(2006/09) SEPTEMBER 2006 MTB

hi olsen,

my son is 8mths 5days today. his lower 2 teeth were out last mth. upper 2 cutting out soon.

he can only stand supported since last mth.

nowadays if he's in the cot, he'll pull to stand. if he's out on bed or playmat, he'll crawl to everywhere. seldom sit still.

n one funny thing is whenever he wakes up, he'll automatically switch to sitting position. so by the time we hear his cries n rushed to the room, he's alrdy in sitting position.

i wonder do all the bb do tt?

hi buttons,

im oso spa craze. if got any spa promo, let me know too! hehe..

im currently mbr of true spa at taka. if u want to try it out, let me know i can hv mbr price.

i like its couple room. the one we went to is the biggest among the other couple rooms. ambience is gd, big tub, big shower area.

i oso like spa bontanica's outdoor pavillion for couples. it's nice to hv massage in the outdoor (though spore weather is like...), like melting in nature
can see u gals having fun dolling up ur daughters. luckily mine is a boy coz i think i lack tt kind of talent of dolling up :p if u've seen me before u'd know it's true
<font color="ff0000">Isetan</font> OH NO damaged very badly at isetan AGAIN. why don't i EVER learn my lesson? brrrr.....hehehee. but good thing is, i DIDN"T BUY ANY TOY FOR Jovann! isn't that such good control? i have so many ppl telling me that i have too many toys oredi, which is true. so i had a hard time controlling. cheekz, peachie, brenda,yuna have all witnessed me prowling along the toys aisles today...hehe but i controlled! yippeee...

well, but end up buying other things lah. a Infantino toy rings set for his toys (ahem..., not really considered toys right?), the giraffe toy box/benches, an Aromaceuticals breathe easy ointment for my hubby's sinus, $140 of Origins's products, a very useful potato peeler (that can do cute little florets with cucumbers and carrots!), a blouse, and......oh, a burberry key pouch. Oops! its on 60% off i cannot resist. i hate isetan sales leh. brrrrrrr.....

<font color="aa00aa">daughters</font>, aiyoh, so fun to doll them up. if i have a daughter next time she will sure wear diff things every day! and i SO LOVE pink, i cannot resist one!

<font color="aa00aa">brenda</font> u very siao char bor leh, say not coming suddenly popped out in front of me hahahha!

<font color="0000ff">jerene</font>, oh so you are Mrs Au! i really really blur oredi leh, i cannot keep track.
can you all change back huh? heheheh! no lah joking. oh you in the SPA INDUSTRY!!! hhhmmm...can you see my eyes light up again? can you tell me more?
no wonder that time i said i like spas you asked me what spas i like? but when i asked you u din answer me wor hehehee.
psssstttt...... which spa? PM me can. ;P

<font color="119911">edksd</font>, how come you added an "ID" behind ur nick? what does it mean? oh u also like spas! hehehe okie will let you knw if i know any nice plcs with promo.
i wanna try the botanica outdoor pavilion soon. i only tried the indoor treatment room that time.
oh true spa couple room is big ah? its under true yoga right? part of same family? rem i brought my mum to the Oriental spa that time? i lke their couple suite coz its so big, theres 2 curvy european like bath rubs and 2 shower rooms, and there is a super comfy "opium bed" in it, i spent a few mins on it after treatment, love such little touches. and their relaxation room.....mmmm........that kinda of room where u can have private alcoves, like amrita, I LIKE!
hi Mrs KC ,

Mine don like to sit.. he will pull to stand. all his teeth all out already. when out of cot , he will crawl everywhere. Whenever in walker , he will zoom very fast...
noawadays also take very long to sleep. unless very tired , he will doze off.. if not , must pat him....
talking about teeth. Can I check if any Sep babes still have no teeth? My Trinity still have no sign of teeth yet, though there was a false alarm when she was about 5 mths.
hah? alamak. edksdid is just a short form for a person's name :p eg. tan ah kow -> takow something like tt. hehe... i never know one day someone will ask me what this nick stands for.

yes, it's the same family as true yoga. wow! oriental spa sounds huge too.
<font color="0000ff">edksdk</font> i know ur nick is a short form lah! i mean to ask, how come u add the ID at the back recently, see got any cute meaning a not mah? coz the mommies in this thread got such cute nicks! hahahaa...

