(2006/08) AUGUST 2006 MTB

hahahahaha, now we r working tgt. see! 2heads betta than 1 rt?

seems like leia's condo is e winner but we still need the "humpty dumpties" 2 vote cos cecelia can only make it on 22 or 28jul. not much help there...
My Gym only 2 hours ya? A bit short le. By the time we ah ci ah zho got to leave liao le. No time to chat more? The only thing concern me if held at Leia's condo is the date coz as you said some babies might have their own party that weekend too. So if can held on 22 Jul then will be perfect!!! If at Leia's condo I can bring Jay for a swm since her Condo's baby pool's SO nice!!

1. Piyo, hubby, Megan and maid - My gym
2. cocomo, hubby, Jayden and maid - Leia's Condo
3. jasmine, hubby, jadelle - Leia's condo
4. Doris, hubby, Elysia - My Gym/ Leia's Condo
5. kelly, hubby, edward & gabriel - My Gym
6. fiona, hubby, denise - Leia's Condo
7. Augbaby, hubby, jayden, maid - My Gym/Leia Condo
8. Kris, hubby, zorian - My Gym / Leia's Condo
9. Babyboy, hubby, keiran - My Gym / Leia's Condo
10. erin00, hubby and kayden - Leia's Condo
11. superdad, sophia and dickson - Leia's condo
12. CrispyApple, hubby and Aden - My Gym
13. cheers, hubby & gwen - Leia's condo
14. Cecelia, hubby, raphael n rachelle - Leia's Condo (if on other days such as 22 or 29jul) i'm changing cecelia's vote cos we cant go 2 My Gym on 28Jul
15.jesline81, hubby, Jia Hui - My Gym
16. racoon, husband, justin, maid - Leia's Condo
17. augustmum, husband, noah, zac - My Gym
18. butter8, husband, ryan - Leia's Condo or My Gym
19. net, husband, evan - Leia's Condo or My Gym
20. leia, hb, jadon - Leia's condo
21. honeyhaven, kayden - My Gym
22. jojos, (hb mayb working cannot confirm), lucas, maid - My Gym
23. cj, husband, kaefer, maid - Leia's Condo/My Gym

My Gym Voters: 7

Leia's condo: 8
cecelia (but only on 22 or 28jul)

The humpty dumpties:
Wow.. so many posts liao.. haha
White lady,
ya lor.. now she will grab anything that she can bite liao...give her teethin toy also no use.. she wans real life things... ya lor.. hp is dirty.. so everytime i hav to wipe clean my hp b4 lettin her aim.. now my hp (shang hen lei lei(hanyu pinyi)-badly injury)..
thks 4 e deciding vote (in a way lah). i agree wif u tat our butts not even warmed then gotta leave liao.

shall we then declare tat we r holding it at Leia's Condo? so exciting...now can get on to other stuff.

i reply 2 u on behalf of piyo...leia's condo is between sengkang & hougang.
ya ya you haf been telling me Leia's pool so nice so nice over the phone that time! I still rem! ok, so if we on Leia's place, you promised you wear bikini that day ah? haha!

Hi cat,
I think Leia's condo is at Hougang area. those who haf been there can confirm?

kns lei!duplication of resources! think I use my eyes better, you use your fingers k! hehe! I think better dun haf humpty dumpties, else wait they fall we very bo eng! Ask everyone must vote 1 venue better?

Humpty dumpties,
pls vote hor! no sitting on the wall:p
very thank q
kelly, how come we keep replying together ah? haha! when did we haf telepathy with each other ah?

okie lah! we haf it at Leia's place but change date to 22Jul weekend like what cocomo suggested?

then we can move on to:
$$$ (v v impt)
assignment of tasks/duties (pl shoot arrows now?:p)
timing ( I can't rem the timing:p)
food (menu n $$$?)
cake (design and $$$?)
deco (theme?)
birthday gifts (how much and general guidelines?)
goodie bags (wan?)
wah very exciting

kelly, dun run offline ah!
haha... ok... humpty dumpty decided to fall on Leia's condo.. haha..
btw,jus now at compasspoint see cute cute hair-clips.. buay tahan.. hand itchy buy liao.. haha.. then let my dear Elysia put on..haha..tiny little hair also can clip, this vain princess so happy.. haha
piyo, haha.. finally got hair-clip on liao.. haha.. so next time any1 ask me my baby 'boy or ger' ... i will ask the person go get a pair of spectacles..haha

