(2006/08) AUGUST 2006 MTB

hi jesline,
me too. bring my boy over every morning and fetch him back every night. need to walk abt 5 to 10min. it's worth it lor cos can bond with jiahui.

hi kelly,
it's ok now. jojos has answered my qn about whether the baby will still get chicken pox (mild compared to the normal outbreak). guess will bring him to have the jab when he's after 1.

will be waiting for ur announcement when it's concrete. are the boys well now?

hi augbaby,
ya, he chews my fingers or his teething toys at the side of the mouth too. dunno why hor.

there is many kinds of shoes the girl intro me some wider shoe and she give me discount for buying 2 shoe. the designs are very nice.
Ur $30 can buy 2 shoe from her hehe. Although is not branded one but they have nice designs
Hi, catherine

ya lor... the $30 i spend can buy 2 shoes for her...

had u tried that on yr baby?? can fit??
don't worry about baby fuse or cry when u walk away cause its normal my charlotte see whoever Grandma,daddy grandpa, uncle walk away she will cry, not only me. maybe i am used to it already. After which whoever carry her she will be ok.

But is good to practise bring baby back in the evening. cause MIL or our parents does not really teach our baby. I want to bring charlotte back but i am staying too far. So meanwhile still planning to get a hs near my mum.
Hi Mummies

Some update.

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i haven try cause today then collect, cause yesterday got one shoe very nice but no stock so today then collect.
i think can fit cause the show is wide type some are same size but smaller in cutting so she never intro me.
i get the biggest size so can wear longer. i think is 12-15mths one.

U can also get those like bellenia ur girl girl sure can fit. Jesline u can use a string to measure ur girl foot and bring there and measure
Hi, Catherine

the problem is that she fuss when i am out of her sight or othe pple carried her.. such as daddy, mil or sil.... she only wants me to carry her...

for my case, other than mil, got sil & bil to play & teach her at night lor.... but think best will be teach her myself lor.. wanted to provide the best for my own baby lor

will go see see later during lunch time
charlotte also fuse when i out of side i just make milk and she fuse, don't let jia hui see u walk away ask daddy or mil or sil distract her with other things, once she never look at you, you can be away. thats what i did, i will ask my hubby or mil don't let charlotte see me, distract her with walking her around not facing me.

baby are like tat don't let them see you walking away.
If alone then no choice normally i let her cry hahaha
Hi, catherine

the problem is that even when i sit on the sofa & daddy carried her walked around, she will keep looking at me & started to cried/fuss no matter how daddy distracted her....

if i am alone, i will had no choice but to carry her on one hand & make milk with my other hand.... hee hee hee
hi jesline, catherine and crisann
i've read in a book that states before we leave, try to say goodbye to them 1st and then when wereturn, greet them or inform them that we are back. start first for short periods of time (such as a couple of mins such as going to the bathroom or kitchen) and slowly increase the duration. after some time, the child will know you will be coming back so he/she will not be so worried that you are not coming back. I've just tried this with my boy a couple of weeks ago. now, he doesn't cry when i leave his sight but he can be a little bit kan cheong at the beginning when he doesn't see me. after a while, he's alright. hope it helps.
Hi, erin00

read that before too.....did tried that method telling her that mummy going to kitchen for awhile... sometime it works sometime dont,, think depends on her mood....hee hee he
Hi erin00

Thks for your advise. Did try it as work but doesn't work on Crisann. She will just cry. Same as Jesline when alone have to carry her when making milk. Than when daddy is around, she also don't want him to carry
Hi mummies,
for my boi, i try to let him noe tat..daddy & mummy is going to work..and just say bye bye to him..guess is we practice tis very earlier lor..now he used to it liao..
but when we are back home..he will be very excited to see us lor..like v "ke lian" face lor..haha

re : take care bb at nite
i guess is wonderful to take care bb at nite lor..although u r very tire..but is just e natural thing u would wake up lor..when he is hungry or cranky at nite..tat u'll nvr complaint anything lor..

before having my boi..i'm very deep sleeper..i dun wake up at nite..but now..even bb sleep at nxt door..still can hear when he wake up..haha
Hi Catherine

Me same as Jesline lor. Can't bear to let her cry. Find so poor thing leh.

