(2006/09) SEPTEMBER 2006 MTB

I give Sherilyn brown rice but I mix them into her milk, started about two week ago.

Only last weekend I did the spoon feeding method on her with the brown rice making it into a slightly thicker paste type. She did fussed abit but I think it is normal as they need to readjust to the spoon feeding method and not from the bottle. I guess it needs more patient as well as it can be rather messy too.

Harlow. . .it is bedtime

<font color="aa00aa">| Sha |</font>
CHARMING! I really like the 'shower cap' Sherilyn is wearing! She's like so comfy with it!Nice to cover botaks like Arianne.. Where did u get it? Suitable to wear go gai gai or not?

Hey, thanx for sharing the info on the cereal feeding but how old is Sherilyn now?

No. Max is not sleeping through the night yet. In fact a lot of the July babies are not. He will have his last feeding at 9pm and wake up again at 3 or 4 am for next feeding then 7.30 am when we are ready to go. So not that bad.

Teething...no..Drooling...YES YES YES. Some of the july babies can sit for a short while unsupported. Max can do that maybe for 2 seconds.

I rented a Leapfrog exersaurcer for him...can only be kept in there for 10 mins

Not tips lai. Me also first time mummy, still learning.

Max started on cereal when he is 3.5 mth. Now he has two meals a day. Planning to start him on porridge soon.
<font color="0000ff">BUMBO PLAY TRAY</font>

The price I got for bumbo play tray is at US$6.50 per tray = S$10.40 (US$1:S$1.60)

Based on the dimension provided per carton (12 units), and I estimate the weight to be 1kg per unit.

The VpostUSA charges will be $128.

In total, per unit will be:
<font color="ff0000">6.50 x 1.6 + 128/12 = $21++</font>

Need to get 12 orders.
What is a let down? I keep seeing this from various post, but how do you know it's a let down? What exactly is it?

Very strange leh.. These few days I started to drinik the papaya and fish soup (I only started few days ago). I find that my milk is thicker, but the quantity doesn't seem to increase, but on the contrary decrease leh? Anyone drinking the fish and papaya soup? Any comments?

FOr me, I am lucky. My company has a nursing room just for mothers.. There's even a mini fridge for me to store my expressed milk, so I don't store my milk together with the rest of the other people's stuff like fruits, soft drinks etc. The best thing is I am the only one breast feeding now, so the room is like exclusively mine.. hiak hiak hiak...

daisybutton, I feel very tempted to join, but I am a bit shy.. Will think about it, then let you know ok?

I also feel very tempted to buy a bumbo seat for my girl, but ALL the people around me discourage me lah.. Even my husband doesnt think it's a good idea as he says the baby will outgrow it very soon...

wow , Sherilyn is adorable and the cap is really cute =)

I love the b4 and after pictures, like so miraculous =)

hehe, pop in after seeing huijun's post =)

what is bumbo play tray ?

so fast 3.5 to 4 months can start semi soid liao ?
Hi Ling,

My PD is Dr Tan Mien Chuen at Raffles Hospital. He is a neonatologist (someone who specialises in newborns) as well, so he is quite experienced in all baby matters. You can call the Raffles Children's Centre hotline at 6311 1270 to make an appointment. Before he came to Raffles, he was a senior consultant at KKH for many years, so he has seen really tens of thousands of babies.

As a whole, he is good and very patient in answering all my questions. But he has an opinion for everything, such as babies should not go classes when they are below 1 year. I asked him if I could bring baby Clarence for baby swimming classes 3 months ago, and his immediate reaction was "Why do you want to do that? All babies will pee and poo in the baby pool at some time or other. Surely you don't want him to drink the water and come back sick right? Babies at such a young age deteriorate fast if they are very sick you know. I thought only ang mohs bring their babies for swimming lessons. Asians parents are generally more sensible". Well, that shut me up totally and no more talk of swimming...

Well, that's his style. But as a whole he is a very caring PD, so you can try him out.

Hi Melissa,

Thanks for the encouragement! Yep, I am still hanging on despite the low milk supply.
Less is better than none... hehe...

