(2006/09) SEPTEMBER 2006 MTB

hi to those mummies attending GymB tomorrow,

Me and my boy would like to join you all tomorrow, any more vacancy?

<font size="+1"><font color="ff0000">Latest Update: GymB Trial Class | Sun, 21 Jan / 3pm</font></font>

Mummys Nick + Babys Name:
1) Joon + Der Nen
2) daisybuttons + Jovann
3) dumpty + Gabriel
4) Phoebe + Javier
5) Pig2 + Malcolm
6) Jasmine + Jadelle
7) Brenda + Arianne

Class cost <font color="ff0000">S$34.00</font>, if purchase GymB membership at S$50.00, trial class will be free. GymB's membership includes:
> Welcome Pack with GymB Tee
> Usage of GymB's gym worldwide
> Enjoy member's discount for classes and products

Meet at <font color="ff0000">2.40pm</font>, escalator by the entrance of GymB on 3rd floor Tanglin Mall.

Mummies, don't forget your socks and bb's floor mat ya..

See ya!
<font color="aa00aa">Phoebe |</font> Aiya! I hit 'post' then I realised I forgot to include that info, it's for ONE YEAR.

Eh, you haven't reply me on my above post leh.. When's the deadline to submit the VS list? Also, btw do you happen to live in the west?

<font color="aa00aa">daisybuttons |</font> No worries la.. poor thing u.. Just won't ask you why you cried.. hee

<font color="aa00aa">blessedmommy |</font> Arianne is number 2. I am hoping to have 2 boys in the near future so can no one will feel left out right? hee.. Your first 2 is twins right? Boys or girls or one each?
brenda, dont really have a dateline. as long as dont exceed S$400 will ship in

yes, i live in the west. if you dont live in west, i can arrange to meet you on other areas during weekday day time (if i going there for visits)
<font color="aa00aa">Phoebe |</font> ME TOO! We are fellow westerners la, so we can always have coffee.. I just like to do shopping leisurely but this weekend a bit busy with activities.. but no worries, I'll send my to you soon!
wow another 2 boys??? u brave woman haha... now that i hv jo i realise the huge diff betn boy n gal. my gal is so gentle n quiet. my boys so noisy n demanding!

yes my twins r both boys. they r always together so in a way my 3rd is always left out. if only my 4th boy still ard then both of them can be gd playmates. my twins always gang up to bully him. maybe i will consider having another boy heh.. my gal has me for companion mah.

how old r u btw? oops ok sensitive qn huh hehhh..
they removed the link lah. say its not legitimate. anyway not much ppl responding leh. think the BP is not gonna work out.
might hv to get it at retail price. any mummies noe can get it at a cheaper price even for 1 pc?
<font color="aa00aa">blessedmommy |</font> Don't know how is it like to have boys so I would love to try! heehee.. I'm 35 this year, that's why need to jiayou before the production line becomes obsolete!
<font color="aa00aa">blessedmommy |</font> If I never try, I'll never know! But you managing well right? =)

<font color="aa00aa">Crystallized |</font> Oh ok..
hi mummies,

do u all still sterilize bottle before each use ?
i only use 1 Avent bottle and sterilize before each use.
wonder whether is it good...? understand not so good to sterilize plastic bottle for too many times ...

or should I buy more bottle ...?
me also using only 1 feeding bottle.
now only sterilize once a day - to clean off the germs.

as for pump milk, i sterilize tat bottle after every use.

I have 5 NUK bottles cos I need to transport my EBM to my mum hse every morning. Thus I do not need to sterilise them so many times. Enough to last me for 5 feeds, easier.
wah how u all survive with only 1 bottle? i hv 8 nuk bottles leh. after each use i will sterilise...

btw i found some scratches on the nuk bottles. tot its scratch proof one leh? does it mean i need to change them?
i use milk bag to store EBM. so each feed, to pour out the milk into the bottle.
after feed, wash and air dry. will sterilise once or twice a day.
<font color="aa00aa">Mummies+BBs | GymB Trial Class Today</font>

I've emailed you girls the link for the online photo album of today's class my hub took. Let me know if you've problem viewing it ya..

It was enjoyable and really eye ogling for me today to meet so many lovely bbs!

