(2006/08) AUGUST 2006 MTB

Congrats to the mummies preggie with no. 2!!!...
amazing ley.. so fast so many popping no. 2...whether me got the courage to pop a not.. haha..
Happy New Year to Augbb mummies...

Hi MH, wat's the use of the safety harness?
Hi MH,
i've oso bot a harness during isetan pte sale, less 30%! same as leia's but mine is cow design... just now i brought aidan out with maid to northpoint and my maid said passerby laughed at them... :p
Hi Mrs Chng,
Kayden's 11.3kg as at 16mths 2 wks. around 50 to 75 percentile (but more towards 50 percentile). think he lost weight this couple of weeks due to teething. don't want to drink milk or eat solids.

Dear mummies,
Happy New Year. May each day of ur life be filled with joy and laughter.
Good morning all mummies,

Happy 2008!!

Wow, happy to know so many mummies preggie with no. 2, CONGRATULATIONS to you all, have a smooth and happy pregnancy! :")

I also thought of that, start now and after 180 days than announce haa but then again, my team all boys leh, I feel very stress cos not sure how they will react if they know I'm preggie, scared they all bully me later, think I'll wait for a while more and see first...
Morning mommies...

thanks for your good wishes...

Confinement nanny

any good recommandations? better to look for private ones or go through agency? thanks!
Crisann mummy,

I've changed my email address for my PM already for quite some time liao, have also received PMs with my new email address ok leh, not sure why this time round got problems, anyway I read from some other thread that the PM function seems to have some issues, alot of people are not receiving their messages too.
My confinement nanny no good, I will not recommend her.

I don't mind going to your house too, let us know the date and timing, thanks.
Hi Mummies,
Happy 2008!!!

posting a long today today, paiseh...

Thank you mummies for your well wishes! Me actually preparing to try for another Aug bb but really din expect myself to strike at the 1st cycle I stopped bfg..I stopped bfg in Sep then missed my period in Oct...ren2 suan4 bu4 ru2 tian1 suan4. Nevertheless, we are happy

I must say this pregnancy is different from Megan's. I have no pregnancy symptoms during Megan's time but lots of spotting and jabs and frustrations along the way. This time round, the symptoms are back with a vengence! from nausea to hugging toilet bowl almost whole day to heartburns to cravings to nasal congestion to face breakout to constipation etc etc but no matter what, better than seeing blood and jabs and worry so I am not complaining:p just keeping fingers crossed

I have booked my confinement lady, same as the one who helped me with megan..just went to pay her deposit but price up a bit liao

Can I ask if any of you haf massage lady to recommend? Still looking ard as seems like not very good reviews of many in the recent months... If you haf, can post here or PM me?? Thanks!

Mummies with 2 or more kids (like Augbb, Augmum, CJ, Kelly, Crispyapple etc),
Can I ask you for tips and feedback on how you handle >1kid in the house? If you send your older kid to the CC, was it b4 or after you popped the 2nd? whole day or full day? How did you build up the immunity of the one going to CC?

Those who still keep the older one at home after you popped, did you face with any problems handling 2 of them?

Do they ALL sleep with you in the same room?

Those who are bfg, was it more difficult the 2nd time round?

hi Kris
Congrats again! feeling better liao? I am using mine back and our timing the same so cant recommend to you..if I come across any good ones, will sms you k... better to get those with reviews than from agency, I feel...

hi rachel
Nice to see you at Springleaf.. Initially was wondering who you were cos you were smiling at me.. you should join us for gathering sometime.. how's the teacher in your SM class? good?

hi honeyb
working with all men may haf pros cos they may help you more if you are preggie? you never know :p

hi Crisann
Crisann looks grown up now.. think our toddlers all look different now.. Is she very active? Megan MOVES nonstop..we just cleared our child-unfriendly house to create more space for her to move ard..
Hi piyo..

starting to feel much better but still not much energy to play with zorian.. he is getting very active and naughty... how about u? much better liao??

Hi erin..

can i know your confinement nanny details? cos that time u say she is good.. maybe i will try her.. keekee.. thanks....
I feel bad leh, my boss hired me to run this project for them and if I preggie now and have bad MS then how to work and travel.... :"(

How about Mona? Did you try to contact her? I thought she was quite ok when she did my massage, who did you engage the previous time?
HI Honeyb,
I read in the forum that recently her reviews not very good, fly pple aeroplane leh... in fact lots of the old timers also like that.. headache...she good??

