(2006/09) SEPTEMBER 2006 MTB

<font color="119911">Aunt Brenda!</font>
Did you miss me out in OGREbaby?

<font color="119911">Brenda</font>
Only SCV remote eh? Shows Arianne has selective taste mah...alexis goes for EVERYTHING, very tam sim!

<font color="119911">J@@N</font>
Yup, PD did the 6-month milestone check albeit too quickly (over before I realised it) but when I checked her health booklet, almost everything is ticked and signed so should be okay...thanks!

<font color="119911">Peachie</font>
Will do for sure. Looking forward to it, fingers xxx we can make it...btw, in the final photo, is that a stacking boat in Clarence's left hand??

<font color="119911">Phoebe</font>
Congratulations, your son has shown he has the making of a winner at 8months! So what does third prize consists of (in addition to a trophy)? A year supply of diapers? A year supply of FM?

<font color="119911">Dumpty</font>
Gabreil appeared to have many teeth?! Mine has 4 out and you can see the fifth one straining to get out...two days ago while nursing, she bite me so hard I yelped super loud, hubby came running into room asking what happened!

hehehee, u so funny! yes, u r right on!
the cuttlefish dish comes wif kang kong and not spinach. in fact, unless u eat at zi char stall, none of the dishes outside serves puay leng usually. oh yes, this veggie oso appears during some wedding dinners... it comes wif mushrooms. satay beehoon oso comes wif kang kong lah. eh, so wats the difference wif satay bee hoon & ur 'Ju-He-Eng-Chye' dish ah? anyway i dun eat both so dunno the difference except they both come wif satay paste? :p
hahaha, feed ur family the wrong veggie is fine wat! its still veggie. i had cravings 4 puay leng tt i actually bot a whole bunch fr the wet market while i picked up R's fish and fry the veggie for lunch! yum yum! while i wun say mine tasted great, i felt great eating my own fried puay leng lah! kekekeke...
oh yah! brenda said it, it contains alot of pesticides coz alot of worms like to 'attack' this veggie. (i think its sthg like tt lah! Peachie/buttons, pls verify!)

issit coz the SCV remote is more colourful? R will purposely chase aft those things tt he is not supposed to, when he has a thousand and one stuff lying in front of him to play wif!

i noe it will make them cranky when they need to wait etc. and i noe my R has a habit of sleeping at times when he shldnt b, so i was hesistant to bring him there. ur J is much more cooperative than R. so was Jo's Kelicia in the same team as J?

i dunno why din R try to remove his headband... but he was tryg to remove my niece one as i took the shots of them together. it was so funny...

i haven gone to get the sleeping bags yet... hahaha, yah the sizes for boys seem to fly off faster... i get v frsutrated too, esp when i finally found sthg i wan and realised there is no size 4 R!!!! bbbrrggghhh!!! and i end up spending time searching 4 clothes 2 get 4 my niece instead. girls clothes r sooo irrestible!!!
i haven bot any pairs of shoes coz i prefer to let R wear socks 4 now. since i sling him most times we go out, it will probably b uncomfortable 4 me and him to hv his shoes stuck inside my sling (but of coz can remove it lah)> will wait till he can walk then will get him shoes. by then i think u and buttons hv a shoe wardrobe all ready 4 ur boys! hahahaha
Hi Jerene,

You have eyes of a hawk!!! keke... Nope, those are not stacking boats.... That is part of his bath toys. The one on the left is a hippo (from playskool), the one on the right is a boat (from mothercare). Both have holes on them such that water will come gushing out from the holes whenever they are inverted. They are his favorite toys rite now....

Anyway, hope to see u on Friday! Bring little Alexis along leh...


Huh, you haven't gotten the sleeping bags ah??? Probably gone by now lah... You know Singaporeans.... shopping is a national pasttime leh...

Yup, I always land up looking at girls clothes cos they are sooooo nice and tempting!!! And whenever there is a sale, boys' stuffs always disappear first!
Why you should pump at least twice at work

Hello breastfeeding mummies! Just recovered from blocked ducts. It was so bad that I have get a lactation consultant in private practice to come to my house on Thursday to help clear it. The LC suggested for me pump twice at work from now onwards so as to avoid getting blocked ducts again.
<font color="aa00aa">peachie</font>
the bobux shoes new designs or not?

