(2006/08) AUGUST 2006 MTB

Shev and Augustmum, thanks for reading and giving solution. All of these happened last year! I have been tolerating all these - cold shoulder, black face and unnecessary comments or remarks! You are right Shev, it is all give-and-take... they are just too demanding!! Even the maid told me that she feels the stress. My mum is not the only person looking after them.
So after passing that remark, my sister lost her temper, shouted at my hubby that if he is not happy, can just get lost and started to shout and shout. Then her hubby added and shouted "Don't call my wife an idiot!" And both of them pointing their index finger at him. My hubby replied, I didn't mention name. Then my hubby went right in front of her hubby and point his finger at him. My sister then called my mum. Then she further commented that my hubby act like a ganster blab blab... as if her own hubby is any refine or herself as well. The she started banging the table and said if not happy get out. Both of them then keep shouting "Get Out!" Who are they to chase him out? All these while, I am feeding my son and she is doing that too. See? How drama it can get? Then my mum asked my hubby not to say anymore, I wonder who is shouting more? My hubby didn't even raise his voice at all. Then he went back to my room and came out holding his handphone. Then my sister shouted, why are you filming? Next, she started throwing water and small plate of food her own son is eating at my hubby!
As my mum is there, my hubby went stand behind her. Both of them is behind me! Then I shouted and asked all of them to stop it. I told them, both of them have been passing unncessary remark as well. So many times that I ignore. Then 2 of them challenged me to name when and what. I told them that I am not one to put to heart for such stuff and they have the cheek to say that means don't have at all! Then I name the very recent incident on last Saturday. He shouted so loud at my son, cause my son threw a small cane basket at my nephew, he commented that my son threw at his son on purpose and that will hurt him. Yes, but I did went over to smack my son's hand, but he doesn't have to shout so loud at my son. If I am not around, I believe he will go forward to slap him. No matter what, it is still a toddler which has no evil intention.
Yes it is Catherine! Truly sorry! It has been inside me for so long and after the outburst last weekend, it is the last straw for me! Talk to my mum? Oh please... that woman has drunk too much wine from them that she cannot be trusted! First she doesn't like my hubby! I really have to get all these out of my system.
1)Kelly Level 1 & 2 Chinese & English - Total 4 Dvds $14x4=$56
2)Catherine - Level 1&2 Chinese & English - Total 4 Dvds $14x4=$56
3)Babyboy - Level 2 for english,Level 1 & 2 for chinese - Total 3 Dvds $14x3=$42
4) Leia - Level 1&2 Chinese & English - Total 4 Dvds $14x4=$56
5) Amy - Level 1&2 Chinese & English - Total 4 Dvds $14x4=$56 (payment Received)
6) Amberlyn - Level 1 & 2 Chinese & English - Total 4 Dvds $14x4=$56
7) White_lady - Level 1 & 2 Chinese & English - Total 4 Dvds $14x4=$56
8) jasmommy - Level 1 & 2 Chinese & English - Total 4 Dvds $14x4=$56
After that, she still shouted at my hubby to get out and called him a bastard! For normal man, they will call her a bitch! But my hubby can still be so calm and talk normally - my son is here, who are you to chase me away! Then my brother came out after all these commotion and asked my hubby not to comment any further to add oil to fire. Then went on to be philosophical! Oh please... then my sis went to comment on age. Saying my hubby is older than her and don't know how to behave. Just look at her behaviour, banging table, shouting and calling another person a bastard. Even she is rude to my mum, right in front of stanger, so she is indeed very well behave. During last year confrontation, I forgot to mention that my dad has just recovered from a major operation 2 months ago as he was diagnosed with colon cancer. At that time, he doesn't have much strength and can only talk softly. She was shouting and both of them keep accusing my parents that they paid more attention to my son's needs! Made my dad so angry that he can't talk loudly and feeling so frustrated!! He kept chasing them out of the big door and all of us have to tell him not to!

