(2006/08) AUGUST 2006 MTB

Dear Noe,
A very Happy Birthday to U!!! Hope u have a great day ahead...

Hey ningyo,
time to do more walking n squatting..hee hee...:p

ya think my doc will also check for me this friday when i saw her...i dun feel much changes leh...maybe mine is also like yrs, 1cm only..coz she juz said 1-2cm dilated...did yr doc say when she expects yr bb to be delivered??

Hi noe,
Thx for ur info. Will have a look at the sling.

Hi ningyo,
For my boi, yes. Drop a bit but he gain again afterthat.
hey mummies,
check wif u all ah..do u all have tummy ache..those type that is more like wanting to shit kind? Sorry ah for being gross? but sometimes i got tummy ache but dun reali need to go toilet kind lah..not reali pain but more like those need to shit kind and after a while no more...that is not contractions rite? coz so far no pain but my tummy do get hard hard at times but no pain..is that braxton hicks??
Dear Noe,
Happy birthday to u! Enjoy the day.

hi pupsandcups,
u just did the strep b test yesterday? was just wondering when kkh will do that. have ur gynae done the v-check? r u dilated already?
hi augbaby,

i'm xperiencing the same thing as you too! been having it since sunday, and got more frequent since y'day evening...most times tummy harden and no pain.
i was prepared to admit anytime since last night, but no strong signs.
so this morning called gynae to ask.
she said if frequency is every 10mins..check-in straight. otherwise see her at 3pm today, and bring my barang barang, cos my edd is tmrw anyway.
and i'd been 1cm dilated since wk38 and after checkup on wk39 ...still 1cm.
im back...


Gotta monitor for next 6hrs.. cos mine not braxton hicks... Early sign of birth!
Now oni gg into 36.5weeks.. though bb weigh abt 2.8kg.. bt... dono.. kinda worried too.

Gynae told mi to monitor for next 6hrs if e pain gets more intense COS mine at e moment not so regular.. on n off too... yeee getting scare now..
Gynae still can joke wit mi. PAin or not now.. I say still ok.. Den he say HOW BB WAN COME OUT EARLY! Wa Biam! how to answer him la...

BT He mention if i wan can go warded now.. n they will do e CTG monitoring for mi n see how is e contractions... HMMM i rather stay home lo.. so monitor myself.. cos now no pain again! haiz.. bb give mi e actual sign pls!

BT if pain goes off.. i just stay home n monitor... n bb movements too.. den Fri shall see him again..

Dilemma... bb to come out today or wait? Cos my due still long... abt 25Aug! OR can she wait till National Day!!!!
Noe, Happy Bday!

As for strollers - i personally find the asian brands very light and foldable, but not sturdy. If you hv a car and intend to invest and want to use a stroller up til 3-4 yrs, i would say a continental brand is much better....the manouverability is better. I had a quinny zap, and my daughter who weighed 20 kg could still sit and i can steer with one hand. You can forget abt doing that with a combi even when kid is 15 kg.

I am also looking at a new stroller than can recline, but still be able to use till the kid is 3-4...so far, I hv seen an inglesia, which moves good but is bulky and expensive.

If you need for long term use, I suggest you look at the wheels...combi and capella's wheels are really tiny...so i don't feel its stable...

so far i have owned 3
graco - cheap sale item ($80+), bulky and after a year the straps all gave way
combi - also from the cheaper range ($90), very light, couldn't recline, but very compact....couldn't use it after my son was 12kg, it was too wobbily and i couldn't steer with one hand
quinny zapp - slightly heavier than a combi, good folding system, fantastic manouverability, but only one position - great for kids who are older and don't mind slumping to the side or fwd if they nap! needs a bit getting used to to open the stroller- my bro took it, so now i gotta look for another stroller too!
Hi cheers,
But my edd date is still so far away unlike yrs..mine is 23aug...anyway the feeling of wanting to shit, well most of the time i do end up doing my biz..so maybe it is not contractions lor..coz dun feel that pain at all leh...Hmmm...
hi cynthia ,

not to worry , just rest lor , even if baby want to come out now , also no problem lah , cos ur bb already 2.8kg , so dont worry ! take care !
white lady,
weird hor..me gonna ask my doc this fri as well as ask her roughly when she think i be delivering..haha so i can have a rough estimate n plan..hee hee
Helo White Lady,

Sometime realli dilemma. Wan bb faster come out BT when coming out wan them to stay inside!

