(2006/08) AUGUST 2006 MTB

Hi Piyo

Will check it out tonite and PM u. For egg yolk they can take only hard boil egg don't fry it. They can't take food with any oil at the moment. I also steam the egg with milk for her. She love it and I also find it v nice.... I brought her baby fruit juice Pigeon but she dun like is. E juice taste is a bit sour. My mum also boil her barley water. But the barley my mum brought is not those normal 1. Tink that 1 is not so cooling. Think u better dun give her barley water and eat egg when she cough. Your ger also sleep yao lan same as my leh. I buy those electrical 1 than dun hv to alway yao. If not so tired leh.

Hi Rain

I also had enrolled for the Gain IQ congress. Had called them. We are not suppose to bring our bb along unless they are above 6 yrs old.

Hi Rain,
So far, Megan only got tot eat Petit Miam cos that's the only 1 I can find for her

Hi Crisann,
How do you steam the egg with milk? can describe? supposed to "yang3 yan2" for woman leh... she still on BM,, how I steam? I heard Baby Pigeon baby juice nice! which flavour you bot? I going to stock up on some baby fruit juices soon! I think your mum boil the chinese barley!so far, she is good liao! so I make sure her diet is ok cos I really cannot tahan another cough episode...
ya my ger also sleeps in yao lan during the daytime... my hubby just drilled a hole up the ceiling cos she is getting lower n lower to the floor!haha! my maid yo-yo her hehe
hi mummies,
can I ask how you wean your baby off breastmilk when you wanna stop bfg? and how you stop your milkflow too? How long would it take, I mean the whole process? me just getting ideas so that I know what to do when my time comes to wean her off...

hi augbb,
next time can get the bb yoplait for me if we do meet up for gathering? I wanna let her try this brand!

ok me go pump milk now
Hi... my compilation of answers:-

Mossie bite.
Recently, i purchased from homefix the plug-on mossie repelent so far ok lei (am using the one without smell). Further to dat, using the stick on for the adding prevention lor since its mossie period now.

The mossie repellent from NTUC (with the baygon's brand) will have strong repellent smell lei. Bought dat before bcos its smell so throw it away lor.

Egg yolk,
Usually just mash the eggyolk in the porridge b4 giving to bb.

My gal oso perspire alot, mil cut short her hair n wearing sleveless at home lor.

Need ur advise d u gv bb steamed pork? If yes, u hand mince the pork or ask the seller to mince for u?
Hi, piyo

ya lor.. also saw the new last night.. so scared that the first thing i do i feel baby forehead... to check.....

regarding mosquitoes... i bought the Black hole mosquitoes stuff to prevent mosquitoes. cost me $100++.... quite useful.... but baby kena bites in the living room where the Black hole is in her bed room....
Hi Jesline

Oic. never try to apply any for Crisann. Cos dun dare to anyhow apply to her skin. Actually pharmacy do sell those patches that can stick on their clothes when going out. Think that will be better. My hubby brought 1 natural ingredient 1 can last for 72 hrs.

Hi Piyo

For chicken fillet I will let it cook together with the porridge than mash it lor. Cos after cooking it will be v soft. As for yoghurt hvnt let her try. Will go and buy this wkend n let her try. Yes lentils is v gd for babies. For pork I normally don't give her eat 1 leh. I just give her eat the porridge only. Is it save to let them eat pork? Wah so really v gd leh still bfg. Find it v tired so stop when she is 2 mths old. I also the separated to separate the egg yolk n egg white. Than put the yolk and 2 oz of milk in the bowl to steam. I don't know whether BM can. I brought the fruit n vegetable 1. Maybe u can buy 1 bot to try 1st before buying more. Great that she has recovered. Me also v scare she cough. Whole nite can't sleep 1.
Hi Cecilia

The one we brought is without smell 1. Must go hm n check out the brand. Cos my mum's frd recommend 1 saying v gd.

Hi Rain

Is it true no news leh. tink quite difficult 1.
ya lor...read abt the cases increasing in spore...so scary and jay when he has mossie bites, it get big n red red one n takes a while for it to go off..my mum will apply aloe vera cream for him n its help...jay been sweating a lot too..guess weather v hot...so he wearing sleeveless in the day during wkends n sometimes when we bring him out as well...i also wan to get those mozzie thing leh..anyone got reali gd one to recommend?

the one u bought from homefix, do u hav to keep it plug to the electric point all the time?

sure definitely will get for u the yogurt for megan the next time we meet...
btw where did u get the mozzie patch ah? does it work well? do u stick the patch on megan??

