(2006/08) AUGUST 2006 MTB


My son, Cornelius.

Hi yoshi,
my confinement was around 28 days. i bathed in the hospital the day when I delivered cos I vomitted due to epidural. can't stand not bathing. however. when i came back, could only bathe twice or thrice weekly cos i'm staying with mil. at first, she din even want me to bathe. luckily, got confinement lady to convince her that can bathe. in fact, my confinement lady said it's good to bathe everyday (with herbs, of course) but not to wash hair so often.

btw, Kayden still poos in his diaper.

hi MH,
congrats. Used to have a lecturer named Cornelius. The name is so unique. He looks fair. Does he resemble Gen when she was a baby?
hi MH & Cyn,
congrats! looking at your new baby photos, i miss my ger's newborn stage, although she's only 6 mths old. Times passes so fast, so Cyn hang in there for the confinement & enjoy your newborn little darlings.
aiyo! i burst into laughers when i saw the poor Barney in diapers! no image liao!!! i showed my colleague she also laughed out loud! =P

glad to hear tat ur confinement is over, i hope i hv time to surf online and de-stress during mine in Sept. and of coz, the WEATHER plays an impt role lor! hopefully it's cooling n breezy then! =P
Hi HoneyB & erin,
Thanks for enlightenling me...at least i'm not the only rebellious mom around..

Hi leobbsmom,
Yup, went to motherhood forum to look see. wanted to get Nepia Big pull-ups but out of stock. Nothing much there actually......ended up with nothing except getting swamp by sales promoter!
ya such a small world!!! Long time never see liao, my hubby told me two of you went for Wen Wei's wedding then realised you are in my thread. He said you used a nick started with Y and sound like Japanese then I guess should be Yoshi. Hm . . . but you faster than me as you are mom of 2 liao! My hubby said your eldest daughter very sweet. Send my regards to your hubby. Sometimes really miss Uni time. . . think back then realised we are old liao

Regarding confinement, ya I did bathe once everyday but with 'da feng cao'.


Your boy are handsome.
Hello mummies!!

MH, your boy is handsome and he does look like his sister.

Cyn, me too. At that time I have sunbathe my son EVERYDAY. On top of it, put him under the fluorescent light as well. Cause my bro read and told us that fluorescent light will work too. So most of the time we put him under the light with eyes covered for almost 3/4 of day and that is why can get the jaundice over within 3 weeks, i would say 2.5 weeks.

Yoshi, I am one of those mummies that don't follow confinement rules as my mum don't believe in them and so am I. Those confinement rules like cannot bathe is more appropriate for China in the olden days where they don't have their own toilet and need to walk far. So to protect the mummies from getting a chill, advised them not to bathe for a month. In such a hot weather like Singapore, I cannot stand if I smell hahaha... but my mum do work confinement food for me. For the whole month, I ate chicken cooked with rice wine (home-made) and also another bowl of pork cooked with black bean. Cause my dad listen from 958 a radio channel that it will help to increase breastmilk production hahaha :D Oh yeah.... pig's liver. Of course not everyday I eat. Took it twice a week, it works for me! Initally I do not have enough, the lataction taught me how to increase and that is through expressing as it is all related to giving the right signal to the brain. It works and I have since taught a few of my colleagues and friends... worse, now I am called the 奶妈
in my company.
cocomo/JoJo - Tks for the compliment

leobbsmum - Who will be doing your confinement? For me i do have abit of free time during confinement but becoz no internet all i did was sleep,watch TV & looking after my baby
Looking at all the Aug 06 babies latest pics, wow, they really have grown so much!


Jadelle is looking more and more like you!


Gd to hv you back online! Cornelius is so cute! :D


Nicole is v cute too! Incidentally, my nieces are also Nicole (elder) and Natalie (younger). Pretty names for pretty girls.
Jadon has also grown quite a fair bit leh. This is his latest pic taken in end May 08 at Genting. See how BIG and TALL he is now! :p :D


(Very seldom people can smile when standing side by side with a tiger)

All the babies and newborns are so cute and have really grown up.


Were you holding Jadon behind in the pic or was he standing by himself? He is always so cheerful in his pics.

