(2006/08) AUGUST 2006 MTB


Justin is still on home cooked porridge, he only tried chawanmushi and a little Jap rice once outside. His home cooked porridge is without seasoning at all. My MIL wanted to add some light soya sauce but I told her try to keep his diet as natural and healthy as possible cos its probably these first few years that I can control his healthy diet. Once he goes to school or much older, he'll be exposed to all kinds of junk food and adult food, so no hurry. I dun even give him juice so his only fluid is plain water or formula milk. His snacks will be multigrain bread from bakery shops or babybel cheese and fruits.

Becos of his current diet, I'm like you have so many concerns on bringing him for holiday so end up never brought him anywhere yet. Let him explore Singapore first, hahaha.

how abt jazelle? u wont b bringing her?

cant help u wif e cereals now, mayb 3-4mths down e rd when stella's starting 2 eat solids IF she eats.

my edward eats anything & everything fr anywhere.
According to SQ, infant do not have to pay airport tax, only 10% of the original published fare + fuel surcharge. I also don't know how they calculate the infant fare to be honest cos they don't reveal their 'original' fare unless you probe. This original fare is based on an adult ticket and is different from what you see on their web for a single traveller. I've checked afew other airlines, the cost for infant fare is around the same cost so it should be pretty standard across the board.

As for meals while traveling, I tell myself to let go abit and give my tod a chance to taste food from all over the world. Traveling, for a tod is actually a very stressful event thus, I'll be thankful if she will even eat any meal served to her outside of home. You can bring a fresh pack of unopen cereal to Australia no prob. Cereal or bread for breakfast, spaghetti for lunch, rice or fish & chips wo salt for dinner and milk to fill the tummy throughout the day. Even if you stay in an apartment, it will still be difficult to cook porridge for him, just getting the ingredients is already a concern as they don't sell in small quantity and you will be so stressed up everyday trying to perfect his meals. Believe me I've tried doing that but I gave up halfway while on a trip cos it just didn't work haa. Our tod is coming to 2yrs old this year, should be ok to eat outside food as long as it is not too salty or oily. My friend also advised me to expose different types of food to my girl cos she didn't let her son eat outside food until 2yrs+ and he is now a super picky eater...

If you are afraid that Jay will become heaty after outside food, then get him to drink more water, add abit of ribena or apple juice if necessary to ensure enough fluid intake and a good amount of fruits serving will help them clear their bowels everyday and be free of 'toxic' hee hee. Honestly, I think the food in Australia is generally not heaty, I always developed sore throat ONLY when I returned to Singapore haa, the food in our own country is worst cos its normally fried/oily and even more unhealthy :")
My hb doesn't even check on his own packing haa, I usually prepare a list so that I don't miss out anything but he packs spontaneously and often forget to bring things. I told him he is out of job as a holiday packer hee hee, the porter role is more suitable for him nowadays... : )

if u gog melb, then u go by Quantas, coz it's cheaper than SQ. Sherv is only paying less than S$300 to perth, but SQ's fare is more than S$500.

we've brought Sherv to Malacca when she was 4-mth old, and indeed alot of things to pack then. so this time around, 6D5N, we're more or less prepared. i even bought a 2-bottle pigeon steriliser for this trip. we hv 2 cousins staying here, so maybe we will ask them for some rice to cook porridge for Sherv.

honeyB, do u think we can bring milk powder into Aust? coz Sherv is still on milk at nite...
well we r still hoping n waiting to see if SQ got any 2 to go promo..haha...regarding milk powder i heard its possible as long as it is being declared on the boarding card...we r allowed to bring in 1 tin of opened milk onbaord n the rest must be unopened...

not bringing jazzele along coz she is too young and hence putting her with maid n my in laws..coz wif jay alr so many things to pack...but i hav to bring my pump along n express n throw i think...

ya i intend to be more relax but then i will try to let jay eat at least 1 meal cooked porridge ba..think there is a thermo where u can put in rice n hot water n after some time it will become porridge...jay does drink alot of water but then he still get heaty v easily leh...he also eat 2 servings of fruits everyday and yogurt n all but dunno y leh...

i saw the grammophone in my office here selling the wheels on the bus dvd as well...individual at $14.90 less 15%..if u want or cant find, i can help u buy...easier for me to pass to u then honeyb ba...

if what erin say abt the box set for wheels on the bus is only $20+ from the same pl u r ordering the leapfrog then it shld be cheaper leh..coz here after 15% discount, 1 individual dvd is $12.66 leh...
instead of throwing the EBM, why dun you try to add some into Jay's FM see if he can take it? Not so waste ma
i can...jay does drink it...he even can drink pure EBM now...coz i got access and i decide not to freeze it and give it to him instead now...but then when i pump, it may not be time for his milk feed yet n if i freeze, i hav to defrost it...dunno if its convenient if we r on the go...

you let Jay drink your milk ah, fat contents very high at this stage leh, your body is producing milk based on Jaz's needs and may be too fatty for the older boy loh :")


