(2006/08) AUGUST 2006 MTB

Dear mommies,
Quick post. FYI. Gt this from the news ytday evening. Nutritionist said that in a long run organic food may cause bb to have lower immunity system.

Hee. . . I never give a sip of water to Jay when he was on TBF b4 6mth. Now, I only give after semi-solid food to prevent constipation. I introduce 2 solid now. So per day maybe 3-4 OZ of water. Duuno if 2Oz really alot but really scare will constipate le. But normally he will not finish all the 2 OZ one. No water will be given to Jay after BM feed.

ya I also watch the news. It said organic food is good but if kids are on total organic food then not good coz might casue them to have lower immunity system.

When you say 2oz of water after every semi solid feed, I was like thinking, it'll be 6oz of water per day (after bfast, lunch, din). That's why I thought like a lot leh... :p So I see...

Anyway, the link above recommends not more than 2oz per 24hr, and just a few sips of water a couple of times a day.

On giving bbs water...

I gave Jadon a few teaspoon of cool boiled water after his first Heinz cereal feed today. He doesn't mind the cereal nor the water. I know he'd be ok with water cos he's always licking it off my hand when I bathe him. Or when the bath water trickle off his face onto his lips, he'll lick too. Urgh! :p
my boy seems ok now after 2nd day of banana, tomorro oso giving him, cuz i made a batch..kekeke maybe next week do carrots and pears..
i seldom give bb water, so i hope he dun get consitpated...since the banana no constipation hahaha

ya i was wondering too. how to let our kids swim more, and when can be less wary of water going into ears. cuz just dipping like no fun...

i think its heat thats causing the rashes not the food.. i just try to keep him cool at home what to do... nap oso sometimes put on aircon...

i just thot i wanna spend more time with my boy durin this stage.. oso my mum health is not gettin much better, so think its tiring on her even tho we got maid..my hubby was the one who suggest n let me know its ok if i really wanna quit..we discuss and figured i could take a break and go back to work anytime i wan, maybe after 3-6 months depends on how things go...
talking about sippy cups,
my boy now chews on it so happily, thats not good cuz he not learning to drink from it.. but cuz he is teething he finds it so shiok :p
halo mummies, didn't know cooking spinach requires much more attention than other fruits/vege...


Spinach - Steamed**
10 months+ (May be used for Kale and Collards also)

1. Thoroughly cleanse fresh spinach and pick out damaged leaves
2. Steam in a pot with a steamer basket insert (water should just peek through the holes of the basket).
3. Leaves will shrink and appear wilted when done.


4. Drain and puree spinach in blender or food processor,
5. Add fresh water until mixture is of the desired consistency.

**Nitrate risk! Do not serve homemade spinach to an infant under 10 months old! Spinach puree MUST be immediately eaten, frozen or stored in the refrigerator! Studies done on spinach and nitrates in particular have shown that with improper storage and preparation, the nitrate levels may actually increase. Proper preparation and immediate use or storing via freezer method will help eliminate this risk in leafy vegetables
Hi cocomo and Leia,

Thanks for your advice. Just bought a pack of Heniz plain cereal, will let her try on it end of the week.
hi sandy and mommies

Leon went for gymboree today (so nicely arranged by Kelly) and altho we were pretty late, i think he had a good time. my feedback is, i think it will be a much more useful class once leon is able to crawl. good thing is, he managed to observe the other slightly older babies, and my hubby and me both noticed since we came home after, that leon is trying a lot more new moves, ie, trying to crawl from sitting by twisting to his left or right, being able to crawl over 'obstacles' like my legs, and he just seems extra happy.

so far, still sticking to rice cereal with either pureed apple, which i've frozen into cubes (bought cheap n good ice cube tray with lid from Daiso) or mashed banana. just bought a soft pear which i plan to steam and puree tomorrow morning.
water wise, i read that it isnt necc for bfed bb to have water, and since he hasnt shown any signs of constipation (he still poos twice a day, jus much smellier now), i won be giving him water as yet

i've officially stopped working for over a week now, my hubby was on leave for CNY week but tomorrow on, i'll be a SAHM for the time being

Yep yep, I was working on a project basis, was supposed to end work by last Dec, but somehow got dragged on up to now. But i'm still continuing to look for income sources, till then Leon and me will survive on bananas :p
pai seh, u asked me a question during our MSN chat 2day. my husband logged out 4 me b4 i could read ur question. wat is it huh?

glad 2 hear tat leon is learning new stuff fr his gymboree class. i decided 2 give it a pass cos we were so late. i tik by e time we get 2 e class, get read (wear socks, settle gabe, etc), it'll b 330pm. considering e class ending at 345pm, husband said 2 give it a miss.
hi pups,
kayden also enjoyed the lesson too. laughed and screamed during the lesson. he's very noisy n active. but i also agreed that the lesson is not so useful until he can crawl.