Hi Mummies

Does your kid still wake up during midnite for milk?
Jesline & crisann,
not good to over protect ur kid if you have 2nd kid u will be very hard to handle it cause ur 1st kid will be too cling to you that he/she will be jealous when u carry ur 2nd kid. so i rather train my ger to be independant so that i will have no problem with 2nd kid.

i have seen mothers who love dearly their 1st child and cannot spread their love to 2nd child after that.

for waking up at midnite, will depend on what time her last feed now a days she sleep late at aroun 11pm so her last feed is normally 10-11pm then she will go to bed and wake up at around 6a.m for her morning milk feed.
i agree wif cat lor..
sometime baby will cry loud onli when they see that u r ard..if they want something tat they want...
i will only gv in when my boi is crying for his milk..else just check & see what happen...but not immediately carry or "sayang" him straight away lor..
hi jesline,
u r not the only one. i love my boy very dearly too. dunno how to share my love if i have another one. that's why hb say have it later. give our boy more time with us 1st. keke...
hi jesline, catherine, crisann, erin

I moved last dec to be a few blocks nearer to my mum.. so everyday, i drop ryan off at my mums and go to work, then after work we go over for dinner and bring him home.

he has not thrown a tantrum when i leave but i think sooner of later they will start the seperation anxiety...
either that, or ryan is very used to it... cross fingers...

here is his approx daily schedule:
6.45am - wake up & play on mummy daddy bed
7.15 - brush teeth then say gd morning to doggies
(followed by wipe, change of diaper and clothes)
7.30 - breakfast w mum n dad eg. oats and fruits
followed by play time in room on floor/ exersaucer/ playpen/cot (while mum n dad get ready... maid oversees...
8.30 - carride to Grandma house - bye bye ma n pa
the rest of day is with my parents... not too sure the timetable but something like this:
9.45 /10 - milk and nap
11.30 - lunch (baby bottle food)
Then play or visit neighbours/market/shopping mall
3.30/4pm - milk and nap
Then walk or play downstairs
5.30 - Dinner (porridge)
Afterwhich is winding down...wait for parents to come...
7pm bath, join parents at dinner table with some snack or dessert
and HOME!
8.15pm brush teeth change diaper then milk
Dreamland by 845 pm ( so mummy can watch 9pm TV hehehe)

sorry i so long winded, but hope to share and see how I can improve or if same as other mummies
morning mummies,

I stay next blk to my MIL (near enough but not too near), so MIL walk to my place every day and wait for Jadelle to wake up. Last time, she wakes up @ 9:30am, now, 7:30am, in time to say BYE! to me & hubby! MIL feed Jadelle her cereals @ my place, will help me with abit of housework, and then will slowly walk back to her place with Jadelle in a stroller..

We have dinner @ MIL's place (She cooks when FIL back from work @ 3pm and can help jaga bb), and then i will walk back home with hubby & bb every night..

Jadelle sleeps @ 9pm (drink 150-180ml), and still wakes up habitually 4 TIMES!! @ 12mn-1am (comfort patting and if cannot, comfort latch a little, or i not around, daddy give her 60ml) , 4am (drink 90-120ml or latch), 6am (latch or drink 30-60ml), 7:30am (latch or drink 30-60ml) and wake up..

I can't seem to stop her waking up. When i travel for work and Daddy takes over, she still wake up leh and look for me..

I treasure our nights together as she latches on, and sayang and kiss my face. She refuse to be carried by others at night if i am around..

Very heart touching... but i also wonder how for no. 2!!
Hi, catherine

of course will love both lah when i am ready for a second one... dont want to have number 2 when i am not ready yet...

Hi, butter & jasmine
so nice to live so near mil....
Hi Jesline & erin00

We are the same. hehehe. But hor don't dare to think to plan for another one. Feel v tired. Worry can't cope. Now I carry my nephew Crisann already jealous liao leh. Cry and want me to carry her immediately.
Thanks for sharing butter8!!

now i see your schedule.. Jade's one quite similar..

7:30am: wake up next to mummy after last latch and sayang her and daddy and start to aim for side table toys!! Daddy & mummy take turns to change and get ready. Meanwhile grandma arrives and help us prepare our breakfast to bring to work.
8:15am: Bye mummy!
play on playmat and explore living room and watch grandma prepare breakfast for Jadelle after doing some housework (keep the laundry/ fold the baby's clothes/ mop the living room floor for JAde to crawl safely)
9:30am: Multi grain cereals plus milk 2-4 oz
10am: Bath time
10:30am: nap time after drinking 4 oz
12pm: Walk over to Grandma's place
1:30pm: porridge Lunch
3pm: Nap + 4 oz
5pm: Dinner
6pm: walk walk aronud Playground with grandpa
6:30pm: Bath time
7:30pm: snack & dinner with parents and grandparents
8:30pm: Diaper change and prepare for bed time (play on bed, crawl around, finally, latch or bottle). Sleep by latest 9:30pm in playpen
12mn: comfort latch/sayang/ 30-60ml milk and into playpen
4am: latch/milk 90-120ml and into playpen
6am: latch/milk 30-60ml and MUZ sleep next to mummy (in playpen will roll about and wake up and cry leh!!)
7:30am: latch/ drink 30-60ml and WAKE UP!
waking up in middle of nite,

ryan in the past month or so, used to wake up for milk once a nite - about 12.30 am or 3am, dependin how tired he is and how much he eats in the day - then I can hear his tummy growling :p

but recently this week (i dun want to jinx it) he does not really wake up... but i still try to give him milk, he only drinks a bit now, not even 100ml, so i am crossin my fingers he will stop waking for a feed... i will stand by to feed still, esp on days when he refuses to eat much in the day...
i figure 1 x per nite is still ok?