<font color="119911">angeline</font>, Jovann is still bo gay! hehehee. though i can see that his lower centre gum may be sprouting soon. but cannot see the teeth yet lah! so dun worry. heard of cit zei, buay peh, gao huat gey anot? hehehee.meaning 7mths sit, 8mths crawl, 9mths teeth lah. i read that we need to worry only if by one yr no sign of teeth wor.

<font color="ff0000">advise needed - Baby car</font>. hey mommies, any of you have those cars in which baby sit down, got handles in front, and they push off with their feet one? with movement, either got some sounds or you gotta press some buttons for sound. but purpose is for them to learn motor movement and control balance. i wanna know is this useful??? i tot of buying but keep hesitating and din buy in the end. any one has or will plan to buy? hubby interested in another car we saw elsewhere that is motorised, with pedals and gear stick, that one for older lah. which kind better? my dad say he scared the push car type, if Jovann push off fast and we cannot catch up, he may fall b4 we reach there. any such concern?
Hi hi Buttons,

You are back!!! Wow, that's excellent control!
Boohoo!!! I spent one whole morning and bought nothing for myself! Haiz... Everything is either for Clarence or for the family. Wanted to go to look look at Burberry, but ran out of time.

How much is that Burberry key pouch??? Must take a photo or MMS and let me see see leh!

Very sian... It's literally pouring and thundering right here and I have an external meeting to run to at 4pm.
And meeting venue is a 10 min WALK from my office... so my boss will want me to WALK there and not hail a cab (despite the rain).... Sian sian sian...

Spa promotion??? Where where??? I haven't managed to go spa the last time cos I fell sick and then Clarence fell sick.
So I am still itching to go!

You've got the potato peeler??!!! Yuna, Brenda and myself were staring and staring at the promoter and wondering if we should buy as well!!! Hehe.... looks like we aren't the only ones who were tempted.

Clarence still bo gay as well!!! hehe... I've given up waiting for his whites to appear after many many false alarms.
Clarence has such a baby car... But he is still too young to know how to push off while sitting in it yet. Ours is from PlaySkool and costs about $34. It is not motorised (which I think is safer) and is from 9mths to 24 mths. It has a dual function of doubling up as a walker. You can look around. Loads of brands in the market.


You sick???!!! Oh no! Hope you get well soon! Take care yah?
Hihi buttons and peachie

U gals were fast to report here!

So fun spending away our hard earned money hor...hahah....

I cant believe i spent the morning on one level and i din even got a chance to shop for clothes and shoes!!!!


Can share wat baby car you get for Clarence? Is it the type wif a long handle where you can push them around like a stroller?
<font color="ff0000">Mrs Ong</font>, thanks for the compliments! I waited almost 1.5 months for the head band too. But I guess its worth the wait coz I really love it! I am already thinking of buying another one. Hopefully it will be much faster this time.

forgive me for being such an idiot just now! my brain is in my backside.... i think that time i diarrhea, all passed out...

sorry, sorry! a thousand apologies...

i won't do it again.....didn't realise there are 2 brendas in my contact list!
Hi Yuna,

You are back as well!!!

Here's the baby car I've got... Actually Isetan having 30% off Playskool today. You can pop by in the evening if you are keen.


Includes two toys in one!!! The sturdy, stable walker helps babies learn to stand and walk.
Converts to baby's first ride-on toy, with a locking mechanism only parents can activate
Features hands-on activities in both modes
Adult assembly required.
Product colors may vary

