(2006/09) SEPTEMBER 2006 MTB

<font color="0000ff">Melissa</font>
Auch! Breast abscess sounds super painful.Glad you made it through and still b feeding.

<font color="119911">Peachie</font>
Ya lor, I remembered playing with a stack of wooden building blocks and a one-eyed Teddy Bear over and over for the longest time. Dont even have Barbie, not that I want Barbie as a role model for myself or alexis! But that's besides the point.

<font color="119911">Phoebe</font>
You really CBCO!

<font color="119911">PG</font>
Me too! The first two times I failed because of parallel parking and the third time, I was tested on the other manouvres so I was lucky! Now I can parallel park, if no one is looking :p
Re weaning, my gynae adviced not to use meds to stop, try natural way first. Use meds only if necc. Didnt ask why but I am down to nursing twice a day, once in the morning and once before she sleeps...

<font color="119911">alicia</font>
No problem, hope adele get well real soon, sounds like she had a hard fight what with fever and flu, poor thing...you must be tired too, looking after her. Take care and rest, we will def meet soon!

<font color="119911">Cheekz</font>
I am very impressed. BTW alexis tried the one you rented in JG today and I think she rather enjoyed it. May rent it after I return the exersaucer (due 29 June). I also want to get the bubble machine...you got the toybox to justify buying more toys for rae ann?

<font color="119911">Orange</font>
Good flight and let us know how Cayden's maiden voyage goes, yeah? How long will you guys be there for?

Sorry if not too much trouble can change the size of flying dragon to 18-24M. Thks alot. Can email me the price. I still do not knw how much to transfer to you. Yes, i can wait, pls order the cadendular cream for me.


Yun drink 5oz formular 4x aday. She had cereal for b/f & porridge for dinner. Chubby baby r tedious to carry esp when she Wriggle like a worm.
Hi Phoebe,

You missed out my order of 2 pairs of sandals for Jack and Lily. But it's alright... hehe, think I'll drop my order and buy Bobux from Robinsons. Thanks a million and so sorry for the trouble!
<font color="0000ff">peachie</font>, that brain teaser i heard it long long ago leh hehehehe. but its another version, written as 3 men visited a restaurant and waiter pocketed the $. :p i love brain teasers last time, and a group of us will grill each other with it and i love guessing. actually its the way that qn is phrased. <font color="119911">emma</font>, they forked out $9 x 3 = $27 right? But the bellboy pocketed $2 right? so BY RIGHT, the 3 men is PAYING for the bellboy's "theft", so this $27 INCLUDES the $2. therefore, if you subtract (NOT ADD) it, its $27-$2 = $25. Thats the amt for the room and + $5 change its $30. am i making it more confusing? hehee.

<font color="119911">PG</font> u want more brain teasers ah? okie, here's a quite simple one I recalled from my rusty memory...eerrrr...let me try to recall the qn hahahaa....

<font color="aa00aa">there is a 3 storeys high house. On the ground floor, there are 3 light switches, each controlling one lamp found on each storey (total 3 lamps). there is a man on the ground floor, and he doesn't know which switch leads to which lamp. How does he find out for sure, by going upstairs ONLY ONCE? (He cannot see any upstairs light frm downstairs)</font> hhhhmm....hope i got the qn right coz it sounds kinda funny.

<font color="0000ff">PG</font>, u thinking of using drugs to stop milk flow? i remember someone (i think its melissa) said something very true when we first delivered, or when we still preggie. she said if we use any drugs to articifically stop our natural bodily functions, we do not know what it will do to our body. what if it causes us not to lactate at all, or have problems lactating, in the next pregnancy? that will be very sad.....think i will try to naturally drop pumps to see how it goes.

<font color="ff0000">phoebe</font> wowW! thanks! how did u find those info? hehehe i tell hubby, dunno he keen a not.

