(2006/09) SEPTEMBER 2006 MTB

hi pigeon

rgd stopping bf:

Some common medicine are Bromocriptine and serocriptine. These drugs lower your prolactin hormones. Prolactin hormones are the milk hormones to produce breast milk.

Some well known side effects are smaller breasts, acne and headache. So better dont take it.

All change to thurs already aah....hmmm
THurs I going to Expo leh n I think my mum is not working so can't ask u to pass to her leh.
Ummmm then think nevermind lah maybe sunday I try to collect from u if u r home. Thanx
<font color="0000ff">Hi Pigeon</font>

The very first time she bit me, I screamed ouch very loudly and I think she got such a shock that she cried.. the second time she bit me, I screamed again and she quickly released.. just hope there's no more third time coz these days I always warned her very sternly "cannot bite mummy har..."

<font color="0000ff">edksd</font>, nope, I have not tried meat. In fact, my baby has not tried a lot of food like the babies here.. She has only tried fish, spinach, carrot, potato porridge so far... :p Fruits wise so far she has only tried apples and pears..
Good morning mommies!

I haven't tried meat on my baby too. She basically eat those Nestle milk cereal and with added ingredients like fruit, veggies or chicken, does that count? Haha. Tried giving her porridge, she don't like it. Sometimes I give her sweet potato and banana, that she likes. It's hard when you're working and your mother has to take care of two other grandchildren. Really have to close one eye on her diet. That's why I feel like becoming a SAHM but I can't afford to pay the bills with only a single income, in the end, I choose to close one eye lor. You choose whatever choices that works best on you. I figured that once Hannah has a full set of teeth and are able to chew food she will try all forms of meat eventually. So I'm not about to rush her on that. She has plenty of time to enjoy growing up. I'm not about to make her a grown up when I still love her as a baby too! :D
I think as long as you still produce milk (no matter what's the amount), you are still consider breastfeeding ba, but for your case will be partial breastfeed.
Me also reduced to 2 pumps per 24hrs since 1 month ago. And already introduce one feed of FM.

rgd to stop bf
I not very comfortable in taking medicine. Just let it stop naturally better. And i do agreed with ilovebabies.

woow... what a nice montage u have designed. Hehe! They are all soooo cute
You are so luckily, only being bited two times, me kana many many times liao, and i scream and try scolding her, but she dun seem to know i am in pain and not afraid of being scolded. And yes i do agreed that most of the time they bite after they dont want the milk anymore.
<font color="0000ff">msapple</font>, did you scream loudly? I screamed very loudly and maybe that's all she got my message.. haha.. but I was chided by my husband for scaring her.. heehee... :p

So far, she only has one tooth. My mum warned me once her upper teeth come out, the pain would not be just as that now... :p How many teeth your baby has now?

Yes,its true that if you take med to stop breatfeeding, your boobies will strink, it happened to one of my colleague. her boobies really strink leh :p
Smiley, my girl only got 2 lower teeth, and that is already going to kill me. Haha

Yuna, wow that is scary, cant imagine if mine is strink. wahaha

u mean shrunk right? for a moment i tot you meant stunk/ stank.. hehehehe

ya, i agree they bite/nip when they dun want to latch.. MY DD seldom nip me.. unless she dun want milk liaoz.. somemore, i trying to stop her from latching, so, she very happy to latch and if she bite me, i dun latch her mah, so she know if she bite me, no more zut zut on neh neh!! and she won't like that!!
Hi Brenda,

Your montage ROCKS!!!! Thanks thanks!!!

By the way, happy birthday to you!

Hi Pigeon,

You are absolutely brilliant!!! I've only got 19 of them correct, after poring over them during lunch with a few other colleagues so it's not my personal effort! Hehe....

Thank thanks!!! I go and "hao-lian" to my colleagues later!

Hi Melissa,

Aiya, the driving schools are all darned ex.
But bo bian leh.... Private instructors have higher failure rates leh.... Thinking of taking the exam meant for auto-gear cars' licence. Then I don't have to grapple with clutch control, and hopefully won't mount another kerb! Hehe...

