(2006/09) SEPTEMBER 2006 MTB

Mrs Poon!
Hubby's Yu Heng, sounds very similar to Yu En!

Mrs Wee
Fret not, many of us have big feet here after pregnancy lah...so going to isetan sale??
mrs au,
i haf made a pact with 2 passionate isetan VIPs to be there... at the entrance of isetan orchard EARLY thursday AM...and we will be READY!

I am a MRS PHOON too !! So ur hubby is cantonese as well ?

oh so someone is preggy !! amazing ! congrants in advanced.

MrsKoh (pigeon)

i read the posts in Oct thread. Hai ...
Hahhahah! Wa lao buay ta han u girls!! but surely pumped lots of fun into the thread tonight! I so sleepy die die also want to come in to have some laughters over all the MRS!

<font color="0077aa"><font size="+1">Mrs Lim</font></font>, yup.. sort of contributing my lazy bum to the economy soon! hehee.. but trying hard to make all arrangements with Arianne as the top priority la.. so hard

hey! BIG BIG BIG thanks for your email, I mean the nice surprise la! I got it and will discuss with hub then revert ok

<font color="0077aa"><font size="+1">Mrs Kerk</font></font>, wa pang the cuppies look yummy!
Also, u might want to explain to Enzo's nanny that uncooked eggs carry lots of bacteria and also egg whites' too much protein for his lil tumtum to handle..

Yah! I went there for a few minutes also Dennis can catched me ahh! heehee.. in fact I was yakking away on the phone with Mrs Buttons then I told her I got to run out of that floor cos I saw SWARM OF AUNTIES SNATCHING THE SCHOLL SHOES! Wa pang so scary this sale thing.. it's my 1st time there at the sale, what an eye opener!

U very bad la.. didn't even say hi to me???! your shopping more important hor!

<font color="0077aa"><font size="+1">Angeline & Mrs Au</font></font>, FDW training guide sent! pls check your emails

But <font color="ff0000">Angie</font>, I don think my guide can up your maid's intellgience le.. cos it's just a guide to tell them to do what on what day! heehee..

<font color="0077aa"><font size="+1">Mrs Phoon & Mrs Ho</font></font>, ya la, I know..
that's why me and the seniors can never get along when it comes to tending to kids! Whenever they try to implement something, I'll go like 'Is there scientific reason for that?' heh.. I know I very not co-operative lor..
that's why now if want to leave A in their hands if I do want to work full time, I'll have a problem! So I rather train my maid sak sak.. heehee

Well on a serious note, I guess if we do feed them food that are high in allergy, then we just need to use <font color="ff0000">Sha's</font> eagle eyes to watch them la.. heh

<font color="0077aa"><font size="+1">Mrs Poon</font></font>, jayou jayou! u only have 12 more to go to make 17 Js! heehee
yayaya! TayPingHui with his uncle character! so suiting!

<font color="ff0000"><font size="+2">WHO's PREGGY already?!?!?! Share la!!</font></font> YahooOOOooo!

<font color="0077aa"><font size="+1">Mrs Au</font></font>, err don't have Dr Wong meh? I tot I saw in someone's post or something... heh

<font color="0077aa"><font size="+1">Mrs Koh</font></font>, yahh me used to be glued on Channel 70 too! especially during those BF days and nights, loved 'Bringing Baby Home'. Somehow it was appropriate to be watching that program then..

<font color="0077aa"><font size="+1">Mrs Wee</font></font>, errr just now I told <font color="ff0000">Yuna</font> that I might might might just wake up and hook onto u girls For ISetan la.. but we must have sumptious b'fast ahh! I need gastronomical reasons to wake up early! heehee!
Peh Soh.. hub stand there and do nothing mah so he saw u.. me?? i din even see you!!! haha.. indeed.. shopping was that impt... haha.. thursday, rd 2 @ isetan..

Mrs Wee.. dun worry.. my hobbit feet are also a 39/40 now.. lol...

Mrs Sim.. u also love hats??? show me ur collection one day ya... hehe.. er.. u all talkin abt real hats right??? *??????*

ok lah ok lah.. i'll change my nick juz to fit in... peer pressure leh u all!!! :p
Mrs Peh.. me lahz.. me pregnant.. edd is 26 May 2010. lol... nowadays can predict one lehz... got pple edd in april alr... 11 months of gestation!!! :p
aiyah looks like i missed th calendula spree again! u all buy things very fast hor!

thks for the offer but i guess i hv to wait another round to order

any chance you can start another BP for the calendula cream?i will order 10 tubs myself!

hey so has anyone intro this to your bb yet? how to prepare it huh? is it those kraft singles then we just melt/puree n add into their cereal?