After all the shouting and with my brother comes in, all become civil. Then my sister, all out to take revenge and have been waiting for such opportunity, still comment on softly till I asked her to shut-up. She is so childish to comment that my hubby's sniggering sounded retarded. At that time, it is also at the tip of my tongue to tell her, that her son - my nephew, is the one that looks retarded! Of course, I didn't! She was those that is a real sicko! Whenever her son is sick with cough and sneezing, she will purposely bring him to my room and let him roll on my bed with all of his mucus stain on my pillow and bed. Thank goodness!! My son has strong immunity!

To comment on what my hubby making those gagging movement, I have yet to tell them, that their son has been throwing out, is all of your own bad karma! Because of my dad's illness, my mum doesn't have time to cook for my son which is 6 months old and started to eat solid late. We have hard time getting him to eat those bottled baby food. We have to make lots of noise and playing all sort of musical instruments to distract him to get him to eat. All these while, my brother-in-law was making fun of him! Commenting that it is so troublesome and what a problematic baby. So am I angry? No, I am not. But I tell him, when the day comes that your kid is also like this, you will understand. True enough, they got it. Their son has this bad habit of want to throw out the food in the middle of a meal. Each time whenever they commented something bad on my son, they got it a few months later and worse. See? Bad karma, what comes round goes round. That is why, I always tell my hubby, do it for me, just tolerate! He did and did it beautifully till last weekend. It is really beyond him.
Ok... this will be the last of the paragraph on the whole saga.

After they have left, my hubby also heading home. A few minutes later, my sister called, telling my mum that he is threatening her. My mum is so quick to jump on the gun which is understandable as she dislikes my hubby. She said he is the revengeful type. After putting down the phone, she told me to tell my hubby not to get my nephew involved. Then I went to sms my hubby. My hubby said he didn't even do anything but just wave goodbye to my nephew versus what my sister said that he shouted at the lift and asking my nephew to be careful, if not something is going to happen to him. My hubby said, there is camera at the lift lobby, can get the management for the tape to verify whether is it true! He warned me, that both of these idiots are mean and vicious. They will say and do anything to get things done their way and won't get caught.

That night, she called much later to complain to my dad. My dad said that all these are misunderstanding and that not to treat in-law or siblings as enemy. Knowing her character, she will not listen. She will still bang hard on her own way and stubbornly will not listen to any reason or logic! The same goes for her hubby as well - same feathers flock together! I told my mum, if she feels so insecure, have my blessing and report to the police and seek protection! If all these are true and my hubby indirectly threaten them, please go report to police. My mum of course sided them and shouted at me and question me, that I believe my own husband more than my own sister? So unreasonable and I retorted, yes... I believed my own hubby than her and even my mum herself don't believe her and yet can asked me to believe my own sister? My sis is known in the family of not speaking any truth. Even when she brings her son to Shichida class on every weekend, she kept quiet. She bought stuff from Glenn Domain she also kept quiet and never even bother to ask me. Even when I saw, she didn't even bother to say anything... how did she know of these stuff, it is me... who has been introducing all these right-brain method to her! Initially she commented she is not interested, then on the sly went to get more information and enrolled. After that, it is now my mum who is giving me the black face and cold treatment.

Now this weekend, my dad wants to talk. I told my hubby, if I am being thrown out of the house, it is no lost for me. At the most, I resign and take care of my son myself and I will never ever step into the house. It will also be the last that they will ever hear from me, period! I am not saying all these out of anger, it has been really a tough year! Even with my own maid, my mum also created trouble for me. When my maid has gastric problem, she insisted that I am to bring her to the polyclinic as it is cheaper. But it is troublesome for me and it if not a matter of life and danger. She can just talked without going through her brain saying "that is your maid, handle her yourself!" Excuse me, that maid although is under my name, all 3 of us shared in paying, so it is not totally my maid. So now she is sick, so it is my responsiblity. Then another incident, this happened at night, my sister brought her son out and told my mum that she suspected that he is having fever, my sister herself have a thermometer, my mum didn't asked her for it but went all the way to my room and knocked on my door asking for my thermometer. My son had just fallen asleep and he is a light sleeper! I took it out to her and told her how come she cannot get it from my sister instead. THAT WAS A MISTAKE! She went on and shouted at me and start to kneel on the floor and bowing, saying "I am sorry da xiao jie!" and got my bro and father to come out of their room. Then of course the next day he complained to my dad and my brother and got the whole family against me!

