(2006/08) AUGUST 2006 MTB

hi augustmum
no not a civil servant i work for US co.. my leave will expire next year. your's is in 3 months? we better make use of this leave well

when u gonna be a SAHM??? think i will pop around early sept, and i will make full use of my 3-mth ML. of coz i'm ON for playdates for our tods as well as a good catch up time for all the moms. =)

do take care and rest well, week 34 shld be quite tiring...

sidetrack :
recently we found tat our house always got ants crawling all around the kitchen, and it was so frustrating bcoz we simply cant leve any food lying around or the ants will conquer it within mins!!! and this is the FIRST time we hv such problem since we moved 2yrs ago, so i was really disturbed by it.

finally, last nite, i spotted a trail of ants crawling on my shelve against the wall in the kitchen! and to my HORROR, there was a nest of ants!!!!!!!!!!!!! we can even see the eggs and it was so gross!! ALAMAK! so they had a nest below the basket of dried stuff... we quickly removed the gingers/shallots/onions/potatoes around it, and SPRAY insecticide on the nest!

phew... finally we found their nest, but we seriously didnt expect to find a nest in our house lah! after clearing n cleaning the kitchen, we are glad to see tat there are no more ants crawling around the usual places anymore!

hee...... just wan to share it here la, coz my disturbance is finally over! =P

oh good morning all mummies! =P
Hi mummies,
Will be going to pop today, Went for gynae check this morning and bb move less n kick more softer. So gynae decide to induce lo. so 9pm is my execution time hahahaha!

Will sms inform u all
hi cynthia,
wow! so fast u going to pop. keep us updated

hi mummies with kids in childcare,
how long did ur child take to adjust to childcare? just brought kayden to half day childcare this morn. he was alright at the beginning when they ate breakfast and had free play with the toys. it lasted for the first 1 and a half hr. the problem comes when the teacher requires them to sit down to learn. he started roaming around and crying. said 'pa pa' (scared) even when he's not doing anything unusual. brought him home after he finished his lunch. did not stay for the shower cos he's too cranky. he fell asleep soon after he had his shower at home but he had a nightmare. he's also very clingy to me and refused to go to his teacher. my family said i'm very cruel to let my child go to school so early and to make him cry. haiz... me so 'fan'.
Morning mummies,

Hope you have popped by now, do send us a picture of your newborn yah :")

I wanted to let Hannah go to full day CC too but my parents were so sad. We even went to scout for CC and almost settled for Pat's schoolhouse, we like the teachers and environment there and the kids were so happy to see Hannah but she was so scared. We've decided to let her go to those 3 hrs playgroup to get her started.
morning mummies!
I have pop this midnight 226am. Bb nicole weigh 2.6kg at 37wk lo..surprise i can access wireless at mt alvernia. I already sms augbaby help me n tks for al e concern.
Last night came in 9pm, checked dilated 4cm n gynae burst water bag at 930pm. Contraction only come after 12am plus. Within 2hr, nicole has arrived with 1push without epi. So consider quite fast labour n no time to react on e contraction which get so intense last min. Have tried latch nicole. Bt she bit lazy n 15min later after latch she sleep. Wil try my best lo though now extreme tired n restless n sore with back aching.
Thanks 4 al e concern. Wil try upload her pic. She look like nat
wow congrats cyn cyn!!! your a brave mum, without Epi leh! i'm so happy for u tat your princess has finally arrived! hughug**
hi mommies

long time no log on not sure where to start! first of all congrads to all the recenly popped mommies and those gonna pop too, v happy for you. i dunno when i will feel ready for #2, waiting to be in my new job for at least 6 mths first so i can have my maternity benefits.

keep me posted on playdates, leon loves other kids v much. i may start him on some half day thing soon, not sure where/what tho.

leon has been like all the babies i read about here, bit of everything. loves to talk too. and sing. he likes to say 'what happened' to this and that. how? and of cos i want this and i want that. running all over the place, eating
still a rather tiny boy ..

looking forward to catching up with all you gals soon.