so excited.. cant imagine to see so many babies playing in the pool.. will be so amazing..haha..
doris, you will be amazed by strangers who still come up to you and ask you boy pr ger even if you dress your princess in pink and/or with hairclips... sometimes i dunno I am the blur one answering the qn or the person who asked is blur haha

ok, I mai gan jeong now... I go chi chi pom pom 1st okie :p
Hi Fiona,
Your gal willing to drink water from spoon? Mine used to but now even spoon he also reject. Bottle, cup feeding and spoon feeding, all failed. But I still use spoon feeding, he drank a few spoonfuls better than none.

My mil suggested giving gripe water. Say that maybe he would drink then. We tried but he also reject.

Hi Kris,
You mentioned teaching Zorian to suck using cocomo's method. Can share what method??? I got buy the mag mag cup with straw too but have not let him try cos' thought he may not know how to suck.
wah sei! i read until my eyes "pa jiao" alrdy hahaha...

i do feed her water right after she woke up like u said, bcos that's the time she drinks most kekeke...ok so dun need to train to use straw huh? then i relax and on off just let her try the straw again.

i tried the gripe water too but failed also lor...haiz. why not u try to give when your boy is still sleepy? denise takes more water when in dreamy state.

i seldom put hairclips on denise, but i bought some from a pushcart in centrepoint.
Thanks for the link!!

Thanks for sharing ur experience!! Hm. .. I also dunno where to celebrate Jay's birthday. My hb said just at home will do lo. Will see how.

What I did was I used the vitagen straw (I was drinking vitagen) and get some water drip into Jay's mouth, after few sips I then put parallel to Jay's mouth to let him suck (so water will not come out from the other end of straw), at the same time also show him by expression how to suck. After few sipps I let him try the stage 3 mug cup.

Ya lo, really very nice lo!!! You know that day after I came out from Leia's place on my way home I called my hubby asked him to pack coz I wanna pick them up and go Leia's place. My hubby said I siao coz Jay just had injection not good to swim. If not I will rush to Leia's place liao!!!

Ha. .. bikini? can!!! wear inside and outside with T-shirt!

You must quickly go book the function room le. See if they can close one eye and let you book now? Really look forward to 22 Jul!!
Hi Net, Kris

Thanks yeah. cant figure how bbs get bronchitis.
PD mention is due to famiy members sick and virus spread to them BUT I stil cant figure out why have phlegm etc..ALOT of ???? inside my brain now.

She totally cut down her milk and freak out when I pass milk into her mouth. Cant figure how she can distinguish between milk & water. When water is near her she keep on drinking and drinking! Makes me worry when she dont wan her milk. I understand she must be feeling unwell to drink as her phlegm making her miserable.. So give her 2 porridge a day BUT she hardly take much.

I am getting more and more worried even though she is active.. She is super skinny and nv seem to gain weight at all. ONI 7.2kg! she lost about 200g within a week. At 8mths plus she is oni this heavy. So scare she will be under develop. She has no teeth which of cos cant be force. She have not even wan to crawl oni wan to be on tummy and lift buttock up and wan to sit up instead. She seems to be lacking of energy to pull herself up at time.

Don't know shld I seek nutritionist to guide me or wat.. have done alot things to try increase her milk and meals.. so worried and stressful. Worse is MIL wan to oppose mi. She say she eat less nvm bb SKINNY esp gals is good. I wan to F her the idea. Cos I personally feel bbs now beta to be heavier and bigger..

Stress up lately. Need to find some ways to distress. Hb can even throw mi at home alone with bb now and go out with friends. Sick.
i suggest u be a full time mum better since u urself so stress up with ur in law. with u being the full time taking care of nat is much better then you keep stressing and worrying.

ur situation like this u will go mad one day if this problem continues. so best is you be a full time mum, taking care of nat urself until she is 2yrs old then u put her in childcare.

i strongly feel that ur mil is not suitable to take care of nat.


sorry hougang is too far for me to travel there cause no car. so i guess i got to skip this birthday bash. don't want to ask so much already cause always ask and i never turn up at all. next time when i get a new house will invite u all to my new house for house warming.
doris i also recently bought the clips from raffles place and arcade 2nd floor very cheap $1 only also alot more cute stuff at $1 -$2

upload pic which the clip i bought for her but wear also drop hahaha

ur home is big enough to celebrate y you don't want to celebrate at home? can save the cost. if i can i prefer to celebrate at home, i have no choice now staying at inlaws hs very small, if celebrate at my mum's place will be very unfair for inlaws, so i choice chalet,both inlaws relative and my relative and go. if i have hs of my own i will save the cost and do it at home.