Really bad luck to be in this family which I can't choose! But I can choose to get out! FINISHED!
haiz, Yogi,
Stay together is not as easy as 1 2 3. Maybe you can consider move out at least give your parents some peaces either they move out or you move out. is the best choice.
Sorry mummies, I know my posting is so long, looking at it now, I didn't know that it is so long! All these have been inside me for so long and the recent "war" and on top of it, my work stress, I feel I am breaking apart! I have been talking to a few of my close friends to let steam out. A few of them have suggested talking to my sister, the answer is - USELESS! I know her, she will not listen and will stick to her own version! Just recently, when she is encountering the possibility of retrenchment from HP, even with all such treatment from her, I told her that I don't mind looking after her son while she can go back to the office while my parents went on holiday. After all what I have done and trying to please her, seems like it is all redundant. I believe I have done my part and beyond and I did it without one moment of hesitation. I am not asking to be repaid but just be more considerate and think through what I have done. I could be selfish and not even bother to suggest sharing my breastmilk supply to her.
Hi Catherine, they have moved out 2 months ago! But they still come back on weekend or on any other day for the kids food. They don't cook! I have suggested many times to move back to my own place, but my hubby kept saying that I will be very tired to go up and down everyday to bring my son to my mum to look after. We want to get a place nearby, but we also have to choose carefully as well.
phew, finally i read the whole story, and it's so hard on you i must say... looks like u dun hv your peace n joy living with them anymore, and they dun treat u as part of the family due to watever reason, maybe your hubby etc. your mom is biased from wat i read above, and it's not good to raise a kid in tat kind of environment... children r innocent, and althou she loves ur son now, but who knows abt the future when u and her dun click anymore... the biggest part of love comes from MUMMY, not granny...

can u take the maid with u if u move out? if can, then u can continue to work and leave your son with the maid at home. if he's too active, u can enrol him for 2-3hrs playgroup everyday so tat ur maid can hv those few hrs to clean up the hse n do her household chores.

absence makes the hearts grew fonder, maybe when u all move out, they'll be able to treat u n your family better?? staying together will create conflict even with own family members, not to mention with bro-in-law, and with the little ones around now...

feel free to share your constraints so tat we can help u to think of solutions!
This kind of unreasonable person don't really can talk to her until she realise her mistake. Either pretend you can't see her the more you talk you more she take you for granted. She is those who look down on people. Don't get too angry over her. and tell your hubby just pretend she is mad. sometimes if can try to avoid having dinner on the same table. If your mum ask why just tell them you are not hungry can eat later.

I suggest you put your boy in childcare instead.
Yes, I have been thinking of quitting if things don't go well by end of the year and I will look after my son myself.

My maid has already finished her contract and went back. But recently because of some problem with the new maid, I have suggested to my mum prior to all these happenings to ask whether my previous maid wants to come back. Yes she is interested.

I don't quite like putting my son in childcare centre as he has this attitude of not liking stranger to touch him, even doctors included. My hubby has since didn't want to eat with them during weekends ever since the maid told him that my mum told her not to call him to eat... see? How stupid can my mum be.... that's why my hubby said, don't bet on the wrong horse. Whenever she has problems, she will come to me and even want me to foot the whole bill of employing the maid - S$3000 in all, who took out the money? It is my hubby! HARD CASH! If I don't do what she requested, I will get hell! That is why my hubby told me, don't be so filial till you are being taken for granted and bullied! My sister and her hubby always get to eat dinner first even if they don't request, while both of us will eat much later, now it is just me who eat much later. When I question her the treatment, she will say because my dad doesn't like my brother-in-law, so best to avoid eating with him. Utter rubbish! They have been eating together before.

