(2006/08) AUGUST 2006 MTB

Hi all,
heeehee.. paiseh.. i mia for very very long..
very busy life now.. pumping milk, let bb latching, change diaper, hug baby, eat eat eat (confinement food lor.. those pig organs..

i missed out alot alot of ur postings.. n i dun think i have the leisure to read back.. :p

oh Kelly called me.. wait..

actually tmc provides all basic necessities including toiletries for mummy and everything for baby. u just need to bring things like slippers, bra, clothes.. They will not inspect things we bring lah.. so dun worry.. no charge.

Do u all know tat Dino gave birth already? I think yesterday or the day before.. at 9+am. Her boy is 3.325kg. She had natural birth with epi.

i gonna go pumping milk liao.. so uncomfy n painful now.. will be back later. I can bath later.. yay! it has been 7+days.. chow chow..

Erin, mine is at 6:45 on wed, but will be there at 6 to talk to someone abt the public cord blood banking

As for shaving....wah, looks like even mummies to be are keen on brazillian waxing? KK d/s shave, but personally, i do a bit, cos i feel its more hygienic after birth, with all that heavy bleeding....

Noe, I took the shots with benjamin....woah, I looked huge! defintely put up those photos to remind myself not to even get pregnant with a 4th one! Benjamin was really nice, he kept asking if we wanted more poses or more shots, altho, kids and I were already getting restless, will post up some shots later on

there're some questions i'd like to ask those mummies delivered at tmc.

1. does tmc provides towel for showering or not?

2. does the toiletries tmc provide include hubby's portion eg. toothbrush, face towel?

3. i heard tt normally those delivering at tmc most likely to stay 2 nights? i know kkh usually just stay 1 night.

4. i heard they say tmc oso charge for tissue (box)? then i better bring my own?

5. as long as hubby is staying overnight (in the single bedded rm), the amt he's paying includes meal already right?
Hi, Rain

I had called Stemcord & they told me that the 1st time registration fee is $550(inclusive of 1st yr storage fee) & the subsequent fee is $250. there is also a clause stating that we must at least syat with Stemcord for 5 years before we can terminate it. There is no expiry date for the storing of our baby cord blood.... there may be increase in the annual storage fee after the 1st five year but the increase will not exceed 10%.
mine in week 36now. urs too right? what is ur bb's weight the last time u saw ur gynae? My appt is tomorrow.

ur prince so.... handsome.
hi, Cecelia

this week is 38th... will be going for c-sect next friday...... during my 36th week, BB is 2.8kg

so how abt yours?
Thanks bbnmum. The list seemed to separate nightdress (front button opening) from the dressing gown/cardigan. I was asking about the dressing gown - wondering if hospital really that cold such that need dressing gown/cardigan.
<blockquote><hr size=0><!-quote-!><font size=1>quote:</font>

hi noe,
i bought sealers at motherhood fair for abt $4.50 to $5 for NB. Pet Pet Small selling at $7.80 at Kiddy Palace.<!-/quote-!><hr size=0></blockquote>
Thanks jfong!
Perhaps, I shall try Pet Pet again.
<blockquote><hr size=0><!-quote-!><font size=1>quote:</font>

hi piyo,
when will u be on maternity leave? guess we'll be one of the few left since some of the mtb like augbb will be delievring soon.<!-/quote-!><hr size=0></blockquote>
Ha ha Erin,
My EDD's on 28 August so I will be hanging around with you ladies too.
Judging from my previous experiences, I might deliver only in my 39th week.
Wah ha ha Linda,
You are so funny!
Yeah, Benjamin is a patient photographer I must say.

Hmm ... That said, 3 is enough for us.
I will mostly likely go for IUD after this delivery. My GY thinks that doing a ligation is too early for me.
hi guys

just returned to office from my doc visit. wah!! all of a sudden i have gained 4kg in THREE weeks! my total weight gain is now 12kg, freaky, but he said most of the weight has gone to baby. looks like bb will be abt 3-3.2kg at birth, which is kinda big for my small frame but he said can manage.

also had my strep B test done, how many of u guys have +ve results ah? he said if have also no big deal v common ..

bb is well engaged he said, and everything is good n on track.

i have been drinking heaps of milk, and yogurt.. so i guess that accounts for the weight gain.

also told him about the bloody stools, he did a rectal test(ee v uncomfy) and he said no problem, it happens..
hey chrys,

welcome back! Share with us when you free ok?

handsome boy! wowee!!keke &amp; nice name!

