(2006/09) SEPTEMBER 2006 MTB

the method of <font size="+1">cooking porridge</font> was introduced in a taiwan show teaching how to do hse wrk mire efficiently. tts where my mom picks up.

the theory of cold contacts n hot expands. when u freeze it, the grains contract, when cooked it expanded much faster n therefore nua faster.

1{mrs peh} me not goin isetan sales leh. really no idea wat to buy. i went robinsons just to get the usual bb stuff like breastpads, detergent, teats, physiobebe. so i just grabbed n go.
Isetan sales is today meh?
I tot in the newsletter its stated that the private sale for cardholders start 17 May (which is tmr right)... *blur now*

Mrs Au
I call my En Tong <tong>...
wah let them meet... then en tong.. tong en... tong tong.. en en.. they sure blur man!
<font color="0077aa"><font size="+1">Mrs Chia</font></font>, nepia got urine indicator?!?! is it? hahahhah! I've never realised!

By the way, <font color="ff0000">anyone using <font size="+1">Nepia Pull Ups Pants</font>? what's that green tab behind for ah? how to use it?!?</font>

<font color="0077aa"><font size="+1">Mrs Au</font></font>, eh I tot the Isetan sales is tmr?! Unless you're getting some VVip priviledge than the pte member's sale!
Aiya so no personal discount from you for your spa ahh :p heh.. I'm also a bit lazy to go out today so I've decided to be home bound la..
<font color="ff0000">Mrs Peh</font>
haha wah u very blur... so all the while what do u think the 3 yellow lines on the nepia diaper which turned blue after a while are for?
Mrs Peh,
I tried the pampers pull up before but not the nepia ones. If the tag is the same (sticky tape type), I think its for rolling up the diaper and taping it up so that it doesn't open up with the poo poo in it. Cos the pull ups don't have the tapes on the sides.
<font color="0077aa"><font size="+1">Mrs Ong</font></font>, not blur la :p ! just didn't realise cos hardly use! We only used it when Arianne goes out which is about twice a week and maximum 2 pieces each outing. As for sleeping at night I only use Pampers cos I tried Nepia and it was UNreliable! Also, I've moved on to Pull Ups so our ties with Nepia diapers are cut! hee..

Hey for the bugsy dress still got stocks at the Arcade branch!
But actually that dress 6-12mos size a bit small for my A now and your Ah Tong's size sama sama my A le.. so u might want to reconsider buying la.. prolly can still wear for another 2 months..
Ehh.. <font color="0077aa"><font size="+1">Mrs Luk</font></font>, sounds logical hor. Yah, it's sticky type.. I've been pulling it out, sticking it back, repeated this action many times but didn't figure what it should be! thanks for telling me!!!!
<font color="0000ff">Mrs Peh</font>
hee.. ur hub's surname in chinese is BAI is it? So u are Bai Tai Tai...?
So u are using pampers pull-ups now izit? I haven't tried any pull-ups yet.. Way better than the normal ones?

Ok no more bugs for Miss Ong then.... Good lah.. Mrs Ong can save some $$$...
Thanks for checking out for me.

Arcade ah.. they have this shoe shop called Algegra.. anyone bought shoes there before?
mrs ong

i use pullups when i bring rachel out cos sometimes there is no nursing rooms and u need to change her diaper so it's much easier to use pull ups ! I have not bought any, so far I have samples from Drypants and Mamy Poko. They both works well for my gal.
<font color="aa00aa">ILB</font>

oh ok thanks... ya true hor... good to use when changing facilities not readily available! Hmm.. will give it a try. I have a few pieces of samples from Mamypoko too.. shall give it a try this weekend when i bring Megan out.

When is the isetan sales???
what a wonderful idea to use pull ups for changing outside. Sometimes really difficult to get T to hold still for a diaper change.

I just have a naughty idea. Since daddy still hasn't given his greenlight to bring T to aquaducks, I was wondering if any mummies would be interested if I organized a swim fest at the Four Seasons Hotel? We will be staying there next week and I don't have to work on Sat. I am assuming that 5 star hotel pools should be pretty clean rite? We can maybe swim in the late morning and pig out at the buffet for lunch or high tea?

