(2006/08) AUGUST 2006 MTB


ya, i've cooked udon. zac loves it. I use chicken stock which I have prepared and frozen earlier.

Boil the stock. Add sliced carrot, enoki mushroom and whatever sliced meat. Add udon. Sometimes, I add hard boiled egg, sliced into two.

Jap rice could be found in ntuc or any supermarket, rice section. There are some imports from Australia too. Must soak the rice for one hour before cooking. There's instruction on the package.

u r my inspiration...hee hee...sliced meat is a small piece which u discard after cooking stock rite? u mean u prepare the stock in larger quantity and then freeze them in ice cube? how much cubes is needed to cook the udon? n how much do i hav to cook the udon ah? Hee hee....if u hav any more idea pls pls share wif me...think u ever cook some jap curry or something rite....i read in yr blog b4...but i cant rem if its for zac....

I bought the Bambino LUK set 2 weeks ago from UE Square and tried it out with Hannah.

On my first attempt, she was pretty lost, she would point to every picture when I ask her to match. She got the idea on the second day and within a week, she completed the See & Sort book from the 1st set. At first I thought she di-kum di-kum or maybe she remembered the answers but I observed that she actually looked at the picture I pointed and scanned thru the 6 options before placing the counter at the right answer. I've just started her on the second book and she seems to be enjoying it, keep telling me "some more" everytime we complete an exercise. I'm so glad I bought this set and I must say its really interesting. Don't give up trying with Zac, the guy who sold the set was telling me the trick is to repeat the same exercise everyday until the child gets it.

I'm actually on leave today and just read your blog, lovely pictures from Japan, can't wait for my own vacation.

On the Leapfrog DVDs, I have to thank you too for introducing to us, I tested Hannah last weekend and she was able to tell me the sound of all the alphabets, hubby and I were actually shocked! The power of a child's memory is impressive huh :")

I would freeze some stock in cubes and some in bowls. Those in bowls are used for udon and noodles.

the sliced meat are cut from fresh meat. Not those used for stock.

Hey, share with you our dinner today





I still think yr Hannah is smart
Zac's still not ready but will try with him another time.
well she saw me use the syringe too but her dunno means she doesn't know how to handle a crying toddler while having to feed med...today when i was giving denise med she struggled so hard but of all thing she went to grab denise's legs which frightened her even more...no common sense one lah...haiz

i also think your hannah's very smart, seems like she's progressing fastest.
augustmum ,

nice n colorful dinner !

My boy so naughty , recently sick , last night slept at 11.30pm and woke up at 3 am , play till 7.30am ! i cannot tahan , even he sick , i still use cane to cane him ! after that i so gulity ... =(
I'm not sure whether Hannah's really smart or not, actually I feel very guilty cos I have not been doing anything with her. I don't do flash cards with her, I seldom read book with her (mostly only in the car while traveling). We're all dead tired by the time we reached home everyday. Its only lately that I started to look out for courses for her to attend and also other activities to do with her, hope she will enjoy the courses and learn thru play.

You're going to induce this Friday? Good luck, hope your second delivery will be faster. I had to induce Hannah out too that time and my labour was 10 hrs, not too bad compared to those who had to go thru 20-30 hrs. :")
Hi Mummies,
I've finally got my amnio test result after much anxiety. It says all clear
Thank you for your prayers & concern

really "pei fu" you leh! Your Kid's meal was so nicely presented! Have to learn from you already

I'm curious abt this Bambino LUK. Sorry...where did u say u bought it huh?

All the best to your delivery.

Have to TAHAN la. Pls don't cane. My eldest kid schedule was like that too. Sleep at 11pm, wake up at 1am, got to play with her till abt 3 or 4am before she finally agree to go back to bed and sleep till abt 10 or 11am every day. This goes on for close to 1 year! Luckily i was a SAHM then.
Wah Augustmum,
U r great!!! So nice yr lunch sets...wah...yr boys r v lucky...i dun think i can do that leh...where u get yr ideas from ah!! Peifu...the cut meat u mention is not to use for the cooking of stock is it? it is meant for eating? Alittle confused...n if u save the stock in bowl, wat types of bowls do u use and plastic? is that corn i saw as well...wat do u do with it? wat veggies u use for yr udon ah? u shld start a book recipe leh....
hehe i dun do those stuff with denise too...dun feel guilty abt it ok?
yup going in tmr, today did alot of housework again to prepare. thanks and hope it won't take as long as with denise which was 22 hrs.

thanks and congrats on your amnio result

As my stock was premade, a few days ago, and frozen in the freezer, I was unable to use the meat used to cook the stock. Anyway, I usually use chicken bones (bought from ntuc) and add carrot, celery and corn to make the stock.