<font color="aa00aa">jerene</font>
by participating, each contestant gets a goodie bag - 1 tin of Mamil Gold Step 2, 2 pc of diaper, 1 pack of small wipe, 2 bibs, 1 toy, 1 set of flash card, 1 milk bottle

for javier's win, he rec'd a trophy and a gift hamper. havent open up yet. but can see got:
- 1 toy stacker
- 1 pack of diaper (10s)
- 1 portable fan
- 2 pks of wipes
- 1 pk of bib
- 2 milk bottles
- 1 coloring set
- others that i cannot see

dont have such good prizes of 1 yr supply of milk powder or diapers. heehee.

<font color="aa00aa">jrt</font>
i was lucky that J didnt fall asleep.
at 1 point, he was tired and started yawning and getting abit grouchy. so i gave him milk. he finished off and became awake again. heng!!

jo's kelicia was crawling in another group. she got a good start. but stopped crawling and then sat there. the parents tried hard to tempt her to crawl but failed.
<font color="0000ff">Hello Phoebe</font>
Congrats to Javier on winning 3rd prize! Hope this is the first to many many more

<font color="0000ff">Emma</font>
Sorry to hear about Enzo's illness. When his appetite improves after the illness, feed him gao gao (enough enough) so he'll be chub chub again ok? Will be praying for him.

<font color="0000ff">Peachie</font>
I love your NG shots of Clarence. Really shows how hard it is to get a baby to cooperate. Hee hee.

<font color="0000ff">REMOTE CONTROL</font>
Brenda, Chloe loves the SCV remote control too! However she likes our TV remote control better because its bigger and more colourful. Her eyes really light up when she spots it. Sometimes she'll hold the tv control on one hand and the scv control in the other. So greedy hor!
<font color="119911">Peachie</font>
alexis has the same (or similar) yellow boat bath toy (not from mothercare though) but i called it stacking boat as it comes 4 in a pack, all stacked up, and besides yellow, the other 3 primary colors are there.
her fav bath/swim toys should still be her rubber duckies, a mother duck with 4 ducklings.

<font color="119911">Phoebe</font>
Not bad for a few mins work!

<font color="119911">PG</font>
Hope all is well now, take care and rest well. The pain is excruciating, isnt it? Which LC did you use?
so sorry to hear about Enzo. Hope he gets well soon.

My PD recommended the hep blood test too. But since T was due for the flight back the same day, I put it off till her 1 year check, since its an optional test.
<font color="119911">Jerene</font>
Ya lor! Very painful. Cannot sleeps well at night. The LC's name is Betty. She's a lot more gentle than other LCs I've encountered. Many of her clients are Jap nursing mothers. If you need her service next time (hopefully never
) you can call her hp 98330170.
Congrats to Javier.Hehe! me didn't get to enrol Amabel in the contest cos hubby find it too far. Lazy to go. Haha...

Sorry to hear about Enzo's illness. Sayang sayang Enzo. Hope he can faster recover and give his Mommy and Daddy a cheerful smile.
<font color="0000ff">pigeon,</font>
oh no...
that's awful. i can't even start to imagine how painful it must be for you!
But glad to hear that it's over then. Hmm... but, does this mean that when you want to wean Chloe off BM, u've gotta take medication for it? Coz my mom told me just reduce the number of pumps and it will naturally "disappear".

<font color="119911">peachie,</font>
Actually, I bought 2 sleeping bags for DN a coupla months back, but both didn't work out well coz they turned out to be too thick and he was sweating in the bag! Is the motherswork one made of light cotton? Thanks for the info abt the vege!

Hee hee hee... ur driving story reminds me of mine! I kenah immediate failure on the 2nd try
because I <font size="-2">almost knocked a driving instructor down</font>
But he shouldn't have just dashed across the road right! I mean, hello! Aren't you supposed to set a good example??!! (this is called hao lian!) My tester had to pull the handbrake coz I didn't know what to do.
Hahaha... thank goodness I didn't pass then coz I would have been a hazard on the road.
But I am a good driver now, I promise!

<font color="aa00aa">angeline,</font>
Thanks for the info! Actually, I am quite miffed about the way my clinic handled that blood test thingy. They didn't offer any explanation, didn't say it was optional, just asked us to quickly get the test done before 1pm coz there was a surcharge after 1pm. So, being the cheapos we are, we quickly rushed to get it done without asking any questions.
Take test already then start asking questions! I think I should knock myself on the head, hee hee hee...

