(2006/08) AUGUST 2006 MTB


My MIL did that. She slept in between my hubby and his sister since they were babies to kids. But i think hv to be extra careful cos u may crush either one of them when u turn left or right.

I also keep thinking on this issue as well. I can still let Jay sleep with me while no 2 sleep in baby cot. Once when we feed no 2 middle of night then will wake no 1 up. How huh?
Hi leobbsmom
Thanks so much for your tips. I will be there for 7D6N! Hm..needs to bring ard 40diapers. Also I will bring better quality body moisturiser for my gal & myself. Winter season is abit troublesome. Must be fully geared up for the cold weather. Winter jacket is those like wind breaker type, pong4 pong4 one right ?

thanks for the pics... was thinking of similar arrangement...would the boys disturb or play with one another when they sleep together?


They have one-day trial meal if I'm not wrong. Go check it out. Mine was natal essential.

I find the food rather similar to what my first confinement lady cooked, if not even better. The soup is good. The portion is huge.

Yah, mummy's cooking is the best...
Hi Mummies

Had gave her hou zao san + pearl powder + pi pao but doesn't work for her.

Think will try racoon's pear method.

Thks for all the concern and advise.

Hi Leobbsmon

The medical hall mixed it for me and pack into 8 portion. She was saying the pre-pack 1 is not so gd. It cost me $42.
Hi Racoon

I also have the same concern as u how Crisann is going to sleep when I'm going to HK for biz trip in Jul. Now every day at around 5pm on wkday she will start to look for me. Wkend will stick to me like a glue.
hi mummies,
we are back from genting, denise had a great time and even refused to sleep when she unknowing fell asleep while sitting on the hotel bed(tired from all the playing and walking and eating..hahaha). will post the funny video clip of her when i've uploaded it

stay positive ok? ya must "dong" till you've cleared the maternity leave...dun let them get their way.

denise has been sleeping on an additional single bed which i bought to put right beside our bed, so now it's like an extension to make the whole sleeping area bigger, so far so good. and you may wanna try to let justin try falling asleep with only his daddy in the room, bcos very rarely but denise can still sleeps with only my hubby around(eventhough she superglued to me)...hope this helps.

you take care leh...dun tired yourself out. always try alternative rather than take on everything by yourself. i would also suggest you rest more during your confinement bcos that's the time for your body to "tiao" to a better state. i would definitely be starting denise in cc latest by may, although i "bu she de", it's still more worth it to send. at least when i'm doing confinement, she'll be in school learning and i won't be too stress and can spend the day time taking care of the 2nd one. by the time denise's home, her daddy would be around to help liao...or you can leave nat with your mum during the day.

re: toilet training
i've never consider toilet train denise now, i would rather do it when she can vocalise more. less stress for both of us.

to all the sick babies,
hope all of you will recover soon...lotz of *hugz*

you mentioned taking pearl powder, may i know how often do you take it during your pregnancy?TIA

We all have similar concerns. Sometimes when i took leave to spend time with Justin and let my MIL go home, I have to be the one put Justin to nap. And his habit is we have to carry him and walk around the house until he fall asleep, although it takes max 10min. But as my tummy grows bigger, its taxing as he's sitting above my tummy. He wants no one else when I'm home, I dun mind him sticking to me but I just fear hurting the baby inside when he sits above my tummy. That's another headache.


My hubby is very impatient with kids. He can't stand it when Justin throws tantrums or fusses. Justin will need to flip around and somersault a few times, get up and then slam dunk at various corners of our bed, and this prob takes 30 min (gd days) to 1 hr (bad days). And my hubby will be losing his cool and scold Justin, so I dun think can leave Justin alone with him. He kept asking me why Justin like that, and he doesn't think any other kid has such traumatic sleeping habits. Hoepfully my MIL can do the trick cos she is the most patient of all of us.