Hi Julie,

Thanks for all the info! Yep, Clarence is confirmed to be teething! Saw the top of his little tooth protruding out from his gum! But less fussing yesterday... Pray that the worst is over.

I bought him an Evenflo Ultra Exersaucer from Taka Baby fair some time back. Dunno whether can start using or not.
The box says from 4 months onwards, but I read the reviews from Amazon and it seems that it is better to start at 5 months (when baby can sit supported). So maybe will start him on it next month.
Thanks for the compliment. The cap is a hand down from my sister, yes can wear go gai gai. I like it coz it is very comfy, the material is soft and airy plus she look cute in it as well.

Sherilyn is now 4 month 22 days as of today.

Thanks, but I have no idea where my sister got it coz my niece now 8 years old already. But I did knit one out for her, of coz it is not as cute as this one. Will take a picture of it the next time and post it here.
Jasmine, your boss is such an S-hole.. heehee.. So rude and insensitive.. Wah liao.. think he must be crazy to say that, not to mention put it down in email?!? Such a no-brainer.. heehee
Hey Brenda,

me not the star of the show.. is another aug mummy, but she brought producer with her to film the babies during one of our gatherings..

I straddle 2 thread cos my bb was edd end aug/ early sept.. keke.. jus like Crystalized!

Thks mummies for symphathising with me.. I still hanging in there, though milk not enough still..

my girl is older then yours by like 3 weeks.. so 150ml only last her 3hrs.. nowadays.. 2.5hrs even, depending on whether she is napping or not... so, my 8 oz sure not enough.. i used to have 10oz, but.. it was occasionally only..
Thanks. I was going thru all the photos last night and I tot that it is rather funny coz all our hubbies are friends that goes way back during school day and it just so happen that all the wife got pregnancy at almost the same timing as well.
Jo, you can try giving him a bit of water or milk using a spoon. If his tongue is not pushing the whole thing out, then you can start with one or two spoon of rice cereal. Brand like Nestle and Frisocream has cereal for 4 months onwards. Baby will only take few spoon the first few time. And it can be messy....so is time to stock up on bibs....
hi sha, ur before and after photos so cute! hahahaa......and all 4 preggies of the same time in their pregnancy sitting together, so funny.
and sherilyn looks adorable in that outfit.

julie and peachie, can u share what is exersaucer and what its for and looks like?

phoebe gosh! u are GOOD woman! hhmmm sounds very tempting. but i have not got my bumbo!!! boo hoooooo!!!

smiley, dun be shy lah..... u soo sweet hehee. dun worry all of us very san ba one loh, u will feel comfortable when we meet.
okie let me know.

a letdown is the onset of initial milk flow during pumping or nursing. some mums can feel it as a tingling, some feel is as a slight pain, some dun feel anything, some know its a letdown when their other breast leaks when nursing. u know sometimes u pump say u get 80ml, then nothing for a few mins. then suddenly got flow come out again? that is a let down, the onset of flow...

i am so happy today!!! hubby and i bought a LG mini bar fridge few weeks back. been in my office for a week but have not used it coz i can't seem to get the temp right. once i put in my 1st pumped milk bottle and it froze when i wanna put in my 2nd bottle! its those fridge with a freezer inside one. so i gotta experiement with the temp using plain water and ice cube trays to make it such that the freezer compartment can maintain my fridge to go in frozen condition, yet keep my milk in the main compartment cold without freezing it. i even use a fridge thermometer. so this morning manage to get the right setting heheheh! now my FTG is sitting inside the freezer compartment, lets hope it stays frozen. later will put my milk in. then i wun have to go UP AND DOWN the stupid stairs so many times a day to use the "clean" fridge downstairs hehehehe! so happy. and best thing is my ftg 1200 can actually fit inside the small freezer compartment and can close the flap somemore.

sleeping => don't know isit Jovann and Arianne xin ling xiang tong and arranged to wake up at same time. this morning he woke up 5.30am for milk! hhhmmmm.....let's hope this early waking is only temporary..... *cross fingers and pray*

yah u are welcomed to try the ergo when u come over ah hehhe. we try bumbo u try ergo......eh it rhymes! bleh, siao mommy......!!
Hi Diana,

Difficult to take a photo at this stage cos the top of the tooth is sprouting out from his inner gum. It's difficult enough to see it now cos I have to open his jaw very wide (which makes him fuss a lot), try to look behind his gum on the lower jaw, and get his persistent tongue (which is rubbing against the sore spot all the time) out of the way... Sorry if this is a poor description and you are totally lost. hehe. When the tooth has grown a bit more such that it is more photograph-friendly, will definitely take one and post it here!

