(2006/08) AUGUST 2006 MTB

whitelady, ya, the kind of shiver is prolonged type, from head to hand then whole body... like "yang dian" lor! =(

but over the wkend, i confirmed liao.. she is really frightened to bathe standing. coz she cried n waved her hand "NO" and shook her head.
so now it's good tat we know wat she cant accept, and will change to bathtub bath again.
i usually give her a final shower from the tap after removing her from the bathtub to rinse off excessive foam on her body just in case.

augBB, jazz looks just like jay! =) yes, i can imagine the amount of effort n work looking after 2 babies. keep it up! u r doing a great job, and the confinement will be over very soon ok. we've all been thru it and we survived! take it 1 day at a time n we will come see u and babies during the full-mth party in less than 2 weeks time!

cheer up my gal! just think that bb will never be this small again, so we just enjoy while we can ok! =) hugzzz...

hi mommies.. need to destress over here cos the past weekends were very stressed.. zorian kept on crying and clinged onto me.. dun know what he wanted.. even his pacificer also threw away.. dun want to drink his milk nor eat his rice... just kept on crying.. any mommies can advise???

also can your babies self feed yet?? interested to read ABC or numbers?? zorian dun seem to be keen.. bought him new toys and he only keen to destory and throw them all over the place...

in laws asking why he still cant recognize ABCs yet as my nephew, 4 months older, is able to do that.. stress stress stress..

hi cocomo..

u send the VCD to me yet?? still have not receive lah...
Hi Kris,

Charlotte also not so insterested in reading ABC, only some words she will learn. she also will just play with her toys awhile and throw it away. but i realise she more insterest in books, so i bought those hard books for my ger she will flip and flip pointing at it like asking me to read to her

Not to worry its not just one or two days babies can do all the things at a go.. my girl will only play with her food instead of self feed. she dun even want to hold her milk bottle so what do you thing?

most of the babies here start to walk, fews months ago, mine just started to walk by herself.

Dun stress. Zorian probably experiencing a little mood swings. Its a passing phase and you may need to keep trying all sorts of distractions just to calm him down.

My Justin also clings to me especially on Sunday evenings and he wld not want me to put him down. Once he wet his pants and seep thru to my pants, i changed him but he refused to let go of me and i have to tahan the wetness on me for abt 1 hr until my MIL and maid finally managed to distract him so I can bathe. I use all kind of distractions until very tired. I see some cute cute cheap cheap magnets from pasar malam i wld buy cos wld come in handy when i need to surprise him at times to calm or distract him.

Justin dun self feed yet, he must watch TV and eat if not won;t sit still. His Daddy buy him lots of toys and he wld have 5 min interests in them. But dun worry, keep or hide them and reintroduce them later and he wld play again. That's what happen to Justin, he sometimes starts playing with his infant toys again.

Justin only knows "baa" to mean bus. He can identify a lot of objects when i say the word but he can only say "baa". Oh yah.....and "deh dee" i.e Daddy. He refuse to call "Mummy". I let him be cos I know he will pick up one day and rattle non stop.....so dun stress....kids learn at their own pace. For all u know, Zorian probably knows a lot of things liao just that he's not ready to show it to u.

Justin attend Shichida sicne 7 mths so a lot of pple ask me got see results or not. I more stressd right. At first i do, but later i see Justin getting more sociable in class, i relax and let him learn at his own pace. I treat Shichida as any normal playgroup lor. He also cannot identify ABC, but i know one day he will lor, he will have so many years of schooling to come so dun hurry him. But i never stop teaching him, keep talking and teaching him lor.

My friend's kid dun even call Papa Mama at 2 yrs old......my mum told me i can call papa mama b4 i turned one. Look at me today, also like that, same like most pple.

Dun stress ok.

Believe that kid are geniuses in their own ways.
Dun strees, every kid has their own growing pace.

Rachelle know to call papa, nai nai, gor gor, che che, ah ma..... the only person she dun noe how to call is .... mummy. On toys, she oso din really play, just throw it anywhere she like. So when the playtime is over, my house is like kena struck by hurricane. Rachelle oso dun noe how to self feed herself. Always play with the utensil when she is dining with us...
Hi kris,
hugz... dun be too stressed up. just like the rest said, every child develops at their own pace. zorian is smart. i can remember the scene at the hospital where u ask him who's naughty and he said 'papa', who's good and he pointed to himself. Kayden definitely can't do that. haha...

