(2006/08) AUGUST 2006 MTB

Wah ha ha Jasmine,
I know what you mean.
Even 3rd time round, I am still waiting until my neck long long.

I am seeing my GY every week now so at least there's something to hope for each week.

Yourself too right as we are into our 36th wk already?

congrats sierra & bbmum
take care!

noe/ jasmine,
not even augest everyone hoping for baby to pop out. soon will be our turn yah? Seeing those mummies one by one popping their babies i also keep wondering when baby is coming haha......
Sierra n BBnMum,
Congrats n enjoy ur confinement.... thanks for sharing the stories with us.

So whose the next one? Dino, augbaby - cia yo..

So u will be chosing c with half ga? am still in doubt of what to choose lei.
Hi, Rain

so is there any deadline when we cant subscribe to it anymore? cos heard that if we r over 36th weeks, then dont think we can subscribe to it?

how abt the 1st time registriation fee?
Hi Jes,

my EDD tomolo. I just subscribe that last tue only. The reg is $100 and the 1st yr is $400.

Just go down to Gleneagles and sign up will do.
which hospital u in?
Hi, Rain

i will be delivering at TMC.... do u have your sale rep. phone number?

i heard from my col that the reg fee is abt $1k+++
Sierra n BBnMum,
Congrats! n enjoy ur babies!... hope to see your babies' photos soon! rest well!

Jia You! I think you all are next to pop!

Your baby's engaged so fast!!! you can see your baby soon! Guess I should do more squats laio! hehe
my understanding is MAH dun hv the practice of shaving pubic hair, unless e gynae requests 4 it. even so, if u tell e midwife u DONT WANT 2 shave, they wont do so.

i tried sealer diapers n it was given fr a frien. never bought sealer on my own.

i'm paying $12.50 for petpet sized L.
Hi gals,
Me still here...hee hee...no signs yet n no contractions but hubby on standby in case my waterbag burst or anything..anyway does anyone has any idea, 1-2cm dilated, how long more do i have to wait ah?? For me, this wed i am 37wks already n doc say bb is of good weight to come out anything coz i am small size and hence good that bb is not too big as well..
Me now at work still thou i had applied for my ML starting 15Aug, dun noe if b4 that i will pop...Anyway my hospital bag is in hubby car already so now juz have to wait for the symptons lor..:p

Hi sierra and bbnmum,
congrats to u...so nice to be able to hold yr bb in yr hands already..

so have u been admitted to the hospital already? Take care and share yr birth story wif us ya..
Hi piyo,
ya lor...i also so surprised when my gynae told me that bb is engage liao n i am 1-2cm dilated..din expect it at all, coz 2 weeks ago, bb is not even engage n i am not dilated at all too..hee hee...so maybe the squats do help...
Anyway for the 2 weeks since i saw my gynae, me gain bk the 1kg i lost that time but bb only gain abt 200 to 300gram only..last time, 1 wk, he gain 300g, now 2 wks he gain 300g too...weird...anyway gynae says he is growing well so still ok..
u also jiayou okie..when is yr next doc appointment?
hi gals

sorry i cant seem to find in the archived, but where is a good and CHEAP place to buy button down cotton nightey? i knw it was talked abt before ..

yay today i have doc appt too
i feel baby is rather low.

Hi Augbaby,
So happy to hear your baby growing well! hope you pop soon and see your baby soon! Do you feel anything physically when your baby is engaged and when you started dilating?

My appt on weekly basis now... just went to see him last sat and he mentioned baby is back on the growth chart and after 2 Aug, if baby wanna come out just let her come out naturally... but every week he got different things to say... so let's wait and see... he did a VE on me and told me baby still high and cervix not open yet... he also asked me do more squats lei!
<blockquote><hr size=0><!-quote-!><font size=1>quote:</font>

my understanding is MAH dun hv the practice of shaving pubic hair, unless e gynae requests 4 it. even so, if u tell e midwife u DONT WANT 2 shave, they wont do so.
i tried sealer diapers n it was given fr a frien. never bought sealer on my own.
i'm paying $12.50 for petpet sized L.<!-/quote-!><hr size=0></blockquote>
Thanks Kelly,
That's a relief to hear that.
Been shaved down there sounds uncomfy.
seems like i missed out quite a lot these few days.

congrats to those who have delivered. waiting to see ur bb's photos.

hi augbb,
so fast u engaged liao ah. I'm hoping my bb will be engaged soon. approaching wk 37 liao.

