(2006/08) AUGUST 2006 MTB

Hi piyo and fiona,
congrats. sorry that i wasn't able to visit the 2 of u. wanted to go but always got something crop up.

hi jokojoko and whitelady,
Kayden's also the same. can speak single words, name things and understand instructions. he's more independent now after attending cc. will sit down when we ask him to remove his shoes, put the hanger at the door handle when asked, etc. main concern is that he's still doing a lot of baby talk which sounds like korean. very difficult to understand leh.

erin00 ,

my son also speak korean ! haha , and i will entertain him by speaking back lor ...

this few days , he suddenly dont want to sleep in sarong and dont want the pacficer liao , dont know y , any one also like that ? =)

Congrats. Hope bb will be home soon

White lady,

You might as well take this opportunity to wean him off pacifier and sarong
"tong" abit more till 3rd July. Ending very soon liao
I also cannot tahan not bathing. For both my delivery, i started bathing on the third day. Now also abit confused on my coming third confinement. hb wants me to "guai guai" "bu" back cos felt that i did not for the first 2. However, I'm kind of stubborn lor, will bathe myself as well as bathe for bb, won't eat properly too.

CONGRATS! Your birth history quite scary leh! I think if i can still feel pain after epidural, i'll scream my head off liao.

We're in similiar situation. Damn frustrating hor. current maid also say maybe want to go back. Problem is that i just renewed her contract and passport! Did ask her if she wants to continue b4 renewing but now diff story. I also relied on her to take care of my kids and with third one coming, really got no wish to find another new helper. Got to teach all over again and won't know if we can trust new maid with our kids or not! Haiz....

I also just came back from Genting two weeks ago. For me, I bought pigeon brand of instant porridge available from taka or Seiyu. It comes in retort pouches or square shape plastic container (like the cesars dog food packaging) All you have to do is to submerged the retort pouches or the container into hot water for abt 5 mins b4 feeding your child. I'll usually mixed some hot water to the porridge itself as i find the texture too thick. In addition, i also brought along Nestle instant porridge. However, for this you need to cook though. I put it into container, add water and microwave for 3 mins. Other than that, she eats abit of whatever we order and survive on milk

Bought the Bambino LUK set liao
Was eager to try it out on kieira but not successful as she's more keen in destroying the controller and flipping the books! Guess she's not quite ready for it but will try again other days la.
Its best to try "bu" back. For me when having #1 I was doing normal. I also didnt bath till 7th day b4 bring bb to visit PD and my visit to gynae. I strictly don't wash my hair and I normally bath with Herbs with Lemon grass & Ginger. So aftre #1, I have less headache and less aches (though still have).

When having #2 this round, I have my mum helping me BUT I am stubborn been walking around and try to lay down if possible. Same 7th day bath and this round after 12days I bath 2x a day with herbs but didnt wash hair. Till last sat when celebrating bb full mth I finally wash my hair till scalp going to go hay wire hahah! Was eating alot better. With DOM & Martell (minimun as I am BF) and tonic. That why even I have been doing day & night shift my body still can take it only is alot commented I look very restless.

Best to get health back if you have been experiencing pains here n there now
We are fighting a long battle with kids!

Don't worry, BBLucien will be out real soon! I understand how you feel about not having another one after experiencing such an event. For me & Hb starting was thinking to try 3rd one (whether got boy if $$$ allow) BUT after my delivery and now recently how Nat reacted to her Mei mei and the war both of them have at home when Nat is around we really dread of trying 3rd one. At least HB really "si xin" liao.

Mummies with 2 or more kids,
How do you all handle both kids when #2 is still infant? Well Nat jealous never mind BUT during Night time I separate them as #2 cries very loud at night when I was unable to make in time for her feed and all this commotion Nat will wake up even close both of our doors! Then last weekend I have tried just put Nat sleep with me and Nic in her playpen while Hb on the floor. Starting few hours still ok. But when #2 feeding come and after she finish though she sleep liao BUT yet sudden she cries and scream out loud! This make Nat also cries & scream too! And I try to pacify both and HB was so freaking out with them. Nat insist to stick with me n hb unable to handle well #2.

