(2006/08) AUGUST 2006 MTB

ur Zac so happy laughing when climbing up to see u rite? haha...
mamy poko pack is one pack diapers + one pack pull-up pants.. worth buying ...

Hi babyboy
I didn't know got size.. I thought swim diapers are free size. My boy is wearing XL for drypers and mamy poko pullup is Large.. So I dun think can get from u liao.
Your MIL is really difficult to deal with.

Hi augbaby
What is yr swim diaper size??

Hi erin
Sounds attactive deal.

Hi Fiona
Congrats to u.
oic,thanks Doris...

BABIES on Mamil Gold...Cold Storage.com.sg having an offer...
Usual: S$26.65
Now: S$25.30

Dont know if its really cheaper...just spreading the news...
i go hm n check tonite then let u know ya...

so happy for u that denise won..is it the one where she is pulling yr top and let go? i love that video if it is the one...so wat did u win?
Hi Augbaby,
think is $100 worth Huggies products...haha..i saw the winning pic of Denise.. so excited.. jus sms Fion to congrats her..
Happy to see ur Jay..so sweet sleepin on you.. hm.. i think one of the best moment is carry ur baby,watchin him/her sleepin soundly on u...it's a v v touching moment.. haha.. dun all mummies think so...?
hi honeyhaven,
aidan also wearing L size nepia but can wear huggies swim diapers M size cuz its bigger, for 11-15kg... aidan now weighs 10+kg...
hi, rachel

now i am living in HDB... had been living in kampong since young.... quite fun as lot of space to explore....

think problems in living in kampong is abt cleaning lor as got houseflies, mosqitoes etc....will love to bring baby to farm when she is bigger to let her have a taste of nature....
hi, rachel

now i am living in HDB... had been living in kampong since young.... quite fun as lot of space to explore....

think problems in living in kampong is abt cleaning lor as got houseflies, mosqitoes etc....will love to bring baby to farm when she is bigger to let her have a taste of nature....
congrats! do post e winning pic here leh.

like jokojoko's aidan, edward wears L sized nepia n M sized huggies swim diapers.
Hi kelly and jokojoko
Thank you for yr info. BTW, is nepia good?? My boy is wearing daytime drypers and nite time mamy poko. Hmmm drypers not very satisfactory to me..BTW how abt the wetsuit?? Where did you all buy babies' wetsuit?? Which size should I buy?? Your aidan and edward abt the same size as my Kayden.

Hi babyboy and augbaby
It seems like Kayden can wear the M size swim diapers..so who can spare me??
got ur PM. i tik i accidentally called u but didnt say anything cos i intended 2 key in ur no into my HP. i could hv pressed e dial button n 4got abt it.
so datz u.. haha.. i guess so but din call back.. don mind if i keep ur no.?

re: standing
wow.. saw a bb in the september thread whom can stand unsupported.. so advance man.. wondering when will my ashley stand like dat ley..
my ger used to wear daytime drypers and nite time mamy poko.. ya...drypers'cutting is not really gd liao... as her thighs often redded... i swtiched to petpet... oh... lovely.. no longer red red thighs liao as the cutting is bigger.. u should try..nite time as usual mamy poko.. tried b4 nepia.. it's gd too.. but still prefer mamy poko ley...
I bought my ger's swimsuit at kiddy palace...bot her size 4.. haha...kiasu mum.. but she can wear ley.. u can also buy at Giant Tampines.. quite cheap...
my edward not so "tua-jia" as kayden & aidan lah...he's only 9.3kg at 9mths+.
he gaining weight slow lah. hopefully he hits his 3x birth weight by 1yrs old.
Hi Fiona,
Aden got 1 more problem. Dun like to take milk too. But I like to feed him milk when he's in a sleepy state. So, sleepy state slot is given for him to drink milk.

Aden like to eat solid food more. It's so easy feeding him solid and sometimes, he can eat more than I gave him.