URL: http://www.childrensplace.com/webap...earance=0&cmCat=productsearch&catalogId=10001


Bought tis fr a fellow mummy in e WTS thread. Measured edward's sole n tot he can wear it. edward's feet is 11cm+ while e flip flop is 13cm. Who knows? edward got "bah-ka" (chubby feet) so too tight 4 him.

he wore it 4 barely 3mins n when i removed e flip flops, there were visible red strappy marks on his feet. e shoes r unbelievably cute on him lor.

i letting it go $6 including normal postage. any mummy or 1 dad, pls pls buy fr me so i can go buy a bigger size pair 4 him.
i m very near u indeed.. i staying at farmway 3.. all the dog & fish farms ther.. keke.. u r jux outside lor.. guess u noe wher rite? anyway wat items u wanna get? i might go ahead & buy from luckyvitamin.. cos i m gettin dermalogica products from usa as well.. if u 1.. can help u get since u stay so near me.. haha..

u muz really take care ok? do not put too much stress on urself.. jux vent ur frustration here cos tis is wat forum r for rite? n we r all mummies so we do understand each other de
& oso don blame ur hubby la.. cos men & women really tink differently.. my hubby oso went out for drinks wif his friends when my gal had fever recently.. haiz.. i tink his mentality is like even if he is ard bb oso sick ley.. worse till if bb cranky.. he oso cant sleep well.. to us bb sick is big biz.. then we will be very gan cheong.. but to them.. they r gan cheong but they will tink dat bb sick is very common.. will get well soon so not as kiasu as us la..
can add me to the bash?? i had found my sis to go wif me.. so will be ashley, my sis & me.. sorry for being so late cos got to confirm wif my sis.. so excited.. anyway.. wher's leia's condo??
u r staying in farmway 3? u staying in those fish or dog farms? leia's condo very near us, so join us ya...

u use dermalogica pdts huh? got any gd recommendation 4 my pale yellow face (yellow faced wife)? i got combination skin. t zone oily. dull complexion. texture not smooth. definitely needs help 2 fix it.
Aug Baby Birthday Bash

You guys only want 22 Jul (Sun), 9am-3pm is it? If not able to get 22 Jul, what other dates?


I can't book in advance. Only 1 month before the date.


Fringe of Hougang and Sengkang. Come by TPE from your place, turn out at the next exit from where you enter. It's that near. You got business selling dogs/fish??
Hi net,
thanks. think the bag is too big. one of my pupils was carrying this for the fieldtrip. guess will look around then.

hi piyo,
can use some of the pics from ur blog? just viewed them and realised i dun have some of the pics with kayden in them.

hi leia,
perhaps can check with the other mummies and a daddy whether the afternoon slot is ok with them in case, the morning slot gets booked. i'm fine with most weekends in july unless i'm asked to go for work on one of the sats.

Hi MH,
welcome back! U just missed one of the gatherings at cocomo's place. Wait for the june gathering then. but dunno where yet.

You don't sleep early how to have strength to chase your boys around the house and now still got to be asst chairlady.
hello.... my name missing from the poll leh.... i thot kelly put for it liao. anyway, i opt for Leia's condo ok, on saturday only.

