(2006/09) SEPTEMBER 2006 MTB

Huijun !

come lah, at the most my hubby dun come if really too many people ..

only u & Ruien not much dif =) Daisybuttons, okay hor ? =)

u really funny leh! haaa!
Ya, forum is so addictive. I just finish ordering from Old Navy - phoebe's spree.... and then, now.. i am still checkin on the forum.

Guess what, i haven't really got into doing my work yet!!! shit! haaaaaaaaaa!
morning mummies, gotta rush home soon after posting this. working from home today and will be too busy to log on wor.

if i miss replying any of your posts, pls forgive me, this thread moving too fast!!!

peachie, wow clarence can sit unsupporrted! and hey we have the same "book" that we put in our babies cot! the one with colours on one side and black/white on the other.

highchair = we since jovann's birth have this "swing chair" for him that is like a rocker when he is young, then when he can sit up convert to a highchair even has a platform infront of him for his bowls. its herokids or something. similar to combi one but cheaper.

brenda, thanks for the pic! yah, can send higher res pls??
wanna post on my blog.
wow clarence can sit unsupported already? *salute salute* his muscles must be v strong. mine not even flipping yet, so sitting is a long long way for lil jo!!!!

how much that tai tai hair cost ? le salon must hv burnt a hole in ur pocket!

hai.. me super mommy? now miserable mommy again! first its my right that has blocked ducts n mastitis. bf was a breeze for me for 2 wks plus now seem like my left got one painful lump!! grrr!!!!!!
you called huh? Sorry, i left my phone in my dad's car since last thurs!!! hiyah... still don't have it back... gonna try get it back today

Yah! Am quite proud of sophie... hiyah actually it's the same lah, cry in S'p, cry in KL, not much diff. She's still pretty much the same. But now i have a lot of washing n housework to do! ahaha... and her schedule all messed up, gotta teach her to sleep on her own again coz every nap time she slept in the sling, carried ALL THE WAY. Like princess. heh... BUT thank God she slept from 10.30 to 5.30 this morning... hopefully it continues... heh and she doesn't dream of shopping all day. haha

Love that hairstyle of urs =), I dun dare, cos my haiir will end up in various direction, thanks to my natural curls inside..
that's so cool that Clarence can sit unsupported! I'm still waiting for sophie to flip! MORE TUMMY TIME!!!

oh dear... this bfing is really not easy hor? Sophie doesn't like the left. ARgh! So in the bus to kl, only can feed her on the right or she'll fuss. Wah left side almost pao za! Sometimes i'm so so tempted to just switch to formula. BUT WE MUST PERSERVERE OKIES? Like the rest, i'm hoping to hit 6 mths. STill got 2 more mth!! Argh...

So sweet of you to remember Clarice's birthday

Sure, I am on for the playgroup!

Do you find tat we are "so near yet so far"!though we live so near to each other, we hardly meet each other! hahah....maybe we can meet one day for a short while to take photos of our babies together. tat will be very cute!

I dun cook at home leh, u cook?
Clarence so CLEVER leh!! Wayne could flip within slight seconds but he hasn't learn how to sit on his own! I think still a long time to go!

Peachie, when u taking leave again?? Heee. tot of meeting up.. Jasmine in it as well!

I have 2 painful lump on my left breast since friday evening, and kenna fever that night. Is it mastitis? If so, how to cure???
<font color="0000ff">Gathering + Playdate</font>

Venue : Daisybuttons' place @ Bukit Panjang
Date : 3 Feb Saturday
Time : 1pm
F&amp;B : Food Catering = S$10.85 (round up to S$11.00) per pax

1. Joon + Perng Fey (bb Der Nen) <font color="ff0000">Bumbo</font>
2. Daisybuttons + Samuel (bb Jovann)<font color="ff0000">Bumbo</font>
3. Brenda + Shawn (bb Arianne)<font color="ff0000">Bumbo</font>
4. Phoebe (bb Javier)
5. Ling + James (bb Sophie)
6. Jo + hubby (bb Kelicia)
7. Orange + hubby (bb Cayden)
8. E-Ling + hubby + maid (bb Amabel)
9. Sha + maid (bb Sherilyn)
10. ilovebabies (bb Rachel)
11. Jasmine + hubby (bb Jadelle)
12. Crystallized (bb Reubern)
13. Doreen (bb Damien)
14. emoments or puppylove?

