(2006/08) AUGUST 2006 MTB

crispyapple ,

just got a call from similac yesterday ... say will deliever the powder in 10 days time ... so we arrange to meet when i recieve !

Hi Amy,
i'm not sure whether it's necessary to drink from straw too.

Hi MH,
the food quality is ok and they have quite a wide variety. liked the high-tea. have sushi somemore. keke... made me hungry liao.

Hi Doris,
glad ur gal is feeling better. kayden was a bit feverish too. not sure if it's due to his nappy rash. passed motion a few times yest. sponged him and he seemed ok after that. temperature went down to 37.1. hopefully he'll be ok today.

hi kelly,
heard the child will have symptons similar to chickenpox after the jab but milder, is it true? i'm still thinking abt it. will bring him for pneumococcal jab after he's 1 yr old.
Hi mummies,
You all got to take good care of your babies ok.. and also make sure all toys are clean b4 giving to them cause now they like to put things inside their mouth so we must be very careful with all this.
Helping Piyo to tidy up the Mygym's Waddlers Trial since she so poor thing, sick, busy and still got to be chairlady for Birthday Bush.

Remaining mummies who have earlier indicate your interest in the trial in the list below. Do you prefer to attend the My Gym Trial on 23rd June 2:30 or you dont mind to wait for a trial later after the Birthday Bash, tentative in Sept? I can help to organise then.

1. honeyhaven, hubby, kayden
2. butter8, hb & ryan
3. CrispyApple, hubby and Aden
4. kelly, husband, edward & gabe
5. jokojoko, hb, aidan & maid
6. mrschng, hb, Jordan
7. net,hubby & evan
8. Superdad, Sophia, Dickson
9. Amberlyn, hubby, Jor
10. jojos, lucas
Good to hear elysia's fever subside liao... Somemore she so guai to let you stick on the kool fever, not like my gal.

Ang moh prefer body to fight the virus by itself n nt to depend on vaccine. So therefore when there is alien virus (which no vaccine find yet struck) body will respond n fight well. This is the theory behind.

How is ed now? can chew oredy?
Remaining mummies who have earlier indicate your interest in the trial in the list below. Do you prefer to attend the My Gym Trial on 23rd June 2:30 or you dont mind to wait for a trial later after the Birthday Bash, tentative in Sept? I can help to organise then.

1. honeyhaven, hubby, kayden
2. butter8, hb & ryan - Dun mind 23rd June or later
3. CrispyApple, hubby and Aden
4. kelly, husband, edward & gabe
5. jokojoko, hb, aidan & maid - prefers later
6. mrschng, hb, Jordan
7. net,hubby & evan
8. Superdad, Sophia, Dickson - only june
9. Amberlyn, hubby, Jor
10. jojos, lucas
hi piyo, amy
thanks for the effort to organise another trial.
i m ok for 23 jun or after Bday bash also ok ..

my bb boy had chicken pox when he was 5 mths old, the outbreak was terrible, hands, face, head, leg ... all over .. see le heart so pain
and he had very high fever also. doc said when they had it at very young age, the outbreak will b bad.

and he past it on to my 2 elder kids who had the chicken pox vaccine when they were ard 1 yo. theirs were very mild, just a few red dot (overall) and are those that doesnt develope into "watery" pox. no suffering at all .. i m glad that they had the vaccine .. but again it's up to individual .. according to the PD, the vaccine wil not prevent 1 from getting the chicken pox but will suppress the outbreak if 1 had chicken pox ...
Hi MH,
I didn't know that the chickenpox vaccination is only for 10 yrs. Thought it's for life.

Hi whitelady,

Hi Kelly,
I'm the lucky few who only has mild MS, even for Aden and this time round. I feel it's the same, not much difference. I only feel nausea sometimes and appetite not very good. Other than that, no vomitting.

Hi Amy,
I'm ok with either 23rd June or sept for the trial.

Hi Cecelia,
glad to hear that elysia is feeling beta alrdy. work very tired hor...now i seldom got the chance to log in as well...haiz. now i keep thinking why i so itchy backside wanna go out and work, while on the other hand, enjoy some of the time i spend away from home...contradicting lah
Hi Amy
I also prefer a later date around July or Aug. BTW can share with me the book u reading by Gina Ford.

