(2006/08) AUGUST 2006 MTB

hi yoshi,
thanks. will observe for a few more days. if really still persist, will bring him to see optician then.

here's mine =)

Jas , jade so cute ! look grown up liao
leobbmum and whitelady,

jade's cheesk burger meh? keke.. daddy's genes..

Raygen look so handsome leh.. droolz..u should send him for modelling..
Hi jasmine,
ya, jadelle looks adorable. Her eyes are as bright and big as before. Can 'dian' the boys next time.

Hi whitelady,
ya, i agree with jasmommy. should send him for modelling. He's really handsome. you qi zhi.

Hi jasmine, leobbsmom, augbaby,
see u tmr at the barney show.
jadelle look so different, grown up to be a "mei nu"

buay tahan leh...your ray's really handsome, yup can send for modelling

me also gg to watch barney....hehehe. see you all there!
erin, fiona...
I brot Elysia to watch Barney show last nite..She was so excited, even jump & dancing while clapping her hands...run to other kids & ask them to clap hands like her..v kpo girl. But when the new character, the orange Dino appear, with a low tone voice like ah pek. She so terrified & hide behind me.. haha..really so funny & surprised seeing her so afraid.. overall the show is ok as it's seems like alot shortcuts..perhaps of the place constriction.
Anyway, do enjoy the show with ur kids...
Which shopping centre u went in JB to buy good deal kids clothings? I can ask my hubby to bring us there during weekend.. haha.. I went CitySq ... disappointment.. not much kids clothings...
Jas , erin , fiona ,

Thank =)

Dont think he can modeling lah ... so young got people want meh , haha ... i try to bring him shopping more offen and let people spot him lor ! hahaha , then i can be " xin ma " ( star mummy ) ... just kidding =P

All our kids really grow very fast hor , so envy those mummy with no 2 liao ...
So many pics! Been tiring recently lo and seldom online.. Natalie is excited of Nicole BUT extremely Jealous liao.. Nat refuse her milk and pouting her lips everytime saw mi BF nicole and changing her etc. BUT I keep telling her mummy love her... hope she be better after a few days.

It has been tired and stressful. Been very tearful lately.. I know its normal so trying hard to get over it. Natalie is down with Flu for no reason with phlegm which makes mi worried, Nicole down with Jaundice going to do test tomorrow. And I AM DOWN WITH back aches and tiredness, not getting enough sleep! Cos nicole totally different from nat. She is more demanding and difficult to take care! Keep crying during midnite and whenver she poo or urine will cry out too! I really hope she will be better and I am so terrified when night time comes..

Now my mum is doin confinement for me. BUT she is also not feeling very well... That why I been trying to do all myself except cooking, washing done by her... so basically I am a cow working in the DAY for nicole, NITE owl for nicole too hahaha. Breast milk is coming but still unable to satisfied her so no choice, mix with formula. Sometime even want to give up cos very tired... sort of regret now to have #2

Hope things will get better.. sorry for the complaining...

Gotta go.. trying to rest while she sleep.

Will log in whenever there is time
Fio, erin, jasmine, leobbsmom, augbaby,
How's ur Barney show? your toddlers enjoyed? Jay like it very much, he so excited keep dancing with the music. We taken lotso photos and videos as well! Will definately bring Jay to watch again if they come to spore next year.

Nicole so cute and sweet!!! So you TBF her?
hi cocomo,
starting was TBF. Sudden nicole sudden demand and cant meet her hunger so i mix wit formula lo esp during night time. She wake up 2-3hrly 4 milk depending also hai.. Difficult to time also lo. Today is e 6th day hope milk wil come in alot more
this round she is latching well fast too mayb 2nd time mum more experience heehee.
hey all,

i'm back fro japan! very fun but tiring. shall update in my blog but not so soon.



mommies with 2 or more,

which bank did you choose for cda?

Nicole is so pretty! Don't be too stress over BF, rest well and hang on, will get better as she grows, take care.

