(2006/08) AUGUST 2006 MTB

any other gd disc that you all can recommend me? Coz now jay also loves to watch tv....esp at my parents hm n i hope that maybe i can get him to watch more educational one than from kids central like Hi 5...no choice..sometimes he is diff to manage n my dad will just put him infront of the tv...Worst now is that he will always ask us to on the tv for him....he will point to the tv and say on...faint...

oh ya...the brainy baby disc I can read i think that kelly burn for us that time, jay hates it....is it similiar ah? how ah? Mummies my co is working to science park on 1st May....sob sob...i am so sad....its going to be super far from me...sigh...so now i am on a lookout for a new marketing job or better still a part time position or those can work from home..anyone knows of any gd openings pls let me know ya...
<font color="ff6000">Leapfrog Learning DVDs 5-Pack fr Amazon at USD44.99</font>
Using USD1 = USD1.50 so it'll b SGD67.49

excessess will b used 2 offset shipping. i using comgateway cos more price-reasonable when it comes 2 big bulky items.
pls confirm ur order by transfering e $ to my posb savings a/c 107470123.

batch1 - <font size="+1">PAID n ORDERED on 11Mar</font>
1) rachel
2) SL
3) fiona
4) racoon
5) yoki03

1) honeyb PAID
2) leia
3) cecelia
4) augustmum
5) erin

1) catherine?
u r e "expert" here. u explained 2 augbb wat is phonics can?

i dunno how 2 explain leh.

gabe is learning phonics now, so is edward. both learning at different paces.
SL, fiona, racoon, rachel
can i pls hv ur email add? i need 2 forward u e order fr amazon.

i very transparent. dun earn anything fr tis so will show u e receipts/invoices.

mummies in batch2
pls list down ur email add besides ur name so easier 4 me 2 forward all info relating 2 ur purchas
<font color="ff6000">Leapfrog Learning DVDs 5-Pack fr Amazon at USD44.99</font>
Using USD1 = USD1.50 so it'll b SGD67.49

excessess will b used 2 offset shipping. i using comgateway cos more price-reasonable when it comes 2 big bulky items.
pls confirm ur order by transfering e $ to my posb savings a/c 107470123.

batch1 - <font size="+1">PAID n ORDERED on 11Mar</font>
1) rachel
2) SL
3) fiona
4) racoon
5) yoki03

1) honeyb PAID
2) leia PAID
3) cecelia
4) augustmum
5) erin

1) catherine?
how r u n baby stella? hey so wanna hav a gathering at my place or not ah? how abt the friday which is a good friday...anyone is christian? if not shall we hav a gathering at my hm on good friday since PH?
Mummies, want to hav a gathering at my place on 21 March, Friday? If u can pls add in yr name ya...abt say 12 onwards or so...?

21 March-gathering at augbaby place in Tamp..
Hi augbaby,
Kayden doesn't like 'i can read' too. in fact, i bought the baby einstein dvd set and showed it to him before he's 1 and he doesn't like it too. however, recently i showed him again and he's now interested in numbers.

i can't remember the exact definition of phonics. the names of the letters and sounds of the letters are different so teaching the child phonics is to get them to distinguish the sounds, to associate the sounds and to blend them together to form the word. good in assisting the child in the spelling of words that are phonetically correct and in the pronounciation of words. hope i got it right.

augustmum or any other mum can add on?

i brought kayden for swimming recently. should be going every Sunday around 10+am if the weather is fine. can join us when u r free.

21 March-gathering at augbaby place in Tamp..
1. erin, hb and kayden
Hi kelly,
getting my sis to transfer to u via atm during her lunch time later as I have problems with internet banking.

batch1 - PAID n ORDERED on 11Mar
1) rachel
2) SL
3) fiona
4) racoon
5) yoki03

1) honeyb PAID
2) leia PAID
3) cecelia
4) augustmum
5) erin - [email protected]

1) catherine?
Erin and augbaby,

phonics is basically the sound of letter, vowels and blah blah blah... like what erin has said. Phonics also includes blending of words. A must learnt skills if kids gonna read independently.