He can't read or identify ABCs too. think it's too abstract for them at this moment. why don't u try introducing the real object or pictures and pronouncing the word to him first to build up his word bank first? i'm doing that at the moment and currently, he can identify and pronounce 'apple', 'car', 'bus' even though the pronounciation is not perfect.

He can call papa and mama but doesn't really like to call mama. he doesn't really play with toys too except for the sorting shapes where he'll pick them up and put in the container and dump them out again.

let's just be thankful that our children are healthy and normal.

Hi Catherine,
Kayden is like Charlotte. He loves to flip the pages of books and point to them as if he's very knowledgeable. He also loves to scribble with a pen even though he can't really write. At times, he even leave marks on himself or on the floor.
hi kris,

my zac is refusing food and milk too. Not the first time though. Based on previous episodes of food refusal, I realised that once he got over it, he would have a very good appetite.

Really hard not to feel stress though... however, just tell yourself it's a passing phase. You will feel better.

My zac doesn't know ABCs too. No worry. Still early. Anyway, cannot compare to a 4 months older child. 4 months made quite a lot of diff.

Anyway, it doesn't mean that when the child does not repeat what he learns, he has yet learn the stuff. My older one usually clams up when you try to tell him to repeat after you but when he's in a good mood, he can shock you by saying out all the stuff you hv taught him in the past on his own will.

Dont stress yourself & Zorian... babies will learn at their own pace...

as for Jia Hui, noticed that she learns faster if use real items to teach her... such as giving her an oranges & say it loud..now she is able to identify oranges, dog, cat, bird, and her favourite is duck.... bought ABC book for her & she will flip to the page where the duck is & said duck duck....

now she knows how to call jie jie, gor gor, ma ma, pa pa & mai mai....loves to call mai mai alot... see mil or wai po, she will call mai mai & will want them to answer her.. once they answer her, she will laugh... now she is already walking around the house, opening fridge & cupboard
Yap Charlotte is same as Kayden i think this is part of our babies learning point. maybe you can give kayden a board to draw instead of drawing himself or on the floor.

charlotte also prefer to pronouce the words then learning ABC.
And she wont pronouce short words she prefer long one like ORANGE, ELEPHANT, POLICEMAN.
Teach her Car Bird, Apple she die die also dun want to pronouce it out.
Asking all mummies,

Justin calls my MIL Po Po and my mum Wai Po. Initially my MIL not happy cos her relatives told she shd be called Nai Nai and Po Po is for maternal grandma side. I did not want Justin to be confused cos I was taught all along in school that its Po Po and Wai Po. Nai Nai is more of a taiwanese version but din like that.

I hope I'm teaching Justin the right way to address his grandparents. Is Po Po for paternal grandma correct?
Hi racoon,

Nai nai is the correct way. For father's side, it is nai nai & ye ye. For mother's side, it is po po & gong gong.

They looks so alike! Ya its kind of tough taking care both at e same time & trying not to neglact any of them too.. U R doing good dun stress ok. I believe when my turn comes, I may not be able to do it too.. having mixed feelings till now unable to accept 2nd one is coming. Rest more & take care okie and see you soon.

I used to be very stress with Nat development too. But i keep telling myself different toddlers has their way of learning stage. As long we gave them enough of love ,patience which should be more than enough now. Till now I have never bring Nat to any classes or a school. I try to spend more quality time with her. I got few books and she recongnise few pics like Butterfly she will point, Duck she wil point n pronounce. I think let them enjoy more childhood instead of we stress them & ourselves too. A long process to educate them. Relax too okie.
hi Catherine24..

thanks!! Zorian also just taken his first step about two weeks ago..

hi racoon..

thanks for sharing your experience.. zorian same same also.. supersticky to me once I m home.. sometimes even has to sit him in the bathroom while bathing.. even with my in-laws and hubby's help cant get him to let go of me...

can understand your stress too cos Shichida is well known for bringing the genius out of our babies...

as for addressing grandparents, sorry my side not very strict on this so i also dun know.. only remember calling my father's mommy as Ah Ma and mom's side as popo.. now Zorian will call Ah Ma when sees both..

hi Cecelia..