Toilet Training
Now Justin wants to sit on his potty but to pee only so i just let him do it whenever we take off his diaper before bath and changing diaper time. I do let him wear training pants but hv to bring him to the potty every 30 min. Anyway, I hope not to stress over this and let nature take its own course.
fiona ,

u also wet genting ah , i went last month ... For my boy , he can sleep and sleep very well , even better than at home , dont know why , haha .. i wanted to load photo but lazy , haha .. so u taking coach or drive up ? was the weather cold ?
happymum & augBB,
Rmb to pack around 4 diapers in your handcarry bag for change during the trip. just incase of emergency like poo poo or leaking.

ya, extra moisturising lotion is good, coz my face just wont shine in Perth! n it dried up until it looked powdery! so scary...

the powder tat my mom bought was also selectively concorted by the medical hall owner, he picked the ingredients then concorted it for us. not pre-packed de.. but maybe your portion is more compared to ours, coz ours is the size of pearl powder bottle.

U may wanna check if u can keep the remaining powder and how long... if Crisann cant finish all this round. and if cant keep for too long, then you can add them to her porridge or milk, add abit to every meal so tat it can soothe her lungs ma... =) coz i know powder form will absorb moist from the air, then if kept in the fridge for too long also not tat effective liao... so might as well let her finish them slowly once her cough has recovered. =)
fiona & white lady,

hihi, where did you all stay at genting? my hubby asking me to take a break, wondering if genting is good place for our 19 mth old kids?

wat is there to do for them, food? and also does hotel have enuf space for them or provide cot?
i just thot of an idea, how abt placing a mattress next to your bed? u BF the no.2 on tat mattress at nite, then move back to the bed after BF-ing. so this way, no one is disturbed in their sleep except u la...but u need to wake up to BF anyway ma, at least Jay wont kick a fuss this way? hao ma?? =P
i must say denise is being easy on us then...she falls asleep quite easily(sometimes while watching tv with us) as long as she's tired and not having a cranky mood. hope justin can adjust to having your mil put him to sleep.

haha...denise can also sleep and sleep leh(and the same goes for mummy and daddy)...i think the temp there makes them very comfortable. it's ard 23 degree now, feels like in aircon rm temp. but i still let her wear a jacket and long pants. we drove up, definitely faster than taking coach

me also no chance to upload video, office blocked those sites and when i got home, the moment i on my laptop denise will be all over it...machiam it's hers liao

we stayed at resort hotel, nice and clean. denise sleeps between us. and i enjoyed eating buffet at the coffee terrace located in genting hotel, got more variety, denise ate whatever we eat. i even got my hubby to accompany her on rides such as the carousel and merry go round
dun say u hor, i also drool...... so pretty leh, if i hv 2 girls, then i might consider doing up their room with these furniture. hubby and i even thot of painting Sherv's room with princess' design. coz we thot of finding nice pictures or paintings, then print them out on transparencies, and project them on the walls and we draw them handsfreely on the wall then paint them slowly.

sounds like a big project hor... so maybe when they are bigger first, and know how to appreciate princess' room design! =P
denise seems so good gal and easy to manage...
i need to let my boy roll about for about 30-45 mins b4 he sleeps and it must be lights out hehehe.
i usually get him to sleep outside only if he is in the car.

so if you stay resort, can eat genting hotel buffet?

i am scared if i go there, my hubby will go casino and leave me with baby. worse still he has idea to bring maid to help... eeek
sounds very nice...especially the handsfree part, can choose what you like and have fun too!

there are times when she starts running around the bed trying to let us catch her(she is very playful) and refuses when i put her in lying position, well...there's always ups and downs bah

sure...the hotels are all connected, we just have to walk from one hotel to the other, the coffee terrace is open to public just like the other F&B outlet & restaurants.

my hubby also go casino de...but this round he went on the 1st nite only while we sleep and kept us company during the day. the last round my mil and hubby all went to casino for 2 days, but i'm ok with it lor as long got denise to accompany me i can go walk walk ard with her, tired then i head back to hotel to rest. but must rem to bring stroller, the 1st time i didn't bring, carry till my arms want to break.
Can consider your suggestion! but then what I worry is when BB cry Jay will wake up lo. ai. . . but I dun wanna leave him to sleep with maid le. *headache*

the furnitures so cute and sweet! but then in view of I might be resigning and have no income, trying very hard to save as much as I can now. can only drool liao. . .