Hi Jerene,

Me thinking of meeting up with Cheekz tmrw instead to go to the Robinsons sale! Hehe... then we can all do lunch after that! I wanna grab some more Bobux shoes! Bought a M and a L size that day. I realised that I need another M and a L so can interchange....Robinsons is selling them at 20%+20%+5% off, so it works up to $25.30 per pair.

Wanna come boh???

aiyo.. all the little ogre babies are SOOO cute leh!! can you add Cayden in as well.. But he is an unhappy ogre baby !! hahaa.. He simply hates to have anything on his head!

How did you mummies have such smiley ogre babies
especially little clarice still smiling so happily !!

i am heading down to Robinson sales tmr too but after work lah! hee....you and cheekz dun buy the whole store hor...pls leave something for me to buy. hee...hiak hiak..

reason being Clarice smiling so happily cos i let her played wif my hp!!! tik the lifespan of my hp is going to be shorten at the rate she is playing, sliding up and down and pressing the keypad for the light to come out. pengz...

I cant agree with you more on the clutch control. Hubby was driving manual car back then so that i can secretly 'practice' in those big carpark,. After i passed, we immediately sold off the manual car and bought an auto car !! hahaaa.. AND I WAS SO GLAD
(though i think guys prefer manual car!!)

Till now, i have not driven any manual car ! :p
peachie, orange, on cars,
why are there still manual cars on the road?? i straight away took auto license b'cos it's much easier to handle and most new cars on the road now are auto. they fetch better resale value too. i think manual are for those who wants to race or needs to go off-road. i just want to drive on singapore roads with zero demerit points! try getting stuck in the causeway jam, u will be glad u have auto car! i think it's safer too! and yeah you're right if you want to get a good passing rate, go for driving school but they're more ex!

now my hubby is more worried about radiation hence he gave Hannah his old spoilt handphone, no batteries. so now she's happily playing with that phone lor. but really, is it a cause for concern?

i learnt drivin (Class 3A - auto) in dec 05. passed my test during 1st attempt in apr 06 (while in was preggy)

i opt for private lessons as class timing is more flexible. during then, i also had no recommendation for private driving instructors.

so i visited the traffic police website for private instructor passing rate to determine who to sign up with.


you can copy out the list of instructors to excel spreadsheet (based on which centre you wish to take your exam)
then sort out who has a higher passing rate (taking into consideration of no. tested also)
<font color="0000ff">peachie, chocolat, PG</font>, about the teaser, chocolat answer is correct. ACTUALLY, i missed out some conditions in my teaser lah, i told you i super rusty memory now hahaha. Chocolat, do you rem what are the conditions? something like only 1 switch can be on or something like that.with the conditions, peachie and PG's ans are not applicable.

<font color="119911">edksd</font>, i always mix meat with vege. its impossible to blend otherwise.

<font color="aa00aa">ilovebb</font> oh my goodness, boobs smaller?? aiyoh then mommies, better dun take.
Hi hi moms,

Thanks so much for all your inputs on driving schools and private instructors!!! They are very very helpful! Phoebe, you learnt through private instructor ah? How much? Good or not? Can reccomend?


Aiya, what buy the whole store??? I am very focussed this time... Just Bobux shoes. No more toys and clothes! Hehe.... But hor, I am eyeing the Le Sports Sac bag! Tot it looks very nice!

i took up private lessons from 'Daniel Ng Driving Instruction'


This is like a private school. Daniel has a pool of instructors under him. So you will be assigned 1 instructor who will teach you.

Then when nearer to exam, you will switch to another instructor who will
- assess you and correct any mistakes
- drive in another car (which will be your test car)
- and also go for a few circuit classes

i think i paid abt $1700 package (which includes basic and advance theory classes + 30hrs driving)

fee does not include circuit charges, all test fees and rental of car for exam.

overall, i got a good experience
<font size="+1">buttons,</font>

do u hv some combination of meat+vege which i can try? so far ive only read abt chicken+carrot.

the meat u puree is in minced form or just finely cut up form?

do u freeze the meat puree?
<font color="0000ff">yuna</font>

My pink motorola handphone was recently damaged by Megan. I let her play with it for a while to keep her quiet. Moments later it was all wet with her saliva. Minutes later it ceased operation. The phone was beyond repair.. corrosion.. Arghhh...

