(2006/08) AUGUST 2006 MTB


i currently hv 4 strollers, but actively using only 1 by my mom to bring her to NTUC n Mkt on daily basis! that's a big Lucky Baby stroller with big basket below for marketing.

i bought a Maclaren XT lookalike(brand is mamalove) for Sherv but never used b4! coz her buttock is sharp one, cant sit still.

the other 2 are old strollers used by Sherv when she was smaller, so i will recycle them for her DiDi lor..

actually i also dunno why i will end up with 4 strollers, maybe i always put one at home, put one at mom's place...etc. never count i also dunno i got 4! pengzzz...

Think I will just save the money and give a miss on the 4D scan. Else hubby will nag and nag non-stop.

You preggie liao??????? Jay no longer using his stroller and he is either walk by himself or we will carry him. So will keep my stroller for my girl.
Wah, you've got 4 strollers?? I only have one combie, have been trying to convince my hubby to get a bigger one like Preg Perego so that Hannah can nap comfortably when we are out but he said no...how else can I convince him to get another one hee
For me I still have 2 stroller which is used by Nat previously. I think have to judge situation bah. If still can carry #2 with the Sling, I will jus bring out 1 stroller whereby nat can sleep or sit lo. By now our toddler will only sit still in stroller when they tired and about to nap
Other than that will be just running around.

Nat also doesnt sit still in her stroller. Only sit when she really tired and we try ways to make her sit with her biscuit treats ( feel like treating her a dog at time hahaha).

I didnt do any 4D scan... maybe for me I felt bit waste of $ and not very necessary... rather wait when bb is out and see how she really looks like which I have done liao

Wow its so good to have bigger bb or hit min 3kg. I somehow still blame myself should keep Nicole in my tummy longer don listen to gynae what min 10movements a day. Though she didnt move 10x but still moving ma. At 37weeks only 2.6kg nia. Believe you have e history of bigger bb so safer to induce 1st incase you be too tire out with #2 weight! Should be fast one okie. Keep us update!
hi jas,

I still only has 1 stroller and will probably be so even when #2 is out because Rae stopping using stroller since she's started to walk. So, I sold the other Maclaren away.

Last week was bad for me, got to do amino test because blood test result is bad. Anyway, that episode is over, now can concentrate on the baby itself.

And, it's 2 girls for me so no 'hao' nevertheless good for the kids because sisters usually bond better and is closer to each other.
ya save up so you can buy more later...muahahahaha!

i'm using an Aprica, bcos it's super lightweight as i used to bring denise out on my own.
not gonna get another one since i'll most likely sling the 2nd one around, and denise has since prefer to walk then sit in the stroller.

2.6kg is ok, nothing to blame yourself for. it's alrdy hardwork carrying a baby in the womb for us women leh.
i'm praying hard that it'll be faster this time, or else i can't pee again after having epidural for too long...

re: date of induction
it'll be on the 28th next sat, so i'll go in after friday 12 midnight bah...unless baby lucien decides to arrive earlier than planned.
Hi Fiona,

Which jun are you using? I wanted to use this 隽which means smart, eminent, talented but cannot since #2 is a girl.

Enjoy these few days before you deliver.

whahaha, i think i can fight u..

i have <font color="ff0000">maclaren techno xt</font>. Really love this. we seldom take mrt, so it is good all rounder for everything and sturdy and great when we went australia, but not so good for walking on rough terrain.. weekends when go jogging at ECP or roller blading, i think maclaren is ok, but maybe better get a more sturdy one for that purpose..so dilemma lor..

and at MIL place, i put a lightweight <font color="ff0000">combi</font>, for her to use with my girl. problem is, my leech of a sister-in-law been using it without even asking me. so, i just found out, she put her boy in and make my girl walk or ask her own mother carry my girl. THat made me really angry and sparked a quarrel and cold war.

Anyway, the combi is light n low and filmsy and too small for jadelle now when she is tired and want to ly down..so thinking to get rid of it.. but it means i have to lug my maclaren up and down MIL place.. = sian!!

I also just took over a 2nd hand <font color="ff0000">quinny zapp</font> out of curiosity and tempted to try cos it look so cool last time, especially with an infant car seat.. but jadelle too big for infant car seat.. hahaha. this is likely for use when we travel by air for shopping trips in region..

now i deciding between a <font color="ff0000">bugaboo stroller or a phil and teds one </font> for jogging/ outdoor terrain purpose, shopping in orchard purpose (we do that every weekend)

I think i am stroller mad... sigh..

u SAHM now meh? bored ah?? keke.. think augbaby can meet u.. n perhaps cynthia n fiona n piyo. after their confinement.. me too! i can arrange to meet with u all!
ya, we can fight... but all my prams are low range de, coz i know i will own more than 1 so i dowan to spend so much or hubby will nag!