HI Kris,
I have more energy now.. can play with megan but very siong to run after her...tot was better until ytd whole day nausea, bloatedness and merlion and heartburn at night, super jia lat..and I tot I crossed over 1st tri?:p

Hi mummies,
btw, can eat half boiled eggs not har? this time I got this craving, cham
Wow congrats to mummies with #2 I had been busy no time for forums even updates my blog and friendster also no time. Had been busy with moving hs planning feel so stress but no choice.
Had not consider to have #2 or not. currently don't think can afford to have #2 cos we spent alot on moving hs.

Happy 2008 Hope every one HUAT!!!HUAT!!HUAT!!
Really? She was good with me that time leh, I had a big piece of clot in my womb and she helped me pushed it out, maybe now too many appts and attitude changed. One of the lady boss from the Spa I frequent told me the trick is to have the wrap for as long as you could hold. She put on 20kg for her pregnancy and after her confinement, her tummy was as flat as a washboard, I was so impressed when I saw that :")

Who did you engage for your massage after your second delivery?
hi piyo..

just sms u but i never used before... some friends recommandations... for zorian my am sickness last till 16 wks.. so endure ok.. another few more wks only..

i can only sit down and play with him.. can on longer chase after him, carry him and throw all his toy balls around.. so now he only look for PAPA.. dun want me lor.. sigh.. so sad...
Hi Kris,
Received with thanks! when I was 8weeks, Megan fell flat on her face cos I could not catch her in time as I was also sitting n playing, so tired that I could not get up n catch her in time

I just sent you Erin's Mobile

Hi HoneyB
Which wrap did you use that time? yours is flat as washboard too!ya maybe attitude changed??do u think mona rem you? maybe thru rec better? she uses jamu?
No lah, mine wasn't that flat, at least not now, have been sitting and eating so much these few months put on weight already, the other day we went for a family gathering and many of my husband's family members asked me if I'm expecting my 2nd child :"(

Yes I think she still remember me, by my name and not my nick thou. She uses Jamu too and I remember Hannah hate that smell, she wouldn't allow me to carry her after my massage...

Childcare and Immunity
I sent noah to CC only when he was about three. Din want to send during pregnancy and immediately after birth as I deemed there were already too many changes for him to adapt.

I asked my pd about boosting the immunity. She said could pop vitamins but not much help as the little kids have not experienced the virus before and hence would def. get it when they are exposed to them. In fact, exposure will create antibodies and build up the immunity.

Sleeping Arrangement
In the beginning of zac's arrival, zac slept with us and noah slept in his own room. When zac was off nite feeds, we moved him to noah's room. For the first weeks after he had moved, I slept with them. When we found he was okie, I moved out and returned to own room.

Actually, I found it was easier to for us to move out of their room than to move them out of our room.

As for breastfeeding... I have no problem with no1. In fact I breastfed zac for more than a year.
Wow wow!!

Piyo, Kris & Rachel started my new year with a bang! so happy for the 3 of u! hope to hear more good news from the rest of the mommies who are ttc-ing hor, do keep us updated ok!

i just attended a full-mth party yesterday at CCK.. it's a baby girl. my mother instinct kicked in again!! hahaha!!! when is my turn?!?! kekeke... =P but i'll leave it all to God, in His time!
Hi AUgustmum,
Thanks for sharing!
What's your idea about sending b4 megan 3mths b4 I popped?

Has Noah been sleeping in his own room since birth? I agree with you that moving ourselves out is easier than moving them out of our room...

Breastfeeding - does milk come in faster and more for 2nd?
SO many mummies are expecting No. 2 already... so envy... but I dun dare try yet cos really not good with kids... busy with work and life to handle a 2nd one... hehee

COngrats all expecting mummies...


Personally, I would prefer to wait till no 1 and no 2 are older b4 sending no1 to school.

As you know, no 1 would fall sick upon starting school and would spread it to no 2 and thus you may want no 2 to be much older and stronger before no 1 enters school.

For me, breastfeeding was much easier. maybe I was more prepared and confident. I think the milk came in abt the same time for both kids.

Noah slept with us till one plus. Then one fine day, he asked to sleep on his bed (we got him one a long time ago) in another room. Think he was attracted to the new bed sheet.
how did that happen? hope Megan one day would "ding" and wanna sleep alone haha... we just transit her to her own mattress in the same room with us 2 weeks ago.. tot of letting all of them sleep together with us, good idea? no?

I also worry about the falling sick part and passing to no.2 so still contemplating although I found THE preschool liao..