<font color="0000ff">peachie and nedlands</font>, think yuna not asking for this walker/trekker. coz i told her the one i have at home is by FP and its like kinda trekker too, where baby hold it and walk. but yuna is looking for those in her pic, where baby can SIT and the caregiver can push kind. that kind i have not seen b4 here leh....
<font color="119911">nedlands</font> OH!!! i just went to see your link and i realised the one u posted IS what yuna is asking for! so sorry! hehehehe! we gotta order right? dun rem seeing in singapore stores? wow its not cheap....
hi <font color="0000ff">buttons</font>,
i think for the mothercare one, its possible -baby sit and caregiver push. u just have to dismantle the plate(footrest) at the bottom and it comes with the parent handle on top.
Oppss..we posted it at the same time!! <font color="0000ff">buttons, yuna</font>, Mothercare Plaza Sing sells it. I saw it there. Not sure if they have at others stores but u can definitely ask them to get it for you. 10% if u got the card.
I have one.hhee

I had transfer $55.65 to ur a/c yesterdae. Ref 0998. Thks!!

Mrs Luk

Yun still bogay also. But I'm quite of expecting tat cause somehow she follow d old saying, 7th mth sit, 8th mth crawl so i would expect her teething to start at 9th mth.
Hi <font color="0000ff">mrs wee, yuna</font>,
errr, its $175 before disc. You have the mothercare or TMC (i think) card? its 10% disc.
This toy grows with the baby. First stage - rocker, second - etc etc ..see link for more details. I like the safety belts and fabric for cushioning.

Really thks for the info. I have been hunting so long for tis!

Anyway i called mothercare centrepoint, currently there is no stock in the warehouse and the price is $175 before the 10% discount. I have make a reservation for it! haha
i rented somthing like for rae ann sometime ago....quite fun! i push her round my area in the evenings instead of slinging her...its quite stable...she was 6 mths old in that pic...

<font color="0000ff">yuna</font>,
I called Plaza Sing to enquire, they have stock there but for girls (in pink)- 2 left. You can call 65133213 - Angela.

Pleasure is mine. Just pose ur query on the thread if u r looking for anything else.

my rachel is bo gay too ! hey dont worry, my PD says they will teeth latest by 15 mths and guess what, my 3 yr old niece really teeth at 15mths !! but her gums are strong and healthy and she can still eat bak kua when she is teethless !!
my jo has been bogay for so long now finally i can feel her tooth cutting out of her gums. my boys all started teething at 5 mths old dunno why she so slow. anyway pd said the later the better!!
mrs chia
haha!!! thats a good one! yah lah once got teeth must use toothpaste. now use cloth can ordy!!

mrs phoon
cos the later they come out the later they drop wat! see my boys 6 yr old oredy got 4 adult teeth!
Calling Puppylove (aka mommy of Trinity),

You ever heard of Trinity ring? I am getting one for my mum and going to engrave mum's name, my name, and my gal's name on it.

Will be interested be interested in the idea? I can help you get it here if you are interested. No GST and good discount.

The Mothercare one looks good!!! but very ex at $175.

Anyway, if you gals dun mind a no-brand one, I got one of those push bike from one of those HDB shops around Bt Merah area. Basically, baby can sit inside (and there is a floorboard) and a guard bar (for baby to hold onto), and the caregiver can push from behind with a tilted handle. The handle is adjustable in length some more to cater to the caregiver's height.

As the baby grows, the push bar and the guard rail can all be dismantled, and the floor board can also be removed to become a tricycle for the baby to cycle around. So it really lasts a very long time..... from 9 months to 4 years. It costs just $50 and is made in Taiwan.

I saw the same bike selling at Kiddy Palace, and it is selling for $68. So if you dun want to hunt down the HDB shop, can check out Kiddy Palace too.


Since you are my neighbour, you can pop by to see the real thing if you are keen.....


We really share the same taste in toys!!! Hehe!!!
Hi Nedlands,

by the way I love the toys you bought too!
You know of anywhere which sells good car toys??? I have a lot of trouble in getting Clarence to stay in his car seat... So thinking for getting toys to keep him occupied.

Hehe, this forum is pretty quiet today! Everyone still at Isetan???


You are back!!!
When will you be here until? Stay around for the great Singapore sale leh..... It's coming round the corner!!! (Good news for shopaholics like me)....
<font color="ff0000">PLAYSKOOLSTEP START WALK N RIDE </font>
Hey alexis got this as a Xmas pressie last year but we forgotten all abt it, now must push cow webs aside to look for it...