You're back from Japan, do update us, which area did you visit? I'm planning a trip to Tokyo with my family in August and we don't really know what to do there.
Hi doris,
elysia looks very tall. how tall is she?

hi whitelady,
always see children models in those motherhood magazines. perhaps u can check them out.

hi cynthia,
nicole looks cute. don't stress urself too much or try to take on too much things on your own. see if there's anyone else in ur family who can help out for a while or get ur hubby to take a couple of days leave 1st since ur mum isn't feeling well.

think nat is also learning to adjust to having another sibling. give her some time. perhaps she will adjust soon.

hi cocomo,
Kayden enjoyed himself very much especially during the 1st half before the interval. refused to sit down. kept jumping up and down. but during interval, he was tired liao. very sleepy. think his energy all zapped up. haha... din even want to interact with the others. haiz... so anti-social. missed the kiss given by denise. lol.

hi leobbsmom,
nice to meet you but sorry for not being able to talk to you as much as I would like to. guess Kayden was rather clingy to me as he was sleepy. finally got a chance to see shervonn. she's so sweet and guai.
hey new mummy again, dun regret la.. i noe how u feel, coz i was fearful too when the nite came when i had shervonn.

esp now with nat, it's even more demanding when it comes to caring for them both. if nicole really likes to cry so much, then just let her cry a while.. it's lungs exercise u tell urself. dun push urself so hard as to please 2 babies at the same time when u r tired n your back is most fragile now.

just to share/remind
- when u change nicole, try to sit on the bed and do it, dun stand n bend urself ok.
- dun drink anything standing, hv a seat and finish ur soup or drink. so tat the water wont "chiong" down ur bladder and make it weak.
- partial mix of FM is okay de la, esp during confinement when u shld be resting more. no need to force urself on TBF n feel guilty. =)

anything u just share here with us, feel free to vent frustrations or anything here... it will tide u thru the confinement period, n not cry so easily n often ok! =)

hughug for the brave/loving cyn cyn mummy! chin up girl! ^__^

hihi, yes, nice to meet u in person! i think so far i only made it to MyGym trial session n met some mummies there. not sure if we hv met there b4... =)

ya, kayden is very clingy hor, my sherv is too active for me to handle! u saw how i struggled with her during the break, she was jumping on those seat alphabets on the floor! kept asking her to go back to her seat n she refused! thot i wanna get her dad to handle her ma, but she never gave me a chance to go back!

i left during the 2nd half of the show to join my colleague at her seats which are in the middle section. her son n she sat on the stairs, n left her seats empty! so she came to look for me, n asked me to take her seats instead! =P but when we had the beta view, sherv fell asleep after 10mins! and hubby sugg tat we leave first since barney n gang were singing the "i love you" song liao..

dunno if u saw us rushing off anot! haha... =P

u so funnie leh, told me u recognised shervonn tats' why u noe who i am! @__@||| but it's somehow true la, i also recognised denise, so i know who u r.

i noe who u r coz we were at the MyGym trial together...

of coz i noe u la... and who else did i meet ar?

tat day i was really tired, coz sherv threw a tantrum at the dinner b4 the show. then when i changed her b4 the show, she urinated just after i took off her diapers! in the end, she pee-d in her shoes! i need to clean her all by myself in the toilet! pengzzz...

anyway anyway, good morning all mummies... hv a good Monday ahead!
Hi Cynthia,

Hang on there....perhaps will getting a part-time maid help? At least, she can help to do the house work and leave time for you to BF, bond with Nat and catch up on rest as well as relieving your mum some chores

Hi cocomo,
Its such a small world! After like 10 years since melbourne time. No wonder u look familiar to me
good morning mommies.. long time dun log in cos busy with work and tired.. today take a short break and going through the postings...

hi Yoshi..

so sorry about ure dad..

congrats on your #3.. do take good care of yourself and all will be fine..

my skin also very jiat liat for this pregnancy.. u can ask the rest of mommies who has seen me.. it was so bad.. just tahan till baby is out lor.. keekee..

hi cynthia..

congrats.. baby nicole looks pretty.. u try to rest as much as possible.. dun take on too much or too hard on yourself.. try to ask for help..

give Nat a few days.. m sure she will overcome the jealous.. not easy for them as well..

hope all pregnant mommies are doing well and take good care of yourselves okie.. keep us posted.. who will be the next to pop??
hi Kris,
long time no hear from u! how r u holding up? i've got a list for those mommies popping their no. 2 this yr...and the remaining are...

