(2006/09) SEPTEMBER 2006 MTB

<font color="aa00aa">E-ling &amp; Emma</font>, I think most of the maids I got quite vain ones.. want to go back looking slim and pretty for their hubbies/bfs!

but just add mine too..

<font size="+1"><font color="119911">Gathering + Playdate</font></font>

Venue : Daisybuttons' place @ Bukit Panjang
Date : 3 Feb Saturday
Time : 1pm
F&amp;B : Food Catering = $9.85 (round up to $10)

1. Joon + Perng Fey (bb Der Nen) Bumbo
2. Daisybuttons + Samuel (bb Jovann)Bumbo
3. Brenda + Shawn + Maid (bb Arianne)Bumbo
4. Phoebe (bb Javier)
5. Ling + James (bb Sophie)
6. Jo + hubby (bb Kelicia)
7. Orange + hubby (bb Cayden)
8. E-Ling + hubby + maid (bb Amabel)
9. Sha + maid (bb Sherilyn)
10. ilovebabies (bb Rachel)
11. Jasmine + hubby (bb Jadelle)
12. Crystallized (bb Reubern)
13. Doreen (bb Damien)
14. emoments or puppylove?

Total headcount = 24+13babies (not counting emoments or puppylove yet)

Chng's wife,
Finally got u back on the thread! heeee!!! Damn long time since we last heard from u leh! Haaa!!!

Oh, the cream is for: (cut and paste from phoebe's explanation)


For grownups:
Moms &amp; Dads - Calendula Cream is a great facial cream for you too!
Calendula Cream is highly recommended for eczema, perioral dermatitis, and other skin sensitives.

Benefits &amp; Features:
Contains organic and sustainably grown ingredients
Active ingredient: Calendula officinalis is the common pot marigold and is well known for its skin healing properties
Safe, gentle and effective for cuts, sores and general skin abrasions
May be used around the diaper area for simple rashes
Works very well on cradle cap and chapped skin
Light and fluffy consistency
Update Calendula Cream @ $11.09 (w/o Shipping)

1. phoebe (3)
2. Emma (3)
3. Joon (4)
4. Littlepony (2)
5. brenda (2)
6. emoments (1)
7. Ming (2)
8. Jasmine (1)
9. E-Ling (1)
10. daisybuttons (2)
11. Orange (1)
12. edksdid (2)
13. Cherrie (1)
14. Melody (1)
15. ling (2)
16. chocolat (5)

Total: 33
halo !

hey I have successfully "fast" this forum since last nite but my fingers are not listening to my brains command so here i am !!

hey i want to try out the cream too !

Update Calendula Cream @ $11.09 (w/o Shipping)

1. phoebe (3)
2. Emma (3)
3. Joon (4)
4. Littlepony (2)
5. brenda (2)
6. emoments (1)
7. Ming (2)
8. Jasmine (1)
9. E-Ling (1)
10. daisybuttons (2)
11. Orange (1)
12. edksdid (2)
13. Cherrie (1)
14. Melody (1)
15. ling (2)
16. chocolat (5)
17. ilovebabies (1)

Total: 34

oh as for the gathering, i think we make it a pt to eat outside DB's hse else the food will be everywhere and it will be quite a mess. Unfair to DB and her hubby to do the cleaning after that.


u making me gian to go shopping. but where u gals wanan shop ? shop for kids or us ?
Something like this!

<font color="ff0000">SMILEY vs FROWNY</font> pic


<font color="aa00aa">Emma</font>, I agree with little pony.. Enzo is such an all smiles bb! I LOVE THIS PROJECT!

<font color="aa00aa">Melody &amp; Ching's wife</font>, hello! I'm doing bbs photo montages and now on the above theme.. post your bbs pics too ya!

<font color="aa00aa">E-ling</font> can can.. thanx

I'm going out for a massage now, will be back to do the montages. Mummies asking for high res montages to be emailed to u, will be done this evening ok? sorry.. got to run!
melody.. hmm.. how i make him laff ah... hmm... he smiles when i smile at him, he laffs when i laff.. so basically, he juz copies what we do.. lol... and oya.. he laffs when i cough too.. haha... strange baby hor..
Little pony, tks for the cut &amp; paste!

