(2006/08) AUGUST 2006 MTB

Hi Fiona

For kidslink clinic is the doc gd? Cos I'm staying in Yew Tew. Didn't know which GP is gd cos Yew Tew GP is not v gd and v expensive.

Hi augbaby

Crisann also the same problem. Alway chew the side of the mouth while her bottom 1st tooth came out only half way through. I also v curious why like that.

Hi Butter8

Ryan v fast leh already have so many teeth.

Hi Julie

At least your son already learn to sit up on her own. Crisann still can't sit up on her own. Whenever she roll here n there after a while she will cry asking for help. Alway stick to my mum and myself. So busy.... Actually v tired looking after her.

Hi Whitelady

Crisann has red red spot before. Than she feel v tired and having running nose that time. So I brought her to see the doc and as per e doc is false measles. Crisann has it on her whole body.

Your son having any symptoms?
ok..here goes...me replying 2 all posts

me still not comfy wif adding cereal 2 his milk (to be consumed via bottle) cos it's not recommended everywhere fr books to online to docs. even his PD n GPs whom i've consulted, said no to tis idea.

it wont help him recognise e taste n tat's not e way 2 start feeding solids. hope u understand. it'll b e last of all last resorts then i'll try but i dun tik it serves e purpose of him tasting solids. cos learning 2 eat solids shld b sitting upright, eating wif hands or fr cutlery (spoon, fork, chopsticks, etc)

delrosa is gd but how abt squeezing orange juice 4 kayden 2 take? does he consume such fluids?

how r ur kids? i totally understand ur position. very frustrating n tiring when both r sick.

u asked abt chicken pox n pneumoccocal jab? i dun quite understand. pai seh...

cecelia, honeyhaven, crisann
thks 4 ur concern abt edward's eating.

after amy's suggestion, i fed edward tiny pieces of baby bites on a spoon he finished e packet. he even very kan cheong when i feed him slower. i fed him 2pieces of baby bites, followed by 1 spoonful of water. he took everything

so e next meal, i prepared apple n pear puree. very soft n sweet. i did e same thing, 1 spoon baby bite, 1 spoon fruit puree. he was ok wif taking e baby bite, he then opened his mouth 4 e fruit puree. e moment it touched his tongue, edward gagged. he was choking n even vomitted out milk. we cleaned him up, tried again. 1 spoon baby bite, 1 spoon fruit pureee. he choked again. husband saw everything n he told me 2 stop.

i tried e next day but tis time, 1 spoon gerber puff, 1 spoon plain cereal. same thing...he gagged.

AMy, I am okie with my slot
can our bb take juices now? Orange juice do we hav to wait till 1 yr old? thou i read somewhere...might be wrong thou..n shld we dilate the juice? we shld be buying juices specially for kids right n not for adults? Please advise..thanks gal...
Aiyo mummies, my boy got 4 teeth on top and 3 below, total 7... and i nv wipe/clean for him before he sleep leh...

and hor, any mummies know if after a c-section, how long to wait then can have 2nd bb?
Hi, Mrs Chng

my gynae told me after 6 months .... can try for second one already....

but my mil said need to wait for 3 years... not too sure whether true or not.... cos gynae said 6 mths
i also duno wat is the exact timing.. scare wait i happen to have no. 2 then how? will the wound burst etc? kekee...

Now bb already coming 10 months, i duno if it's safe? heee.. if i have no. 2 i will go for c-section directly.. cannot tahan the pain... heee
my colleague waited for two yrs then go for second child.

maybe u want to try other cereal. like nestle with other taste cause my colleague told me at first baby might not like to take cereal so got to find out they like which cereal got to keep trying.

Charlotte don't like brown rice cereal, But realise she like the organic vanilla custard and nestle brand, so no choice just gv her.
Although nestle brand is slightly sweet but since its ment for baby so i feel is ok to let baby have it.

Colleague also told me that cereal have lots of vitamins and so on which porridge itself is not enough.
Hi, Mrs Chng / Catherine

also not sure..... my gyne said 6mths can already.... but think if 1st one c-sect, then think the rest also c-sect lor.. tried to be safe....

cos for my case, i got miscarriage once during 30th week & gynae c-sect me to get the baby out.... when pregnant with baby Jia Hui, gynae gave me a choice to either natural or c-sect... but i still choose c-sect cos gynae said there is a 10% chance that my previous wound will tear... & true enough... during my c-sect, gynae told me luckily i never opt for natural cos my previous wound is very thin.....
Hi kelly
I didn't feed him orange. Orange heard can cause a lot of phlegm. I started delrose today. Hmmm. Alternate delrose and gripe water. He still having his running nose.
Like wake up running nose then stop, not continuous. I didn't feed him any med. You feeding Edward orange?? Any advise. What is yr news?? Why annouce later??

Hi augbaby
Boy or girl???

