(2006/08) AUGUST 2006 MTB

hi mummies,

i'd jus came back frm checkup..still 1cm dilated.
since edd is tmrw, gynae advised me to check-in at 12mn, nurse will insert tablet to stimulate contraction and she'll burst my waterbag tmrw morning. and she mentioned that i'll probably deliver in the afternoon.
so i;m going to have a heavy dinner tonight to last me till afternoon tmrw.

Hi Cheers,
rem your chicken essence b4 you go in! suppose to give you more strength to push! Good luck and update us soon k!

hi AUgustmum,
Congrats!!! yoursis a fast one! so envious!!!
Hey piyo,
this wk, our bb is officially 37wks liao..so not premmie already..yeah...me tom is my 37wks..so anytime bb wanna come out, i also dun mind liao..:p
Congrates Augustmum!!!

Thanks augbaby ;p

Good luck Cheers!!

I will go for a BIG meal tonight as after today will have to 'puasa' for a month on cold drink and seafood!!! ;p
Hi Augbaby,
Ya! tomorrow is beginning of 37 weeks! meaning not premmie liao! Gynae also told me let it be natural if baby comes then let baby comes
but I think you will pop faster than me! Cos I am not dilated and baby still high based on last week checkup! I have this feeling I will be the last few to pop here cos I have this feeling baby won't come out till EDD!
hi cocomo,
all the best..and good luck to you too!!

hi piyo,
thanx for reminding me to take chicken essence...in fact i packed 4btls so that HB can drink too.
yup, you have to squat all the way down...and doc says not with our full feet on the ground (ie. like tip-toe manner)
Hi Cheers,
Welcome! Hubby also must drink???? you drink more okie!

tip toe sounds reasonable cos I won't know how to balance if it;s full feet on the ground:p

Hi mummies,
anyone with very terrible swollen feet? Mine very swollen leh! to the extent of being painful
Hi Noe and Linda,

thanks for the useful info!

Congrats to Augustmum!! Your delivery is definitely very smooth and fast!
I'm still loitering in tis thread. Hehehe...busy clearing my daily work in case i pop so i nvr post anything.
Hey, ur labour is indeed very short. So brave of u to go without epi. *clap clap* My aunt told me if got signs of labour must go hosp immediately cos 2nd bb usually very fast one. Reading abt ur's & another mother's short labour makes me wonder whether mine will be just as short. I hope so though but i certainly dun wanna be too late to have epi!!! How did they guage dat u're going to have a short labour?

I had my observation last wk. Stress man!!! Thought they'll let a preggie off :p
Erin and Skyblue,

Hee...I missed my observation...I was warded for pre-matured labour when I was supposed to be observed by P and Head...


They asked me for (1) no. of births (2) duration of previous labour...

My previous labour was about 3 to 4 hours, so they guaged it would be shorter...Thank God it did not happen in school...

Oh, they said labour is timed from the moment contraction (interval about 5 minutes) to birth...

The nurses joked that for my next pregnancy, better move opp. the hospital...also asked me to give birth more since mine is so short...
my feet also very swollen, until i can't wear all my shoes now wearing slippers to work. i touch also pain maybe going to give birth tats why so swollen haha
hi piyo,
that's what i meant. oh... now i know liao. will start doing the squarts tonight. i have very swollen feet too. don't worry.

hi skyblue,
yah lor. stress hor. i thought they will let me off too but no leh. now can only pray that i pop before next fri. lol. actually, wishing to pop early not because of the observation, just that can't wait to see my baby.

U take care hor. heard that labour for 2nd bb is very fast so u better get prepared.

hi cocomo,
good luck. may u have a safe and smooth delivery.
Try not to stand too much though i know it's very difficult considering our job nature. I try to sit more cos i really can't tahan standing for long. When's ur EDD? Mine is next sat. Tis thur hopefully my gynae got gd news to tell me :p
Everyday i go to work, my colleagues will say how come I'm still ard. Hehehe...

