(2006/09) SEPTEMBER 2006 MTB

<font color="0077aa"><font size="+1">Melissa</font></font>, Tricia is about 4 months old now ya? So does she look like Hannah at all?! eh, have u tried bringing both kids out on your own yet? I'm sure it's challenging huh..

presario.. welcome to our family!
so far, my not so little little one can only recite 1-10 in eng and mandarin, A-Z he cant recite on his own, but can only alternate.. so we say A he will say B, we say C he will say D and so on.. my son also has little hair.. haha.. apparently my cheap ginvera olive oil doesnt realli work.. think muz go get those $50/bottle kind..
presario.. maybe recognition of letters will come a bit later.. my boy can only recognise a few as yet.. hmm.. think its sold in some clinics? or salon? cant remember where alr..
Hi ladies!

Me new to this thread. Just a short intro. My elder one (A princess) was born in 2006 Sept. She is now in Childcare centre. I have just given birth to a mickey mouse on 20th June. : ) Factory Closed!
Hi Sarah,

Welcome! Gosh, I haven't been in here for so long!!!

Which CC is your little princess in? My child (born on 31 Aug 06) is also in CC since 2 Jan 08. We can share CC stories!
Hi peachie!

my gal was born on 27th Sept. Now she is at Rosyth Childcare Centre at Grace Park. The CC is ok except that they don't serve very nutritious food. : )

Still remember you helped us buy the letters for our kids' names? Is the push-cart still there? If yes, where is the exact location?

I need to buy one for Davier... need to be fair :p
hi Sept mummies!
Thomas the tank will be performing and i have 2 extra tickets for the 6 Sept(Sat) at 1.30pm. The seats are good! they are 2nd row tickets from stage.

Any mummies interested to buy from me? Email / PM me.
Hi emoments,

Congratulations on your little addition!
But unfortunately, the pushcart has gone. And if I am not wrong, the range of alphabets clowns has been discontinued (that's the reason behind us getting them at a huge discount previously).

You can still check out "The Little Toy Store" at Ngee Ann City (Level 5 i think). I think they sell other forms of alphabets, only at a higher price.

Hi Sarahteddy,

Wow, you even go down to monitor what they feed! Good for you!

But I guess as long as our little ones are happy in the CC and are growing well, should be fine!
Any separation anxiety problems?
Hi hi peachie!

She is pretty happy there, but initially we had a hard time. She was in half-day CC for 2 months then just turned to full day last month.

She would cry and refuse to go to school. But when she reaches there, seeing her frens and teachers, she would be pretty happy, join her frens and forget about daddy &amp; mummy.: )
The Toy Store at Ngee Ann City still has stock for the clown alphabets. I jus bought them few weeks ago. Same as u to be fair to #2......hehe
N there was even a promo something like buy 2 get 1 free dunno still valid anot..
sarah.. i'm still in a dilemma.. whether to send enzo to CC.. he's now in a church kindergarten and enjoying himself there.. first day of sch, abandoned his parents alr.. haha... it was a relieve for me as well... was so worried that he'll cry and cry when it was time for us to go..
Hi PrincessEmma,

does the church have a full-day programme? Since your boy has enjoyed being there so much, not very good to remove him.
sarah.. unfortunately, they dont.. so he goes to sch in the morning, then to nanny after sch.. not sure if i wanna put him in cc so early either..

how old is your darling? The moment my gal turned 18mth old, i sent her to 1/2 day cc first for 2 mths before she is placed on full day. My mom heart pain and said that she was too young, but I was pretty "heartless", determined to train her used to "school system" where she learns to share and interact with other kids, pick up social skilld, about to learn songs and games the teachers would teach. Don't want her to be self-centred, as she used to be surrounded with doting adults before di di arrived.
hey yes! Tricia is 4 months+ now. I don't dare to bring both out yet! Hannah is always running around and refused to be held. Driving out with her alone is also a nightmare b'cos she'll be screaming on top of her lungs! She hates her car seat! How do I make her like it?

msapple, teahalia, pricessemma,
CONGRATS for expecting #2!!!! so excited for you girls! msapple, u'll join my league of 2 princesses! it's lovely. my Hannah is always kissing and snuggling up beside her little sister Tricia and Tricia will always laugh seeing Hannah jumping and running around.

hey that's the name of my laptop haha. anyway Hannah can't say ABC in full but she recognizes only certain letters. i'll let nature take its course. but she can count 1-10 well.

i have a minnie mouse hehehe. but i'm not closing my factory yet but there will be a delay in production, maybe in 2010. right now, i have to regain my sanity first.

