(2006/09) SEPTEMBER 2006 MTB

Guess who is this "Rose Fairy" here?
Enzo looks soooooooo good in his creative hat by daddy!

ur idea of sticking sticker is GOOD! i like... coz so many babies ard, sure got confusion somehow...
Aiyo.. so many posts in one day leh..

Emma, Enzo is always so CUUUTTTEEE and smiley
and he does looks really 'pretty' on that photo.. hehee.. and see what Pig2 has done!! hahaa ...

Joon, with the new hair cut and california cream, you look 17 now

Jasmine, Jadelle looks so sweet leh with the flower thingy!

Diana, Happy 5 mth bd to Jac !! Her hair looks so different now!! NICE

Brenda, Here is my Cayden photo :
wow! u are good! heh heh heh... LOOOOVE the montages. is it time-consuming to make one montage?

little pony,
i must say, wayne's picture is the MOST captivating! the diaper ALWAYS makes me laugh! that's my favourite photo, hehe

hahahaha! ok, maybe my face looks 17, but my backside is definitely not a 17-yr old's backside! (too big)

i'll have to agree with shirlyn, enzo is ALWAYS smiling
and OMG, the bubble picture is so qqqqqute! aiyoh, i just want to kiss that little cheek.

reubern's hat is so cute! it's got a little bear on it!

zhaohui's got my vote too! go go go!
<font color="ff6000">brenda</font>
shower cap can right??? it's still a cap, isnt it?
hehe... i have lotsa clips, hairbands but not caps.

how do u do the montages? is it tough? i want to learn...
thats so funnie!!!! shower cap... so cool!

he is always like tt when we aim the camera at him and he gives us tt look of nonchalence, refusing to smile 4 the camara.

er, actually i think tt cap belongs to my niece. one of the day while i was going off fr my mum's plc, and cldnt find R's cap, i juz anyhow grab 1 fr the drawers and found this! i LOVE the cap too! wif a bear and its blue!
now tt he is bald, he needs this little bear cap MORE!
meanwhile my niece has plenty of other lovely hats, she dun need this at all! so R gets to use it.
Will do...

ALways see a lot of nice bb pics from sept mummies so looking forward to seeing them at the gathering. But too bad Damien kanna I dunno is milk rash or eczema on his chin n its spreading up to his cheeks. So he won't look his best.

My Damien was born on 27th Sept at 36wks exactly that's why jump ship to be a Sept bb instead. He couldn't wait to be born my water bag broke right after dinner (lucky I was at home)...hehehe

For myself I'm 26yrs old. Have met up with joon n the oct mummies before. So looking forward to have more fun with the sept bbs.

btw anyone can help me how to differentiate milk rash n eczema??
Oh so ur EDD was in Oct?
Finally somebody born on the same day...hehe
Looking forward to see Javiar on Sat!!

ur jo will talk to herself? So cute.
How I wish Damien will talk to himself. He will scream until I talk to him face to face. But he enjoys talking to his daddy on the phone thought. So weird....

<font color="aa00aa">Emma</font>, yah! I had a hard time deciding which one to use! Your fault la.. heehee post both so cute ones.. Anyway I decided to use the beanie one cos of technical reasons (ahem.. trying to sound pro
), the colors and brightness are better than the hankie one..

<font color="aa00aa">Joon</font>, when I started the FIRST one The MamBO JumBO BumBO Babies, I took like 7 hours.. hee,,
but now, ahem.. about 45mins!
Most awarding of all has to be the therapeutic feeling while moving those bbs pics around.. awwww

<font color="aa00aa">Phoebe</font>, eh, no rush.. Im delighted to do the montages.. most importantly u girls must keep posting bbs pics to keep the trend going! Hey, youve got mail. I forwarded u the email with regards to the Beaba Babycook. Let me know your thoughts on that ok..

<font color="aa00aa">Shirlyn</font>, YES! YES! Shower cap of cos can! In fact the more creative the better! But not the french cap though.. heehee

I use powerpoint to do the montages, not really that difficult, just need time to meddle around with the tools!

<font color="aa00aa">Doreen</font>, I'm sure u will find fun here too! Any pics of Damien in caps? Or any other headgear? Like scarfs, bowls heehee.. etc..