Wow, the price difference is so great, I remember for Brisbane, SQ is about $30 more than Qantas leh. Btw, I just checked with my friend who brought her son to Brisbane last month, she said she brought 1 tin of FM along, the custom didn't check at all and didn't question, she said as long as baby is with you they usually don't bother. She also said no need to declare on the custom card.
Augbaby & rest of the mummies,
Today whole day on course so no access to internet. Thanks for adding me to the gathering list but my grandma in law juz passed away couple of weeks ago,and now hubby said mil mentioned we can't do go other's home leh...i dunno how

ya i agree to start discipling, dun wait till 2nd one arrive or Sherv may misunderstood it's bcos of bb so you all punish her. actually occasionally if denise is behaving too badly, i'll take out the cane to show her...(not asking you to do the same lah...hehe)
handi, cecelia, white lady,
if either 1 of u transfers e $$ 2 me 1st, i'll give e last slot 2 tat person.

since it's OOS til 21mar, i'll place order only when 1 more pax pays up n wait 4 deepdiscount 2 ship when there's available stock.

Wont be able to join in the gathering. Hubby is on duty that day (even if its holiday!) Unless there is some changes... Next week den can confirm again lo
Leobbsmum, when u bring in FM in your luggage to oz, make sure its a sealed tin. i brought 2.5tins to sydney and my half tin had to be confiscated, cause it was open.

milk powder brought on flight - i used small plastic zip lock bags to contain the milk powder, so just use that to pour into milk bottle and throw away the plastic. Oz customs can be very sticky, esp those that see Chinese in the queue, some though are relatively nice at the same time.
The plastic lock bags can be bought from Daiso, $2 for 50bags...and good cause one less thing to wash - milk powder container.

Another thing - milk powder in Syd was very limited, so bring extra! they carry more Goat's milk powder and Organic milk powder.
Kelly , i have not transfer . Cos last night rain too big , no go out . And today sick ... i will try to transfer tonight , sorry.
i was told tat u r not allowed 2 bring any opened tin of FM into aust. so u'll hv 2 do wat babyboy suggested. bring FM onto e plane, once reach aust, gotta throw away. they wont allow u 2 bring it in.
handi, white lady
since batch3 dun have 6sets, can u pls organise amongst urself 2 order fr www.deepdiscount.com?

u check out deepdiscount's int'l shipping charges n work out e deal urself.

sorry, husband nagging abt me organising too many sprees liao. my shipments hv all arrived n i'll b busy sorting out n collecting shipping charges, arranging collection, going 2 post office, etc.
babyboy and mommies, thanks for sharing on the milk powder. wow, all the different scenarios are due to luck i guess. think i will try my method tat i thot of...hahaha! tat is to put the milk powder into a mineral water bottle. coz it looks like a shampoo bottle somehow, and the scan wont tell if it's liquid or solid form.

for flight feeding, i will use babyboy's method. =P

augBB, try tat hor! =P
Its not the scan that will leak out your secret, its those cute little doggies deployed by the Australian customs that will betray you, they can snift out what they are supposed to look for...in plastic bags/tins or water bottles hee hee...good luck!
kelly, babyboy,
so does that mean that i cant bring in cereals etc for jay to eat there? I was told by another mummy that can bring but juz have to ensure it is in ziplock bags or containers and it does not hav weekvils and must declare can liao..how ah...
hi augbaby, we went to os last june..u cannot bring in opened fm or cereal..but it is ok to bring onboard...passengers are not allowed to bring water onboard too, but for bb, it is ok..Just tell the custom officers tat those are for bb's consumption onboard..

hi kelly, thanks for informing..
Hi Honeyb

Yes Macau is a city. Wah Hannah so cute leh. Me also never get a chance to visit the casino. Hubby went only on the last nite. He was saying it is v grand.
ya , next fri - sun got baby fair , i have not go to this bbay fair before . So will be going . But heard that there is nothing much to buy right
i wanna get babylegs for jaz...any one interested to share wif me ah? Coz 1 of the distributor say she can give me the price of $18.50 if i get 3 pairs and above. If not it will be $19.80 as what is being sold in bp thread by bbtinz...free delivery to 1 place too...anyone keen ah?
Hi Augbb,
Aiya! you sms me about cereal but never sms me on babylegs! i just ordered 2 pairs from BBtinz cos tot megan would need it in school since recently the weather is acting up... I just received them today
Hi SL ,

i also think nothing much to get , but a friend of mine is currently 5 months preggy , so accompany her go lor =)

oh .. and i m so sick now, flu and headache ... jia liat lor , this sunday going genting , now sick =(
Hi Whitelady

No harm going there to take a look lor. If any gd deal do inform us.

Take care and hope u get well soon.