hi piyo, cocomo and cj,
nice meeting u gals.

hi cj,
wah, kaefer can crawl so fast liao. guess must really get kayden to be on his tummy more often. my hb was asking me when we get back whether kaefer is older but i said no.
Pups and mummies,

U all went to gymboree on Sunday too ?? July Mummies & BB were there too for the 5 pm class.
I agreed not very useful cos our BB cannot crawl somemore the teacher there just leave us to try the obsticale after explaining and only pop by some time...
Wah... some of your BB can crawl already too.. mine still haven. He bottom shuffle ...
sandy, erin...

my boy oso cant crawl yet.. go in circles or roll sideways - very fast tho.. he can roll from one end of mat to the other end so he can get where he wants...haha

was asking about blender/food processor to puree, wondering if necessary to buy one or can save money and skip it,..:p

think today going to discuss my last working day!!!!! kinda excited...hahaha but the funny thing is today I got a call to take up a position for parttime/project basis... so strange, maybe i noted fated to be SAHM mum...
So the gymboree lesson only 'kinda' useful for bb who is in crawling stage? As just got my free trial lesson yesterday from library, intend to try out.

Jadelle fell off her bed yesterday!
but she fell onto daddy who fell asleep on her mattress! But it woke everyone up in a fright.. me & hubby was shouting.. and Jadelle was screaming..

She apparently woke up early and decide to practice her flipping skills when mummy is being blur blur.. eversince i brought her for another swim, she has been attempting to frog crawl forward.. and has been very diligent in practicing..
oh dear! but no injury rite, since u r lucky she landed on papa? not the floor? hope she is alright...

does she sleep on the same bed as u or in a cot?
me oso considering investing in blender cos this is my 2nd 1.

Must cause all of u a shock ya... lucky daddy choose correct position to sleep at gal's mattress. Jadelle sleep with u?
thks mummies for your concern,

yupz, jadelle is fine. heng landed on daddy's fats! She actually sleeps on the mattress on the floor next to my bed (She hates the cot and the mattress better cos i can lie next to her and comfort her), but i usually carry her to my bed for the 6am feeding via latching on as i am too tired and i feed her lying down.. so she end up fall asleep next to me usually..
You have the same arrangement as me, tho usually will try to put him back on his mattress.

Gals, your babies can fall asleep on their own? any tips on how to make bb sleep on their own? leon in e afternoon mus b carried to sleep, too siong for me. like i jus jus put him down aftr letting him latch onto me, he slept 20min then woke up...
Hi Happy CNY to all Mummies..
Long time nvr log in..miss out so many issue..

I usually feed my boy to drink water on e baby cot..let him lie down sideway, while pat him till he sleep...(can cover his eyes with pillow too..) But this got to ensure he is tiring la...if not den let him play again..haha..

i had the same problem as you, until before CNY when i put my foot down liaoz.. so i sleep train jadelle to sleep on her own without rocking/ latching. It was heartbreaking before, to see her so tired when wake up from nap and it was so obvious to me she don't know how to go back to sleep herself and need my breast.. what happens when mummy is travelling overseas for work then?

So, i establish a routine for jadelle to let her know it is nap time.. i draw the curtains, feed her via latch on, but not until she fall asleep. The ni put her down on the bed and firmly & repeatedly say, it is naptime, i will see you later, jadelle.. go sleep.. and i hush hush and pat pat her.. if she really cry until very chiam, i carry her and comfort her until she stop crying then i put her down immediately. and this goes on.. soon, she will be tired.. If she struggle in your arms.. put her down immediately, cos it is their way of trying to sleep by themselves.. my Jadelle, she now cry abit, then will keep turning her head on the bed and sniff her chou chou on 2 sides.. and will slowly fall asleep..

This method, helped me, cos finally, Jadelle slept for >30mins.. and she wake up looking so refreshed and happy.. the first day was tough.. she cried for 1 hr.. and i cried too.. cos seems so cruel leh, cannot give her my breast.. now, if she wake up or stirs, she juz turn turn her head and will go back sleep again..
glad tat jasmine fell onto daddy. it'll b terrible if she hit e floor.

as i shared wif piyo, i used an existing blender (i didnt buy specifically when gabe started solids as i already owned one) 2 blend his food but i didnt blend 4 long cos by e time gabe was abt 9-10mths, he could take food of thicker texture.