hahaaa... thanks.. same secerino after zorian's playtime also.. toys all over the place..

hi erin..

thanks for the hug.. feel better after hearing all the encouragements from mommies here.. will try giving him real objects.. tried giving him oranges and apples before but end up he will simply throw them onto the floor.. then i have to finish up the fruits.. keekee..

hi augustmum..

yap.. after the past few days, zorian starts to eat alot again today.. thanks!!

hi Jesline..

thanks!! zorian also pronouce the 'duck' very clearly.. he loves ducks and always recognize one without fail.. other than that, he will point all over the place.. haahaa..
hi Cynthia..

thanks!! feeling much better after talking to all the mommies here.. yap.. dun stress our babies and ourselves.. must remember this cos it is pretty tough sometimes when grandparents start to compare & they get worry about their grandchildren development too..
hi mommies..

one more question before back to work.. how do you wash your baby's hair now hah?? zorian hates washing his hair cos he will have to pull his head back.. thanks!!
hi cyn, SuperDad and leobbmom...
thanks...i also find that jazzele looks alot like his gor gor...but then hor it means she looks boyish...haha...

is sophia tbfing yr gal...so tired wif bfing...feel like a cow...haha...n now my bb has wind in the tummy...juz brought her to see the PD..
heng ah.....i just googled and found that Po2 Po2 and Nai3 Nai1 both refer to husband's mother or paternal granmother and Wai4 Po2 is mother's mother or maternal grandmother.

So I'm still right ??

Anyway, my MIL told me then that Po2 Po2 refers to the many wives of the grandfather and asked that Justin called my mum as Po2 Po2 instead. I wasn't happy abt this explanation then but my SIL managed to correct her thinking so that's why she kind of accept that she is the Po2 Po2 now.

Nat starting also don like... i use the method of holding infant style to wash. She hate to be so call lie down on my arms lo.. so I sing n tickle her tummy n tel her wash nice nice smell nice nice ad tickle her with my mouth lo.. Sometime she ok sometimes not. She also prefer to Stand & bath. I gave her a small mug to scoop the pail of water & she is learning to pour on herself too.
Charlotte will Cry when i wash her head esp when water falls on her face but after that she will be ok. my mum just use mug to scoop the water and pour on her head my mum say this way faster so she wont scream so much.

I just put her in her bathtub and bath her.
hi augbaby..

how are you?? take care ok.. envy u can total bf.. think of it as passing all the good things to Jazzele lor.. dun worry too much.. she will be ok..

Hi Cynthia..

zorian will take the mug and drink the water in it.. haahaa.. if really give him water, he will throw it away!! so unbelievable..

Hi Catherine..

thanks.. think will just have to bear with his crying.. cos after washing his hair and wipe his eyes dry, he will continue to play with his balls..
Hi Kris,
Aden also dun know how to self feed. We have not teach him ABC and numbers. Thought he's still young? But I did buy quite a number of hard covered storybooks. Actually if he play by himself, he's interested to flip. If I attempt to read to him, he would get frustrated and wanted to leave. And I also teach him whole words, instead of ABCs. Feel it's easier for him to relate to real objects. E.g: I would teach him "mouth", "ear", "apple", pear" and etc.

Most aug bb start to walk. Mine still at crawling stage. A lot of people said to me like: Hah... 1 year old already still dun know how to stand and walk? I just 1 ear in, 1 ear out.

Every bb grow at their own pace, so dun worry. I believe Zorian's pace is definitely faster than Aden. Aden, up to now, only know how to say "mum mum" which means eating and only crawl around. Think he's 1 of the slowest among all august bbs. But I try to relax and let him learn at his own pace.

We still carry Aden on our arm and wash his hair. He also dun like washing hair. So, we normally quickly wash so that he won't make too much noise. And 1 of us wash his hair and 1 of us play with him to distract him. But I realise that now his legs are long and can kick on the door. Thus, sometimes, he amuse himself by kicking on the door and that's would quiet him down too. But he luv bathing. Maybe cos' he can play with water in the tub.

Hi Racoon,
We taught Aden to call my MIL and FIL Nai Nai and Ye Ye. My mother and father Po Po and Gong Gong. In actual fact, whether this is correct, I'm not sure. Wai Po and Wai Gong actually meant mum's side parents too.
Just realised one of my post was missing.