Hi everyone
I notice my boy wakes up with a bit of running nose this few days. Luckily by evening when I reach home, he seems to be ok. The running nose seems to have stopped. Any suggestions I can do to prevent this running nose. BTW, I have also done up my blog finally. Please PM me if u have any interest to link to my blog.

HI kelly
How u manage to feed Edward with some food??

Hi CrispyApple
Congrats to u.

Hi butter8
Did u update us abt the news?? Any good news from u?
Aiyoh, my girl is down with fever, running nose and coughing... she is so restless.. My mum is telling me that it is bcos she is teething..

Somemore I am going for holiday to taiwan tomorrow.. How to go happily when my heart is in singapore??

Her fever up and down at 38.2 degree... I give her paracetamol every 4 hour, but it will subsided for a while and go up to 38 again.. Now I am still working.. but i am worry sick...

What can I do to help her?
Hi honeyhaven,

The book is Gina Ford's The Contented Little Book Of Weaning. It only for weaning babies up till 1 year old.

Remaining mummies who have earlier indicate your interest in the trial in the list below. Do you prefer to attend the My Gym Trial on 23rd June 2:30 or you dont mind to wait for a trial later after the Birthday Bash, tentative in Sept? I can help to organise then.

1. honeyhaven, hubby, kayden - prefer later
2. butter8, hb & ryan - Dun mind 23rd June or later
3. CrispyApple, hubby and Aden - Dun mind 23rd June or later
4. kelly, husband, edward & gabe
5. jokojoko, hb, aidan & maid - prefers later
6. mrschng, hb, Jordan
7. net,hubby & evan
8. Superdad, Sophia, Dickson - only june
9. Amberlyn, hubby, Jor
10. jojos, lucas
Hi honeyhaven,
u can try to add in some fresh lime juice in the water to let him drink it...
i done this to my boi oso..it's help..guess might be e vitamin C inside ba..
but one thing for sure is..let him have more fluids..
Try to avoid crowded place..

Take care...

U too..dun worry too much..take it as baby natural body to build up their own immune system..

Do enjoy yr trip @ Taiwan..
nice to shop..nice to eat there..
Hi Super dad!

Thank you..

Also congrats that u will be daddy the 2nd time round!!

I also wanna TTC after i come back from Taiwan!

Hopefully 2 mths can strike..:p

I am sick of waiting game again..hahaha
dear all,
both my kids were sick, josh first last friday followed by louisa on sunday. both on antibiotics. :p spent nearly $200 liao on the medication n stuff and it's only normal GP! now i feel sore throat and stuff, hope i dont get sick too coz my MIL on holiday since last week and wont be back so soon, and i dont hv anyone helping me. i m so tired!! it was a challenge trying to keep a sick toddler and a sick baby happy. if anyone comes to my flat now he/she would think a war just happened...hahahaha, so messy and untidy! But heck lah, i close BOTH EYES!!!!!
regarding my gym trial, i think all slots hv taken up.... darn, i always miss all this, esp since i cant login everyday. any mummies giving up pls let me know? 96602224 thanks.
ya ... v similiar with my ger when she's sick.. sponge her .. v v important.. my doc required me to sponge her... not cos of teethin.. is a kind of virus now.. as more kids kena recently.. so all mummies take care of the kids.. :) .. Elysia after fever gone.. now whole body like got rashes.. but is common after fever.. my doc say so.. so far still monitor her.. luckily got my mum look after lor...
just wanna share something wif all of u..
when bbies or kids hving fever, we administer med and let them sleep. it is not necessary to wake them up to take med or check temp when they are sleeping. Sponging oni comes when you cannot administer med, i.e it is too close the timing from the last u gave med and the child is not sleeping...many times we are afraid that the fever will caused damage to the brain and try our best to bring down the temp by sponging...in actual fact, sponging oni brings down the temp at 1degree per hour..so it is really not worth it..fever will oni damage the brain if it is a virus attacking the brain..and if tat is the case, no matter how u sponge, the brain will be damaged..
when i was first told, i couldn't believe..so i called KKH to verify..and they confirm that it is true..
sleeping is the best time for the child to recover...by checking temp or waking them for med or sponging them..we are actually delaying the healing process...the child will naturally wake up if feeling uncomfortable..and tat's when we administer med and check temp...if no wake up..means the child is ok...resting well..
Hi Handi,

Very useful information too, didn't know that. When Justin had fever after his vaccinations, me and hubby kept waking up in the middle of the night to take his temperature.