I agree that it is not a good environment for him to be in. Guess I will just have to be hard and do it.
Anymore mummies insterested? i need to close this asap.

BabyBrain flashcard Dvd
Per DVD $14 NOW
Original $16.90.
Collection at Sengkang, Clarke Quay, Raffles Place, Douby Ghout, Punggol, Hougang MRT.

)Kelly Level 1 & 2 Chinese & English - Total 4 Dvds $14x4=$56
2)Catherine - Level 1&2 Chinese & English - Total 4 Dvds $14x4=$56
3)Babyboy - Level 2 for english,Level 1 & 2 for chinese - Total 3 Dvds $14x3=$42
4) Leia - Level 1&2 Chinese & English - Total 4 Dvds $14x4=$56
5) Amy - Level 1&2 Chinese & English - Total 4 Dvds $14x4=$56 (payment Received)
6) Amberlyn - Level 1 & 2 Chinese & English - Total 4 Dvds $14x4=$56
7) White_lady - Level 1 & 2 Chinese & English - Total 4 Dvds $14x4=$56
8) jasmommy - Level 1 & 2 Chinese & English - Total 4 Dvds $14x4=$56

Anyone insterested? I need to place order by today. Kindly please Transfer to my account by today account no.178-16110-5 POSB Savings
Catherine, just saw your babybrain flashcard, can I just get chinese? If yes, would like to have level 1 & 2 for chinese. Thanks.
Anymore mummies insterested? i need to close this asap.

BabyBrain flashcard Dvd
Per DVD $14 NOW
Original $16.90.
Collection at Sengkang, Clarke Quay, Raffles Place, Douby Ghout, Punggol, Hougang MRT.

)Kelly Level 1 & 2 Chinese & English - Total 4 Dvds $14x4=$56
2)Catherine - Level 1&2 Chinese & English - Total 4 Dvds $14x4=$56
3)Babyboy - Level 2 for english,Level 1 & 2 for chinese - Total 3 Dvds $14x3=$42 (Payment received)
4) Leia - Level 1&2 Chinese & English - Total 4 Dvds $14x4=$56
5) Amy - Level 1&2 Chinese & English - Total 4 Dvds $14x4=$56 (payment Received)
6) Amberlyn - Level 1 & 2 Chinese & English - Total 4 Dvds $14x4=$56
7) White_lady - Level 1 & 2 Chinese & English - Total 4 Dvds $14x4=$56
8) jasmommy - Level 1 & 2 Chinese & English - Total 4 Dvds $14x4=$56
9) Yogi - Level 1&2 Chinese Total 2 dvds $14x2 = $28

Anyone insterested? I need to place order by today. Kindly please Transfer to my account by today account no.178-16110-5 POSB Savings
Our items for Party Stuff are here!!! Have email you gals. Please let me now your collection mode.
BabyBrain flashcard Dvd
Per DVD $14 NOW
Original $16.90.
Collection at Sengkang, Clarke Quay, Raffles Place, Douby Ghout, Punggol, Hougang MRT.