Any of your Sept babies has become a difficult eater? Hannah didn't want to eat much and sometimes refuses her milk completely but some days (actually rare days), she will eat everything in extra serving. Most of the time, it's just biscuits and fish crackers and milk. But she wants chicken all the time. She hates eggs. So weird, I loooove eggs and my hubby didn't mind eggs too.

Here's my Hannah now.

BabyBrain flashcard Dvd
Per DVD $14 NOW
Original $16.90.
Collection at Sengkang, Clarke Quay, Raffles Place, Douby Ghout, Punggol, Hougang MRT.

)Kelly Level 1 &amp; 2 Chinese &amp; English - Total 4 Dvds $14x4=$56
2)Catherine - Level 1&amp;2 Chinese &amp; English - Total 4 Dvds $14x4=$56
3)Babyboy - Level 2 for english,Level 1 &amp; 2 for chinese - Total 3 Dvds $14x3=$42
4) Leia - Level 1&amp;2 Chinese &amp; English - Total 4 Dvds $14x4=$56
5) Amy - Level 1&amp;2 Chinese &amp; English - Total 4 Dvds $14x4=$56 (payment Received)
6) Amberlyn - Level 1 &amp; 2 Chinese &amp; English - Total 4 Dvds $14x4=$56
7) White_lady - Level 1 &amp; 2 Chinese &amp; English - Total 4 Dvds $14x4=$56
8) jasmommy - Level 1 &amp; 2 Chinese &amp; English - Total 4 Dvds $14x4=$56

Anyone insterested? I need to place order by today. Kindly please Transfer to my account by today account no.178-16110-5 POSB Savings
Hi Melissa,

looking at your darling reminds me about my gal. SHe is also like that, knows how to make funny faces. She is a darling to us and also at the same time a terror that daddy mommy hates. So now we have a love-hate relationship with our gal. : P
<font size="+1">so much spam.. quite irritating seriously..</font>

mommies.. enzo's got false measles after a high fever over the weekends.. does that need any medical attention/medication?
I agree on the spam thing. I think it's unethical. I think the false measles is pretty normal right? Hannah has that too but we didn't do much about it. It goes away by itself after a while. Just the body reaction against the heat i guess.

post a pic of your darling. i love it when they make funny faces. i see all toddlers here got funny faces. especially Enzo.. kekekekee..

I miss our september montages!! how i wish we could make a funny face montage of all september momies. but with active toddlers running terror around the house and some of us having new additions to the family, i can understand how our board has become less active recently.
<font color="ff0000">Aiya, don't know what happened to my previous user account now cannot access! So this is Brenda ahh.. Mummy of Arianne</font> ;)

<font color="0077aa"><font size="+1">Em</font></font>, u saw a doc for this? got administer med for high fever? if u're refering to med for the measles, I don't think so there's any but maybe I'm wrong. Give a call to your PD and check. Meanwhile do let Enzo drink a lot water ok, that can help to flush out the toxins.

<font color="0077aa"><font size="+1">Sarahteddy</font></font>, no la.. I don't think you're being heartless. In fact, I think parents like you are making efforts to set the path right for your kids. It's very hard but I supposed we all want the best for them so got to bite the bullet

<font color="0077aa"><font size="+1">Melissa</font></font>, me too! miss seeing all the kids together in a pic! those were the good old days huh..

Abt car seats and all: I only have ONE solution usually and will deploy it when necessary. That is to let them cry it out. The moment we give in, we'll lose it and they'll be the one controlling us. I apply this solution to any thing and somehow things managed to work out le.. heehee... And Hannah is still as cute! what about Tricia? Does she look like Hannah?

What spam u girls talking about?