Update Calendula Cream @ $11.09 (w/o Shipping)

1. phoebe (3)
2. Emma (3)
3. Joon (4)
4. Littlepony (2)
5. brenda (2)
6. emoments (1)
7. Ming (2)
8. Jasmine (1)
9. E-Ling (1)
10. daisybuttons (2)
11. Orange (1)
12. edksdid (2)
13. Cherrie (1)
14. Melody (1)
15. ling (2)
16. chocolat (5)
17. ilovebabies (1)
18. chng wife (1)

Total: 35
<font color="aa00aa">Ching's wife</font>, what's your bb's name? My is bb girl named Arianne..

OK off I go now to FAST (massage hee..)as well.. see u girls after sunset!
lol.. lil pony and brenda.. hmm.. to tell u the truth, i like to see enzo frown.. haha.. cos its a novelty.. so i find it v cute.... only my dad can make him frown.. i love it when he "bi chui" hehe.. not sure if u all understand... lol... but i'll still try to see if i can get him to frown.. lol...
we should be shopping at the usual robinson's, john little and maybe walk down to taka. But yes, i think we can get our stuff and bb stuff at the same time. Juz consolidate your shopping list and we see how it goes.

Come on lah, let's go shopping!! Take a break from work!
haaaa. i haven't seen enzo 'bi chui'.. you gonna show the pic to us!! haaa! yes, think it's a novelty! the pic of him frowning going to be RARE!!!
u mummies r real fast!! Been always spending time reading back that by the time I wanted to post something realise it's so backdated alrdy..hee..fm the sprees to the gathering to montages....luckily I'm in time for this cali bb spree!!
wow arianne, u r so sweet u know ??

brenda luckily u r not BF-ing now. I heard after going for SPA/massage, we are not allow to BF for a few hrs. So either u express out before u go or throw away the EBM.

for gals using Fridge-to-go:

how do u clean the bag ? can I wash it ?
Little Pony,

i wld love to go both dates if boss agree to my leave Muahahaha!!!


Arianne is so lovely... let me go &amp; dig some photos of yun


Basically Enzo is a happy baby>>> mine even tickle her she bochap us
me oso want the calendula cream!

Update Calendula Cream @ $11.09 (w/o Shipping)

1. phoebe (3)
2. Emma (3)
3. Joon (4)
4. Littlepony (2)
5. brenda (2)
6. emoments (1)
7. Ming (2)
8. Jasmine (1)
9. E-Ling (1)
10. daisybuttons (2)
11. Orange (1)
12. edksdid (2)
13. Cherrie (1)
14. Melody (1)
15. ling (2)
16. chocolat (5)
17. ilovebabies (1)
18. chng wife (1)
19. sepsurprise(2)

Total: 37
CHNG'S WIFE. . .welcom back so what are you cooking tonight???? I have not been asking for monthSSSSSSSS. . . hahahahaha

Update Calendula Cream @ $11.09 (w/o Shipping)

1. phoebe (3)
2. Emma (3)
3. Joon (4)
4. Littlepony (2)
5. brenda (2)
6. emoments (1)
7. Ming (2)
8. Jasmine (1)
9. E-Ling (1)
10. daisybuttons (2)
11. Orange (1)
12. edksdid (2)
13. Cherrie (1)
14. Melody (1)
15. ling (2)
16. chocolat (5)
17. ilovebabies (1)
18. chng wife (1)
19. Sha_987 (1)

Total: 36
Update Calendula Cream @ $11.09 (w/o Shipping)

1. phoebe (3)
2. Emma (3)
3. Joon (4)
4. Littlepony (2)
5. brenda (2)
6. emoments (1)
7. Ming (2)
8. Jasmine (1)
9. E-Ling (1)
10. daisybuttons (2)
11. Orange (1)
12. edksdid (2)
13. Cherrie (1)
14. Melody (1)
15. ling (2)
16. chocolat (5)
17. ilovebabies (1)
18. chng wife (1)
19. sepsurprise(2)
20. Sha_987 (1)

Total: 38
brenda, so envy you !!! going massage now !! arrgghhh... hey Arianne is so QUUUUTTEE leh. hmm.. hope she is okay with you posting her half nude photo online !! hahahaha...

Emma, you really good wor. Enzo is such a cheerful baby.. and you can make him smile and laugh so easily ! how nice ...