by the way mummies,
anyone know for the teething gel dentaltox how often we can apply on bb gums ah? also i thou of letting jay try other cereal like oats or barley etc or those heitz multigrain...when can they start trying that ah? how abt the egg custard i also saw from heitz? today my mum letting jay try brown rice..hope he likes it..also for fruit juices, can we make our own juices n like diulate it instead of buying those off the shelf one..i scare that kind alot of sugar leh...n wat type of fruit juices can bb try now?
Hi augbaby

I brought the 1 id electric point 1 but wont consume a lot of electric so no so bad. Will check out the brand tonite and share with all mummies. As for mozzie patch can get fm phamacy. For teething gel as per the instruction can apply every 20 mins. Find eating fruit will be better than giving them juice leh. They can take apple, pear, banana, papaya. But i also give Crisann kiwi and dragonfruit.
Hi rain,
for the last few years, I will receive the note to go back early and have dinner with your family but this year dun haf lei!

Hi Cecilia, Crisann, Jesline and Augbb,
the Home fix repellant plug, how much is it? and the contents is refillable? you mean still got "flavours" one ah?

re: minced pork
Initially I wanna start Megan on minced pork and chicken when Megan was 8mths.. the butcher told me dun start so early start later like 10mths... say better for them and she refused to sell to me lei!so I listen to her.. no harm to start trying later? they got the whole lives to eat haha...

Jesline, what is Black hole? where to get? looks like what?

Crisann, cook the chicken fillet with porridge quite long leh, after that not hard meh?what do you put in porridge then?initially found it very tiring then keep complaining and wanna stop bfg.. after that incident, i realised I haf got used to the routine of pumping and bfg.. if stop doing will feel guilty and uncomfy.. so will continue hehe...now trying to boost ss to stock up inventory for future usage...

so you put the raw egg yolk with milk to steam? so the end result is runny?

how long you take to wean off? 1mth?

I just got 1 off the shelf in Guardian.. the smell like aromatherapy smell... can last like 72hrs but I find the stickiness to the clothes is lost after you remove it and try to stick on a new one altho the smell is still there.. i go back chk the brand show you

what fruit juices do you squeeze for jay? you remove the pulp? i gif her bilberry (for vision) dilute with water she vomit out leh telling me she dun like leh.... i heard the pigeon ones are ok...
day time yao lan... maid try to put her in playpen and sleep but she will shake her bombom show maid and laff...so not successful...
night time on our bed bet the 2 of us..but middle of the night if she wakes up too often, will send her to yao lan outside with the maid to continue for part2 sleep

my megan crawled to our toes last night when we are all sleeping together on our bed! heng cot her in time else will hear "kok" sound liao!
anyone thinking of changing beds for your babies? I thinking of getting a seahorse mattress and surround it with the haemin play-yard for her to sleep so that she wont fall off knock her head or jump off etc etc... anyone got better ideas? mummies who haf done this b4, good not?
Hi Jesline

Crisann sleep at yao lan for both day n nite time. than hor once we switch off e yao lan during the day she will wake up. Nite time smetime also hv to on for quite a while. Don't know how to stop her fm sleeping at yao lan.
Hi Piyo

I brought e 1 is fm NTUC. can refill 1 and not fragrance 1. The chicken not hard leh. I cook together with the porridge 1. All put inside the slow cooker let it cook. Yes I put the raw egg yolk with milk to steam. The result is liked wat we does when we steam egg. I take around 2 wks to wean off leh. I read fm book. It is not advisable for baby to sleep with us leh. I also change to kind size bed becos of Crisann arrived. Than read that article liao don't dare to let her sleep with us.
ya pls check the brand n let me know..worried coz recently there r cases of high dengue in our hm area...so must take prevention..
i haven started jay on fresh fruit juice yet but thinking of trying so asking mummies if anyone has done it too lor..:p so megan sleep in the middle of u n yr hubby? jay also do that now since he is teething n he dun wan to sleep in his cot leh..dun noe y..anyway i light sleeper so still ok so far..will convert his cot to toddler bed when he is ready...
Hi, piyo

dont have the picture at hand now..... bought from those shop selling all sorts of things.. such as locks, screwdriver, wire, plugs & etc... cos asked them what is best in catching mosquitoes.. & he mentioned black hole which a new product... it abt the size of a pail surround with some metal material... then inside at the bottom is one sticky disc used to stick those mosquitoes...attract mosqutitoes using infraed light lor...

will sms u the pic tonight...

hi, piyo, crisann
Baby had been sleeping in yao lan since she is 2mths old.... must sleep in yao lan then can sleep if not cannot sleep one.. will fuss & once carried into the yao lan, she is ok....

wow.. crisann.. yours is by electric one.. mine is manual one lei.. need to rock until hand ache....

hee hee... also quite worried how to stop her from sleeping in yao lan & to sleep on bed... my cousin's daughter also sleep in yao lan since young but when she reached 1 yr old, she automatic stop sleeping in yao lan & sleep on mattress... same with her pacificer..... her mum bought her a new pacificer but she said she dont want it anymore....

so think baby will automatic stop when they r bigger....just a matter of time
y not good to sleep with us? she has been sleeping with us since birth... my hubby can;t bear let her sleep in the other room haiz...then i very notti.. when she sleeps i like to ga jiao her, will kiss her and kiss her and kiss her hahaha

how long you steam the yolk and milk? 10mins? maybe I try...