<font color="ff0000">dumpty,</font>
OH MY GOODNESS! I see 3 teeth! Alamak, cute lah.

<font color="ff6000">phoebe,</font>
Yes! U're right! It's either the remote controls or the handphone. I was telling PF, we should just go buy a cheapo remote control and let him pushpresslickdropthrowbang as much as he wants!

Bye bye mommies, happy chatting! It's back to work for me.
Long time never post, very busy with work.

Glad that Enzo start to recover. Feed him more water to relief the sore throat? Agree we shouldn't bring bb to crowded place recently. Jacqueline should have her 9 months check up Saturday, but I canceled after heard many bbs fell sick recently. But also becoz according to the healthy booklet, she passed almost everything.

My Jacqueline also love the scv remote control only. Guess becoz that is the remote our adult used most frequently. And she know how to mute the TV! Think she fed up with what we are watching.

Congrats on Javier's winning! He got his first trophy in the life! Think more and more are coming!
BTW, want to transfer to you for brainy bb vcd, but seems dbs internet banking is down, will transfer to you later.
Estimation of Yun ht & wt.

1) Brenda's Arianne - 8mths4wks (DOB 04Sep06) - 9.3kg/71cm
2) E-Ling's Amabel - 9mths6days (DOB 21Aug06) - 6.6kg/70cm
3) Melissa's Hannah - 8mths2wks (DOB 14Sep06) - 7.6kg/66cm
4) Angeline's Trinity - 8mth1wk (DOB 19Sep06) - 7.8kg/68cm
5) Emma's Enzo - 8 mths 4 wks (D.O.B 060906) - 8.6kg/72cm
6) Edksd's Kai - 8mths2wks (DOB 12Sep06) - 7.6kg/duno height
7) Jasmine's Jadelle - 8 months 4 weeks (DOB03092006) - 8.2kg/ dunno height!
8) Peachie's Clarence - 9 months (D.O.B 31 Aug 2006) - 7.7kg/ 72.5cm (based on PD's visit last month)
9) Crystallized's Reubern - 8 mths (DOB 29 Sep 06) - 8.5kg/ ?? cm
10) BM's Johannah - 8 mth 4 wk (D.O.B 04 sept 2006) - 8.9kg/ 74cm
11) jerene's alexis - 8mth 4days (DOB 27 Sept06) - almost 9kg / almost 71cm
12) Alicia's Adele - 8mth 2 wks (DOB 15 Sep 06) - 6.5kg / 65cm
13) Jamie's Chloe - 8mths 1 wk (DOB 20 Sep 06) - 8.2kg / ?? cm
14) LU QI - 8mths 3 wk (DOB 6 sep 06) - 7.8kg /??cm
15) Rexbabie's Megan - 8 mths 1 week (DOB 220906) - 8.3kg/71cm
16) Ling's Sophie - 8 mths 1 week (DOB 25 Sept 06) - 6.7kg/68cm
17) Daisybuttons's Jovann - 8 mths 1 week (DOB 18 Sept 06) - 8.5kg/??cm
18) Joon's DN - 9 mths (DOB 2 Sept 06) - 8.1kg/67cm
19) Gladys' Evangeline - 8mths 1week (DOB 22 Sep 06) - 7.8kg/68cm
20) Phoebe's Javier - 8mth 1wk (DOB 27 Sep 06) - 9kg / est. 72cm
21) Melody's Yun - 8mth 2 wks (DOB 16 Sep 06) - 9kg / 72 cm

Aiyo, I dun knw why yun is very cranky tis two days. Really like a monster since we jst got her d orgre headband. No sign of teething, no fever, jst keep screaming.

Hi Phoebe,

Congrats to little Javier!!! He must be a very proficient crawler! hehe, I burst out laughing when I saw that you've brought the remote controller! That is such a bright idea!

Actually I have not been looking at Bobux shoes all this while, so not sure if there are new designs leh. But the Robinsons promotion started since Vesak day, and yesterday was already the fourth and last day... so the designs which I liked have disappeared for baby boys. As Clarence perspires easily, I was looking for shoes that have ventilation holes (yup, the bigger the better!), rather than for shoes with cute designs. But those with ventilation holes were only left with pink, fuchsia, violet colors.... how to buy???!! So in the end got 2 black colour ones (one with Tiger face, the other with a star and rocket) such that they can withstand dirt and grime better.