I am so sleepy leh.. Cayden woke up at 12am yesterday and refuse to sleep till 2am
we suspect that he is teething... so am going to buy teething gel for him. He is also fussing while drinking milk, drooling a lot , puting everything into his mouth !!! But those are rather 'normal' behaviour of baby of his age right.. really headache !
Ling, for me i will steam the carrot rather than cook it in the water so the nutrient is still in the carrot. The boiling water can also give to baby to drink if not if you are making puree, just add it into the blender to blend together with the carrot.
ilovebabies, hope Shermaine will grow to be a pretty gal. No one is saying she looks like a gal even when I dress her in pink. =(

Sha, hahahahahahah!!! U so cute! Now can't cook le...no longer on MC, no longer on waiting bench. And hor, u should really go for massage now. Cos we carry our BBies too much le, mus massage to relax e muscle. Hahaha

Talking abt nude BB pics... There's once my fren was feeling low, so i MMS her a naked Shermaine pic with e title of "Porn". Hahahaha. She did cheer up abit. =P
orange... enzo is cheerful no doubt.. but u should see him when he's grouchy man!!! so loud and fierce!!! which is all the time before he zzz... any of ur babies tired juz zzz without making noise? one if my nephews are lidat... sleepy, u put him in bed he will juz zzz by himself... enzo... v particular.. muz carry him a certain way then he can zzz...
and most times muz mommy carry then can zzz...

one more qn.. its ok for babies to zzz thru the night w/o milk alr right.. cos enzo's last feed is 11pm, and wont drink till abt 8 or 9 am... normal?
wei kuan

err dilemma ah ?
if I am in ur case, I will give FM cos the FBM is too old to be consume and I am afraid the nutrients are not enough for our bb.
I will let my bb take FBM which is < 6 weeks. So u see, I will need to discard a lot of FBM ... oh my hard work ....

Chng's wife ... dont worry Shermaine will.

btw gals .. see if u can spot the difference

brenda.. maybe the next theme can be our babies in diapers.. lol... all the half naked babies.. but not good for the girls here right... hmm.. or babies wrapped in towels? hehe...

it depends on my rachel's mood. most of the time she can kuai kuai suck her pacifier and play with her bolster and dozed off. but if she is w/o sleep for hours and when it's bedtime she gets v grouchy so i need to walk and rock to sleep. and yes mummy's smell is required at this time ... daddy's BO wont work ahhaha
ilovebabies, look very alike leh, only difference i coul spot is the hair (Rachel got more hair and longer hair) and Rachel look more girlie but the other one look more boyish and handsome. Is that you or ur hubby?

good observation hor !

yes that's my hubby. that's why everyone says she looks like him. and sad to say I dont have pictures of myself of this age.
ilovebabies, is that your hubby .. Rachel sure looks like him especially the mouth and eyes !!! so your hubby also very pretty har ?!? hehehe
emma, yah my hubby need very long time to get Amabel to sleep, where i can make her sleep very fast. Maybe is because of the smell like what ilovebabies said
Me too lack of sleep! Everyday go to bed at 11:30pm at wake up at 6:30am to pump milk and sterlize funnel afterwards and rush to work at 8:20am. I am even more pitiful than the maid! And today was still been called up by my boss for lateness. (Luckily I'm not the only one, about half of the ppl were called up by him). He want us to reach office before 8:45, and I usually reach office at 8:50+. No choice, have to wake up 15 mins earlier from tomorrow onwards. Poor me! Sometimes I really hope I have no milk to pump so I can have more time to do other things! Sob sob!
Emma, i think is okay. But, what i do is , i will still feed Cayden even he didnt cry !! (maybe that's why he is so FAT!) I try to get him into routine lor.. so as far as possible, try to let him have his 'breakfast' before 8am. so that the next feed will be around noon, then 4pm and his 'dinner' will be before his sleep which is 7 plus... well, he used to only wake up once for milk around 2 plus.. now.. he happy happy wake up past midnight and play !! really jialat.
diana, pls dun say tt. it's ur good fortune to hv abundant milk for ur bb. even if it's hardwork, it's worth it. unlike me, i dun hv abundant supply, just barely sufficient. even more hard work as i'll spend longer time and higher frequency to pump.

Thanks for your comfort!
I still eat quite healthy (at least i think). Usually 1 fish, 1 meat, 1 egg and 1 veggies. Maybe that's why I still haven't lost much weight
Diana, aiyo... very good already lah. Jac does not need night feed anymore izit? If i can have 6 hours sleep with NO disruption!! i will be SOOOOOOO happy!! hehehe...

Edksd, I still have fish for lunch and dinner almost every day. But i think i read somewhere, if you dont eat healthy, your body will still 'steal' the nutrient from your body in producing the breastmilk.. so mummy is the one that will be lacking nutrient in long run and not the baby wor...


I think i agree with orange. ultimately, bb will benefit from BM and mummy will suffer if not taken care properly. but I will still try to eat fish/pork everyday. To me veggie is not that impt.