my email: [email protected]
<font size="+1">LEAPFROG DVD 5-PACK</font>

i not ordering fr amazon liao. i quickly cancelled e order cos my good frien told me of tis new site. it's much cheaper. I juz paid USD41.36 per set, including int'l shipping. e items shld reach us in 7-10working days.


if i continue 2 order fr amazon, e shipping charges will b very ex. i not surprised if we'll end up paying abt S$20-30 juz for shipping.

batch1 - PAID n ORDERED on 11Mar
1) rachel
2) SL
3) fiona
4) racoon
5) yoki03
6) honeyb

1) kelly
2) leia PAID
3) cecelia
4) augustmum PAID
5) erin - [email protected]
6) catherine?

1) pasir ris st71 - anytime
2) mount faber safra - sat 6-8pm
3) tamp st 82 - in e evening

i wont suggest postage cos item is bulky. imagine 5DVDs packed tgt. i can post it 4 u BUT once i check out e postage + packing costs, pls dun tell me u dun 1 2 post cos i making effort 2 run out 2 e post office, having 2 find some1 2 babysit my 3kids.
21 March-gathering at augbaby place in Tamp..
1. erin, hb and kayden
2. kelly, hubby &amp; 3kids

i bring e boys 2 mount faber every sat 6pm 4 a swim. edward loves it. he has been doing so for e past 4mths.
mummies who hv paid excesses, i'll refund once i confirm there's no other shipping charges.

mummies who havent paid up, pls continue 2 pay SGD67.49 for easy reference cos 8 mummies hv paid tis amt.
Hi kelly,
mt faber's a bit far for us cos we don't drive. we'll go to the nearest swimming complex near our place. Kayden enjoys swimming and playing in the water too. just that i don't fancy the bathing facilities cos there's usually quite a lot of ppl queuing up to shower and the shower head is fixed to the wall.

will collect at tamp st. 82. waiting for my sis to sms me the ref. no.

thanks for finding a cheaper source for us. can't wait to get the set.


actually, dep. on the child. My kids like baby einstein (Old macDonald) and Veggietales (bible-based). Hee... I like veggietales too. Very funny songs, characters and good storylines.
i also let denise watch Baby I can Read, which i start less than a month ago. I find it effective bcos she can now identify certain stuff mentioned in the vcd, but i've only shown her vcd no.1 so far bcos it said to do play no.1 for a month before vcd no.2

And she doesn't like baby einstein which i show her on &amp; off when she was younger, maybe can try to show her again now...

if the leapfrog dvds arrive before the gathering then i can get it from you at augbb's place. my email is [email protected]
hi kelly,
my sis just smsed me saying that she can only make the transfer this evening as she has something impt to do. can wait? so sorry about it.
i also like veggietales...it's so cute
i borrowed a few episodes from a friend. but denise only likes the beginning song and gets distracted once the story start where the talking begins...haha (seems like mummy more attracted to the storyline line than her)
Thanks for helping us to buy from a cheaper source.

You also watch veggietales, agree that its funny and the songs are nice but Hannah can only sit thru one story and she'll be running around for the second half. She also loves the God of Wonders music series, have to play that for her everynight, the songs are really nice and she'll guai guai go to bed after the last song, its like a routine for her hee...
I let Jay watch Baby can read, leapfrog DVD and Baby Einstein since 8mth-old. Have finished all DVDs for Baby Can Read coz he likes it even now but he dun really like Baby Einstein and leapfrog. Will let him try to watch these two series again soon.

zac can't sit thru' the whole dvd too. Think one story is more than sufficient for our kids. din want them to watch so much.


i got mine from a christian bookshop at Thomson plaza.
Phonics is one way is which a kid can learn how to read. Phonics attributes a sound to every letter of the alphabet and subsequently how common letters put togeter like "at" sound. The next step would be blending, for instance how "c" would blend with "at" to read "cat" (ke-eh-et). Have got to start with Letter Factory DVD first which teaches individual letter sounds, then Talking Factory which teaches blending of letters.

Both my boys find it very interesting cos it's taught in a sing-song way. For instance, for "A", the segment will go " the A says eh, the A says eh, every letter makes a sound, the A says eh..." this goes on for every letter and each segment for the letter has a story to it that relates to the letter being reinforced.