<font color="ff0000">Buttons</font>
Really eh? You ask me something and I never replied huh? Then I must have missed your posting, so sorry...let me PM you. Can I also see the Burberry key pouch? Thanks!

<font color="ff0000">Cheekz</font>
Hi may I know much is the rental for the pushcar toy for a month?

<font color="ff0000">Mrs Ong</font>
Since you use Tong-Tong, I will use En-En here
Reservation system works well for me as I cannot stand crowds and queues! So what is your damage in isetan? Oh you also ordered the same headband, mine is the same design but I got the blue one.

<font color="ff0000">Sha</font>
Huggies seem to be smaller and tigher for the same size as other brands though I agree Huggies also not bad. Much prefer pull up pants but more expensive. I also use Pigeon diapers, very soft! Got some at the isetan sale too.

<font color="ff0000">Jamie</font>
Me no tai-tai lah...since hubby is free, must let him participate and bond with alexis mah. As it is, she is pretty glued to me. (Any excuse to get my ang to do work, I will use :p)

<font color="ff0000">Mrs See</font>
Adele looked so happy wearing the headband, I had to kind coerce alexis to wear it, let me take a few photos before she snatched it right off again! I pay you direct when we meet next week? Let me post a pix of my little pumpkin and her hairband later...now must go makan.
got another qn:
wat time do you give your bb the 1st bottle of milk every day? my son keeps waking up at 6am everyday. is it ok to give him milk at this time or should i 'train' him to sleep till 7am then give him milk?
<font size="+1"><font color="0000ff">CALENDULA CREAM</font></font>

jerene/[email protected]/10
lil precious/[email protected]/5
xena/[email protected]/6
melody/ [email protected]/5
jasmine/[email protected]/3
Sha Sha / [email protected] / 3
chocolat / [email protected] / 3


Dear mummies,
Me first time ordering for Lucky Vitamin. Was trying to process order earlier, shipping charges <font color="ff0000">higher than</font> US$5.95 as our package is more than 10lbs.

The shipping charges for our package of 35 tubs will be <font color="ff0000">US$11.11</font>
That will works out to S$0.492 per tub.
There will be a further Vpost shipping charges.

<font color="ff0000">1 tub = $11.13 + $0.492 + Vpost</font>

Still want to go ahead to purchase?
<font color="0000ff">Peachie and Mrs Au</font>

Much to ur expectation, my damage was indeed 3-figure. But not as bad as some of the mummies here who rocketed at $500+ lah.. phew.
Bought 3 sets of toys for Megan only. 1 FP musical block stackers, 1 musical keys handphone and 1 lego block thingy (to play when she turns older). Oh i bought 6 tops for myself...
Wanted to get the Che Che New York bag as advertised in the newsletter but they were sold out! Exasperated!

Oh ya.... any babies here behave like Megan when it comes to toy? She is not v interested in all the toys i bought her lei.. But she simply is attracted to things like my beaded necklace, my handphone, my PSP, the paper im holding, plastic bags especially is her fave. Like today when im back from the sales, as i was taking out her new toy from the packaging, she cannot be bothered with the toy but v keen to get those cardboards on her hands.. wapiang eh!

And i want the headbands i ordered to quickly arrive!!!

<font color="ff0000">Michelle</font>
My megan's first feed is 7 am and last feed is 1030pm.
Wow... sounds like all of you had a GREAT time spending at the Isetan sales!

Tomorrow is Robinson's sales. Anyone of you also going? haha...

I'm actually totally lost at who to reply for what with all the Mrs's so
But really cannot help smiling when I read all the nicks... u gals real sporting!

Mrs Luk,
Don't think I'm able to join on Sat
Come on Sunday lah... I wanna see u and cute lil T!