So it's "behind his gum on the lower jaw".
I think I got it! Maybe should try it on my girl too. Thanks! And looking forward to see the photos!
Hi Jo,

MC Tan's charges $80 flat for consultation, and any medicine received is on top of the consultation fee.

Raffles Hospital have an immunisation package for the first 1 year that covers all the consultations during the period as well, so I am now on that package. You can call Raffles Hosp Children's Centre and find out about this package (cannot remember how much now...).

Hi Julie,

I am thinking on starting Clarence on Frisocream this coming weekend... but must see first cos he is more cranky these couple of days with the teething. See his mood by then.
You started your baby on solids yet? What did you start with?

Hi Daisybuttons,

This is a pic of my exersaucer.... bought it at $199 during Taka fair, but it is currently selling for $249. The baby can sit inside and spin around, rock on the spot and bounce up and down.... And as he spins around there are 15 toys all around for him to play with. The exersaucer does not go anywhere (unlike a walker). Baby stays in the same spot. Evenflo is the first company that comes up with Exersaucers. There are many brands out there right now so you can take a look and see....

<font color="aa00aa">| Phoebe |</font> Youre superb! So resourceful, must be a purchaser or something! I emailed you already..

<font color="aa00aa">| Diana SG |</font> Thanks for the link! Ill go look see but I actually want testimonials from mummies who have actually done it le.. Itll be interesting to know how each bb react to their first foods! Have you started with your Jac?

<font color="aa00aa">| Daisybuttons |</font> Ya! You Bumbo, I Ergo! Heehee we could do a Rock N Roll! This reminds me of bringing Arianne for the R&amp;B and Jazz class at GymB when she reaches 6 months. Sure damn cute!

Jovann too? Woke up at 5ish? But Arianne didnt want any milk though, strange ya.. But as for today, she just stirred a tiny bit at 4am and went back to zzzz almost immediately.. Shes still sleeping now! (10.20am)
<font color="119911">| Assisted Delivery |</font>

<font color="119911">Any mummies had an assisted delivery before?</font> I like to know more about this cos my cousin-in-law just gave birth 2 days ago and had her bb vacuumed out and now the bb's head is like an 'egg tart', feels so fragile to the touch and bb's head looks elongated, so poor thing.

Her Gynae also didn't explain why he had to do that. She started major contractions and spotting at about 2.15am while she was still at home, arrived hospital at 3am, delivered at 3.13am! This is her first bb..

I wonder why..

I also heard if you eat too much sweet stuff, the milk become thicker.

The site is the most popular site on baby foods! Should be quite reliable. Yes, I have started solids about 2 weeks ago, but my mum is feeding her coz I need to work. She'll mix the healthy times baby cereal with warm water and boil it. Initially when my mum didn't boil it, my girl a bit lao4 sai4. But no more lao4 sai4 after we boil it. For the first few days she is like ate 1/3, spilled 2/3, but she is getting better and better now. According to my mum, yesterday my girl is like never spilled out anything!
brenda, i had assisted delivery .. mine was worst.. hhhaa .. as i had both vacuum and Forcep!! dont worry about the 'elongation' of the head and ask your cousin-in-law NOT to rub in attempt to have the head round!!! The head will go back to shape very soon! My Cayden was so poor thing lor.. bruises and elongated head .. i post a photo here later.
Diana, thanks for the website on the toy rental.. hmmm.. Maybe i should go and rent a exersaucer to see if Cayden likes the toy
i have one by leapfrog.. usual price is 249sgd, i bought @ 20% off @ robinsons raffles city. And i bought robinsons vouchers off someone in forum @ 20% discount.. so effectively, i paid 160sgd. Really nice, cos it has 5 musical stations.. Jadelle can flip the page on the hardbook there and make the DJ station rock and roll!