Personally, I find this much better than zoophonics. My elder boy attended Zoophonics at GUG and didn''t learn as much as through the DVD. Now he knows every single sound of the letters.

The good thing about leapfrog is that other than the DVD, the lessons can follow through from the Leappad system which also has phonics book. Now, am trying to teach the elder boy how to read words using the system. Didi sits and the side and listen... hopefully absorbing too
But i think to a certain extent, he does, cos he can recite A to E now... haha, v v v cute when he does that!!

Having said that, another school of thought is that phonics shouldnt be taught too early cos it may confuse the child. They would not be too sure whether to read "A" aa "A" or "Eh" (as in the phonics way). Some also feels that the english phonics rules do not apply for all situation, for instance words like "photo" where ph is pronounced as "fer" so they advocate sight reading; this belief is more flash card kind, where if one flashes a word often enough, it would register together with its pronunciation. Think this is how we learnt in the past.

Just a little lor sor sharing lah... cos both boys are asleep. A short respite

I was mentioning Charlie and Lola, can click the link for trailers (http://www.charlieandlola.com/website.asp). Think it's very good in terms of values taught, like sharing, eating vegetables, going to bed, not being afraid of losing etc. Somemore, it's enacted through the relationship between the siblings. My elder son actually modified his behaviour on the elder boy in the show, and he would give in to didi (sometimes only lah) cos "Charlie gives in to Lola" as he puts it... hee.

Another good show in mickey mouse clubhouse. It's entertaining and interactive. mickey will prompt answers from the audience which I like cos it's not passive watching
ask u hor...if gabe knows e sounds of e 26letters n is now doing blending n learning sight words, shld i still get e DVDs? cos i dun 1 2 get something n he'll b like, "i oredi know"

thks 4 asking. we r doing fine, except for stella who keeps us awake in e middle of e nite n trying 2 settle into a routine wif e boys.

no worries. will wait 4 e other mummies 2 pay up b4 i order. i using debit card so need e $$ in e a/c 1st. exchange rate is betta than using a credit card.
on child mc. brought both boys to pd again yesterday cos was worried about didi's prolonged fever. turn out to be a case of mild brochitis so had to be put on nebuliser
Hear his hacking cough at night very heart pain, esp when this is the first time he fell ill.. sigh, first time and so jia lat. eat med lagi worse... kor kor opposite, remind me when it's time to eat med. haha, these two boys on mine are so diff... one so heck-care and rugged while the other is more subservient and nurturing!!! my god, worlds apart. such that i hv to take out all my parenting book to re-read... hahah

Think the disc can use as reinforcement for gab. can come in useful for ed as well
it's got a sotry line so I think Gab shld be interested..
aiyo, hope ayd gets well soon. edward also has a dry cough n a slight RN. when he coughs at nite, very heartache. let's c...ayd is e heck-care &amp; rugged while ash is e subservient &amp; nurturing. my boys also sama sama. been reading parenting books but no use leh. headache!

i tot i can save $$ n dun buy e DVDs mah. i juz spent a sum buying lotsa leapfrog stuff 4 e 2boys so tot can save some $$. i still buying e tokomama stuff n some chinese reader books. *faint*
i like mount faber cos e water is hot. i m fine wif e shower head which is fixed 2 e wall cos my boys r used 2 showering tis way. we teach them it's "rain time" so they play wif e water, taking it as raindrops falling on their heads.
hi kelly..anymore space for the leapfrog DVD? if yes, please include me..once confirmed, i will tt the $$ to u..thanks
yeah, I tried all I know with ayd; reason with him, use a harsher tone, ignoring him when he throws tantrum, all like machain dun work. Kor kor was so easy to discipline, all i needed to do was pretend to be angry and refuse to talk to him,then ash will come tell me "mummy,smile. I dun want mummy to be upset. I'm sorry mummy". Like that how to stay angry for long. Even when I put him at the notti corner and ask him to pull his ears, he would after some time, ask me (i'll be there watching him), "mummy, can I leave here now? May I not pull my ears anymore?" Haha, sometimes when i hear that, i very tickled, but still must act angry lah. Think he's the civil servant/teacher kind... while didi is the enterprenuer, marketing kind.. haha. Didi is very strong-willed. If I tell him not to take a certain toy, he'll rather throw it on the floor than to hand it to me properly! Also the kind that arches his back. Am wondering if this is no2's way of getting attention... poor things...
Hi HoneyB

Yes just back from Macau and HK. This trip is nice with Crisann going with us. But she is v notti. Keep throwing tantrums for what she wants and quite cranky due to teething.

