(2006/09) SEPTEMBER 2006 MTB

Hi Mummies,

Any of your babies having teething problem ? Ethan have 6 teeth out at one time and super cranky, can't eat, can't sleep well and kana diarrhea three days in a row...

any advice to ease his pain ? how long will the diarrhea last? really heart pain to see him suffer.....

Hi, my ds was also having like 3 or 4 teeth coming out at the same time a few weeks ago.. drooling like crazy and cannot sleep well too..

Will wake up every 2 or 3 hours in the night..

We gave him the teething gel.. Appetite was very bad.. can't do much on that, my helper got to try to trick him to eat
Hmm.. i can't remember when Hannah started getting cranky when she's growing teeth. She now has 12 teeth including 4 pre-molars. No wonder now she loves eating crackers. But she's drooling again and has quite a temperature. Appetite also affected otherwise she's not cranky at all. I guess she's teething again. I didn't do anything different. Just let it be.
yeah ethan has lost some of hi chubbiness :p his weight has not dropped tho, so i guess its just that he's growing taller n 'stretching' out? think thats common for toddlers rite?

ethan has 10 teeth now - 6 below n 4 on top. these few days he drooling lots again so i think may be teething again. usually he will just lose appetite for solids so we give him more milk. other than that, he's quite ok. not very grumpy lah

adult food
any of your toddlers on full adult food now? i mean, u dont cook separately for them and they just have whatever we are having for dinner?
Hi michelle,

my mum will cook for my dd during lunch and she will eat whatever we r having for dinner. I try to give her everythings cos i found tat when kids know their taste, they r getting choosy on foods
Hi Michelle
Ethan will just have whatever we have for dinner, but normally will cook the food which are more suitable for him... but when we are out , will just feed him the food that we ordered, knowing its not so good, but sometimes just bochap

just to check, is it advisable for injection if the baby is teething ??
hi yasmine,

which injection u referring? my dd got her mmr injection during teething, she developed fever after 7days & rashes too, pd said is okay.
hi mummies,

i'd like to ask is it advisable to get life insurance for our bbs now? ive already got the hospitalise plan but not life insurance.
thks for the replies ladies
we r starting ethan on our food today cos he keeps rejecting the porridge which we cook for him, and always wants to eat what we are eating :p

i think its ok if bb is just teething, but if they r having fever then better not
Hi all.. on the topic of baby eating adult food, I am v keen to start enzo on the food we're having, but he's a "lazy" eater, so if we give him food that requires chewing, he'll not only take v long, he'll also not get v much down.. so how do we know what is enough for them?
Hannah has been eating adult food since 12 months old. She's also a "lazy" eater but like to nibble a lot. She likes to go around and taste people's food. I think if I put myself in her shoes I might get full that way. Even though it's just a little bit, it could acquire to become full. I still give her milk when it's time and give her UHT milk during her snack so that she can still get the nutrients absent from not eating proper food. Anyway if Hannah has had enough she will shake her head and close her mouth. I think that kind of cue is common to all toddlers.
<font color="0077aa"><font size="+1">Yasmine</font></font>, hi.. not sure if this comes too late..

With regards to Ethan's teething and diarrhea, I don't think there's a connection between the two. Well maybe, very slight chance, it's indirect. Like he loses his appetite, keeps crying, not enough sleep, all these will cause him to dehydrate then the body needs more water so he tends to prefer things that are watery then have watery stools?

Also, don't worry if he's not eating a full meal during his meal times. Just keep feeding him snacks in between. Snacks like crackers and biscuits sticks help in soothing their teething too. Oh, also little sweets like Raisins, Dried Apricots, Dried Strawberries(if not allergic to.) or any dried fruits can help to soothe too. Keep these dried fruits in the fridge so they are cold when he chews them. Very gummy so it stops the gum from itching..

Tried rubbing on his gums? What I do is, I soak a small hankie in ice cold water then I wear it like a finger glove then rub on my daughter's gums. It does help to soothe. All these should not last long, probably 2-3 days maybe 4. But if your son is having fever then he might need further medication ya. Otherwise, just be more comforting and patient it'll be over soon
<font color="0077aa"><font size="+1">Emma</font></font>, there's no fixed amount a baby should be eating as far as I know. They call the shots. Some babies I know eat non-stop, some hardly interested in food. From what I gathered most mummies are feeding about 1 rice bowl (not full, 3 quarts of it) for porridge or noodles. So if you do feed Enzo adult's meal, just portion it out in a rice bowl as a measurement.

For A, if she eats adult's meal, her Rice portion will be about 3-4 tablespoons(tbs), Veggies portion will be about 2-3 tbs and Meat about 2-3 tbs as well. aga aga la.. but not every time she'll finish, sometimes she'll eat more as well. In between her meals, she has snacks too..
Hi Mummies,
I happened to come across this thread about baby girls vagina closing up. It gave me an awareness to check on little T as I never really looked carefully before.
I brought T to the PD yesterday for her chickenpox jab and asked PD to check on it too. Turns out that hers was indeed fused and we were prescribed with a estrogen cream to apply for her.