I place the exersaucer @ my MIL's place.

if you getting the playtray, i want in!
peachie, I started Max on Nestle cereal and subsequently switch to Frisco cream as saw from somewhere that Nestle is too sweet. After that, I also bought some jar food that is suitable for 4 mth up and mix with cereal sometimes. He really like it.

Jo - maybe you should try renting first. becos is quite bulky and take up space at home. If your baby really like it, then you can buy but I don't think baby would want to stay in it after they start walking.
oh blessedmommy, so you experience the same situation as me? I thought the papaya soup is supposed to increase the supply, it thickens the milk instead?

Diana SG, I do eat quite sweet too.. heehee.. have a sweet tooth for chocolates.. heh heh..

Brenda, the baby's head will be back in shape soon, no worries one.. I also think don't have to rub the baby's head leh.. will get back in shape automatically one..
<font color="aa00aa">| Orange &amp; Smiley |</font> Oh.. The pic of Cayden is heart wrenching.. So poor thing, especially all that bruises, hope they're healed properly now..

Bruises might be able to be healed but what about the bb's feelings? Like a rude shock to them right? Kena force to come out.. haiz..

Actually I'm curious on why the Gynae arrived to the decision on this procedure.

Orange, did your Gynae explain to you? Cos my cousin-in-law blur blur after delivery..
Hi Jo,

Pai seh, I also dunno the exersaucer can be used till what age. I suppose if you do a google search on some of the exersaucers mentioned above, u can go to the manufacturer's website to find out.
Sorry.... Got to go back and dig out the box which is buried right inside my untidy store-room to see....

Hi Julie,

Thanks for the info!
alamak! i can't believe i missed so many posts! u guys are really on a roll, hiak!

i tried tanking him up again and wah, everything went a little haywire last night! DN usually has 7 feeds in a 24 hr period. (one of which is a 230am feed) yesterday, he had 9 feeds altogether, in 24 hrs, including his usual 230am one! wah, he tricked me big time man. if i keep this up, the next time u guys see him, no one will recognise him. he'll be a butterball!!

oh! so jac is gina ford bb! i read her book during pregnancy and tried using it on DN the minute we brought him home. unfortunately, the schedule was driving me crazy and stressing me out, so i threw that out the window! but i do follow some of her ideas which do make sense to me : sleep in a dark room, (we got black out curtains too) feed more in the day than in the night, don't overstimulate before bedtime... etc etc... but Mr i-love-my-2am-feed is still waking up... *haiii...* i think i'll have to let him discover the joys of long sleep on his own. *haiii...*

i know this is prob too late coz u prob know everyone here already, but "welcome"! hiak hiak! kelicia has a lurvely smile!
oh er, and my hb coming too... i like to ji-zha and talktalktalk, so someone needs to help with the bb.

i'm going to tell my granny to cook for 5 becoz she will take it upon herself to cook for 10!!

sure! go ahead with the photo. after all, my big face is plastered all over DN's blog. btw, ur sis REALLY looks like u!

oh gosh, i know how u feel abt low MS. i'm also getting a little depressed during pump sessions. so sad to see nothing coming out right? but u know what? i'm coming to terms with it. if it drops, so be it. at least i can say i tried my best! don't be hard on urself ok? jadelle looks great to me and u've made it to the 5 mth mark already, which, if u ask me, is damn impressive for working mums!
and OMG! ur boss is a stupid fool!

my post is so long! sorry!
Brenda, My case is really bo bian. After pushing for 1 hour, really cant get Cayden out!!! so my Gynae told me to have assisted delivery so that the baby will not be distressed. And thank goodness she did that as Cayden face was facing down (eeee.. cannot remember what is it call liao) so it will be very difficult for me to push him out!

Hmm.. it takes 1-2 weeks for the head to be back to normal. He is okay lah.. now head round round liao ... this is one of his latest photo