Total headcount = 25+14babies

e-ling, i am so sorry, i spelled ur girl name wrongly in the beginning! sorry sorry...hope u not mad at me...coz ur girl name very unique wor....

weikuan, paiseh leh, as the list very long liaoz and my house very tiny hehehe. not the big big house kind, so if too many it will burst! and since emoments and puppylove has indicated earlier that they will try to come and they are sept mums i will be putting their names in if they can make it. paiseh lah, hope you dun mind. we will post pics here for you to see after the gathering yar??

doreen, we dun know you well, can introduce urself more and ur baby as well so we all wun feel shy that day? thanks!

think we gota stop the list liaoz hehehee....okie for

<font color="ff0000">FOOD</font>
crystallised has feedback on luo han zai. I will be changing it to HK kailan. Jo, nice lah hor?

As for cha siew pao, though i dun eat too but i think its a common favourite wor, so i will leave it.

mini egg tarts i will change to chocolate eclairs. so all the chocolate lovers u got something to look fwd to! And its supposedly chef's recommendation wor. hehehe.

the menu will be :

1)Thai pineapple rice
2)HK kailan
3)Cereal Fish
4)Curry chicken
5)Steam Char Siew Pau
6)mini chocolate eclairs
7)Sotong You Tiao
8)sea cocunut with longan

Okie, will be booking today hopefully can us crystallised's member discount.

<font color="ff0000">Temperature</font>. for the sake of the babies health and let all parents have a peace of mind, let's take the temp of all babies as suggested by brenda (my PA, hahahah!) earlier. i have an auxiliary thermometer and will buy the disposable sleeves before saturday.
pig2, u shld call up an LC to get it treated. u can get my LC's number from blessedmommy coz i pass to her before. hope u feel better soon.

<font color="ff0000">Kriston</font>
i think someone asked me before the kriston italian set is serves how many ppl huh? it serves 10-12, and its $118 per set. its quite yummy, have tried their set before. but i think more ppl have tried neogarden so saver to go with the tastes of majority.
Hi Huijun

I'm sitting just one seat behind Wong Boh Boi. Yeahlor.. Zoe was so busy toking to that lady and didn't turn over to my side... sigh... I was using my new handphone to take (thinking it will produce good photos and didn't bring my digicam along) and the pics didn't turn out well. If only I brought my digicam, then I may be tempted to call Zoe to look behind me so that I can take a snap of her.. heehee...

I'm in navy blue blouse with jean.
It okay. thanks and will try to follow the thread before the next gathering, so that day also will nor feel shy. Very difficult to follow two threads indeed. hehe.

pei fu u, can follow so many threads.

crystallised, jo and doreen
see u during our next Mar06 gathering.
Hi daisybuttons,

I jus call up NUH, getting Christina to call me. Fever has came down, but breast still lumpy and pain.
Hi little pony,

Just give Wayne some time.... Once the back and neck muscles are stronger, he will be ready to sit!
Practise, practise, practise....

I can take leave next week.... half day, can? Just let me know which day is fine with you. We can go shopping and then makan somewhere! Both of us are shopholics.... he he...

Hi Yuna,

I totally agree! It's really so near yet so far.... Great to have someone Clarence's age living so near!!! Hehe, I dun cook either. My kitchen is non-functional one....

Clarice's birthdate is very near Clarence's (29 Aug right?)... That's how I remember.
wah..i go for a moo moo session and come back so many threads to follow up

daisybutton, i'm ok with the dishes. yes, chocolate eclairs!!
ic... I did notice the row is full, but didn't really look who is sitting there...

I think if Jo didn't change seat, she would be sitting in the same row as us...
Dear All,

Jasmine and myself are planning to meet up on 13th Feb (Tuesday) for a small gathering. We mainly do bits of shopping and then, chitchat over a cup of tea!

Meeting Plc: Somerset (planning to shop abit)
Date: 13th Feb (Tuesday)
Time: 1130am

Space is unlimited since Orchard so big! Haaa!

Come come and shop shop!
oh that mean Jo only behind me? I also didn't notice at all till end of the talk, I try to find Jo. Did find her q for the photo tking w Zoe.
aiya..cannot meet it on 13 feb. got to attend monthly meeting..sigh

anyone want to meet for shopping/high tea on 21-23 feb(wed-fri). on block leave. can go for post-cny shopping
<font color="0000ff">peachie,</font>
thanks for the tips! hmm... i've to ask the bbsitter to give Trinity more tummy time then! She can flip but mostly with us helping. BUT she can get out of her bumbo by herself!! of course I dun mean get up and crawl/walk lah... she can raise her lower body, get her legs out of the two "holes", twist her body and will fall out if we don't catch her!! *faint!* We realised later that the bumbo has "warnings", which include a clause that says the bumbo is not made to restrain bb in his/her seat. haha, now u tell me...

yup, seems only y'day we were talking abt pregnancy n gynae!! A close friend recently asked me for my gynae's contact as she's planning for bb. I also shared w her my pre-preg/preg experience. Wah, the memories all came flooding back! *phew!* what a journey we went thru'! We deserve a few pats on the back for having gone thru' it!

