(2006/08) AUGUST 2006 MTB

ya hehe its another phase... interesting to watch our kids now. i am glad i took my nopay leave. its fun but tiring.
my boy would run extra fast to climb up to the slide at the playground if he sees other kids playing... very funny to see him panic if they make it faster then him... hehehe

i visited pat's school house today and also character montessori...

i understand that character montessori has a few outlets and one in punggol.
did anyone of you visit it? how is your impression of the system/teachers/school?
the one i visited is off holland rd/6th ave

Hi cyn,

Since the pain is really bad and your bb is healthy, just go for it girl. At abt 37+ weeks, bb should be fully developed already. However, check with Gynae if you're dilated or not or can you withstand the pain till your contractions comes in.

Just to share during my second delivery, was 3cm dilated when I'm 37+ weeks. Gynae asked me if i want to wait or induce. I chose to wait cos got hb grandma's big birthday celebration to attend during on that sat. Hb chose date for me to go induce on sunday then. Luckily...went in cos by then i was already 5cm+ dilated. Another 2cm and i can't take epidural liao and i'll be like mad women
Funny thing is that my water bag have not burst and there's no contraction pain leh.
Hi Yoshi,
Wow dilated 5cm+ water bag have not burst? Now is like almost everyone in my family say just go pop 1st june and mentioning the date is easier to remember etc... I also dilemma though somehow wanted bb to be inside longer
see what gynae gotta comment and say tomorrow check up bah. Maybe somehow I am not fully prepared hehehe.
Also hope to dilate more so wont have long labour esp not using epi so this my main concern bah. Keep finger crossing
hey mommies,

long time no post...

how come our kids dun like to poo on potty? jadelle also leh. now she poo standing up, hanging on to support while she "strain" her poo out..

dunno how to start potty training.. somemore, MIL like think iz ok for her to poo in diaper..
hi butter8, seedlings at dawson? tried once to give them a visit but the lady on the ph was rather rude and in the end she couldnt give me a day that i could give them a visit. So i have put them aside for the time being.

where else have u visited? & when u planning to put ryan in?

btw, were u the one who sent ryan to Lavina kidsloft? cant rem if it was you.... planning to take keiran out of julia gabriel ..looking ard for alternative now...

anyone has comments on Lavina kidsloft?
just take things as it comes bah...think at your stage it sounds pretty good to have the go ahead. i more impatient type, if got symptoms would want to quickly get over and done with hahaha...

my sister had similar experience like yours, she didn't feel anything and water bag also intact, but she was alrdy fully dilated when she reached the hosp., too fast to have any other reaction. she very cute still say wants to go poo bcos scared will make a mess but of course the nurses stopped her.

yo...how have you been? denise also stand and poo in diaper...guess that's their pattern at this stage bah...

re: rudeness from school
in the 1st place i had wanted to place denise in the montessori CC near my place, however after i encounter a very rude conversation with the teacher in charge some more, which really turned me off, plus i noticed her language skill is not so fabulous. end up i chose the other CC to this. and now they keep calling me up abt enrolling denise in their school, i find them kinda commercialised
5cm dilated but still no pain? so u did take the epi in the end? after the epi took effect, did u still feel the contraction?

the reason i asked, is bcoz i m wondering if already dilated so much WITHOUT pain, if we skip the epi, we can tahan anot?! =P

my experience was i couldnt take the pain at 4 or 5cm anymore... =( i really wish tat i could do without epi this time... coz my back ache so much lately.. =(

oh, i asked u leh, u hvnt asnwered me... did u get a second opinion for your current preg? hope everything is a okay..
Maybe I not gan cheong spider! Everyone in family even HB say I like don care just take as it comes no matter pain here n there and drag. I say just hope for a smoother labour and don go and think of it.