)Kelly Level 1 & 2 Chinese & English - Total 4 Dvds $14x4=$56
2)Catherine - Level 1&2 Chinese & English - Total 4 Dvds $14x4=$56
3)Babyboy - Level 2 for english,Level 1 & 2 for chinese - Total 3 Dvds $14x3=$42 (Payment received)
4) Leia - Level 1&2 Chinese & English - Total 4 Dvds $14x4=$56
5) Amy - Level 1&2 Chinese & English - Total 4 Dvds $14x4=$56 (payment Received)
6) Amberlyn - Level 1 & 2 Chinese & English - Total 4 Dvds $14x4=$56
7) White_lady - Level 1 & 2 Chinese & English - Total 4 Dvds $14x4=$56
8) jasmommy - Level 1 & 2 Chinese & English - Total 4 Dvds $14x4=$56
9) Yogi - Level 1&2 Chinese Total 2 dvds $14x2 = $28
10)cocomo - Level 1 & 2 Chinese & English - Total 4 Dvds $14x4=$56
BabyBrain flashcard Dvd
Per DVD $14 NOW
Original $16.90.
Collection at Sengkang, Clarke Quay, Raffles Place, Douby Ghout, Punggol, Hougang MRT.

)Kelly Level 1 & 2 Chinese & English - Total 4 Dvds $14x4=$56
2)Catherine - Level 1&2 Chinese & English - Total 4 Dvds $14x4=$56
3)Babyboy - Level 2 for english,Level 1 & 2 for chinese - Total 3 Dvds $14x3=$42 (Payment received)
4) Leia - Level 1&2 Chinese & English - Total 4 Dvds $14x4=$56
5) Amy - Level 1&2 Chinese & English - Total 4 Dvds $14x4=$56 (payment Received)
6) Amberlyn - Level 1 & 2 Chinese & English - Total 4 Dvds $14x4=$56
7) White_lady - Level 1 & 2 Chinese & English - Total 4 Dvds $14x4=$56
8) jasmommy - Level 1 & 2 Chinese & English - Total 4 Dvds $14x4=$56
9) Yogi - Level 1&2 Chinese Total 2 dvds $14x2 = $28
10)cocomo - Level 1 & 2 Chinese & English - Total 4 Dvds $14x4=$56
11) jokojoko - Level 1 & 2 Chinese & English - Total 4 Dvds $14x4=$56
hi cocomo please transfer the amount to my account.

Mummies below please transfer to me soon so that i can transfer to my SIL to pay the supplier.

BabyBrain flashcard Dvd
Per DVD $14 NOW
Original $16.90.
Collection at Sengkang, Clarke Quay, Raffles Place, Douby Ghout, Punggol, Hougang MRT.

)Kelly Level 1 & 2 Chinese & English - Total 4 Dvds $14x4=$56
2)Catherine - Level 1&2 Chinese & English - Total 4 Dvds $14x4=$56
3)Babyboy - Level 2 for english,Level 1 & 2 for chinese - Total 3 Dvds $14x3=$42 (Payment received)
4) Leia - Level 1&2 Chinese & English - Total 4 Dvds $14x4=$56
5) Amy - Level 1&2 Chinese & English - Total 4 Dvds $14x4=$56 (payment Received)
6) Amberlyn - Level 1 & 2 Chinese & English - Total 4 Dvds $14x4=$56
7) White_lady - Level 1 & 2 Chinese & English - Total 4 Dvds $14x4=$56
8) jasmommy - Level 1 & 2 Chinese & English - Total 4 Dvds $14x4=$56
9) Yogi - Level 1&2 Chinese Total 2 dvds $14x2 = $28
10)cocomo - Level 1 & 2 Chinese & English - Total 4 Dvds $14x4=$56
11) jokojoko - Level 1 & 2 Chinese & English - Total 4 Dvds $14x4=$56
i nearly missed yours haha..

Mummies who had missed this i will arrange with my SIL to get the supplier to bring in more again.
Due to this round very rush becos supplier is going to bring in the stocks today.
hi catherine,

TT done.

To Account POSB Savings
178-16110-5 catherine
Amount S$56.00
Transaction Reference 1791234386

thks for helping! i can collect weekdays @ lunchtime.. where will you be @ lunchtime?
Hi Jasmommy,
Lunch time i can go to Raffles Place or Clark quay The Central. Once i had collected the DVD i will arrange with you again i try to make it convinient for you ok?
BabyBrain flashcard Dvd
Per DVD $14 NOW
Original $16.90.
Collection at Sengkang, Clarke Quay, Raffles Place, Douby Ghout, Punggol, Hougang MRT.