<font color="0000ff">daisybuttons</font>,
i'm so touched!!
u're making room for me at the gathering altho' ur house is already bursting!! Trinity sends u a million flying kisses!! Will come alone w Trinity if I can make it. My co. organising a seminar this Sat, not sure yet if i'll be involved that day... Will try to confirm ASAP, thanks heaps!!
Last Sat I worked fr 8.30am to 7.30pm!!
I also mah, even the guy ask if we r fans. a lady sitting beside me ask is Zoe the reason I come for the talk cos I quite not interest of the talk since my bb almost 5m ths liao
Hi puppylove,

Wow!!! Trinity can get out of bumbo by herself!!! Be careful yah? Make sure u guys leave the bumbo only on the floor....
Yep, we definitely deserve a few pats on the back!!!
No.. I didn't see Jo after the seminar.. didn't know there's a q to take photo with Zoe.

We went to the ladies right after the seminar and then went to look for food.. must admit, it's really very light refreshment... aiyo.. thot they would serve b4 the seminar.. thus was dead hungry by then. By the time we went to take the sandwish, only left a bit.

When I 'found' Zoe, she was signing autograph for fans.. I quickly took a few shots of her only(mostly blur.. sigh).
Hehe, I still have... I sent u a SMS when I delivered many months ago... Will send u a SMS to see if the number is correct... U reply me when u receive yah?
<font color="0000ff">peachie</font>,
yup, must put bumbo only on the floor. We also make sure we don't hv any low furniture nearby in case she knocks her head when trying to raise herself up!
rec'd email from kidzloft. person-in-charge on MC. will revert tomorrow.

lets hope they can give a good price for other mummies to get the BUMBO
<font color="aa00aa">Joon</font>, hahahahah! u mean the back like 'kiao kiao' is it? But met u at the Gymb class, it was nicely rounded in..

<font color="aa00aa">Phoebe</font>, any news for the Bumbo Play Trays? any chance?
now is nite time in US. heehee.
let's wait for reply the next few days.

have some dealing with the americans. they dont response email tat fast 1
huijun &amp; emoments

foodwise, u all din miss much..it is only 1 item , the bread with smoked salmon ;) not nice lah..

lucky i went for lunch first, like u, i also tot they will serve b4 seminar...but hubby said safer to go makan lunch 1st

hehe, i luv veg, any kind is fine =)i m fine with eclairs too

I noe another mum mariko ? fr the thread who went as well to Congress .

i agreed that if ur bb already born, talk does not help much

my pal also just got pregnant, she wants SGH but i dun dare to recommend her my lousy gynae there...

any gals got good gynae fr SGH ?

<font color="aa00aa">littlepony/daisybuttons</font>, will email u girls the higher resolution one.. Anyone else want pls PM me ya..

<font size="+1"><font color="ff0000">WANTED: BBs in headgear Pics!!</font></font>
Joon, hahahahaha u are hilarious!!! hahaha ur descriptions always made me laugh. chicken backside? :p :p :p

<font color="0000ff">Gathering</font>
Hi guys, have booked with neogarden, waiting for their confirmation mail. May get 10% discount as member (crystallised).

<font color="ff6000">Phototaking</font>
so only 3 of us bringing bumbo ah? ilovebabies may be bringing too if her hubby coming. seems like there will be a lot of phototaking that day. let's set some ground rules kae? (sound so serious hehe). <font color="ff0000">we will only post our <font color="0000ff">babies photos</font> online in this forum after the gathering. not photos with the mummies faces kae?</font> hehehe. this is after discussion with one of the mummies going.
coz most of us here are shy shy lah, not nice to post all our big faces here. the nice small chubby cute faces of our babies enough liaoz.


THAT acrobatic baby girl is my <font color="0000ff">Jadelle</font>!! haha!

welcome to join us, juz sms us ok? looking forward to meeting you again.. this time, without your preggie tummy!