Dino, Dino,

WRU? come in &amp; share your birth story leh.. keke... and entertain the rest of the mummies who are twiddling their thumbs.. wondering when their babies decide to come out &amp; meet all the aunties...

me very busy today.. buying OPI nail polish on this forum's bulk purchase.. keke!! eat snake siah..
thanks bbnmum &amp; chrys for your sharing of the necesssities of wat we need to bring.. =) it's really nice tat we can share and care for each other here! =)

hmmm....i'm almost all packed for working from home liao! i will start to work from home starting tomoro liao! =)

hopefully, i wont feel so tired anymore...
do any mommies feel very tired lately? i heard it's normal for last trim... >.<

i read somewhere tat if possible, we shld steal more sleep in the morning... even if it's 10 mins!! it will help alot..

counting down.....tick, tock....tick, tock...
Here's my brief birth story. I shall begin with the day before (22 July) as i think it initiated my labour pain and contraction - shopping!!

21 July (friday)
38 week checkup at gynae's place in the morning. No sign of labour at all, bb's head not engaged. Water level was 8cm (more than 6cm is consider enough for baby), bb weight 2.7kg considered small, bb very active - Gynae predicted i may be overdue for 7days. Had discharge at 4pm, maybe due to dilation check tis morning (1st time in my pregnancy). Called TMC emergency hotline, gynae called back say it's normal, could be due to dilation check, asked me to watch out for contraction and cramps. But nothing, just discharge.

22 July (saturday)
I want to sign up Stemcord at the road show, so me and hubby went to Suntec. I had a 3 hour shopping at Marina Sq and Suntec until my legs very suan. Normally i could only have 30 min after dinner stroll but shopping made me forget the tiredness. Apart from this, i did squatting at least 30 times a day (10 times in each shower)(gynae said 10 times, but i desparate in getting my bb engaged)

23 July (Sunday)
5am - I woke up from sleep as i felt the contraction and menses cramp come together. The interval time between contraction and cramp is 15min. Each pain last for 30 seconds. I monitored for another 1 hr, same pattern. I fall asleep later on. The same pattern carried on when i woke up but i still din think it was labour pain - my bb hasn't even engaged rite.. Called up TMC emergency hotline, gynae said tis is labour pain, but 15min interval i might only dilate for 1cm only, will need to wait very long in hospital, admit to hospital when the interval is 5min apart or the pain is greater till i cannot tahan. Was asked to take bath and get ready hospital bag. But cautioned tat it might be also a false alarm if the pain stop. The contraction and pain paused at around 4pm, (false alarm??) I planned to go shopping again, hehe.. But unfortunately, the pain resumed 1hr later, and the interval time bcomes shorter, until 6-7 min apart when i was taking dinner, and i could only take in few mouth of rice, each time the contraction came, i will push away my rice bowl and concentrate on my breathing. My hubby saw my condition, said it's time to be admitted, i took my shower - the 4th shower of the day as i got ready since morning after gynae instructed me to take bath n get ready..

Reached hospital at 7.30pm, nurse did dilation check. I still cherish the hope tat i could go home tat night as i still felt bb's head not engaged yet, how to dilate?? But surprisingly, nurse said i was dilated 4cm already.. huh..?!!

Hubby proceed to admit me at 8+pm, while the nurse asked me to change and inserted something in my anus to clear my bowel. I lao alot of sai immediately after the cream was inserted. I took a shower again and lie down comfortably. I was wheeled to labour ward. Gynae arrived, did dilation check - confirmed i dilated 4cm, there's another 6hr to go, as 1cm needs 1hr. I thought oh, i will give birth tomorrow. Lights dimmed to make me relax, hubby played soothing music to make me relax.

Contraction time became 5min apart, and the pain was greater. Hubby tried to cheer me up by "kai wan xiao" with me, but i felt the greatest pain when he did tat bcos my mind swayed and i couldn't concentrate in my breathing to forget my pain. I scolded my hubby and eventually broke down in tears and sobs. Poor hubby stood aside.