I very lost.. how how... is it just a transition? Should I contd let Nat sleep with me and let her get used to it? She been losing sleep which I am worrying. Even sleep separate room she will wake up and wan to find me and bring along her pillow her baobao! OMG>..
Morning mummies,

Congrats once again, hope baby Lucien is alright and will be able to go home soon, you take care too gal, sorry I wasn't able to visit you over the weekend.

I agree with Augustmum, if finances allow, you can stay home for a couple of months to train your new maid, don't be too stress over it. I've been discussing with my hubby over the weekend, think my demanding job is taking a toll on the family, I've a few trips coming up and I'm all stress up over that as well but what the heck, if I really don't want to do it and the company won't allow, I'll just quit my job and spend more time with Hannah till I can find another job. I try to think more positively, you too ok, hang in there. :")

I'll be very happy if one day Hannah tells me she doesn't fancy her pacifier anymore haa...I've been preping her to give up her pacifier once she turns two years old and I'm now thinking of ways to distract her when the time comes hee...

Be patient with Kieira, will need a few attempts before she understands. I always let Hannah know that we are playing a game and mummy is in control, she will not touch the controller unless I told her to do so. Have fun! :")
hey fiona,

congrats!! And please don't worry about bb lucien.. be strong yah and try to rest as much as you can. Keep us updated. Does Denise like her gift from her didi?

that igu igu thingy.. iz actually called iggle piggle.. I YOUTUBE it and found the name.. ouch.. how come got this type of show on mainstream TV?

Baby Bop and BJ, are actually 12 yr old sized kids in costume. It is hard to find kids to wear the costume, so, baby bop and BJ grew up lor..

And this is why the BJ voice ain't the same.. the little boy has grown up and it is hard to replace his voice..

Thanks fory our advice. I am kinda feeling lost on the whole thing. For the maid, I went to the agent yesterday and chosen a new maid who has no working experience at all coz the agent advice that if get those ex-singapore maid I might have problem discipline her. But then really worry if the new maid no experience, then how can I leave my gal with her alone? ai. . .

As for work, feel very mao tun, wanna quit my job to rest for few months but on the other hand have worries on the financial part coz still have maid, car and house to support if I quit. On the other hand, worry if I quit for months then is it difficult for me to get another job at current salary and job scope. I am those very adverse to change type, so it is really not easy to for me to take the first step to be SAHM. But if come to the worst then I will quit my job. Regardless how, family and my kids are much important.

On Jay, he is getting more and more difficult to teach liao. I feel so stress to teach and discipline him, he is not scare of me and his daddy. Whatever we told him not to do and explain to him, he will still purposely do it. Sometimes I feel that I am really out of my control and feel like beating him.
Hi augustmum,

Can I have the access to your blog too? My email is [email protected]

Congratulations to Fiona!! And, 3.75kg, wow, such a healthy weight!

Hi cocomo,

Sounds like you have to maybe take a few months leave after your ML to train the new maid if you don’t want to quit your job.


Thanks for sharing your motherhood experience here. I’m gonna learn from yours very soon when my second girl is out. Now, I’m trying to get the first kid to learn to sleep with my mum in the other room and hopefully it will become a habit when the second girl comes along. Not easy, she somethings cry when I left the room, and still wants me to read instead of my mum so now still trying.

I will probably keep them in separate rooms until the second girl can sleep through so as to minimize the chances they disturb each other during sleep. Quality sleep is important to them so I rather keep them apart temporarily.