We should have a playgroup session soon!
blessedmommy u looking for me? me sleep liaoz after that post, hehehee ur mesg is before or after our msn? how come got 2 idential posts 8hours apart ah?

brenda, aiyoh no lah i didn't cry lah aiyoh hhehehee..my eye swollen coz infection lah hehehee. beta liaoz i guess since today u din notice?

pig2, dumpty, ling, jasmine, brenda, nice meeting u guys today!
dumpty, i didn't even know its you sitting beside me until i saw the list and remembered ur baby name is gabriel! oh gosh, din know its you. and my boy keep looking at you and gabriel instead of concentrating on the class hahahaaa...

pig2, nice meeting you in person after talking so much about herbs back when we were still preggie hehhee. u are one pretty lady.

brenda, the photos are nice ah, where got low quality.
gota lot of pics of jasmine hehehe!
ling, brenda and joon, a photo of our darlings without our faces hehehe coz i not sure if u mums mind showing ur faces in the forum.

and a pic of Ariane,Der Nen and Jovann.

Hahah.. looks like their mothers are selling their kids. dun dare to show their faces..
It was nice meeting all of you today...

Have a good week ahead.
eeerrr mummies, don't be alarmed. jazz_sam is Jovann's daddy lah, in case you wondering who is this annoynomous poster hehehe!

mummies, hhhhmmm....what a pair of bo liaoz husband and wife posting at the same time. bleh! nite! going to zzzzzzz........
hahahahaha! hi sam!! i was a bit blur tiao when i saw "jazz_sam". now u are a "singapore mother" too!

thanx for the pics... wah, u are fast man! i only had time to <u>look</u> at the pics PF took, let alone download them and crop them!! thanx man! pls tell shawn "good job" with the pics. nice colours and angles!

thanx for bringing the stuff!

pig2, dumpty, jasmine, ling, phoebe, brenda,
So so so so so nice meeting all of u finally! i actually had lots of fun, (even though mr. cranky DN was not at his best during the class
) nice to finally match the face to the nick!

wah! ethan has really matured! love what u did with the photos... so fun to compare now that our bbs are "all grown up"! hahahaha... wonder if we'll still be at this forum when they're in P1 and 7 YEARS OLD! can't imagine what they will look like then! (oh god, and me too? i'll be almost 40!)
know what? i changed my mind again! i don't know if i shld sign up for the classes or not, coz it's DN's nap time at 3. i am so indecisive
it's irritating me!!

jasmine, pig2, dumpty, phoebe, brenda
any of u signing up for the level 1 class? i calculated and it's actually $24 per class. (that jocelyn counted wrongly, it's not $29 per class) brenda, u signed on another 12 classes is it? sekali i sign up then got no kaki to meet there. (er, i'm 32 yrs old and worried abt making new friends!! hahaha)

peachie, brenda
wanna consider the patapum carrier? i just chanced upon it. it looks like it's built upon the ergo principles and it's more attractively priced. the link below is for a local distributor, so u can ask for a better price if u purchase 2? do a google on reviews for it too, or comparisons between it and the ergo, and that'll help ur decision-making.

sorry, just venting disappointment/anger/frustration/sadness here...

my milk supply has officially dropped!

since i've switched to a combination of latching on and pumping, my ss has dropped.
i am not pumping enough to meet DN's 3 bottles with my MIL. and last night, even though my right boob was not emptied until i pumped this morning at 8am, it wasn't painful at all! DIE LAH! and i have to wait so long for let-down and half the time, i don't have let-down.
must manually squeeze the boob like squeezing a cow's udder.
Hi ilovebabies,

Baby Rachel has really changed quite a bit!!! She really is getting prettier every day!

Yep yep, you should come up with the matching game leh... Ask mothers here to match the newborn face to the 5 months face. Will be quite fun!

Hi Michelle,

Happy 5 months to Ethan too!

Hi Joon,

Thanks for the info on the patupum carrier. The baby Bjorn Active Air which I bought for $208 is really bad... my mom, myself and my husband all get really bad shoulder aches from using it.
So will probably try to sell it away. Haiz....

Don't be sad about the drop in milk supply... If you pump more often, I think the supply will come back.
Hi joon, jasmine, dumpty, phoebe, daisybuttons and brenda,

Great to meet you and your babies.

Thanks for organising and the pictures.

I'm going for the thursday afternoon class for trial again before I made any decision.
Lately whenever I latch Trinity on and she's almost done drinking, she'll look up at me and give me her sweetest smile. I'd ask if she has enough and hold her closer towards me. She would continue drinking and then look up to smile at me again. wah, my heart melts!!!

