(2006/09) SEPTEMBER 2006 MTB

Hi mummies,
I'm back home...it was nice to go on holiday

Btw, I've just paid the Old Navy shipping charges.

Will work out the split and email to all the next 2 days.

Hi Emma

Actually the romper is too long for him, thus made him look taller. He is 53cm at birth... not tt tall lah.

Dylan so far so good... when we carry didi, he will come & sayang his head. Initially he was jealous when my mum carried didi (yes, surprisingly only jealous of my mum, and not me or hubby). Now he's ok... when he sees pp carrying didi, he will smile and walk over to sayang him.

Hope he will remains like this forever
hi phoebe.. welcome back!
how was the trip? did u bring the boys?

emoments.. 53cm very long alr leh.. enzo was only 47cm when born.. haha...
I have given birth too on 26 February. Labor was only 4 hours. Natural without epidural. But instead of episiotomy, I tore naturally which is actually more painful than the former. Baby Tricia is born 3.15kg heavy at 37 weeks. I only gained 8.5kg throughout kekeke. So now Hannah is a big sister. Here's some of Tricia's pictures. Still very red and just recovered from jaundice.

<font color="0077aa"><font size="+1">Melissa</font></font>, hey! CONGRATS!! Tricia has big eyes! can't tell if she looks like Hannah now though.. and Natural without epidural ah?! good job!
congrats, Melissa! only 4 hrs! Bravo!

i oso gained only 8.5 kg for my 1st pregnancy. hope i can oso gain so little for future pregnancy. But i am not pregnant yet lah. hehe

COngrats to emoments oso! wah 53cm u still say not v tall... R was only 49cm at birth.
Mummies Please Help to circulate No joke or spamming.
She is my friend i am trying to help her to find suitable donor to save her dad's life.
Thanks very much.

Hi frenz,

My dad is diagnosed with leukemia recently and had completed his 1st cycle of chemotherapy. He is in SGH ICU ward 45. Currently, his blood cells are very low and is having very severe infection in his lungs which has since spread to his blood. He requires donors for white blood cells on a daily basis with the following criteria:

Blood group: B+
Weight: 45 kg and above
With no major/known sickness

A blood test for compatibility will be conducted prior to the collection. The collection process is similar to blood donation except that it is done through a machine. The donor needs to undergo an injection and an oral medicine to simulate the white cells. Some people may experience slight bone pain after the injection. A normal person can donate white cells once a week.

Pls call me on my hp if you are willing to donate and fit the above criteria.

Kindly help to circulate this msg.
Thank you for your help.

Hp: 9846 0908
hi mummies...
pls allow me to interrupt, me from April thread

trying to gather more memberships to enjoy the discount. still need about 10 more members.
do PM if u are interested.

wanna to visit Zoo with ur little ones?

(Friends of the Zoo or Wildlife Unlimited),

Rec'd reply from the Zoo:
* 10% if i can submit 20 membership (combination of both type of memberships)

If u have family or friends are thinking to get the Zoo membership too, count them in too, so we can get the membership earlier.

Any mummies hv better lobang than 10% feel free to share.
Hi mummies

Any good dentist to recommend for kids? Wanna bring Dylan for checkup.. till now, he only has 5 teeth which is a bit worrying... hmm...
<font size="+1">Looking for Focus Dailies Contact Lens Users</font>

We need you to participate in a clinical study conducted by Ciba Vision &amp; Singapore Polytechnic Optometry Centre.

The study will be conducted in <font color="ff0000">April 2008.</font>

<font color="0000ff"><u>REQUIRMENT:</u></font>

Gender: Male or Female
Age: 18 - 39
(If you are below 21, you will require parental/guardian consent)
Power: -0.50 to -6.00
MUST: You must be a current Focus Dailies contact lens wearer

<font color="0000ff"><u>What to expect?</u></font>

Once you are selected for the study, you will be required to visit the Singapore Polytechnic Optometry Centre (Dover Rd or West Coast) twice.

You will go thru eye check and do contact lens trial fitting. Each visit should take approx. 1hour.