Actually I prefer to let Clarence remain bare-footed all day, but lately he has started to cruise around (by holding onto furniture and to our hands). So we started to wear shoes for him whenever we go out in case he wants to get down and walk around. Haiz, so have to get the Bobux while waiting for the Jack and Lily shoes to come. Bobux is very comfy!!! In fact I realised that he can walk much faster with shoes on!!!

Hi Jerene,

Your stacking boats sound cool! Hehe, all our babies have their own bath toys yah? Kids these days are so lucky!!! I have only 2 toys when I was a kid!

Hi Pigeon,

Oh no!!! So sorry to hear about your blocked ducts! They must have been really painful!!!

Yup, it is darned hard to get a decent photo!!! Haiz.... Gone were the days when they will quietly lie there and let you snap away!!!
Sorry to hear that little ENZO is sick. Yes, alot of kids got sick lately. The weather to be blame.

Don't worry about him not drinking milk. Reason being, he is sick, loss of appetite (juz like adults). Most importantly, feed him with lots of water. Normally, they will drink becos of discomfort. U can also put less milk powder into the usual ml of water that you make for him. Diluting it , i mean. Less heaty and allowing him more fluid.

Antibotics will make him feel better becos they are there to help fight the virus away. As long he no longer got fever, should be fine. Give him about 7-10 days for recover and he will be the usual bubbly Enzo again.

U take care at the same time becos your health is equally impt.
Wishing all sick babies a speedy recovery

Mummies too take care as I can understand we will be very tire from waking up in d middle nite. Therefore, mummies too drink more water & stay healthy than can take care of our little ones.


Hope u r better now. Yes, it better to keep to at least two pump if u still intend to bf. Me have given up already.
<font color="0000ff">phoebe</font>, I so sad leh. I registered for the contest you know. but as Jovann was sick on Tue, Wed, hubby refused to let me bring him to the contest on sunday.
so i missed all this things loh. it was something I wanted to bring him to since he is still inside my tummy. but misss it.
i so sad lah, but bo bian loh coz he just recovered mah. NEXT TIME GOT SUCH CONTEST CAN YOU PLS LET ME KNOW AGAIN PLS? how often do they hold it?

so proud of him.

<font color="ff0000">alarm clock/timer</font>, funnily, Jovann's favroutie enticer is our small little white alarm clock/timer that i keep it on the bedside. for some funny reasons, he love it. and his eyes will always zoom in on it and will move very hard to reach it. sigh..but too bad, i din go to the contest lah.

<font color="0000ff">peachie and nedlands</font>, i got my sleeping bag oredi! sorry, shld be sleeping bagSSSS! hehehe, i got both the free one and a $49 +20% off one from living textiles with rabbit/bunny patterns that is same collection as Jovann's blanket. i was undecided which one to get, so ask hubby who surprisingly said get both! hahahaa. thanks so much peachie. joon, u getting one?

<font color="ff0000">Kindermusik</font>. Mommies who didn't get my mail on Kindermusik trial, can you PM me pls? I am organising a trial but I do not have ALL your email addys. Thanks!
<font color="0000ff">emma</font>, poor little enzo, sayang sayang his throat. must be so painful for you and him to hear him cry like that. hope he recovers REAL SOON. jia you Enzo!

<font color="aa00aa">joon</font>, sorry missed ur post on ur question on sleeping bag. oh, precious babe is the first website I look for leh, coz i am also a member.
but the boys design oredi dun have those bigger than 6mths wor. only the girls designs have, thats why i posted for help. also searched pang bao bao, same thing, no size. and yes these are thicker. the motherswork ones like what peachie said, comes with TOG rating. mine is 0.2 to 0.5, or something like that. and its for 24-27degrees temp. i let him sleep in 24degrees room temp, so just right. its thinner than those on preciousbabe and pbb.
i hope Jovan is feeling better. That is awful. Hannah once had fever over 39. She's hot all over but she's not teething. Still bogay. Dunno why, we also gave her infant panadol and lots and lots of BM and cuddles.

oh no i ache for Enzo. How is he now? Do you think that Enzo can take lemon and honey drink? I sometimes give very diluted honey drink to Hannah when she is coughing.