Mummies who are still breastfeeding and got bitten by their teething babies... wow.. i really admire all ur effort and persistency.. good job!
recently Megan 2 upper teeth are sprouting out and i tried to apply teething gel for her...and she bite me.. She applied force with her upper and lower teeth clenching together some more... OUCH.. i really screamed and scolded her... and its only my finger... so i can imagine the pain if it were the breasts!
<font size="+1">melissa,</font>

i do not want to depend on commercial bb food. i oso didnt want to trouble my mom too much. so i make fresh puree for kai everyday myself.

it's tiring but it's satisfying knowing im giving my best.

i read tt protein is impt so hv to start giving some meat on top of the fish which ive alrdy introduced last mth.
Jas.. oops.. my mistake.. holidays now mah.. brain is on leave... thought u would be smart enough to have guessed it contextually.. keke.. my mistake... but btw.. the pills are a no-no i guess...
I have been giving pork puree and chicken puree to Trinity. We've tried combining with veggie and also alone.

I usually cut the meat into thick slivers and steam it. After that I will blend the meat. Usually will have to add a bit of boiled water when blending, otherwise too dry and thick.

I also freeze these purees in food cubes. Each lunch, Trinity will have 2 cubes of different type of veggie + 1 cube of meat + porridge.
Hi Aunty Brenda

Thanks for the beautiful montage!!!

Can email my mommy? [email protected]

All mommies

Evangeline is down with fever since last sat... & hit 39.3 deg 2 nites ago... cold shower 2x and she cried... so poor thing... my heart melt...

Brought her to see her PD and he said evan may trigger false measles few days later... Rashes all over body... True enug, my MIL juz called & told me evan's body got some red patches???? Anyone here have some tips/experience to share on false measles???
<font color="aa00aa">Brenda, the montage is fabulous! Thanks for the effort</font>

<font color="ff0000">Have any mommies tried giving their babies health supplements like cod liver oil or fish oil? Heard that its good for the brain.</font>
Oh no poor sayang sayang Evangeline. When Hannah had over 39 deg fever, we gave her infant paracetemol and put her in loose clothing plus fan. I also wipe her body with damp cold cloth. And she will be your koala bear. But no rashes so far. I think the rashes can clear up on its own but if you're worried, better contact the PD and ask for advice.

Mrs Alicia See,
I don't dare to give supplements to babies below 1 yr old. Maybe after 1 yr is fine. Meanwhile give your baby a lot of natural fish lor. Same mah.

really peifu leh. I have no time to make puree. I think fish contains very high amount of protein as well and it's more "natural" than chicken. almost all of the chicken we eat nowadays are injected with hormones so that's why I'd give Hannah more fish than chicken. when i have my meal with fish dishes, i will usually shred the fish and feed her just like that.
Oh no poor sayang sayang Evangeline. When Hannah had over 39 deg fever, we gave her infant paracetemol and put her in loose clothing plus fan. I also wipe her body with damp cold cloth. And she will be your koala bear. But no rashes so far. I think the rashes can clear up on its own but if you're worried, better contact the PD and ask for advice.

Mrs Alicia See,
I don't dare to give supplements to babies below 1 yr old. Maybe after 1 yr is fine. Meanwhile give your baby a lot of natural fish lor. Same mah.

really peifu leh. I have no time to make puree. I think fish contains very high amount of protein as well and it's more "natural" than chicken. almost all of the chicken we eat nowadays are injected with hormones so that's why I'd give Hannah more fish than chicken. when i have my meal with fish dishes, i will usually shred the fish and feed her just like that.
Gladys, I had the same experience with you before. The nurse was so unfeeling. I regret not doing the sponge bath for her myself.