hi pupsandcups,
ya, i've booked my bed already. how abt u? so late liao and the nurse never approached u meh. I've paid for everything liao. hopefully, will have refund.

hi linda,
I'm seeing Dr. Judy Wong this wed at tps too. wat time is ur appt? mine's at 7.45pm. perhaps i'll see u there.
hi noe,

i bought sealers at motherhood fair for abt $4.50 to $5 for NB. Pet Pet Small selling at $7.80 at Kiddy Palace.
Those who have popped

<table border=1><tr><td>MTB</TD><TD>Age</TD><TD>EDDate</TD><TD>Arrival</TD><TD>B/G</TD><TD>Weight</TD><TD>Baby</TD><TD>Hospital</TD><TD>Gynae </TD></TR><TR><TD>Bbnmum</TD><TD></TD><TD>13-Aug</TD><TD>27-Jul</TD><TD><font color="0000ff">BOY</font></TD><TD>3.365kg</TD><TD></TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>Dr Adrian Woodworth </TD></TR><TR><TD>Chrys</TD><TD>27</TD><TD>2-Aug</TD><TD>23-Jul</TD><TD><font color="0000ff">BOY</font></TD><TD>2.96kg</TD><TD></TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>Dr Jocelyn Wong </TD></TR><TR><TD>Kelly</TD><TD>30</TD><TD>4-Aug</TD><TD>13-Jul</TD><TD><font color="0000ff">BOY</font></TD><TD>3.23kg</TD><TD>Edward</TD><TD>Mt A</TD><TD>Dr Lawrence Ang </TD></TR><TR><TD>Jfong</TD><TD>30</TD><TD>7-Aug</TD><TD>6-Jul</TD><TD><font color="ff0000">GIRL</font></TD><TD>2.68kg</TD><TD>Reanne</TD><TD>Mt A</TD><TD>Dr Lawrence Ang </TD></TR><TR><TD>Sierra</TD><TD>29</TD><TD>17-Aug</TD><TD>26-Jul</TD><TD><font color="ff0000">2GIRLS</font></TD><TD>2.45kg &amp; 2.21kg</TD><TD></TD><TD>Mt A</TD><TD>Dr Fong Yang </TD></TR><TR><TD>Wanli</TD><TD>29</TD><TD>2-Aug</TD><TD>19-Jul</TD><TD><font color="ff0000">GIRL</font></TD><TD>2.77kg</TD><TD>Melody Ho</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>Dr Jocelyn Wong </TD></TR><TR><TD></td></tr></table>

<table border=1><tr><td><font color="0000ff">Total Princes</TD><TD>3</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD><font color="ff0000">Total Princesses</TD><TD>4</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD></td></tr></table>
hi piyo,
when will u be on maternity leave? guess we'll be one of the few left since some of the mtb like augbb will be delievring soon.
Hi piyo,
so happy to hear that yr bb is bk on the growth chart is growming well...keep up the good work ya and take care too...looks like we both might give birth earlier than our edd date liao ah..since yr doc say anytime if bb wanna come out after 2aug..do more squats then...
jiayou too...
Its like alot mummies on stand by liao...

Augbb, no worries.. as mention to u jus now tat nw dilated can be drag ard EDD cos hb frd wife also like this.. NOW enjoy e v moment wit ur little prince inside! HW I WISH im dilated too.. our differences is just abt 2days... DONO how mine is doing.. gotta wait till FRI to judge again..

Heard as long bb reaches 36weeks will be v v much safe to be out yesh!
hi erin,
hee hee..maybe i might not pop so soon leh..coz not signs leh...maybe i pop in a wk or two leh..hee hee..anyway i had applied for my ML only from 15th august so from now onwards i still be at work..
Hi Erin,
I applied based on my EDD date so on paper starting on 23rd Aug unless I popped earlier suddenly...yours also around that time right? Think come that time only left a few of us chatting here still :p

Hi Augbaby,
Ya! we are happy to hear that but she is small size overall still.. so doc won't want her to exceed the EDD date... so guess die die will pop by 23rd! now you make me wanna do more squats! have you started drinking coconuts? must sms me when you popped okie!!!
i was only 4cm dilated when i reached TMC.
Was put on drip, and surprise bb popped out so much.

KKH do not practice shaving, but TMC does.
Midwife will shave a bit, not a lot.

