(2006/09) SEPTEMBER 2006 MTB

Hi Orange, Thanks! If ever one day there is a photoshoot of all the "Will work for milk" babies, let me know yah? Will bring little Clarence down too!
Next time when they grow up they will look back and laugh!

Hi Brenda,

Thanks for the suggestion! Will try everything and let you gals know what is best after he has teethed!

Basically I just talked to a fren and she shared that her son (born in April 06) is just beginning to teeth right now. So either Clarence is very early, or it is a false alarm again. Her son is running a low fever, so she cautioned that I should watch out for that. And she said that teething gel should be used sparingly, cos they contain a mild anesthetic. But if baby is really very cranky, then teething gel is quite effective. She recommends this brand called Dentinox. Supposed to be able to used for newborns onwards. She suggested a cooling teething ring as well.

So I am getting ready all these, just in case Clarence turns so cranky that none of us get any sleep....

<font color="aa00aa">| 77 |</font> Just thought I share with u that a 4 month old bb at my GymB class has his 2 front bottom row teeth now, the mum just showed me last Sun at our class! I also suspecting Arianne is teething.. so we standby the teething gel already..
Hi Diana,

I lurve the baby tooth chart link which you provided!!! Have printed it out and will paste it on his nursery wall.
<font color="aa00aa">| Phoebe |</font> This thing quite cute right? Ling was the one who showed me the site and made me gneow gneow to buy it but don't know where got sell.. See if u got any BP lobang for this.. www.beaba.com

Kelicia only weighs 2.655 at birth, anyway she is supposed to born on 17 oct, end up coming out on 22 sep, more than 3 wks premature, but no need incubator ;)

It is touching what u hav gone thru so much to increase milk flow. Whe I pumped during lunch, it was 25 ml, Horrible !

hehe, thanks, the host open mouth , then i dare to come ;)

how abt popiah from me ?

77 (peachie)
I second ur idea, will look so cute !! =)

Princess Emms
heavy bones good leh =)
wah, Jasmine, I "fu2 le4" you. Admire your perseverance... but do be careful. Some people on the office might talk behind your back for spending so much time pumping! Who complained? your boss?

I also think no need to see PD for teething lah.. Anyway, I know what the PD does is run his finger across the tiny gums to feel any hardness or not.. heehee.. that's what my PD did when I asked him when my girl will start teething when I brought her for her 6-in-1 jab.. He felt and then he told me not so soon.. .:p
77 (peachie) - hee I also have a similar body suit...My baby is born on 31 July. So sometimes I go to July and find that my baby is the youngest. So sometimes go to August and my baby is one of the oldest. Ha ha...now checking out Sept thread.
Yes yes! BP for Babycook! It's really nice but so ex.

It retails in europe for about 150euros. Very convenient - can cook, blend and serve. I've seen my friend use it.

Heh, cool... Sophie has some didis to sayang. Any other babies younger than Malcolm?

that's cool... no need incubator. Thank God. She's looking nice and healthy! So cute!
oh yah wanted to ask if you gals mind me putting your photo on my blog? heh or shd i do the same as daisybuttons and cut off all the heads? heh...
Hi Julie,

Looks like this romper is v popular!
Haha, I also the same problem, though I never checked out the Aug thread.... Clarence is supposed to be born on 19 Sept, but my gynea told me at the very LAST minute that he is going away for conference, so bo bian I reluctantly agreed to have him delivered via c-section at 37 weeks... So I have always been in Sept thread.

July baby! Must be almost 6 months!
Lucky you... Is he sleeping through the night yet? Teethed already (sorry... me very interested in this area today)? Can sit unsupported yet?

By the way, did you get a baby walker for him? Not sure if I should get one for my baby...

ya, my boss cannot find me during one of the sessions..keke, but i shoot back with e-mail, copy my big boss..cos i have slow milk flow rate issue, see? and i am prone to lumps so, i trying to BF as much as possible so as to reduce risk..

i complain that the world biggest co. in its industry can't even have a decent nursing room, and that using a manual single pump in toilet stress me out and of cos it takes so long.. His opinion is pumping only take 5 mins! I tell him i can work when pumping too.. just provide me a desk with a power point, privacy and with my laptop, i can work!

And they ask me work from home when i am on ML, and until the day i deliver, i work until 10pm. Now i eat co. time abit, is temporary, but come early and leave later, you count with me!

How i count with them about the hours before i deliver and when on ML?

Anyway, he made this comment in e-mail that cos my boobs are small so maybe that is why poor milk supply, unlike my other colleague who delivered 3 months earlier. I jump up and wanna sue him ah.. for discriminatory remarks. Anyway, he stupid copy the big boss. Big boss iz ang moh.. saw the e-mail and tell me when he came down to take as long as i want! Think he was amazed at the local boss' discriminatory remarks!
Hi Jasmine,

You are amazing! Kudos to your spunk and spirit!
I totally agree with you... fancy making you work during your ML till 10pm! What is taking some time off to pump now when you worked during ML in the first place??? They should look at your overall contribution what...