Suggest you may get PD to check too the next time you are there so that you can receive early treatment if needed
<font size="+1"><font color="ff0000">California Baby Calendula Cream Needed Urgently</font></font>

Hi Mummies,

My daughter Chloe developed eczema recently due to food allergy and I'm using the calendula cream as a body moisturiser and its running out fast. The bulk purchase I've ordered will only arrive in mid Feb.

Does anyone know where I can buy Calendula Cream off the shelf?

If any of you have a spare tub of the cream, I'll be glad to buy it off you too. Just PM me. Thanks!
Can try out tanglin mall Brown Rice Paradise but they not always have stock. Or worse come to worse get from Kids21 but they selling it for $35.
LJP sells it too should have ready stock think u go to the business thread to checkout better.
<font color="ff6000">Hi Doreen,</font>

Long time no hear. How's your cute little son Damien? I guess by now, he should be much much bigger from the time last I saw him.

Thanks for the info on the calendula cream. I managed to get sufficient cream to last me till my bp arrives. Wah! Kids21 so expensive!

Many thanks to <font color="ff6000">Ai Ling and Brenda</font>, too!
<font color="ff0000">Happy Rat New Year to all mummies in advance. Hope your babies get lots of ang bao this year.</font>

Here's a pic of Chloe pre-eczema days! Nowadays her cheeks looks really sunburnt and flaky.
Hope it 'll go away be CNY.

Aiyoh Chloe looks so sweet in that. Hope her eczema clears before CNY.
Yah Damien is not that small anymore same ur Chloe they grow real fast huh. I'm still readin posts here but not posting cos u gals not happening enough leh so little postings now....hehehe

Normally I'll be posting in the Oct thread n I'm expecting #2 in July. So here's a pic of the not so small anymore korkor-to-be wearing a hairband.

<font color="ff6000">Doreen</font>
Congrats! So you must hao hao take care of yourself ok? Don't suppose you know the gender of the baby yet. Damien look so "sweet" in the picture. He got a pretty face.

<font color="ff6000">Angeline</font>
Forgot to mention earlier. Thanks for the warning! Will get PD to check the next time Chloe goes for jab.
<font color="0077aa"><font size="+1">PG</font></font>, you're welcome! heehee.. Kids21 happened to carry them and when you asked, that was the first place I thought of! Hope u didn't buy a lot ya.. heh Hope pretty Chloe's eczema recovers before CNY or sooner!

<font color="0077aa"><font size="+1">Doreen</font></font>, I still see the baby Damien in his Gorgor look! cute.. eyes got bigger too huh? hee.. And HUGE CONGRATS on your number 2!

<font color="ff0000">Gong Xi Gong Xi to all!</font>
Oh u really went to buy from Kids21 aah. I bought my 1st tub from there n imgaine my horror when I realise the BP price....hahaha
So now I make sure I got extra stocks.

Um maybe cheeks got smaller so eyes look bigger ba.....hahaha
<font color="ff6000">Doreen, Brenda</font>
No lah! I didn't get from kids21. I'll be broke if I did. I managed to get my supplies at close to the BP price. Thank God for that.
Got 4 tubs in the end.
thks for the info! i didnt realise this cd happen to little bb girls. i will definitely keep a look out for it n make sure i clean my girl's vaginal area properly. hope T's ok now

wanna wish everoyne a very happy n prosperous lunar new yr too!
Happy Rat Year to everyone here!!!

I'm going to pop this month hopefully even though my EDD is in March. I have pubic symphysis so gynae say no need to wait till full term. Nervous man!
Hi Melissa

What is pubic symphysis? So did gynea say when r u most likely to pop?

For me, my baby is engaged since week 34.... made me so worried.. was on MC &amp; bedrest for the past few weeks... gg back to office few days a week only. Now that I'm abt week 38... I'm more 'fanxin' as I dun want to have a premature baby. So I tell baby he can come out anytime after the first few days of CNY :p
<font color="ff6000"><font size="+2">Dearest all

Wish you all good health, prosperity and a smooth sailing RAT year ahead !

GONG XI FA CAI!</font></font>
emoments, melissa
so exciting! u gonna pop any day now

let me know when it happens ok??

take gd care n enjoy all the cny goodies b4 confinemt again heehee
Hello mummies,

<font color="ff0000">Happy Chinese New Year to all.</font>

Got requests from mummies for sprees..