Hi Jasmine,

Do still give jadelle those food that she dislike when you have the chance. Try for at least 10- 15 times before you conclude that she really don't like it. Rae used to dislike papaya but now she's alright.

Hi cocomo,

Yep. Long time no post! Busy at work like U and sometimes frustrated as well. Rae is ok... the usual. Will try to make it for the gathering on 3 Nov


Congratulation! Have lots of lots of rest and well.
Hi CrispyApple..

Thanks!!! yeah lor.. all babies have their own learning pace.. as long as they are growing up beautifully and happily, we are happy..
a friend told me that the longer a baby crawls, the smarter the baby is..

now zorian starts to walk around, sometimes wish that he is still crawling.. haahaa.. it is like this one hor.. when they have not start to crawl or walk, we get worried.. when they hit their milestones, we wish otherwise.. keekee...

calling for cocomo...

so how is the gathering on 03 Nov?? still on??

Drinking? Funny, sometimes Nat also doing this! I wonder if accidently drink it with some of their shower gel wat will happen to them! They are actually understand some of our words to them but yet doing silly ways to make us angry & amusing!

Hmm for my mil side, I teach he Ah Ma Ah Gong lo cos they prefer this way. My mum is Wai Po or Po Po.
Who else joining us?????

August babies gathering on 3rd Nov 2007 at 4:30pm (Saturday)

a) East Coast Park (picnic/cycling/sand playing - potluck)

1) cocomo, hubby, Jayden and maid - bee hoon
2) Pups, hubby and Leon
3) Jasmine, hubby, Jadelle
4) kris, hubby, Zorian
5) Piyo, hubby, Megan and maid (I will think of what to bring down)
6) leobbsmom, sister, Shervonn
7) Crispy Apple, hubby and Aden - Otak
8) erin00, hubby and Kayden (dunno what to get)

b) Botanic Garden (picnic - potluck)
1) cocomo, hubby, Jayden and maid - bee hoon
2) Pups, hubby and Leon
3) smlow, hubby, Joshua and Louisa
4) Jasmine, hubby, Jadelle
5) kris, hubby, Zorian
6) Piyo, hubby, Megan and maid (I will think of what to bring down)
7) leobbsmom, sister, Shervonn
8) Crispy Apple, hubby and Aden - Otak
9) Augustmum, hubby, zac and noah
10) cj, hubby, maid and Kaefer (tentative)
So sorry will pass the VCD to you on 3rd Nov.

Actually Jay also a distroyer!! He throw whatever things in this hand. Not only throw but kick them as well. He can't eat by himself coz before he can 'try', all the food and cutlery already on the floor. ai. . .

Jay refused food last week as well. My mum said he was 'zhang feng' so applied some 'ru yi you' then after that he plays as usual. Brought him to see PD coz he fall down and knock the back of his head, he lost about 400-500gm. sian. . .

Jay also refuse to call MAMA. although I know he knows how to call as he did that when he was younger. I dont know why now when I ask him to call mama he just refuse le. Damn sian, I love him more than anyone in this world and yet he just dun wannt call me . . .

Think should be ye ye/gong gong and nai nai/po po for father side and wai gong and wai po for mother side I think. However, Jay call my hubby's dad as ye ye and my dad as ah gong, my mum as ah ma.
hi mommies

work less bz, and i have a new seat, yay! so can chat a bit. thing is, i want to add onto the posts, but really quite lost cos hvn't been in touch for so long.

hope everyone is well
i can make the gathering hor.

so just an update on leon
eats anything under the sun! everyday i feed him his 'power' porride with brocolli, spinach, threadfin fish, squash, pumpkin, carrot, wateva and sometimes all of this! he eats like a goldfish these days nonstop .. but still vvvvv light, 9kg!!! genes la
likes all fruits so far too.
not much of a water drinker tho, altho he still addicted to milk

walks around a lot, tries to climb on everything, tries to jump, loves to dance, cute la, and funny like clown.

cute also la ..

all in all this is a cute n fun stage.

im thinking of potty training soon, any tips?
hi Cynthia..

i totally agreed with you.. Zorian can understand when I told you "no no.. cant drink the water".. he will hold it up and look at me then pour the water into his mouth!!! then laugh and laugh.. sigh..

hi cocomo..

no problem.. thanks so much for helping me to burn it..

zorian also the same like.. throw, kick then step on it.. when stepping if painful, will cry.. after crying, hit the toys as though it is the toys' fault.. sigh..

think there is wind inside zorian's tummy also.. cos when i pat his tummy, can hear the 'popo' sound.. so i give him some colic drops..

is Jayden ok already?? hugs for him..