Good that your local boss is dumb enough to copy the angmoh boss.... in writing some more! His remarks on your breasts are small are absolutely discriminatory and liable for a libel suit!
<font color="aa00aa">| Jasmine |</font> Your boss ought to be sacked mann! He's so disrespectful! But he also damn dumb to copy the big boss.. hahaha!

<font color="aa00aa">| Julie |</font> Ha! in a dilemma.. but Welcome! maybe u can help us with some of the topics here if you've experienced any.. cheers!

<font color="aa00aa">| Jo |</font> Popiah! good! Need sambal? I can make some to bring over..

<font color="aa00aa">| Ling |</font> Not chio (pretty) then don put la.. kidding! I'm ok with it =)

<font color="aa00aa">| Phoebe |</font> Thanks ahh..
can't image that your boss email you that!!! You can sue him for saying that.

Keep that email for future reference. Maybe that is why your Ang Mo Boss can and tell you hoping to pacify you so that you can forget about for all you know he has spoken and warn your boss lor.
wah Jasmine, you really hard work leh pump so many times. I everyday pump max 4 times only, each time 200ml or slighly more for 5 to 6 hrs interval. Morning first time will be abt 300ml+

diasybutton, how long will the gathering last till huh? Cos i still dunno what time my hubby want to go to our friend housewarming leh and i dunno what time the house warming actually start, only know is afternoon. If really go after the housewarming, then how am i contribute food for the gathering?

jo,my girl also very light only, she only weighted abt 5.59kg when she is 4month 1weeks leh
was actually exploring to get a simple blender:


Developed by a pediatrician, the BabySteps Food Mill is simple to use anywhere. NO electricity or batteries needed. Blends and purees fresh foods whil separating bone, seeds, skin and other undesirable food parts. Perfect for traveling, this model Food Mill includes a handy, lightweight carrying case to house the food mill and spoon after use.

will email BABYCOOK tonite to get more info.
Hi E-ling,

Just when I thought that Clarence is a junior flyweight (in boxing terms), yours is even lighter!!!
hehe... but according to my PD, underweight is better than overweight. So as long as she is reaching her developmental milestones and is active and alert, there should be no cause for concern. Sometimes this may be genetic cos yourself and/or your husband may be on the slimmer side.

Hi Phoebe,

You are amazing! Thanks for doing all these BPs and finding product information. Really appreciate that.
I am just thinking . . . Since it is light weight does it mean that we have to hold on tight to the blender while the other grill the food, so it might be rather clumsy and will the food get split all over and whether the food get well blend depends on the strength we apply on grilling the food issit?
<font color="aa00aa">| Phoebe + BBCook |</font>I actually like the BBCook becos can straight away steam the food to cook it.. like a hit 1 button easy step and bingo! food is ready.. Also the defrost part is so so brilliant! heh..

<font color="aa00aa">| E-Ling |</font> Hey, I suggest u come for the gathering first la.. then no need to lug the food around. Also ours start at 1pm. And you can always leave first.. It's really enjoyable to see all bbs together and also to share similar experiences amongst the mummies!

I guess we'll go home when we all get tired cos we got so much to chat! hahah!
helo helo the posts are flying past!! grrrr...just now sat through a meeting from 2.30pm to 5pm. had to pump late! i hate it coz when i pump late i dilemna leh. by right i pump late i shld pump more right? but if i pump more its closer to the time i meet my boy so he will suck harder to get letdown and he will get fustrated. if i pump less than my supply will dip a bit the next day. what do u girls do if pump later then usual but closer to the time u nurse ur baby?

jasmine, kudos to you! when i read ur posts and what u went through i really admire you. and u are right, u have done so much, put urself through so much, no one can doubt ur determination to TBF. if at the end of the day u decide to total FM u have already done all u could! and aiyoh ur that boss is darn stupid and rude! how could he say something like that. glad he cc ur ang moh boss hahahahahha! ganna slap in the face. as for nursing rooms, i also find it ridiculous, a stat board in a country who's government advocates pro family and health, dun have a nursing room at all! and best is, i wrote staff suggestion twice to have one. both times rejected, no reasons stated. their exact words "this is not a new suggestion, it is a repeated suggestion. we will not build a nursing room". what the *(^#&amp;*%&amp;^&amp;*! what kinda reply is that, not even any explanation. as if i am writing in to get the rudy $2! i am not interested if its a repeated or 100000th suggestin i just want my nursing rooM!!!!!

foodmill and babycook, oh wow!! the baby cook i s so nice, i was drooling over it when i saw the pic, then when ling said it costs 150euros...........darn! any way of getting much cheaper???

