(2006/09) SEPTEMBER 2006 MTB

halo halo gals

can slow down ? rachel's mummy is super bz at work and now stealing some time to read the posts.

wah shopping trip ah ? hmm see if I can take leave ok ?


have pm-ed u my email .. pls send me the pic !

oh here's my Rachel:



can u wait for me for the ON spree ? Think I only have time to browse thru it at nite.

wei kuan
hard to follow 2 threads at times. so i usually post wif short reply in sept thread only. wkdays r crazy!!! i basically hv no time at nite to post in detail. if not 4 the fact i can log in fr ofc in the day, i will not catch up.

yah u join us in the nxt gathering bah. think this time round, daisybuttons' hse will b bursting wif pple!
anyway Jo opening up her hse soon.

my boy oso botak now... so he is joining sophie in her gang!

<font color="119911">***Cute babies***</font>
so many cuties ard!
i go home find my botak bern's headgear then post here. Jadelle is soooooooooo cute! so irresitible!!! Rachel's oso v cute!

<font color="0000ff">***Who is that baby?***</font>
wif rdgs to the thumb sucking pix, whose baby is tt at the bottom row, the middle baby in yellow bkgrd? think this was the baby i saw at Dr Ong's clinic last wk.

<font color="aa00aa">***Photos at Gathering***</font>
i agree wif daisybuttons! only babies photos shall b posted online aft the gathering as i am someone tt dun like to post my own pix online.
<font color="ff6000">Emma</font>
You are so OBSERVANT!!! haha, but indeed very farny!?

<font color="ff6000">Jamine</font>
Your Jadelle is so flexible, think I have never see my J do that before.
She has that soulful eyes- makes me go "Awww..."
<font color="ff6000">Ling</font>
Thanks for the info!!! They even have bumbo there? that is great, sounds fun.

thinking of going on sat. are they open?

Geez, my nick is also Ling... sounds like calling myself

I will take one of kelicia in headgear to nite =)

Mummies who take the pictures =>
do u all use flash, if i take at nite without flash , then pic very blur
does anyone feels not as focused at work as compared to before having bb?

im back to work for 3 wks already (1 wk is on course). somehow i feel kind of sian. seems like not v focused as compared to before. feel kind of bad. sigh... i need some encouragement

<font color="aa00aa">Jasmine</font>, something that covers more of the head? like a thinking cap!

<font color="aa00aa">Other mummies</font>, I'm waiting for your post of yr bbs in any headgear! Ah ma's armpit hanky also can..
Hmm... i am back for almost 2 months already.. and hey, i also not as focused as before! haaaa!!! But don't worry lah. You get back to track very soon! Hey, we on leave for 3 months leh.. so how to be focus so soon!!

Hmm.. i dunno if this is the kind of encouragement you need. haaa!! But i muz say, give yourself some time to adapt.... Hmm, i already 2 months at work.. haaaa!!! My adaption very slow!!!

Thanks for your concern...

Now is better liao, my LC called and teach me to use warm towel and massage, I soaked the whole left breast in warm water and massage, thereafter my BB will latch, now the lump is smaller and less painful, hopefully by tomorrow, everything will be gone.
Haaa! My fav Jac! I muz say.. i like seeing Jac's photo.. sooooooooo chubby leh!!!!! Really feel like pinching her!!! pls let me do so if i have the chance to see her! haaaa!!!!
Edksd &amp; Little Pony

I agree with you. I'm also not as concentrated as before. And I've addicted to this thread! Trying to restrict myself spending too much time here, that's why went MIA for the past few days. But it was so painful!
Haa. I multi tasked... so i keep the forum window open and minimise it on my laptop's screen. Then i go focus on my work .. after a while, i come back and check again! But yes, very addictive!!!
<font color="aa00aa">Diana</font>, hahahah! you're funny! trying to go fasting on this forum.. hahhaha!

How you know I am going to do smiley bbs next?! that's my next project in my photo montages pipeline, smileyVSfrowning! As for the headgear pic, the hood not really covering Jac's head leh.. can try to use something else? But the smiling one is really cutteee! can't tahan!
tt was so lovely of all the babies!!!!
simply therapeutic to look at them esp when so stressed at work!!!!

wait up 4 me, i go recce my boy's photo tonite of him in headgear. but not as funny as those posted here, i suppose.

hehehehee, u hv so many "projects" coming up huh! kekeke

i agree wif u, i not focussed anymore. everytime kept thinking abt my boy and wondering how to squeeze more time to spend wif him.

Jac is really really really cute!!! her 3 day old pix really melts my heart!
brenda, u are getting better at this! hehehe so cute!

diana, ooooh CHUBBY! i wanna pinch too!!!! hehehehe!

edksd hahahhhahahahaha its so like me loh! i am super addicted and i CANNOT FOCUS. since i go back work 2mths ago! jialat, really jia lat one. i know i have projects to rush but i dilyl dally here and there until wed i need to report oredi now then i panick! and yet here i am in the forum AGAIN! gosh.

hey, the wind very very BIG recently leh. my house here now like the wind threatening to blow the windows open, and the howling so eerie hehehee....we cannot open windows coz its so strong it slams shut itself. and all our things will fly all over the place. is it same other parts of singapore?
talk about work. Me also back to work for 2 months soon, but still not focus. Logging on to read post and thinking of BB all the time. Boss already complaining. Must get back on track otherwise sure kenna sacked.