The nurse just told me to undress her, then after that, she just squeezed a cold towel of water all over my baby. My baby was totally shocked and she cried. She looked at me and screamed for me to carry her, but all I could do was to keep telling her "it's ok, it's ok".. She was shivering and screaming. My heart ached so much...
Sorry fellow <font color="119911"><font size="+1">Ogle</font></font>mamas! Ive been busy with my parties this whole week! Heehee.. so havent really got the time to play forum or to send you girls the higher res montage (but I just did!)
Thanks for waiting! Im so glad u girls like them. I actually have another background and also to include those I havent, will do that later.. do be patient with Aunty Brenda ok.. she's officially 35 years old now le.. hee..

I've sent the higher res montage to: (Nick by Alpha order)Alicia/Angeline/Buttons/Dumpty/edksd/ilovebbs/jerene/j@@n/jRt/Melissa/Melody/Nedlands/Peachie/Pigeon/rexbabie/yuna

If your name is not included, pls PM me with your email addy ok?

As for those <font color="119911">Ogle</font>bbs whom I haven't manage to include, pls email me the pic ok? cos I'm still in my party merry mood and won't be able to check forum frequently! heehee..
Also, I notice there's been a trend of bbs falling sick.. The weather is also doing no good to our babies, hot hot hot! Helping the bacteria to multiply faster!!

<font color="ff0000">I like to highlight these to you mummies while <font size="+1">handling bbs food</font>:</font>

1. Take note of the change of temperature in your fridge/freezer. Try to keep fridge doors close as soon as you open it.

2. Do not place cooked meat nearby to uncooked meat. (like cha sew and raw fish for eg.. or even your frozen pumpkin taken out from freezer place next to uncooked beef) Not even for a minute! Cos bacteria moves in nino-nino seconds! Must be mindful! And watch your helper/MIL who handle the food too, most of the time these people are the ones who introduce bacteria to our bb food as theyre not armed with proper hygiene knowledge!

3. Do not share veg and meat chopping board.

4. Freeze your foods as soon as you puree them

5. Buy meats from the delicatessen counters of the supermarkets; try to avoid buying the OTC ones as theyve been frozen and thawed. If youre buying the OTC ones, make sure its eaten within the next few days (maximum safest I think is 3 days). For the ones u buy off the delicatessens counters, once reach home, chunk the meat to the desired portions, then quickly speedy speedy freeze all the portions.

6. Keep all frozen foods away from the door of the fridge.

7. Avoid keeping cut fresh veg/fruits in the fridge and to be served later. Not say cannot do that, can.. but youll just be allowing the cut veg/fruit to sit in the fridge and to absorb the bacteria in the fridge atmosphere! Say if u cut a pear now, feed half then got the other half but don know what to do with it, JUST EAT IT YOURSELF la! If you absolutely want to keep half the pear and to be fed later, use CLING WRAP to wrap the fruit yahhh..

These are what I can think of la.. if theres more Ill let u girls know again. Pai sei if I sound nagging or even authoritative cos Ive heard some horror stories off some mummies how theyve been handling their bbs foods! In such cases, I rather they use commercial jarred foods which will be so much SAFER than handling raw foods I just want to make sure all our babies stay healthy! Hope you girls dont mind!

<font color="ff0000"><font size="+1">Lets strive to raise happy healthy babies!!</font></font>
OOps! die.. I forgot to include the 2 Lings' <font color="ff0000">Sophie & Amabel</font>! aiya!! I forgot I've got your ogle pics! will do so when I get the minute! sorry!!

As for <font color="ff0000">Orange</font>, I don't see your Cayden's ogle pic le.. did I miss it??
aunty brenda
sophie is sad coz aunty brenda forgot about her so she say you owe her your birthday cake.

bren........ woo hoo! Happy birthday girl!

Btw, what's nino-nino?

I've got a question. So if the food is piping hot, should i leave it to cool down then put into the freezer or put it in straightaway so that it is bacteria free?