)Kelly Level 1 & 2 Chinese & English - Total 4 Dvds $14x4=$56
2)Catherine - Level 1&2 Chinese & English - Total 4 Dvds $14x4=$56
3)Babyboy - Level 2 for english,Level 1 & 2 for chinese - Total 3 Dvds $14x3=$42 (Payment received)
4) Leia - Level 1&2 Chinese & English - Total 4 Dvds $14x4=$56
5) Amy - Level 1&2 Chinese & English - Total 4 Dvds $14x4=$56 (payment Received)
6) Amberlyn - Level 1 & 2 Chinese & English - Total 4 Dvds $14x4=$56
7) White_lady - Level 1 & 2 Chinese & English - Total 4 Dvds $14x4=$56
8) jasmommy - Level 1 & 2 Chinese & English - Total 4 Dvds $14x4=$56 (payment received)
9) Yogi - Level 1&2 Chinese Total 2 dvds $14x2 = $28
10)cocomo - Level 1 & 2 Chinese & English - Total 4 Dvds $14x4=$56
11) jokojoko - Level 1 & 2 Chinese & English - Total 4 Dvds $14x4=$56

i read your story and i think i am one mummy here who can definitely emphathise with you, as my MIL look after my gal as well as my nephew ( her daughter's son).. I faced similar problems of my SIL leeching on me and pushing things too far.. THank god for this forum, so please come in and vent.

Mine is more from the side of your sister's view.. so your story makes me realise both sides got their opinion and story and no one is 100% right or wrong. Once tolerance cannot be continued, and mistrust breeds further mistrust.. then it is time to move on to other better solutions..

As we all get married and have own families, even own siblings will quarrel. For me, i don't stay with parents, as really alot of conflict, though my PIL aren't bad people, but definitely, they have habits that i don't follow, due to different family culture.

It seems unfair hor, when your own family don't accept your hubby fully and create extra stress for you..still, focus on your own little family. If mom cannot jaga cos of all these well, then, i suggest maid or full day childcare.. at their age, our toddlers are ready to start learning to mingle with other children. And definitely better then watch TV 100% from 8am to 7pm.. and definitely, cos teachers are paid, they are more tolerant and attentive compared to brother in laws (BTW, i sometimes glare at my nephew too.. reason is b'cos, i get so turned off and developed a deep mistrust for my SIL (who keeps on leeching on me and taking stuff meant for jadelle, especially branded stuff and boast that her hubby can keep her at home on a 1.5k salary (given by my FIL!), so sometimes, the innocent gets hurt. I find my nephew very irritating to my eyes now (not my own mah..), but definitely, i think your BIL is even more extreme then me..

On my part, i avoid interaction with my SIL as much as possible now.. i tell my point of view to hubby, he tell his parents.. if they don't accept, i find alternatives.. i will resort to putting my girl under care of maid or full day childcare if things didn't work out well and affect my MIL's ability to look after my girl well..

Be strong and more objective.. there are good maids out there too! and good childcare centres! I am brought up by maids myself.. and am none the worst for wear! At the end of the day, mummy & daddy is the best to provide the love and care that children wants!
oh yes..

try to move near parents, so they are near enough to help out like 1-3 hrs in emergencies.. it really helps alot.. i stay near both parents.. and really cannot imagine travelling time if i had stayed further..
I envy you all can stay on your own. For me i had just moved to sengkang near to amk which my mum is and staying with PIL. I don't have conflict with my MIL but is my FIL who have conflict with. In previous house he is those very dirty person food we eating he gave to dogs.
then dogs are not clean the whole kitchen are so dirty. He cook and never do the cleaning and washing after cooking. i start to cook after moving here my hubby loves my cooking. But FIL want to cook as well but his cooking is bad and oily he make the whole kitchen oily as well. Yesterday i can't stand him anymore i voice out to him and ask him don't cook i cook. He was not happy and he went out and drink. I know i have been hush on him but i really can't stand anymore. I clean the toilet he make it dirty the next day. I clean the kitchen he make it oily next day. end up i got to do extra work after working.