ling, nope me dun mind u put my not nice photo in ur blog! hehehehhee. :p

sha, yep i posted about bumbo but not yet get reply. i also wanna get 2nd hand, too exp to get first hand. anyway can wipe clean.

phoebe, yah i shld start a thread and post if someone dun reply me within today...hmmm....thanks!

orange, welcome! yes apple strudel is gooooooddddd.....

e-ling, no worries lah, if u are rushing here and there u dun need to bring food.
i am sure the others wun mind.....u just come and join the fun can liaoz.

diana, ur chart so cute! eh so many of u babies flipping like nobody's biz oredi ah? mine not yet flip the right way leh! he flipped 4 times from tummy to back but not the other way!! arrrgghhh!!! more tummy time!

brenda, ooohhhh so bkit panjang is ur mum's plc lah? so where is ur love nest? yes yes will lke to try the bumbo!
thanks for offering. when is convenient leh? shall we wait for the gathering or?
BP for Tippy Toes socks.
Was informed that there will be 2 new designs from mid-February 2007. These new designs are available in size 12-18mths. Great for our girls/boys who have outgrown size 0-12mths.

If you are interest you can email to : [email protected]

Hopefully we will be able to hit the minimum qty of 50 boxes and enjoy some more savings.
<font color="aa00aa">Gathering</font>

Venue : Daisybuttons' place @ Bukit Panjang
Date : 3 Feb Saturday |Im ok with Sat or Sun|
Time : Around 1pm for lunch
Food : Potluck!

1) Joon + DN = <font color="119911">Dry Mee Siam</font> |Granny cook one must be YUM YUM!|
2) Daisybuttons + Jovann = <font color="119911">wait till more dishes then i make up what's missing!</font>
3) Brenda + Arianne = <font color="119911">Curry Chix with French Loaves</font>|I can also prepare other food if required..|
4) Phoebe + Javier = <font color="119911">coconut jelly dessert</font>
5) Ling + Sophie |Food?|
6) Jo + Kelicia? =<font color="119911">fried spring roll</font>
7} Orange + Cayden + hubby =<font color="119911">apple strudel</font>
8) E-Ling + Annabel + hubby (TBC, to check with hubby)

okie we got 2 desserts oredi let's have some more mains.
I am interested in getting a 2nd hand Bumbo as well, let me know when you start the new threat. I will join you there.
I think the gathering is getting really hot, it must be the screening of the program last night that make it even more HOT.

Wish I could join.
sha, any idea what new designs are they? got pic?

jasmine, yes my dvd player can play -R no problem! hehehee.....bring bring!

smiley, for me i pump till no milk come out. but if i feel my breast is not very empty or if its not yet my usual amount, i will try warm water or twist and pull method or stroking method to get another letdown before i stop. sometimes wil squeeze boobs until no drops left. but nowadays i din wanna do that too often coz last time when i squeeze so hard my boobs feel so sore leh....

In case you all decided to change the playgroup at DaisyButtons place to a Sunday, Malcolm and myself would like to join in the fun.

We ever tried feeding Malcolm with brown rice porridge, not the thick paste but watery ones, I think he likes it! We started 2 weeks ago. Apparently, he kept looking at the porridge when my mum was feeding my nephew, then out of curiosity, we let him try a few sip, and he enjoys, he is only 3mths at that time.

My mum bought the brown rice, wash and sun dried, and grind into fine powder and cook in slow cooker for a few hours.

Anyway this not the so call proper meal for him, jus testing and having fun. We find that he looks cute opening his mounth when the spoon is near and seeing him sticking out his tongue after we feed him. We intend to start the "proper" feeding of brown rice when he is in his 4th month.
Hi daisybuttons,

On your nursing room issue, sometimes it takes the right channels and connections to get something done... I guess the person who is tasked to evaluate your staff suggestion is somewhere at the mid-level, such that he/she sees it as a chore to put up a recommendation for a nursing room that he/she just ignores it with the usual lingo - this is a repeat suggestion.

Maybe you can surface it at some more appropriate (aka more powerful) platform? Can you collate more requests from like-minded moms in your work place, and then send an email as a group to the HR Head who is in charge of staff welfare (since your SB is probably certified to be a People Developer) and cc the Director of HR and Dir Admin? Guess it may be more effective.
You can package it as a staff initiative to improve Work Life balance and therefore better the OCS results of your SB... very positive, see?

Just my 2 cents' worth. On my 1st day with my present company, one of the big bosses around here shared this with me, so I thought I can share with you. Basically there are 2 kinds of very useful people in the workplace - (i) the type who have the authority to get things done, and (ii) the type who knows all the info, the different channels, and the people who can get things done. So if you want your nursing room, maybe you can either find the people in (i) or in (ii) or both. Good luck!
<font color="aa00aa">| Pig2 |</font> Some bbs first foods sites mentioned that it's not recommended to feed bb solid before 4 months or even later if bb is a preemie cos their digestive system is still weak right? That's why I contemplating on whether to feed the rice cereal to Arianne..