1hr later at 9+pm, the nurse came in and did dilation check again, i was already 8cm dilated within 1 hr!! They called gynae who had already gone home. Gynae came and confirmed. She encouraged me not to take epidural bcos there was only another 2cm to go, dun need to waste $500. I asked if the pain at the end would be greater than wat i was having or would be just the same. I could bear if it's the same level of pain. Gynae said it would be greater of course. I took up the challenge and opted not to take epidural. Nurse told me if i felt an urge to pangsai, just press the bell.

At ard 10pm, I felt the urge, it's very uncomfortable - when the contraction comes, u feel like something is pushing from inside u just can't seem to stop or control it. I pressed the bell. Nurses (la la dui) came and put my legs wide open on 2 racks and asked me to push. It's like pushing ur sai out when u having constipation. I was breathless. I pushed for few times until I know the correct way - take a deep breath, hold the breath, chin on chest, concentrate on down there and push. (paiseh.. :p) Yes.. nurse said can see bb's hair already. Continued pushing until bb's head turn to a position, nurse said the hardest part was over, i could relax and wait for gynae to come. I think bb's head was exposed a bit after he made his turn and channelled his way to a certain position. Gynae came and few pushing the baby's out at 10.49pm. Hubby cut the umbilical cord, gynae hold bb and put on my chest. I felt a warm moist body lying on me... The feeling was unforgettable..
nurse washed the baby and gynae collected cord blood and stitched me up - i was cut 2cm.

Unfortunately 4bedder room was avail tat day, so hubby upgradded me to single bedder. I was wheeled to my room with bb beside me.

Shall i stop here.. i think i getting excited recapping until it's getting too long. I going to pump milk again. See ya..
Hope i can answer yr qns correctly.

. does tmc provides towel for showering or not?
<font color="ff0000">They do not provide me any towel, so i think is better to bring yrs</font>

2. does the toiletries tmc provide include hubby's portion eg. toothbrush, face towel?
<font color="ff0000">toiletries come in a bag, will be enuff for two</font>

3. i heard tt normally those delivering at tmc most likely to stay 2 nights? i know kkh usually just stay 1 night.
<font color="ff0000">TMC's package is 2nites, whereas KKH discharge u once they find u ok.</font>

4. i heard they say tmc oso charge for tissue (box)? then i better bring my own?
<font color="ff0000">They do provide a box of tissue, will be enuff if u r not heavy user</font>

5. as long as hubby is staying overnight (in the single bedded rm), the amt he's paying includes meal already right?
<font color="ff0000">i dont think so, u better check on this.
Amt paying is for a single bedded which allow hubby to overnite only.
Nt too sure on this too.</font>

<font color="0000ff">PS:There is a 7-11 store and coffee-shop just opp TMC.
Just use the exit near Delifrance, cross the bridge.
Very near n convenience.</font>
no need to b so ke qi lah.
We are here to share and learn from each.
Hope everyone will have smooth delivery.
wow...u dilate very fast 4 a 1st time mummy. i still 1 2 kowtow 2 u for not using epi. hope i've answered ur queries over e phone. if u need anything, feel free 2 call/sms me.

rest well during ur confinement.

vytoz is very handsome. he has very nice features. does he look like his gor gor?
just out of curiosity, how much was ur bill at TMC, as in the cash portion tat u pay? did u stay in 2bedded or 1 bedded?
Bravo Chrys!
You brave mummy tahan w/o Epidural.

Heh heh ... Can feel your excitement from here already. You take care &amp; have a good confinement ay.
thanks bbnmum! yah I checked with another friend who delivered at TMC last year. just for keeping warm purposes. but then I usually feel so darn hot most of the time maybe I won't need

re food near TMC - the beef hor fun at the zi char store in the coffee shop directly opposite (just cross the overhead bridge) is really good!!! i ate it the other day. heard the prawn paste chicken is nice too. so at least the papas get to eat something nice if they do not want hospital food.
Hi Jes,
Wah so good to hear tat your waiting time only till next friday. Must be excited huh..

Mine need to wait another 3 weeks <neck>. Last 2 week bb's weight 2.5 kg. This eve will check again.
D u have any idea whether hubby allowed to go into the op theater if we opt for half GA?

Capella not bad but a tat heavy &amp; bulky.. not so good if you take buses and handle the stroller by yourself. If you drive &amp; your car boot not very big (like hatchbacks/ compact cars), you might find it difficult to store the stroller as it is quite wide when folded. But, for the price, it is value for money and has reversible handles!

wow, your posting so exciting! Can feel the tension @ every stage! so brave leh.. no epidural... now the labour part is over, here comes the real job of looking after baby...!! congrats!!
Hi edksd,
1. does tmc provides towel for showering or not?
- i was staying at single bedder room, towel is provided in the attached bathroom/toilet.