Hi Amy
Not easy for u these few days. I know how u feels. U take care too.

Hi mummies
Thank you for updating the list. More r welcome.
Hi kelly
Still monitoring since only after sleep wake up running nose after that stop..so didn't feed him med. They told me not to depend med so much... Headache.. Dun know who to listen to.

i am fine with my slot too!
if anyone wants to exchange cuz they cant make it on their date can also let me know. i am fine with both dates..

mummies who went thru c-sec. how is it in the 1st 2 weeks?
is it so pain its hard to move or even breastfeed?
is the tummy area harder to go down after a few months?

mrs chng,
my boy now has his 6th tooth coming out... i started with using spiffies to wipe his teeth, but he dun like.
so now, started brushing his teeth -so far he likes it...
i try 2 times a day... but sometimes i skip the nite one...
Hi augbaby

I read from the article that baby should only take oranges after they are 1 yr old cos orange will cos them having a lot of phelgm.

Hi Mrs Chng

I also ask gynae when can have the 2nd one cos i also went thru C-section. The gynae say is ok to have another one afater 6 mths. So should be find if u are planning for the 2nd one.

Hi Amy

Hope your gal get well soon.
anyway does any mummies know if our bb can eat fruits like strawberries or kiwi now ah? i find jay so poor thing leh...everyday fruits is like apple or pear puree or avocado etc...i need to find more new food that can freeze for him to eat leh...but hor 1 thing for sure, he love yogurt..haha...he can finish 1 whole pack but usually i dun feed him all lah..he tried the baby yoplait one n now taking the petit maim one...heehee...
Strawberries and kiwi are high allergy fruits which I rather wait until after 1 year old even though books like Superbaby Food Book & Annabel's books said it's ok to give after 9 months.

You can try papaya, mango and banana. Both papaya and mango can be freeze but the taste is not as nice as giving direct. And, they are both heaty fruits so give in moderation.
What aug mummies are waiting to know?

1. Gender of Superdad, augbaby & crispyapple's second baby.(who else did I miss? Cheers?)

2. cj's pending news

3. Kelly's pending announcement

Don't make us wait for too long.
Mummies who working at raffles place,
theres is a booth selling baby shoes at raffles xchange, price range 12.90-14.90, the design not bad can go and take a look.
later i going to buy one for my girl hehe
ya jay taken mango too but in moderation coz like wat u say its heaty..for papaya i haven let him try yet..oh i din know can freeze as well...
ya i saw..its v cheap but i hesitant to buy coz bb outgrow their shoes so fast..but i saw that they hav reali nice designs..
anyway hor, do u let yr bb wear shoes when go out ah..i hardly do leh..n i got like 4 pairs of shoes for jay n think he outgrow that liao..so wasted leh...must sell them off if this one is a girl...
i seldom let baby wear shoe cause i never buy at all. that time my colleague bought her 1 and wear until now. i also bought 1 but too big so can't wear now. was thinking of get 1 for her but slightly bigger then her size so can wear longer.
hi crisann,
i would rate winston ng from kidslink as not bad, he's a very gentle guy.

re: food & fruits
i'm not as adventurous as most of you, however denise can be quite a greedy little gal. she's always interested in all our food. sometimes i'll just let her taste a bit and try, usually she'll make noise asking for more hahaha.. so far i've even given her some oranges, watermelon, apple etc. she took all of them very well.

does ed likes yogurt? if he does, you can try feeding him cereal dip in a little yogurt before intro to his mouth. that's what i did for denise bcos i find the heinz cereal wif fig a little bitter. end up she ate so much more than usual bcos she loves yogurt. i'm not a conventional eater, would be glad to mix & match if my gal like the taste. just sharing...
Hi, catherine

is it the booth near the polar stall? saw lot of pple crowded over there.....

bought a pair of Jack n Lily shoes for baby (size 6mth - 12mths) but recently tried that on her but cannot fit cos her feets too big ... wasted $30 on that....
Just bring my baby to the PD , cos he suddenly nose bleed ... i got to rush down from work ... and cost $170 .... hai ~ And sat got to go back to check again ...

And mummies , dont bring ur baby out too often recently , cos got lots of HFMD recently . i got 1 friend , baby only 7 month , got it !! Couldnt eat at all , might have to go hospital ... poor baby ...

butter ,

C section is great ! hahaha .... no pain at all ! really .... or maybe i am still not so old lah , thats why recover fast ....
mrs cng ,

6 month can liao , for c section . Cos that time i c section , then the lady who stay beside me , also c section for her 2nd baby , and his elder son only 14 month old
Hi, catherine

think baby feet too chubby already... the length is ok....baby feet is 9cm & the shoes is abt 13cm lei

will go see see tmw.....

think the 1st day is terrible lor for me... cos of pain when the medicine effect wearing off.... need someone help to carry baby if breastfeeding...