i wish i could pump twice too but i really can't! there's just so much work and sometimes even pumping gives me a lot of stress. i need to pump for half an hour just to get my desired amount of 6oz a day! if less, i will stress liao! u kanna blocked ducts, i kanna breast abscess before. very painful. i went to Mrs Wong at TMC. she was very, very helpful and likes children very much.

remote control and handphones,
haha these are Hannah's favorite playthings too! she will scream as loud as she can if these things are taken away from her. must enter her into singapore idol one day b'cos of her powderful lungs! hahaha.

sleeping bags,
alamak, you guys are starting on it? i just kept and put away hannah's sleeping bags b'cos it's restricting her ability to stand. eversince she learnt to stand, we kept away that thing. mine was a cheapo one, got it from Kidz Mall at $17 only. but it's very useful i bought it as a gift for a colleague who just gave birth.

i am still anxiously waiting for the OGRE montage! looks like we have plenty of submission for that one. can fit into one montage picture or not??? or should we have a part 1 and part 2? are you and arianne on the cover of M&B this month? i didn't know leh!!! i was reading that mag for a month and when i look at the baby, it looks like Arianne! haizz blur, hardly have time to read the forum everyday.

hey congrats to baby javier!!!

9 months checkup,
should i send Hannah for that checkup when she just reached 9 months or wait till she's halfway through 9 months or what? must wait long long for queue number or must wait for appointment? first time sending her to polyclinic. dowan to visit PD already, too expensive.
hey emma,

sayang enzo for me ok? understand how u feel manz,

Sigh, i brought Jadelle out for a wedding lunch @ goodwood park on sat. then i discover she started sneezing.. Alarmed, i went back immediately.. and confined ourselves @ home since so she can get her full naps.. she developed a mild fever last night and her nose was dripping and sore from rubbing (think it is blocked nose too!). Woke up a couple of times at night, crying, cos of her stuffy nose.

Very Koala bear now too.. only want me to carry and want to latch and latch all the time..

Think really flu & cough season.. mummies, do take care too ok? Already, i feeling abit Flu-y!
oh another baby sick!!!

sayang sayang jadelle for me ok! yeah give her plenty of naps if you can. i find that babies nap longer and better if you nap with her. my Hannah is a very bad napper, only managed 30 mins longest but when i'm napping beside her, she will wake up after 30 mins, see me sleep, she will attempt to go to sleep again and napped for another 1 hour after that! i just read that napping can build-up their immunity again. and plenty of laughs too!
oh dear....so many sick babies...sayang. wishing all the babies speedy recovery and the mommies in the pink of health to take care of the little ones
Hey mommies.. thanx for ur sayangs.. Enzo is much better now.. no more fever... doesnt wanna drink milk but wants to eat cereal... btw, is plain rice cereal heaty???

melissa.. enzo doesnt drink anything sweet/flavoured leh.. his nanny tried feeding him honey but he rejected.. my mother boiled barley he also rejected..
but luckily he's drinking alot of his favourite plain water.. so hope that'll make his throat feel better...

phoebe.. congrats!!!! Enzo loves remotes too!!! but even with the remote in is face, i dun think he can crawl fast enough to win anything.. hehe.. good job javier..
and btw.. which jo did u meet at the competition?

jas.. sayang sayang jadelle.. i understand... enzo is my koala also... luckily he can koala on his nanny.. if not i jia lart... hope jadelle recovers soon too...
<font color="0000ff">Buttons, JRT n Brenda, Thanks for the compliments on Adele!
But her mozzit bite very obvious hor. Hate those mosquitoes man!</font>

<font color="aa00aa">Buttons n Emma</font>, So sorry to hear that Jovann and Enzo are sick. Glad to know that they are both recovering well now. Adele was also sick. She was scheduled to take her 2nd dose of Pneuvar jab on Wed but she came down with flu that morning and when I brought her to the PD, she had to postpone her jab till she fully recover. On Vesak day the next day, she had fever in the morning which measured 38.7 degrees! Quickly fed her paracetemol n the fever subsided. But the fever came back again in the afternoon. Called her PD immediately for advice as dengue fever is on the rise now and Adele has got 3 mozzit bites on her face. Was told to monitor for the next 2 days again. Her fever seems to come and go over the next couple of days at around 37.5 to 38 degrees. Fortunately, it went back to normal yest if not hubby said must bring her to the 24 hour clinic at Thomson Medical to check again. So scary nowadays with so many virus around. Gotta think twice before bringing her out now.