In appreciation for your time and effort, you will be paid <font color="ff0000">S$50.00 per visit.</font>

<font color="0000ff"><u>What to expect?</u></font>

Should you be interested or have more enquiries, please contact Ms Adeline Chew at 6826 2828 (during office hours)
<u><font size="+1"><font color="0000ff">THE CHILDRENS PLACE SPREE #5</font></font></u>

Website: www.thechildrensplace.com
Exchange Rate: US$1 = S$1.45




Please email your order to me.
Email: [email protected]

Will advise you to arrange for payment upon confirmation of your order.
Collection can be arranged at Bukit Batok, Tiong Bahru Plaza &amp; Vivo City.
<font size="+1"><font color="ff0000"><u>OLD NAVY SPREE #23</u></font></font>

Website: www.oldnavy.com
Exchange Rate: US$1 = S$1.45




Please email your order to me.
Email: [email protected]

Will advise you to arrange for payment upon confirmation of your order.
Collection can be arranged at Bukit Batok, Tiong Bahru Plaza &amp; Vivo City.
Hi Mummies

Would like to find out from you all if there's any difference in milk powder bought from Malaysia and Singapore...TIA
Hello mummies,
Sorry to interrupt. I have 2 boys of preschool age and want to send them to school. May I find out from you what are the important factors that you all consider when choosing a preschool? Ie. teacher-to-student ratio? Price? Curriculum?
Hello Mummies,

It's been a LONG LONG time since I last came in here. How's everyone and their little tots?

Need some advice from Mummies. My girl is coming to 21 months, but she still doesn't talk much. only single words like car, bus, mum mum, etc. I am pretty worried abt this as i thought by her age, she should at least communicate in short sentences already?

Any advice what i can do? or any mummy have similar experience?

Thanks in advance
hi ladies.. wow.. its been sometime since there's been any real talking in this thread.. hehe.. how's everyone and their lil ones??

bena.. i guess every child develops at their own pace.. as long as she's articulating, there's not much of a worry.. juz continue to talk and read to her.. you'll be surprised one day when she starts to yak non stop..

btw, elaine (one of a sept mommy here) juz gave birth to a princess this AM..
CONGRATZ to her and ZhaoHui gorgor on his promotion..
Hi Bena,

My gal is also coming 21mths, same like yr gal, she only can say single words like car, bus, mum mum (but not mummy or daddy yet) can call gong gong, kor kor, jie jie. Haizz, till now i havent hear her call me &amp; my hubby yet. i'm also pretty worried ab her, but doctor told me if by 3yrs she still can't communicate in short sentences, have to see a doctor or maybe speech therapy.
<font color="0077aa"><font size="+2">Hello everybody!</font></font> Hope all's doing well!! I'm still popping my head in here once a while.. miss yakking away here!

And I've done a Breakfast Menu Planner for above 9 months old, which include list of foods suitable for our babies to eat and also where to buy them. If anyone is interested, pls write to me at my blog: http://littlegastronomy.blogspot.com/2008/05/freshly-baked-breakfast-menu-planner.html

<font color="0077aa"><font size="+2">Emma</font></font>, how's your 2nd one coming along though? How's cutesy Enzo doing?

and congrats to <font color="ff0000"><font size="+2">Elaine</font></font>!!

<font color="0077aa"><font size="+2">Bena</font></font>, have u discussed with your PD about this? maybe he can give u the proper guidelines and advice? Also, some kids just start later than others and once they start, it can be 2-3 steps faster than those who have already started long time ago. It's like a leap. Like my daughter, I've never exposed her to numbers becos I tried a few times and she didn't seem interested. And last weekend, she surprised(more like shock)us by reading 1 to 10 on her own in both English and Chinese and she did the number puzzle on her own, recognizing each number. So I learned that I can't underestimate her becos she might be observing and absording without my knowledge. I'll just keep pumping her with ideas and knowledge and it's up to her if she wants to learn..
B.. no2 is still in the process of baking.. keke.. enzo.. well.. i shall post a v controversial photo of his.. dun yell at me ya.. keke.. :p


ladies who are still ard.. please post updates and photos of our not so little ones!
Hi Bena,

Actually different kids develop in different areas and at different paces. Some are better at their motor skills, some more auditory, some may be great at verbal capabilities. But since your little one is already speaking single words, my opinion is that she is perfectly fine! At least I didn't utter a single word till 28 months. Like Brenda said, she may be quietly absorbing everything.