Hi Cocomo,
I a bit lost regarding the step of "after few sips I then put parallel to Jay's mouth to let him suck(so water will not come out from the other end of straw)". Can you further explain. I still dun quite get it.
hi kelly..sure thing..yep im at siglap area..i pm u my no. so u just let me know when u wanna come by..there's always someone at home...no lah no need to exchange...=)

Hey superdad tks for the idea! i nv thot of getting the free samples for evan..cuckoo me...heheh...can save some $$!

jasmine..icic! no wonder u looked abit erm...paisey in the car...heh...that dessert stall not bad yah? i like the egg thing...but its really sweet..there's another dessert shop nearby that's got very nice steamed ginger milk dessert..the cantonese style kind..
Dear piyo & kelly,

Do include me

1. Piyo, hubby, Megan and maid - My gym
2. cocomo, hubby, Jayden and maid - My Gym/ Leia's Condo
3. jasmine, hubby, jadelle - Leia's condo
4. Doris, hubby, Elysia - My Gym/ Leia's Condo
5. kelly, hubby, edward & gabriel - My Gym
6. fiona, hubby, denise - Leia's Condo
7. Augbaby, hubby, jayden, maid - My Gym/Leia Condo
8. Kris, hubby, zorian
9. Babyboy, hubby, keiran
10. erin00, hubby and kayden - Leia's Condo
11. superdad, sophia and dickson - Leia's condo
12. CrispyApple, hubby and Aden - My Gym
13. cheers, hubby & gwen - Leia's condo
14. Cecelia, hubby, raphael n rachelle - My Gym (if on 28Jul), Leia's Condo (if on other days such as 22 or 29jul) cecelia, m i right 2 assume it tis way?
15.jesline81, hubby, Jia Hui
16. racoon, husband, justin, maid - Leia's Condo
17. augustmum, husband, noah, zac - My Gym
18. butter8, husband, ryan - Leia's Condo or My Gym
19. net, husband, evan - Leia's Condo or My Gym
20. leia, hb, jadon - Leia's condo
21. honeyhaven, kayden - My Gym
22. jojos, (hb mayb working cannot confirm), lucas, maid - My Gym
23. cj, husband, kaefer, maid - Leia's Condo/My Gym
24. smlow, husband, Joshua & Louisa - Leia's condo, on saturday only.
25. vel, (hb yet to confirm), jovie, - Leia's condo
26. jokojoko, hb, maid & Aidan - Leia's condo
27. Yoki03, hb & Ayden - Leia's condo

My Gym Voters: 7

Leia's condo: 13
cecelia (but only on 22 or 28jul)
smlow (only on 22 or 28 jul)

The humpty dumpties:
Dear piyo & kelly,
Sorry attach the wrong list.
Hope I'm not too late to join. Do PM me once the time is fixed. Thank

1. Piyo, hubby, Megan and maid
2. cocomo, hubby, Jayden and maid
3. jasmine, hubby, jadelle
4. Doris, hubby, Elysia
5. kelly, hubby, edward & gabriel
6. fiona, hubby, denise
7. Augbaby, hubby, jayden, maid
8. Kris, hubby, zorian
9. Babyboy, hubby, keiran
10. erin00, hubby and kayden
11. superdad, sophia and dickson
12. CrispyApple, hubby and Aden
13. cheers, hubby & gwen
14. Cecelia, hubby, raphael n rachelle
15.jesline81, hubby, Jia Hui
16. racoon, husband, justin, maid
17. augustmum, husband, noah, zac
18. butter8, husband, ryan
19. net, husband, evan
20. leia, hb, jadon
21. honeyhaven, kayden
22. jojos, (hb mayb working cannot confirm), lucas, maid
23. cj, husband, kaefer, maid
24. smlow, husband, Joshua & Louisa
25. vel, (hb yet to confirm), jovie,
26. jokojoko, hb, maid & Aidan
27. MH & Gene
28. Rachel, Ashley and Rachel's sis
29. Buffer (cynthia), husband & Natalie
30. Yoki03, hb & Ayden
hi mummies,
thanks! me so excited when i received an sms from doris saying denise won the contest leh...so happy! i'm surprised that i didn't receive any notice from the mag...this is the winning pic

yup...the side rail of the playpen is metal one, and it's depth is very low. denise usually stretches out her hand while on her knee to pull herself up. beta to be deep then shallow or else very easily can fall over when they try to reach for stuff that catches their attention.