Wow, ur 1st labour oredi so short. How're u coping wif bb Zac and Noah? Will u be doing massage?
hi skyblue,
it's very difficult not to stand too much. i'm taking the very young kids and they are very active. my edd's still a long way. 25th aug. my appt's tmr so hope gynae will have gd news to tell me such as I'm dilated liao. My colleagues also asking me why I'm still around. keke...
Hi augustmum,
Thanks for sharing with us ur birth story! Wow! Urs sure is a short labour! I'm sure all of us here would hope to have 1 as short as urs

Hi cocomo,
Feeling so excited for u! U'll get to c ur baby tmr. Anyway, is it so easy to book apptmt for c-sec? I'm also getting abit tempted to opt for c-sec but i'm scared of the after pain. hehee
Hope u'll have a smooth delivery!

Hi augbaby,
Trying to catch up on doing squats now.....but dun feel much lor, as in, dun feel any ache.
Been walking alot esp. wkend shopping, cant wait to be able to wear back my normal clothes. Somehow, i feel the more i walk, the better i'm feeling.
hi celine,
oic. i'm teaching in pri sch. east area. how u can tahan the sec students? upper pri kids can be quite problematic liao. luckily, i'm not posted to sec sch. phew...

ur observation over? guess it's ranking time soon.
Hi erin,

depends alot on the sch. This is my 2nd school, and its very much better. lesser stress, so still able to cope.

my observation over a few months ago. b4 the june holidays. so now more relax. waiting to be on maternity leave. really hope next week can no need go back to sch
hi ningyo,

I'm doing my squating too. hopefully bb will be engaged soon. But each time can only do about 5-8 squats. my legs will ache alot.
hi celine,
so good. prefer observation earlier cos more mobile last time. now so heavy and clumsy. i'm also waiting to be on maternity leave. am taking leave on the 14th.

am going to rest now. have a good rest. chat with u when we're free. take care.
the midwives in MAH will do e same thing. e moment u enter e labour ward, the nurses (and i mean EVERYONE) will ask u, "1st or 2nd delivery?" i tik i must have answered abt 5x on tis question 2 different persons. then when they knew it's 2nd delivery/bb, they'll go, "ok, very fast labour"

congrats! dr ang quite accurate hor...he said u'll pop tis wk.
rest well during ur confinement. post pics of zac when u can.

have a smooth, fast & safe delivery ya...

will u b next?
me also doing squats about 10-20 times a day while I am bathing... hopefully will see results soon:p

I find the pelvic area getting more and more painful whenever I walk nowadays... anyone feeling the same?

is it normal for baby to have lesser movements inside us coming nearer the end term?
Hi Piyo,
I am feeling the same pain as u.. especially while walking with my bladder full. Wow piang, it's painful + 'high tide'.. so scare i will wee wee before I reach the toilet.. hence I must walk really very slowly. although my EDD is 28th to 30th Aug, i somehow feel my gal is quite low already. This afternoon going for checkup. Hope she wont engage so fast!
hello everyone

wow, looks like everyone is anxious about having their baby soon! my EDD 25 aug, but i don wan bb too early, cos can u believe it, we're moving house next week!

anyway, think i shd start packing my hospital bag. btw, is everyone gonna buy a can of FM for standby? what brand is good? think i shd buy one soon.

btw, peddie gave birth yesterday afternoon, baby is 3kg, sounds like she's doing ok
<blockquote><hr size=0><!-quote-!><font size=1>quote:</font>

me also doing squats about 10-20 times a day while I am bathing... hopefully will see results soon:p

I find the pelvic area getting more and more painful whenever I walk nowadays... anyone feeling the same?

is it normal for baby to have lesser movements inside us coming nearer the end term?<!-/quote-!><hr size=0></blockquote>
Yeah Piyo,
Me doing squats lately too.
Yah, been experiencing the pelvic &amp; butt muscles pain as well. More Braxton Hicks as I walk too.

Hmm ... Baby will move lesser if he/she's engaged/dropped if I remember correctly.
Jul is still pretty much active though.

I am going for my GY check up now.
Update you ladies later.
Yeah pups,
I am almost done with my hospital bag too.
Going to get bathroom slippers later, almost forgot about needing to wear slippers during confinement.

Hmm ... I didn't get FM for any of my boys &amp; don't think I will be.
Hospital does provide the Milk of the Month during our stay there right?
If your newborn's going to take FM during the first days so that you can rest well, then you may like to continue with what the nurses are already feeding your darling lor ...

If possible, remember to nurse your baby soon after birth so that he/she won't lose the sucking reflexes hor.
I oso feel dat my bb's movements have been reduced. Mebbe cos not much space? However i do feel more tightenings.