Given only maid at home to take care of 2 kids when I am back at work, 1 toddler and 1 infant in arms alone versus sending the toddler to school while the infant stays at home, what's your choice after weighing the pros and cons of illness etc?
hi piyo..
my class teacher not bad.. can capture ashley's attention.. well.. seems like u having bad ms.. better take care

re: gathering
always felt like joining but with me n ashley only.. very hard to handle.. cos hubby always at work.. haiz.. dono no.2 comes along how.. sometimes really peifu kelly.. can handle 2 boys so well.. now no.3 coming alr
re: vitamins
u mean for boosting immune? i oso not sure ley.. but recently i organised lucky vitamin spree.. realised many mummies giving their kids cod liver oil.. so should be not bad ba.. for me i only add brewer yeast.. lecithin.. flaxmeal.. this kind to her meal lor..
Helo mummies!

So many post... hardly have time to log in too yeah.

So A belated NEW YR to everyone and hope all ur wishes comes true!

Congrates Piyo! My Edd is ard 20-25June, wonder will we be the same???? Meantime U do take care too. I am also having the same worries... worrying when 2nd one come how m i gg to handle it with Natalie ard too... since I am now official SAHM (having 1 kid bit bored as I do not know to to keep her occupied).

My days as SAHM seems miserable... maybe now i am expecting 2nd one, feeling so retarded and Nat is getting so Monster & noti and getting out of hand... Trying to keep her occupied & sometime she rather nap once about 2hrs and all e way till Good nite. This makes mi no time to rest..

Anyone any idea to share wit me as SAHM what I can do to occupied her or even find sometime to occupy myself.. I tried reading, she love snatching my booK! hia...
sigh, dunno whether 2 laugh or scream at him. i tik it's his hint of telling me not 2 use e computer.

Childcare/Kindergarten and Immunity
i shared wif u b4 tat i was intending 2 send gabe 2 cc in jan07 (when edward was abt 5mths old). after searching around n hearing comments fr my mum/friens, i changed my mind n switched gabe 2 a kindy.

as gabe meets his friens on a regular basis, he tends 2 fall sick every 1-2mths so when edward was 2.5mths old, he caught a very bad episode of runny nose/phlegmy cough fr gabe. edward was sick 4 abt 1mth then n i was so upset/troubled cos my gabe didnt even fall sick until 9mths+. when gabe started school in jan07, lagi worse. a 5mths+ edward was falling sick every mth. e worst episode was in May when e boys were sick for abt 6wks. they saw 3docs, took 2types of antibiotics b4 getting well.

so edward wasnt even gaining weight after 6mths old. all these falling sick episodes only improved after gabe was in school 4 abt 6mths (abt jun-jul07). after edward turned 1yrs old in jul07, his immune system seems 2 improve but still prone 2 e usual runny nose/phlegmy cough every 1-2mths. each episode lasts abt 2-3wks.

Sleeping Arrangement
gabe has all along been sleeping wif me & husband. after edward was born, whole family slept tgt. big headache in e 1st few wks. when edward woke up at nite (abt 2x) for milk, gabe woke up too. when gabe fussed bcos of milk or teething, edward cried too. it was driving me & husband crazy. things improved a lot after 1mth.

when edward 1st fell sick at 2.5mths, e PD suggested we separate e boys n also dun let edward sleep in aircon room cos he may hv sensitive airways (his runny nose condition was rather bad then). so we moved edward 2 e other room, let him sleep on e toddler bed n husband slept besides him. i slept wif gabe in my master bedroom. tis dun mean e boys dun fall sick tgt hor...it still happened. whenever gabe kenna RN (usually e RN comes 1st), a few days later edward sure kenna 1.

i juz moved gabe over 2 sleep wif edward when gabe turned 3yrs old in oct. i started prepping him long long ago, saying tat it's fun 2 sleep tgt wif his best frien, wif his bro, etc.

4 me, i dun quite agree tat it's easier 2 move out of their room cos 4 me, i did preparation work 2 move gabe out of MY room. my upstairs neighbour ros also shared wif me how i could get gabe 2 sleep wif edward. i must say it worked. now i juz need 2 lull edward 2 sleep by putting him on his bed, pat pat him, sing songs, give him his bedtime feed. gabe'll lie down besides edward, read his books, sings songs wif me then fall asleep on his own.

if edward slept n gabe hasnt, i usually leave e room, do all e gd nites kisses & hugs n promise gabe tat i'll come back 2 check on him. so far so gd.

different boys got diff BFg pattern. it was a breeze wif edward but a struggle wif gabe. mayb it was bcos i was a 1st time mum wif gabe n my BM ss aint gd. things definitely improved betta wif #2. i cant say 4 sure it'll b gd 4 #3 cos who knows my girl may not latch, she may not fancy BM, etc.

At home
i didnt hv a helper until edward was 9mths old so i did everything on my own. fr bathing, feeding, lulling them 2 sleep, making milk, preparing meals 4 e whole family, etc. we decided 2 get a maid cos we were tired out wif e hsehold chores n endless stuff in e sink. edward was also crawling abt n we had 2 ensure a clean environment 4 him.