1. Piyo, hubby, Megan and maid - My gym
2. cocomo, hubby, Jayden and maid - Leia's Condo
3. jasmine, hubby, jadelle - Leia's condo
4. Doris, hubby, Elysia - My Gym/ Leia's Condo
5. kelly, hubby, edward & gabriel - My Gym
6. fiona, hubby, denise - Leia's Condo
7. Augbaby, hubby, jayden, maid - My Gym/Leia Condo
8. Kris, hubby, zorian - My Gym / Leia's Condo
9. Babyboy, hubby, keiran - My Gym / Leia's Condo
10. erin00, hubby and kayden - Leia's Condo
11. superdad, sophia and dickson - Leia's condo
12. CrispyApple, hubby and Aden - My Gym
13. cheers, hubby & gwen - Leia's condo
14. Cecelia, hubby, raphael n rachelle - Leia's Condo (if on other days such as 22 or 29jul) i'm changing cecelia's vote cos we cant go 2 My Gym on 28Jul
15.jesline81, hubby, Jia Hui - My Gym
16. racoon, husband, justin, maid - Leia's Condo
17. augustmum, husband, noah, zac - My Gym
18. butter8, husband, ryan - Leia's Condo or My Gym
19. net, husband, evan - Leia's Condo or My Gym
20. leia, hb, jadon - Leia's condo
21. honeyhaven, kayden - My Gym
22. jojos, (hb mayb working cannot confirm), lucas, maid - My Gym
23. cj, husband, kaefer, maid - Leia's Condo/My Gym
24. smlow, husband, Joshua & Louisa - Leia's condo, on saturday only.

My Gym Voters: 7

Leia's condo: 9
cecelia (but only on 22 or 28jul)
smlow (only on 22 or 28 jul)
The humpty dumpties:
Hi Cynthia..

Dun be too stressful okie.. babies are super sensitive.. they know when we are feeling stress and make them nervous.. relax and take care.. do wat you feel is right.. if you are worry, then go ahead and look for a nutritionist..

i understand the issue with your MIL.. i m staying with my PIL as well..

Babies are not too good to be super fat nor skinny.. btw, i have a colleague whose boy is born in May and he is only coming to 8kg.. so as long ast Nat is healthy, just try to slowly increase her food intake..

Zorian is also like that.. able to differentiate between water and milk.. when he refused to drink his milk, he simply wont suck even in his sleepy state.. but when give water, he immediately starts to suck and play with it.. think on the bright side, at least she is taking water and staying hydrated.. : )

just come in and vent your anger / stress anytime.. we are here for each other.. : )

Hi Catherine and Doris..

your girls soooo cute.. sometimes really wish to have a baby girl to doll her up.. keekee.. but for the time being, Zorian is keeping me busy even..

Zorian is down with cough and flu.. so have to take care of him.. very tired..

Calling all mommies using Nepia..

NTUC is having a promotion.. 2 packs going for $26.95... offer ends at 09-May.. good chance to stock up..

Hi Kelly and Piyo..

thanks for the effort.. anything that need my help, let me know..

all mommies, daddies and babies,

enjoy the weekends!!
hi all mummies,

seem like babies & mummies are enjoying on the gathering... wanna join in too.

can i bring my bb to the birthday bash born in aug too...

1. Piyo, hubby, Megan and maid - My gym
2. cocomo, hubby, Jayden and maid - My Gym/ Leia's Condo
3. jasmine, hubby, jadelle - Leia's condo
4. Doris, hubby, Elysia - My Gym/ Leia's Condo
5. kelly, hubby, edward & gabriel - My Gym
6. fiona, hubby, denise - Leia's Condo
7. Augbaby, hubby, jayden, maid - My Gym/Leia Condo
8. Kris, hubby, zorian
9. Babyboy, hubby, keiran
10. erin00, hubby and kayden - Leia's Condo
11. superdad, sophia and dickson - Leia's condo
12. CrispyApple, hubby and Aden - My Gym
13. cheers, hubby & gwen - Leia's condo
14. Cecelia, hubby, raphael n rachelle - My Gym (if on 28Jul), Leia's Condo (if on other days such as 22 or 29jul) cecelia, m i right 2 assume it tis way?
15.jesline81, hubby, Jia Hui
16. racoon, husband, justin, maid - Leia's Condo
17. augustmum, husband, noah, zac - My Gym
18. butter8, husband, ryan - Leia's Condo or My Gym
19. net, husband, evan - Leia's Condo or My Gym
20. leia, hb, jadon - Leia's condo
21. honeyhaven, kayden - My Gym
22. jojos, (hb mayb working cannot confirm), lucas, maid - My Gym
23. cj, husband, kaefer, maid - Leia's Condo/My Gym
24. smlow, husband, Joshua & Louisa - Leia's condo, on saturday only.
25. vel, (hb yet to confirm), jovie, - Leia's condo

My Gym Voters: 7

Leia's condo: 11
cecelia (but only on 22 or 28jul)
smlow (only on 22 or 28 jul)

The humpty dumpties:
Im residing in Tampines. Pardon me ar...got no time to read the past postings ab the Bash.