Wow.....so many babies have "En" as their chinese name, that include my C. hahah....in fact C's chinese name is the reverse of BM Jo's chinese name. So cute :p
michelle.. my nanny juz feeds cheese by itself to enzo.. dunno how she does it and dunno what cheese either.. sigh... cons of having a nanny... but i read that u can start to intro cheese at 8 months... hope the rest of the moms here can help u with the preparation..
Yuna.. En Hui??? that means grace right.. hehe.. enzo's one is grace of the universe.. lol... machiam so grand.. wanted to call him en zu.. grace of God (and it rhymes with enzo).. but... decided not to.. i think en is a v nice name... stand alone also nice.. but when enzo was born, we look and him, and decided he din look cool enough to be called Guo En.. hehe
Mrs Kerk

Not En Hui lah...BM's Jo is Qi En, mine is En Qi.

I like the name you have in mind for your future daughter, sound so graceful.
hi gals, i went robinsons at centrepoint yday.

didnt mge to buy a lot leh. just bought some usual bb stuff (not much additional mbrs disc).

i went at 4pm+ huge crowd long queue. maybe im not really a "sales" person.

i wanted to get the thermos mug (the one joon has) but it's oos alrdy. alamak.

it oso doesnt has the robeez shoes nor pigeon clothes. strange. they hid it during sales?
anyone gives bb mashed banana?

after mashing the banana on the mesh how do u get rid/wash the mesh which still has bits of banana stuck there? i tried soaking in hot water, doesnt help leh.
Haaa. I am a Mrs Ng as well!! Oh gosh.. all these Mrs are getting me confused that i have to rely on the other name on the ( ) to find out who is who.. haaaaa!!!!!

Wow.. $500 at robinson.. share what u get leh!!!!
Hi mommies who have domestic helpers, do u help them to remit their salary back home? My domestic helper would like me to help her remit her monthly salary back but I have no idea how and where to do it. Appreciate your advice.
Mrs See

You can remit the salaries via Western Union at Singapore Post. Your maid need to pay a service charge of $12 for each remittance.
<font size="+1">PORRIDGE</font>

i was discussing w my mom abt making porridge for kai. she says no nd slow cooker.

the night before just wash the rice, drain off the water, put the rice into a plastic bag, leave it in the freezer to freeze.

the next day, when want to cook take out for a while and cook over the stove as per normal, it's supposed to turn soft v fast as u know the process of freezing and then thawing break it down faster.

then when the porridge is cooked to the right texture then put the fish or meat in to cook for a short while before serving.

but according to my PD's instruction is to steam the fish/meat separately and need to mash into smaller pieces.

how? can someone advise me is it ok to use my mom's method?
<font color="0077aa"><font size="+1">Mrs See</font></font>, please refer to http://www.dbs.com/posb/payment/outward/

How about <font color="0077aa"><font size="+1">Mrs KC Ng?</font></font>, heh.. sorry, missed u yesterday at the sale. I didn't intend to go, was feeling very sian and I postponed my meeting so walked down to centerpoint just to look see look see. The sale's crowd was scary isn't it? Is it going to be like that everyday during sale? Cos it's so difficult to shop at ease!

Wah your mum has a very special way to prepare porridge, I've not heard of!
All the Mrs here making me confused. Really have to scroll up to see who's saying what.

Any one care share the fun pictures of the Aquaducks with me. I need more substance to convince HB to let me bring little T to the class.

Brenda, thanks for the file.

Just went to take a peep at the Oct Thread. Aiyoh, so headache. Really hope no awlful picture and postings of weird babies and comments will appear there like what happened here previously.

Jack & Lily shoes. I think they have a distributor here. The office is not too far from mine. What's the price to pay in SGP? I can try to check the price in HK and see if I can bring in any for you all next week.
Alamak.. don't have to change your nick.. i still like being littlepony. haaaa!!

Yes.. very special way of cooking porridge leh.. Why not u try it out and tell us if it works?!
Yuna.. paiseh.. me blur with all the ENs alr.. hehe.. but both Qi En and En Qi are nice names!!!
my mom wanted to name enzo En Xi.. but i thought it was too girlish.. she lohz... got the name from some korean drama.. buay tahan.. lol..

Lil pony... not all are my stuff leh.. i got 3 pairs of nike shoes, one for enzo and 2 for my nephews (which enzo will get to wear when they outgrow them.. hehe), hub bot adidas clothes and some boxers, i bot a few skirts and tops, enzo bot teats and zoot zoot... lidat lohz.. 500 bucks alr... jia lat hor... din even dare to touch the bedlinen.. if not sure... cmi...
Hi Mrs Peh

Come lah!!! What sumptious breakfast??? MacDonald's big breakfast can or not???