Those staying in TMC, must bring own gowns, TMC does not provide.
Do bring along extra pads if u wan, coz everything is chargable at the end of day.
bbnmum, chrys and wanli,

since u mommies delivered @ TMC, any advice for things we need and dun need to bring to hospital?

i dunno wat neccesacities they will charge us for and wat essentials we need to bring with us...care to share with us?
Hi cat,
Thanks! but every week, I hear different things from gynae makes my heart goes up and down... like last sat he suddenly turned optimistic...maybe this sat he says another thing again depending on how baby grows inside! When is your next appt?

Hi Cyn,
Yeah! Gynae also says after full36weeks, baby can come out anytime liao!

Hi bbnmum,
wow! you dilate pretty fast! wonder if it;s due to the epi that helps you relax that aids in the dilation?
do bring booties for yr bb if u wan.
TMC provide only mittens.
Toileries such as, toothbrush, toothpaste, soap &amp; comb will be provided.
1packet of Kotex Maternity loop will be given, but i dun think is enough.
3 main meals &amp; 2 tea breaks are provided daily.
Do opt for confinement meal, the soup is great,
esp the payaya &amp; fish soup, really help to increase milk supply.
Hi piyo,
yes..will definitely sms u when i am abt to deliver..hee hee...ya i recently juz started drinking coconut water coz when i hear i am dilated so thou better drink at least a few times in case..so since friday i have drank twice liao..but not that much water kind leh..haha..

Hi leobbsmom,
me also thinking of asking those mummies that have deliver at TMC to advise us on wat do we need to bring coz dun noe wat TMC will provide n since some of u say sometimes if exceed will be charged..pls advise ya mummies..thanks..
hi bbnmum,
how many Maternity pads do we actually need during the 2 days? Heard that the loop pads r rather difficult to use..is it true..coz now, i have only packed 2 pieces of maternity pads to bring to the hospital..so dun noe if it is too little... N we can actually birth after we deliver n staying in the hospital??? Oh n i din noe that TMC do not provide booties...coz i thou some mummies say dun need to bring any clothes for bb at well coz TMC be providing everything even receiving blanket...
Hi Augbaby,
Me started drinking once last sat... The water was alot make me feel so bloated after I drank! What type of coconuts you drinking?
Am delivering at TMC too. Yes, the advice from the previous mummies would be great. Is a dressing gown really necessary? It was one of the things listed in their list of stuff. Feeling quite nervous already!
Ya mummies,
how many extra maternity pads do we need in excess of those loop ones that hospital gives us? I only packed 5 into my hospital bag...
Hi bbnmum,
wow, yr son is so cute..how much does he weighs at birth ah..

Hi piyo,
Me drank those that hubby bought from supermarket kind..but not those small thai one...they chop away the green husk already n then packed it in plastic bags lor..
TMC will provide clothing, but only tops n mittens.
But when bb is push to us in the room, the room might be cold for our baby.
Therefore i suggest booties lor.
On the day of discharge, a TMC bag n a receiving towel will be provided.
Can bring back the pampers and baby wipes also.

Maternity Pad
Depends on how heavy is yr flow.
I bought 1extra pack along, n is sufficient for me.
TMC put a super long adhesive pad on the panties, follow by the Kotex loop.
So it will not be difficult at all.
In fact, the methold is gd, need not worry how to use the Kotex Loop.
Do bring disposable panties if u wan.

Wat coconut u drinking? I buy Thai one.. small one cos my hse here got pasar malam.. i oni drink once till now.. don dare drink much.. scare too cold..

So how much do we actualli can drink? SO COOLING N I LOVE IT!
Dressing gown with front botton is advisable if u wan to breast feed.
If not, must bring something to change after delivery as they do not provide clothing for mummies.

His name is Vytoz.
Ya, long eyes but quite small leh....
Hope will get bigger ...

He is 3.365kg at birth.
Do not overdrink coconut too, heard it will b too cooling, bb might develop cough.
Twice a week should be enough lor.

Hi erin,
actually i do not know that my cervix is dilated or that bb is engage..it is my gynae who help me check...Think she did a V scan thing for me..coz hubby ask her if bb is engage..she touch my tummy and can feel if bb is engage..thou i dun noe lah..haha..as for the dilated, think she used her fingers to check..it is rather painful i guess but after that she told me my womb has open and it is abt 1-2cm liao..the last visit, 2 weeks ago, she also did a V check for me, but that time not dilated or open at all yet...