<font color="aa00aa">| daisybuttons |</font>We haven't settle for a love nest yet, still looking around actually.. So we sort of jet between his mum's and my mum's la.. I'm going to sms u on the arrangement for the trial of Bumbo..

<font color="aa00aa">| Jasmine |</font>Yes, bring please.. But a friend of my told me the bb featured is a boy?!

I am aware of that, that's why we din really do a "proper" feeding, so a few sip to "play play"! Playful mummy and granny!!!

We only intend to feed him semi-solid when he is 4mths!
You wouldn't believe it! My mil passed me one. Same one as the one above. And guess what it belongs to my hb! Wah i thought it was super ancient until i saw your picture. They're still selling it?!?! Anyways.. i haven't tried it yet. Donno still working or not.


Venue : Daisybuttons' place @ Bukit Panjang
Date : 3 Feb Saturday |Im ok with Sat or Sun|
Time : Around 1pm for lunch
Food : Potluck!

1) Joon + DN = Dry Mee Siam |Granny cook one must be YUM YUM!|
2) Daisybuttons + Jovann = wait till more dishes then i make up what's missing!
3) Brenda + Arianne = Curry Chix with French Loaves|I can also prepare other food if required..|
4) Phoebe + Javier = coconut jelly dessert
5) Ling + Sophie + hubby|Brenda says i can bring garbage. haha aka junk food. + chicken wings/sth else|
6) Jo + Kelicia? =fried spring roll
7} Orange + Cayden + hubby =apple strudel
8) E-Ling + Annabel + hubby (TBC, to check with hubby)
who n where is your pd? Coz i was just telling brenda that sophie is underweight and i need a second opinion. not sure if it's something i shd worry too much about. my pd seems to think that overweight is better than underweight.

any SAHM mummies out there still BFing fully/latch on? I'm trying to get sophie to go on the bottle for 1 feed but she keeps refusing. Not sure what to do. Anyone recently managed to get baby onto bottle?
long time no post bah! been busy at work and me and baby wasn't feeling well too.

jasmine, peachie,
my milk supply oso no good bah. i can only pump twice and and good days, my max is 10oz while average is 8.5oz. however, my girl now feeds every 3.5-4-hourly so it's enough for her. on PD's advise, her feed is now 5oz. heng ah, recently my body seems to be able to produce 10oz. just nice. i have maintained 100% breastmilk record for my baby. just 1.5 month to go for achieve my target of 6 months exclusive BF! you can do it too. don't give up easily. remember, when there's a demand, there's a supply. jia you!

me oso pump 2x in the office. my target pumping time is 30min. if no more milk flows out, i will stop. me using ameda lactaline. i have to do 30mins b'cos i will have letdowns on beginning and the end. so i really can't stop before 30mins. if i do it that way, i can easily get 5oz or 5.5oz. not much but i feel proud of myself lor.

omg u pumped that frequently? i tried to pump 3x but i feel very paiseh so i narrow down to 2x. i find that no matter how much i pump, my end of the day output is still the SAME! once i only get to pump 1x due to company training, i got engorgement fever (39C) and when i pumped i get 8oz. really lugi 2oz from my usual output of 10oz. and omg what the heck is with your boss?!! he's so farkin rude leh!!!!!
So exciting! I oso wanna come 4 the gathering!
but pending if i am to wok on tt day. and oso mummies, how big a portion of food shld we bring?

when i read wat ur stupid boss said, i was so SHOCKED! how cld he say coz u got small boobs and so gotta try harder tt sort of nonsense! so discriminating!
slap him in his damn face! so ANGRY to see wat u posted. ignorant IDIOT! and glad ur ang moh boss supported u!!!

HELLO! so u decided to pop in sept thread as well? i kpo here too.

catch up on postings later.... 48 hrs nvr log in liao...
<font color="aa00aa">| pig2 |</font> heehee.. me too! Gave Arianne orange to taste taste then after learning about no good to intro sweet things to bbs first foods, I stopped!

And I actually spoon fed Arianne Nestle rice cereal some days ago (shes 4 months 20 days today), she did eat a few spoons then fussed so I stopped and continued to feed her milk.

Since then I havent tried again, should I ah? I bit scared scared..

<font color="119911">Any other mummies can share the experience on bbs first foods? Any online recipes I could steal?</font>

<font color="aa00aa">| Ling |</font> Hahah! James &amp; his mill! Aiyoo

<font color="aa00aa">| Crystallized |</font> Come come! I think depends at the end of the day how many pax are going then we prepare aga aga amount la..