I scare toddler bed she will fall off leh..tot of getting the toddler bed from ikea initially.. she very active and alot of big movments while sleeping like "da4" "ji4" in chinese..so I tot the harmin play yard would be good? then can surround the playmat too in the day time...

I haf not tried juices then my colliq commented now can try liao what I am waiting for haiz... so I got the organic one for her but she dun like lei end up I drink haha
Hi Jesline,
ya take pic show me k and tell me where to get..
my yao lan also manual... hah? they will automatic meh? what if their automatic spoil? then we die lah?i try to switch her between yao lan, our bed and her playpen so that she dun get accustomed to any but day time no yao lan cannot lei
jay too...he move a lot when sleeping one..faint....haha..can switch directions 180degree one...haha...sleep at head of cot n can move till his head faces the foot of the cot..aiyo...
hi piyo

got automatic one.... need plug lor.... cost abt 100-200....sil bought one for me but hubby against using that lor.....

Megan still can switch around one.... Jia hui cannot one lei.... even when she is sleeping soundly, once i tried to carried her up, can cry with eyes closing & once put her down, stop crying lor....
hi augbb and jes,
same same now I think my megan not so "da4" movementes like Jay haha you should take the dif positions and post on blog!

jes ah, I meant our babies if auto spoil, become manual dunno how to change to bed automatially then how? hahahha not the mozzie thingy hahaha

I try to condition her to be adaptable else next time we hf prob lei.. sometimes she will fuss real loud, we just wave bye bye to her after awhile the cries stop... ahha
Hi, piyo

sorry did read yr post properly..... ha ha

if their auto spoilt, think mummies r the one that suffer lor... hee hee hee
some news to share with all Aug mummies...
I jus started working since last tuesday... till now i realised my Elysia grown up liao.. especially after last week fever.. no longer my bb.. really like a little princess.. she stand up with table support then let go her hands.. supportin only using her legs.. gosh.. amazing liao..still can grin me with her cheeky face and smile... i realised i miss alot times with her.. :-(
Hi augbb, Piyo and jes
My boy sleeps also a lot of movement. He sleeps at the head of his matteress and can end up at the foot of his matteress. Worse is his head on the mattress and the rest of his body on the floor.

Hi Crisann
Thank you for visiting my blog and yr compliments. I am still learning how to improve my blog.
hi crissann,
thanks for sharing your recipe abt the steaming of egg. will be trying it out.

hi augbaby,
so nice of your company. we used to be able to leave earlier to have dinner with our family but this yr, didn't receive any notice leh.

hi mummies,
re: persipiration
kayden perspires a lot too. his hair will be wet and stick together. now have to use a wet cloth to wipe him very often and to let him wear sleeveless t-shirts.
piyo! You still online?

Can share with me your experience with Megan's bonchitis? My girl since seeing the PD for the second time on Monday, though the symptons do not get worse but they only get slightly better. I seriously don't know how long I should wait before taking the next course of action which is either see the PD (for the 3rd time) or see a chinese physician instead. She's still having running nose, cough, slight slight fever normally occurs in early morning when she wakes up, now she's losing some voice too.

me too.. Elysia sleeps got alot alot pattern.. buay tahan.. can occupy my whole bed.. in the end i sleep at one tiny corner.. haha.. her sleeping pattern sometimes like a 'da' chinese character... haha
Hi Mummies, my bb is born on last day of july, she js started to eat porridge 2 weeks ago only so now learning new recipes for her... hehe...

crissann, for the steamegg how long do u steam? do u mixed in with the porridge or feed directly?
Hey Piyo,

u wanna switch with me for MYGYM? I dun mind 14 july...u do the TT transfer to Amy then.

but hor, i dun remember the timing leh.. and place!!
Hi Amy,
I am here! Did the Pd giv you any neubaliser to bring home and use? if not, that means it's not that serious
It's a good sign if it's not worsening cos the PD told me bronchitis is due to virus attack and it will take min 2 weeks to recover so dun expect to see the phlegm and cough and cold subsiding immediately. Megan did take about 2weeks to totally clear off everything but prior to that she was on the neubaliser for a week.

can you describe her running nose and cough? is it running down her nostrils? and do you hear alot of phlegm behind the cough?
Hi Doris,
Megan sleeps with a "da4" chinese character too! she even slaps her daddy on the cheek when she sleeps haha!

