(2006/09) SEPTEMBER 2006 MTB

phoebe what time will u reach my office then? if u coming i try to come back earlier? coz today Jovann at my MIL plc at YCK, will be so late when i come back and he will be grouchy and sleepy.

I made FM for Rachel last nite .. she dont like it ... coax her and sing to her then she finish 100ML and refuse more. So I have to latch her cos she's still hungry.

Cham.. wonder how she gonna take FM next time when I stop BF her ?

wow seems like u gals had a great time ! ehhe u gals v funny .. hiding behind ur babies ... me v curious how Brenda looks like !!


dun give up BF ok !! i still latch my gal even though i having sore nipples now ... my min target for 6 mths is near ! persevere !! If not supplement with Fm first and work hard on ur pumping ok !!


ur poem melts my heart esp the last line ...
*Sorry, didnt do my job properly.. I shouldve introduced everyone before the class yesterday. Now you girls got to guess whos who.. pai sei*

<font color="aa00aa">Playgroup |</font> Daisybuttons, yes lets just stick to 3rd Feb but can you please post all the details of the gathering again? Sorry cos last time I was newbie here and felt pai sei to ask if I could join la.. Now that youre inviting me, YES! WE ARE COMING!!

1) Joon + DN
2) Daisybuttons + Jovann
3) DG (Sorry whos this? I cant find this nick on the thread)
4) Brenda + Arianne
5) Phoebe?
6) Ling?

<font color="119911">Are hubbies welcome? Need someone to entertain bbs while we mummies gossip.. heh</font>

<font color="aa00aa">Joon |</font> Persevere yah! Im sure your milk supply will normalize soon..
Is BBC only located at Great World City? Id love to come but the location a bit off for us..

<font color="aa00aa">dumpty |</font> Glad you have fun =) Ill let everyone know when I go GymB again and join me if u like..

<font color="aa00aa">Phoebe |</font> Javier is so chubby chub chub! Aiyo another shopping spree! Give me some time ok? Bleahh

<font color="aa00aa">ilovebabies |</font> heehee... somehow all of us was trying to match the mummies' faces to the bbs' faces to the letters we type here!
phoebe, thanks so much for making ur way down!! appreciate it a trillion thanks!

brenda, no lah u actually did a great job organising the event yesterday! hehehee. thanks so much!

Venue : Daisybuttons place. Bukit Panjang
Date 3 Feb Saturday
Time Around 1pm for lunch?
Food PotlucK!
1) Joon + DN
2) Daisybuttons + Jovann
3) Domestic Goddess?
4) Brenda + Arianne
5) Phoebe?
6) Ling?
trying mixing the abit of FM to your BM - that is what I did the last time to ensure a "smooth transaction". hahahaha. I know it is not good for BM but if not then how???

aiyoh, ya hor, that wasn't you.. but the head kanna "ka char" off so, i abit blur.. keke..
Who iz Ling ah? i can't rem leh! aiyoh.. poor memory me!

hm, my pumping during office hrs is really bad...
slow milk flow rate, plus, poor supply.. between 9-6pm, i only pump total 8oz... even when i pump 4x in office (8:30am/10:3am/1pm/5:30pm) for 1 hr duration during the 1st month back to work, it didn't increase leh.. the most i had was 10oz, but that wasn't consistent! and now, cos can't afford to pump 4x for 1 hr duration in office anymore, supply stuck @ 8oz.. every 2 hrs, only 2 oz, no matter how long i pump/ hand express.. sigh..

what FM milk you give rachel? you can miz BM with FM like what sha recommend.. 1st time, u give 1 day of 75% BM &amp; 25% FM, then if ok, next day, increase another 25% of FM..
How much is the trial class for BabiesNCream before the discount? Is it also 45 min per session? I'm interested! Please include me if you are organizing! Thanx thanx!

Baby Playgroup
Hmmmm.. Saturday ah? Usually I have to report at MIL
I'll confirm again just in case my ILs decide to go Malaysia that weekend then we'll be available.

R u taking any supplements like Fenugreek or Goat's Rue? Maybe can consider trying? But I feel that you probably dun stress yourself so much. You already done your best and I feel that's most commendable whether your supply is enough for your baby or not.

Heehee... actualy I also don't remember who's ling. Pardon me for being so blur. I just copy from Brenda's list leh :p

Now I also try to let Gabriel "taste" some FM during the daytime. But I never offer a full feed. What I told my mum to do is to give 1 feed with 1 oz of BM less then top it up with FM after the feed. Gabriel also don't really like FM but at least he is starting to drink it now. Previously he'll spit it out and refuse to drink.
hey hey, so many posts .. read until i also blur liao.