Just finish visit gyane. Well not going to pop 1st June. Since bb now is back to normal and kick as usual, so just monitor the movement. As long she don kick 10x a day I must get admitted lo. Sudden 2 days she grow to 3kg! Maybe these 2 days I took durians and alot milk
So next mon see gyane again sian as he wan to monitor my condition closely lo and who knows may jus pop anytime cos he was saying my symptoms wont last long... Keep finger cross.
Hi leobbsmom,

Sorry...overlook your earlier post when u asked me whether i got 2nd opinion or not. In the end, i told hb I'm not going as whether the 2nd opinion comes back ok or not, i'll still go for the amniocentesis. Maybe i'm abit "kia su". I just want to be very sure....so going for the amnio test next monday. Thank you for for concern

Hi Cyn, fiona & leobbsmom,
Ya lor, no other symptoms except through V check that the nurse told me I was already 5+ cm dilated. My threshold for pain is VERY low leh....so the first thing i ask was epi. after the epi took effect, i can't feel any contraction maybe the epi is to the max. I only know that bb is coming out when midwife and gynae told me to push. However, i suffer side effect from the epi as i keep vomiting during the labour process. Another thing was that my blood pressure took a sudden drop that they have to pump 2 packets of drip.
ya you very relak hor....hahaha...also good lah

me also threw up during epidural, hated the feeling but think i can't tolerate the pain too. shall see this round can tahan or not, but i'll usually ask for it once i can feel the pain if i'm not confident abt handling it bcos i know it's only going to be 10x worse than whatever i'm feeling now.

since things are back to normal, life goes on! hee... then u can carry on with daily routine again and just watch out for the signs ok! take care ok!

ok, good luck for the test! and do keep us posted and we will cover u with prayers! hughug*
Thanks for your advice on the rocker.

Hope you have a safe and smooth delivery. Update us when you pop. Very excited for you!!! I still need to wait for 12 weeks!!!

Racoon/leobbsmom/other preggie mummies,
I have been feeling some contraction recently, tummy harden, painless and feel a bit breathless. Not sure if it called Brixton hicks Contraction (BH)? I read from internet that BH only happened after 32 wks. I told my gynae those symptoms I have and she said it's normal but I will feel worry le. Have been carry Jay lesser nowadays liao but when I carry him I sometimes feel tummy a bit painful. ai. . .
An article on drinking water for very young babies:

i used to experience the same when i was expecting Sherv. dun think it's braxton hicks, coz it happens esp after dinner, rite? it's such an irritating experience coz tummy is so darn hard n it was so breatheless!

how many kilos have u gained so far?

Sherv has been very sticky these days coz she's coughing, and she always wants me to carry her esp when we r outside. she simply doesnt want anyone! and i always feel a pull on my right tummy, sometimes even when i yawn, the pull can happen too!

i dun think mine is contraction coz it's only one pull each occasion..
Mine not only after meal. Think the one you mentioned maybe hearburn. Mine is just tummy sudden harden up for seconds and breatless at that moment. After sometime it contracts again. However the contraction not at regular interval. I have gained 6kg+ so far.
heartburn i also kenna, for now, i'm still to get it liao... but during last trim, i will hv the hardening of tummy too...

oh, i've gained 5kg thus far. really hope i will go easy on the weight this time, dowan to gain abother 19kg! hahaha... =P i still hv e 8kg from the first preg on me, plus this 5kg now... i'm now 13kg heavier from my original weight! OMG!!!

I do get more breathless during this pregnancy. And what's worse is i get this constant pressure in both my ears, like those u get when u r at high altitudes like in a plane, and nothing like swallowing ur saliva etc etc will help. It can last for the whole day and I keep hearing my own voice in my ear when i talk, super irritating. Even my gynae doesn't ustand why.

I think i gained abt 8 kilos to date and my tummy is very small. I still carry Justin a lot.

I feel a lot of strain on my right side of the tummy. When i walk too much, my right side will hurt. And when my tummy hardens suddenly, the right side will bulge more so maybe its my baby's position inside.
Now we cant avoid carry our toddler cos they will tends to stick to us very funny one. Even now I try delegate Nat to MIL also the same. E moment she saw me say "mummie carry" aiyo.. how can don carry leh

Maybe its ur uterus stretching? Cos I also and told my gynae and that is what he told me and also we are not 1st time mum so alot of things will be faster than when we have #1.

For me till date I gain 7kg for this preg. Tummy showing also.. Hehehe those have my blog sure see how my tummy is like too
Since now I reaching the end.. will pop within 2weeks so don;t think will gain much too bah as eating normal again lo.

