1">Ling ah</font></font>, the wholemeal one is the dark color one lor.. It's definitely rougher in terms of texture so we do need to watch our babies when they eat it.. I'm not too comfy with toasting the bread, I'd prefer to just feed as it is. Becos toasting is 'drying' so could be 'heaty' too.. I'm not conclusive about this la, but if Sophie's handling it well, u can carry on.. just monitor her output yah..

Another method of feeding babies bread is to tear the bread into small pieces, ma cham like the adult's croutons but not toasted, then add into soup to feed. Soup as in veg soup or beef stew.

Another option I can think of, is to buy bread sticks. They're quite tasty too but ask about the salt content, cos usually they'll add but in moderation ok la..