Cayden is unwell, having cough and running nose.. sigh
took him to see dr this morning. Hope he will get better as he was not able to sleep well with the stuffy nose.

Daisybuttons, Cayden is 4 mths 12 days today

Joon, thanks for making the comparison.Too bad that i missed the GymB class. I went for the last B&amp;C session last sat (the make-up class). Hubby was with Cayden and he commented is still pretty much the same old stuffs. hahah.. so good that we didnt sign up for more classes. But But, we noticed that Cayden enjoyed the class more now!! think he is really a BIG boy now.. hahaha

Will let you gals know tomorrow as hubby traveling on sunday so not sure if we need to have anything done on saturday. Daisybuttons, where is your place?

Phoebe, aiyo.. you always tempting us to buy more stuffs !!! the clothing on that website that you posted are nice! hmmm.. u starting another BP? hehehe .. Will pm you my VS purchase asap.
Sherilyn has been fussing a lot during bedtime since last Wednesday night.

No matter how I coax, sing, rock and give her pacifier she still fuss and prefer to suck her thumb instead so I got abit worry and also angry as well. As most of you know that MIL prefer to let her do the thumb sucking over pacifier so I start nagging, nagging and make so much noise to my poor hubby again. Plus complaint about the not having the second one or moving back to mum place, etc. . . .

On Saturday morning I decided to get her new pacifier Pigeon step 2 to test it out on her and see if she sucks... Luckily she sucks and it all went back to normal.

I got rather worried what if she got the bad habit of sucking her thumb and refuse the pacifier as it would be a real bad habit to get rid off.

Anyone here got any idea how to get rid of this bad habit of sucking thumb?

ya, no stress lah.. what i have i give lah.. as i am already doing my best liaoz. i taking goat's rue &amp; fenugreek.. BOTH! plus organic nursing tea..

Venue : Daisybuttons place. Bukit Panjang
Date 3 Feb Saturday
Time Around 1pm for lunch?
Food PotlucK!
1) Joon + DN
2) Daisybuttons + Jovann
3) Domestic Goddess?
4) Brenda + Arianne
5) Phoebe + Javier = coconut jelly dessert / almond jelly dessert?
6) Ling?
7) Diana SG?
What you can try the next the time is mixing some brown rice with FM and feed Rachel.

Or you can do two feed which is a lot of work if you do not want to mix FM and BM together, first feed her with FM milk of about 60ml in the same time have your BM on stand by and feed her with the other half 60ml once she finish the FM then slowly increase the FM till she can finish one feed per day. By then you have a successful transaction to FM.

No need to worry too much coz from 6 months onwards she will taking semi-solid food so it is still not so bad, try the above method and see how it go first.

If you need some more FM just let me know okie.
Wow, puppylove, it's been a while since I log on and I see such a lovely poem from you.

I am very touched by the content of the poem. It's very true. I receive so many negative comments about latching my baby - that the baby will be spoilt, the things I eat are not good for breastfeeding (coz I eat little veggie) etc.. and I also receive discouragement to stop expressing and be on 100% formula..

But I simply cannot bring my heart to stop bf my baby. When no one can console her when she's crying her heart out, I can always calm her down by bringing her to my chest.. I feel a special bonding when I am latching her on..

Last night, I was unhappy over some matters and I cried halfway when I was latching her and to my SURPRISE, she actually stopped sucking, looked at me and made some sounds as if she's talking to me.. I was so shocked! She did that a few times and I was simply amazed. That's the first time she ever stopped sucking not because she's full or fell asleep but she actually seemed to be consoling me...

Hard to believe eh? But it really happened... Now I miss her so much after typing this post..

tks .. will try out the method u suggested. ya prob becos I gave her a full feed of FM yest .. but at least she took 100ML right ? ;)


I got Similac from Sha for Rachel to try out. I got Enfaclac too. Will give to Rachel some this weekend

Sha, oh btw, i heard of some methods to stop thumb sucking. Some put handyplast (yucks !), put chilli (hot hot hot !) or rub bitter gourd on the thumb. However this can only be done when Sherilyn is older. So meanwhile u have to bear with it.


wow ur gal so sweet right !!! i really love latching my gal too. This morning she so cute though she was closing her eyes latching, but she was holding on to my t-shirt, as if it is stopping her accessing my B. ehhe
Hi ilovebabies,

I am using Nuk bottle. But i didnt know that we need to change leh.. why har? For teats, i do change them every month.
that's so sweet!! OMG! i believe that she WAS consoling u! i believe it i believe it! bbs are intelligent little creatures
know what? after reading ur post, i started missing my little guy too
I think before you change the teats for your entire NUK milk bottle you need to think whether you will be going to give Rachel FM or BM as I believed the teats are different as well.