So, I’m thinking you can either sleep with Nat or Nicole depending on situation and who needs you more. And, get your mum or hubby to sleep in another room with the other kid.
your delivery sotry really sounds like a jounrey, and glad that u r ok now. and i'm sure bb Lucien will be fine after some TLC given to him! do rest well and happy BF-ing.

the maid problem, i've a good lobang from my colleague as her aunt runs the agency. and she always hv good maids to intro as she trains the maid herself and is very strict with them. if u are keen, i'll email u her contact. my colleague and her some 10 cousins all got their maids from this old aunty of theirs and hv no complaint.

so i reckon i belong to their category coz they are also new with maid, hv young infant or tods at home, need to help out at household chores, no offday, no ho allowed...etc. i target to hv my maid come in early Aug or late July since i'll deliver in mid Sept.

ystday sherv tested my patience by slapping me on my cheek for many times! i told her to stop it coz it's very RUDE! but she continued so i slapped her back!! and left my palm impression on her face, then she cried non-stop lor! she still clung onto me after tat, but i pushed her away. i wanna let her know at i'm angry with her and i DOWAN her when she's notti!

actually she's already aware of wat's right or wrong, but bcoz she didnt get to see me for 1 day the day before, she just wanna push her luck... damn angry whenever she's in this mode! she always likes to do stupid thing to test me then force me to smack her! @__@

this is one of the "purposely" things that sherv likes to do to ME!!!
hi mummies,

anyone might be interested in buying party items?

i thinking about doing private spree from www.partysuppliesworld.com

since birthday direct no longer allow shipment to SG and i want to get barney stuff....

but leh chey, so unless got aug mummies sharing.. then i might do it lor..
To all mummies who jus give birth...
Take Great Care of urself.. so happy to hear all safe & sound... more di di & mei mei liao..so fast ley.. ours turning 2yrs soon.. haha...
Hi Cyn,
Guess will try to "bu" back
However, its the washing hair part that i'll have problem. Cannot tahan la

As for sleeping arrangement, I'll get hb to sleep with eldest in separate room while i sleep with 2nd one. However, now i've slowly weaned off sleeping with 2nd one since i started work. She will sleep with my maid. I guess its easier for my case as their age gap is 4 years apart so my eldest kind of understand when we explain to her. Initially when all of us sleeps together, all ended up with disturb sleep from the bb's cries.

would appreciate to have the maid's agency contact. Kieira also slapped me sometimes and will also purposely do things that we told her not to. hb sometimes slap her buttock and nowadays, i'll also hit her hands once after repeated nos to her. Guess our kids are approaching the "terrible twos"! However, told myself its passing phase...so at times will ignore what she's doing unless it will hurt her lor.

Just in time! I'm very interested in getting party supplies for both my kids birthday as well. Do let me know if your private spree takes off ya

you click on link and PM me your stuff.. cos me & cocomo got ~min. 100 usd liaoz. whahaha.. if can get 250 usd max, best and can share shipping..

other mummies who interested, PM me by 2nd july. cos i wanna order ASAP leh.
Right now our arrangement is nat sleep with hb while i sleep wit nic. Hb unable to handle newborn n so nat wil b easy for me but end up nat keep wanting to come over look for me. So sometime i try make her sleep 1st b4 bring her to another room.
I have friends teach me to let both of them sleep together n immune to it. But see nat lose sleep n both cry will crazy for me
guess mayb another few months wil be ok and all sleep together
Fiona - Congrats !! Hope all is well for Lucien. For me i oso can feel the labour despite taking epi..coz low dosage..might as well dun take like that..waste $$ haiz.

Augustmum - Tks.
hi all ,

i also hope can use this time to wean him off pacifier and sarong , BUT , he very pantang one lor . Last night die die want sarong and pacifier liao ! hai yo ... cant tahan ... pantang boy !

I m planning to bring him to zoo this week , anything special thing i should bring ? do u all think i should bring a stroller ?
thanks mummies for sharing your comments... guess im paranoid cuz seeing some tods ard aidan's age speaking quite clearly already...

white lady, thanks. Yoshi, did u bring water too?
Hi Fiona

Congrats. Take care and am sure Lucien will be fine.