Also, we bought that cooling water mat to let him lie on when he had fever last time, its very effective in bringing down fever. I bought it at Tom & Stephanie and there was a newspaper article reporting that even KKH approves of it.
Hi Handi,

Thank you for your information. I am going back home earlier later to see how she goes..

I hope I can see her smile and laugh again before I go Taiwan.. These few days, she just sit there restlessly.. Last time, she was so hyper that I hope she sit still for just 30min..
Now, I hope that she return to her hyper again..

I am so sad
Hi mummies,
sorry I MIA cos very busy recently with work and online shopping :p

Hi rain, Racoon, smlow, Doris, kelly,
My heart goes out to you knowing your babies are down
It reminds me of that time when megan was down with UIT and bronchitis subsequently... I wish I can take her place then...plus I spent almost 1k+ on her medical bills just within 3-4wks! Luckily can claim from coy in full else die! haiz.. pay is one thing, pay liao still not seeing colours on their faces is simply no words can describe..pls take care of yourselves so that you all haf the strength to take care of your babies... eat more vit c and drink lots of water...

For babies with phlegm, think I brot up b4, go EYS get the "hou Ning San" very ex 1 small tube $60 can consume 2-3 dosages so you may need 2 tubes...it helps in reducing phlegm and cough...

Our babies will get well and be back even stronger k!
hi, everyone
finally have time to log in. so busy with work recently.

1. honeyhaven, hubby, kayden - prefer later
2. butter8, hb & ryan - Dun mind 23rd June or later
3. CrispyApple, hubby and Aden - Dun mind 23rd June or later
4. kelly, husband, edward & gabe
5. jokojoko, hb, aidan & maid - prefers later
6. mrschng, hb, Jordan
7. net,hubby & evan
8. Superdad, Sophia, Dickson - only june
9. Amberlyn, hubby, Jor - prefer later altho 23 jun is ok if everyone wants it.
10. jojos, lucas
Mygyms Waddlers Trial 1 Great World City

1. Piyo, hubby, Megan and maid
2. Doris, hubby & Elysia
3. MH,hubby & Genevieve
4. augbaby, hubby & jay and maid
5. Kris, hubby & Zorian
6. jasmine, hubby & jadelle
7. racoon, hubby, justin
8. fiona, hubby, denise
9. erin00, hubby and kayden
10.cocomo, hubby and Jayden
11. Superdad, Sophia, Dickson

Mygyms Waddlers Trial 2 Great World City - $29.50 (Payment to be advised)

14th JULY SAT 1:30 2:30PM
1. honeyhaven, hubby, kayden
2. butter8, hb & ryan -
3. CrispyApple, hubby and Aden
4. kelly, husband, edward & gabe
5. jokojoko, hb, aidan & maid
6. mrschng, hb, Jordan
7. net,hubby & evan
8. Amberlyn, hubby, Jor
9. jojos, lucas
10. smlow
11. Crisann

Mummies, manage to get a tentative date for the trial on 14th July. Are all mummies in Trial 2 alright with the date and time, if not, please indicate.

Superdad, shifted you to attend the Trial 1 since we have now more than 20mummies interested.
Mygyms Waddlers Trial 2 Great World City - $29.50 (Payment to be advised)

14th JULY SAT 1:30 2:30PM
1. honeyhaven, hubby, kayden
2. butter8, hb & ryan -
3. CrispyApple, hubby and Aden
4. kelly, husband, edward & gabe
5. jokojoko, hb, aidan & maid
6. mrschng, hb, Jordan
7. net,hubby & evan
8. Amberlyn, hubby, Jor
9. jojos, lucas
10. smlow - OK
11. Crisann
hi Amy,

Thanks for your effort! Btw, I've already made payment to Piyo earlier already...

Mygyms Waddlers Trial 2 Great World City - $29.50 (Payment to be advised)

14th JULY SAT 1:30 2:30PM
1. honeyhaven, hubby, kayden
2. butter8, hb & ryan -
3. CrispyApple, hubby and Aden
4. kelly, husband, edward & gabe
5. jokojoko, hb, aidan & maid - OK & Paid
6. mrschng, hb, Jordan
7. net,hubby & evan
8. Amberlyn, hubby, Jor
9. jojos, lucas
10. smlow - OK
11. Crisann
hello amy,

thanks for arranging..

i cant remember if i have made any payment, just let me know ok

please email me if i dun respond here (in case i dun log on for 1-2 days)
Hi Amy cc. Piyo

Here is the info.
Hi Piyo
I have done my ATM transfer today. Sorry for the wait.