<font color="ff0000">The next montage theme will be each bb with 2 pics combi of SMILEY vs FROWNY! Mummies, go get your cam and start snapping! The bigger the smile, the better!!</font>
ur K looks real different when she wears a cap! looks like another baby! love the one she is lying down. so adorable.

hahaha, i LOVe the one tt D is lying down! so cute leh, machiam like enjoying. R nvr enjoys tummy time and he dun put his head down like tt leh. the other time at selina's hse, i din really see him wake up and play. hope this sat, he is in a more fun mood.

i alrdy got the big smiley pix, which was wat i had posted up the other time. but i will go home and search again. frowny pix? i cant rem if i got any of those leh... will find. This is getting so FUN!

will PM u my email addy. pls send the montage to me. thks loads, babe!
dear mummies

got reply for the beaba babycook.
if we buy 10units, seller charge for the price of 9 units, at 59.95 GBP per unit.
shipping will be 100 GBP
after conversion, approx. S$195 per unit (price before GST)

rather expensive lor...
wow, that's rather ex. Sigh... it's so nice tho. Not sure if it's worth buying. How long do babies have to eat blended food for before they move onto normal food?
ling.. i guess it depends on individual babies... i was watching the ch 8 show last night, and this granny actually juz used a strainer and a spoon to mince the porridge she had prepared for the baby.. that i think is a much cheaper solution.. of cos normal blenders would work too... i've got one, those that u always see on promotion in departmental stores.. small and powerful, size is juz right for blending baby stuff.. but its abt $100+ as well... of cos u can use that to blend other stuff too..
like wat ling said, its nice to have coz its pretty!!

even with my 1st kid, we also never use blender at all.

when he's ready for porridge, we cook little with quite alot of water and coook till very soft. then 'smash' the porridge/fish/carrots etc.

no need to use blender. haha..
<font color="ff6000">CALIFORNIA BABY CALENDULA CREAM 2OZ</font>

I've emailed the supplier - Vitamin Life to enquire on shipping, haven't hear from them yet.

Website: http://www.amazon.com/Calendula-Cream-2-oz/dp/B00028ND0O/sr=1-1/qid=1170119903/ref=sr_1_1/105-9119295-5651646?ie=UTF8&amp;m=A35ALG3YA78R28&amp;s=hpc

While waiting, was thinking let consolidate the order 1st.

<font color="0000ff">PRICE: US$6.93 (THE CHEAPEST)
Exchange: S$11.09 (US$1 = S$1.60)</font>

I will place a order for 36 tubs (just nice S$400)

There should be a US shipping charges of US$5.95 to VpostUSA. Thus, I also checking on international freight to see which is cheaper.

No need to look at other CB range. They are more expensive.

Kindly place order below:

1. phoebe (3)

Read from wholesomebabyfood. 6 months can introduce sweet potatoes, then 8 months above can eat white potatoes. But it didn't say white potato is a forbidden food for 6 month baby.
<font color="ff0000"><u>Calendula Cream</u></font>
1. phoebe (3)
2. joon (4)

Thanks phoebe
that's a gd price! u're GOOD man! do u think it's too unreasonable to ask them what's the expiry date of the creams? coz i'm thinking of getting 4, but if they're going to expire soon, i'll only get 2.

i read some talk above abt fasting from the forum... and *sigh* i'm going to fast today! got too much work to do. if i leave this window open, i'll NEVER get anything done! the plan is to only check the thread tonight. bah! i'm hooked!!!!! (need to attend STA - Sept Thread Anonymous - haha)
whoops! emma, just saw ur post!

<font color="ff0000"><u>Calendula Cream</u></font>
1. phoebe (3)
2. emma (3)
3. joon <font color="ff0000">(4?)</font>
whooops! i keep messing it up!! bah. this is the latest list.

<font color="ff0000"><u>Calendula Cream</u></font>
1. phoebe (3)
2. Emma (3)
3. Joon <font color="119911">(4??)</font>
4. Littlepony (2)


i have emailed to ask a few qns on shipping charges as well as expiry date.

do they actually print expiry date there? coz my existing tub no print expiry date ler.

once they replied, will update all again.