<font color="aa00aa">To all bfg mummies here, JIAYOU!! A little poem to share, which made my day!!</font>

<font face="verdana">Mommy I love your milk so sweet and yummy,
It's the very best stuff for my little tummy.
Mommy when your patience is running low
at best, sit down, take a few deep breaths and
bring me to your breast.
Mommy hold me close to your soft warm chest
Because being in your arms is where
I like being best.
Mommy do not listen to those who say
I am spoiled.
It's just that you're my favorite person in the
whole wide world.

Mommy when their negative comments put you to the test.
Don't worry, trust yourself
Because mommy you know me best.

Mommy ignore them when they ask,
"Isn't it time to wean?"
Because when to stop is up to only you and me.

Mommy continue rocking me, sing another song.
I am still a baby, but not for very long.</font>
puppylove thats a fantastic poem! i told my friend if i look at it everyday i will wanna continue bfdg!!! hehehee.... can imagine how that smile melts ur heart when she does that. sometimes Jovann also do that, espeically when i am dead tired in the middle of the night. when he do that my grumpiness instantly vanish! heehehe. but he dun always do that....i kinda wonder is it more baby girl's thing? like...a baby boy is more practical, more interested in having the milk come from the boobs than who's the source hahahaha!

phoebe nice meeting u too! arrrrggghhh we so silly i forgot to get the things from u before u rush off loh. tot u going off for a while out of the room so din occur to me. darn.... hope can get from u later yar?

joon, hahaha yah hubby is a singapore mommy daddy.... hehehe! oh u changed ur mind? its okie lah, sometimes i also like that so indecisive one! and worse is when i ask hubby for advice, he will say "you decide!" ggggrrrrrrrr.......does PF do that too? i like making decisions for certain things but sometimes (like yesterday when both of us thinking so hard whether to pay tat darn $50!!!) i need some inspiration mah hehehehee. anyway i decided i wun sign at least for this class of lesson lah. will go back to babies n cream when Jovann is 6mths old.

oh btw got some nice photos of DN and you, will send you when i free later.

about milk supply. DON'T GIVE UP! don't be disheartened. seriously, it happened to me before too when i got my hair permed the first time. that was because i took 6-7 hours at the salon and din bother pumping. and it really dropped. like u, after 8 hours my boobs not hard at all or pain. just a bit fuller. and when i pump at night i dun look fwd to it at all coz i have to wait till the cows come home before there is even 1 letdown. and to initiate the 2nd let down i have to twist and pull and use hot packs and whatnots before there is one, and that one only like 20ml each boob before the let down stop! so mad and tiring those days. in order to get back my supply, i pumped very diligently. morning, before i sleep, and in the middle of the night when he wakes up once for feed that time. i will sit in the living room and force out 80ml before i go to bed. gradually i saw results and am heartened. so DON'T GIVE UP! tell ur body u need more milk by pumping more often. latch whenever u can. drink nursing milk, warm water, oatmeal whatever...

Hey Brenda! It was quick work uploading the pictures! Thanks! Too bad can't join u all for kopi.. next round lah.. we should really have a playgroup session soon..Aiyoh, why so many pictures of me &amp; grumpy Jadelle? keke..

joon,daisybuttons, dumpty, phoebe, pig2,
it was nice to meet you all finally! Hubby dun let me sign up GymB class..
he would like us to try out other classes first.. so.. keke.. he save $$.. anyway, i have been doing very similar stuff with jadelle @ home on weekends, along with flash cards.. so, i think i will have to opt for another type of class if i am attending one with her..

thinking of shichida classes leh.. but they are so expensive!
oh! u got the baby bjorn? i guess i must have missed that post! so sorry! it aches to use it? but shldn't right? it's such an expensive and popular carrier! (which also means, if u try to sell it, it shld be pretty easy

awwww...! that's lovely! my eyes were welling up towards the end. (what's wrong with me!?!) it's so sweet and thanks, it really helped boost my confidence abt BFg. u know, it also made me think - I want to lock this time in my life FOREVER! DN is so innocent and pure! And i'm absolutely LOVING being his mom!