Zorian also refuse to call mom.. no worries okie.. by sticking to us, show that our love shower to them has not gone to waste.. must strongly believe one of these days they will call us and it will sound very very sweet.. ask Jayden to hug / kiss you.. if he does not, it is enough.. i will ask zorian to sayang or kiss me daily and he will do it.. so despite that he dun call mom, i know he loves me a lot also..
about bathing:

now leon bathes together with me standing in the shower, so far he quite likes it.
i did this becos i find the tub troublesome to bring into the shower area, and kneeling over the tub is tiring on my aunty back :p

hi cocomo
tks for organizing meeting up
Hi pupsandcups,
welcome back!

i like this stage too even though i'm very tired chasing after Kayden. they are so cute and adorable when they try imitating our actions.

hi mummies,
re: washing hair
kayden doesn't like washing hair recently. used to wash his hair like the way we wash infants' hair until abt 1 yr old. i then tried using the shower head or using a cup to pour over his head and he seems to enjoy that. however, he cries whenever we want to wash his hair these 2 weeks so it's a struggle for us, having to hear his cries everyday while washing his hair. dunno what's wrong with him.

hi cocomo,
hb said we can go for the picnic at the Botantic Gardens so can count us in liao.
Welcome back!!! Loooooooooonnnnnnnnnnnnngggggggg time never see you posting liao

bo bian gotta patiently wait for him to 'xing gan qing yuan' call me lo

Since we have more response for BOTANIC GARDEN, so we set liao huh!!! ANYMORE JOINING US????

August babies gathering on 3rd Nov 2007 at 4:30pm (Saturday)

Botanic Garden (picnic - potluck)

1) cocomo, hubby, Jayden and maid - curry
2) Pups, hubby and Leon
3) smlow, hubby, Joshua and Louisa
4) Jasmine, hubby, Jadelle
5) kris, hubby, Zorian
6) Piyo, hubby, Megan and maid (I will think of what to bring down)
7) leobbsmom, sister, Shervonn
8) Crispy Apple, hubby and Aden - Otak
9) Augustmum, hubby, zac and noah
10) cj, hubby, maid and Kaefer (tentative)
11) erin00, hubby and Kayden (dunno what to get)

1) Bee Hoo
2) Curry - cocomo
3) Sandwishes
4) Drinks
5) Fruits
6) Otak - crispy apple
7) dessert
8) Baby biscuit and drinks
9) Baby yoghurt
10) finger food
11) paper plates, bowls and cups
12) Salad

Anymore suggestion you want to bring just add on.
Hope Zorian is fine now. I always remember the scene where he pointed to himself as good boy and his daddy as naughty boy. So cute!!
August babies gathering on 3rd Nov 2007 at 4:30pm (Saturday)

Botanic Garden (picnic - potluck)
1) cocomo, hubby, Jayden and maid - curry
2) Pups, hubby and Leon
3) smlow, hubby, Joshua and Louisa
4) Jasmine, hubby, Jadelle
5) kris, hubby, Zorian
6) Piyo, hubby, Megan and maid (I will think of what to bring down)
7) leobbsmom, sister, Shervonn
8) Crispy Apple, hubby and Aden - Otak
9) Augustmum, hubby, zac and noah
10) cj, hubby, maid and Kaefer (tentative)
11) erin00, hubby and Kayden (baby bites and gerber puffs)

1) Bee Hoo
2) Curry - cocomo
3) Sandwishes
4) Drinks
5) Fruits
6) Otak - crispy apple
7) dessert
8) Baby biscuits - erin00
9) Baby yoghurt
10) finger food
11) paper plates, bowls and cups
12) Salad
Sorry ladies,

I wont be joining. Not feelin very well & with e little one inside and some spotting too.. restricting my activites now..

Hope to see you all soon..
Hi Good Morning all mummies here..
seem like i would still be MIA for quite sometimes from now..
just hope that i could join u all tis round at Botanic Garden, but really can't free out the time for tis event..haiz..