<font color="ff6000">orange</font>, thanks orange, J's fever was gone by the next day, but he was still cranky for a few more days. then even now, he is still waking up middle of the night...
boo booo....there goes my sleeping through the night luxury. but fortunately, now he dun wake up for 2 full hours liaoz, he wake up to drink then sleep. i tried just carrying him and patting him when he woke up last night, but few mins later he cried again. anyway, his wt dropped when he not feeling well, so i dun mind just night nursing him until he grows out of it, so he can put on weight (night milk is the fattiest). just hope its not for 2 mths!

<font color="0000ff">nedlands</font> hehehe my 2 bags still drying, have not used yet. i want them to dry FAST! coz my poor Jovann keep kicking off his blanket within 15mins. i feel so cold for him.
<font color="0000ff">peachie</font>, was it you who asked for good driving schools ah??? pity u stay in the north leh, else i wld recc BBDC. i paid for a specific grp of instructors,and they are very good, very meticulous and demanding,but they are fun to be around, so i really enjoyed my lessons. I recc this grp to my friend, and both of us passed 1st time. but hor i seldom drive esp during pregnancy. recently then started driving more. but its been 2 yrs since i passed so now if i rem i prefer putting on my P plate hahahah!
Hi hi...It's me.Hope I am not forgotten here already (cannot blame if that's the case <font size="-2">coz I am so inactive, paiseh)</font>

Just want to check with <font size="+1">mummies who are still nursing their babies</font>.. Currently I am expressing at work 2 times a day, and the combined amount is barely enough for just ONE feed. When I am home after work or during weekends, I will latch baby on. This has been my practice for months I started to go back to work. (Sometimes I am paiseh to tell people I am still bfing my baby because actually it's only enough for one feed a day, heehee)

My question is, do you think it is worth to still keep doing that? Mrs Wong told me before that even one teaspoon of milk has a lot of antibodies etc that is good for baby, but my PD says either I pump more to increase my milk supply (which is tough) or I can slowly give up and wean off.

And recently my baby has one tooth (yes, only one so far) and she has bitten me twice while I latch her on. Should I stop pumping at work now?
hi smiley, it all depends on yourself. what Mrs Wong said is very true, even a little bit of BM is good for babies. BUT BUT thats provided you DON'T mix the BM and FM. feed them in seperate feeds. i heard that by mixing them u negate the good properties of BM in the same bottle. ask yourself, do you want to increase your supply or are you ready to wean off? imagine u wean off oredi, will you miss nursing ur baby badly? i still pump twice at work, but i very KS, still pump before i sleep (abt 1hr after he drinks), and in the morning after he has his fill. so if you are determined to incr supply, why not try pumping in the morning as well?
Anyone going to the Motherhood Exhibition this thur?

Can come back and share any good deals pls. I am not sure if i am going down cos Expo is so inconvenience and far leh.

Thks so much
Hi buttons, actually initally I also have the same thinking as you, i.e. do not mix the FM with BM. But Mrs Wong told me to separate out my EBM into different feed and feed baby with e.g. 2 oz BM, 3 oz FM in one feed and then similiarly for the next feed so that baby will absorb all the good nutrients of the BM without wastage.

She says like drinking birdnest, the body can only absorb so much at one time, so the rest will just be purged out.. So since my milk factory is pte ltd, to prevent wastage, i better separate them into different feeds and mix with FM.

Strange isn't it? I don't know to believe that or not...

How long do you pump each time har? And how much can you pump each time?
smiley, IS IT?! OH I didn't know that. but if Mrs Wong says so, then shld be true? hhhhmmm.... how long in pump ah?? u mean in office? it used to be 1/2 hour, but since now he drinking less one feed, i dun pump so long, just until no more drops i stop. my supply also dropped lah. i used to be able to pump max 260ml in one session, then dropped to 200ml, now hovers betw 140ml - 180ml. i pumped twice so double that. at night, depends on how much he drinks for night feed b4 that, usually pump 15mins, around 100ml. morning hovers betwn 120ml to 220ml. depending on he got druink middle of night a not. supply siao siao one. have u tried taking nursing tea? i take it once a day on days i not having menses...i find it helps. and take one fish meal per day...its good for you anyway.
<font color="0000ff">VIVO CITY COLLECTION</font>

Date: 6/6 (Wed)
Time: 1250pm
Venue: Outside Burger King (opp. Toys R Us)

1. Doreen
2. Peachie
3. M Goh
Buttons, no, I never took any nursing tea before. I took the papaya fish soup before, but have stopped for quite a while already..

