(2006/09) SEPTEMBER 2006 MTB


Jovann so envious of Clarence!
Good morning everyone.
Today has been really special and I simply must come in here to talk about it.

This morning little T woke up as usual for her morning bottle of milk. She took her milk in our bed as she normally does. When she finished her bottle, she turned around, gave me a kiss on the lips and said
<font size="+2">I AUVE (her baby talk for love) U</font>

This is another breakthrough moment. All the hardwork, sleepless nights, etc... has made worthwhile
Hi Buttons and Alicia,

Aiya, what's there to be envious? You guys have been to Aust too!
But if you want to travel, better do so before the little ones turn 2 years, cos the airlines will start charging them at 75% of adult fare once they turn 2 years (as opposed to 10% right now). That's why cheapo Peach is going to Scandinavia in June/July, just before Clarence has to pay MORE! Haha....


Congrats! Too bad that Kodak moment was not on video!
Olive Oil Advice
Can i ask brenda/mummy here, can I use extra virgin olive oil to cook? If no, then what brand of olive oil you recommend and can get it fr ntuc?

Then the extra virgin oilive oil for what purpose?

Pls advice. Thanks.
wenniekok pls do NOT use extra virgin olive oil to cook. extra virgin olive oil is meant for tossing in salads, dipping in bread etc. not for high heat cooking as the high heat will create carcinogenic (cancer-causing) compounds which will then be ingested. just use normal olive oil. any OLIVE OIL without the word "extra virgin" on it.

peachie, yes i know about the 2 yr old thingie, thats why i wish i can bring him go overseas again, but pocket hole deep deep leh...
wenniekok sorry forgot to mention, yes u can get it from ntuc...sure have. any brand will do, as long as without the words "extra virgin" lah.
oh,,really,,that's important note. Ok,,many thanks for your reply ya.

Saw your blog before Jovann is so cute. BTW, his hair is quite a lot ah,,does he feel hot &amp; sweat all the time?
buttons, how about grapeseed oil? I saw June using that to cook for der-nen in her blog...
i bought that...but haven used yet...
so olive oil can be used to cook simple dishes for babies right? can we use margarine also? eg president brand that brenda mention b4?
<font color="ff0000"><font size="+2">Happy New Year to all!</font></font>

<font color="0077aa"><font size="+1">berry</font></font>, margarine is low fat, not ideal for used in bbs' food. The President I used for cooking/baking is butter, unsalted.

<font color="0077aa"><font size="+1">wennie</font></font>, Canola oil is the other alternative and much much cheaper than Olive oil ;) and readily available in most(or probably all) supermarkets. I used Oil Sprays most of the time, light and easy to apply for cooking.

<font color="0077aa"><font size="+1">Angeline</font></font>, that's so sweet and a great achievement! I can imagine how you feel
. The only 3 words in a string A knows is 'I did it'..
<font color="0077aa"><font size="+1">berry</font></font>, not sure about grapeseed oil though.. so far I'm only using Olive, Canola and Sesame oil.. I googled for it and Grapeseed sounds interesting, low in saturated fats and I think I'll try if they come in small bottles..
ethan cant even say a single word, so u shd be extremely pleased with A's "i didit" ;)

anyway here's wishing all mommies n toddlers a belated happy new yr. hope u all had a great start to the new yr!

it seems like just y'day that i posted here that i was expecting my 2nd child, and now, emma's here! she arrived on 26 dec weighing 3.71kg. slightly prem at 36.6 wks tho. this time round, my labour was slightly longer at 6 hrs, compared to previous round only 4 hrs. wat they say about 2nd time being faster is not true i guess :p i'm still strugling with breastfeeding issues. emma, like her brother, seems to prefer the bottle n refuses to latch on! i cant believe i might have to go thro the entire 6 mths having to express for emma as i did with ethan.. sigh. wat did i do to deserve this?!

anyway, leaving u here with a photo of emma:

Hello all happy new year!!!!

OMG you have delivered!!! Congrats!!! Is that really Emma's photo or her brother??!!! They look strikingly SIMILAR! Carbon-copy!!! And she's so hefty! Did you get an episiotomy? Epidural? tell us more about your 2nd birth!

I am due in 2 months' time. at the moment i have plenty of back problem which doesn't happen when I had Hannah. I put on less weight too but all my weight that i put on goes to the baby. I am now 30w5d and at least count (30w2d), baby #2 is 1.4kg. But right now i'm still recovering from flu so appetite dwindled.