Hi Mummies

Crisann is also getting v notti this days. Really don't know how to teach her. When we beat her she will sure complain and cry non-stop.

When we asked her not to do that, she will purposely do it again and again too.
your hotmail addy failed... so i hv PM-ed u. pls keep a lookout of my email hor, maybe in the BULK or SPAM folder.

ystday sherv was notti again, and hubby put her in a corner and she yelled and cried.. usually my heart will pain pain, but ystday i didnt do anything coz i noe she was pushing her luck! sigh... when is this "notti two" phase ever going to be over ah??

i'm afraid tat i dun hv the patience for her when no. 2 arrives in sept, and she might suffer at my hands... hahaha!!! very scared tat i cant control myself esp during confinement period! =P
Will try a few more attempts then

will try to PM you details. I may not have internet access till late afternoon as i'm out of office. will try to let you know later.

I brought along my own zojirushi hot flask to keep hot water. Other than that, i bought mineral water and used it to boil and make milk or for my kids to drink. Even though i know that malaysia tap water is safe for drinking, i still dun feel too comfortable la.
Boiling of /processed & mineral water
mummies, i dunno if this is any good... coz i heard tat the minerals will be destroyed thru boiling at 100C. for me, i will use tap water if i wanna boil them and make milk milk..

i didnt even get any mineral water coz some of them hv a funny taste/smell.. i cant take it myself.

why dun u bring a cloth tap-filter along? the kind tat looks like a sock". u can tie it onto the tap with a rubberband, and dun hv to worry tat the water is soiled. =)

just my 2cents worth, the cheapest n easiest way lah! kekekeke......... =P
Re: Boiling of /processed & mineral water

Mummies, I've ever come across Mineral water bottle label that says DO NOT BOIL content, please do check the bottle label before you make a purchase.
Any mummies just went bangkok ?

care to share ur package ?

Cos me n hubby planning to go , check 4d3n , around $1000++ ... quite ex hor ...
Thank you for the contact info. I've got it already.

Many thanks

Re : Boiling of mineral water
I read somewhere that babies below 12 months are not suitable to consumed mineral water. However, since kieira is coming 2, i gave her boiled mineral water rather than boiled tap water during the trip. Hope its nothing major that i've done

I was up at Genting recently. Boiled their tap water with the flask in the hotel room.

Other than that, I brought biscuits/tidbits to entertain my boy along the way (plus toys and portable DVD player with screen).

As for food, just eat whatever that's avail in Genting. I think your boy will enjoy the buffet. Lots of variety. Plus cakes and fruits and yogurt. Yummy! :D


congrats! hope bb Lucien is doing well. post his pix soon.

good luck in your maid hunt. my previous maid jus went back,( break contract!) luckily new one came in and got window period for training. it's very frustrating to train new maids, experienced or otherwise so be mentally prepared. Need to have lots of patience, even sometimes they cant understand our simple english. it's best not to leave your bb alone with maid till u know your maid v well, wat i feel..

I've not started zac on Luk yet. His bro is on it. It is actually a logical-thinking training game. It helps the kids to acquire skills such as concentration, organisation, grouping, comparision and deduction etc. It's gd but most of our kids are not ready for it yet.

It's similar to Logico but logico is cheaper. i bought the Chinese Logico set too for my older boy. So much cheaper but just as good
thanks all of you for the well wishes and also to all who has been there for me, sending me sms to keep me going.

i am such a bad mummy. snapped and screamed at denise bcos she keeps crying and vomited till 3+am. i'm so depressed that this is happening, now also having sore throat tink i caught her bug.

last nite denise running very high fever non stop even after taking med, one look at her alrdy can tell it's very high fever but stupid mil didn't even sponge her and only use her hand to feel temperature when me and hubby went to visit lucien in hosp(can still keep telling me denise's body feels hot to touch only). when we came home she was having fever of 39.8 degree.

i so angry, asked my hubby dunno how she raised her 2 kids when her brain is not working.

