(2006/09) SEPTEMBER 2006 MTB


WOW it is great but too bad I can't join as my hubby is going for his RS tomorrow so we dont know his schedule yet.

My hubby was asking me why September mummies do not have the gathering like the August Mummies that was screen on TV last night!!! It will be great fun to have so many babies around!!!!

After watching the program I know why Sherilyn refuse milk coz she is really for semi-solid food.

ling.. enzo is 4 months and 17 days old.. saw from the tv prog last night that from 4-6 months.. some babies will reject milk... so i guess there's nothing much i can do...

ilovebabies... ya.. enzo is eating semi solids alr... one meal a day only... rachel too right???

babes.. did u watch ch 8 last night? the aug thread mommies were featured... among them was jasmine from our thread too... hehe.. so happening.... :p
daisybuttons, I know what you mean. Hahaha.. Jealousy... Alamak. Sometimes when I am playing with baby, my maid will interrupt and tries to catch her attention. And when my baby actually smiles at the maid, I get a bit annoyed. Actually I should be glad that the maid dotes on her and baby also likes the maid, but hey, I am spending quality time with my girl and there she goes interupting. I think my maid is a bit "possesive" of my baby. There are even times when baby cries while my maid is carrying her and I want to carry my baby to soothe her, I have to repeat myself at least twice to my maid to ask her to give me my baby back to me. Angreeee....

But lucky so far my baby still prefers me to the maid. BUT I have to cross my fingers lah.. I am at work most of the time and she spends more time with the baby then me, I am still worried that baby will be more attached to the maid in time to come...
Enzo is taking semi solids food already?? You are giving him cereal or brown rice??

Sherilyn is almost the same age as Enzo but we have not really give her semi-solid food yet what we did is mix the brown rice into her milk coz my MIL say that is too troublesome to feed her spoon by spoon. . .sian.
Hi sep mummies

first time coming into this thread and saw this gathering which is at bt panjang, which is like very near my place at bukit batok =)

My gal was born on 22 Sep at SGH

This is the number wat gathering for sep mummies..if u all already very familiar liao, i very paiseh to join ;)
I understand what you mean when you said that you are afraid that baby is more attached to the maid. . .I have the same concern as well.

Sherilyn is being look after by my MIL but there is another baby there so my MIL do not get all the attention. That is why my maid tends to play and sing to her most of the time.

So over the weekend we make it a point try not to let the maid carry her and we will spend as much time with her as possible.
Morning mummies!

you watch the show ah? got glimpse my Jadelle boh?? keke.. and my hubby with his thick thick eyebrows..hahahaha... I record down the show leh! Aug mummies are going rah-rah over it now..

ah.. so it was you.. keke! very *shing* leh!

shichida classes emphasise on memory games, ESP, flashcards (like flash a few hundred cards at one go type), damn expensive like 12 lessons for few hundred bucks.. and, for max effect, should attend for min. 2 yrs..
i still thinking about it, cos i am doing GD program with Jadelle and she not interested in the cards now leh.. dunno izzit cos i do it on weekends only..

Gathering abit far for me leh..
you can recognise me? faint!

we haven't had a real BIG gathering yet, juz some meet up when we go for trial bb classes..so join us, ok? no paiseh!
sha... i gave him brown rice cereal.. finish alr now eating oatmeal cereal... at first was v fluid.. but also spoon fed... now its v thick alr.. so have to spoon feed... but hor.. this leads to a bad habit!!! he wants to be spoon fed his MILK too!!!!
but i dun have the patience lehz.. only his nanny has that patience.. or maybe she spoilt him by spoon feeding him when he rejects the bottle.. but then again... at least she is patient enough... argh.. dilemma...

My Jac has sleeping problem too. But things are getting better after the following effort.
1) Make the bedroom very dark. I learned this from Gina Ford's "The new contented little baby book : the secret to calm and confident parenting". After apply this, she usually wakes up after 6:30am instead of the usual 5am.
2) Feed her before sleep and feed less at night. I used to latch her whenever she wakes up at midnight, now I try to feed her once around 9:30pm before she go to bed. Midnight feeding is restricted to once only and no feeding after 3am. If she make noise, I give her pacifier instead. This has been working well, she wake up less for the past 1,2 weeks. Like last night, she went to bed at 10pm, wake up once at 2am+ for a feed, and continue sleep until 7:30am and no pacifier been used! Though it is still not sleep through the night, but I'm happy with it already!
3) Make her sleep late. She used to feel sleepy at 8:30pm, but will only fall into deep sleep at 9:30pm+. It took an hour to coax her to sleep! So yesterday I decided not to let her sleep early. I brought her downstairs at 8:30pm to play with other babies and come back at 9:15pm, feed and bath her after that. And she fell asleep within 5 mins!