BUT he suddenly asked if i wanna get a PROPER pram! u see lah, so pain xin! it's a boy then he said it's okay to get a PROPER one! wa lau... last time he also not like tat say me! >__<

but maybe he's more n more like a father now and he knows how to give more n more liao.. i just take it positively lor!

oh ya, i cant make to visit piyo coz got appt tmr n hubby is coming back from biz trip on fri..
hi Cyn,
Ask you a stupid question huh, when you said the BB never move > 10x per day, how you calculate one? For eg, if she moves at 8am for 5-10mins with >10 kicks then at 10am with >10 kicks then night at 10pm with >10 kicks then ok bo? The count izit 3x a days or that >10kicks a day? (Hope you understand what I mean)
Piyo has delivered her princess nicole at 0745am this morn and bb weigh 2.78kg...they are at glen e ward 502....I might be going tomorrow instead of today...anyone wanna join me?
Kris has delivered!!! hee hee...both piyo nicole and kris caralisa share the same birthday!!...She arrive at 3.11pm and now am at TMC 523A....congrats to both mummies...
wow wow wow!! so exciting to see the great news when i log on!! =) congrats to both piyo and kris!

now u hv 2 mummies to join u in the confinement period! =P
Congrats to piyo and kris ! so excited for u all =)

Me recently so moody lor , dont know want to try for #2 liao mah ... scare i cant handle ... also scare if only 1 boy , old liao will regret ... hai ~
give yourself sometime don't stress urself over this, i also thinking want to have #2 or not also scare i can't handle, I already can't handle my girl liao don't even dare to think #2.
Although my mum say she can handle but i am the one who can't handle, so i put this matter aside first.
Oh e kick is counted total in a day. Like for my case, nicole used to kick 3x a day n each wil b more than 5-10. So totally 30kick a day. But as time goes, whole day can no kick! V scary right esp last tri.
Thanks for e concern. Getting more better and trying to be better too. Bb stil same as noti now i can only try take easy.
U sahm liao? Well we can arrange after my confinement wit others. Mayb someone house for gossip or kids interaction. But i wont b sahm long cos been argue with hubby i would like to go back work. Will go insane with 2 noti gals haha!
Congrats piyo n kris! Hmmm piyo our gal share e same name heehee
lovely name yeah!
Wow ur turn soon v fast.. We b waiting for ur updates!
Finally confinement going to end soon. Cant wait cos i been planning what to do after confinement. Like on nicole actual day 3rd july wil bring her to shave hair n after that bring nat out shopping also my de-stress. Hubby was suggesting mayb can have a short wkend away at genting around our anniversary 23july. So now everyday i try be cheerful and look forward plenty of stuffs to do. Must do is my hair haha. So untidy man!
oh yes...it's gonna be my turn soon in a week's time..so excited.

today visited frances and nicole, they are very well and i was so amazed to see an infant again, looks so cute and fragile

the most unexpected thing was denise reaction towards nicole, she was so possessive and keep wanting to be near and sayang her, even cried when baby was pushed away....so funny.
Ya when your little one come... Denise will be more or less different.. Jealousy cant be avoided but just need to give them more time. Even till now Natalie also very jealous and when I am feeding nicole she will ask for milk and insist me to feed her and put nicole aside! Hai.. I think still need more time for them to adjust. Other than that she is ok with her little sis and whenever bb cry, Natalie is the 1st one running to her. Even at night she will be waken up while sleep next room.
Manage to shoot Natalie holding Nicole though still not so fantastic hold and assistance is needed BUT still not bad.

Encouragement bah whenever I see both of them. No matter how tired and having to give up alot of time.. still worth while

So those wanted can start trying #2 while gap is still not far apart hehehehe!!!

Morning mummies,

Long time never log in liao. MIA to Genting and KL with 2 kids in tow and just got back to work today.

CONGRATS to both Piyo and Kris on the arrival of their precious princesses. Hope both of u are doing fine now

Hi kris,
Thanks for asking. My MS much better liao. Now no longer vomitting already. Just waiting for my result on my amnio test.

RE : Pram
I've got 4 in total too. One given away, 1 maclaren techno XT, 1 mothercare stroller which i like cos is lightweight but cannot recline much, 1 from some korean brand which is haemin or something.

When we go out, the pram is used for #2 to sleep. other than that, #2 refused to sit inside while #1 wants to be pushed inside the pram and refused to walk. Headache....#1 coming 6 years old this August and still refused to walk.