<font size="+1"><font color="0000ff">OLD NAVY SPREE</font></font>


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i was wondering if there's anymore Sept mommies getting pg with #2 already. been a while

can't believe my little Hannah is now a running toddler already. i thought i was going to miss her baby charm but seeing her more responsive and more intelligent now i feel even happier.

i'm not popping yet. pubic symphysis probably caused by torn ligaments in previous pregnancy. think i got pregnant again too fast when my body hasn't completely healed hence this pregnancy is more painful than my first. i'll be 36 weeks this week. hopefully baby is almost 3kg by then.

don't forget to inform us your good news soon!
Happy Valentine Day and Gong Xi Fa cai to all Sept Mummies !!!
(still in time to wish on valentine as there is another minute to 12am :p

thanks for your advice ya... the teething period is over and now Ethan is now down with cough, flu and started his fever, sigh...
i only give him suppository(he is having hard time on medication and will throw out), have not bring him to see doctor yet as hubby say to monitor another day as doctor will also give paracetamol only.

for fever case, will u all normally bring to see doctor immediately or wait and see the situation by giving paracetamol first ?
<font color="0077aa"><font size="+1">Yasmine</font></font>, hey sorry, I haven't had time to follow up here for awhile.. again, hope this is not too late.

For my practise, I use time frame and the grade of the fever to decide if there's a need to go see doc.

Time frame will be 3 days, meaning if my child has been having low grade fever(Below 38.5 degrees C) for more than 3 days while not having any other symptoms then I'll visit the doc.

1 of the following situations, then I'll proceed to see doc:
1. If my child has been having high grade fever(above 38.5degrees C) for more than 24 hours after being fed appropriate medicine*.

2. If my child has high grade fever and other serious symptoms such as a bad fall, vomiting, sight of blood.

3. If my child has low grade fever but with unmanageable rashes all over.

4. If my child has low grade fever but with swells in her facial features.

5. If my child has low grade fever but whines/cries for more than 3 hours in a row.

(These are what I can think of now, there maybe more..)
*Appropriate Medicine I keep at home for fever are:

Paracetamol - for low grade fever
Bifen Suspension - for high grade fever, I don't use suppository becos Bifen is good enough.

I suggest all mummies to have these type of meds standby at home and it'll be quite a battle to tame it down once it hits 40 degrees C.

Going to A&amp;E in the middle of the night is only going to be taxing on both the kid and the parents. So I rather tame the fever first then when it's of normal clinic hours, then I'll bring bb to see doc.

Hope this helps and that Ethan is all well now
and in future if u need faster paced help, u can PM me ya..
Hey brenda,
Can you get Bifen Suspension off the shelf? Or need doctor's prescription? I usually let the paracetemol work first to see if there's any improvement.
<font color="0077aa"><font size="+1">Melissa</font></font>, no you can't, need PD prescription.. Maybe GP might have, you can try. And they usually are ok with letting you buy for standby..

Well for me, once I detect the temp is above 38.5, I'll give the Bifen though doc's instruction is above 39. I went through a horrifying experience with my 1st girl and won't want that to repeat again so I rather be on the safe side la..
Dear mummies,
The Old Navy order been placed already.
Dont have time to update and email to you all now....coz busy clearing off my workloads and trying to pack my suitcase. Will be out of town this weekend.
Will update all once I return on 2 Mar.
thanks for your advice...
Ethan is well now, his fever was up to 40 on the forth day and its within 2 hours interval, we was so worried and PD suspected is dengue fecer and advised we take him for blood test

we had a very bad experience perviously on blood test when Ethan's was hospitalized when he was 5th months old, so based on "six sense" as mother and with PD advice, we deicided to give him antibiotic instead and he response to the antiobiotic and fever degree drop to normal...
<font color="0077aa"><font size="+1">Emoments</font></font>, <font size="+1"><font color="ff0000">Huge Best Wishes</font></font> to you and your new bb!

<font color="0077aa"><font size="+1">Yasmine</font></font>, you're welcome and glad to hear that Ethan is well now..
Thanks for the best wishes!

It's a boy... will upload his photo later... haven't upload to my PC yet.. now still trying to settle down at my mum's place as I'm doing my confinement there.

Wanted to call baby "Davier" but received some negative comments, thus thinking of a new name now.
Hi all
Sorry for the long wait... attached is my boy's photo on his 3rd day... just reached home after discharged from TMC.


And we have finally confirmed his name - Davier...
wow.. emoments.. davier is so adorable and TALL.. he definately doesnt look 3 days old in that picture..
are you having fun with him? how's dylan taking to him?

ya.. i agreed with Princess Emma, Davier doesnt looks like new born, look at the cheek, so chubby

btw, wanna check with you all, do we still need to sterelize bottle daily for 18 months toddler ? I do it only few days interval and my mom was saying its really unhygiene.....

Yasmine.. We wanted to stop sterilizing when he turned one.. but couldnt bring ourselves to do it.. haha.. so till now, we're still sterilizing after every use.. i was told that as long as baby starts eating, u can go ez on sterilizing.. because when u feed baby cereal (with milk) from a bowl, its unlikely u will sterilize the bowl..
hope i am making sense.. heee