HOw many teeth do all your tots have? Hannah has 12 teeth including 4 pre-molars! Heehee.
haha :D i shd go dig out ethan's old photo n post them side by side? they dont look that similar lah. i think the only thing same about them is that they both have lots of hair! hee

anyway my birth story is at emma's blog http://chroniclesofemma.blogspot.com. definiltey needed an episiotomy cos she was so big! really painful during the pushin part!

yeah i can sympathise with u abt the backaches cos in the last few wks, i was having it too! and i wondered why i put myself thro all this again! anyway time will fly and b4 u know it, ur little girl will be out! have u thought of a name for her yet?

ethan as 10 teeth - 6 on top n 4 below
i've went to your blog and reading your birth story in fascination. thanks for sharing. i think the photo above makes Emma look exactly like Ethan. the rest are not so similar like u said hehehe. i'm sorry you had to struggle with latching all over again! must be frustrating but try to persevere, we don't breastfeed forever. are you a SAHM? it's easier to try to TBF whenever possible.

btw, since Emma is slightly premature, can she breathe on her own after delivery? i'm always afraid at going early for 2nd child! btw, i'm naming her Tricia
well i'll be at home for 6 mths b4 i return to work. so i will keep trying until then! hope emma will learn to latch soon...

yes, she can breathe on her own. she was only slightly premature - not so serious lor.

tricia's a lovely name! how did u decide on that?

how many wks are u now?

dont worry so much.. if u stress yourself, your baby really will come out earlier! ;)

guess wat? i found a photo of ethan when he was emma's age. (dont judge on the colour tho cos both were taken by different camera). features are different rite?
generally the same lah! they're brother and sister what. hahaha.

i am 30w5d today and total weight gain only 5kg. cool huh. i think morning sickness is back that's why i can't gain that much weight. however baby's weight gain is normal. Tricia is decided by both me and hubby. It's easy to call and happens to be one of the recycled names we considered pre-Hannah days hehe. Emma's name is very english hor. it reminds me of Ross and Rachel's daughter in Friends hehehe.
Hi Mummies,

need advise here. I have started to give my gal cod liver oil under the brand scotts, but melody dun like the taste, can i give her the orange one? actually doctor advise me to give the original one &amp; said it's better to give them orange after 3yrs. Any mummies have started to feed their toddlers orange?
so gd! u gain only 5 kg to datE? for me, this preg i gained another like 15kg! sigh.. got a looooong way to go b4 i get back to me pre-preg wt! sob sob. anyway so long as bb wt is gd, that's all that matters

u are a fan of friends? me too!! but i didnt even remember what they named their daughter until u mentioned hee hee
Emma is so adorable, and what a thick head of hair she has. Hope she will overcome the BFing difficulties soon. I still remember the days when we to motivate each other to continue expressing.
btw, here a pic of T taken 2 weeks ago when she had a try of eating crispy fried Capelin fish

I thought she would be turned off by the pricky pokey fins and bones, but she keep asking for more.
yeah me big fan of friends. still watching re-runs on tv if it happens to be broadcasting.

wah, T is still in the high chair with bib? Hannah spoilt already liao, she has her meal running around and eating fish keropok like rice!
yeah i remember those days! definitely wdnt hv been able to do it wihout u
i'm still hoping emma will latch soon, otherwise history will repeat itself!

trinity is looking lovelier each time i see her. look at all the fish meat covering her mouth! hee hee. n its so sweet when u said i love u the other day. i'm still waiting for ethan to call me mommy haha

they're broadcasting the entire friends series in melbourne now heh heh ;)
michelle, congrats!!! read ur blog, what an interesting birth and lovely date to give birth to your 2nd child. hehehe.

about emma refusing latching.....i think its coz u introduce bottle too early...? when is her first try at bottle? if baby is given bottle too early, 1 out of 4 babies will prefer the bottle (easier to suck) than the boobs.

can ask you mommies something about preschool??? How many of you intend to send their toddler to preschool ONCE they are of age i.e. 18mths? I intend to send at 18mths, but hubby asked me to find out is it a norm to send once they are ready, or shld we wait till say 2yrs old to send? can you share please? Thanks!
Laura, I give my son cod liver oil original sometimes. he takes it without any problem. i feel i shldn't give the orange one coz its too citrusy and sweet. it may spoil his taste buds and next time it will be terrible to feed him.

have u tried eating it in front of her? let her know its yummy (at least u must make the yummy expression) and she may be more inclined to find it nice...
<font color="ff0000">Michelle</font>, CONGRATS!!! Emma sure has lots of hair and she is simply adorable!