Poor gal, you must be so tired and worried about your kids. Don't feel bad, we all snapped at our kids at some point. Hope baby Lucien is better now. Get your hubby to bring Denise to the doctor so that you can rest. Don't think too much about your MIl, sometimes can't really be helped, at least yours still can help you 'ja ga' at times, my MIL can't even look after my girl for 10 mins!! Hang in there gal!
hi fiona,

hugz! Cheer up please! Once you calm down and feel better and Denise is better, go and hug and kiss Denise and say sorry and explain you got angry cos you were so worried about her last night.. Lucien is in good hands with the nurses, so, meantime, please try to take as much rest as possible and prepare for bb lucien to return home with you!

MIL still not mummy, only mummy will be sensitive to our kids' cries and needs, so please cheer up.. at least you detect in time! Hope Denise will be feeling better after her medicine.
hi jas,

LUK is another brain training activity and self correcting learning system from Germany. Totally unrelated to right brain stimulation.

For age from 2 - 5, the Early Bloomer system comes in 2 set, each costing at $100. The 'controller' which to me is not really a controller, just a panel with 6 tiles cost another $33.00.

Within each set, there are 5 booklets. (Published and printed in Singapore which I therefore think that it is pricey).

5 booklets have the following themes
1. See & Sort : Learn accurate observation, matching, association and logical thinking skills.

2. Make The Connection : Discover & understand connections between objects and situations

3. Zoo Animals : Develop visual perception and spatial awareness while discovering the world of animals

4. Concentration Games : Build up problem solving and concentration skills

5. Starting to count : Introduction to the concept of quantity and counting

I have the brochure with me, so I copy from there.

The materials however as I see is not really worth the money. Thus, I agreed with augustmum, Logico works just as well and is much cheaper.

And, my girl not that advanced yet to tackle this game so I'm keeping it for a while and bring it out again for her to try.

Held it there. Deal with 1 thing at a time. Our mum and MIL bring up us in a completely different era thus the expectations and way to do things are very different.

With my mum, I literally give point by point instructions so that my girl is in good hands. Luckily, my mum a bit passive kind so I can 'bully' her a bit.
Dun get upset with your mil. Focus your attention on Denise and Lucien. Have your hubby brot Denise to PD? Hopefully your hubby can take leave and help you look after Denise? when is Lucien goign to be discharged? Doc gif green light liao?
hi mummies,
din haf time to upload pics till now. I have an uneventful csec and was discharged together with Nicole after the std 4 days in hospital. I can't ask for more
having csec 2nd time and knowing what to expect is worse than the 1st time when not knowing anything, I feel. Dun think I wanna go thru it again.
This is Nicole when she was 4days old back at home:


She dun look like megan at all when she was born. But over the days, parts of her face is slowly beginning to look like her big sis liao..Lesser hair than Megan, screams louder and is fiercer than Megan, mayb more alert than Megan.. she seems to have longer waking hours Megan, sucks well but think she is taking me as pacifier. help! Coincidentally, I realise she shares the same name as Cyn's 2nd princess :p
Piyo - Nicole does resembles Megan to a certain extent.

Fiona - Hang in there ya

Gen is running a fever & vomitted 4times over the last 2days..goin to bring her see PD for a 2nd time. Luckily im still on maternity leave coz my MIL is running a fever & bedridden as well..else i dun tink my maid can handle my MIL, Gen & Baby Cornelius. Been very tiring for me these few days looking after the 2 babies of mine.
Nicole does look abit like Megan from this picture. How did Megan react with her little sister? Hope you have rested well :")
Fio, you and I are in the same boat. Megan was running high fever last thursday with thick phlegm and runny nose with greeny mucus. Ended up near bronchitis and was on neubaliser again
super depressed and tiring...then we ourselves arealso down with flu and bad cough. CL was worried that Nicole would be infected by us, esp from megan. I have no choice but to send Megan to my mum's house till late evening everyday for this week, miss her at home but she can be quite a handful when at home..