You might want to do a mix on the new teats if you have the intention to move to FM after 6 months.
ilovebabies.. yah loh.. very sweet hor? Too bad my supply is very low.. I can only pump out maximum 2.5 oz each time from each breast. On average, I can only pump out 2 oz from each at 4 hours interval.. miserable eh? How much do you all pump out on average har? Is mine seriously low?

I always wonder whether latching on and pumping makes a difference. Could it be that baby can suck out more milk compared to pumping it out? Usually she has to drink 150ml per bottle feed but when I breastfeed her, she seems to be satisifed with the amount also leh?

I find Enfalac better than Similac. Similac produce a lot of bubbles, I dun like that..
joon, yah loh.. I also believe she was consoling me leh.. It's amazing. I wanted to share this with someone, but I didn't want to tell my family why I cried, so I didn't share this with them (they didn't know I cried).. then I thought of this forum. I believe the mothers here would understand how I feel and ta-da, I am right, you and ilovebabies believe me and understand how I feel! Heeheehee... so happy.
It was REALLY NICE meeting all of you yesterday! So sorry we had to rush off halfway. BRenda you did a great job organising!!

YES YES pls count us in for the next meeting. Yah husbands included? I think my hb had fun too and i think your hubbies look quite nice to get to know too. I think my hb also need some daddy friends. Heh. So funny when all the hubbies stood up to take photo and my silly hb sat right in the middle with all the mummies. ah hahah.
So blur.

Venue : Daisybuttons place. Bukit Panjang
Date 3 Feb Saturday
Time Around 1pm for lunch?
Food PotlucK!
1) Joon + DN
2) Daisybuttons + Jovann
3) Domestic Goddess?
4) Brenda + Arianne
5) Phoebe + Javier = coconut jelly dessert / almond jelly dessert?
6) Ling + Sophie
7) Diana SG?

Me me i'm Ling. I wasn't at the class but joined them for coffee after. My sling is from iwantmilks.com. It's a friend's friend's business. Was a gift in my fav colour red. A bit shiny hor? I like. Heh. Shing shing.
Hi all

Brenda had organised the trial at GymB, and Joon going to organised trial ant BNC, I was thinking if anyone would like to do trial at KM, I can arrange....

If we have abt 8 or us, they can do a private session for us.

my supply not that fantastic too. ranges from 130ML to 200ML (at nite) ... funny...

oh yes similac does gen lotsa bubbles .. no wonder !
phoebe.. cos after a day at work, we finally get to see our babies... so muz spend more time with our lil darlings mah... enzo is finally zzzing.... hope he'll have a good zzz tonight... he has been cranky over the weekends.. waking up every 2-3 hours... sigh...

btw..enzo is rejecting milk again.. keeps chewing on the teat... pd says he's teething... hope he wont lose too much weight....
*me just got home! I guess the rest all accompanying hubs la*

<font color="aa00aa">Gathering</font>

Venue : Daisybuttons place. Bukit Panjang
Date 3 Feb Saturday
Time Around 1pm for lunch? <font color="aa00aa">= Good with me! How about the rest?</font>
Food PotlucK!
1) Joon + DN
2) Daisybuttons + Jovann
3) Domestic Goddess?
4) Brenda + Arianne <font color="aa00aa">= Curry Chix with French Loaves?</font>
5) Phoebe + Javier = coconut jelly dessert / almond jelly dessert? <font color="aa00aa">[Coconut!]</font>
6) Ling + Sophie
7) Diana SG?