Here's a photo of Adele taken during her JG class yesterday where she learn painting. I was quite surprised that she knew how to hold the brush herself..

Buttons, thanks for yr advice.. i will try to eat in front of her. oh ya.. for me, i intend to send melody to preschool once she is 3yrs, think shd be nursery by then. From now till 3yrs, i just send her for gym or play class once a week cos i find tat early preschool for my gal is so poor thing as they will get into school life for the next 15yrs.. maybe.. Well, this is my opinion lah, many parents send their toddlers at 18mths.
Hi decided to join in the chat. Am supposed to join you all for the X'mas party but didn't make it.

I gave my son the Nordic Natural fish oil.. it is really fishy (i tried it, yucks!) and initially he rejects it... Now he is used to it and takes it with no problem.

I am thinking of sending my son to pre-school when he turns 2 year old. Personally find it too early to start at 18 months. For now will start with gym class (yet to start
Hi Mich,
If you need pumping buddy support again, just let me know. Although I won't be pumping, but I can keep you company by chatting online during your midnight pump. I recall those days when we will 'see' each other online at 12am, 3am, 6am, etc... every 2 - 3 hrs and chat while the Medela does its work.

Trinity goes to a neighbourhood playgroup for 2 hours 3 times a week now. I am considering to send her to a Montessori group when she reaches 18 months, but we need not necessary attend all 5 days. I will probably start with just 2 - 3 days Montessori (also 2 hours), + 2 - 3 days playgroup.
I think I will only start her on the 'official' nursery curriculum when she turns 3 years.

Right now for the playgroup &amp; Montessori group, parent/helper will have to attend with the child.

What is this 'preschool' like in SGP? Does the child attend alone? Is it academic based, or playing only? What is your reason for wanting to send Jovybuttons there once he reach 18 months?
Nope me not sending Hannah that early. She has her own playgroup at home with all her preschool cousins. Hygiene is my #1 concern. I'll start her maybe at 4 for nursery.

Wah Adele is so cute! Did u cut her hair?
alicia, adele can do a lot of things if given the chance.
she looks so cute holding the paintbrush and looking up at you for approval.
clever girl!

laura, no prob! yes i kinda agree with you on the preschool....hmmm....

angeline thanks for sharing! T has such fun!
hahaha Jovy buttons indeed hahahaaa...oh my reason for sending to preschool is as follows:
- he does not have much stimulation at my mums and ILs plc. older folk generally (not all lah) do not know how to teach toddlers new things though they do try their best lah. sometimes my mum just sit there and watch him play. I know Jovann thirsts to learn new things, judging from his response whenever i teach him things, and I wish him to get as much chance as possible on this.

- he is now SUPER SPOILT by my parents. and i don't want to see it become worse and end up with a super spoilt demanding kid who refuse to do the things we ask him to. sending him to preschool (i feel) will make him aware that there are other kids besides him and there are other nicer ways to do things.

anyone else like to answer my queries pls?
Buttons, ya i do agreed grandparents do spoilt our kids. My friend told me before sending them to preschool make them independent too. For me, i try to teach as many new things as i can though i m a FTWM and my work is so busy as i work in the travel trade. i will wait till melody can talk, like when she hungry or not well she is able to tell us or when she is toilet train, by the time she is 3yrs then i can send her to preschool.

Oh yes, melody's doctor has advised me that before our toddlers go preschool, it is better to take Pneumococcal injection.
Hi Michelle

Congrats! Emma is so adorable and she really has very thick hair... read yr birth story... so scary.. need to wait for 3 hours to be stitched up... aiyo... hope this doesn't happen to me.... I'm due in 6 weeks' time and getting a bit scared and worried... hope I can go natural this time... hope I dun have to wait so long to be stitched up.... aiyo... so scary...