thanks thanks thanks for the reassurance! yeah, i remember when u were concerned abt ur MS too. u're right... i gotta be more diligent and hardworking. u know what? after reading ur post, i've decided to pump 3x at work today instead of my usual 2x. cannot be lazy! thanx girl

hope u and malcolm have a gd time this thurs! lemme know if u do sign up or not. was speaking to my hb in the car just now and now, i'm inclined to signing up! ARGH! i can't make up my mind!! bah!

what type of sling u using? so shiny! I have been trying to increase back my milk supply after it dropped, but so far no effect leh.. i pump 4x in office x 1 hr for 1 month, but still stuck @ same amount. Been taking fenugreek, goat's rue, nursing tea.. aiyoh.. how ah now? Jadelle's on 1 feed of FM liaoz.. though i can latch her 100% on weekends still..

that poem really touches me! cos, Jadelle do that too, latch on and halfway, will give me an angelic toothless grin, and search for the breast again..it makes me melt too everytime..
<font color="aa00aa">Phoebe/Pig2/Jasmine/Dumpty/Daisybuttons/Joon/Ling</font> I still feel so 'buay gum guan' that we didn't manage to take a pic of all the bbs together. It's so difficult to catch them all wide awake. Next time when we meet, we must insist ya!!

Hey, some of you also got cams right? can share the pics pleasee...

<font color="aa00aa">jazz_sam |</font> !!!! Hahaha! Don't know if I should say welcome or not..

<font color="aa00aa">joon/jasmine |</font> I was excited to look at the pics and also to share with u girls so I burnt midnight oil to upload the pics :p

<font color="aa00aa">joon |</font>
Shawn actually took a couple vidz too but only can view from TV. Perhaps if we've a gathering at someone's house next time, we could watch the vidz.

S$288 is extended till today right? Ya, you're right! It's S$24 rather. I bought another 4 classes cos I don think the S$60 discount is that much cos I might just 1 day decide not to go anymore or Arianne simply doesn't enjoy it or we feel like trying other schools. They are like facial or massage packages to me, I don't like to fall victim to them and then later feel obligated. Well, I'd suggest you buy 4 at one go or just pay by per class. Hey, don't let me stop u if u want to sign up for more!

Thanks a mill for the patapum carrier info. Sounds like 'papadum', the Indian thin prata hor? hee
jasmine, can u tell me more about shichida? kept hearing that but dunno whats that about. japanese issit? sling? i using MIM sling but where did u see the pic? if its the pic that brenda posted its Ling lah not me! hehehee. her sling shiny hor? i din use sling at the cafe yesterday leh. u forgot how i look like liaoz? hehehe..

how much u pumping? wow 4 x...thats a lot...

joon, jia you!!!
brenda, jasmine, joon, ling, yesterday we were talking about the would-be gathering that we have been discussing so long in the forum hahahaa. i suggested a date back then think 3 Feb saturday. lets make it that day and see who can make it want?

I know Joon, phoebe, DG is okie. who else? brenda, jasmine, ling, ilovebabies and the rest? let's not dilly dally and fix it or else wait till our kids 1yrs old then meet ah? hehehee.....
i think we shld organise a gathering soon. at someone home will be easier

so is the gathering still on??

i'm not signing up for the class. felt its quite similar to that i signed up for my older boy at tumblertot. so will go for a more convenient location instead.
at the same time, i felt he's still too young to really enjoy. intend to let him join when he's able to crawl / walk. then he will have more fun.

got my colleague to drive down to your office later. when leaving the office, will sms you

mummies, surfing the net, found this site:

want to buy clothes from there?
Hehehe... so u din know that was me and Gabby beside you? No wonder u like a bit reserved talking to me leh :p Anyway J is very cute and I think Gabby actually likes him alot! He kept looking at J throughout the class!

Thanx a lot for arranging the trial class! It was really fun and I think Gabriel enjoyed it alot! He was humming and singing in the middle of the class! (Ask daisybuttons, I think she heard my kaypo Gabriel trying to sing!)

So sorry did not join in for the briefing after the class. So sad I din get Gabriel to pose with the rest of his little friends! Hope there'll be another time!

Is Babys'n'cream class better? If really going to sign up at 6th months can let me know too! I wanna try that out too! :p

That is a real lovely poem! But I agree with daisybuttons that the sweet little smiles are more of a baby girl thingy since my boy hardly ever give me that kind of smile after his feed. He's more interested in satisfying his hunger, regardless the source!

don't despair. Hope your supply will be back to normal.