Going out
u saw me in action with & without maid. my maid's a vase cos i dun let her handle e boys. i dun leave either boy at home so i make sure i bring both out. if i do bring gabe out, husband has 2 b home 2 babysit edward. if husband not free, i only bring gabe out when edward naps n i usually rush home b4 edward wakes up.

during confinement & during difficult times
i m a libran so i very fair mummy. during my confinement, gabe was never taken away fr me. he spent everyday wif me, unless husband brings him out. i got him involved wif diapering, covering his lil bro wif a blanket, getting clothes 4 edward, etc.

if i spent 10mins BFg edward, i would spend 10mins or more wif gabe. when edward was cranky, i made it a point 2 explain 2 gabe y edward behaves tis way n seek his understanding 2 b patient wif me. after i soothed edward, i always thank, hug & kiss gabe 4 being understanding n patient. i try 2 make it up 2 him by doing stuff wif him.

there were many occasions when edward can cry 4 30mins-1hr n i had 2 let a younger gabe watch tv 2 keep him occupied. nowadays, gabe knows how 2 keep him entertained so he brings out his books/toys 2 play on his own.

when both boys were cranky tgt, i always settle edward 1st cos he cant express wat he wants but gabe was able 2. i'll hv a bigger problem now cos edward wont b able 2 express wat he wants when stella pops.
e boys were also on probiotics b4. i desperate mummy so tried lotsa stuff. i cant really pinpoint wat helped but no harm trying rt?

e probiotics i got was fr GNC. u go ask e person 4 e probiotics meant 4 young kids which is kept in a fridge. e GNC staff shld know.
Hi Piyo

I do agree that our Tod looks different now. Yes she is still v active. Alway walk around the whole house. At my mum's place, she don't want during day and nite. She can sleep at 1am+. So now I bring her back everyday. At last she stop sleeping at sarong.

As for the massage lady, that time I also engage Mona. She is quite gd. I also recommended few of my frds. The comments were gd.

Hi Rachel

Morning mummies! Rainy day and bad traffic jam everywhere...

Thanks for sharing, even I find it useful, next time when I have a no. 2 I will know what to expect, appreciate! :")

Can I ask what is Sambucol? Is that a vit supplement? Do you let your child take that once a day? Hannah is currently taking cod liver oil only, I have the flaxseed at home but I always forget to add into her porridge...
Hi Kelly,
thanks for sharing! Find your inputs useful! What is CLO2 and those cough and flu syrups are given when cough n flu acts up right?

Does taking flu jabs/chicken pox jabs etc help??

Hi Rachel,
I got confidence in you that you can handle Ashley alone if you can handle her in class? Megan now walks ard in class, refuses to sit down and will go to the window sill play with the roller blinds and sit there watch the cars on the road go by.. fainted

I am giving her lecithin, flaxseeds, lentils and cod liver oil so far...

Hi Cyn,
I tot your EDD was mid June? if yours is ard 20-25June then our no.2 birthdays would be the same or very close as I wuld most prob go csec again this time round
but thinking of going thru this one more time and confinement I will faint haiz

Hi Crisann,
I brot Megan to NY's party at my friend's house and she will play and play till past midnight! this is the 1st time she stayed up so late cos her bedtime is 8.30pm..

btw, does your toddlers sleep from one end of the mattress to the other?? megan does leh.. these 2 nights, she rolls herself (I dunno how) too much that her head either hits the floor(w/o mattress) or the wall and ends up wailing very loudly..
hi piyo..


for zorian, he either sleeps in his cot or with us.. he will turn 360 deg... also from one end to another.. in cot, he will hit his head and cries.. in the bed, he will be sleeping near the corner.. so must get up once in a while to check before he falls off the bed.. :p
can i check wif u all ah...do u now add in seasonings to yr tod porridge? coz jay been not eating properly coz he seems sick of his porridge n always the same things like salmon, cod fish n nor hee...plus some veggies...n recently i gave him the whole egg, fried wif olive oil...n hubby n MIL is saying can start adding a little light soya sauce n salt into his food liao so wont be so bland but i am hestitant...do u do it? also can they take all types of fruits alr like orange etc? Do u all have any new recipe to share? Hav given jay pasta with tomato sauce from bottle kind once in a while..he likes the sauce but realise he hates, macaroni, pasta kind of food...mee sau he is ok...

honeyb, piyo
i'm surpised tat u2 find e info useful. i juz typed watever pops into my head.

edward sleeps like a helicopter. he's everywhere on e bed n once i found his legs dangling by e side of e bed (where e bed guard dun cover). if he moves any further, i not surprised tat he'll fall off e bed which is abt 1feet above e ground.