Jiayou to yr breastfeeding..... I'll join u soon

Hi Buttons

For preschool, I was just thinking of sending Dylan to one when he reaches 18mths or 19mths... during my maternity leave... just thinking, no concrete plan or wat yet... cos I saw some of my cols taking leave to send their toddlers to preschool last week... so I thot, I shd do so while I'm on ML, then I dun have to take leave... so selfish reason hor? 2nd selfish reasons is, let Dylan attend abt 2-3 hours, then come back, he will take his nap and I won't be so tired... hahaa.... 3rd reasons, everybody will be busy taking care of new baby, he might feel left out, so let him attend school to learn something new.... Lastly is, if my maid decides to go back, I or my mum won't be so stressed up taking care of 2 boys... cos by tt time, Dylan shd be able to adapt and attend full-day.... dunno.. see how.. will decide when I'm on confinement bah....
laura, yes as FTWM we do try out best to teach them things. but somehow i feel i not doing enough leh. amidst all the cooking for him, feeding and washing, the time left playing with him is diluted by how tired I feel after all the work. so somehow i feel i am shortchanging him still hehee. yep about the pneumoccocal jab he oredi has that since 4-5 mths old.

emoments, thanks for sharing ur reason (all valid) for sending dylan to preschool. okie, now i know one mom is sending at 18mths. 3 mums waiting till 2-3 yrs old. what about the rest?

You are still up at this hour asking about pre-school???!!!

Honestly speaking, our little ones are never "ready" for school. The question here is how long the transition stage going to be, and how will the care-givers at the toddlercare ease the transition, and how will parents react when the transition is tough? There are some who will literally cry for a month or more (plus refuse to get out of bed in the morning plus have a crying fit in the car), and there are some who will whine every now and then when they remember that their parents are not around, and there are those who can just settle in from day one and be fine. I have seen 3 year olds starting school and still crying after a week. Are they ready simply because they are 3 year olds? I think not.

At the end of the day, when you wish to start J on pre-school is just a question of trade off. Is he better off in a toddlercare environment (where care-givers are not allowed to accompany after the first few days), or is he better off with a specific set of care-givers until he is 3 and can vocalise his needs and wants very well? It is a question which only the you and Sam can answer, cos this will differ from child to child, and from various care-giver environments. The lack of stimulation should not be the over-riding factor to put the child in toddlercare, cos afterall there are many programs these days to get around this, such a JG playnest which allows care-giver accompaniment and many many others (LittleGym, GUG, MyGym and what not).

Having said the above, I think there certain things which I can share here for parents who are considering toddlercare:

1. Vaccinations are important, cos they are exposed to a wider pool of viruses and bacteria and other common childhood diseases.

2. Establish a routine. There are parents who opt for 3 day toddlercare. That is a darned bad move. The child has to adjust to toddlercare for a day, gets to stay at home the next day, and goes back to adjust the day after, Those are the ones with the loooongest transition stage cos they just don't know what to expect.

3. Keep the goodbyes short and sweet. Don't linger at the gate and keep waving goodbye. The longer you stay, the longer the child will whine and try to reach for you. And the worst whiners/wailers are the ones whose parents cannot resist the urge to carry them "for a while". When the parents put them down again, they will wail longer and louder cos they expect the same treatment again and again and again. Normally the child will be fine and start playing once the parents are out of sight (out of sight, out of mind).

4. Don't re-appear in front of the child until it is time to take the child home (this appears as well to all care-givers your child is used to, such as to domestic helper, the grand parents or even the aunt). Toddlers at this stage have no concept of time. When they spot their caregivers, they think it's time to go home. And when they can't (plus worse still, the caregivers disappear AGAIN), they will have a crying fit.

At the end of the day, toddlercare does have its benefits in terms of a more structured learning environment, development of social skills and greater independence. But it is not without its downsides and its teething pains (trust me, the transition phase may be even tougher and heartbreaking for parents!), so I think all issues should be considered holistically before making a decision. That said, it is also good to do your legwork and homework in checking out the toddlercare environment before putting your child inside. The last thing we all want is that after a painful transition phase, we have to change toddlercare provider (which means another round of transition for the child to a new environment plus caregivers).

Hope it helps. Last but not least, a huge congratulations to Michelle on your little bundle of joy! Emma is gorgeous!
no no.. dont get scared. i dun think sch things happen in spore cos ur gynae is definiltey there when u deliver rite? in my case, cos emma was delivered by the midwife who was on duty that day (my own gynae was on hol at that time too) that's y the stand-in dr came so late to stitch me up. i think he simply bo chap. that's y i plan to lodge a complaint against him. how can do such things rite? he's such an idiot...

wah so fast all talking about presch oredi? i plan to send ethan to playgroup only when he's about 2. right now, he cant even articulate his needs, so nobody will understd what he wants if i send him to playsch now! only we at home understd cos we spend so much time with him. i dont think the teachers at the sch will hv so much time n attn for him...
thks for the support
its very very encouraging. i m still pumping n trying to latch emma on right now as i refuse to give up yet! just hoping i will be able to persevere...
wow so quiet in here! where's everyone gone?

anyway just wondering, have any of u measured your tot's height lately? i just measured ethan and he's 74cm. is that average?
hey! im here! hope u all still rem me?!