5. as long as hubby is staying overnight (in the single bedded rm), the amt he's paying includes meal already right?
The room rate is ard $350, need to pay extra $60 (2meals) or $75 (3meals) for hubby's meal - 2 pricing but not sure whether is it 2/3meals.
Wah ha ha ... Lala,
Ask me! Ask me!
I have bought 5 strollers so far!

2 main questions you may like to ask before getting a stroller:

1) Weight
2) Functions

If you drive when you are out with your child, the weight of the stroller will not be much of an issue especially if DH is around to help out. Do note that strollers that are lighter tend to have flimsy (not necessary unsafe) frames. Those that are umbrella fold are good examples of flimsy frames (eg. Combi, Lucky Baby &amp; Capella)

a) Number of reclining positions (sleeping to sitting up)
b) Maximum weight it can take (invest in one that can take your child through toddlerhood)
c) Easily removable stroller cover for wash (impt factor to consider once your darling starts drooling or munching away)
d) One hand system (great when you are on your own with child) Note umbrella fold is NOT one hand system hor ...
e) Reversible handle (some babies feel more secured when they are able to see their parents when in stroller)
f) Full canopy (great when our child is sleeping)
g) Removable stroller bar (helpful to take child out of the stroller as well as changing diapers)

Hmm ... Actually there are still some factors to consider.
Our first stroller was a white elephant till my #1 was 18 months old as he didn't like sitting in it.
Both my boys were sling babies since birth.
When #2 was 6 months old, he weighed about 9kg so I switched to using Ergo Baby Carrier (great relief for my back) instead of sling till he turned 18 months old.

Sooo ... we weren't really know if our babies are willing to be seated in their stroller till later.
Perhaps you may like to consider a 2nd hand for a trial?

I personally have owned or own
1) Graco EDT
2) Graco Duo Stroller
3) Lucky Baby Petite Optima - Reversible handle
4) Chicco Caddy Stroller
5) Graco Umbroller Stroller
Ha ha ... Our trial and error. Hope the above-mentioned helps &amp; doesn't confuse you.
wah noe,
u got so many stroller non useful???????
my colleague passed me a very heavy stroller i guess i rather carry my baby then using the stroller lolz
Hi Chrys,
Without using painkiller, u really can tahan lei..

I thought i packed everything (for my hospital bag) just realized i forget the TOWEL.... hi..

What does the real contractions like?
Is it a pulling n cramp feeling ard e whole tummy or just e bottom ard pelvic hip area or Upper tummy?

Last nite.. aiyo.. starting from 8pm was having pain after my light dinner.. starting was pulling ard upper tummy den towards e lower den whole! Abt 30mins for a start n each pain last abt 5mins plus. Den 20mins per pain... till midnite i try to sleep... still cant.. Dono is it REALLI contractions or BRAxton Hicks?

Den it stops for abt 2hr i catch some sleep n it comes back again! On n off.. dono wats wrong..n i don dare to assume anything or call my gynae.

Now still having bt not so frequent. Still e same pulling n cramp feeling ard whole tummy.. dono shld call n ask gynae or wat or jus wait n see.. so confusing... Y cant bb jus show mi e real sign!
lala, i hv gotten 2 used strollers.. one is capella, this is supposed to be lightweight lah...less than 5kg. think this would be good for bring bb out on our own, coz we can manage better.

another one i got is a heavier one, with bottle holders and all.. think tat will be good just to bring bb to mkt or nearby for jalan jalan...

hi all mommies, i just got a sms from Peddie, she is at KKH now! 5cm dilated already! pls all pray for strength and courage for her now!and she wont get to see her boy, coz she is giving him up for adoption.

pls pray...
I am not really the type of person who can really tahan pain. But really I felt the labour i was experiencing was similar (greater of course) to my menses cramp. I do have painful menses cramp on every month - maybe it served as a learning ground for me.. hehe.
<blockquote><hr size=0><!-quote-!><font size=1>quote:</font>

wah noe,
u got so many stroller non useful???????
my colleague passed me a very heavy stroller i guess i rather carry my baby then using the stroller lolz<!-/quote-!><hr size=0></blockquote>
Haiz ... Cat,
I am left with 3 strollers now (first 3 in the list). Graco is still our all time favourite.
They are useful to a certain degree. Pros &amp; Cons to each model of course.
Lucky Baby is my newest buy as I hope with a reversible handle this time round, I can have my babe in there longer so that I can take care of my older boys. Let's see how goes ...