Piyo - EDD 30 June 2008
Rachel - EDD 01 July 2008
Kris - EDD 04 July 2008
Fiona - EDD 10 July 2008
cocomo - 15 Aug 2008
leobbsmum - EDD 16 Sept 2008
amy (yamyam) - EDD mid Nov 2008
Yoshi - advise us if u r free.
thanks for e support! Ya wil try my best. Just back from pd. Nicole jaundice is mild only need to sunbath so monitor her. Pd also advise me its ok to partial bf. If tbf, jaundice may take up to 2mth to go away due to our hormones. Now i am waiting patiently for my milk flow and wil gv her formula meet her demand :) good news is she is growing very well. Gain 200g in 6days. Think all e hard work n effort we done wil be rewarded

I b using ocbc for cda. Convenient sake ba
Hi Kris,
Thank you. At least my skin have settled down today after a horrendous week before. Applied aloe vera gel

Hi leobbsmom,
Thanks for updating the list of preggie mummies. Mine is as following :
Piyo - EDD 30 June 2008
Rachel - EDD 01 July 2008
Kris - EDD 04 July 2008
Fiona - EDD 10 July 2008
cocomo - 15 Aug 2008
leobbsmum - EDD 16 Sept 2008
amy (yamyam) - EDD mid Nov 2008
Yoshi - EDD 10 Nov 2008 (#3 and close shop liao

Hi cyn,
Its always a relieve to hear from PD that bb is all right. We got to be strong for our children's sake. If u need domestic help, i can check it out for you if agent can spare one for a few days or not. leave me a msg or PM me for details la

I'm also thinking of whether to get a confinement lady or another domestic help for 1 or 2 months during confinement. If i get CL, all she need to do is just cook as i already have a domestic help. *still scratching my head* ha ha...
Hi cyn,
glad it's mild jaundice and that nicole's growing well.

hi yoshi,
u could also consider catering for confinement food since u already have a helper.

hi josephine,
a warm welcome to our thread. What's ur boy's name?
Thanks erin00! boi boi name is Marcus. I am still trying to catch up on the reading of this thread. Thought of coming in to de-stress
And I didn't know that my full name is being shown ...hahaha Just call me jojo will do.
hi josephine,
weclome!! wat's your son's birthdate? =)
did u go to the barney show last wkend?

there is a promo going on for Nepia, $14/pk, min 4 pks. Tel: 6226 2650. promo ends 30 June.

i'm getting this for my NB.
Pampers Promo @ Cold Storage: Offers valid from 06 Jun 2008 - 12 Jun 2008

PAMPERS ACTIVE STAGES MEDIUM / LARGE / EXTRA LARGE(purple packaging) @ 2 FOR S$53.95. (FairPrice: $34.20ea )
Hi erin,

Ya...thinking of catering the confinement food as well as getting another additional domestic help just for 1 or 2 months. I'll send kieira to half/full day CC b4 i pop. My current maid will help me look after kids whereas the extra help will do housework lor. Din want to overload my current domestic help and afraid that with 3 kids, we can't cope as well. Haiz.....