Any Mrs, Mr, little miss and little sires interested?

Swim Fest at Four Seasons Hotel on Sat 26/May
1. Angeline & Trinity

J@@n, can i tempt you and Dernen to come to swim fest instead of aquaducks.
<font color="0000ff">mrs luk</font>,
v tempting offer coz its the four seasons and the pool is high up so got nice view!! roughly what time are we lookin at for late morning - 11am?
Mrs Lim,
anytime is good for me. Trinity usually wakes at about 9am and takes her lunch porridge at 12:30, so anytime between that is OK for us. Shall we say tentatively around 11?

ya, suddenly so quiet. Maybe everyone really out for the sale.
Wow.. finally managed to catch up with the postings Im so confused and amused by the MRS and the EN names. :p

<font color="0000ff">Hi Peachie</font>
Hope Clarence is feeling better now.

<font color="0000ff">Hi Cheekz</font>
Glad that you are up and well again. I was down with flu too on Suns nite.. actually my mum had flu since Friday and I kinda got it when celebrating Mothers Day with her on Sun but mine is very mild whileas her is quite serious. Shes unable to take care of Dylan these few days too. So these few days, Dylans routine has been quite disturbed and last nite, I could see very dark eye rings sigh. However, things will be back to normal tomorrow finally It has been a crazy week for me I gotta shower Dylan very early in the morning b4 I left for work etc etc.. luckily things will be back to normal 2mlr.
Finally got to catch up . . wow so many MRS. . blur blur liao. .

Sherilyn is wearing Mamy Poko pull up pants now and it is so much much more easier when I change her now.

Mrs Sim,
Wow new car!!!

Mrs Peh,
You still have not figure out what is that green thingy for?? hahaha
<font color="ff0000"><font size="+2">Boo!Boo!</font></font>

<font color="ff0000">BooBoo #1</font>
<font color="0077aa"><font size="+1">Mrs Ong & ilovebbs!!</font></font>, OOooi! u girls made me blur just now! I said 'still GOT stocks' leh.. how come u girls think no more ahh.. heh I checked my previous post 20 times! (heehee.. exaggerate a bit la :p)

<font color="ff0000">BooBoo #2</font>
<font color="0077aa"><font size="+1">Mrs Sim</font></font>, is it your new car make u blur ahh!! new leather seats smell good hor and smell until kong kong ahh u!! heehee..
I'm not the one who asked what's CBCO la! It was MRS KERK!!!

HAhahhahaHAHhhhahah! what's wrong with the mummies today!?!? so funny!! hahahahhaha!!
<font color="ff6000">Mrs Ong</font>, yup! I'm BAI TAI TAI! I know it's some awful women's *ahemm* but GOOD guess!
I'm using Pampers for night and Nepia Pull Ups for outings. Nepia is very soft and very breathable la..

<font color="ff6000">Mrs Luk</font>, swim fest at four seasons?! Not trying to spoil your fun, errr have u checked with the hotel if they're good with having so many bbs there at one time cos they're supposedly a biz hotel I think..
Some hotels are not really children friendly, that's what I was told la. Like the Phuket resort I went, they've a wing which is out of bounds for kids below 12 years old.. but I'm sure they will house your T but if more bbs going, I think better just ask..

BUT! I don mind having afternoon tea there with u! heehee.. love the cushy sofas at the lounge

<font color="ff6000">Ms Red Sha</font>, ya lor! I still looking at the green thing each time I put on for her.. since Mrs Luk gave me the right method of using it, I'll try!

By the way, <font color="ff0000">any mummies remember this mummy of 4, named Sasha</font> ah?? I think she used to be active in this thread when she was preggie.. She's probably reading this now! heehee.. anyway I met her and her 2 princesses - Aaliyah, her eldest girl & Saarah who's also about 8 mos old now..
Hey mummies,

me MIA for 3-4 days and am totally lost.. totally confused with all the Mrs!! :p

Mrs Peh, how on earth you associate the Bai Tai Tai to that women's thingy !! aiyo ... Not the same prounciation at all!