If you have no frozen stock, you could add two chicken drumstick into water, add carrots, sweet corn and celery to cook. I like to add tomato too. The vege used is up to you.

Cook for an hour. Then remove the chicken drumstick to shred the chicken meat. Add udon to the soup. Add leafy vege. and shredded chicken. Cook for a while. Then serve


I use normal bowls. I din really like plastic containers and hence, will try to refrain esp. when keeping hot stuff.


You mean the the yellow bits in the bento. Yes, those are sweet corn. I cut the kernals off the corn and then steam it. You could use frozen ones too. Easily bought from supermarkets.


As for recipe ideas, I got them from mummies' blogs. Many of them have recipes posted. Some got from recipe books. Then just reduce the amount of seasoning used so as to cater to the kids.


Thanks. I'm still learning
Congrats on your test results :")

I bought the LUK set from United Square, its at the basement, near Macdonalds, go check it out, they have very interesting educational tools for kids.
thank God for the favourable results, i let out a sigh of relief when i read your post. praise the Lord!

u cook and serve your food like restaurants! u make even the adults wanna try your food leh, not to mention children! =P u r indeed a dedicated n talented chef to you family... i saluate u.

your hannah is very smart hor, my sherv can count 1 to 10, i'm already very happy! my sis taught her for 2 days, and she was able to count 1 to 10, then add "go outside" at the end of the conting on her own! i think she was meant to count it to my dog, to ask the dog to go outside!!

hahahaha........yes, sherv is a little monster to my 2 dogs at my mom's! she will kick, step, slap, pull and yell at them! she will go, "ah russ, go outside, shervonn bom bom!" and stretch out her hand and motion russ to SCRAM!!!

pls take care and drink more herbal tea to avoid heatiness due to lack of sleep. =)
wah that looks wonderful.. i get so caught up in being 'tired and lazy' i forgot i need to make the food nice to look too... i remember i told myself to do so... bought some recipe book supposed to follow but somehow stopped along the way...
Thanks for sharing!!! going to motivate me again...

for noodles do u have to cut it up for your kids?
my boy needs everything to be kinda cut up or minced up for him.

i cooked tomato fried rice for my boy yesterday. and today its cream mushroom pasta..
on lazy days i do cheese spread on toast sticks and also fruit puree added into yogurt...
for dinner i do stick jap rice with minced beef and vege in teriyki sauce. if i leave to my maid it will be mince pork porrige with carrot or spinich...

easy is nestum or oats. or cheerios in milk...
muffins or waffles too...

i also need more ideas..
hope mummies can share more here
hello mummies!

congrats!! and phew!!

kaoz, u making me drool leh.. nice effort@! am sure it taste nice too.
Me bad mummy, weekends, jadelle dunno what to feed her leh.
Maybe i try udon..

soon time to celebrate our tods 2nd bday liaoz!!! any ideas and plans?? jadelle is really into her barney craze.. darn.. i hate that purple dinosaur leh..

where can i find diaper pants? to toilet train jadelle in?? not too ex pls, cos i need to get quite alot..

for mummies into crayola for kids, now CK tang got 20% off until this sunday on regular items as well as 50% off on some items. i bought a set, inside got colour wonder markers x 6 and 2 books.. 50% off.. the colour wonder markers, only can write on colour wonder books, so less headache over stains all over the place..
yoshi ,

wow , for 1 year , you can tahan the timming ah ! powerful!

leobbsmom ,

thank . I will drink lot of water , cos me abit sick liao .. too heaty , hai ~


i like cooking also , but my boy wont eat one , he also like butter8 kid , need to mince all food lor , so i do how nice also no use lor ! haha , eng up also mix n mince like rojak !
can our child drink campbell soup ? cos my son every day eat porridge till sian liao ... thinking of changing menu for him .. maybe tomato spaghatti ?
hi everyone,
Thanks for all your well wishes! It's been a very long time since I logged into forum.. been busy with work and at home then finally delivered my ger last thursday (that's the only time I can properly rest:p) How's everyone? I miss you all! Now at home on confinement, hopefully more time to come into forum :p wah lao, I hate confinement, keeps perspiring.. Nicole's on TBF, so back to cow days of latching and pumping, tired manz...