Hi Jas,
Thanks! then I swop with you ok? it's on 14th July 2.30pm

if you are ok, will tt Jas $$ to you?

Hi racoon,
you continuing with SM? make payment liao?this sun is due date lei!
Hi Jesline

My hah sleep at yao lan since she is 2 wks old leh. Cos whole nite hv to carry her to sleep if put her into the bed she will wake up. So no choice my mum say hv to let her sleep at yao lan lor cos had suffered for 2 wks nvr sleep well at nite. Take turn with my mum to carry her. Starting also use manual 1 than can't take it liao buy electric 1 lor. Cos hah once nvr yao she will wake up. So no choice. Will pray her she will stop sleeping at yao lan soon. Mine same as your lor. Transfer her to playpen she wake up liao. Than sleep at yao lan 360 degree 1 leh. V active.

Hi Piyo

As per the article is will cos death leh. Touchwood lar. That why i v scare. Don't let her sleep with us. For steam egg steam around 10 mins. Than u use a chopstick to poke if it is not sticky than is ok to eat liao.

Hi augbaby
your company so gd. my company till now also no news. sian.

Hi Honeyhaven & erin00

U are most welcome.

Hi eeyore

For steam egg steam around 10 mins. Than u use a chopstick to poke if it is not sticky than is ok to eat liao.
Hi Amy

Hope your ger get well soon. Can't really help u on that.

Hi Rain

Really. When the FOX sales started? when will it end. Love their clothing for children leh. Had brought quite a few.
Hi Crisann,

50% sales.. with DBS card another 15% discount..

cheap de lor..

it just started yeterday, i am going to grab tomolo.. wahaha oh no.. anotehr $100 over will go to Fox tomolo.. siao liao
Hi Crisann,

i calded fox. They say 1st item full price, 2nd onwards 50%. overall with DBS card is another 15%

only on selected items
Mygyms Waddlers Trial 1 Great World City

1. CrispyApple, hubby and Aden - paid to piyo
2. Doris, hubby & Elysia - paid to piyo
3. MH,hubby & Genevieve - paid to piyo
4. augbaby, hubby & jay and maid - paid to piyo
5. Kris, hubby & Zorian
6. piyo, hubby & MEGAN
7. racoon, hubby, justin - paid to piyo
8. fiona, hubby, denise - paid to piyo
9. erin00, hubby and kayden - Paid to piyo
10.cocomo, hubby and Jayden
11. Superdad, Sophia, Dickson - paid to piyo

Mygyms Waddlers Trial 2 Great World City - $29.50 (Payment to be advised)

14th JULY SAT 1:30 2:30PM
1. honeyhaven, hubby, kayden - OK & paid to piyo
2. butter8, hb & ryan - OK & paid to piyo
3. jasmine, hubby & jadelle
4. jokojoko, hb, aidan & maid - OK & Paid to piyo
5. mrschng, hb, Jordan - OK & paid to piyo
6. net,hubby & evan - paid to piyo
7. Amberlyn, hubby, Jor - ok
8. jojos, lucas - OK
9. smlow - OK
10. SI, hb, Crisann - OK

Mummies who have paid & Piyo, I will update the payment status tomorrow after i check my bank.

Jasmine, swopped your slot with piyo, please take note of the date and time.
y mine 1 need to be plug all the time. DH bought 5 at one go. 2 for living, 1 bedroom, 1 study n 1 dining... He really kiasu ah..

Can share ur mossie repellent brand?? Fox only got addt disc for DBS other card dun hv ah... aiyah rugi lei...

Y fox's clothing good. Later go Tampines c c look look liao...
Hi Piyo,

The PD did not give me neubaliser. Her running nose is that kind that will run down visibly from the nose, earlier it is all transparent colour, now sometimes it is yellowish colour.

There are a lot phlegm when she cough though the number of coughs do reduce after Monday. I'm just worried that there are other causes of infection that I'm not able to tell and things like the phelgm getting too much.

Anyway, thanks for your reply. 2 weeks yah? Keeping fingers crossed. And, she refused drinking any milk now only want to eat solid. My MIL wakes up with her at 2am to feed her cereals because she's really hungry but don't want her milk.

Hi Cecilia

Will check the brand and inform all mummies tonite. My also hv to plug whole day 1 leh. Cos initially i brought 1 fm kiddy palace. Not gd 1. She still kana bite by mosquitos until so swollen. So after using this touchwood so far better ok liao. Check fm website only hv disc for DBS card leh for e additional disc. Find the clothes v nice and quite suitable for my ger. Had brought her a few already.