<font color="119911">Jerene</font>, Sure, would love to meet up with you together with Jaime soon. But I guess gotta wait till Adele fully recovers first. Will sms you again to arrange!

I only got to know that Enzo was sick when i saw your msn. and while i was typing away, your hubby replied me !! haha.. I hope you are well too since i didnt see you online

hey, i was at the zoo on thursday as well !! I saw lots of babies and was hoping to see some familiar faces. I went around 9am and left arond 12.30pm . how about you?

hope you managed to shop in bkk last friday
And hope Jadalle is getting better as well.

Buttons, hope Jovann is feeling better and the fever has stopped. My PD also told me that teething should not cause fever. Cayden didnt had fever when he was teething but he was unusual cranky for about 1 week though.

re: remote control
well, i think all babies love remote control. Cayden will grab the remote, pressed and turn to stare at the TV !! hahaaa.. so funnie

Am going to bring Cayden to Penang next monday. Hope he will behave well onboard !

Congrats to little Javier !! he looks so proud with the trophy !! hehee..

BTW, I will be in office tomorrow. Can i pick up my ON stuffs from you? Do Pm me your mobile okie. Thanks

Pony, i will try to drop off the pant to you as well . will sms you
Dear Moms,

A brain teaser for the afternoon!!! I dunno the answer myself. Anyone who knows share share hor...





<font color="aa00aa">BIG hugs to all the babies who are under weather...hope the cuties will recover soon! Must be really hard on the mummies to see their lil ones sick...sayang, sayang all the lil darlings...</font>

<font color="ff0000">brenda</font>
i've got the ogre ears but rae ann won't let me put it on her head long enuff for a good pic...i'll try again and see how later!

all the ogre babies are sOOOOOOOOOOOOOO cute!

<font color="ff0000">Pigeon</font>
hey, betty was my LC too! she's actually my mum's friend and she was soooooooooo kind...offered to visit me after i came back from hospital to teach me to B-feed...also taught us how to bathe rae ann coz we were soooooooooooooo dum-dum....

yup, she's real nice! she's got a degree leh...so she's very pro and knowledgeable...

<font color="0077aa"><font size="+2">TOYS!!!</font></font>

taking over from our official toy promoter, PEACHIE...

i'd like to share with the mummies here some cool toys i saw @ toys r us...

rae ann loves bubbles! but the ELC bubble machine abit ex @ $50 so i was thrilled to buy this @ $12.95 yesterday...orginal price was $29.95...i think its great for kids parties....


i thought this toybox is cute oso..coz original price is $159.95 now is $69.95!!!

for those who have lots of space in their house, can consider getting these toy cars...cheap deal!

this one is $99.95, original was $169.95, from 3 years onwards....


this one was $139.95, now is $79.95!!! btw, i rented this before for $26 a month and i LOVE it! the lil "boot" space in front can hold ur wallet, phone, ur babies' water bottle and also a snack! big boot space! from 9mths to 3 years...too bad my house is too small to keep such big toys...hubby won't let me buy!

AND, and...if u haf a house with a garden...u can buy this sandbox...@$49.95....

cool hor? but i cannot buy lah...infront of my house can only put slippers!

anyways, another thing i think is good and useful but haven't taken a good look yet is this sun shade...

i think its good for the beach, right? or picnics @ botanic garden?

i'm going to buy this later when hubby gets home...its only $14.95...

Any mummies keen to buy any of the above? Pls sms me, okie?

i'm going to toys r us tampines mall later to buy the sun shade so i can help u "reserve" or buy the stuff!
Gosh Cheekz,

You are the ultimate!!!
Too bad me feeling poor this month, so no more toys for Clarence!

Happy shopping yah? Looking forward to meeting you this Fri!