U went to HK n Macau during CNY as well right.

Hi Fiona augustmum &amp; honeyb

Me enjoy watching veggietales too, agree that it funny and the songs are nice. But Crisann wont watch for long. She dun enjoy watching TV at all. She only watch if certain part attact her attention. Brought a lot of different disc for her to watch but she don't like. Hope she love the Leapfrog DVD.

Hi Kelly

Thks for sourcing the cheaper dvd.

Hi Leobbsmom

I brought the veggietales disc from suntec. The shop somewhere opposite Cold Wear.
Hi SL,

Yes, I went to HK and Macau with my family members during CNY, was very very cold, is it still cold when you went? I prefer HK for the food and shopping, didn't quite enjoy Macau. We stayed at Venetian and gosh everything is super expensive, even dining at the foodcourt cost us alot of money and the food is lousy. Hannah behaved very badly during that trip too, think its the terrible two phase...

How do you get your boys to use the overhead shower? I tried that many times with Hannah and she is so scared cos the water is dripping down on her face, she can't open her eyes and she actually breath in water when she panicked! Now when she sees me or hubby taking a bath using the overhead shower, she will have this horrified look on her face and will start crying and insist that we get out of the shower...think we might have frightened her already, how ah??
Hi Honeyb

Is not v cold when I'm there. Still ok for us. Yes I also prefer HK for shopping. Yes the food in Venetian is v expensive and not v nice. My frd told me before hand asking me not to eat there. I went to ate the Crab porridge and wan tan mee at Da Shan Ba. Recommended by my colleague. Was v nice. Actually Macau has not much shopping. Shopping at HK still the best. But I only managed to shop a day in Hk as we brought Crisann to Disneyland as well. She enjoy herself.

Hope their terrible 2 phrase will be over soon.
Hi HoneyB

Crisann also scare of the overhead shower. Whenever water drip down her face she will ask us to stop and don't wana shower.

Wow, you managed to eat the crab porridge, so nice, we went during CNY, it was so crowded everywhere, even taking the lift down to the hotel lobby also got long queue so most of the time we hang around at Venetian and ate there loh. We almost went to Disneyland but was afraid that it will be crowded so we headed off to Da Yu Shan instead, was a mistake cos the crowd was there and Disneyland was empty and we got trapped in the cable car on our way down, was quite scary thou. If I go back to HK again, think I'll just stick to shopping and eating haa
thanks! i will start to look around liao! hmm...Sherv has been watching Barney, Hi5, nursey rhymes, and one that's with the bears tat has "10 Green Bottles" song.

Sherv is also afraid of overhead shower, and she will shiver and raise her hands. i realised she has this phobia so i placed the shower at her level where she can see where the water's spraying from.

Any mommies realised tat your tods like to bite lately? Sherv has been biting my fingers lately, and she will cry n beg me to let her bite! *faintz* and i really let her bite wor... @__@ coz she was so bek chek n just wanna bite something hard to ease the itch... but her bite is not those hard one la, just bite n let go kind... but i will stop doing it coz i dun wanna let her rely on this to curb her emotions, will spoil her!

and her poo is those watery n very smelly type due to teething... =(
honeyb, SL, leosbbmom,
Denise is terrified of water dripping down her face too...so now whenever she sense the tell-tales signs that we are gg to shower her, she'll run away to hide, pretend not to see us or scream "NO"...very jia lut...so we must act like norm, dun say anything then "pian" her into the bathroom.

aiyo...how can Sherv bite you? denise used to chew on her pacifier and i gave her biscuits to chew on bcos she very "tam jiak" one. Now all her teeth are out accept the last 4 molars, think won't be out so soon bah...hope she'll go easy on me when those come around...
