(2006/08) AUGUST 2006 MTB

Calling for PIYO,

i juz tt to you for the mygym trial on 30th June...

To Account DBS Savings Plus
012-2-015907 piyo
Amount S$29.50
Transaction Reference 1189116046

Please check yah!! Sorry for delay!
PM or email blast all of us lar
Cny - Gen is recovering tho still hv that minor running nose..but its my turn to fall sick but recovering too. Tks for the concern.

For a moment i tot i was preggie coz my menses was late & i fell sick..Heng ar..i tested negative. Cant imagine myself with 2 Gens...phew...
anyway my site still undergoin sme construction lah..goin to post up sme more pics..but no time..gen is very very sticky to me & i hv to unpack 65 boxes that arrived frm France.
Pardon me for bombing the page hor
Anyway i need help.forgot to ask just nw, Gen doesnt like to eat porridge at all & she is so skinny, i wun to feed her more nutrients..so mummies can give any advice ?

She oni eat a small portion of oat cereal or rice cereal hence i wan to puree sme food & mix inside but i dunno wat food can be pureed & how..Pls Help..tks.
Hi, MH

what did u add in the porridge???

when i first started on porridge, i will cook porridge with meat... & feed baby with the porridge only.... maybe can add in sweet potatoes, carrot & some meat....

or is it bcos baby used to sweet or tasty foods???

attached r some porridge recipe i saved it from another forum

<center><table border=1><tr><td>

porriage-746406.rtf (13.0 k)</td></tr></table></center>

Normally we cook the porridge with pork or fish baby will find is tasteless. What I do it i grain the ikan bilis and add it into the porridge for Crisann. She enjoy eating it.
Hi Jesline

My mum brought the ikan bilis from the medical hall. 1kg cost $15. Must buy those gd 1 so that the ikan bilis is sweet. Than hv to remove the head and e intestine on top. After that wash and leave it for it to dry. Under the sun will be faster to dry. Toast it till it is crispy than grain it to v fine. Than remember to keep inside the fridge if not it will spolit easily. So add ard 2 spoons of it into the cook porridge when is hot and stir it. Than e porridge can eat liao.... I had tried. Taste gd....

thanks for sharing how to cook porridge!

I just bought a slow cooker,so any mummies can teach me how to prepare porridge for baby with it, do let me know

anyone bought Heinz baby food - Fruit Gel? may i know whats it for? add to cereals? dessert?
i bought one and my boy likes it... just wan to make sure whati can use it for...
Hi, Crisann

but think there r different type of ikan bilas so how do i know which type is suitable???

just to check, any one bought the Johnson Anti mosquitoes lotion before? is it good???
how ? ur girl can wear the shoe?
those shoe on display on the shelves one lor got one is black color or red one, is like bellenia lor. cause u say ur girl foot is plump so more suitable to wear this type.
Hi mummies
Do yr babies perspire a lot?? My boy perspire a lot.. Dun know is it because my MIL's hse very warm..Any health concerns for baby perspiring a lot?? Can share with me??
Hi, Catherine

i bought the 9-12mths once... tried on baby but too tight for her.... cannot squeeze her leg in.... going to change later

is it on the glass shelf or in the middle
Hi everyone,
long time no come in read posts until panting!

Hi Jas, BBZorian and Cocomo,
I received your tt. thanks!

Hi Amy,
I have just tt $147.50 over to your account on 25 May 2007 09:15 AM Singapore
To Account POSB Savings
126-17092-0 Amy
Amount S$147.50
Transaction Reference 1190073435

Pls chk and cfm receipt....
Now I have a prob...can someone swop back to 14Jul for me again? Amy dun kill me... but I just cfm I can only make it on 30th June again
let me know if there is any kind souls here again.. paiseh Amy...
Hi Butter8

What I do is just put in the rice, pork, fish, veg and water into the slow cooker. It will be ready in an hr time.

I brought Heinz few favour for Crisann. She don't like it. Than my friend recommended me Gerber Vanilla Custard. She love it. Cos heard the taste from Gerber is nicer. For me I just feed her without heating up unless I keep the left over in the fridge than I just pull hot water in a bowl and soak the bottle in it to make a warm.

Hi Jesline

I also don't know. That why my mum only buy fm that medical hall. Saw e different is that the gd 1 is more golden in colour. U need to mosquitoes repellent is for outer or apply for yr child when at hm?
Hi MH,
PM me the link too!

Hi Jesline and mummies,
Megan kena mozzies bites too! and they will turn big and red and will take a many many dayz to subside... is yours the same too?I tired using the mozzie patch think it works soemtimes...anyway to let the bites heal faster?

re: we leaving home for work
I use the same method as Erin. I read somewhere it's not good to go into hiding then disappear from your baby. Better to just tell them you are going to work, will leave them for awhile but will come back in the evening after work. When my hubby and I return from work, she will chuckle and bounce when we inform her we are back! Now she dun cry when we leave the house every morning.
Back from taiwan..

But my ger is still sick..

I cry in taiwan lei.. I feel so bad.. She is suffering in SIN and I was shopping all my way in Taiwan.. Sigh.. feeling so guilty
Actually didnt really enjoy my trip as I was also down with flu...