MY GYM Trial.
Amount : $29.50.
Dated: 10/05/2007 at 12.43 pm.
Reference NO.: 9350.
went for 9mths development check up for charlotte
Wt : 8.8kg
ht : 75cm

the nurse say she is growing fine with her wt and ht 75 percentile

also test hearing and eye sight.

she mention can feed egg yolk now as then char 15mts got to take MMR if nv talk egg they will not inject MMR for baby.

so u all can start feeding egg yolk everyday.
nurse say baby need to colestrol to grow is very good for baby to eat egg yolk everyday.

for fever we got to take note that it might be ear infection if fever never subside got to bring them to PD
hi all mummies..
had not post for so long.. but had been reading.. feel so down seeing so many bb sick.. pls take care.. & hope all bb healthy & happy
i did ask my pd b4 bout HFMD.. symtoms r blister-like dots on hand.. foot.. tongue(ulcers).. & nappy area ley.. oso fever will occur.. hope tis help..
Hi Amy
thanks for e arrangement..

If no blister found on palm, foot and ulcer on tongue plus running with fever...it may cause by others like skin sensitive..
cause my boi oso have lots of small red dots on arm and legs few weeks back...after applying some baby cream and lotion plus claening more frequent..it cure by itself..
so not to worry too much White lady..
take care.
superdad ,

thank . Anyway , i also suspect is sensitive , cos 2 days back , he got fever , so i did not bath for him , only wet towel to clean , so maybe is not clean enough ... thank
Mygyms Waddlers Trial 1 Great World City

1. Piyo, hubby, Megan and maid
2. Doris, hubby & Elysia - paid to piyo
3. MH,hubby & Genevieve - paid to piyo
4. augbaby, hubby & jay and maid - paid to piyo
5. Kris, hubby & Zorian
6. jasmine, hubby & jadelle
7. racoon, hubby, justin - paid to piyo
8. fiona, hubby, denise - paid to piyo
9. erin00, hubby and kayden - Paid to piyo
10.cocomo, hubby and Jayden
11. Superdad, Sophia, Dickson - paid to piyo

Mygyms Waddlers Trial 2 Great World City - $29.50 (Payment to be advised)

14th JULY SAT 1:30 2:30PM
1. honeyhaven, hubby, kayden - OK & paid to piyo
2. butter8, hb & ryan - OK & pending- is your nick Nadine?
3. CrispyApple, hubby and Aden
4. kelly, husband, edward & gabe
5. jokojoko, hb, aidan & maid - OK & Paid to piyo
6. mrschng, hb, Jordan - paid to piyo
7. net,hubby & evan - paid to piyo
8. Amberlyn, hubby, Jor - OK?
9. jojos, lucas
10. smlow - OK
11. Crisann
My girl is sick since Friday, she has got all the typical symptons of a flu virus. The medicine not working at all, so now waiting for her to wake up and see another PD again. She hasn't been sleeping well at night, woke up everytime she coughs, she will wake up from sleeping and then cries really hard.
So many babies are sicj..Gen hasnt recovered..seen doc 3x liao..Now i oso down with sore throat, flu & cough..tink she passed to me + lack of sleep coz Gen been so unwell...But i still got to perservere since i still hv to take care of Gen.

MIL- so pissed..sorry ar..complain abit here. My boxes arrived from France last Thurs..a total of 65 boxes..she kip complaining & complaining y so many boxes lah, messed up her hse lah..kip nagging me to quikly unpack the boxes (coz some r in my SIL's room)..Hello !! Hw u expect me to unpack so many boxes when i hv so little time on hand..i got a sick baby to look after leh & my MIL oni like help me look after her for 30mins a day !! Buay Tahan..Nag until ytd till i so fed up i told my hb to leave me alone to unpack & im not goin to look after Gen. Which tey all 'gabra' coz Gen is so sticky to me.

So i hv to look after Gen, unpacked boxes while i am still very sick. Seioursly i tink my MIL has OCD..things must be in neat order, in certain position & her hse must be sparkling clean..Piangz..
ya , look like alot of baby are sick recently ... my parent are helping me to look after baby , both of them also sick liao ....

i think we all must drink more water ... mummies , remember must drink ok ! =)

If not enough energy or tired from looking after baby, take chicken essence in the morning on empty stomach. That works for me.