Clarence's vocabulary is largely limited to single words as well, it is only rare rare occasions that he strings 2 words together like "more bananas". He understands simple instructions in sentences, such as "plse put this in the dustbin", but is just non-verbal. But we are not concerned. Just let him grow at his own pace.

However, if you are still concerned and wish to help your little one along at developing language skills, maybe you can try the following suggestions:

1) Sing or talk to your little one at every opportunity. Go slow with your sentences and face your child, such that he/she can see your lips and follow your intonations.

2) Don't always tell your child what to do. ASK open ended questions, like would you like some bananas? these yellow bananas are yummy! OR ask questions when you tell stories. Look at him/her expectantly when you ask your questions and pause to wait for a response. Even a babbled response is good. This encourages the child to speak.

In short, don't worry too much yah? Sometimes your little one may just be shy, ie can talk but is shy to do so. So well, just give lots of encouragement along the way and let him/her develop at his/her own pace. You will have a real talker soon!

To all moms who are expecting or have delivered:

I think dont have to worry too much. Just like what Brenda said it is just a leap and every kid is different. Just like mine, just starting to string 3 words together and each time she surprise me suddenly. You will wonder where she pick up the thing from.
<font color="0077aa"><font size="+1">Emoments</font></font>, how's lil Davier?? and is Dylan helping to take care of his lil bro? I'm sure they're a lot of fun together ya?

<font color="ff0000">Who else has popped number 2? Share your joy pls..</font>

<font color="0077aa"><font size="+1">Peach</font></font>, 'more bananas' is good already! and I like your suggestion on the open-ended qns ;)

<font color="ff0000">And yes, pls post pics of your kiddos. I miss seeing them too!!</font>

And here's my Arianne recent pic!
heeee... soccer team only 2 players?
like tt u muz hv at least half a dozen more! kekeke... alot of Oct mummies #2 are girls leh... i drool drool each time they announced the gender of their baby. seems like this yr alot of girls.

wat do u mean by "upon gynae's approval?"
jrt.. cos number 2 will be elective c-section.. actual edd is 22 oct.. i'm looking at a date that's almost 2 weeks early, so will need gynae's approval lohz.. hehe..
congrats Emma for #2.

congrats chai too. My edd 21 Aug 08 and yah I am expecting another princess

jRt, planning to have 2nd one soon too?

Sigh... little Davier kept falling sick.. dunno y. Feel so heartpain to see him like that. I have tried givng him the best already but he is still like that. He is on total bf and I tried not to give him frozen EBM.... unlike Dylan who was on partial and drink frozen EBM after being discharged from hospital.

Sometimes really feel like giving up bf since it doesn't seem to help Davier. Also feelling like givig up my job as it requires long working hours and I was kinda of being 'demoted' cos of my ML...
emoment.. thanx.. opting for c-sect cos enzo was delivered that way too..
dun give up.. but i know how u feel.. maybe u can start looking for a greener pasture elsewhere...

eling.. i read from ur blog too!! hehe.. congratz.. realli interesting to see ur baby's movement in ur tum tum.. hehe..
OIC... Oct babies has always been my dream but i was unsuccessful in my planning leh. so there goes 2008 baby...

Planning to hv #2 but juz let nature take its way bah. Moreover R is still waking up at night, so i cant imagine being pregnant n still gotta attend to his night wakings. I'll age double fast!
I really missed the times when i was pregnant wif R. Though i suffered fr bad MS, but at least he is in my tummy n still UNDER ctrl...

u r due soon liao!
Nice tt u'll hv 2 princesses...

dun give up on the bfg.... coz if u stop such precious milk n juz rely on FM, he'll hv lesser immunity.
If ur job is taking so much time away fr ur kids, then i oso support Emma's decision to look for greener pastures... aft all our lil ones grow up really fast. becoz of R, i had oso asked for a dept switch coz i'll enjoy regular hrs.

<font color="0077aa"><font size="+1">emoments</font></font>, oh dear.. what happened to Davier? is it flu? hope it's nothing serious.. well he's growing up no matter how, just difficult on your part so don't worry. He'll definitely pass this phase and soon you'll see both him and Damien hopping around the house!

Keep going ya!

<font color="ff0000">Anyone already putting your kids in Childcare? care to share the experience and also any good recommendations?</font> I'm seeking around a good childcare whereby A can learn and spend her time constructively at. Right now at home, it's so bored for her and me! :p