Jerene, Thanks for sending me the email on Beijing
Not sure if going though.

Phoebe, got your new car ya !! congrats.. maybe we can meet for lunch and you drive me around
Mrs. Peh,
Mmhh.... must ask ah? I assume if they are my guests, the hotel should be able to accomodate. I think a few babies (maybe 4 or 5) should be OK. In the past, when an Aussie cousin came to visit in SGP with her kids and stayed at Westin, her sisters will bring all the other kids there and use the pool and facilities too. But you are right, I better ask first.

Swim Fest at Four Seasons hotel on Sat 26/May"
1. Angeline & Trinity
2. Nedlands & Clare?
3. Mrs Peh (for tea only?)
Mrs Luk
was just abt to put down my name for afternoon tea with u when i recalled im leavg for holi lah!! u gals enjoy huh!! gonna miss u this time round.

Ling ah Ling
welcome back!!! did u lug loaaads of goodies back??
mrs sim

me me .. wore contact lens since 21 yrs old ...

mrs peh

ya i said got stocks ah .. and saw 2 buggy dresses on display but of different sizes.


ya .. but pull up pants are more expensive. I am still relying on the free samples
.. must learn how to change diaper while bb is standing ! ha !
i just realised u msn me in the noon huh?? sorry! it went to my hubby laptop so i didnt get to read it until much later by then u hv logged out. long story lah!! i used hubby laptop to log in msn yest. n now so many of my msgs went ther if my laptop is switched off. aiyo headache!!
<font color="0000ff">edksd</font>, the banana in the sieve, try brushing it away using a toothbrush, under running water. i do that when i sieve my papaya or spinach or whatnots.

<font color="119911">brenda</font>, who is Mrs Au?? i read till blur liaoz! i only see u mention the forbidden word : S-P-A. and my eyes light up! why why why whats happening??? how come got discount? hhehee.

about your qn on the tab behind, i happen to have nepia pull ups, bought it accidentally (dont ask me why). also got tab. and i think its the same as what ilovebb said, its for rolling it up and throw one.

oh oh dear!!! you're having such a hard time! is baby dylan left with the maid alone @ home these few days?

i really hope ur mum and u will get well asap! pls take good care! drink lotsa water!

u need my help with anything? i can get some groceries for u, etc?

SMS/call me for anything urgent, ok!!!
mrs peh...

i'm dead beat...just came back from tangs sale with hubby...

i'll be @ isetan tmw morning slightly earlier coz i gotta send hubby to work first so that i can haf the car....

so i'll prolly be inside already...just sms me when u get there...i'll come out and get u
Mrs Ong and Mrs Peh
Isetan sale is tomorrow but I wanted to beat the crowds so I went today to reserve mah...spent way too nuch as usual

Mrs Sim
Finally, congrats! So waiting for the right color is worth it huh?

Mrs Luk
Love to join in the swim fest and see Trinity stand/swim/do cartwheels! BUT cannot go leh...weekends are usually tight. Have fun splishing, splashing and sploshing!

No prob, it is my hubby's ex-colleague who opened the B&B and I recalled you mentioning you may be going there soon so...

Ling ah Ling
Had a lot of fun in Brissy I assume? Share some nice pixs here leh...welcome home!!

I am Mrs Au...and I am in the spa industry...

I got the very pretty hairband and love it to bits but the two times I put it on my little monkey, she pulled it right off! Is Adele doing that too? I also need to know how much to transfer to you in total. Oh, J and I realised we bumped into each other before in JWT...small world huh?

Thanks for tonight, catch up next week yeah?

I tried Mamy Poko, Drypantz, Pampers. Verdict from alexis: Mamy Poko is best for me! Absorbent, comfortable, value for money and cute design printed on the back and front!
<font color="0000ff">Hi Mrs Wee</font>
I'm ok now, thanks. I am only on MC on Monday and was very busy when I went back to work on Tues.