There is a Tiger Thermos food jar on sale for $39 (UP$109) and there are only 150 pcs on sale.... Is this sufficient motivation or not? Hehe.... Come lah.... The four of us can all yak yak as we queue, you know?

My maid so far so good.... Very very satisfied! That's for the wonderful guide! Really very useful!

Hi Cheekz and Yuna,

Cannot wait to see you gals!
<font color="0077aa"><font size="+1">Mrs Luk</font></font>, tried seeking for info on your query abt 'SWEET CUCUMBER' but returned with lots of info on <font color="ff0000">cucumber</font> itself. In fact some of the searches returned refering sweet cucumber to preserved cucumber. Is that right? sorry le, can't help much.. or is it <font color="ff0000">Courgette</font> u are refering to? If it is, that's just another species in the squash family but looks more like a marrow..

<font color="0077aa"><font size="+1">Michelle</font></font>, I didn't use to feed my 1st girl cheese until she was much older to handle pan fried or oven baked stuffs. The only cheese I fed her when she was about 10 months was Cheddar, until she was much older like 15 months I was liberal with most kind of cheese except the blue and goat ones..

2 methods of prep -

1. Stir in while the rest of the food is hot from steaming or boiling.
> I actually had it grated finely then after I steamed the potato or pork or beef, and while it's still hot, I'll quickly add the grated cheddar and stir and stir until they mostly melted into the dish. U will still see some shreds of it but I guess it's ok la..

2. Oven bake or microwave
> I rarely do this cos very troublesome le.. heh What I did was, steam my broccoli/cauli/potato till about 90% done then I sprinkled the shredded cheddar (not as fine as the ones I used to stir in) all over the dish then put into the oven to bake/microwave for couple minutes

That's the only 2 methods I've used before, not sure of others..
Mrs Peh,

mrs kc ng v long leh. just mrs kc will do la.

its ok we can meet up other days coz i oso last min sneaked out and i dun intend to stay long coz need to rush back to pump :p

i think sales days are like this. i wont be able to shop for clothes/shoes/bags too coz everything is in a mess n doesnt look pretty :p
Wow... so many "en". Name with "en" really nice.

Oh what had that Jo did in Oct thread? Later i go and take a peek.

Who is the Sept mummy who preggie again? Mrs Peh?? Haha joking lah! Mrs Peh dun Kok my head... :p

edksd, your mum way of cooking porridge is so special.
Talking about cooking porridge. So angry... my mum-in-law's maid help my mum grind the rice to powder for feeding my girl. but before grinding she didnt wash the rice at all leh. And when my maid want to use that rice powder to cook porridge for my girl, my mum's maid said dun need to wash also. Is it safe to feed the baby huh, wasn't it dirty if dun wash? And Amabel had eat it once liao. When i knew it,i told my maid to stop cooking that rice powder for my girl.
so blur with all the "Mrs" leh

Phoebe, i want the VS spree leh. When? when? I need to buy afew pcs asap leh. Cant wait...

En Xi is a v v nice name .. in fact my col is naming her daughter this name ... so korean.

I like "EN" too but it is in my father's name so we cant use.

aiyah same old thing with that J lady in OCt Thread. anyway there was this thread that she created and I think it was deleted by the moderator, so you may not get the full story now. I managed to read that thread last nite.
anyway I think the case is closed ...

rgd the rice powder, I think for normal rice there is a need to wash it unlike Jap rice. In both cases, I do rinse them a few times before cooking. .. so if the amt is not alot, maybe u want to discard the rice powder .. but but very wasted.


Your mum's method is v special which I have not heard b4. I think some gals mentioned soaking the rice in water for a few hrs before cooking, which will expedite the "nua" process as well ?
uloveurrachel... ya.. agree.. EnXi is a v v nice name.. but not for a boy lah.. hehe.. but coincidentally, the lady whom i shared the ward with named her daughter Xi En... hehe...
<font color="0077aa"><font size="+1">Eling</font></font>, either dump it or have an uneased heart while feeding Bel! Even with organic brown rice whereby no washing is necessary, but we still wash!
<font color="0077aa"><font size="+1">Mrs Kerk & Ilovebbs</font></font>, that 'En Xi' is it from that Krama whereby the nu zu jiao became blind one? aiya I watched too many, now cannot remember who is what!
<font color="0000ff">Yuna n Mrs Peh</font>, Thanks for the advice!

<font color="ff0000">Mrs Au</font>, Did u receive my sms yesterday? So sorry that I can't meet up with you today. Would look forward to see you n Alexis the next time. Perhaps next week?
<font color="0000ff">Mrs Kerk</font>
Its the invisible hats. haha

<font color="0000ff">Michelle</font>
No problem to start another bp thread. But I think I want to try this round of order with Lucky Vitamin first to determine the next round

Will keep you update in the thread.