Hi Kris,
Dun stress yrself...dickson too..dun noe how to say any words at e moment, started to walk a few steps w/o assist, and keep trying to walk tis few days..n of cos he like all other babies..will throw all his toys everywhere..
For me..so long as our baby is eating fine, sleeping well and happy as usual...e rest, just let it be..(who care wat other had say anything..haha)

yup..sophia is tbfing...e gal stick almost every hrs to latch on...sophia like restless & sleepless both day n nite time..
although nite time is by bottle..but she still nd to express out at 2am..
Tat really make me "xin1 teng2"...

and tis oso cos the juandice up till 276 @ last week...just drop to 135 yesterday, check at KKH..
need to go back again in 2wks time..
i am celebrating jazzele 1mth celebrations on 3 Nov as well...will be inviting some of u all...does that mean u all cant come already since the gathering is on 3rd Nov as well...
i be holding it in the afternoon till evening leh....

i understand wat u mean..its tough to bf...for me i latch jazzele directly even at night and only let the CL feed via bottle once at night...the rest i hav to latch her and then after than still have to pump...sigh...at night like sleep a few hrs max only...hope yr bb gal will be feeling better soon..btw wat her name?
Hi Augbaby,

You jus roughly let us know how is the timing etc.. maybe we can try in anyways we can for sure yeah. Happy occassion indeed too and also a gather up. Maybe at ur hse alot convenient too.
ya, can understand how u feel as well..
Sophia oso latch Vivian directly only day time lor.. den i help to feed her on bottle at nite..

Not sure u would agree with me tat...at tis moment, unlikely to treat both baby with same amount of love..sometime feel guilty about dickson as well, spend lesser time/attention to him..but well, he still able to kiss/sayang his mei mei when ask..haha.

Wah..so fast, jazz going to full month liao..
time flies...
you must be very tired now. remember to eat more 'bu' foods k... the confinement food is good for u.
thanks for your invite got your sms, will check with hubby later n let u know k

Botanic Gardens outing...
Ryan has gymboree till about 515pm at tanglin mall. who can i contact if we can join?
cocomo do you have my mobile no.? can you sms me?
if i come i can help buy some food from tanglin mall.. maybe baby yogurt etc...
Hi augbaby,
time flies. jazzele's almost 1 month old and ur confinement is almost ending. Yeah! So glad to meet up with u again. remember to 'bu' and rest more during this period of time.
hi mummies,

Can you share the type of breakfast other than cereals and steamed egg that you are already giving your child? And, when is the right time to give fresh milk?

Rae goes for the gymboree level 3 at harbourfront and she has 4 lessons left, still thinking whether to continue with it.
erin and mummies,
I don't know where to meet le. In fact I do not know how the Botonic Garden look like and what's inside??? Just heard there is a playground? Any mummy can suggest the place for us to meet?

Already PM you my HP no. Hope you can join us as well!!

Normally Jay taking his nap till around 2:30-3pm, as soon as he wake up I will go to your place then go straight to Botanic Garden. I very yi qi one, shoot from Redhill to tampines then back tanglin. Little Jazzele so pretty I can't help not to meet her and perhaps have chance to hug and carry her. Long time never carry newborn liao so excited. ha. . .

if you give fresh milk, it must be full cream. Actually, you can start once yr child is one year old. This is what is practised in many european countries. Most of these countries actually recommend giving fresh full cream rather than formula. In some countries, FM is only for the poor.

However Zac is on both FM (ha... consider myself poor)and full cream UHT milk - magnolia, made in NZ.


Ya, there's a children's garden at Botanic Gradens. Can't remember the name. There's a children's cafe right outside the children's garden and hence, we could meet there. However, no food is allowed in the children's garden.
As I total have no idea what's inside and how that place look like so . . . any suggestion how should we organise the gathering? Is there any place for us to eat our food if porkluck? or should we just have the gathering in the children cafe and eat their food?
Think children's garden would be very crowded. How about having the gathering at other parts of BG.

Think the kids would be equally occupied with bubbles and balls and the parents could just laze around instead of keeping watch as the young ones climb up and down at the playground.

So how about meet near Symphony Lake... if the gathering is still on...


Augustmum & mummies,
Is the lake very big? If meet there easily see each other? I m ok to meet there. mummies, any comment to meet there? if no then we set ya!