I pump around 15 mins in the office each time, and most I can get is around 60-80ml :p Pathetic hor.. heehee...

oh phoebe, congrats to your son winning the 3rd prize
You must be so proud of him!

ive been taking goat's rue to increase my supply. actually it didnt increase much but it does help maintain it i guess? another thing is my son drinks little so my supply just met demand, nothing extra.

could mrs wong means per feed - first feed the BM, then follow by FM, instead of mixing BM w FM into the same bottle???

ur period came alrdy?

tt day someone (oso a bfg mummy) told me her period came and she intend to stop bfg coz period comes means BM not so nutritious alrdy. i was quite puzzled but i didnt hv any facts on hand so i didnt probe further.
edksd, maybe? Dunno leh.. If baby drinks BM, then FM, the two liquids will mix inside the baby's tummy also isn't it? haha...

About trivials, I have another one (quite boliao one though, heehee).. <font color="ff0000">In what situation is 2 bigger than 5, 0 bigger than 2 and 5 bigger than 0?</font>

yup!!! You and buttons shared the same logic to think of it!!! hehe... you very smart leh!


thanks for the lobang on driving schools! Haha, BBDC is really far for me! haiz... will recce around. there is comfort driving school near hougang but i heard that place sucks leh...

about your brain teaser, can he switch on more than once? If yes, he can fiddle around the switches to find out which switch turns on the ground floor light. Then out of the remaining 2, he turns on only 1. Then the one that is switched on upstairs will correspond to the one he turns on.
like this correct or not?


Yours very tough leh... I shall think think during lunch!!!


Not going Motherhood exhibition... haiz
Thinking of bringing Clarence for flu jab this Thursday morning.... Anyone going for flu jab as well??? I asked my PD from Raffles Hosp. He charges $33 for the jab, and an additional $65 for consultation! Wah, like this will cost me $98!!!

So I went to look around, and realised that shenton medical (done by a GP) does flu vaccination for babies.....need to take 2 doses one month apart, but each time only take half the dose of an adult. $30 each time, and no consultation charges. Same for adult. So mommy and baby will be jabbed on Thursday! Hopefully the GP will be gentle!
Talking about supplements for BM.

I still have an unopened bottle for GNC Fenegreek and Motherlove's More Milk Plus, and a tube of Medela Purelan. Any Sep mummies would like to have them?
Hi Phoebe

Do you have another collection on Thursday?

I can't make it 2mlr... got a farewell lunch to attend which I am unable to change.
I just received this mail. Have fun reading.

The Mommy Test

I was out walking with my 4 year old daughter. She picked up something off the ground and tarted to put it in her mouth. I took the item away from her and I asked her not to do that. "Why?" my daughter asked.

"Because it's been on the ground, you don't know where it's been, it's dirty and probably has germs" I replied. At this point, my daughter looked at me with total admiration and asked, "Mommy, how do you know all this stuff? You are so smart." I was thinking quickly.

"All moms know this stuff. It's on the Mommy Test. You have to know it, or they don't let you be a Mommy." We walked along in silence for 2 or 3 minutes, but she was evidently pondering this new information. "OH...I get it!" she beamed, "So if you don't pass the test you have to be the daddy."