I got lots of posts to back-read...dunno where to start

Hi Augustmum,
Your meals looks appetizing!
Hi Piyo & Kris

Congrats. Rest well....

Hi Augustmum

U bento set makes me drool.. U are so creative. Can u share with me your blog. Interested to read about it.

Hi Yoshi

Congrats on your result.

Hi Jas

Crisann also v into Barney. i also hate that purple dinosaur.
Shervonn is so cute, likes to bully the dogs huh, I always think its good for kids to grow up with animals :")

Hi-five, I hate Barney too, Hannah likes this purple creature, good thing she only watches the program at my mum's place.
Augustmum - Your meals are so appetizing & colourful. Gen is very bad at chewing..always swallow without chewing. My MIL still cooks porridge for her as lunch & dinner which i have voiced out my concern saying kids her age are already eating rice with dishes oredi.

Now that im still on maternity leave, i have manage to put Gen on more solid diet, making stew or mushroom cream soup to pour into her rice with shredded chicken & vege for her to try..slow but steady progress but as i don't 'own' the kitchen & the food stuff at my plc, its hard for me to cook. My MIL is a neat & health freak..sometimes out of convenience,she cook porridge for my gal again which defeats the purpose of making her eating solid.

Seeing your food presentation makes me wanna quikly intro more solid to Gen. Are you able to give me more recipes as well as those blogs where i can see more recipes ?

So much to do during maternity leave..i hv successfully weaned Gen off her pacifier, manage to train her to eat abit of solid, now to toilet training & hopefully can make my baby slp thru the nite before i go back to work..1 more mth to go..
Hi everyone..

Wow finally my confinement is coming an end soon.. few days left! Feeling so fantastic! Recently BB Nicole has been doing bit better during night time. Only wake up for feed 3hrly with slight noise or movement NOT WAILLING out "touchwood".... Hope slowly will be alot better and I manage to relax myself more and sleep bit here n there during night time and afternoon. Hope after full mth she will be alot better

Really impressed! I don have that patience to do all the presentation of food! I just simply make sure vege is included every meal and lucky Natalie love to take vege so not a worry for me. I just make sure add diferent vege like what you done, corns/carrots/spinach;green leafy type & tomato! Lucky she still eat all of them BUT yet doesnt seem to gain weight at all stil that skinny look haha. As long she healthy I don stress myself so much now.

I don like that purple dino too! Look like dino but also don look like.. Seems like a monster to me! Natalie love him so much that her shoes also must be Barney! Think I am crazy with her too... but recently she seem to relax wont always ask me to ON barney show for her phew... simply any show from playhouse disney once awhile like POCOYO, Micky mouse clubhouse. She will say mouse mouse! haha. I love her talking now.. been able to say 3 words as and when.

So you be going back to work in August I believe. Its great that Gen off pacifier. Your hardwork n patience been rewarded! Do you feel reluctant to go back work esp having #2 also? Somehow I wil still worry here and there even though alot told me when have #2 will relax and open up... I don think I am lo. Will get worried just as when I have Natalie too..
MH and SL,

could you pm yr email address to me so I could send you the invite to my blog which is privatised.

At my site, you could see the links to cooking blogs


haha... actually, I was trying to de-stress myself when I try to make my food more presentable
I like to do such stuff lah!

Zac is also skinny at 10.8kg despite the fact he eats so much.

Jas and HoneyB,

I used to dislike Hi5 and Barney but is now a convert. Frankly speaking, these two are really the only decent shows on kids channel now.
Cyn - Im goin back end July. If given a choice,wish my company has those fleix work arrangement den i will have best of both worlds. Now im more afraid of falling alseep at work haha.

Honestly, i am more relax with #2 as compared to #1 where me & my hubby wld be so kan cheong all the time..with #2, we can see that we are more experienced & relax. But i will be worried abt #2 not being well taken care of when i go back to work.
auguestmum - Will PM u. Ya agree on Hi5 & Barney. I used to think what so great abt their shows but after having Gen & watching the shows with her,i do think these 2 shows are rather educational to a certain extent compared to Dora, Noddy etc. At least Gen is able to learn songs, values, numbers etc from the show.