wow ur baby wakes up pretty often ya... she really 'nian' you hor...
but i guess for working mummies, we treasure some special time with baby even if its in the middle of the nite
yah i also like that, let baby cry awhile then give in.

Like that hor i think erine jesline and crisanne, sure if you baby want a toy u all immediately buy for them liao..

for me i will make sure the toy she want she will play with it if not i won't buy even she make fuse.
i am now looking for a confinement lady that is gd..anyone of u used one that time that is gd? I want one who can cook n take care of bb n most importantly pro breastfeeding..coz she b taking care of bb at nite n i wan her to bring bb to me when bb need to feed...wan to be fair to no 2 as well since jay was bf till he is 7mths...pls help!!!

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Hi Butter8

Ryan seems to be a v gd boy leh. So nice to stay so near yr mil place.

Hi Jasmine

Wah Jadelle wake up so many times at nite. Than u must be tired. Crisann also wake up few times at nite. Sometime she don't wana drink milk just wake up n talk to herself so loudly. So nice to stay so near yr mil place.
I also sayang my Justin very deary too. He's quite attention seeking and sticks to me. My mom actually ask me to delay my no.2 till Justin is 3 yrs old so as to give him more time. I get heartbroken when he cries, its natural. I know I spoil him at times, but so difficult not to.......he's so cute....hehehehe

All the things that books and magazines says u shd never do so u wont spoil ur child........I'm guilty of it.

My MIL stays with me on weekdays, so I hve the luxury of going home to see my son and have nice dinner on the table, but I still have to urge to rush home as soon as I can so as to spend that extra 5 min if I can with him.

I always tell hubby that i can't imagine how am i going to give another child attention adn lesser to Justin. Bt of course, i believe when no. 2 comes along, we'll all still love them the same, its a natural mother's feeling. Now only got no.1 so all attention goes to him, when got no. 2 i believe things will start to change a little.
For mummies who stay near inlaw/parent,
So envy of u, can have the chance to bonding with ur lil one every nite. Me dun have that privileges, as me stay in sk n mil in serangoon.

Tell ur hb, BB is v clever 1 they will be v fast to understand that every morning is grandparent time n nite is mummy&daddy time. When they understand dat they wont cry liao...

I opt for c-sect for prev 2 delivery. 2nd day can go down n walk walk liao... Maybe i quite thick skin (dun feel anything lei)

My case the other way round. Mei mei will be jealous if me carry/sayang gor gor. She must hv the full sayang from me n cant be share wit gor gor.
hi catherine,
no, that's not true. although i sayang him, i dun give him what he wants cos i dun want him to be spoilt. must see case-by-case. it's just that i think it's impt that children know that they are loved as it will build their self-esteem. there are a lot of children who do funny things just to get their parents' attention.

Just to add i dun buy toy immediately for my boy even if he fuss. In fact, he doesn't have a lot of toys as i prefer to play with him.
Hi, Catherine

which is the bellenia shoes??? where is it display?? is it the pink one with white stitches on it???

I bought the one with "I love MUM & Dad printed on it.....

Hi Cecelia
ya... baby very clever than what we adult can imagine....
Hi, Crisann

the one with "I love Mum n dad" is placed on the shelf at the side of the booth... cover with glass.... together with shoes that had a bear in front....

the booth will be there till 15th june... more stocks will be coming in next week....
my boy is super active in the day and can be stubborn. he is not that good boy.. very rough and takes risks... very dangerous...

i am thinking about c sec, cuz if naturel i find my hips expand sooo much!!! do u think c-sec can reduce a bit of the expansion??? :p
Hi ALL , juz wan to know how u ppl planing to celebrate the 1 YEAR old birthday ?i was thinking of chalet but seems like too troublesome. my parents say function room will do. Anyone got other ideas ??
Hi Jesline

Noted. Thks. Will go and take a look after work.

Hi Butter8

Crisann also v active like a boy. She is also v daring.

dun post here lah.. wait kanna ban.. forum got lots of kpo people who will complain u if u post salah place..

PM me leh!!