Will sure let you all know when I pop.. Probably jus sms one of you all help me to update
Hehehe if free can visit me too (thick skinned
yeah our body seems to get more symptoms during the 2nd pregnancy, maybe bcos our uterus is kinda season so can feel more?

re: weight gain
wa liao...all of you gained only below 10kg? i've gained 16+ so far, and today went gynae appt. i've put on 900gm for past 2 weeks but baby gained 1.2kg, so it's a good sign..hehe
ya lor, sherv will say her rojak english " mummy, bao bao me pls!" so hard to resist and she will kick a big fuss if i said NO. ya, i will try not to carry her if i can...

byebye, wo hui jia le....
I think maybe #2 our body "season" too hehehe. So will be expecting alot at later part or last tri like V area more pain, pressure again the pelvic or cervix soften faster etc..

aiyo i'm so blur nowadays, i said my baby gained 1.2kg in 2 wks sounded so kong bu, it's actually just 200gm lah...mind not thinking straight haha

wow sherv knows how to say pls...so clever. denise only says "mummy, bao" plus add the manja sound at the end "nnnggggg"...buay tahan

ya lor body season liao...now walk also can't keep legs as close as before pregnant...haiz
and very breathless too
So I am not the odd one having this tummy harden! Now feel a bit release liao. Have been quite worry coz dunno what happen and worry it is BH or even false labour sign.

I also have pressure on my ears and causing a bit of 'er ming', however this is juz on and off but not whole day one. Like this morning quite serious. I also experience strain on both side legs and at the join of the butt and leg. Gynae advice go swimming and do strech and exercise after sitting for long time. I have difficulty turning from one side to anther while lying on bed as well. Ai. . . think I am old liao or maybe after delivered Jay my engine impaired liao.

You scare me, I tot you said 1.2kg so meaning your initial 2.2kg + 1.2kg = 3.4kg at 34 weeks!!!

Anyone know if there is any special sales from any shopping center during this weekend huh?
haha...last nite i went home think think then realise how can baby be so heavy then realised :p

my engine also "pai" liao...so must close factory after this before everything falls apart.

this morning my tummy also harden and felt a bit of tummy ache but i know i'm those who will not go into early labor one lor...so have to wait patiently...sian
Hi all mummies,

Something sweet to share with all Aug mummies.. So delighted to know that my Elysia won and got featured as one of the "Most Huggable Baby" in the June issue of "Motherhood" magazine. This is her winning shot (her favourite Ah Gong is carrying her)
ya, she started the "pls" since 2mths ago, maybe i always say to her, then she learnt from me. it all started one evening when i was eatng my cheezels, she came before me then tilted her head, and went "mummy pls?"

at the moment, my heart just melted... i was so amazed tat my sherv has grown up! hee... since then, i realise tat she speak her own english mixed with mandarin n cantonese. i also dunno how she makes her choice of the words and language, but sure got mixture lor! hahaha... sounds very funnie and singaporean!

now her fave phrase is "shervonn "ng moi"(dowan in cantonese) eat "york shui"(medicine in cantonese)... she's been coughing for almost a mth now, and is on TCM after we gave up her PD's visit...

hope all babies are doing fine, pls take good care coz the weather lately is so unpredictable!
ya i send ryan to kids loft. its not bad. now have to decide if i will continue another term.

do any SAHM send your kid to 3 hrs daily class? i am torn between spending time with him now and letting him mix with a playgroup/make friends/learn stuff.
tks Leobbsmom...
ya lor... her smiles will melt my heart & love & sayang her more... but her notti behaviour will make me angry & buay tahan...haha...
elysia got such a sweet sweet smile.

sherv so cute leh, they very clever to verbalised if the things/food is what they want hor? denise can say "no", "mai"(hokkien), "don't want", "bu yao", "mei you" just to indicate she doesn't want something. but if she wants to eat something can be very "fan" lor, bcos she'll go "eat eat eat!". now she'll also say carry bag or phone when she wants my stuff...bully me liao
re: braxton hicks
i was experiencing some this morning, and by the time i was at my work place i got a little breathless during the contractions one hour apart, felt mild pain but lower part of body was feeling so sore, so i decided to go labour ward just to check it out.

as i was lying there comfortable with the CTG strapped on, baby's heartbeat was great and had a couple of contractions but still far apart and cervix's still closed(i hate the VE check), so no worries just monitor for time being.