Gen is so addicted to Barney that she can rember almost all the songs & sequences from the shows & i have abt 10 discs. She really surprises me.
Hi augustmum, cynthia & MH,

yah.. i have this love-hate relationship now with barney.. have you seen a grown up version of baby bop and BJ? really freaky looking.. check out youtube when you have time..

at least barney is educational.. now got this new show on kids central.. call "In the night garden" and suddenly jadelle started telling me about Upsy Daisy.. when i finally saw a clip of the show.. i nearly fainted.. no proper language! sounds like gibberish to me! And she is starting to get crazy over it.

Makes me think Barney not that bad.. keke
Yeah, somehow it irritatingly kind of grows on you after sometime right? Despite the fact that I do not fancy the purple creature, I have to admit I do like some of their songs but I do get turned off sometimes when I see how the kids act in the show, its like so 'scripted', they look at each other very often and always gives me the feeling of "ok what do we do next" haa...Hi-5 on the other hand gives me a more natural feeling, I like most of their songs and will attempt to master them so that I can sing with Hannah.
I know what you are talking about, the other day I was on leave and was flipping the channels when Hannah saw this on TV and started calling "igu igu", think its one of the creatures' name. I was pretty shocked that she was watching this kind of show at my mum's place. Gosh, this show reminds me of Telly Tubbies and the silly things they do...

huh? Baby bop and BJ will grow up? Hopefully, they don't show it on TV.

I hate to admit it. Though I'm rather against TV watching, the first few words that zac said are "Barney" and "Elmo".
Hi Mummies,

Thank you.

Can i view it too? My e-mail : [email protected] or [email protected]

Thanks for the info. will check it out. I think its from Intelligence insight right?

Me too, can't stand barney b4 i have kids. Even refrain from buying anything with Barney pics on it! However, my eldest dd seems to like it very much when young. All i got was VCD....for her. If she wants toys or stationery with barney pics...i'll not buy for her lor.

Gong Xi, Gong Xi....counting down to the end of your confinement period liao. is it 28 days or 40 days huh?

Hi piyo,
welcome back
Catch up on your rest too.

As she was my first born then, everything also give in to her leh. "bu she de" hit or scold. However, the down side is that she cannot take no for answer now even though she's coming 6 this august! Hb and i are working on this issue whereby we agree not to give in to her demands so easily now. Learn from first experience, so second one more routine la.
I just PM you, check your emails :")


There's sales everywhere this weekend!
- Robinsons OCBC card 20% but not everything on sale thou
- Takashimaya additional 10% storewide for 3 days
- CK Tangs also 20% sales

I went down to Taka during lunch to shop, bought some super yummy yogurt from the basement, think its call The Yogurt Shop. They have different types of fresh fruits with the yogurt. I ordered a blueberry yogurt with black forest yogurt, simply delicious, their apple turnover yogurt is yummy too, go try it if you're there. Have a great weekend everyone!! :")
hi mummies

i also have a barney addict kid... but sadly he has not spoken any new words... still stuck at mama/dada/daddy/ahma/there there...
he makes animals noises when he sees the pics like woof woof for dog and ooo oooh for monkey and oooooo 4 owl... thats about all....

my boy also loves elmo....and can watch the jungle book over and over again...

i love hate the tv....
these 2 shows are airing on kids central everyday, at 11.30am and 1.30pm( i think?) any mommy can confirm? i think either one of them stoppped for a while, but it's back on tv again..

it's good tat they are airing it on tv now, or i will have to buy so many VCD/DVDs! =P

Sherv is definitely a barney/hi5 junkie!!! haahaa!!

i was thinking of booking a chalet but it was fully booked liao.. good thing of this is tat i dun hv to prepare the food anymore lah! =P maybe i'll just buy a small BARNEY cake to celebrate amongst the family. =)
HoneyB - Tks for the update.

Barney - Those mummies who been to the Barney show. Have u notice that BJ is different..like a different midget in the costume, voice is different & taller also..haha.
yo i'm now waiting patiently in the ward having some contractions after insertion of the pessary, but still bearable.

Talking abt barney, we've juz got her a barney toy which is gonna b a gift from didi to denise when i delivered. My gal saw the stuff toy in the shop one day n wouldn't let go of it haha. Tink the kids like it bcos there's alot of singing in the show.