Wahahahaha, mine will leak if REALLY urgent!!!

celine &amp; erin,
Both of u starting ML? Cannot get MC from gynae to cover until deliver? Cos my colleague seeing gynae from KKH said the gynae will do so for her case. But my gynae seems not very willing leh. He said if i can, jus continue working till I pop or when i can't tahan then i shd utilise my ML.
Hi lala and Noe,
tell me about it! me also when high tide the pelvic is super painful and I so scared I hurt the baby then each step like ah ma like that very slow! My baby still quite high so I don't think she is engaged yet so doing more squats now!

Hi Noe,
update us on your gynae visit! hope got good news!

Hi pupsandcups,
i am not standing by FM cos I scare wait I will cave in and give FM instead of BM instead....
Hi celine &amp; erin,
I'm also taking my ML from 14th onwards, based on my EDD but i hope i can try to deliver by next wk.

Hi Cecilia,
Nope, i dun have water rention on my ears but i do have on my fingers. My fingers get kinda tight if i try to bend and my right hand wrist also hurts.

Hi Piyo,
nowadays i dun feel alot of strong movements from my baby, its more of 'spore wave'...can feel a moving bump fm left to right or top to down.

Btw, juz want to check is there any surcharges for delivery on public holidays eg National day and wkends?

thanks for the feedback, then i won buy FM too, plan to breastfeed full time as well, let baby latch on me. btw, me not going back to work for a long long time
u think since i'll be a SAHM for a while, i need to buy an extravagent breast pump, like medela PIS or ameda? cos i plan to let bb latch on me anytime, anywhere heehee

ooh yes, thanks noe for reminding me, i need to buy household slippers too.

Seminar cum Workshop
See Mind Your Body today page 6, sounds like a worthwhile workshop, esp for 1st time mommies, $8/couple.
It is on 13 August tho, think q a few of u guys would have popped and be in confinement ...
Hi Piyo and Lala,
Me also have the same pain..exactly like how u describe, lala..I also need to walk slowly like a duck..haha... Piyo, for me, movements of bb is different from last time alr..coz i think maybe bb has less space to move and also bec maybe bb is engage and now in the birth canal..
So my bb movements r not so much kicks but more moving...
Hi ningyo,
my arms and finegrs and face all swollen... esp fingers when bent quite painful... and my baby movements like become bumps and not too strong... sometimes like cannot differentiate if it's tightening or her movements...

You mean natural delivery? I dun think got surcharges for weekends, not sure for PH though... what about elective csec? any additional charges?

hi pupsandcups,
where is the workshop?
Oh i also feel my fingers when bend quite painful esp when i wake up in the morning...i din know that is water retention...:p
hi piyo

the details:

13 Aug Sunday
Revenue House auditorium

Topics covered:
1) Labour - all you need to know
2) Care for you baby (managing common childhood ailments like jaundice, flu, diaper rash etc)
3) Breastfeeding Workshop
4) Baby Massage Workshop

Sounds q good and relevant right? it's organised by Anmum in tune with World Breastfeeding Week
good morning mommies,

last nite got a sms from Peddie again. her bb boy arrived at 1437hrs, weighs 3.085kg, 49cm tall and 34cm head circumference. Looks very much like her, she said! =)

and she gotta spend one day with him while the adoption papers are be done up..

she wanna thank all mommies who had prayed alongside with her, and all the support rendered during her stay with us here.

Piyo, u might wanna update her details into our DB. =) thanks!!

augbaby, my fingers also cant bend fully and they hurt.. every morning, my soles hurt so much when i walk to toilet.. =(

oh ya, towards the last mth of pregnancy, bb will not move so much compared to previous stage... but more of a shifting andpositioning him/herself inside us.. due to space constraint! hahaha... some of our stomach are 3-room, some 5-room!

hi ladies,
my baby's movements also like reduced. also feel the shifting around now at times. no kicking or punching at all. makes me so worried.

thanks for the update on peddie. glad everything's fine with her.

hi skyblue,
cannot leh. gynae says she can write a letter of excuse but it's still considered as maternity leave.

hi piyo, leobbsmom and augbaby,
my fingers also can't bend fully. can't even hold the toothbrush properly.

hi pupsandcups,
congrats. where u moving to?