only while i was walking back to office felt the contraction again, seems like a little exertion will bring about the pain.
Dear Mummies,
long long time never post..alot of things happening in my work...now super bz coz my v nice lady boss was just diagnose wif breast cancer stage 3. Very sad abt it...so now i am taking over her job for the moment but i am not happy at work coz my big boss and salesperson alw bugging me to give them the marketing materials and i am trying my best to cope and all and they dun appreciate it and say i dun check my work etc...i am also trying my very best..
sorry for venting here...need to let out steam...
Maybe i too stress or what, yest i went to perm my hair...haha.. need a change and i am seriously considering being a SAHM for the moment and spend more time with the kids...esp jazzele since she is like being taken care of alot by the maid coz i am bz wif jay and bfing etc still...the gd thing out of all this is that i am still bfing jaz...she is turning 8mths next sun..now i reduce my pump to 3x a day only and its not a hussle or trouble anymore and ss is eno to feed her and jay some still..haha...guess the few mths she is born i try to establish my ss a lot and now there is more than eno even when i pump 3x a day only...so gonna bf her till she is 1yr old since that is like 4mths away only..

Regarding our babies speech..jay is talking so much that at times i feel i am communicate with a 3yr old boy...haha...he knows how to form more or less proper sentence and is very vocal in what he wants and dun wants...etc when i wan to hold his milk bottle for him in the car to drink milk, he can tell me NO, jayden hold. He knows how to say his own name already and now its always, " NO! Jayden take" Or "Mummy please. Carry jayden" We are more careful with what we say around him now coz he can follow us very fast after hearing it once or twice only...So now we r getting him to speak in proper sentences like when he want something i will teach him to say "Mummy please carry jayden" He is also my little helper coz i sometimes will ask him to help me take tissue when i am bfing jaz. So now when he wants something, i will ask him, jayden wat are you suppose to say and he will say mummy please...haha...so cute n funny...
it's alright to vent here, at least feel better after letting it out.

it's so good that you are still breastfeeding, i hope i can feed as long as you when the 2nd arrives. and time passed so fast that jaz is turning 8 mths old alrdy.

jay can speak alot, denise doesn't really speak in sentences, probably bcos we never really urge her to say, think we should encourage her more.

the CTG machine can detect the contraction but it's still far apart lah...i'm in my 34th wk.
ya time flies...i cant believe that after jay celebrate his 2nd bday it be jazzele 1st bday liao...u all must come for jaz 1st bday too ya....n i can see all yr no 2 as well...hee hee...for bfing, well u try yr best lor...

anyway all preggy mummies,
hang in there ya...u be able to hold yr no 2 soon and it be all worth it!! thou it does mean no more free time wif 2kids...haha...
Wow very fast 34weeks! Sakali I pop around 38weeks which is next sun and you will be next
Just monitor closely and must take care too esp now is anytime.

Just vent anything out here! Or even wanna chat or buzz I free not a problem too. Can feel you very stress as you are always busy. Work is like this. And you felt your time with kids has lessen alot esp 2 kids. Maybe you can really discuss with HB and consider whether to be sahm during a certain period. WHen they are older and go back to work? Its great that you been BF Jaz so long. I wonder I can do it or not.. Just let natural take its course as I know wheneven I too stress or very tired my MS is very very low... Jay well versed! Nat hardly can form 3 sentences. The most 2 words. Depending oh her mood. Sometime simple like Mummie carry. So now we been trying to teach her more and careful with our speaking too. THey seems to always like to follow.. so must guide properly too.

Cant wait for Jaz 1st birthday! Our group expanding expanding
kudos to you for breastfeeding so long and still pumping while at work. hope your workload will lessen soon.
as u know i am on long leave not sure if i will want to go back to work hehehe
yeah i just realised i can start to think about what to do for ryan's birthday too... i think i want him to have fun. so i wont be just callin my friends, i wan him to have his age group kids to play with.
hey those mummies who are sahm, maybe we can arrange to hav playdates wif our kids and bring along our no 2 as well leh during wkdays hor...like that be fun as well leh...maybe when i am a sahm, n u all preggy mummies on ML, we can arrange playdates during wkdays at each other house leh...wat do u think...
i am on for its

its easier to look after our kids at someones home vs going out kekekeke
i always like bring ryan to either my neighbour's place to play or get his friends over...
I would like to join playdates. Always looking forward to know more mummies, and for my little girl to get to interact with others. I'm a SAHM staying at Toa Payoh.

I don't mind forming playdates for weekdays but my stint as a SAHM will expire in 3-month time.


You are on no-pay leave too? Are you a civil servant as well?

Woo. . . you bf two now!!! I hope I can bf my second one as long as possible. If can like you feed two then the best la, ha. . .

Congrates, Elysia looks very sweet!!