I have something similar for Gabe but is like a bicycle with pedals and all... there's a platform for him to rest his feet now though since he can't reach the pedals yet. Bought at Carrefour for $50+ My sister say Baby Hypermart should have it too at a cheaper price.
Mrs See & Mrs Au,
Geez the headbands are so adorable! too bad (or luckily????) I dun hv a gal! <font size="-2">sigh</font>

Anyone TBF mom's lil darling rejecting bottles now? Funny Gabe, he was taking bottle alright until 1 week ago when he refused to open his mouth when trying to bottle-feed him. Can only feed him when he is in semi-conscious state! My mum complaining again that is a result of my latching... Sigh... really in dilemma as I was planning to start slowing wean him off next month onwards. *help help* any advice?
Mrs Poon,
Aiyah I was wishing all along that Gabe hadn't grew his teeth so early as I have the worry he's gonna drop his teeth sooner! Now he already have 5 teeth showing, 2 top, 3 bottom. Hey I saw your blog. Your Jo is growing big and getting prettier! She look so sweet in her "bikini"!
<font color="ff6000">Wah! You gals are great shoppers man! Wish I was there.

Today, 2 of my female colleagues on MC. Now I'm wondering if they are at Scotts this morning. Hee Hee. </font>

<font color="0000ff">Mrs Chia (Melody),</font>
You were mentioning that Yun is now sleeping on sofa bed. Does it have railing at the side? How do you prevent her from crawling to the end in the middle of the night?

<font color="0000ff">Mrs Ho ho ho</font> I was at Robinsons Raffles City during lunch time today. Sale for card members started on 15 May. Bought two different thermos and NUK pacifiers for Chloe.
Enjoy your shopping tomorrow!

<font color="0000ff">Brushing babies' tooth</font>
<font color="0000ff">Hi mummies,</font> do you use a toothbrush to brush your baby's tooth/teeth? One bottom tooth of Chloe just erupted. I'm not too sure how to clean it.
peachie.. enzo has two of the playskool thingy but he's not v good with them.. so i seldom put him on it cos it requires lots of supervision.. hehe...

here's how awkward he looks in them...



and here's his car toy.. looks like he's playing some driving arcade game right.. but actualli he's watching Hi-5.. lol..


<font color="ff0000">I saw Jovann's 1st teeth!!!</font> so ciao. i was just commenting his gums still botak and tonight i saw it! its peeping out in his lower gum oredi. i was letting him lick and suck one piece of "li" fruit that we were eating, and i heard gnawing sound but thought nothing of it, then when i looked further i saw 2 white buds hehehe! so happy.

<font color="0000ff">BM</font>, yah hor true hor, come out late drop late right? GOOD! hehehe.

<font color="119911">rexbabie</font> hey i think u bought the same lego blocks set thingie as cheekz and yuna. urs is the firemen collection? they got the barnyard one. hehehe. so cute! and oh! Jovann also LOVES plastic bags leh....i think its the crackling sound they make when they finger it, and the feeling it gives them in their fingers wor... i got a toy 1-2 mths back which is a wallet for baby. i think its based on the principle that some babies like their mommies or daddies personal belongings instead of their own toys. so they did this baby wallet, in which you can put baby coins, keys, baby stroller licence, baby credit card. very cute one! but hor....jovann only likes to eat the credit card...and ignore the wallet...brrrr.....sometimes u can never predict!

<font color="aa00aa">jerene</font>, oh no lah, coz i asked u back which spas u like i think, but i think i dun rem seeing ur reply so i tot u din reply lah. i could have missed it!!! okie i go check my email later hahahaa.
u wanna see the key pouch? i MMS peachie oredi, can you PM me ur hp number if you dun mind? i dun wanna post here lah, so paiseh! hehehe. :p ooh i like that garlland on alexis!!! so gardeny!! reminds me of the garlland i wore for my rom. aiyoh... baby girls so nice lah!

<font color="0000ff">dumpty</font>. jovann is like that too, with bottles. i have come to accept that on certain days he just dun want too much milk. as long as he is behaving fine, looks well-fed, is okie oredi. be glad he still drinks in semi conscious state! Jovann used to drink only in semi conscious state. now he dun even like it during semi conscious time!!!

<font color="0000ff">peachie and dumpty</font> thanks for the info on the push bike/car! thats a cheaper alternative!!!! and hey! <font color="0000ff">yuna</font>, i have kiddy palace card leh. can buy together if u interested.
errrrrrr.... i seem to have a lot of cards hor?? hehehee.