Though my jac is still not sleeping through the night, but things are getting better now, and I have better rest too.
Hi moms,

So exciting! You gals are organising a gathering!
Too bad my husband and I decided that Clarence shall stay at home and attend no classes or playgroup before he turns 1.
So you gals have a great time yah!

Hi Jasmine,

Yep, agree that Shichida is damn ex. Called them up some time back cos my husband's colleague 2 year old daughter is attending, and they quoted me $1,450 per term (10 lessons, I think). Very very expensive. After some thought, decided that the $$$ is better used elsewhere, plus we also agreed with the PD on no classes before Clarence turns 1 year.

Anyway for info, the breakdown of Shichida costs goes like this:

Term Fees: $780
Reg Fees: $50
Parent Education Class: $270(2parents)
GST: $50
Deposit: $300
Total: $1450

How is Glenn Dorman? You attending the classes or doing it yourself at home?

Hi Diana,

Glad your baby is sleeping till 6.30am! Should be much better right?

Hi moms,

I think baby Clarence is teething, though I am not very sure after all the false alarms. Anyway, he started developing the following symptoms since last Sat:

1) Drools a lot (he has been drooling, but it seems to have increased by quite a lot)

2) Rash on his lower chin (due to the drool I guess)

3) Quite cranky during feeds and loves to bite anything

4) Developed a cough (read somewhere that this is due to the excessive drooling)

5) Two white buds have appeared in his gums on the lower jaw (where his front teeth would have been)

I really am not sure, but to incur $80 consultation fee to bring him down to the PD for a check seems exorbitant to me. So right now adopting a wait and see attitude.

Any other babies have teeth-ed already? What are the symptoms and how long does it take for the front teeth to appear?

Took 2 pics over the weekend, quite cute...

1) The CEO of the household is in deep thoughts...


2) Mommies - Anyone willing to employ me???

me also live in bt batok. which part u staying?

only me and javier. hubby always very lazy to join such function. he feels 'its always women / baby talk' haha..
77 (peachie)

Clarence is such a big boy, he born on when ? =)
initially, we do not want to let our gal go out till 6 months old, but in the end, went out after 1st month..

I am staying near Yusoff isak sec school, bt btaok st 25..u leh ?

hehe, if majority just going with baby, i shall follow suit =)
Hi Jo,

Clarence is born on 31/8/06.
He is pretty tall for his age (68cm which puts him on 95th percentile) but very skinny (6.6kg which puts him at 25th percentile). Haiz....

We do bring him out on our own, but the PD advised against joining any classes or playgroups for Clarence. My PD is the ultra careful sort and so he discourages all interaction until he reaches at least 1 year...

How old is your little one?
I try spoon feeding Sherilyn last weekend she try to grab the spoon like she is holding to the milk bottle so cute and funny and of coz dirty as well.

I am only giving her brown rice. Where did you get your cereal?

Yes, I think patient is needed especially when they growing and learning and worst when they start asking you questions.
Sophie's born on 25 Sept. Quite close!
Most babies here are older, i think Sophie's the youngest, if i'm not wrong. Mummies pls correct me if i'm wrong. Heh. She's also skinny. Only 5.56kg, her birth weight was 2.95kg. Sigh... still not putting on weight. Been quite stressed about it. But she keeps growing in length. I think she's about 62cm!

don't complain about milk supply lah.. keke, cos i am probably the one with the worst supply now..

every hr gap between pumping is only worth 20ml TOTAL from 2 breasts now.. so, if i latch my girl on @ 8am, and express @ 9am i only get max 30ml for 30min of pumping from BOTH breasts..

like just now, i express @ 9am- 9:30am only 30ml!
and @ 10:45am, hand expressing for 20min gets only 40ml!

between office hourse 8:30am-6:30pm, i get only 8 oz.. i don't pump at home, cos latch my girl on, but cos i think my milk not enough, she sleep @ 9pm,wake up for milk @ 12-1mn, then 3am then 5am, then 7am, 8am ..on weekends, i can latch her 100% though.. her weight is at 50 percentile and now @ 20 weeks is ~7kg niah..