denise went thru exactly the same phase too...sleepy moments are for feeding make up amt of milk. so late nite just give milk and earliest feed i'll give her water 1st then i'll pull it out and exchange to milk bottle.
hehehehe i am humpty dumpty hahaha so good description..


you know when we use those pregnancy test kit like clear blue, its almost 99% correct rite? is it possible it says not preggy and turn out preggy?
1. Piyo, hubby, Megan and maid
2. cocomo, hubby, Jayden and maid
3. jasmine, hubby, jadelle
4. Doris, hubby, Elysia
5. kelly, hubby, edward & gabriel
6. fiona, hubby, denise
7. Augbaby, hubby, jayden, maid
8. Kris, hubby, zorian
9. Babyboy, hubby, keiran
10. erin00, hubby and kayden
11. superdad, sophia and dickson
12. CrispyApple, hubby and Aden
13. cheers, hubby & gwen
14. Cecelia, hubby, raphael n rachelle
15.jesline81, hubby, Jia Hui
16. racoon, husband, justin, maid
17. augustmum, husband, noah, zac
18. butter8, husband, ryan
19. net, husband, evan
20. leia, hb, jadon
21. honeyhaven, kayden
22. jojos, (hb mayb working cannot confirm), lucas, maid
23. cj, husband, kaefer, maid
24. smlow, husband, Joshua & Louisa
25. vel, (hb yet to confirm), jovie,
26. jokojoko, hb, maid & Aidan
27. MH & Gene
28. Rachel, Ashley and Rachel's sis
29. Buffer (cynthia), husband & Natalie
30. Yoki03, hb & Ayden
31. catherine, charlotte & hubby (to be confirm on july again)
thanks! regarding the pregnancy test kit, yes it is possible if it's in the very early stage when the HCG level in urine is very low and the kit can't detect well, so the timing of carrying out the test plays a part. it happened to me, lucky i checked again a week later and it turned out positive. but it was really early, bcos scan oso can't see my yolk sac then...
Just wanna share ,

i just went to eat at Melt - the world cafe, @ Orential hotel , the place is really nice , u all should try !
wow... i also tot of lettin my ger eat cottage cheese... hehe.. in fact she has been sharing eating my chicken burger, she eats the bread and the cheese.. haha..
hi all mummies,
jus saw the thread that some mummies give their babies this...

Cheesy Noodles (for babies between 9 to 12 months)

1 cup cooked pasta (macaroni or spaghetti)
1/2 tomato
1 tablespoon sweet corn
1 tablespoon cottage cheese
fresh parsley

Bring a pot of water to a boil.
Put in pasta and leave to boil for about 10 minutes. Make it a little soft to adjust to baby's growing teeth.
Dice tomato.
Mix tomato, corn, cottage cheese, parsley and pasta together. Serve.

worth tryin??

i understand that false positive are very rare though...
if it is negative, it might be positive, but if it is positive, very low chance of it being incorrect..

eh.. u wanna join augbaby & cheekz liaoz ah? and SuperDad?
Need some help. My Jay has been rejecting his last milk feed recently. His last feed now is cereal at round 6-7pm. Then subsequently he will not want to drink anything liao. How huh??? Very worry lo coz he's only taking 2 milk feeds now!! Anyone encounter this situation oso?