3 men paid $9 x 3 = $27

take away the $2 bellboy kept, it's $25.

so the room is $25 - correct!

the qn is tricky as it still makes u think the room is $30.
edksd.. but how do u justify that when they started out, they paid $30 mah.. so after beind refunded, how come $1 went missing from the picture??? (hope u dun find me confrontational.. i am juz super curious where the $1 went.. hehe)

cheekz.. the bubbles machine v worth buying... did u see any children laptop on sale? wanna buy one for enzo to cheer him up... he's been wanting so much to play with this laptop.. lol.. so thought it would be good he has one himself...

orange.. ya... me using my hub's laptop.. lent mine to my dad... forgot to log off msn.. paiseh... enzo is better liao.. thanx... so glad this episode is finally over.... oh btw.. his first tooth finally popped!!! woo hoo!!!!
also, would u like me to the nail polishes to phoebe? so u can collect from her tmr?

I am baack!!! hehe...

Yup, I share Emma's sentiments leh.
Sorry yah? The $1 still missing leh! I was posed this question during lunch today, and it bugged me till now! Cannot take it.

Anyway, I forwarded the same question 10 mins ago to my little sister who is cramming for finals in US, and she just came back with the following reply in less than a minute...

"...wrong, the $27 the men paid includes the $2 kept by the bellboy.
It should be $27 for the room + $3 to the men, = $30."

Okie, no more killing of brain cells! I am really getting old and senile!
<font color="ff0000">daisybutton</font>
dont worry. still got more baby contest for jovann to participate!!

<font color="0000ff">1. Nanyang Baby Show 2007</font>
60 JURONG WEST ST 91, Singapore 649040

Nanyang Baby Show 2007 for the following age groups: 1) Group B: (7 to 12 months) Children born between 24/11/06 to 25/06/06

24-Jun-07 (Sun)

24-Jun-07 (Sun) 09:00 AM - 01:00 PM

<font color="0000ff">2. YEW TEE BABY SHOW 2007 </font>

Babies will be assessed based on the number of immunisation since birth, physical development, overall development (motor skills, sensory, personal, social skills, responsiveness to people), etc.

15-Jul-07 (Sun) 09:00 AM - 12:30 PM

<font color="ff0000">joon</font> you can participate this one. near you.

<font color="0000ff">Whampoa CC Baby Show 2007</font>

05-Aug-07 (Sun)

SUNDAY 09:00 AM - 12:00 PM
emma, the items at my place at bt batok (next to swimming complex)
will be home around 830-9pm.
can collect after that.

spreadsheet at home. so not sure how much. will sms you later.
peachie.. ur sis is so brainy... so cool.. but i still blur.. muahahahhaa... imagine i drop out for one semester alr lidat liaoz... think i better start going back to sch next sem.. muahahaha...
I okie.....hehehe
Actually I was afraid I will miss ur collection again so am reading every sentence who knows its at the end of the posts......kekeke
btw I need something else so I PM u k.
Hi Phoebe,
I am a July mum, I happen to come into this thread and saw ur post on the YEW TEE BABY SHOW 2007, do you hv the address of this baby show?
Hi melody

Address : 20 CHOA CHU KANG ST 52, #01-01 YEW TEE COMMUNITY BUILDING, Singapore 689286
Contact No. : 67693672
mummies, anymore shoes order? if not, i will process this week.

<table border=1><tr><td>Emma</TD><TD>solid - chocolate (7165)</TD><TD>12-18M </TD></TR><TR><TD>dumpty</TD><TD>cream / brown trainer (7172)</TD><TD>18-24M </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>loveable lion (7134)</TD><TD>18-24M </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>playful puppy (7151)</TD><TD>18-24M </TD></TR><TR><TD>daisybutton</TD><TD>Handsome prince code (7149)</TD><TD>12-18M </TD></TR><TR><TD>mary</TD><TD>Blue/orange trainer(7174)</TD><TD>18-24M </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>Friendly giraffe (7123)</TD><TD>18-24M </TD></TR><TR><TD>cheekz</TD><TD>smiling octopus (7140)</TD><TD>12-18M </TD></TR><TR><TD>brenda</TD><TD>sailboats (7155)</TD><TD>12-18M </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>flying dragon (7117)</TD><TD>12-18M </TD></TR><TR><TD>xena</TD><TD>perfect princess (7150) </TD><TD>6-12M </TD></TR><TR><TD>melody999</TD><TD>flying dragon (7117)</TD><TD>12-18M </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>Perfect Penguin 7142 </TD><TD>18-24M </TD></TR><TR><TD>nedlands</TD><TD>flying dragon (7117)</TD><TD>12-18M </TD></TR><TR><TD>e-ling</TD><TD>Perfect Princess (7150)</TD><TD>12-18M </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>Precious poodle (7148)</TD><TD>18-24M </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>flying dragon (7117)</TD><TD>12-18M </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>Sandal - cream (7158)</TD><TD>18-24M </TD></TR><TR><TD>june wee</TD><TD>Sandal Blue(7157)</TD><TD>12-18M </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>Cream Navy Trainer(7170)</TD><TD>18-24M </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>Playful Puppy (7151)</TD><TD>12-18M </TD></TR><TR><TD></td></tr></table>
<font color="0000ff">Melissa</font>
Ya lor! Very difficult to pump twice for me too! For exampl, tomorrow, I have a meeting outside of my office at 2pm to 6pm. Think I'll skip the second pump and hope for the best. Will probably feel very engorge by the time I reach home at 8pm to feed my daughter. Sigh!