Are you continuing his D'Story Club too?
Hi cocomo,
U're right, i missed our uni carefree days and especially stay in melbourne. Sometimes, really regretted coming back to sin. Tot of going back when the kids are older especially now i'm going to have #3 at the end of the year, i'll need extra help. Aiya...at least u're still younger than me la

Hi mummies,
Thank you all for "enlightening" me on your confinement practices
I miss most is the weather and carefree lifestyle there. But I am very Chinese type, so dun think I will go back Melbourne permanantly. I like chinese food, watch Mandarin/cantonese series, all my friends and relatives are here so not even thinking of migrating to Aust. . . But then will definately bring my kids back to Melbourne just for visiting. I gone back to Melbourne b4 I preggie with Jay, it has been a big changed since we left Uni!!!

You left out Racoon
Piyo - EDD 30 June 2008
Rachel - EDD 01 July 2008
Kris - EDD 04 July 2008
Fiona - EDD 10 July 2008
cocomo - EDD 15 Aug 2008
Racoon - EDD mid/end Aug 2008
leobbsmum - EDD 16 Sept 2008
amy (yamyam) - EDD mid Nov 2008
Yoshi - EDD 10 Nov 2008
ya wanted to ask if you are continuing the d'story club too.. kekeke i have not paid and confirm yet.. how did your visit to seedlings go?
jadon really shot up didnt he

do u al think that by letting our kids go to some classes helps them to be more focused or easier to diciplin?
my mom is staying with me from Mon to Thurs since Sherv was born, so she'll do my confinement! Thank God! after 30yrs of staying with my own family, u can imagine tat i really CANT take someone else' cooking.. esp when my mom cooks everyday n we r so used to it.

my mil did try to cook for me for the first 2days of my confinement but i just couldnt adjust to it.. n i was kindda depressed bcoz of it, u noe?! =P think we are really vulnerable after delivery, tat's why i noe why Cyn can be tearful during her confinement now.. @__@|||

thanks for updating my list! there are a total of 11 moms who's no. 2 or 3 are born this year, including Kelly who gave birth in Jan..
i was sharing with my hubby and mom tat this forum really let us know each other who have so much in common and we can learn so much from each other!

i really hope tat we mommies in this generation can do a better parenting job since we hv the luxury to learn online, like from forum n internet n newsletter from experts.
hi mummies,
been on course for the past 2 days without internet access...urgh.
i'm on mc today, got a bad inflammation of the throat which kept me up for 2 nites since sunday, feeling so much beta today after taking the antibiotic.

take care and dun worry, it's norm to feel this way just after delivery, it will get better. dun stress yourself when it comes to BF, the contradicting thing is, the more relax you are then will the supply improve. it's alright to supplement with FM and may even help you in establishing supply as you relax ok?

COngrats!! Cornelius looks so diff in the 2 pics, handsome boy

the barbey looks so cute with the diaper. denise attempted to put on diaper for her fav pink pig too...hahaha

augbb, jas, erin, leobbsmom,
great to see all of you at the Barney's concert. Denise was enjoying herself during the 1st half, danced and shaking her bon bon to the songs. but she got quite cranky after the break but still managed to stay till the end with the help of the pacifier hahaha...and you all saw how active she was? making her daddy carry and followed her while walking here and there during the break.


i also engaging a confinement lady for this 2nd confinement which i didn't during the 1st. i was thinking of not stressing myself too much and also to avoid touching too much water this round. last time i did evrything myself, very tiring and my joints ached from washing too many things. plus the fact i'm maidless now.

jadon looks so grown up and tall in the pic.

i'm not sure abt the rest, but for denise i found her better at following instructions and her level of understanding improved after i started her in CC.
mummies, i wanna ask who here is letting your tod to sleep on pillow now? wat brand? how much?

i realised Sherv likes to tug her hands under her head when she sleeps, i dunno if it means she needs or is ready to use a pillow.

thanks for sharing in advance, mummies!
HoneyB - Tks for the compliment...can see frm the pic his head is round ar..he was vacuum out coz i got no strength to push him out.

Fiona - Tks for the compliment.Baby face change very fast hor..1 week they look like this, next week like dat. Gen likes to put on diaper & clothes for her dolls..will play with them & say "change diaper"."wash backside","wash head"..haha.

Leia - Jadon always look so cheerful, his face hvnt change abit leh since the last time i saw him @ last yr bday bash..only taller.