Sorry din manage to help u post yet...wanted to do it now and saw that you have posted liao..Too bz at work and kena scolded today again...sian..Anyway congrats and do post baby nicole pic soon ya...u r very gd leh...no epi and very lucky coz labour so short n nicole is out after just 1 push...take gd care...
No prob don worry okie. I also didnt realise no need password to log in their wireless. Wil try upload pic when i back. Mostly tmr can discharge.
Have finally latch her 3x 2day. Really v lazy gal haha. Always 1 2 slp n gentle. Totally different from nat. When hold newborn stil got e new mummie feeling n felt inexperienced again.
CONGRATS! wow your labor really very fast, so good! i'm counting down to mine, wish it would happen sooner and hope can be like yours...hehehe.

dun feel sad ok? every kid follows their own pace as to how long they take to get adapted in a new environment. i was fortunate denise took to CC very well within a very short period, but i have friends whose child most unexpectedly take a month to get use to it. Just stay positive and encourage kayden, even though he may behave differently but as long as you remain the same and stay cheery about it, somehow the child gets affected by our mood too.

As to family members saying discouraging comments, try to ignore as much as possible and not let them affect kayden's and your mood. Just to share with you, my mil also make some "bo liao" comments when i send denise to CC, not bcos school is bad for her, more like for selfish thot that she's worried denise will forget abt her "ah ma"...
Hi cynthia,
congrats on the arrival of nicole. wow, ur labour is really short. i remembered my being induced labour lasted a whole 26 hrs. can't bear the thought of going through that again. keke... but think will begin my ttcing soon.
remember not to be too stressed out and have a good rest.

hi fiona,
thanks. hb asked me whether I want to send him to cc end of the yr rather than now cos he saw how upset I was. Glad i din give in to the temptation as he seemed better today. only clung to me at the beginning like a koala bear and at certain times of the session. generally more able to sit with the teacher and his classmate and to play alongside with the rest. most of the time, he din even notice my existence. he is more able to talk about school and is more cheerful compared to yesterday. now praying that he'll adjust better tomorrow and that he can cope without me as I'm only given 3 days to stay in with him.
It is transitional period, dun be sad. They will settle down faster than what we think! Like Jay, I thought it will takes longer time for him to settle down but surprisingly he was doing pretty well after one week, just that now still cry a bit when I drop him but after 2 mins later he is fine liao and he enjoy his school life a lot!!!
hey erin n cocomo,

i remember an advice i once read from a book: say goodbye cheerfully and do not linger, emphasize that you will be back later and give kiddo a hug and big kiss and blow kiss..

it works for me, every morning when i put jade at mil place, i wave n smile broadly and i tell her see you later and go and play with boy boy ( my nephew) then i blow her a kiss and make a funny face at her which makes her laugh and she can now make a funny face back at me and say bye very cheerfully.

i guess most important, the kids must enjoy the childcare place / playgroup. they look forward to it, with nice friends and caring teachers, everything will be easier.

jia you on the ttc..
hi cocomo,
thanks. know it's transitional but just find it difficult to let go and to see him cry.

hi jas,
thanks for ur advice and good wishes on ttc. am waiting for my next af to come before i ttc.

he's ok and will nod and waved to me when i say i'm going off to work if it's at my parents'place. guess he's still not used to the new environment and thus react in this manner. hopefully, he'll adjust soon.
Hi Cyn,
Congratulations on the arrival of bb nicole!! You are very brave with no epi leh. Hope both you and bb are fine and take good care of yourself ok.

Went for amnio on monday...results will be out in two weeks time. *fingers crossed* that everything will be ok. The experience was more scary than pain though...whew...at last its over liao.

Hi Augbaby,
Have not seen you post for a very long time liao. Take heart and consider whether those work issues are worth it or not. I've also got a lady boss (spinster) that can scream and nag for the whole day!!! aiyoh...i also did consider tendering but very "bu fu qi" as i'm 17 weeks preggie with #3 and din want to missed out on ML la. So no choice have to "tong" her nonsense for now. When we catch up the next time, we sure got lots to bitch ya..haha....

Hi cocomo,
saw the youtube...very funny and cute leh. You must have tickled Jay's funny bone!!

Hi erin,
good luck trying!!
yup just hang in there, i'm sure kayden will start enjoying school in no time

dun be upset. recently i had a very bad incident at work too but like yoshi, i'm staying for good to enjoy my ML benefit. anything just confide with us ok?

the 1st time i tried to view the video i can't, just tried again and managed to watch. aiyo...jay's laughter very contagious leh...hahaha
did u put kayden at DaySpring? I'm contemplating to start Sherv in Jan on her PG session anot.. a few of my colleagues here are putting their kids there and i've heard alot of good feedback.

one thing i like is tat they hv spelling since K1, and this is good training ground to prepare the kids for pri sch syllabus.

oh, i've just made a call to DaySpring to check, their intake for next year starts now. and for pre-nursey, the school will start either Jun or Sept 09, parents will decide if we want to start earlier or later.
Hi leobbsmom,
Kayden is not at Day Spring. I'm staying at Tampines and hence, placed him in ABC Children's Place which is just behind my parents' place.