<font color="0000ff">angeline</font>
the price for the jack n lily shoes will be at USD13 before shipping & gst.
if you all are keen to grab a few pairs, can start surfing the site first
Mamy Poko

Heh, yesterdae I jst saw a little note from my letter box that someone is selling Mamy Poko Diapers for $14.90. Free delivery in punggol wit min 2 bag order. Other area min order 4 bags. I have not tried her service but if any mummies interested can call her or sms Maggie@96957186.

Preggie mum Congrats!!
<font size="+1"><font color="ff0000">VICTORIA SECRETS SPREE</font></font>

Exchange rate US$1 = S$1.55
Spree capped at max S$400


Color (Option 2):
Size (Option 2):
Exchange: US$ AA.aa x 1.55 = S$BB.bb
Mrs Koh (pigeon)

Guess wat? last nite, i caught yun crawling backwards too. She sleep for 1 hr & wake up crawling. Luckily she crawl quite slow & make lots of noise then i manage to go into d room & catch her b/f she roll off the sofa bed. I let her sleep on a sofa bed beside us. This was becas i once create a bad habit let her sleep on our bed. A/f tat few nite she dosen't wan to sleep in her cot so now no choice put her on a sofa bed jst nxt to me.

Aiyoh headache headache.. already trying hard to remember all ur original nicks and babies' names... Now with the Mrs-s... i read till peng-san!

So many En-s for our babies' names... Mine also got En.. she is En-Tong(2), opposite of Mrs Au's Alexis's En Tong. ANd Mrs Au, I also ever tot of naming Enya if i have another girl.I like En-Qi a lot too!

Mrs KC
Why do u have to mash bananas on a mesh lei? I simply use a spoon and mash up in a bowl or scrape straight from the banana itself lei..

And i v kpo also.. read abt the huha in oct thread too.. alamak!

So who is preggie... gong xi gong xi!
hey gals!
We're back!
Wah.. all the Mrs so complicated... had to look carefully to see who's who!

Ok now go n kpo in Oct thread!

Oh!!! pls update me on what's happening for Robinsons sale... heh heh... Emma how did you spend $500?!?
Eh <font color="119911"><font size="+2">Mrs Au</font></font>, the plot u mentioned ma cham like in all Kramas isn't it??! heehee.. all sama sama one.. not blind then it's some terminal illness!
Hey, me need a full body massage today le.. so aching for one.. where's your place again ah? got discount or not! heehee

<font color="119911"><font size="+2">Mrs KC</font></font>, so u managed to grab stuffs in that frenzy?! wah I was so taken aback maybe becos I went alone and unarmed (armed means with hub or maid la.. hee) yah! next time we meet.. are u not coming for the Isetan sale tmr?!?

<font color="119911"><font size="+2">Mrs Luk</font></font>, ooh u can't read that file ahh? probably becos your MS office is of an earlier version. Anyhow, I've resent the normal excel format..

<font color="119911"><font size="+2">Peachie</font></font>, will try my best ok :p .. how abt NASI LEMAK? or Mee siam? <font color="ff0000">Jasmine</font> suggested 5th floor, the local subway. FOOD! FOOOD! FOOOD!

Hey not trying to pour cold water but FDWs are usually at 100% on their 1st week.. so don relax ok.. stay firm, steady and with a smile when u give her instructions.. heh

<font color="119911"><font size="+2">Mrs See</font></font>, pleasure pleasure..

<font color="119911"><font size="+2">Melody</font></font>, in your opinion ahh, is Mamypoko better or Nepia better?

HEYHEYHEY! <font color="ff0000"><font size="+2">MRS BRISSY aka Ling-ah!</font></font>, you're back!! WELCOME HOME!! PICTURES! PICTURES!

<font color="0000ff">Just made my font bigger for fun la! heh :p</font>
Eh <font color="0000ff">Mrs Ong</font>
We must most certainly let our tong-tong or en-en meet up soon leh...then we can called them by their chinese names and when they both turn, we pretend it is the other one we are calling, make them confused! :p

Harlow <font color="0000ff">Mrs Poon</font>
You are super fast, impressive! I am still in the dresses page...<font color="0000ff">Mrs CBCO aka PD,</font> pls wait for me!

Yo <font color="0000ff">Mrs Peh</font>
From your house, the nearest one is in Hillview (Jalan Remaja). Dial 6892 0985 for an appointment now! Discount eh? Depends on how many people you bring along with you leh...

I am off to the Isetan sale now, talk to you guys tonight, bye!