Leobbsmum- True,very impt to have someone you are comfortable with to do your confinement henceu i engage a confinement lady instead of asking my MIL to do coz she know Nuts abt confinement & caring for babies..she still ask me baby drink milk still must burp them wan meh..coz Cornelius is drinking EBM+FM. And my MIL cooking is so bland !! Though expensive to have a confinement lady but at least i hv 1 mth of gd food & proper rest.

Of cos Jadon is standing there by himself, next to the tiger lor. Quite obvious from the pic, right? :p :p :p

P.S.: You hv PM. :D

racoon, Butter8

Yes, continuing with D'Story Club. How about your boys?

Butter8: Seedlings wasn't me leh. Shld be someone else. You might hv rem wrongly.


Glad you share my sentiments! V grown up and tall indeed! :D :D :D

Wow, he so guai can stand there by himself. If its Justin, he'll never stand still.

I planned to continue D'Story Club maybe for another term but once give birth liao then stop.
hi cocomo,
I came back to sin becos of my parents back then. Migrating to mel is just a tot...me too, like the convenience of local food, shopping, families etc in sin.

saw your blog a few times via piyo's and i tot you look familiar but can't pinpoint where i've seen u b4. Paiseh..BTW, mummies, can i link my blog to yours? Mine is at http://www.preciousprincesses.blogspot.com

hi fiona,
its good that u engage a CL this time cos, u will need more rest and especially time with denise. I'll just cater confinement food and engage another domestic help. So that makes 2 of them at my house and if i engage CL, all she need to do is just cook which i find abit "zor tang" leh

Hi leobbsmom,
Kieira has been sleeping on adult king koil pillow since when she was abt 7 or 8 mths old. Initially we put her on "baby safe" pillow but she seems to prefer to snuggle on our pillows instead.
His head looks round to me leh, he looks fair too huh :")

I'm also thinking if I should get a pillow for Hannah, lately she has been showing interest in our pillows, will want to sleep on them if she's sleeping with us. I tried to give her the baby safe pillow but she wasn't interested back then.

What type of adult pillow should we get? I was just thinking how will we know if the child wakes up with a sore neck...
On Pillow, Gen is sleeping on the pillow we are sleeping leh..din knw must get special pillow for toddler..she also must cover blanket when she sleep just like us..so funi.
I'm not sure of the type of adult pillow to buy. But I'll let her have the softest one though....not just one pillow but a few cos she toss and turn during sleep
RE: Pillow,
Jay likes to roll all over our bed so I will put one adult pillow on top to prevent him knocking his head against the bedhead wood. Then nowadays he likes to sleep on the pillow instead!!! Shifted him to baby pillow but the next moment he will roll back to the adult pillow liao. Same as HoneyB, I worry he might get sole neck sleeping on the adult pillow so am thinking to get him a proper softer adult pillow as well.

RE: blanket
Anyone let your toddlers using proper blanket? Jay will kick away his blanket everytime I try to cover him so I used receiving blanket to just cover his tummy in the past. Just bought a toddler blanket for him and guess what. . . he woke up and pull away the blanket straight away!!! ai. . .
Thanks mummies for the support! Feeling alot better and try to rest if can. Now milk supply is very constant not alot also. I believe Stress and not enough sleep may contribute all these.. Partly emotionally and mentally also bah. HB and my mum always comforting me and told me even partial also ok... Even tell me to give up cos I pump out after latch sometime about 60ml for both side and Nicole only latch 10-15mins and she cry again 1hr later for milk! I not having enough BM even though now I took BF milk and Fish Papaya soup... Maybe Will try for 1 more week if really so pathetic like what my PD advise me to stop BF and provide full Formula which is benefits Nicole... Nicole also lazy to suck. Totally different from Natalie whom is aggressive! Hai...

Now I totally don take ginger cos jaundice and scare when BF may not do good for Nicole lo. Today start of my massage, massage lady say I have alot of wind as compare to when I have natalie (using the same massage lady). Now is stuck.. Seeing BM so low for no reason out of sudden and now only the 10th day... I just try not to think about it and try my best till cannot lo.