Took leave last week as Trinity was getting her 2nd 6-in-1 jab. Took the opportunity to get her into a routine. Here's what it looks like :
<table border=1><tr><td>08:30</TD><TD>milk, breakfast (, ) </TD></TR><TR><TD>09:00</TD><TD>Nap or play, but must wake by 11:30am ˯, 11:30 Ҫ[ </TD></TR><TR><TD>12:00</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>12:30</TD><TD>milk, lunch (, ) </TD></TR><TR><TD>01:00</TD><TD>play &amp; 2 hr nap (, + ˯ 2 ) </TD></TR><TR><TD>03:30</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>04:00</TD><TD>milk, tea (, ) </TD></TR><TR><TD>04:30</TD><TD>play () </TD></TR><TR><TD>05:30</TD><TD>bath () </TD></TR><TR><TD>06:00</TD><TD>water &amp; evening nap (ˮ + С˯) </TD></TR><TR><TD>07:30</TD><TD>milk, dinner (, ) </TD></TR><TR><TD>08:00</TD><TD>play () </TD></TR><TR><TD>09:30</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>10:00</TD><TD>milk, supper ( , &uuml;ҹ) </TD></TR><TR><TD>10:30</TD><TD>bedtime (һX)</td></tr></table>
<font color="aa00aa">littlepony &amp; edksd</font>, I'm actually considering going back to work cos I feel so left out of the society.. No matter how I try to rationale, I still can't do it.

<font color="aa00aa">blessedmommy</font>, eh you're welcome..

<font color="aa00aa">jRt &amp; daisybuttons</font>, thanx in getting the discount for us! Eclairs, yum yum!

<font color="aa00aa">Gathering &amp; Phototaking |</font> I think if anyone wishes to post pics of other mummies than herself, it's only nice to ask first.. Then the forum will always be a comfy, not an embarassing place to be!

I suggest we use sticker labels to write our bbs' and our names on it then stick on the shirt during the gathering.. anyone objects? that way everyone will know everyone in the house!
Haaa. U have been so good at the montages! Very cute to say 'Captiviting'... U really good at thinking of taglines huh!

Oh.. smiley and frowning! haaa!! Okie, when the headgear pics r over, I submit the photos of Wayne for u under 'Smiley vs frowning' .. but i think he has more of frowns than smiles!

Sticker labels? Haa! U worry too many babies around and later, bring the wrong baby back izzit??? haaa!!!!! Juz teasing!
hi gals.. seems like we r all in the same fate. me too at wrk keep thinking abt my son n moo moo duty. i think its quite unfair to our colleagues. hmmm....
Hi Jasmine,

See you gals! Look forward to seeing you again too! hehe... I like the pic of Jadelle with all the flowers in her hair.
LittlePony and DaisyButton
Want to pinch my Jac ? No problem! But to be fair, got to let me pinch your baby too!

You are even more funny leh. "fasting"- what a creative words! Your montage are creative too! Really appreciate your effort!

Thanks for your compliments! That's one of my favourite photos! Have been waited for so long to show to all the mummies! Blush...

Regarding the wind, you stay at high rise floor? I stay at 20+ floor, can't open the window too.
<font color="aa00aa">Littlepony</font>, ya! also sticker on hubbies too! later bring wrong one home!

Well, cos so pai seh after the GymB class, I realised I couldn't really remember who was who. I got to match the mummy's nick to mummy's real name to their bb's name, and!! wait! the hubby's name too!

Eh, I was so worried in bringing home the wrong bb from the hospital and refused to let the nurse wheel Arianne down to the nursery! ALL the bbs in the nursery look the same!! The hospital tag is DA Best heehee..

<font color="aa00aa">Pig2</font>, hey! I like Malcolm in the baseball cap pic! so suave! can post here just that pic, I'll use in the CAPtivating montage.
Brenda, U really make me laugh out so loudly!! bring home wrong hubbies? haa!!!

Hmm..but but ... Jac's one so chubby! Wayne don't have that kind of cheeks!!! haa!

oh izzit.. i go back and check out the wind since i stay on the 29th floor!!
Here's my beanie enzo..


and here ger ger enzo.. lol.. juz took it like 5 mins ago..
ps:brenda.. dun use this for the collage ya.. for sept mommies viewing pleasure only.. lol

WOW... enzo can be handsome and pretty leh!! i am always amazed by his smiley face, think all the pics i have seen are of him grinning widely!

Ling, emma shld still be working unless she has tendered resignation?
hey! <font color="aa00aa">Emma</font>, I was looking for that pic all over the forum, the one Enzo with the beanie! But i really really really like the one u just took! can?! he looks like a buBBle!
ling.. yaya.. me still working.. hehe.. but my official hrs are from 715-1255.. lol... but usually dun get to go home so early lahz.. hehe...

shirlyn.. he looks pretty ger ger hor.. hmm.. will my next be a girl? but one is realli quite enough for now.. lol... and he does smile pretty easily.. but cry ezily also lahz.. lol.. v emotional.. muahahaa..

brenda.. can can.. lol... they will be wondering which ger ger that is.. lol...

here's tengku enzo... (all his daddy's leftover creativity from work.. :p)


Wow... all bb are so cute!

Diasybutton, its ok nono i wont mad at you lah. No worry. Hehe
Yah i live 10th floor, the wind since yesterday is so strong. My area, everyday wind very strong but yesterday and today even more strong. I can hear alot of door at other unit keep pangz pangz pangz leh. So scary, dun dare to open window.

phoebe, i on leave on 21 and 22 Feb, perhad can meet up. hehe