after that, still can manage lor.... cos 2nd time c-sect... so can bear more pain...
i m NOT preggie lah. not even TTC, how 2 b preggie? there's no way a stork can drop a bb in me cos i not considering #3. after e sick episodes by my boys, i scared already.

i'll share e news later cos not concrete mah.
Hi, catherine

keep me informed whether got nice & cute one... hee heehee

Hi, mummies
wanted to ask whether any mummies baby is being taken care by mil in the day time & bring baby back at night & then bring back to mil house again in the morning?

can share with me yr experience? is it tough? cos considering to bring baby home every night next month onwards as cant bear to see her cry when mummy & daddy going home every night & leaving her at mil house.....

recently, started to cry & fuss when mummy going home or out of her sight...
Hi jesline,
Me me...we will send jay to my parents home every morn n then go over in the evening to hav our dinner and then bring jay back...i am never one for leaving bb and only see bb on wkends..even now preggy, i also take care of jay at nite still..no let the maid handle..well for me, 1 thing is my parents hm is like 5min drive away so its very convenient for us...does yr MIL stay close to u? for me, i love the time spend wif jay every night so no matter how tough, i prefer this way lor..
Hi jesline,

Me! I bring Rae back everyday and bring her back my MIL's place in the morning. First of all, do you stay very near your MIL's place or you or ur hubby always available to drive there.

For me, my MIL stays 15minutes walk from me. So, every morning, I will put Rae in a stroller and walk there.

I prefers this way because I need to optimise whatever time I have with my girl in weekdays. And, I prefer to let my PIL rest well at night cause we all know sleeping with a baby is very different, you don't really sleep very well.

Not easy because she's heavy to move around, with stroller you may have problems if there's a lot of steps around etc.
Hi, augbaby

me also dont bear to leave Jia Hui over at mil house but hubby want that lor.... slowly got to learn how to get used to it lor.. had been nagging at hubby abt bring jia hui home but he said not good for jia hui lor cos need to wait her up very early in the morning lor...

but since jia hui is an early bird who wake up at abt 6am++ so now thinking abt it... & cant bear to see her cry everytime we leave... told hubby abt that but he said this way can train her to be independent lor so that next time she will not cry for mummy when go to school...told hubby now is too young for that lah....

mil hm is abt 3 MRT station aways from us.. since got car so more convenient.. think abt 10 mins...

think it will be tough but i think it is worth it lor....

Since transport is not a problem, you should seriously consider bring Jia Hui back home daily. The time with the baby at night is so so precious.
hi mummies

Thanks for yr advice... Me thinking of trying for no. 2 then can suffer together, age gap also very close... then when they grow up, then at least i dun have a younger one in tow... but then I worry abt having to take care of 2 when I am already going crazy with one! heehee..

Think I will wait, unless "accidentally" strike jackpot la.. hahaa...
Hu augbaby

I did give Crisann kiwi and dragonfruit leh. But she love kiwi not dragonfruit cos maybe no taste. Better don't give your child eat too much banana will cos a lot of phelgm also.

Hi Catherine

I'm working at Raffles places. Will visit the booth later on. Btw FOX kid hv quite nice shoe as well. I brought 1 for Crisann. Now when going out she wana come down to walk with us holding her hands.

Hi Fiona

Thks for your information. Will take note of this GP.

Hi Whitelady

That great. So don't have to worry.

Hi Jesline, Amy, augbaby

My mum look after Crisann. I do have the idea to bring her back every nite but Crisann wake up 2 - 3 times every nite. Scare I will be v v tired the next morning.

Hi Mummies

Is it okie to give our child eat food that is freeze. I don't dare to give her freeze fruit so far.
CrispyApple ,

try to sent PM to you but fail ... think u didnt make ur PM active ... any email ?

quiet quiet .... so quiet .... every mummies busy with baby right .... take care and let baby drink more more water ya !
Great Singapore Sales is coming ... guess all mummies are going to have crazy buy ! the GSS 2007 , is our baby 1st time joining in ! Last year , they still in out warm stomach ! haha
i jus started bringing my ger to and fro to my parent's hse.. so far so gd.. not really difficult.. ur mil hse is so near ur place.. i stay in Punggol, so morning going to my AMK parent's hse.. then to my work place at Sin Ming.. so the routine still quite smooth.. haha..
Hi Catherine

Had went to the booth yesterday. The shoe are quite cute and nice. Will get 1 pair today for Crisann.

Hi Mummies

New to this forum. Can anyone tell me how to activate the PM and how to send PM to anyone? Thks in advance
hi Crisann

why dont u tried out for a week & see how.... my hubby also scared wait i am too tired in the morning & will be late for work so told him that i can wake up earlier to get all things done lor

Hi, doris
ya... my mil hse near to my place...so our routine will from woodlands, to yishun & then to yio chu kang where hb will alight me at the MrT station & i will take mrt to raffles place lor....