But most of all thanks for all the concern
Hi Leia,
wow, Jadon is indeed Tall and Big now.
Our kids have really grown. Jadon's still as guai as ever. Kayden most probably will be clinging onto us, shy to approach the tiger. haha...

hi mummies,
re: pillow
bought baby soft pillow last time but he always roll away from the pillow. Now he prefers to sleep on my hb's pillow when he wants to sleep. but usually will roll off the pillow when he's fast asleep.

hi cocomo,
kayden behaves the same as jayden. he'll kick or remove his blanket too.
you can still take ginger just try to reduce. denise had jaundice(quite high some more) and was admitted for phototherapy, it's norm that breastfed babies jaundice level takes longer time to comes down.

re: pillow
denise loves sleeping on ours too but when i transfer her to her own bed, she'll sleep on the baby safe pillow and of course she'll be rolling all over the bed while asleep lah

re: blanket
she hugs hers to sleep(comfort item), can't cover her with any will kick away
Hi Fiona

Thank you! Hope you are getting better. Me too... I have been attacked by a bad viral which I am having this bad cold since last Wednesday till now. At least not too bad, I have a very sexy voice these days. But the disgusting thing is, I have a very block nose that I have to keep going to the toilet to blow to clear it.... HELP... these days I look like a red-nose reindeer. ho ho ho....
thanks mummies, hmmm......looks like our tods do like to sleep on pillows! Sherv is sharing a queen size bed with my mom and she rolls all over the bed every nite. i'm afraid getting her an adult pillow will take up space and she wont sleep still...

maybe i will try to get her a tod pillow from babysafe and see how it goes... thanks mummies for your feedback n sharing! =)

No, sherv will kick everything n anything away!! =P
i will be going to bangkok early week july before i start my stint as a SAHM...haha...does anyone need to get pigeon breastpads from there or anything? Let me know ya...Sob sob...guess what i got selected to go down for anu audition for potential good looking mummies and babies makeover for mother and baby magazine....But i cannot go!! Coz audition is tomorrow and hubby is not available as he has a seminar and he cannot fetch us there...think if i go myself too many things to bring....so sad!! They say they received alot of emails but only selected less than 10 mummies n babies and i am one of them!!! Arghh....
hi mummies,

Its has be sometime i log in here to chat. had been busy after moving house. Work as well busy, feel very tired nowadays.

seems like alot of mummies are popping #2 soon
Congrats and take care.

Re: pillow,
I only let Charlotte sleep on those flat baby safe pillow i don't really force on she sleep on her pillow or not as she can roll all over her playpen ( till now she is still sleeping in her playpen) Since she was sleeping in her playpen she never really sleep on her pillow only when she is taking afternoon nap the she will still be on her pillow other than that she will be out of it.

Re: blanket
She have a blanket i always have to wake up in the middle of the night to cover back for her cause we are sleeping in aircon other then that i let her wear long sleeves and long pants so that even without her blanket she won't be tat cold
but i still will wake up and cover it for her.

hope you rest well don't get too stress its #2 so more or less you are more experience now. Try to relax and drink more water or milk or soup to increase your BM. as your #2 grow day by day your BM will grow with it.the #2 will get use to it. don't give up ok...GAMbADEH!
hiee mommies.. coming in for a breather.. haahaa..

nowaday having lots of false contractions.. so super painful.. sigh.. any mommies having that??

RE : Pillows

Zorian has been sharing either mine or hubby's pillow as he sleeps with us.. but he will auto roll on and off at night... tried to give him baby pillow but he simply hates it.. intend to leave it as it is bah...

Re : Blanket..

zorian kicks away everything.. our air con will be around 23-24 and let him wear long shelves.. also let him wear another short shelve T-shirt inside so that he wont catch cold..
Just take a cab there with your helper lah, why waste the opportunity, its going to be fun :") So you have decided to be a SAHM huh, have a good trip to Bangkok, somehow I feel that its not as affordable as before already. Check out Chat-tu-chat market, they have lots of stalls there selling branded baby clothes at good prices but most stalls don't allow you to bargain anymore...
you should go! take honeyb's advice and bring your helper along.

thanks, hope you'll be better soon. i'm much better alrdy, at least can sleep at night without the pain
Hi Leia,
Really? Such an coincidence the name.. Natalie & Nicole. I think this a common name

Maybe really contractions just that practising? I have that when I was 32weeks or so. Ur EDD is July and normally 2nd time mummie can be earlier and already dilated without knowing (just like me heheh) let your gynae know when you visit him and monitor yeah.