IMO, no harm buying one cos u can use it 4 other purposes (if u cook lah) n also if there's a #2 for u.
sandy, erin
dun worry abt ur bbs' crawling. FYI, my elder boy gabe commando crawled fr 8mths-1yrs old. when he turned one, he was already cruising but he still managed 2 crawl at all fours.
2 me lah, e key milestones are flipping, sitting, pulling 2 stand n walking.
hi pups,
kayden can sleep on his own most of the time now. it's like a transitional stage. he used to enjoy being carried to sleep. but recently, he will cry (when we carry him once he starts rubbing his eyes). hence, i tried putting him on my bed and he was quiet. then i realised he can now sleep without being carried. but must give him his bolster to hug. sometimes he will still require me to carry him to sleep but not so often nowsadays.
hi jasmine,
oh dear. luckily, ur hb was there to cushion the fall.

hi kelly,
kayden also more interested in pulling to stand and to walk. not interested in crawling. he'll just sit and turn to get the things he want. if the things he want is further, he'll just bend to reach for it.

keke! Jadelle also love to be pulled to stand! and absolutely hate to sit still.. she will straighten her legs and straighten her back and wails to stand up!
hi erin
i tik edward also not keen 2 crawl so i let him b. he will shuffle his bottom n can go 360degrees n also move forward on his bottom. i only learned tis recently cos i placed him at 1 spot n e next moment, he moved away fr e spot n i went around asking if any1 moved him. after seeing him in action these few days, i realised it's bcos gabe moved by shuffling his butt.

edward seems 2 hate 2 sit nowadays too. when we put him down 2 sit, he'll straighten his legs n wont bend them. when we carry him in our arms, he'll wanna jump off our arms as if he wanna come down 2 walk, esp when he sees gabe gor gor running abt. very dangerous act of his. husband n i nearly missed catching him a few times. *break into cold sweat*

edward's also pulling 2 stand at times but his legs not strong so cant really support his body. so far he has learned 2 pull himself fr sitting 2 a kneeling down position.
thanks for the tip.. i will consider buyin, but so far I never cook, unless u count pasta.. and I dun have intention for no. 2 kekekeke
Hi everyone,

Can I join u all in the discussion as well.

My son is also born in Aug 06. In fact, he's born on 19/08/06.

I'm the one who went for the gymboree lesson on last Sat. Thus, I met a few of you there.
hi katherine

u can still try. a few of my GFs got preggie even though they r still BFg and their menses didnt return yet. good luck!

i trying 4 a cow bb (in 2009) so no piggy or rat bb 4 me.
Hi Katherine,
oh ya, i remember u. welcome!

hi kelly, jasmine and augbaby,
i'll most prob be trying for a cow so guess will start ttcing next yr. still trying to convince hb though to try for 2nd one.
hi all , long time no post already ...

My baby have been falling ill very easily , like every month , he will catch a cold or cough , any one know how should i prevent that from happening ? so stress ...
Hi mummies,

I'm a 1st time mum, happen to c all ur discussion in this forum and find that its very useful, need some advices from all of u. thanx so much.

How do u train your bb on sippy cup? my girl Audrey still dunno how to use leh...I let her tried a few times, but she dunno how to suck. Any special method to train??

Did any of u put ur bb on walker?

Hi Butter8,

Wow... at least ur boy can roll, my girl can only flip... still dunno how to unflip. How do u train him on that? Btw, when is his DOB? Audrey DOB is 31 Aug.
hi erin,
nice meeting u too. crawling-- on the flip side, becos Kaefer is more mobile now we hav to watch him closely else he will hurt himself, grab n put anything in his mouth..etc.

i oso like piggy year but i guess too soon for me. . :p . Maybe i ttc for rat year lor, rat is smart bah. Good luck, hope ur wish comes true.

white lady,
do u always bring bb to crowded places? guess avoiding crowded places is one way lor. build up bb immunity first.
Hi Katherine,
Welcome, welcome!!

Me old liao so tot of having the second one soon but no one can help look after the bb for me le, ai. . . and same as Jas I also no menses yet. My cousin told me her gynae told her beta dun bf while preggie coz hormone too high not good for the bf bb.

My Jay constipation liao!!! His poo very hard and ytday one have little bit of blood. I got gave water le still constipation. How huh?
hi jasmine,
thank goodness jadelle fell on daddy, there was twice when Denise nearly fell off the bed too, lucky caught her in time...she surprised me by flipping on the other side which i thought she didn't know how...can't underestimate babies nowadays.

i was thinking of ttc for a piggy bb too so that "siong" at one go, but then we decided to let nature takes its course and maybe wait for a while 1st...by the way, my menses came back 2 mths ago eventhough i breastfeed, but i never latch on so no stimulation bah...
took many photos but unfortunately many were blurred. :p

hi cocomo,
my first steps dvd cannot play ley, isiz becos my player old model?
Hm. . . my hubby tried after burned, can play le. Maybe your player sensitive to non-original DVD? Can you try to play at other DVD player or computer? If still cannot then I burn another one for you. :p

Megan ok liao? You found the swimming diapers? hey, I might not able to go for the aquaswim liao coz need to travel again.
anyway will update you again if really cant make it.
Hi Cj ,

Ya , i always bring my baby out with us ... maybe what u say is right , avoid crowed places ! was thinking of bringing him to the baby fair this weekend , hope he can get well soon ...