Hi jojo,
welcome to share and join us in this thread

Hi leobbsmom,
Great! I got to order some nepia as running out. Went to Motherhood exhibition yesterday and Nepia counter has also run out of Big pull ups
hi everyone

we went for the barney show on sunday 1130am - was anyone at that timing?
my boy just sit still thru out the show like stoning. he was concentrated so much he didnt event move or clap hands. we went shopping for a bit after that and in the car on the way home he knock out.

hey cyn
lovely baby! do rest as much as u can... relax k..

hi cocomo
if u deliver on your EDD your 2nd one will have same birthday as my boy kekeke just 2 years apart.

hi jojo!
Cyn - Congrats...rest well. I had a good confinement tho' i still went shopping, blow fan,use aircon & bath 3x a week...i oni care abt present not future..i guess when im old den i know..but i couldnt care now haha.
HEY... thanks for the warm welcome
My boi boi is on 1 AUG 2006 kekeke... Nope leosbbmom, I didn't attend the Barney show, cause this little monster cannot sit still and only like sesame street and wheels on the bus show. Must thank you on the information on Pampers diapers, must go there to get. Nowadays, wherever there are sales, will be going there to get, of course must be convenient. Prices going up almost on everything.
CONGRATS CYN! For me I did full bf and it takes 3 weeks for him to clear. During visit to polyclinic, the nurse said that if want baby to have jaundice clear fast is to give formula milk. Thinking back, I find myself real silly. The first time saw them prick his leg, I didn't listen to my mum not to look, cause when I saw it, I just cried :D Silly right?
hey MH,
when did u pop exactly?! u just went MIA, and we hv to figure out tat u must hv popped! hahaha!! =P
any pics to show us? =)
wow, u brave mama, can bathe 3x a week! think i will bathe twice the max in a week, i'm very the " kia see" type hor!!! =P

u went to the fair ar? i pass it coz i dowan to go sqeeze with ppl there! =P but lucky Nepia has a promo now, so i can stock up for my girl's pants too! =)

wow, your boy is Lao Da here liao! =) same as jesline's JiaHui and babyboy's Keiran also born on 1 aug 2006.
oh yeah, must stock up whenever we can for those bb's necessities! i managed to stock up some Gain IQ during the promo lately also.. with my no. 2 arriving in mid Sept, my expenses are going to increase BIG time liao... =(
hubby said he is seriously considering to stop at 2! kekekeke...... =P
Hi MH,
congrats on clearing ur confinement. i find it one of the most stressful time in my life. haha... having to cope with not bathing and washing my hair everyday, live with mil day in day out and not knowing what to do with a baby.

hi jojo,
guess we are all emotional at that time. i also cried cos i wasn't the one to bring my boy in for the blood test as mil insisted that she should bring him in. now thinking about it, I felt silly too.
hahaha... Really? Didn't know that my boy is so "old" hee hee... I thought I might be in the wrong place as I glanced yoshi's listing of preggie mummies in EDD :p Hope all of you don't mind. I go according to the month instead of the year... oops. You are so right... I am definitely stopping at 1, not because of price, but more like, I don't think I can do it all over again...
NO WAY! Phobia!

erin00, don't feel silly, my mum told me it is normal. As women just deliver, they will tend to be more emotional. That is why need to be careful to get into the postnatal blues.
welcome jojo! This my #2. Close shop also. Both gals. Pd also told me formula milk will make jaundice go away faster. But he is supportive of me bf but i am doing it partial. Formula during e night time to meet her demand too. So with e current routine i mention to pd hope it helps get rid fast. Jus need sunbath her. My house seldom has sun! Need to go downstairs which my mum does not allow. But i don care too la. Only 10mins

Ger, thanks 4 offering help. At e moment still ok. Basically my mum will cook, wash for me and take care bb during day if i nap rest. I am one kind too. Light sleeper! Bb move, make a little noise or sound i wake up and don care liao
so now night time i tryin to adjust timing too. Believe soon it will b over
because was discussing with hubby i prefer to go back work and get my own life back haha! So mayb another 2-3mth of sahm ba. Now just treasure every single moment.

U r back! Finish ur confinement so good. Now only my 1st wk. Hmm u e 1st pop here, so i assume i am e 2nd
and i pop alot earlier! Not even full term, 37wk 2days. How ur lovely son son? Post pic too yeah. I salute u go shop bath etc. I cant possible do all these with my mum around! Lucky weather still alright but i am sweating like hell everyday and keep changing. I only bath n wash my hair yesterday cos today bring nicole to pd n tmr need to visit gynae for check up. Now i am waiting patiently for e 12th day so i can bath everyday
sian ah! I wonder how i really bear with it..
hi augbaby, leobbmom, fiona, erin00,

nice to meet u all at barney show! Jadelle was ok initially but when the loud music played on and that orange dino came out, she got scared! and kept asking us to go out.