Makes things worse, she fell down and got a big ba lu ku with blue-black on her forehead over the weekend under my mum's care.. what can I say.. c liao can't help crying.. a bit overwhelmed by the 2 gers...

Hi Augmum,
rem you asked me how I am coping with the gers.. so you c, not very well...but still trying my best
.. hopefully like what fio said to me, it won't get worse than this ba..
you won't believe this - Megan was super bo chap over her sis in hospital, dun even bother to look at her for more than 5 secs, unlike denise who was really possessive over nicole when Fio came and visit me. She slept thru Nicole's cries on the 1st night home, went on her daily terror business, oblivious of her sis.. she only started to sayang her sis this morning and offered her "tu-tu" when she saw nicole cry but she quickly took it back.. haha.. she had this weird look on her face when she saw Nicole's crying red face when i was bfg her, like "aiyo, y cry until like that"
hey hey piyo,

Nice seeing your postings. Poor you, like you said, it's won't get any worse. I'm going to have 2 girls like you and Cynthia soon so will probably go through the same difficult phase that you are going through now.

And, I have a feeling that Rae's attitude towards the sister will be the same as Megan. Not sure why, it's just a gut feeling. So, telling myself better not have any expectation that the 2 of them will get along well in the beginning. Prepare for the worst.

So, what present did you get for Megan from Nicole?
Ha, this is like so Megan, very happy and carefree girl, might be a good thing for you now, at least she's not vying for attention screaming over her little mei mei. Hannah also fell off a chair and got blue/black on her chin and right arm while she was with my mum, me so sim tia but I can't say anything too. You poor thing, rest well, alot of people seems to be falling sick these days. Hannah just recovered from flu and my mum just called and told me that she seems feverish and has been coughing since morning...think she caught the bug from my hubby liao *shake head*, don't know when this will stop...
hang in there gal! u r an experienced mom now n will hv expection of your MIl to a certain extent, rite.. but as u said, she's hopeless when it comes to handling kids, wat else can u say rite...

mine is not any beta from yours, TRUST ME! until now when sherv is almost 2, my mil still piss me off with her thotless actions! so i know the kind of EXPLOSION u feel inside! but i cant complain as freely as u, as she really dotes on my hubby alot since young, and he wont feel good if i always bitch abt her! =P but sometimes really angry until i cant sleep at nite..

but these things are not worth of us to lose sleep over them, rite.. so why dun we channel our attn n energy to our darling kids, and make more outta it. =) cheer up and feel free to drop in o share with us ok.. hughug**

it really seems like a struggle with 2 kids ya?? me abit scared liao... how to plan for no. 3 like tat?? @__@ i'm the kind tat needs alot of sleep, n the lack of sleep period will hit me soon.. 'm really scared now.

but learning abt the sharing of experienced mums here does help me abit, and i hope i can get thru it with a breeze. hopefully i dun hv to go thru a totally different stage coz i heard tat boy and girl infants are different, boys are more demanding... i mao leng han @__@|||

Ya guess it gets more difficult when whole family is down with sickness, esp the lil ones..but I count my blessings, at least nicole is manageable for now and megan dun get jealous when she sees me bfg her sis..

Congrats! when are you due? Try telling rae about mei mei till you pop ok?

I got megan a dora doll(bot from Dora's musical) and a DORA book which she absolutely loves for now.. I keep telling her it's from her mei mei, then she will point to her mei mei...dunno if that means anything.

I think we tend to be more forgivng if it's out parents who handle out kids? I think I would haf blown the top if it's my MIL :p but I really felt helpless when I saw the bump cos I can't leave house(on confinement) nor leave Nicole. The bump is really big and Megan has never fallen this way with my old maid handling her

Maybe you can ask your mum make barley water or water chestnut water for hannah to drink b4 she starts developing fever?