In short, when will it be ? Location wise, im fine with anywhere lah..the only thing im scared is i dunno anyone of u leh...wait go there paiseh.

Just let me know, where, when ,what etc ? k..tks ar..
hi piyo, kelly,

count me in too...

1. Piyo, hubby, Megan and maid - My gym
2. cocomo, hubby, Jayden and maid - My Gym/ Leia's Condo
3. jasmine, hubby, jadelle - Leia's condo
4. Doris, hubby, Elysia - My Gym/ Leia's Condo
5. kelly, hubby, edward & gabriel - My Gym
6. fiona, hubby, denise - Leia's Condo
7. Augbaby, hubby, jayden, maid - My Gym/Leia Condo
8. Kris, hubby, zorian
9. Babyboy, hubby, keiran
10. erin00, hubby and kayden - Leia's Condo
11. superdad, sophia and dickson - Leia's condo
12. CrispyApple, hubby and Aden - My Gym
13. cheers, hubby & gwen - Leia's condo
14. Cecelia, hubby, raphael n rachelle - My Gym (if on 28Jul), Leia's Condo (if on other days such as 22 or 29jul) cecelia, m i right 2 assume it tis way?
15.jesline81, hubby, Jia Hui
16. racoon, husband, justin, maid - Leia's Condo
17. augustmum, husband, noah, zac - My Gym
18. butter8, husband, ryan - Leia's Condo or My Gym
19. net, husband, evan - Leia's Condo or My Gym
20. leia, hb, jadon - Leia's condo
21. honeyhaven, kayden - My Gym
22. jojos, (hb mayb working cannot confirm), lucas, maid - My Gym
23. cj, husband, kaefer, maid - Leia's Condo/My Gym
24. smlow, husband, Joshua & Louisa - Leia's condo, on saturday only.
25. vel, (hb yet to confirm), jovie, - Leia's condo
26. jokojoko, hb, maid & Aidan - Leia's condo

My Gym Voters: 7

Leia's condo: 12
cecelia (but only on 22 or 28jul)
smlow (only on 22 or 28 jul)

The humpty dumpties:
Have decided at Leia's place liao ya?! (Just realised there will be > 60 adults and 28 BBs, Dun think My GYM can fit in also.)

1. Piyo, hubby, Megan and maid
2. cocomo, hubby, Jayden and maid
3. jasmine, hubby, jadelle
4. Doris, hubby, Elysia
5. kelly, hubby, edward & gabriel
6. fiona, hubby, denise
7. Augbaby, hubby, jayden, maid
8. Kris, hubby, zorian
9. Babyboy, hubby, keiran
10. erin00, hubby and kayden
11. superdad, sophia and dickson
12. CrispyApple, hubby and Aden
13. cheers, hubby & gwen
14. Cecelia, hubby, raphael n rachelle
15.jesline81, hubby, Jia Hui
16. racoon, husband, justin, maid
17. augustmum, husband, noah, zac
18. butter8, husband, ryan
19. net, husband, evan
20. leia, hb, jadon
21. honeyhaven, kayden
22. jojos, (hb mayb working cannot confirm), lucas, maid
23. cj, husband, kaefer, maid
24. smlow, husband, Joshua & Louisa
25. vel, (hb yet to confirm), jovie,
26. jokojoko, hb, maid & Aidan
27. MH & Gene
28. Rachel, Ashley and Rachel's sis

Most likely will be at home coz hubby insist wanna celecrate at home lo

Where are you staying? I can fecth you to the birthday bash.

Welcome back!!! The birthday bash is at Hougang.
cocomo - Tks
Hougang ar..good good..Tampines qte near Hougang.So the date nt fix yet rite ? Anyway frm the list above No. 27 issit refer to me ar ??? *blur*
wow...more than 60 adults & 28 bbs...that's so cool! it'll be so amazing to see everyone comes together...can't wait!

do sms me when the time comes for shopping of the bash stuff

kris & zorian,
do take care ar...and have a nice weekend too!
wah..so many posts...i read until blur blur...anything i can help with for the bash???

Catherine, if u stay east side i can fetch u also...

hey jasmine, were u in Chinatown today? thot i recognised Jadelle and ur hubby from the swimming pics...