Ya, can I know if you still sterilise bottle and teats? How you handle that when travelling huh?

You all still sterilise bottles, teats and pacifier etc for your toddlers?
Morning cocomo,

I stopped sterilising when rae is 6month old. Managed to wean her off pacifier during the CNY holidays.
hi mummies...long time nv pop in here =)

i've got 2 sachets of Anmum Lacta milk powder (exp 01/08/08) and 1 400g tin of Gain IQ (exp 2010) to give away..anyone interested? self-collect at siglap.
i've also stopped sterilising when denise was around 9 mths old i think, only rinse with hot water.

can you share how you wean rae off the pacifier?

when i switched to formula, i din sterilise the bottles as zac was already one.

btw, he drinks from a milk bottle using a disposable straw. No teat as he doesn't know how to drink using one.
hi Fiona,

First of all, she only sucks her pacifier when going to sleep so that may have help to make the weaning process easier. I didn’t have a step by step method, I use the ‘abrupt way and don’t give in’ method. Just stopped giving her or even letting her see the pacifier completely when she needs to sleep. There are struggles when she seems to feel insecure and cries and when she felt that something was missing during naps and night sleep for the first 2/3 days. But, by the 4th day, things are back to normal.

So, it depends on how attached Denise is towards her pacifier. If she is also using it other than napping times then perhaps you cannot use the abrupt method but start by restricting the use of pacifier to nap and bed time first. Then when this is achieved, then you stop completely.

There are also theories that if the weaning off pacifier is done when the kid is older for example 2 or 3, you can involve the kid through explanation and tell her that she is a big girl now and needs to stop using the pacifier and then ask her to throw it away....

btw, you are still carrying Denise around in Genting despite your preggy state now? It’s ok?
denise only sucks her pacifier when going to sleep too, but whenever it's time she'll ask for her pacifier when it's out of sight or start looking around the room for it. So i must also use the "don't give in" method liao...thx

no lah...i don't carry her around in my preggy state lah...this round i brought the stroller along and daddy did all the carrying. it was the previous time(i wasn't preggy yet).
Wow you are so lucky at least Denise will let daddy carry. For my case Natalie don let daddy carry unless really have to 'hong' her this n tat.. so v crazy for me.. Hmm miss going genting too. Like the cooling weather esp now is so hot & been preg sure damn heaty & sweat alot. We used stay at First world and jus move around eat. Also like Genting hotel buffet
I think even next round we wan to go genting.. we wont be bringing our kids as me & hb go casino too :p

Oh zac using straw and he wil finish all this milk & wont stop half way? I still sterilise Nat bottle till now once a day. Think I m so used to e routine to sterilise liao. Trying to wait till later try to let her drink her milk by cup or straw or spoon feeding her.. She very lazy to hold her milk bottle too! Everytime let her hold she drink half way let go & refuse to contd her milk even I help her again.. Haiz.. headache gal!

i also went to e link.. so nice... even I am gg to have 2 gals yet I have not figure what to do with their room. I think probably wait till we move and both of them able to sleep alone before deciding bah. I also very typical mum, cant bear to leave them at e room alone & will always keep a lookout whenever nat is sleep either onfloor or beside me...
yup..that's the good thing about encouraging hubby to bond with denise early. i told him if he's not gonna sacrifice now next time he'll regret when his little gal doesn't want him. now denise is also very attached to her daddy eversince he became more hands on and spend more time with her.

zac's very interesting, can finish his milk with straw.
hey mummies,
long time no time to post..anyway here is the latest pic of my darling girl to share wif all preggy mummies...hope can cheer u all up...anyway hor r we ever going to hav a gathering b4 the july mummies pop...? hee hee...long time never see cocomo, fiona n piyo liao..miss u all..:p

cynthia and fiona,
actually both my boys use straws to drink milk. They could finish a bottle non-stop. There's a danger though cos accident might happen. High chance they may topple the milk bottle. That was what happened last time. My older boy accidentally toppled his milk on our sofa and we got to dump the sofa...
hi augbaby,
jazzelle's such an adorable gal. she's so cheerful
ya, haven't met up for a long time. so difficult to get a common time together.
butter8 ,

My hubby n my dad drove up , so 2 cars . My boy can sleep all the way in the car which is very good . We start off from hom at abt 5am ..