Now also dono do wat... e pain on n off.. seems to goes off liao.. hehehe better den can drag..

Is it advisable to do more squating n walking now? Laying on bed don make mi feel good...

Now alot of question mark in my brain!

I think you should walk around, heard it will help with the dilation. My yoga teacher also say if want baby to engage faster, do more squating but do be careful, incase you can't get up if pain is intense.

I get tummy ache too but I figured its because of the milk I took. Are you drinking alot of milk?
Cynthia ,

in my view , if u dont want baby to come out so fast , better dont walk so much , have as much bed rest as possible ! cos i also like u few weeks ago
noe, sheng ri kuai le!! =P

working from home is more tiring for me...sigh...coz as if a maid! helping hubby to clear his stuff.. coz getting a new storage drawer for bb..

i saw this toyogo 5-tier storage drawer at carrefour selling $78. luckily i din buy, coz the toyogo warehouse @ TPY is selling only $49!

for mommies who wanna temp storage for bb's stuff, toyogo type is good. coz first yr clothing usually be outgrown very fast one..
Happi bird day, Noe!


Hope all is fine with peddie.. thanks for the update, smlow! Poor girl.. hope she can stay strong once bb deliver...
HoneyB & whitelady,

WOW.. cool... actualli i try to stay in bed bt don like e feeling.. now pain not so intense.. i got do some squating n try walk ard at home bT seems im infront of PC more hehehe...

Gynae told mi squating is ok.. he told mi not to worry now bb v healthy can come out naturally.. phew.. MAYB i not so prepared.. Ok la..who knows bb don wan to come out today yesh!
Cynthia ,

if u want baby to come out faster , then walk more , if u dont want , then rest more , haahaa , up to you to choose , but since gynae say ur baby is healthy to come out , then good , u can see ur baby very soon ! getting very excited rite !

I understand how you feel.

I've been asking my baby when she wants to come out everyday. Yesterday I had some very bad cramps, menses like cramps, thought that was it, was feeling so scared, but after 10 mins, the pain just went off, was scared yet disappointed..haa..also don't know what I want...
White lady,

Now is dilemma hahaha.. wan to see n don wan..
Let nature take it course!

Today Rain gg to induce.. at MAH too... dono if i realli go in today will see her anot... n maybe same ward as her.. den we not so lonesome liao!
Wow...another mummy giving birth..our thread is really exciting now ah...alot of activities..hee hee...Do keep us updated...
hi mummies,

heard alot abt walking and squatting helps in getting baby to engage and dilation.
but it doesn't apply to me leh...been walking/squatting till legs/thighs "suan", but bb still dun want to come out.
any other suggestions??
Hi Cyn,
YOu may be seeing your baby very soon!!!! You must be excited!

Hi Augbaby,
Me also have the stomach pain feeling and always ended up going to the toilet but it may be due to milk?

Hi Noe,
happy birthday!!!! Must enjoy your day k!!
Helo Piyo!

Excited for sure.. bt dono got feeling she may stil wan to be inside... shall monitor n see...

Rain bb will be e FIRST IN AUG! COOL!!! She now waiting for her bb arrival..
IF tonight i also heng heng.. who knows we may in same ward!
Hi all,

My X-ray result out, unfortunately I can't have natural birth as my pelvis bone not big enuf for my bebe's head to go through that's why his head not engaged as at now! So my gynae has arranged for me c-sect tomorrow at 1pm. So excited can see my bebe tomorrow. . . hurray!!!
hi white_lady,

i'm 39wk6d today, tmrw is bb's edd.
going to see gynae later with my bag, most likely she'll burst my waterbag. cos no point waiting...since i've been waiting till neck long long already!~
hi cocomo,
so it's a blessing in disguise? wow so many starting to pop in Aug liao! What time would you be going in since your csec is at 1pm? you opting for csec? Where would you be birthing?