Hi Yoshi and Fiona,
Thanks. Glad I hang on despite the negative comments and Kayden's crying. He's coping much better today.

Hi cocomo,
saw the video clip too. Jayden's so cute. His laughter is infectious. keke...
Hi Mummies...

Need some advise and HELP! My facial skin is so dry that i'm flaking dried skin like snakes!!! Mine is worst than snake becos i'm like shedding dried skin every day! No amount of moisturiser helps. My skin used to be classified as super sensitive but have not experience this dry skin condition to this extent for my first two pregnancy. Usually by abt 12 weeks preggie, my skin will return to its normal condition.

Any comments will be greatly appreciated
try to apply aloe vera gel, it's meant for calming and suitable for sensitive skin. i also experienced tat during my first trim, i used tat too. my also super sensitive skin is okay now. =P
hi yoshi
u 1 2 consider seeing prof giam fr national skin centre. me & my 3kids swear by her. u can make an appt wif her by calling NSC.

hi cynthia
congrats! ya, u get wireless at MAH. i was surfing back then when i was super bored. do post pics of ur 2nd princess. take care & rest well.
Hi Yoshi/erin/fio,
Jay likes my mum a lot and when my mum plays with him he will laugh till like that! ha. . .

Jay will wave and kiss good bye if I left for work from home but then if I left him in CC then go work he will cry abit and refuse to let me go.
Hi mummies,
Anyone intent to go Msia? I just back from Msia, woo. . . bought a lot of clothing for my kids, very cheap as they are having sales now!!! Bought disney sleep wear for Jay at RM10 per set! Some clothes are at 50% disc and some buy one get one free, quite worth it.
Are you too dehydrated? Try drinking more water else like what Kelly suggested, go see a specialist.

Thought you went on holiday already, you must be counting down huh, enjoy your trip!

Whereabout in Msia? Thought their sales start in Jul/Aug?
sorry, just saw your reply... oh coz u did kayden's b'day near hougang, so i tot u stay there.. i also did sherv's b'day there ma... =P

i wanna check with u all, are u all going to throw a 2nd b'day party for your tod?? i'm sure some of us will do something of a smaller scale?

i thot of doing it with just families, no frenz. but i will throw another one for my no. 2's full mth in Oct... wonder if it's too close... @__@
Hi leobbsmom & Kelly,

Many thanks for your advice. will try to apply aloe vera gel first b4 going to see doc as what kelly suggested. I have a aloe vera jelly from the brand "forever living" but din like the sticky feeling that's y din apply lor. But as of yesterday night...my skin like inflamed...so will try it out tonight when i get home

Hi cocomo,
We were intending to bring the kids to Genting but no hotel leh..so tot of staying at KL instead and drive up to Genting. Did you drive in? We couldn't decide whether to take a coach or drive in with two kids and a maid in tow...
Hi HoneyB,
I've tried to drink abt 2l of water as recommended by Gynae liao but skin still no improvement. Haiz...

Hi leobbsmom,
Tot of just throwing a simple one for 2nd b'day with family. Then throw a bigger one together with my eldest child as their b'day are just 13 days apart. I'm very interested to get some items from birthday direct or express. Anyone organising sprees?? pls keep me inform ya
I went back to my hometown in Johor. All the shopping malls having sales le. Bed sheet, shoes etc are at 50%-70% off. I bought a lot for Jay and second one for home and night wear. Bought a lot of diapers as well. Now I let Jay wear MP pants at school, very siong as one day need 3-4 pieces. Ya, JB a bit 'luan' but I think if you go straight to the shopping mall should be ok ya?