There were occasions where I need to pump/hand express for 45 minutes just to get the desired 6 oz. Very stressful! And the stress don't quite help the milk flow either.

BTW, what's breast abcess like? How does one treat it?

<font color="0000ff">J@@n</font>
You raised a very good question. I'm hope I don't need to take medication. I'll probably try pump less and less when its time to wean and see how it goes. Hope I don't need to see Betty again.

<font color="0000ff">Cheekz</font>
What a coincident! Ya, Betty is very kind. It was Vesak Day and she's not supposed to be working. But she came anyway at 8pm after attending a function midway just to tend to my ducts. Make me feel very pai sey. But I desperately needed someone to help me. I think she's God sent.

She spent two hours with me and managed to get 90ml out but I was still very engorge. She asked me to put cabbage on the lump and the blockage should clear in two days when the swelling comes down. And true to her words, in the wee hours of Saturday morning, the blocked milk decided to flow out.

<font color="0000ff">Jerene</font>
Was just re-reading some post. Guess what! I also passed my driving test after my 3rd attempt in UK. I only passed because they didn't test my parallel parking. Till today I can't parallel park properly.

<font color="0000ff">Peachie</font>
Your trick question kept me thinking for some time. But that was quite fun. Got anymore such brain teaser?

<font color="0000ff">Melody</font>
Thanks! The blocked ducts are cleared already.

Yun looks like she's put on a lot of weight since the last time I saw her. What have you been feeding her?

I've tried giving Chloe formula a week ago when I was on the verge of giving up and she doesn't want to drink it at all. She'd rather miss one feed than to drink formula. It kind of make me more determined to continue pumping.
If Chloe still need BM, then u need to pump. Don't worry, I'm still pumping b'cos I feel like breastfeeding Hannah till she's 1 yr old. It's been fun and I saved a great deal of money from buying formula milk. They're so expensive!

Breast abscess is the worst lor. First u have engorgement, then blocked ducts, then mastitis, then breast abscess. It's when one of the duct got infected with bacteria, so it swells and harden and inflammed the breast. My right breast was hot and hard and very very painful. Went to see Mrs Wong at TMC Parentcraft and she squeezed the life out of it but what came out was a mixture of milk and pus! I was put on 2 courses of antibiotics. One was safe for BF but doesn't give me much improvements, another course was not BF-friendly hence I had to pump and throw. Took 2-3 weeks to heal and b'cos of that, my milk supply for the right breast has dropped TREMENDOUSLY. i only managed to get 2.5oz after 8 hours of not pumping! Compared to 5oz in left breast. My right breast used to be the more productive one. Very sad but what to do. I don't know why I'm still keen on BF. I guess it's the special bond that I have with baby lor. So moral of the story is, jia you! You're not alone!
hi <font color="0000ff">cheekz</font>,
love all the toys esp the car u rented (with handle behind). do they have lotsa stocks? may i know what is the make/brand for that n also the piggy toy box ?

wish i got time these days to shop shop. been so busy with work..

<font color="119911">brenda</font>,
will send u my ogre clare pix coz i tried downsizing it n its still too big to be posted here, so if i downsize any further, it will be <font size="-2">real tiny like testing everyone's eyesight</font>.

<font color="aa00aa">buttons</font>,
glad u got 2 bags - hope Jovann likes them. my C walks or jumps in it. qute funny...
U mean the CB 1?? Got it thanx but I still need those I PM u on wed can?? Thanx alot
Will send u the shoes order in awhile from the webby right??