Re : CC/Playgroup
Was thinking of putting kieira in My little cottage or Shekinah in Oct b4 in pop #3 in Nov. Program wise, hubby likes shekinah but its damn ex lor. Now with #3 on the way, expenses are really going up

Hi Fiona,
wah...counting down to your delivery date this sat liao. Wishing you a speedy &amp; smooth delivery
Nat looks so cute looking at nicole...

ya i agree wif cyn...think when yr boy comes, denise might be jealous...coz even jay who is not clincy to me also get jealous at times n insist i carry him and ask me to ask maid or my mummy to carry jazzele...thou not often but he does feel jealous...but overall like wat cyn says, when jazzele cry, he will come over and tell us mei mei cry...he is very loving towards her and like to hug and carry her and always wan to sit together with her...
very cute one...
hi mummies,
after a long busy day, finally manage to take a breather... i really need to breathe manzzz... the work is suffocating me!! =(

anyway, i brought Sherv to Disney Naturally restaurant at Anchorpoint on Sat with my buddy and her 2 kids. the place is relatively small and the food are really meant for kids, so adults actually hv to take 2 portions for a proper lunch consumption! prices are mostly $8.90, $9.90... pizzas more than $10.. unless adults take pizza, if not, must buy 2 portions to fill the stomach. surprisingly, the small bowl of soup is called soup POT, and it costs $9.90!

okay comment aside, the place is nicely done up, and the kids love the atmosphere. Sherv took their macaroni &amp; cheese(baby bob's fave!) and some waffle with ice cream. will upload some pics later!

hee... we din really like the restaurant and the food. Personally, we feel the pizzas at the foodcourt taste much better.

what's yr opinion of apple tree and talent plus? Zac is too active. Doubt my mil could handle when i go bk to work but din want to pit in cc till he's 3.

anyone knows when does the registration for talentplus start?
Morning mummies,

Congratulations to Kris and Piyo!!

I've heard good reviews on apple tree, not sure about talent plus thou. Wanted to check with you on the LUK system, did you get the Bambino set? How often do you play that with Zac, he like it?
hi augustmum,
kelly and 1 of my colleagues mentioned that talentplus is quite ok, half montessori. curriculum also looks good. the person-in-charge said that we can register anytime so do give them a call.

but the teacher-pupil ratio is 1:8. usually, the class size is around 16 so there will be 2 teachers around.
do u hav any idea how much is talentplus and how long is it ah? i need to start looking for a playschool for jay for next yr liao...coz me going to be SAHM after next friday...haha...but i dunno if i am suitable to stay at hm all day with 2kids...so see how ba...
i agree denise will definitely be jealous when her didi arrives, hence we have to be extra sensitive to her needs.

she's down with a cough and has some throat inflammation today, now on med and staying home with me today. hope she gets beta soon bcos gg to admit into hosp this fri liao...my mil doesn't even know how to feed her med one lor...all along done by me and hubby. she very "shi bai" hor
why dun u teach MIL to use syringe to feed denise the medicine? think it's easier... coz when sherv is sleeping or i feed her on the bed, i will use the syringne so tat it wont spill and only shoot the medincine into her mouth..

but sherv is a funnie kid la, she eats medicine as thou it's sweets even if it's bitter!!! she really shocked ALL of us! even when we double-boil the "PI PA" for her, which is really very very bitter, she still can take 4tablespoonful of it! and my mom almost vomitted when she just tasted abit of it.

so my mom likes to say tat she "chi de qi ku"... =P maybe my mom trains her from young. so really thank God!

haha, was trying to post my reply yesterday but din succeed. Here's my third try.

Zac has yet tried LUK, Bambino. His bro is the one who's at it now. After reading yr post, I took it out to let zac try. He's not ready for it. Was more interested in the counters.

I started his bro at 3.5 yrs old. That's the time when I discover LUk. You can let yr baby try out the system at the shop at UE sq, next to macdonald.


thanks. Visited Talentplus. Like it. Was told the enrollment is in Sept.


Just realise Zac prefers rice cooked from Japanese grain. Ever since I made the switch from Thai fragrant rice to Jap grains, he's eating much better. Just to share
hi augustmum,
oic. cos the lady told me that we can register anytime. my neighbour also just enrolled her son a few weeks ago and he just started this week. guess they might only allow new pupils to join in at the beginning of each term.

any ideas on wat to cook for our todd for their lunch n dinner? Since going to be a SAHM, thou i can start giving jay more variety....anyone can share some ideas...

can share yr ideas? think u r v creative with yr boys lunch/dinner...hav u tried cooking udon? As for yr jap rice, where can i get it and do i cook it like how i cook normal rice?