My God! in ward and have inserted the pessary and still can come inside forum. "Jia You" then, in another few hours, you'll be able to see Lucien liao

Many thanks. will check out your blog
Same. I was more relax with #2 too. Tends to let go more not like when having #1.. maybe as you say more experience
For me not anxious over #2.. Somehow feel I will love #1 more than #2 haha.

I cant stick to 40days as what my mum told me. Food still can restrict myself BUT bathing I cant. damn hot the weather esp when you are BF or even Bottlefeed bb.. I sweat and bb sweat too! Tomorrow is my 28th day.. So ok la I tell myself don discount, do till 3rd July as 30days
For me now back to normal. Planning what to do on the 3rd and yday I already went out to register Natalie school and go marketing!

CONGRATS FIONA! Wellcome to Motherhood again and Confinement hehehe. REST WELL and wait for ur Prince pic
Hi mummies,
I am damn sian today, my maid's mum wrote to her want her to go back after her contract ends in Sept as she is not able to look after my maid's daughter coz she is old liao. So now need to look for a new maid. Lotso worries coz later my new born daughter will need to take care full time by this new maid and worry she cant handle as good as this current one. Furthermore, dunno if this new maid good in handling baby or not??? If really no choice then I will have to quit my job liao. damn fan. . . .sigh. . .
Hi butter8,

We have the same worries... aidan only says limited words...

how do i encourage him to speak? does it really help if i start him early in daily CC/playgroup?

hi cocomo,
what did u bring in ur last m'sia trip? i'm bringing aidan to genting end Jul and thinking what food need to be prepared for him... how abt water? thanks ya.

Dont stress urself . Maybe u can get a new maid early ? ask this old one to teach new one ?


my boy also say limited words .. but this few days , he began to learn . When we ask him to say some words , he will say already . And there is few tv ad got song ones , when the ad start , he will prepare and sing liao ... so i think no need to kan chiong hor , let them go on with their pace . Mine also make animal sound . And when we ask him , how daddy n gong gong sleep , he will make a sorning sound ! haha

And jokojoko ,

i think in march , i brought my son to genting also . We drove up . Only bring milk powder and water lor . And brought some snack for him to eat in the car trip , but he sleep mostly lah . Abt food , they r big liao , and genting got lot of food they can eat lor . We order hor fan , fish congee for him lor =)

Enjoy ur trip ! =)
jokojoko and white lady,

don't worry too much. Boys are slower. The most important part is that they must be able to understand instructions.


nice meeting you. You still could log in. We are so tired after the playground.

Jayden not bad, din cry when going back. Mine refused. Cried and got to be dragged away.

If finance allows, staying at home is a good idea.

thanks all the mummies for your well wishes!
i was discharged today but baby lucien is still in special care unit under observation bcos he vomitted out a few times of brown fluid despite stomach washouts were done. Will be gg to visit him tmr and hear the PD update on his progress.

my birth story:

27th 3pm: admitted to labour ward for induction

27th 4.30pm: Prostin pessary was inserted, kept for an hr of observation before sent to ward to wait (nurse told me will take at least 6 hrs for effect)

27th 8pm: started to get contractions every 5mins but pain bearable so delayed informing till it was one in every 2 mins. doc on call checked and said i'm alrdy 6cm dilated. was immediately sent to labour ward.

9pm: the pain was so bad asked for epi but docs on call refused to give me bcos said they make mistake, my cervix is actually not opened and told me to take pethidine injection instead but i die die refused bcos my baby will be sedated if i take the injection need to be under observation for 4 hrs. told them i can relax and dilate faster with epi.

10+pm: finally anaethestist came to give me epi after another senior doc checked my cervix can be stretched to 3-4cm, but very low dose was given(that's the prob of delivering in govt hosp) i can still feel all the labour pain(can feel bb's head gg down and feel like pushing, like wanted to pee and poo)

in btw this time they did so many times of VE till i felt so sore and frustrated.

28th 12+am (sori i pantang abt the timing): finally baby lucien is out after near 10mins of pushing. i felt it when my gynae keeps stretching my perineum to make way for baby's head (my 1st delivery i can't feel anything at all bcos was totally numb from epi).

actually all happened very fast, and i even told hubby i'm never gonna give birth again after this :p