Crisann is also sick. Flu n cough. Her flue is v bad.
Hi SL , thank ... Hope Crisann get well soon , let her drink more water ... the weather is bad recently ...

so quiet today ... Just finishing packing stuff to bring to genting ... so tired , later got to wake up at 4am ... Update my trip when i got back =)
aiya...i thou u shld hav bought such things liao long time..wasted leh...i wanna get for jaz...no one to share wif me now liao..sob..

so is this friday gathering at my place confirmed ah? I need to prepare food leh..

21 March-gathering at augbaby place in Tamp..
1. erin, hb and kayden
2. kelly, hubby & 3kids
3. Piyo, hubby, Megan and maid (tentative but most prob ok)
4. Kris and family
5. Fiona, denise and hubby
6. leobbsmom & shervonn
7. cocomo, Jay & maid
my hubby and mil said no visiting to ppl's home after the funeral at home leh...think i can't meet up for this gathering liao

and i still haven't got the chance to pass you the playpen mobile...so pai sei
Oh icic...hmm then its ok..we shall meet up again during the next gathering then..
how long is it that u cant go over to pp house ah? No worries abt the playpen mobile...the next time we hav chance to meet then...

i post a thread in the BP area...for diaper clutch and a burpie cloth...if anyone of u interested let me know ya...I wanna order but there is a min order quantity...so no choice post in bp thread to see if anyone else wanna buy...
morning mommies...

long time dun log in cos busy with work and home... Zorian had his last jab last saturday and had fever for two days.. now he is super heaty and had asked my MIL to help me to give him more water.. hopefully he wont kena the cough.. sigh..

To all pregnant mommies (piyo, cocomo, MH, leobbsmom, fiona, cynthia, rachel)..

how are things for you mommies?? me getting fatter and fatter.. eating almost every two hours!!! so scare i overeat and cant cut down later... but always feeling hungry.. how r things with your first born?? Zorian super sticky.. tired from chasing after him..

Hi SL..

how is Crisann?? hope she recovers fast fast..

Hi White_Lady..

how is ure trip?? hope u and ure family enjoyed it..

Hi Augbaby..

We will be there.. do you need me to bring anything?? let me know okie.. thanks for the invitation... cant wait to see Jay and Jazz..

Hi Kelly..

how are things at home?? remember to post Stella photos okie..

Hi piyo..

so how is Megan in her school?? keep us posted and hope to see you guys on friday..
Morning mummies!!!

Hi Kris,
Hope Zorian is better now. What jab he took?
Well recently start to eat better. Depends on this little one mood la hehehe. Finally gain some weight now and start to have craving yeah
Natalie is still as clingy & sticky to me.. seems to be more horrible than last few mths. Some of my 2x mummies friends told me more to come esp reaching last 2mths.. they seems to know and will stick to us more horrible! Not sure of this but only know now already damn tired as stepping into last tri soon lo
Never seem to enjoy this round pregnancy too haiz..

Hi Augbb,
Sorry We cant make it to your house this round. HB need to work that day & Sat too... (heheh earn more $$$ la) its my home alone with Natalie again over the weekend!!!!!! sob sob sob...

Recent been having mood swings again. Even nightmare! Alot of negative thoughts come to me... not sure is it becos going to due in another 3mths time, worrying unable to handle etc... cos I will be alone doing everything! Kinda terrified now...
Take things easy. Must cultivate a positive mind which will be good for you and bb and also natalie.

How is Zorian? Hope he is ok now.

How is Crisann? Hope she get well soon.
kris and mommies,

wishing u all a good morning and a gr8 day ahead!

i'm in my 14th week liao, but my appetite is NOT coming back at all! =(i wanna eat normally, and eat my fave food but i cant... ="( MS is more or less gone now, but dunno why i still cant eat normally. sometimes i wanna just gorge myself with food but i will merlion after tat or feel unwell... >__<

think i'm the last one to pop this yr(this is wat we are updated so far la), and i would like to know how are the rest preggie mommies feeling? piyo, cocomo, MH, fiona &amp;, rachel can share your appetite or eating pattern?

cyn, it's good to know tat u can eat so well. every 2hrs sound normal la, rmb we also used to gorge ourselves with food like tat b4! kekeke... =P hmmmm....tat's how i gained 19 kilos then! >__<

hi mummies,
i'm into my 23rd week but my appetite also siao siao one...one moment very good another i may juz threw up, but it's more bcos of indigestion and not MS. the 1st pregnancy also always get heartburn and regurgitation...it's gonna be worse when the 3rd trimester is here. at 21st week i alrdy gained 9Kg...pengz man

and recently super tired, think bcos haf to entertain denise who recently wakes up for milk at night pretty often, plus i'm very stressed up with the childcare hunting business all bcos my hubby wasn't into the idea till so last min my mil said cannot cope lor...and even gave stupid idea to send the 2nd one to be cared by other ppl instead(think she's juz not confident with newborn la)...now i dun sleep well at all and always wakes up at wee hours too...and having negative thoughts.

so piyo, cocomo, MH, leobbsmom, kris, cynthia, rachel, let's hope for a smooth ride till delivery.