I am a very determined mum who wishes to increase my milk supply to my girl, so i have been eating goat's rue, fenugreek, drinking nursing tea, but still not much effect. sometimes, i wonder why i am underperforming in this aspect despite my efforts.. and when i see the bruises on my breasts due to friction / abrasion of my dry hands on my breasts, generated from frequent hand expressing, i wonder why am i so stubborn and still want to persists on.

My girl now on 1 feed of FM.. and when i am not around she drinks 150ml every 3- 4hrs.. she looks chubby cos of the baby fat on her cheeks and her thigh, but when i feel her body, i can feel her ribs lor.. so i am wondering if she isn't eating & drinking enough..
Hi Jasmine,

My milk supply is the same as yours! 20ml per hour from pumping both breasts!

Hehe, I lack your determination, so I just let things be and supplement Clarence using Similac. I understand your frustration. Poor you! Even have bruised breasts! Really salute your perseverance.

On whether Jadelle is drinking enough or if she is mal-nourished, I guess as long as she is active and alert, things should be fine. So don't worry too much yah?
My days of Arianne sleeping through the night is OVER!

She has been sleeping from about midnight till 8/9am since she was 7 weeks old (I know I've been lucky la).. but this morning she woke up at 5am and started her saliva jet spraying activity again!

<font color="ff0000">Is it a call to the PD??</font>
jo, welcome!!!! you are also invited to the gathering lah, most of us here have not met so dun be paiseh yar? do add ur name onto the list if u are coming?

peachie, that pics are hilarious and thats a nice t shirt, where u buy it from? so cute!!!! heheheee....

Gathering => forgot to mention, all hubbies are welcome kae?! else my hubby will be bored hahahaa.

jasmine, come lah, singapore so small no part is too far hehehe. oh u using GD? u going for course or its a home thingie? peachie too?
brenda, when u msged me i was pumping milk! hehehehe! so ciao hor.....u stay very near my childhood friend also.
ur girl wake up 5am once only right? maybe its just a one off thingie, dun be too worried yar?

jasmine, yeah heard about the aug mum thingie, so happening! hehehe. i wanna watch the video leh, u got tape ah? in dvd issit? can upload it anywhere a not huh? hehehee....

smiley, yah man! i am jealous loh. u know, during ML, i took care of Jovann while day, clean his poo, change diapers, bathe, feed, rush like mad sometimes no time to bathe. when i play with him he will smile and respond lah. but once his daddy reach home, he will yak and garble and talk to him loh! and when he can "talk" he started off with something close to "daddy" instead of "mommy". hubby says its coz i didn't keep repeating "mmmaaaa meee" to him, whcih is true coz i was just so busy with him doing other things mah! sigh......

<font color="0000ff">bumbo playtray</font>. anyone wants to buy? brenda, i am interested but why u put bukit timah collection huh? shall we consolidate 10 in our area so we can get at $30? though i have not even bought my bumbo coz no one selling 2nd hand now leh!!! any lobangs?

for those mummies with low MS, can i ask have u tried using other pumps? coz i do notice some pumps help in let down more than others. so just tot if u had tried. e.g. avent manual. but i guess diff mommies diff reactions to diff pumps yar.....
<font color="aa00aa">Gathering</font>

Venue : Daisybuttons' place @ Bukit Panjang
Date : 3 Feb Saturday <font color="aa00aa">|Im ok with Sat or Sun|</font>
Time : Around 1pm for lunch
Food : Potluck!

1) Joon + DN = Dry Mee Siam <font color="aa00aa">|Granny cook one must be YUM YUM!|</font>
2) Daisybuttons + Jovann = wait till more dishes then i make up what's missing!
3) Brenda + Arianne = Curry Chix with French Loaves <font color="aa00aa">|I can also prepare other food if required..|</font>
4) Phoebe + Javier = coconut jelly dessert
5) Ling + Sophie <font color="aa00aa">|Food?|</font>
6) Jo + Kelicia? <font color="aa00aa">|Food?|</font>

<font color="aa00aa">Phoebe |</font> Rushing out my VS orders to you! Pai sei.. Eh your hub can come talk about cars, soccer and women with the guys la.. heh

<font color="aa00aa">Jo &amp; Kelicia |</font> *wave* Welcome! Such a happy bb!

<font color="aa00aa">77 |</font> Clarence doesnt look light at all. He has lovely cream skin and dark hair! Suave..