<font color="0000ff">michelle</font>, congrats on having emma with u now!

i know there're a no. of sept mommies who're preggie 2nd time, but are u the first one to give birth? who's next?

so envy! my period is driving me crazy! i wonder when then can i conceive again....

it first came on 20 Nov.
then followed by 12 Dec.
it's abt 22 days cycle which is kind of short.

but now it's still not here for Jan (today is the 31th day already)

did u all encounter erratic period cycle when it first resumed after birth?
<font color="0000ff">michelle</font>

i didnt hv the chance to measure kai's height lately.

the last measured was when he was 13th mth old (in Oct) and he was 75cm then.

im oso not sure what's the average.

from ur blog, recent photos of ethan, he seemed to hv slimmed down a bit? or was it the haircut?
<font color="0000ff">buttons</font>

for preschool, i've not really tot abt it yet. i intend to send him only if

1) im giving birth to his sibling soon
2) he's coming to 3yrs old

whichever above comes first.

the only reason why i didnt want to send him early is becos im afraid tt he'll get virus attack. u know it's such a heartpain seeing our little ones falling sick.

right now what i do is to prepare him step by step.

1. let him socialise a bit and getting used to the idea of learning together w other tots -> aquaducks (completed)

2. let him learn thru active play as he's now at the stage of enjoying his new found mobility status -> my gym (halfway)

3. introduce him to classroom environment -> julia gabriel (when he's 18mths old)

tts what i planned up till.

i think a lot will hv to see how he goes. personally i dun like the idea of going to school too young. childhood is meant to be carefree isnt it?
wow! seems like u all hv brought ur little ones outside to see the world!

my hb said wait till kai is older and is able to understand what we're doing eg. like going on board a plane, staying in a place not our usual home, etc. any idea how old wld he be to understand all these????
<font color="ff0000">Melissa n Buttons</font>, thanks for the compliments! She enjoys herself when she attends the classes but now I am in a dilemma...
Adele seems to be falling sick easily. She fell sick 3 times during the last term. And going to the new term just after New Year, she fell sick again just after 3 lessons. She has been having fever since Friday till now. Really not sure if it could be due to teething or not. But the GP I went to yesterday put it to viral fever. Hubby is nagging and asking me to stop sending her to those classes anymore. I am still hesitating coz I really enjoy those classes with her but it seems her immune is not strong enough. It could be due to the large no of children coz JG's class are always very packed right up to the max of 14 babies per class. I guess if I stop her class after the term ends then perhaps I will wait till she attends nursery. *sigh*
Hi emoments and edksd,

Just saw that you intend to send your little ones to pre-school when the sibling comes along. My take is that the transition to pre-school is a huge one for them, and so is the transition to the arrival of a new sibling (they are not the only child anymore!). My advice is to handle this sensitively and give them lots of reassurance that they are still very much loved at home, and this will never change even with the new arrival of a sibling. You may wish to stagger the transition to pre-school a bit, cos when you leave them alone at playschool immediately, their impression that they are not wanted at home and being dumped (alone some more!) in pre-school may be reinforced. So I feel that a gradual transition is better.

There is no hard and fast rule. Different things work for different children. The above is just from my personal viewpoint.
hi <font color="0000ff">peachie</font>,

tts why im sending him for classes now. different different types of classes. so to him, going to preschool is just another type of class (except parents not accompanying).

i intend to start him off with those 2-3hrs (is it call childcare or pre-nursery or playgroup or what?) for as long as my mom can cope as i still want him to take his meal at home instead of at school.

right now i dun even hv the single idea when i'll be able to conceive again, so i didnt really think too much or too far

when do u intend to hv no. 2?
i was wondering where everyone gone too. after michelle should be emoments, then me, then alicia i think hehehe. i can't help much on the erratic period but all i know is that as long as you're having your period, you will ovulate. i only have my period once after total breastfeeding and the next thing i know, i got pregnant.

the flu and viral fever bug is going around now. hannah has just recovered himself but her cough and phlegm still lingers and it's been a week!

your pointers are very useful. thanks for sharing.