"Exactly" I replied back with a big smile on my face.
The brain teasers are really waking me up abit in this sleepy afternoon in office!! hee

Buttons, to your brain teaser...
The man switch on 1 switch. Wait 15 minutes. Turn it off and turn ON another switch and go up. The switch that is ON, bulb will light up.The switch that is OFF will be the one with no light.The switch that was intially On and Off after 15 minutes will be the one that feels hot.
<font color="ff0000">VIVO CITY COLLECTION</font>

Some mummies cannot make it tomorrow (6/6)
How about Thursday (7/6)? Can make it for everyone?

Time: 1250pm
Venue: Outside Burger King (opp. Toys R Us)

1. Doreen - Wed. Thur can?
2. Peachie - Wed. Thur can? <font color="ff0000">-$19.02</font>
3. M Goh - Wed. Thur can? <font color="ff0000">$16.65</font>
4. ilovebabies - Thur
5. Sha - Thur
6. emoments - Thur <font color="ff0000">$9.79</font>
Brenda, that is soooo NICE....! Can add Clarisse in please? (If it's not too much trouble)
Will email you if you are ok coz I have trouble re-sizing.. :p
buttons and PG,
buttons you cute lah you, trying to recall brain teasers, my old posts and all that hahaha. luckily you recalled correctly. i am quite bias against western medicine b'cos it's all synthetic and processed and they tend to treat symptoms other than the sickness itself. i find that traditional medicine like TCM, jamu or ayurveda makes more sense. also, last time, older people are less sick and naturally too poor to afford western medicine but they don't have health hiccups like us. i guess that's why i don't recommend taking painkillers or any artificial support to alter natural bodily function. it may not give harmful effect now but in future, it could. it's actually quite easy to wean. once u reduce pumping or reduce frequency, ur milk supply already drop, once drop, sure can dry up. Have faith in your body system, it's actually self-regulating and more intelligent than u think it is.

i express twice also enough for 1 feed. you and me sama sama lah. but i also believe that little BM is better than no BM at all. To stop BF or not is really your call leh. I am waiting for the day i don't have to pump but not now and not this year.

and that birdnest concept, kinda make sense to me leh. i mean, if we overeat oso we can shit the rest out, means the body will reject any substance it doesn't need anymore, hence we excrete. so can try... can try!

you mean you still haven't got your period ah?

bbdc cut throat lah. put extra compulsory courses inside purposely to make us spend more money on their lessons. khaark puiiiii! but i got my driving license from there lah hehehee. hey so early can take flu jab already?? i recently took the chicken pox jab. once Hannah is ready, i will send her for the chicken pox jab too. i never kanna chicken pox before lah so i scared! haha.

mrs luk,
nowadays if i read mommy jokes or mommy stories i can cry leh. i dunno know why. i guess bring a mommy means so much to me. i tried hard to have Hannah liao. so when she's here i feel like life is complete. thanks for sharing that joke.

wow so beautiful!!!!!! i will pm you my email address so that you can send to me liao!!!

The pretty montage wake me up instantly from the boring afternoon.... Excellent work!! Can't stop goggling over d cutie babies hehehe
<font size="+1">brenda</font>

thanks! tts so cute with all the ogre babies!

<font size="+1">melissa</font>

yes, me no period yet leh. how? is it abnormal?
<font color="119911">Melissa</font>, In a way, I am glad that I have found someone like me, who still express but only enough for one feed. Coz in a way, I always think that although I claim to be still breastfeeding my baby, but in actual fact, it's enough for one feed only, so I am thinking am I deluding others as well as myself??

<font color="ff6000">edksd</font>, I think it is normal and very lucky that your menses have not come yet while you are still breastfeeding. I think I recall hearing that if your menses come, it just means that the mother is more fertile again.. heehee...
<font size="+2"><font color="119911">BRENDA!!</font></font>
OMG! That is super super super cute!

<font color="ff0000">*clap*clap*clap*</font>

I'm going to put that on DN's blog! So funny! Some ears are up, some down, some stick out sideways, some are on backwards... hilarious! And all the babies are so cute!!!!

I've never seen a cuter bunch of ogres!