<font color="aa00aa">Jasmine |</font>I missed the show! Come la for the gathering, also bring your tape. But <font color="aa00aa">Daisybuttons </font> got VCR player or not? Cos these days VCR player like extinct already.. hee

<font color="aa00aa">Princess Emma |</font>Can I ask if your brown rice cereal bought off the shelf or you make your own?
<font color="aa00aa">|Daisybuttons|</font> Cos that's where Shawn's house is, most of the time we're there.. I can also pick up at BT PJ. Both areas also no prob! I'll tell the fellow.. errr.. Atelier..
sha and brenda.. the brown rice cereal i got is organic from Healthy Times.. think its sold in cold storage... i am also feeding enzo with jar food.. apples, carrots...
i like his facial expression when he's eating apples.. hehe.. cos its too sour for him.. haha.. but he likes it all the same..

jo.. K doesnt look v thin what.. enzo looks abt that too... but he's abt 7.5kg now... hehe... maybe his bones are realli heavy.. cos he looks v small...
<font color="aa00aa">| PrincessEmma |</font> Thanx for the info! I'm very sua ku on organic food. I've heard some friends saying if let bbs start organic food, they'd have to continue that for life? something like that.. have u heard before?

<font color="aa00aa">| Daisybuttons |</font> Since my mum's so near to yours and where Arianne goes, Bumbo follows so would u fancy letting Jovann try on A's bumbo? FOC try la.. heh..
did u post in forum WTB to get a 2nd hand bumbo? i did and got 3 replies. purchased from the 1st reply - lilac bumbo.

not sure whether want to get the tray or not. coz also not sure how long javier can still sit in the bumbo. once the thighs get too thick, cannot squeeze in. then cannot sit bumbo anymore.
Hi Daisybuttons,

Hehe... I thought he looked quite funny too!
Anyway, the romper is from Lifebaby (Raffles City branch). It is on 40% discount, so paid $14 plus for it. The back of the romper looks like this...


Cute right? I was floored when I saw the romper... darned cute.
Oh yes, I am not using GD. Heard it's quite a bit of work, so lazy me din bother.... Just bring Clarence out during weekends these days to shop, shop and shop...

Hi Brenda,

Thanks for the compliment! And dun worry about your Arianne (I love this name!) not sleeping thru the night! I think it is a temporary thingy. Clarence sometimes wakes up in the middle of the night to play by himself and practise his "flipping" too! I just ignore him when he does that as long as he doesn't cry.

I love the pictures!
They are hilarious!

Regarding practise flip at night,my girl do that too! Just 2 days ago, she went bed at 10pm, and when I entered the room at 11pm, I found she was sleeping on her tummy! I was so panic, quickly turned her over and check if she was still breathing.
And the other night I went to pee only, she was on her tummy again when I was back!
Jasmine, how many times do you pump in the office each day? I only pump twice. One at 10.30am and another time at 3.30pm. Each time I pump for around 15-20 mins using the Avent Manual pump. Each time I pump, I get at most 70ml (2.5oz) from both (not each) breasts. Your baby gets 1 feed of FM each day, my baby only gets 1 feed of BM each day.. hahaha...

I don't dare to pump regularly in the office lest my boss not happy lah.. Even twice a day in the office, I go to the nursing room feeling very paiseh..

Ask you gals... do you stop pumping when there's no more milk coming out or do you stop after a period e.g. 20 mins?

daisybutton, you should be happy your baby respond to your hubby. For mine, she sometimes happy happy respond to him, sometimes don't want to look at him. Keeps turning away, and this makes him so disappointed and sad.. Makes me uncomfortable to see him disappointed also... :p Heehee...

Maybe we shd do a BP from Lifebaby and get better discount for the milk romper.
Then all our babes can be lined up together. Can you imagine? A whole group of little "workers" willing to work for milk! That will be a nice pic and extremely hilarious!
Hehe, maybe we shd do a BP from Lifebaby and get better discount for the milk romper.
Then all our babes can be lined up together. Can you imagine? A whole group of little "workers" willing to work for milk! That will be a nice pic and extremely hilarious!
Haiz, I pump once a day in office. I sit very near my boss' room, so going to pump too often will be very pai seh.

I pump till there is no milk...