That time i went , was 17 degree , shiok ! haha ..

I stay in first world hotel , their superior deluxe room . I still feel small lor , n i ask for a cot , they say no more liao , all use up , so bo bian , my boy sleep in between me n hubby in a queen size bed .
I did not bath my boy for the 2 days , cos too cold liao . Only clean him with warm water .

For food , he eat what we eat lor , and drink milk .there are alof of food to eat there , so not to worry .

What they can play is the indoor theme park i think . me n hubby bought those unlimtied tickets to play the ride with him . Oh ya , my boy also need to purchase ticket ... we went for 3 days 2 night =)
here's some photo to share =)


He love this very very much , keep laughing and waving to people .. haha

On the way back to spore
jazzelle is so cute and cheerful, you always capture her in such a nice smile

ya lor so long no see liao...miss you all and the little ones.

at least they can finish the milk, but expensive venture (got to change the whole sofa)..hehe

your boy really handsome leh...my gal sit the carousel for a while only wants daddy carry liao...she's not so brave and very manja de...
Hi Augbaby - I may need you to help me buy Nappy rash cream but i cant rember the brand Gen is using rite now. Will get back to you.

I have been using this brand since Gen's birth in France & recently discover Australia is also selling it. Hope to get more for my 2nd one who is coming out anytime.
Fiona, Erin,
thanks for the compliment...to make jazzele smile is much easier than jay that time...hence i can make her smile and then take the shot all by myself...haha...every morning when i want to carry her to latch, she will give me a huge big smile which brighten my morning...sigh...kids...

sure no prob...let me know the brand and i will try to buy it bk for u...can they be bought at any drugstores in aussie? Oh but is it ok if i bring them bk without the box? Coz it will add to the weight and afraid no space to pack...Anyway take care and keep us all updated on the arrival of yr son ya...
i shld be bringing jay to watch barney...

anyone bringing their todd to the barney concert? maybe we can all go together....

ur pic of jazz reminds of sherv when she was this small... i kept staring at jaz's pic leh... =P she's always caught with those gorgeous smile, can melt my heart one leh...

hubby has bought tix for the Barney concert liao, cheapest tix la, coz dunno how Sherv will take it since it's her first stage show. last time we bought her to watch Care bears but she like dunno wat's going on like tat...

i'm still sterilising Sherv's bottles n teats everyday, once in the morning. while travelling, i use the compact 2-bottle pigeon steriliser. can fit 2 260ml Avent bottles. i got a fren selling his brand new set so if anyone keen, i will check with him.
Augbaby - When is the Barney concert ? Gen is crazy of Barney.

By the way, the nappy rash cream i think its called Bepatham. Blue & white tube. I will need to buy the big tube one, of coz can buy for me w/o the boxes. If you can, help me buy 5. Since you stay in the East, i guess i can take from you more conveniently.
I try to post a pic of the cream if possible.
Time flies real fast.. jazzle grown up so much & looks alot different! Ya seems long time we gather... wonder when ther is a chance. Anyway enjoy ur trip n show us pics when u back too!

Barney show beginning of June... Wanted so much to bring Natalie but seems bit tough as worrying may pop anytime during that period so didnt get e tickets lo... sometime when nat saw e advertisement on TV she will "bar bar" so upset cant bring her
Must buy 6 tix to get a chance to meet Barney..Gen everyday must watch Barney..

Leobbmum - Which day did u buy ?

Augbaby/Butter 8 - which day r u all looking at & price ? I should finish my confinement by then.

which date and price for the seats did you buy for barney show?
denise took it very well when we went disney on ice, was considering barney too.

ya last time we still have chance to sit on carousel and merry go round but nowdays ...haiz. our next generation no simple "tong nian", must entertain them with all these concerts and plays lah...