I think next one to pop is Piyo!!!
hi augbaby,
ya, i think u should go ahead. bring ur helper or ask if ur mum could tag along.

hi cynthia,
ya, think the next 1 to pop is Piyo. will wait for her announcement then.
hi cyn,
why dun u consider expressing out BM to feed if Nicole does not like to suckle. my ger also did not suckle well and i did express out full time. easier to control your timing and can get someone to help bottle feed. u can try to get more rest in this way n establish milk supply by pumping. The first month is always tough, things will go better after that.
Hi CJ,
Ya I have been expressing out.. but still need her to latch to stimulate lo. Frankly sudden my MS dropped alot! Usually will feel engorge and will always leak.. NOW is like sudden all these gone. Even I have take all the super soup super fish haha still the same. Now don stress myself liao. I just continue give her BM till I dry up or cant even meet her demand lo. As long I try my best I just do it.

Nicole was a good girl last night. Her feed in 3hrly 2.5oz! Minimal cries also... hope this stays on and I can be out of 2hrly feed.. Tired man! Just treat as a enjoyment since I am closing shop too
when i was expressing, i didn't latch denise on to stimulate one leh..only latch her when i have block ducts to help me unlock hehehe...anyway she doesn't really like to latch at all and i found it painful, so end up expressed full time and the flow was alright too. think you dun stress yourself too much with the latching part. and i never take any fish soup too, only thing is i love eating fish and i drink alot of the longan red date drink (i'm a water bucket)
cyn - I only breastfeed my son for a few days afterwhich i total pump out coz i wan to bottlefeed him, in dat way i can rest & he will nt totally rely on my breast..i see that is wat is happening to my nephew who refuse to bottlefeed & keep looking for the mother's breast, he is almost 1yr old liao.

As i am goin back work in 1.5mths time..i have to stop my BM coz my workplace is not conducive to pump milk & i think my workload doesnt allow me to go pump milk so often.

For me as long as i feel i have done my part to give him BM for a few mths its enuff..FM still has its nutrition as Gen was also on BM for 3mths only.

I want to bottlefeed my kids as my hubby also want to enjoy the experience of feeding them which its good
Hi Fiona & MH,
Guess this round my breast not listening to me haha. Natalie I BF her for about 3mths plus... this round I think going to be less than that. Also been telling myself FM provide nutrition too lo. As long I try my best to give her, the rest doesnt matters liao. HB was supportive of my any decision and he also rather I rest more than keep latching and pump that pathetic amount.. Guess I should stop blaming myself been useless unable to provide or BF longer.. Maybe its true have the MS will have..

This round I also intend to go out work lo... SAHM doesnt suits me and I have others factors to consider which I felt $$$ is the main concern. As we have alot arrangements to be done like shifting house and HB intending to change job.. so guess I will go back find a job in another 1mth time bah. Maybe this round I am more relax... ready to let go more and let my mil handle nicole and Natalie will be staying with me whereby I can send her to nearby school 1st before other arrangements to be made lo..
Further to my earlier posting, well, actually Jadon is really only this TALL and BIG... (which is like, not very tall and big lah) :p



Jadon look perfectly great!!!!What a smart boy

Recently been v emotional. Now stepping into 2week of confinement which seems finally fast for me and getting adjusted with arrival of Newborn. But what upset me is temp Nat is not staying with me instead of at MIL hse as all of them worrying Nat will keep wanting me to carry and stick to me whereby I cant rest and night time my mum also not around helping.

TOday afternoon, pil came along with hb siblings and nat. She is reluctant to let mi hug or hold her. I tried playing with her.. she still ok but still seems I am getting a distance away from her! Though she came in call me and 1st thing is straight go to see Meimei and keep saying mine mine which makes mi glad that she is accepting but hurts my heart she no longer clingy to me!!!!! When pil are leaving, i was thinking to leave her here tonight BUT she doesnt want to stay with us and yet prefer to go with them AND MIL say that word out make mi DAMNN Fxxxx! "You stay here la with mummie la. You don wan mummie wan ah ma ah.. aiyo don keep hug mi la." Boils my heart and hit straight to my brain cells! I still have to put on a smile. My mum is around can see I am very upset... Which I am really! Now I jsut cant wait for everything to end and Natalie will be back with me again....

Manage to take few shot of her. She has grown so much suddenly to me ( after few days not seeing her makes me very miserable!!!) Now she is properly toilet trained and only use pampers when she is napping. Also able to express herself more with words! So happy she has grown so much...

She like to posh when asked finally! Hehe with her mini undies which cant be seen..