Yeah, these are expensive &amp; tangible trials &amp; errors.
Hopefully my experiences will help mummies to save more lor ...

Heh heh Cat, the stroller will come in handy later or when baby's sleeping when you are out.
Ha ha ... We used it as shopping cart in the earlier days though.

You will be using sling?
Hi Cynthia
Braxton Hicks contractions is just contractions without pain. Maybe u need to ask ur gynae about ur pain. Everything just refer to ur gynae, as he is the one following u from start and knw u well.
Heh heh Cynthia,
I forgot how's contractions like.
GY reminded me that it will be painful on top of the tightening feel.

Thanks leobbsmom for the update on Peddie.

thanks for the update on peddie, wishing her the best too.


how about combi, any moms have experiences to share on how it is? am considering combi, altho quite ex,and pre-prego, also v ex. actually thot of Quinny, but upon checking the Zap out at the store, i felt not really practical. Capella seems alright .. dunno confused.

bought an MIM sling second hand from the other forum, think it should come in useful
Hi Noe and Jasmine

Thanks for the useful information!!! I quite like the Capella stroller because of reversible handle, full canopy, removable stroller bar and 2-way adjustable footrest. Went to JL and see last week and saw quite a few people looking at the Combi, Capella and Maclaren models. The Capella's bigger model (I think is 707) seems to be quite popular. Anybody have bought or have tried using this Capella stroller? Any feedback?
Would like to check anyone using baby sling? which brands is good? have intention to invest on 1 instead of baby pram.
Hi Leobbmom,
Thanks for the update..do keep us updated on peddie progress and send my regards to her...

Wow...so many mummies r getting ready to pop..for me, no signs still leh...hee hee..dun noe when the little one wants to come out..i am still at work and doing things as per normal..thou now i get tired v tired easily and now worst, at night like every 1 hr, i need to get up to go pee if not it gets rather tight n alittle painful down there..sigh...
Tks mummy,

So scare to call my gynae dono leh...
Its pain n pulling feeling.. thinking cld be BH..

I call him he tell mi go down now to see him.. see y got e pain...

Update u all later
hi all,
so today we hav 2 births. peddie n oso rain going for induce right? best wishes to both.

me too no signs yet. n my EDD suppose to be earlier den urs too. so i guess we can just wait n take it easy.
Hi Cecilia,
I am using MIM Sateen sling.

Hmm ... They are about the same.
BBS rings are smaller so they hold better though may be more difficult to adjust.
They have cotton &amp; silk series.

MIM rings are bigger so easier to adjust though it tends to loosen gradually.
They have cotton, sateen &amp; silk series.

If you are looking for more unique prints &amp; materials, you can consider Ella Roo Wraps, Taylor Made Slings, Maya Wraps.
Each easily costs more than $100 dollars.

I personally prefer MIM sateen series because it's cooler for the wearer.
Hi Lala,
It's great that you have a good idea on what you need.
Hmm ... Hadn't use Capella before so can't comment on it.
We'll hear from other mummies then.
Hey cj,
is yr bb engage already? n u dilated already? The waiting is even more difficult rite since we know we r dilated already but no other signs..hee hee..well juz gotta wait for our dear babies to decide on their bday dates..hee hee..well do take care in the meantime ya...
Ha ha augbaby,
Think you will pop even earlier than I do lah.
My EDD 28 August leh ... Still have some weeks to go.

Heh heh ... Peddie's &amp; Rain's babies popping on my birthday!
was dilated 1 cm during check before last week and bb was already engaged. gynae will check dilation again this week i guess. will find out on thurs. but i felt my v-area abit swelled 2 days ago but now it feels ok again. ??

Hi augbaby,
At least u've dilated.

Me no dilation n baby not engaged n i'm 13days to my EDD n my baby is still growing big.I hope he dun exceed 3.8kg.

Hi mummies who have delivered,
Do ur babies turn out to be bigger or smaller than the estimated weight?

And i heard that newborns will lose some weight after delivery, is it true?