<font size="-2">... and I cannot stop using exclamation marks!</font>

Can u send me the big big file?

That is so GORGEOUS!!!! How I wish my company allows wall paper!! and I think if it's possible to blow this up and put it on the wall..how nice it would be!!
it's already my office wall paper liao!!! haha but i got 20" lcd screen leh. not enough to cover all! brenda don't forget to email me the big big picture!!!

no worries, you're normal. it simply means you still have high prolactin levels and your body is not fertile. good lor. i got my period when Hannah is 6 months old. all b'cos i was on non-BF-friendly antibiotics so can't BF her for one week. pump and throw oso not the same. think my body too smart lah, cannot trick it.

yeah that's called partial breastfeeding lor. like you, in the mornings and nights and weekend including public holidays i fully latch her. no fm on those time. she's only on 1 FM every working days. the rest is solids or BM. i still consider myself breastfeeding b'cos if u ask me to show proof, i can press my neneh, got milk come out.. hahaha. dunno a better way to describe it.
Smiley & Melissa,

I join your gang lah.. hehe.. i was also giving 1 feed of FM last time on weekdays.. but now starting to get lazy and want to cut off my supply,

especially with heavy travelling schedule.. really not fun to sit in airplane toilet EVERYTIME i fly.. i want to ask if i buy toilet seat can cheaper or not!!!

So Jadelle drinks 8 oz of FM a day.. (i trying to replace my night feed with FM..), even on weekends, though i could have latch on lah.. i top her up with 8 oz in between latching... so can allow my milk to drop slowly..

<font color="ff6000">Orange...</font>,
ya, me back from bkk, this trip, i really top all my bkk shopping sprees in terms of per hour expenditure.. 4 hrs to shop, i spend 500 sgd ok.. and only at platinum plaza..geez..
<font color="ff0000">jasmine</font>! Yes, I remember you are in the same gang as me.. i.e. our baby will scream and cry if not nurse to sleep right? Heehee... I am still struggling to wake up to latch her on every middle of the night... how about you??

haha.. you and Melissa are so humourous... I laugh in front of my PC about "the proof" and the "toilet seat".. haha!

<font color="119911">Peachie</font>,my hubby has a short and sweet answer to the teaser..

Bellboy keeps $2.
Man-Behind-Desk keeps $25
3 Men keeps $3 (ie Each $1)
Total is $30, no missing $1!!!
Hi Phoebe

I have just transferred $$ to you.. please check.

Transaction Reference: 1206468259

Sorry, took so long to pay you *paiseh*
has anyone tried pureed meat alrdy?

is it tasty??? do u always mix vege when pureeing the meat coz it may be quite dry???
My hero! I got like only about half correct!

Thanks for the beautiful montage, what a lot of efforts! I must find one day and learn from you how to do this...how was your surprise trip??

<font color="0000ff">Buttons</font>
So what the answer for your teaser? My answer is same of Peachie's. Is that correct? But Chocolat's anwers sounds very logical too.

<font color="0000ff">Buttons, Melissa</font>
On weaning, I don't plan to take medication. I'm one who likes natural remedy too. In fact whenever I'm down with flu, I always go to the doctor for the MC but throw away the medicine and allow the body to recovery by itself. Hopefully I won't need to resort to medication during the weaning.

<font color="0000ff">Smiley</font>
My two cents worth. If you still latch on your baby and you enjoy it, you should continue to breastfeed. It not just about feeding your child, its also about bonding with her.

On biting, I always say "Ouch" loudly to let my baby know that she's hurting me when she does it. She kinda of stop biting already. My baby handbook says that babies tend to bite a little when they end their feed so if you know that the feed is ending, you can unlatch first before she bits.

<font color="0000ff">Brenda</font>
Wow! Your latest collage is very nice! Can you send me the big file too?

<font color="0000ff">Jerene</font>
Cracking the excel file is a lot easier than cracking my head for answers. Hee hee!