Hi Honeyhaven,
My ger also perspire alot.. I ask alot of ppl. their bbs also perspire alot.. I tot this is normal. So I didnt care so much. I just let Reina wear sleeveless at home during the daytime.
Hi Honeyhaven

Crisann also perspire a lot. This is normal. Don't worry... Somemore recently the weather is so hot. She perspire more. E hair alway like just came out fm shower.

Hi Piyo

Crisann also get that leh. Than my mum's frd recommend her to buy those insect repellent to plug on the wall kind. Brought fm NTUC. But dun remember the brand. If u need that will check for u. Find with that she get less bites.

Hi Rain

So envy that u can go to Taiwan. Miss that place.
re: baby food

pls dun gif too much pear puree to your babies cos that may be too liang and cause phlegm. I stop giving Megan pear puree for awhile after Megan kena bronchitis.

I let Megan tried some new food so i just added into the list ya...
Fruit - Apple, pear, banana, honeydew, mango, avocado
Vegetable - Spinach, tomato, sweet potato, potato, corn, carrots, pumpkin, brocolli,<font color="ff0000">soy lecithin, millet, wheatgerm, tofu, peas, lentils, wolfberries</font>
Fish - Cod fish, Threadfin, Salmon, <font color="ff0000">silverfish but stop after she developed rashes</font>
Meat - Pork, Chicken,
Other food - white bread, baby yoghurt, egg yolk, <font color="ff0000">organic applesauce, biota bilberry juice-but both she dun like this, still trying on her</font>

I have yet to let her start on animal proteins like pork and chicken yet.. most prob wait till 10 mths...

egg yolk can start giving liao? safe?
Congrats all mummies who have succeeded in TTC! I think I will delay TTC till after Megan is 1yrs old cos I can't bear to stop bfg her. I tot I was ready for no.2 but recently something happens and I finally realised I am not as ready as I tot I was! For now, I treasured latching and bfg her more than having no.2 so will put TTC off my mind 1st

Mine was CSEC and I find it's not as pain as what pple told me! I got down to walk on the 2nd day and by the time I am discharged I felt normal... maybe I thick skin else my gynae skills very good! if I haf no.2 I will go for CSEC, no second tots!

Hi Crisann,
can pm me the brand? think i really need that in the house! Thanks!!!

Hi Crisann, honeyhaven and rain,
megan also perspires alot, so now we tie her hair into 2 small brooms and let her wear sleeveless etc else so hot!
Hi rain,
Did you cook the egg til hard boiled then mash? or you fry it? I thinking of adding it to her diet liao b4 I intro meats...

is reina better liao?

Hi mummies,
what fruit juices are you giving your babies?
hee hee

I just enrol for the Gain IQ congress..

I heard cannot bring bbs in.. If you bring in, the bb cry, u hv to go out. So I scare in the end, with me or hb is inside.
Hi Crisann,

Thank you. I boil barley water to give her.
But she still cough so bad at night until she cant sleep well. Me was too.. She was in the yao lan and I have to yao her almost every min.

Hi piyo,
I give her hard boil egg yolk. I mixed about half of the yolk in the cereal for her
Hi Mummies

Lentils is v high in iron.

Hi Piyo

Is find to give baby chicken when they are 9 mths old. But give them chicken filet which is more soft. Egg yolk is save to eat when they are 6 mths old. Btw for yoghurt u give Megan when it is cold?

Hi Rain

I agreed the place is nice, nice food , nice shopping and ppl is nice too.... Will go again maybe next yr....
Hi Rain
Poor girl. I know how u feel. How to enjoy when baby is sick...Hope yr girl get well soon.

Hi mummies
Abt the baby yogurt - take out from fridge can feed already or wait for a while not so cold then feed??

Hi mummies
Here is my blog: http://www.cedann.multiply.com. I have done my blog recently. Will be adding new features to it. Can share with me new ideas to do up blog. Do let me know. Thank you.
Hi rain,
you just reminded me! I keep wanting to tell my maid cook barley water for her but I forget! Better call her now, Thanks!

going to try hard boil egg yolk next week for her
good! got new food liao! I am running out of ideas!

Mummies, does any mummies know how to cook brussel sprouts for babies? I read in super baby food can gif that liao!
Hi, honeyhaven

my baby perspire alot too..... so i bought those shirts with holes for her to wear as more cooling...

Hi Crisann

ya... need those that can apply on baby skin...
Hi piyo

ya lor.. the mosquitoew bites so big, hard & swollen one lei....

recently so many dengue cases so scared .... (touch wood)
Hi Crisann,
you boil and mash the chicken fillet? for yoghurt, my maid let it cool a while then gif... is that ok?

lentils high in iron is good for babies right?
i heard we hsould delay giving baby chicken if they haf sensitive skin or ezcema.. gif pork 1st. Is that true? hmmm sounds like dogs.. hahaha

hi rain,
I bot mine in cold storage and NTUC BUT I still can't find bb yoplait as what cocomo told me...

i bought bb yoplait from shop n safe in east area..maybe next time if we hav gathering or something, i can help those who wan to buy lor...coz rather near my place..
i bought the petit miam from gaint the huge hypermart at tampines that one...