<font color="119911">Ahem.. Posting on behalf of daisybuttons : This gathering is open to <font color="aa00aa">all Sept Mummies</font>, so all is welcome yah! The more the merrier, more food to munch and more bbs to play with!!</font>
yeah, this forum is great!!
i hope u feel better now
whenever u feel down, just think of ur little girl smiling at u, consoling u. def will bring a smile to ur face! and btw, i don't believe all that nonsense abt BFg spoiling our children. hogwash!!

happy bday cayden! try and join us for the next playgrp/gathering ok? DN hasn't seen u for a long time!

no prob abt the patapum carrier info. if u're interested, why don't u contact the local supplier and see if u can go down and give it a try with arianne? hmm... abt the lessons, i still haven't decided!!! argh! somebody slap me!

yeah, that was so funny! (james pretending to be a sept mom, hur hur)

thanx for the encouragement. yeah yeah! i will perservere!
i can't believe how time flies, less than 1 more month and rachel will be HALF A YEAR OLD! u coming for the gathering?

how are u feeling? hope ur mastitis episode is over
thks! yes over! n pls dun come back! its not welcome on my breasts!

ur ss dip?? mine too!!! v sad leh last time always complain too much milk now too lil!! though still enuf for jo but hope it will incr again. LC told me cos my blocked ducts + mastitis drag on too long but if*keeping my fingers n toes cross*

wish i can join u galsat daisybutton pls but its soooo far. i'll try to make it. cant wait to meet mummies n babes!
sorry, i can't make it on 3 feb as hb is travelling, so i will have to bring 2 kids along if i go. too difficult.

heart-melting to read about your gal consoling you.. aww...

i try to make it if hubby is not working thus I dare not commit now


relief to hear that u r well again !!


DG = domesticgoddess

gals, u saw the Ch 8 programme at 1045pm just now ? It showcase the August thread bb gathering. oh btw they mentioned if bb of 4-6mths are refusing milk, it means they are ready for semi solid foods.

Emma, have u try introducing rice cereal to Enzo ?
ilovebabies, i also saw the programme just now. So fun to have that kind of gathering. I missed that part about 4 to 6 month refusing milk so i dunno whether it mean they are ready for semi solid. But i start intro my girl cereal 2 days ago

smiley, yup ur bb so sweet, know how to console you.

blessedmommy, glad that you have recover and getting better now
<font color="aa00aa">joon |</font> I will try the papadum first, thanx again!
It's ok to take your time to decide on which class la.. Anyway none of these are bad, also they're different from each other so whichever we put our bbs in, they will be experiencing different things. Only ONE thing in common is, bbs+mummies get exposure to socialization!
Oh pot luck at daisybuttons, will u be preparing any mum mum?

<font color="aa00aa">ilovebabies |</font> Thanks! So pai seh don know who is who.. Do try to join us for the gathering ya. Then you'll get to see my face! heehee..

<font color="aa00aa">blessedmommy |</font> Good that the mastitis is gone! Hey, come la, sure u won't regret the distance cos it's really so fun to see all our bbs socializing together! Perhaps we could start our own GymB class! (Who can sing well here?)
yay! thank gdness!
did the LC tell u how to up ur ss? or just the usual stuuf like nurse more, drink more... blah blah blah... i've been trying to eat fish the past 2 days, but bleah! cannot! really cannot stand the fishy taste.

aiya! i didn't catch the prog!
but then again, i haven't watched TV in a LONGGG time. did u know that it was going to be aired yesterday or just happened to watch it? btw, the title of rachel's new blog post is so cute. (the little hand for "5"!)

maybe i shld bring papadum! haha. er, no. aiyah, i'm such a failure in the kitchen. looking at recipes already tires me out. so i'm going to play cheat and ask my granny to cook smthg for us! how abt dry mee siam??? yums!!

<font color="0000ff"><u>Gathering</u></font>
Venue : Daisybuttons' place @ Bukit Panjang
Date : 3 Feb Saturday
Time : Around 1pm for lunch
Food : Potluck!

Attendance: <font color="ff0000">macam school excursion like that!</font>
1) Joon + DN = <font color="119911">Dry Mee Siam</font>
2) Daisybuttons + Jovann
3) Brenda + Arianne = <font color="119911">Curry Chix with French Loaves?</font> <font color="ff0000">yeah! yeah!</font>
4) Phoebe + Javier = <font color="119911">coconut jelly dessert / almond jelly dessert?</font> <font color="ff0000">both also can! hiak!</font>
5) Ling + Sophie
6) Diana SG?
the tanking up method didn't work tonight!
that's why i'm up at this ungodly hour. last night i fed him at 730pm, 930pm &amp; 12am. as i put him back in his cot, i told him, "So tomorrow 7am ah? Don't bluff me, let me sleep until 7 ok?" then he woke up at 230am.

i'll try again tomorrow... *sigh*
wah haahaaa.... obviously u not tanking him up enuf. must make him so drunk with ur milk till he wake up with hangover heh....