I thought she might have gone off Barney cos of it.. but nope. she asked us to buy her the barney t shirt outside the entrance!

it is ok to pbf initially.. give your best and as long got some BM can liaoz. with no. 2, really tiring, and i can understand nat's feelings..

Our kids are now much more independent, stubborn, have their own characters and of cos they feel jealous and anxious that mummy still loves them. Jadelle will yell when i sit in front in the car and even when grandma carries her, will keep whining for mummy to carry! faint..
hi leosbbmom..

me ok lah.. just super tired.. Zorian super sticky and wants to be carried at all time.. how u getting on??

hi cyn..

partial bf is ok.. i also partial bf zorian cos dun latch on too much initially.. just rest more and take care of yourself ok..

hi jojo..

hi erin..

glad that kayden is adjusting well in his school.. u r one brave mommy.. a pat for both kayden and u..

if i m u, i sure cry one.. so for the time being, zorian is staying at home with his grandparents.. keekee.. maybe till 3 yrs old then let him go playgroup mah.. hmm..
same here leh, i'll let Sherv go PG when she almost turns 3. i've checked with the school and the lady told me no point to start so early coz they're still quite dependent on adults..

unless we hv no one to take care of them at home then no choice, we hv to start them early.. i think she makes sense also, coz now Sherv is still NOT potty trained! pengzzz... and she resists it so much! she will scream "ka ka bi" when she sees her own poo! @___@
hi kris,

hi leobbsmom,
i also dun have much choice. Kayden's very clingy and rather anti-social with kids as u have seen that day. doesn't really react to other kids. will not acknowledge or want to play with them unless they are older kids where he'll want to play catching with them.

now, can see slight improvement in him as he will start to say hi to kids outside and he's talking a bit more compared to the past. my dad says he's very talkative now ('ti da' in hokkien) haha...

regarding toilet training, the teacher said she will monitor and train him and she'll advise me on how to do it when he's ready. right now, he's still on diapers.
Hi MH,
Congratulations on completing your confinement. same like u, i went shopping after one week during my first delivery, on the fan, aircon etc he he....

Would like to ask mummies how long is your confinement huh? 28 days or 40 days? and refrain from bathing? Becos, I'll have a sponge bath in the morning then i'll bathe at night everyday after discharge from hospital leh. Except i'll wash my hair like every 3 days. Not good issit?

Hi Cyn,
most welcome
I also prefer working life than facing my kids whole day which stresses me out. Used to be SAHM but realised that i've got no life and temper got worst. Now that i'm working, though missed out on time with kids but at least have my own life back. Kind of contradictory right??

I also partial bf my second child becos of jaundice. She was admitted to hospital for 3 days after birth so my supply not really established lah..

Re : toilet training
Kieira still do her business in her diaper. after that she tell us that she poo poo. Not b4 she let go though. Guess will let her take her own time to learn....
I was living in a world without internet for a month hence no update from me. My son was born on 6 May..almost 40weeks.

The weather so hot, i wonder how u mummies tahan not bathing & no aircon.I was at my mum's plc for the confinement with my hubby & daughter staying back wif my MIL..i only get to see the on weekend which is a terrible feeling for me but i guess its best for me if i want to rest else my daughter will pester me non-stop.

Hi mummies,

Welcome! :")

Congratulations! Yeah, we were wondering what happened to you cos no news from you suddenly. Glad all's well, do post a picture of your boy.

I'm one of the naughty mummies, I bathe the first instance I got home from hospital, couldn't stand the heat. Subsequently, I bathe everyday but during noon only, no good to bathe at night leh cos you'll get moist trapped in your body and that will make you weak. I washed my hair every other day thou.