I intent to have a small scale party at home for Jay, inviting own family members, few close friends and few closer SMH mummies and toddlers. Will have a small party for Jay at his school as well. Later will have full month for second one then invit more friends.
I like Genting, nice weather and can bring Jay for those rides which he enjoyed a lot! Ya, I drove in to Msia everytime. Since you intent to stay in KL then I think better to drive coz very troublesome to take bus from KL to Genting with so many ppl and stuff. But then if you not familiar with the road in KL it might be a challenge to you as well. I hate KL's traffic!!!
hi mummies!!
weekend is approaching!! yehh!

cocomo & piyo,
i went to psa mmi again this past monday, only saw megan there, jayden was missing-in-action...
quite a high chance of sending keiran there, only thing iam trying to see if i can delay enrolling him..initally thought of sending him after he turns 2,since there is no hurry as well.....

sigh, 'bu se de' to see him cry ...

piyo, yr megan gave me a cheeky smile & she seems to be getting along fine...looks quite happily settled... : )

I see, have not been to JB and Genting since Hannah was borned haa, don't feel safe there leh, heard so many cases of car parked at the shopping mall and either scratched or worst stolen, my brother-in-law went in last month and someone dug out his car's logo.
Hi cocomo,
u must have a great time shopping? keke... my parents r going to langkawi next wk so will ask them to check out the clothes though.

might be going to Muar end of the year if mil insists that we accompany her to visit her bro's family.

Hi mummies,
just a update that Kayden managed to go through his 1st day of preschool without me around. The teacher just carry him off quickly to the washroom to wash his hands so there were no opportunity for him to react. By the time he came out, he forgot about me liao and was wandering. I stayed around to peep at him for the 1st few minutes. saw that he was alright and left. Teacher said he din really cry for me but was upset when he was asked to sit. he's still wandering in between activities.

hi honeyb,
me too. haven't been to jb for a long time. hb's cousin and family were robbed there. luckily, they were not hurt.
hi babyboy,
ya, very bu she de to let them cry. hb kept saying it's alright to take him out. enrol him again end of the year but i dun want to go through the same process again.

Thanks for the advise. We couldn't book any rooms in Genting and i tot might as well stay in KL lor. Think we'll drive in...then can stop as and when we like. However with two kids, hb, me and maid...just think that car might be abit cramp. May rent a MPV instead.

Hi erin,
Glad that kayden is slowly getting used to cc. Have to be abit hard hearted lor. If you take him out now and re-enroll him again, he'll go thru the same process of separation anxiety. Not worth it leh...

May not be short-sighted. Irration and dry eyes causes kids to rub and blink their eyes too. If you're still uncomfortable, bring him to an optical shop for check up. Some optical shop do offer services that cater to very young kids that do still can't read.
Hi all , off topic ...

my friend preggy 34 weeks , suddenly water bag burst liao . But baby still small ... so how huh ? she is now in hospital .. if water bag burst , baby still can keep in tummy ?
I think it is best that you inform Kayden b4 you go coz he might think why mummy disappeared adn dumped me there, is it bcoz I done something wrong that she dun want me liao? He may not cry but might not feel sucure tho. I was told by Jay's teacher not to 'escape' as it is not good for our kid, should explain to them b4 we leave and assure them we will be back after work and we love them. Though he might cry a bit when see us leaving but then they know that we love them and we only leave for work and will come back soon to pick them up after work.
ya , she is admit in hospital already ... think have to give birth soon . i heard was within 48 hours . but baby need to be in NICU i think .
i agree with cocomo. that's what the teachers encouraged me to do, so from the beginning i'll inform denise when i am leaving, give her a kiss and reassured i will come back for her before the teacher quickly carry her and distract her with activities, think they'll feel more secure this way.

every pregnancy is different, your skin irritation sure sounds like the work of hormones, only thing is maybe this round it's taking a bit longer to settle down compared to the last 2 times. for the time being, try to use soothing and calming stuff for your face.

re: birthday celebration
i was thinking of celebrating #2's full mth together with denise's birthday since it's gonna be ard the same time.

i have a friend whose water bag burst but didn't deliver till a week later bcos cervix didn't open and no other symptoms, but she was in & out of the hosp monitoring the water level. think it's the judgement call of the gynae as to whether she needs to be induced or she may alrdy be going into labor, or if water level too low but cervix won't dilate then it's c-sect for her. whether her baby will stay in NICU depends on development and birth weight.
hope everything will goes smooth for her.

Hi cocomo and fiona,
thanks. actually, that's what i thought it should be done. in fact, the supervisor did tell me that i should inform him before leaving. but the teacher today just took him away and i din get to see him. i only managed to peep through the window to check on him.