Cynthia, maybe u can try to give ur baby other foods that are rich in calcium to make up for the lack of milk? your girl may take to things like yogurt & tofu...since cant force mah..so try other things first lor and hope that this is a passing phase....

yes i was! you were there with baby? I went to take my dessert! kekekekeke.. i was super blur.. never c u leh!! Where were u?

piyo & Kelly,

dun need humpty dumpties to come down liaoz... seems like Leia's condo is the choice! But we need to help her on the date leh! cos if cannot book 22nd july, muz go for another date as back up.

I suggest all mommies to keep 22nd & 29 july free?? what u all think?

Welcome back MH!! finally can meet u!

sorry, all mummies too excited about bash liaoz to wave "hi"! Warm welcome!!
1. Piyo, hubby, Megan and maid
2. cocomo, hubby, Jayden and maid
3. jasmine, hubby, jadelle
4. Doris, hubby, Elysia
5. kelly, hubby, edward & gabriel
6. fiona, hubby, denise
7. Augbaby, hubby, jayden, maid
8. Kris, hubby, zorian
9. Babyboy, hubby, keiran
10. erin00, hubby and kayden
11. superdad, sophia and dickson
12. CrispyApple, hubby and Aden
13. cheers, hubby & gwen
14. Cecelia, hubby, raphael n rachelle
15.jesline81, hubby, Jia Hui
16. racoon, husband, justin, maid
17. augustmum, husband, noah, zac
18. butter8, husband, ryan
19. net, husband, evan
20. leia, hb, jadon
21. honeyhaven, kayden
22. jojos, (hb mayb working cannot confirm), lucas, maid
23. cj, husband, kaefer, maid
24. smlow, husband, Joshua & Louisa
25. vel, (hb yet to confirm), jovie,
26. jokojoko, hb, maid & Aidan
27. MH & hubby and Genevieve
28. Rachel, Ashley and Rachel's sis

Yes, 27 is yours! Coz you said you ok to go so I just put your name down. Please feel free to amend.

I agree with Jasmine that the 29 Jul should be althernate date in case 22 not available. What you gals think?

Have to 'ma fan' keep an eye on the 'open booking date' for 22 Jul liao. Think should be 21 Jun if one mth before? But then I think lotso mummies will remind you when approaching one. ha. . .
wow so many posts I missed out!

Milk (again :p)
I mentioned last week I had switched ryan off his old Milk (Enfa) anyone has any comment on how to let baby try sample milk, for eg, if now he is trying Mamil Gold, and we also have a sample tin of Friso, is it ok I change after 1 tin of Enfa finish overlap to Mamil and then overlap to Friso? Is that too many diff brand for baby?

any comment on Friso and Mamil Gold follow-on milk? thx thx!

Learning to walk..
my boy is finally trying to pull to stand mainly in his cot, on me and on the floor to the bed..
i have 2 dogs, so i dun really let him crawl all over..
How to help baby practice walkin more?
Piyo, u have a dog rite? do u seperate baby from dog?

Ryan sleeps less and less now... in the day his naps have reduced to about 30min twice a day only.. he sleeps about 9-10 hrs at nite..
how much do our kids need now?
hi jasmine,

thanks for your warm welcome...
everybody is looking forward to the birthday bash...me tooooo...

hi butter8,

i also have a dog at home, in-law dun allow her to touch or crawl on the floor too...
but my dog always in her cage unless when is time for her to go for a walk...maybe she is old liaoz...ard 8yrs old.
i oso combination skin.. so i using their special cleansing gel.. but i very lazy.. din folow the 3 step skincare regime everyday.. u can go their website check it out.. i getting from www.whatgreatskin.com so much cheaper than s'pore..

ya.. i staying in a farm.. very kampong hor? itz my fil doing the fish biz.. he is selling tropical fish & arowanas.. but i donno anythin bout fish.. haha..

all mummies,
looking forward to c u all @ the bash
i m having facial at leonard drake.. quite good.. they r using solely dermalogica products.. they r offering 50% off for 1st trial facial.. they will do a free face mapping for ur 1st visit.. so u will noe wat products muz use.. then go ahead wif the facial but don buy products lor.. haha.. i always ask them wat i muz use during my facial then buy from USA.. haha.. very bad hor..