Hi Cyn,
you talk to baby and see if she wanna some out soon?:p
Hi all ,

read from other treads that Peddie has gone into labour this morning ! Wish evrything will be smooth for her ! take care peddie !
Hi cheers,
If I were you, I become giraffe liao! so far I have not much contraction kind of pain ever since I stop the anti-contraction pills... think my baby not ready to come out and see the world yet and must wait long long till 23 Aug!
hi cheers ,

oh , u already in ur 39 weeks n 6 days ! think u r next to see ur baby ... do update us ur birth story ! good luck !

Was talking to her to show mi more actual sign leh.. yet she push n kick strongly while i stil pain! headache!

Got feeling she may not come out.. bt ok la.. jus stand by lo..

Will keep u all updated too! N also Rain..
Hi cocomo,
good yah able to c ur bb tomorrow. which hospital? C sect with full GA, half or epi?

Hi cheers,
cia yo..... update us yah...

Hi Cynthia,
Good luck.

Wah getting more n more mummies from this thread is going on delivery ....
Piyo, White_lady and Cecelia,
I have to admit to TMC at 8:30am so cannot have anything (even plain water) after 6am, dunno what time they will push me to the theatre. Cannot natural birth then no choice gotta go for csec lo. Now feel scare le. . .

I will be in my 39th week tomorrow. Initially I intent to go for epi one but no gut le, I scare half way I fainted then how?! So most likely will go for GA la. Anyone has experience with epi csec?
The thread is moving quite fast today.
I have starting my squating exercise yesterday. Hope that bb will engaged herself soon.
Really very tired of working, but start taking maternity leave only on 14 August.

Hope bb can come out next week. Its national day week
Good luck to all the mummies going delivery. Look forward to reading more birth stories. kind of excited also. Dun know how it is like to be in labour?
Hey all,

I've graduated. Just came back from the hospital after giving birth to Zacchaeus on 30 July

My Birth Story...

30/7 1.15am :
woken up by sharp contractions, intervals 5 mins. Called Dr Ang and mother-in-law. Sent my son to mil's house b4 heading to hospital.

Reached hospital. Could barely walked. Went labour ward immediately. Midwife did a quick check on the contraction. Quickly gave med. to clear bowel and did all the shaving etc.

Strapped down on bed. 3cm dilated. Given drip and injection by the hip. Given gas. No time for epidural as this labour is expected to be short.

Felt like pushing. Called nurse in. 8cm dilated. Water bag burst after vaginal check. Gynae came in and told me to push at the next contraction. One push with the help of forcep, baby was out at 4.45am

Zac weighed 3.06kg at birth
Dear cocomo, cheers,
u be seeing yr babies tom..so nice...keep us updated and rest well..take good care ya..
N rem to post pics of yr lovely babies when u r bk..

Dear augustmum,
congrat on the arrival of yr bb boy..rem to post his lovely pics for us to see when u r hm...
Hi Ladies,
Thank you very much for your birthday wishes.
Ha ha ... I think I must be really too impatient.

I was hoping that Julien will be born today!
Am looking out for water bag burst, consistent contractions or a show but no leh ...

8 more hours to go before 1 August ends.
Wah ha ha ... I feel like doing star jumps already.
Hi augustmum,
Congrats on the arrival of lil Zac. Rest well n enjoy ur confinement. Remember to post his handsome pic ok...
Hi Linda,
I agree with you totally!
If I do get another stroller, I might consider Peg Perego (the model that allows a toddler to stand on the foot rest behind).
Congratulations Augustmum!
That's really a short labour experience!

Hee hee ... Well termed indeed.
You have graduated.
Have a good confinement & speedy recovery.
hi augustmum,

congrats to you on the arival of ur bb, Zac.
i take my hat off you for having such a short labour!!
do rest well..

hi ladies,
seems like a no. of mummies popping today or soon. so envious.

do we squat all the way or do half squats? i'm thinking of trying it out to see if it'll helps.

hi augustmum,
congrats! i'm getting stressed up liao. head wants to observe me before i go for maternity leave.