Not sure ler.

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Not sure if they will accept my credit card.
But there is alternative of PayPal. Again, will they accept my PayPal (International - Singapore)?
Sayang to those bbs who're sick... quickly recover ok!

I usually just skim through the posts here and look at photos. All the <font color="119911">bb ogres and ogrettes</font> are soooo CUTE! The montage by Brenda is a definite keeper!

<font color="aa00aa">Brenda</font>,
hope it's not too late to say "U look GREAT on the magazine cover!! Very classy!!"

btw, calling all nepians! <font color="0000ff">Nepia co. is currently having a promotion for June!</font> Order 4 packs and pay only $14 each. Usual $15. Promo limited to only 4 packs per customer. If u ask me hor, just use a different no. to order so u can MAXIMISE this offer lah! kekeke...
ling ah ling,
oops, forgot to include: Nepia 62262650

I always find myself hunting high & low for the no. everytime i want to order. Funny how I've never saved it in my HP until recently!

btw, anyone going Motherhood Fair 2moro?? I'm bringing Trinity there in the afternoon. Bbsitter has something on so I've to take half-day leave to take care of T, so thought i may as well visit the Fair
Let me know if u're going!
<font color="0077aa"><font size="+1">Gladys</font></font>, I'd suggest trying to feed Evangeline as much water as possible to let her body flush out the heat and the measles.. give her juice instead of the fruit itself.. give her porridge water if she can't eat.. keep her cool but I'm not comfy with cold showers. Did your PD ask u to give cold showers?

<font color="0077aa"><font size="+1">Smiley/Chocolat</font></font>, just want to let u know that I've got your ogle pics, will include later yah

Smiley, your Clarisse looks different now! but still very sweet!

<font color="0077aa"><font size="+1">Ling-ahh</font></font>, 'nino' is not nino-second that nino meh?? heehee.. did I spell it wrong again? it means half-half a second I think..

Anyway wrt to your qns, yes in good fridge etiquette you're supposed to only keep food into the fridge when the food has been cooled down. This is to avoid spoiling other foods as once u put in something warm/hot, u change the temp in the fridge and this will affect the other foods in the fridge.

So to say, you'll have to leave the warm puree outside first in order to let it cool down, then transfer to freezer. While the puree is cooling down at room temp, bacteria will also harvest. But putting the warm food into the freezer is of a bigger evil if u were to compare.. such is the SET BACK of serving frozen cooked food. So if can help it, best is still to serve freshly cooked ones la..

<font color="ff6000">BB Sophie dear,
Aunty Brenda didn't get cakes la.. only the adult's stuffs like vodka, sparklies and wines. U ask your mummy can feed u these or not la.. heh..</font>
<font color="0077aa"><font size="+1">Ling-ahh</font></font>, I missed out on the last part of your qns.. 'or put it in straightaway so that it is bacteria free?' - putting in into the fridge straighaway, it'll still takes time to cool down right? while cooling down in the fridge, the other foods in fridge will kena! hope this clears :0)
Thanks so much on the list of things to take note while handling the baby food.

Need to clarify on point 4. Freeze your foods as soon as you puree them. I remember, you told me that after puree the food cannot immediately freeze it right cause it is still hot / warm which will affect the freezer right? So must wait until the food is at room temperature then store it in the freezer or fridge.
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Yes. rashes over body should go off themselves. Don't have to be alarm but juz take note that the fever don't persist.

Ask PD for 'suppository' or what we often call the 'bullet' . this is to stuck in anus for fever more than 39 degrees. And this is extremely useful at night when babies' fever tend to go extremely high and we often panick.

But if fever still persist 3 days continuous, have to bring back to PD for checkup. Perhaps PD has to prescribe antibotics to fight the virus.

Yes.. virus all around. sigh!!!! virus virus go away. never ever come again!!!


Thanks for the warning on the medication. My boobies before preggy already quite small. If shrink some more will become concave chested. So die die also cannot take pills now. Ha Ha!