I may or may not go for the thursday class, still deciding. Actually i prefer weekends class so that my hubby can come along if he is in town. But again the size of the class is impt to me, 8 in a class will be of good size.

Some of you attended BabiesNCream, how is it like compare with GymB?
phoebe thanks so much! actually today gotta go out for lunch as a coll is leaving this week. so i wun be in from 12.15pm leh. what time u reaching? so paiseh.....

Wah how come u can always find those kinda webbys with nice things to tempt us???

yes we have decided to go ahead with the gathering, just depends how many ppl can make it that date. hehehe. so u on for the 3 Feb at my plc? shld be quite convi for u.

may i know where is tumble tots and how is it like?

dumpty! yah! i so silly right! ur boy's name sound so familiar and yet it didn't hit me!! arrrgghhh could have been more san ba with u then! hehehhee. :p yes he very talkative and seem to really enjoy it as he is smiling more than my Jovann is pouting! hehehee. so cute. oh thanks for sharing that ur boy also so "xian shi" practical! now i dun feel as much like a milking machine coz when i hear how other ppl's girls are so deh and close to their mummies i kinda feel sad. Jovann is close to me lah, love my smell and being carried by me and all that but its the during feeding time he dun always look at me loh hehehee. yeah so i am not alone!

babies n cream ah, it kinda a different kind of session lah. wun say its better coz diff babies like diff things. babies n cream is more singing, more soothing, more touching and kissing. hehehee. Jovann seems to enjoy his lessons at babies n cream lah, he din pout at all or cry during lessons there, even the first lesson. he pouted and cried when i play gymbo with him at gymboreee. but he really like the tummy time there though! so did I hahaha!....guess its just up to the kids. think he's scared by gymbo hehehe.
wow so many posting and it seem like you mummies are having alot of fun. . too bad i cant make it as my hubby need to work.
pig2, dumpty,
daisybuttons, orange &amp; i tried the babiesncream class. here're some differences i found...

<font color="ff0000">BBC - enclosed private room, only 1 parent allowed in with bb</font>
<font color="119911">GB - big open space, open for all to see</font>

<font color="ff0000">BBC - max 8 bbs per class</font>
<font color="119911">GB - max 10 bbs per class</font>

<font color="ff0000">BBC - more singing </font>
<font color="119911">GB - more physical activities for bbs</font>

<font color="ff0000">BBC - at great world, better shopping (for me at least!)</font>
<font color="119911">GB - at tanglin mall, fewer shops</font>

personally, i find tt the BBC class has some "fluffy" activities, that don't seem to have any purpose or objectives, (like walkg in a circle and chanting positive things abt our bbs... that was quite weird!) but there's more singing in the BBC class. so if u're into singing, it's the class for u.

ultimately, u gotta try it lor. coz daisybuttons prefers the BBC class and i'm more inclined to the GymB class. it really depends on what u like and what u want.

since we're on that note, anyone want to try the babiesncream class? i called them and they can do a private trial class for us if i can get 8 bbs to sign up. if u do like the class, they will extend a 10% off the 8-class package if u sign up.

i don't mind arranging if u guys are interested!
hi joon.....hmmm why am i posting so many this morning. i gotta work sooN! arrrrrggghhh! so this trial thingie is for positive babies after 6 mths or positive infants? yah i agree the fluffy activities no meaning hehehee. i just like the singing and touching. oh u like gym but still indecisive coz of nap times? then why not sign up for another type of lesson at gymboree, maybe when he is slightly older so the timing is not 3pm? check out the pamphlet, got more types...

hmm..may not be able to leave office earlier. or want to pick up tonite at gombak mrt instead?

shopping sites
at home free then surf around. thesedays online shopping so much easier. overseas also got bigger size clothes for me

previously my boy joined the one located at toh yi drive. from 6mths onwards. but he joined when he's 20mth.
also 45mins session. start with the usual song sessions. then the fun part - play time (crawling, walking etc. to help with them eye, hand, leg coordination. also teach them to be more confidance.)
will end the session with 'cool down' session of usually songs. then the teacher will give out worksheet for them to go back to color. at the same time, handing out of stickers. all children just love stickers.

i've aso recommended my fren to sign up his boy at tumblertot (specialist centre). the boy also enjoys his lesson.