actually im sure dn will sleep thru when its time. for now, he just miss mommy smell so much that he must hv it every 2 hrs hehe... (rem puppylove poem?) aawww... its so touching n inspiring esp for someone who was on the verge of giving up bf like me!!!! (thks daisybuttons who fwd the poem to me)

these few days been latching jo so much cos of mastitis n blocked ducts now she getting fussy on the bottle. grrr... why babies r getting so smart nowadays???

yup u r right. the same old tips to incr ss. latch latch n latch!!!!

alamak, just realised its on sat. i lagi cant make it cos boys got swimming class. well, unless mil can make it to bb sit for me. will let u gals know closer to date ok.

thks so much gals for ur concern! mastitis over now its just trying ways to incr ss!!!
So nice to have such gathering and look at the type of food you all are bringing. I can't make it on that day becos i need to work. Boring!! I try to make it in other future gatherings! I am sure we will still have alot of chances!!
dear mummies,
can try to give me your order for the vs spree by wed 24 jan, 8pm?
the semi annual sale <font color="ff0000">ends 25 jan</font>. so want to place order before the sale ends

you can email me your order: [email protected]

Price: US$
Conversion: US$AA.aa x 1.6 = S$BB.bb
Yah joon, I have the same problem.. No matter how much milk my baby drinks, she will still wake up in the middle of the night. I believe she's not hungry, but somehow she just wakes up, then she will drink a little milk and goes back to sleep..

I asked the PD when she will sleep through the night, he says some babies feel more insecure, so they will wake up more..
I'd love to meet you all. But bb will be having her vaccination on Saturday morning. She had slight for previous vaccination, I think I'd better stay at home and monitor her. Hope can join you next time!

oh gosh type the message and it dissappears! SIGH.....

smiley, aawwww so sweet ur girl. if only Jovann is like that. if he does that even once i will be over the moon loh. baby girls are closer and more expressive hor? just this morning, i carrying Jovann in the car in the sling coz wanna spend more tmie with him. i talked to him, sing to him, smiled at him, he just gaze at me, and many times looking elsewhere. but 2 times when my hubby turned back in his driver's seat to smiled and talk to him, he smiles!!!!! gggrgrrrrrrrrr......... sigh.....mei liang xin one.
not that Jovann dun smile at me, he does during play times and other times lah. but there are times like this when i wish he will acknowledge the milk source u know what i mean?

joon, oh nebermine u try a few more times see if it gets better? maybe DN miss mummy smell lah.
and how long does he nurse during the middle of night feed? and also, wanna ask u, is his usual bedtime 12am or isit u shift it to 12am coz u tanked him up last night? just curious coz for me i will nurse him the last time that night at around 9.45pm. betw 6pm and 9.45pm many times he will drink one additional feed coz he will make signs of hunger. even if he drinks during this time he will still drink at his bedtime feed one loh! so i will still nurse him but his routine and last feed will 9.45pm i wun shift it later. but diff babies diff lah.
coz i did that for many mths liaoz but only recently got effect hehehe. what i read is if babies stay awake past their natural bedtime, they will be overstimulated and easy to wake up.

<font color="0000ff">PlayDate</font>
Venue : Daisybuttons' place @ Bukit Panjang
Date : 3 Feb Saturday <font color="ff0000">will changing to sunday make it better for everyone???</font>
Time : Around 1pm for lunch
Food : Potluck!

Attendance: macam school excursion like that!
1) Joon + DN = <font color="119911">Dry Mee Siam</font>
2) Daisybuttons + Jovann = <font color="119911">wait till more dishes then i make up what's missing!</font>
3) Brenda + Arianne = <font color="119911">Curry Chix with French Loaves?</font> yeah! yeah!
4) Phoebe + Javier = <font color="119911">coconut jelly dessert / almond jelly dessert?</font> both also can! hiak!
5) Ling + Sophie
6) Diana SG?

wow the menu is starting to look appetising!

orange, my plc in bkt panjang, at jelapang lrt there. actually if any of u drive its just off BKE. will give u instructions to those who confirmed coming closer to the date.

blessedmommy, try to get ur MIL to babysit lah! do join us. wanna see all of u up close.

ilovebabies and dumpty, u try also and let us know kae? will be fun.

eling, what time ur friend housewarming? u stay a while then come loh hehehe.

DG, aiyah why u can't come. wanna taste ur "chu yi leh.....