By the way, no one can answer my teething question ah??? So sad! I also dunno if he is really teething now and what should I look out for and how to alleviate the pain. Anyone has any idea? Thanks in advance!
phoebe.. will it still be cheaper after we add in the shipping fees? cos its rather bulky ya?

brenda.. i am surely not gonna let enzo have organic food for his entire life!!! lol... i dun think that saying is true... hmmm.. since the FM i mix the cereals with is not organic... i think he should be fine eating non organic stuff too..
smiley &amp; peachie,
ok i can sit on the bench with you both liaoz.. it is so disheartening sometimes! GRRRHHH!

when i first return to work, i carried my Avent Duo, but no location to pump with a power socket, so i end up in handicap toilet and pull in the extension cord. but, the cord kanna split into 2 cos of the constant opening &amp; closing of the door which hit onto the cord! plus, the stress of washing &amp; set up &amp; trying ot be as fast as possible.. aiyoh.. i end up super stressed..
At that time, i pump 8:30am/ 10:30am/ 1pm/3pm/5pm, each time 1 hour! And obviously, i kanna complain lor.. i couldn't help it, as that time, not used to location and pumping instead of latching and my milk refuse to letdown and i felt so terrible.. ENGORGED!
Despite keepiing at it for 1 month, as i was hoping to increase the volume pumped, it didn't work leh..

So, now, my schedule:
7:30am: latch bb
8:30am: pump 1 hr with my avent IQ uno(30-60ml)
10:30am: hand express for 15 min (30-40ml)
12:30pm: pump 1 hr (50-70ml)
2:30pm: hand express for 15 min (30-40ml)
4:30pm: hand express for 15 min (30ml)
5:30pm: pump 1 hr (30-40ml)

using the Uno enable me to pump 1 side with battery and hand express the other breast during letdown.. and if battery give up on me, i convert to the manual ISIS..i get a letdown in 1st minute of pumping, then 10min later, then 15min later for a 3rd one..

so, as u can see, i have 3 pumps, all AVENT.. and i decide that i not gonna spend $$ on another pump, since althogether i spend like 500sgd liaoz on those i own..

peachie &amp; Daisybuttons,
GD program, i DIY, cos i can customised.. My another fren in forum in attending the class, so she share with me the updates..
i save more money this way.. plus even if you buy the premade cards, after a while you also need to DIY the cards! Before i deliver, i made the cards liaoz to standby.. so once deliver, not so much work to do.. and now, after 6 months of PBF, i will stop BF so lunchtime can do up more flash cards for my girl..

my fren record for me on DVD but iz -R leh.. your DVD player can play that? ok ok, i try to make it for gathering..but muz get hubby's ok 1st, since weekends are so precious..
me now back to work. pump twice a day in office. once around 11am, and another time at 4pm. each time abt 200ml.
but also not tat enuff for my boy. sometimes when i reach home at 630pm, he already hungry and drink the spare FBM. so now left 8pks of FBM. sigh.
yesterday let him try FM. my mum said he drank all one shot. so not sure if he so good today and finish the FM or not.
start to let him get use to FM.
Hi Diana,

Thanks for the great info on teething!
Will go and check it out.

Hi Jasmine,

You are truly a great mom! OMG! You pump so many times a day! Must be super stressed. I agree that it is best to self customise the GD program. Basically got to make and print so many flash cards that I got sian when I saw the amount of work involved. Plus got to flash cards at the baby every day and keep track the number of times the cards are flashed such that can diligently rotate them. Already darned tired having to commute plus work... where got energy to do all these? On weekends I am basically catching up on all the sleep and go out to get some fresh air. Actually they should have flash cards rental service hor? Then it's much easier for all the working moms!

You are truly a fantastic mom!
You desrve a big pat on the back!

Tentatively, i am going for the gathering (of couse with Cayden+hubby). But, as hubby needs to travel on sat night, most probably we will not be staying long. hmmmm.. I can bring Apple Strudels ?

Peachie, what a great idea you have !! hahaha.. i think it will be damn funnie when we have all the babies posed with the romper ;p .. BTW, Clarence is soooo cute leh!!

Pump milk
hmmm.. normally, i will only pump for 15-20 mins.

Joon, how many times are you waking up at night to feed DN? once is still not too bad lah! Cayden slept through the night ONLY once - 20th Jan 2007 !! hahaha...
<font color="aa00aa">| 77 |</font> It was the first name we wanted then after about 1,000 others, we went back to the same name! Felt stupid actually! hee.. ya I hope she'll go back to her old routine soon.

U can use your finger apply some teething gel and gently rub on Clarence's gum, then continue to rub the gum with your finger.. Can ease the pain a little.. Try it..

Hey, I bought the same romper for a friend's bb at John Little too!

<font color="aa00aa">| Phoebe |</font> Eh, you're good la! I must kow tow to you! Well if u managed to get the US supplies for the Bumbo tray, count me in ya!

Thanks for the infor. I think I saw them at NTUC as well.

Are you the one that posted on 2nd hand bumbo? I want to get one for Sherilyn dont mind getting a 2nd hand.