My mil understand my feeling she also the type can't stand my FIL. All food he cook are either too oily and salty end up wasting $$ and throw away.
He got angry becos i say him haiz really hard to please him.
mummies who had order the baby brain dvds hope you all can wait there is a delay with the stocks due to i am waiting for the rest of the mummies to transfer to me i was too late to close the deal with my SIL but she will be getting the stocks from the supplier on Saturday hope you all can wait.
once stock comes in i will inform you. anything just email me at [email protected]
BabyBrain flashcard Dvd
Per DVD $14 NOW
Original $16.90.
Collection at Sengkang, Clarke Quay, Raffles Place, Douby Ghout, Punggol, Hougang MRT.

<strike>1)Kelly Level 1 &amp; 2 Chinese &amp; English - Total 4 Dvds $14x4=$56</strike>
2)Catherine - Level 1&amp;2 Chinese &amp; English - Total 4 Dvds $14x4=$56
3)Babyboy - Level 2 for english,Level 1 &amp; 2 for chinese - Total 3 Dvds $14x3=$42 (Payment received)
4) Leia - Level 1&amp;2 Chinese &amp; English - Total 4 Dvds $14x4=$56
5) Amy - Level 1&amp;2 Chinese &amp; English - Total 4 Dvds $14x4=$56 (payment Received)
6) Amberlyn - Level 1 &amp; 2 Chinese &amp; English - Total 4 Dvds $14x4=$56
7) White_lady - Level 1 &amp; 2 Chinese &amp; English - Total 4 Dvds $14x4=$56
8) jasmommy - Level 1 &amp; 2 Chinese &amp; English - Total 4 Dvds $14x4=$56 (payment received)
9) Yogi - Level 1&amp;2 Chinese Total 2 dvds $14x2 = $28
10)cocomo - Level 1 &amp; 2 Chinese &amp; English - Total 4 Dvds $14x4=$56
11) jokojoko - Level 1 &amp; 2 Chinese &amp; English - Total 4 Dvds $14x4=$56

Thank you Jasmommy. Yes, at the end of the day, I just have to be objective and move on. Frankly, I have been tolerating as I keep telling myself that no matter what they are my family. After so many things have happened, I am getting weary to the extend, I just want to get out. Somehow, my heart has harden too. I do know of a few good childcare centre near my office, either I will place him there or be a SAHM. As much as I hate it, guess I just don't have a choice.

YES, I will come here to vent my frustration. It has been bugging me since last year and even affected my job somehow. Even these days, I will for no reason shout at my poor boy. Then realising what I have done, I will quickly tone down and smile and hug him. Sometimes I really wonder, why do I have him to see the ugly side of them. Won't it be better not to have him at all, causing so much upheaval to my life. But hearing him calling me "ma ma" and smiling, really hate myself for thinking so.

After reading through your story, my heart goes out to you, you must have tolerated a lot. Your mum's place doesn't seem like a conducive place to bring up your son. Just like some other mummies here suggested, I would rather opt for full day childcare becos the teachers are trained. Even kids who are very sociable at home will reject school, so who knows if you found the right school with the environment, you son might slowly open up after some adjustment. I believe if the teachers and his friends create a warm environment for him, he'll be much happier than at your mum's place.

Living in a big family is really not easy. I also have my share of conflicts. Sometimes I find its my own fault cos I too particular and picked on my in laws, then sometimes i found my in laws views differ so conflict lor. But after living with them for almost 2 yrs, I realised how happy my son is to be in a big family becos he loves social contact, i learnt to let go a lot. So sometimes I realised I've made insensitive remarks at my MIL cos i hv short temper too but she's really trying to help, I regret and will make up by buying her nice things to eat lor. Important thing is not to have a quarrelsome environment for the kids to grow up in. So now, I not happy with hubby sometimes I also tolerated for the sake of the kid.