No, we didn't leave Dylan at home alone with maid. We asked my hubby's sisters to help... they took turn to look after Dylan, which means Dylan was at different houses these few days. However, they claimed they dun have bath tub etc, so I need to bath Dylan b4 I went to work.
Then after work, I gotta visit my mum to ensure she's well (buy food for her) as she's staying alone etc. Then wait for hubby who happen to work till very late to go & fetch Dylan back.. by the time we are home, it's 10.30pm (day 1) and 11.30 (today).

Dylan now got very dark eye rings on his eyes... poor boy!
Mrs Phoebe,
I also wearing contact lenses. You too? What u gonna ask?

Ling ah Ling,
wow, read ur blog, seem like u all enjoy alot. Bought alot of things?

Mrs Peh,
Yaya i still remember Sasha, but never meet her before. How u get to know her?

its nice to meet u & Alexis last nite. told my hubby after u left & he also remember the Tai Tai (u lah)sitting there reading the magazines!! indeed small world!!

since pp is my regular hangout pl, we should meet up more often ya!
Mrs Sim,
Me me also wear contact lens and spec.

<font color="0000ff">Mrs Poon</font>,
hahaha. . no problem.

<font color="ff6000">Orange</font>,
Welcome back. . haha. . went MIA for three days!!! So much to read hor.

<font color="aa00aa">Mrs Au</font>,
yes yes I agree I tried a few and I still feel that Mamy Poko is the best lor. Huggies is also not bad as well.
<font size="+1">Ong Boo Boo Back to Peh</font>
ooiii how come u blur blur and think that me and ILB think its no more stock? U said Arcade got size 6-12 months mah... and its getting small for A.. so can only wear another 2 months only... So I said then better dun buy liao.. boh En Tong gonna outgrow it soon! Then ILB said she saw at Arcade and its cute...
So its Boo Boo back to u and another Boo Boo for u! hee hee!

<font color="aa00aa">Mrs Au</font>
Oh yes... these days.. My Tong Tong also keeps pulling the headband down. The minute its up... its down. So annoying.. i gave up liao.. just use hairclips on her only cos i think she doesnt know how to get the clip out YET! Even so, its quite a struggle to put things on her head.

Hows the isetan sale? worth visiting? wah now i learn from u, next time go a day before and do reservation... no need to fight the crowd!
<font color="aa00aa">ilovebabies</font>,
yes yes the pulls up pants are more expensive. What I do every weekend is I will check out the weekend promotion at NTUC sometime they have some special promotions e.g. three weeks ago Nepia promotion 2 packet for S$26 and two weeks ago is Mamy Poko and last week huggies promotion.

I will buy one or two packet to stock it up as I need to give a packet to MIL as well . . .hehehe. .
Hi <font color="0000ff">mrs luk</font>,
okies, game for the swim fest but cannot join the activities thereafter.

Swim Fest at Four Seasons hotel on Sat 26/May - bout 11am
1. Angeline & Trinity
2. Nedlands & Clare
3. Mrs Peh (for tea only?)
<font color="ff0000">Jerene</font>, You are most welcome! I love the head band too! Thinking of ordering another leh... I tried it on Adele. So far she just touched it but she will leave it on. Guess she super vain! As for the $, the shipping cost is $3.20 so its $1.60 for you and including the cost of the headband. Total would be US$21.60. Not too sure about the exchange rate now though.

<font size="+1"><font color="0000ff">Mrs Sim</font></font>, I have transferred the $ to you yest for the wall decor vpost charges.
<font color="0000ff">Mrs See</font>
I ordered the same one from the overseas spree.. and think there is some problems ist in the production (think maybe many spore mums ordered!), then now the shipment. Waited for 2 months liao.. still no news...

So pretty Adele in the headband..So girlish!

hi all , me long time never log in.. don know hows the progress of your babies. Mine baby now 8 months also. he started standing one month ago. very active. in his cot. his 4 Upper & lower teeth have grown.
Wonder what's the progress for the rest. i wish to know.