<font color="0077aa"><font size="+1">Presario</font></font>, hihi! welcome!
melissa.. enzo does have MANY funny faces.. haha.. he is one cheeky boy!! hehe..

bren.. his fever is gone.. lasted abt 4 days peaking at over 40 degrees.. scary!! but now its gone, the measles have come.. i've juz called, but they only give medication for itch, so i guess there's no need to...
call the other sept mommies leh, make one funny face montage. since Enzo here got so many, it's going to be fun to see more of Enzo. cheeky fella! Tricia doesn't look like Hannah at all! Hannah is beginning to look more like me while Tricia takes over daddy. so funny to see all these changes while they grow up!

that spam Emma is talking about is all these intrusive ads in our forums lor. we already have dedicated buying/selling/marketplace exchange corner, still intruding here. a bit irritating lor. try having them spammed at their own home ground and see how they feel.
So glad to see more photos coming... our babies (toddlers) have grown.

Melissa... show us some latest photo of Tricia leh...

Emma, Enzo is still as smiley as b4...

Here's some photos taken of my 2 boys in April and in May...



After I returned to work.. hardly got chance to take the 2 brothers together.
Hi ladies,

good morning! Woke up early to express milk.

Have yet taken any photo of my gal and her di di as we are worried that she may hit di di (She wanted to hit him with balloon once). Once I have done it, will post it to show you gals.
are you still breastfeeding your sept baby?!

such a nicely taken picture of 2 brothers together. i can't take both together. it's really hard b'cos Hannah usually don't cooperate well or she keeps making funny faces! or she will keep kissing her mei mei. maybe i should get a faster camera next time.

Enzo got that kind of aura that lights up the room with her cheeky smile u know that?! hehee Hannah will never sit in a high chair ever!!! she will insist on sitting in an adult chair and must sit on all chairs! really headache.

this pic was just taken yesterday. i had to lure hannah into watching tv to get this shot but since she knows that i'm taking a picture she will automatically put on her silly face again! pardon the mess my monster makes!

<font color="0000ff">Hi fellow Sept mummies,
Its been a while since I've posted here too...
So, I'm joining you mummies to post updates of lil Javier

Dec 07

Mar 08
phoebe.. javier still has the baby face.. so cute..

melissa.. er.. did u see what we have to feed him to make him sit in the high chair while we eat?? haha.. we're bad parents!!! :p

another shot of cheeky enzo..

hi melissa,
well, he still got his baby face, and that blur look. haha..

hey mummies, should we arrange for a meet up/gathering near the 2nd birthday?
Melissa. it's very cute of Hannah to pose in front of the camera, even if its silly face. For me, my boys dun.. they will look serious whenever I took out my camera, and will smile when I put the camera down... so qigei one.

Phoebe, Javier looks like u... thou u dun look blur lah :p

Emma, Enzo is still as smiley as b4... he looks tall too.
emoments.. ya.. he is still v smiley.. but now i think he has enter the T2 stage, he gets realli out of control too!!! ur 2 Ds look realli alike.. so cute.. wonder if enzo's lil bro will look like him too.. enzo is tall? hmm.. maybe cos he is realli thin? that's y he looks taller.. hehehe..

phoebe.. good idea... lets have a gathering!!
not too late ah.. if not i CMI alr!!! hehe...
<font color="0077aa"><font size="+1">Emoments</font></font>, aiyo! your boys are photocopy of each other!! the features so alike! and I think they both look like u ;)

<font color="0077aa"><font size="+1">Phoebe</font></font>, I'm so so busy lately, doubt i can follow up with the arrangements le
. Got to kindy-hop and quickly settle A into a kindy or child care soon la.. but definitely don't mind meeting up with your girls. Count me in if someone organises ok!

Talking about that, <font color="ff0000">any mummies heard of St Joseph's Kindy on Bt Timah Road?</font> If yes, can share your experience or info please? I love the luscious green there but not sure about the people there..

<font color="0077aa"><font size="+1">Em</font></font>, glad to hear he's ok now and smiley smiley in all his pics!!

<font color="0000ff">Brenda</font>, I'm actually going to register Javier at St Joseph for pre-nursery for 2009. Will be meeting the principal next week for an official tour of the school as well as checking out more info.

Prior to that, I've actually pop by the school and I like the greenery and spacious environment. heehee.

If you have more info of the school, let me know also ok?