Its really not easy being a working mum, its too stressful for you to go home to a a very tense home everyday. Maybe staying apart from them for short period of time may help cool things a bit and let you reconsider and assess the situation.

Just come in anytime and share your woes and happiness, there's so many mummies here to listen to u
Hi, Catherine24
Just transferred the $56 to you. Ref is 1791862878. Will ask my sis to collect from you from Raffles Place during weekday lunch. Thanks.

Pls chk payment. Tq!

To Account POSB Savings
178-16110-5 Catherine
Amount S$56.00
Transaction Reference 1791912604
Mummies..is there any food to avoid if Gen is diagnose with asthma ? She just been admitted to hospital for acute bronchitis..qte a tramatising experience for me &amp; Gen. She was discharge on Sat till now she is still on ventolin &amp; having nitemares everynite..been so tiring for me &amp; hubby.
MH ,

my son when few months that time also have , and my mum cook crocodile meat for him . I think its help .. you can try . Either use to boil soup or cook in porridge lor =)

avoid pollen, strong perfumes, keep dust and dust mites to minimal, and anything that can trigger allergies.. sama like hay fever..

Need to build up lung capacity for Gen.. so swimming exercises can actually help expand lung capacity..
Thanks Racoon! If it is not for my boy, I won't have tolerated till now. It is either I tolerate now till he is of kindergarden age or get out by year end. Once I am out of the house, frankly, I don't think I will be welcome back. My mum have ever mentioned before during the period when my sister confronted them. She said that if either of us pull out the kid, don't expect to come back and seek help! See? What sort of an ultimatum is that? Frankly, I have been very tolerant. How will anyone feel, your mum will only come to you when she needs your help, will brush you aside when she doesn't. Strange as it is, my mum is one of those that will take really good care for the son but where daughters are concerned, no attentive care will be given to them. She will tolerate my sister no matter what, as she stays nearby and she might have some usefulness to her in future, cause they own a car. For me, we are "stingy", although lifestyle is affordable to have a car, we rather not have it and use public transport as cab is easily available. I believe and can only guess, I have someone here she really dislikes. Right now, she cannot think rationally, but I believe, she will regret one day.

So, if I am to move out, it will be for good! There will be no turning back and I am prepared for it. No lost though. I have reached the limit where enough is enough. Sad, but I have been hurt and have felt sad for so long that I am numbed. Anyway, life has to go on and I do agree that I have my own little family to take care and look forward to
At least, both me and my hubby will not be quarrelling so often over my family.

Think this link from KK will be very helpful to you! http://www.kkh.com.sg/PatientHealthLibrary/ChildrensHealth/ChildhoodIllnesses/Asthma5.htm

In there, is what you have been asking - food restriction. Just in case, you don't have time to surf, here is what they say about food restriction.

Should Any Food Be Restricted?
Our tradition is filled with food taboos in asthma. However, there is little scientific evidence to show that certain foods cause asthma, and food allergy as the main cause of asthma is rare. Unless you have observed that your child always gets asthma after eating a particular food, there is no reason to restrict food. We have seen several children who develop eye-swelling and difficulty in breathing after consuming bird's nest.

Foods that contain known allergens like artificial colouring and preservatives should naturally be avoided. Citrus fruits tend to worsen cough and should be avoided during an acute illness.
Thank you to all mummies who have responded and give me your 2 cents worth of advise and comments. I truly appreciate it! I have been having such negative thoughts over this past 1 year that I was blaming my son indirectly. If I don't arrest my emotions now, I will definitely go into depression, which I will avoid at all cost. Thank you! Yes, after pouring all out yesterday... I feel much lighter.