Wah, aiden is >10kg!!! wonder when can Jay hit that weight?
cocomo - Issit coz Jayden is too full hence he dun wan to drink. Gen used to be like dat..even worse..rejecting All her milk feed, can oni feed her in her sleepy state & semi solid wise i got to force her to eat. That time she is oni drinking abt 2-3 times milk a day, so her cereal i mix with milk powder. But i tink its just a phase...siao siao wan
Hi Jokojoko
Think will buy 1 pack nepia to try..Which size is he wearing now?? My boy is wearing XL for drypers..

Hi cocomo
Is Jay teething?? A few wks ago when Kayden is teething, he also like that rejecting milk...Jay is not too bad only at nite.. Kayden rejected for a few days...

HI butter8
Remember to update us the good news .
Made in Australia. hehehe.
how much cereal is jay taking?? maybe immediately after cereal he is not hungry u might want to wait for 1-2 hours later then give him milk
Hi mummies,
Help! any babies still not sleeping thru the night? My megan recently keeps waking up like 1plus, 4plus and 5plus leh... wanna crawl or move or dunno what then keep making whining sounds... buey tahan... any advice?

I am trying to shift her out of my room too into her own room but with this kind of sleeping pattern, how to? anyone can advise? gam sia!

hi cocomo,
could be teething? they may be growing new ones now! We just found Megan with the 3rd popping out on top! check his gums!

Hi honeyhaven,
I am also buying nepia for Megan to use day and night. Very good, comfortable, no leakage and I like their urine indicator! I actually called Nepia distributor for them to deliver the packs to my house, only $15/pac, can mix sizes and change unopened pacs if size dun fit but I top up another 2 from NTUC cos very cheap too!

hi MH,
Welcome back! we can see you finally

Hi jojokoko,
can you share your "mi4 fang1" to beef Aidan up to >10kg? Is he wearing L or M for Nepia now?

Hi butter8,
are you one of the mums here with 2 babies liao? this is the 3rd one??

Hi Erin,
feel free to take the pics from my blog

Hi Doris,
bbies <1yr can eat cheese?

Hi Augbb,
yah! I told you they have the basic instinct to suck, so sucking water from straw dun haf to teach, just gif them the mug!
rachel gives her bb eat cottage cheese for finger food ley... hehe... i give my ger munch abit cheese .. so far no rash .. so i think can give her lor.. somemore lotti told me can give her bread spread with cheese spread ... havent try yet...
btw, my Elysia recently too.. wakes ard 3 plus..then toss ard on the bed till 4... wow.. i'm so tired too..
charlotte sleeping pattern is she will sleep around 930-10pm then when she sleep half way like around 12a.m she will suddenly wake up and cry and she will be on her tummy when she wake up and cry, but with eyes close haha.. mostly i will put her on pacifier and she sleep back. and she still wake up on 4-5a.m for a milk feed. after which she won't sleep back until 1-2 hours later.i want to sleep also cannot
Hi Kelly,

Can i change my option to My Gym for the bday bash? saw my friend's baby having so much fun there, thought of trying out My Gym for Justin too.
Hi Cat & doris,
similar patterns, she wakes up toss ard... sometimes with pacifier can go back to sleep sometimes cannot... cham lah

Hi honeyhaven,
if you like nepia after trying out, can call them direct to deliver 62262650
doris & piyo,
yah very buay tahan, i can get kill by her like this.

recently she won't get to sleep unless i pat her. must carry her and pat then she sleep. and must pat until she sleep deeply then can put her down if now she sure won't sleep. sudden of change lor, she use to sleep as and when she like but now she sleeping lesser and if outside even she tired she can don't sleep at all.
Hi Kelly,

Err, if too late to change then nevermind, I'm still ok with Leia's condo
The condo is at Hougang right? near my house

Hehehe, actually haven't persuaded my hubby to go yet, he quite shy too especially now ask him to go and make new friends.

100% agree... at nite when i pat her liao.. see her eyes closed, slowly and gently i trying to move away, the moment i move, she flip and see me. Gosh!!!
then start all over again, pat and pat..haha..outside too.. so so tired liao, can see her eyelids droppin liao, yet dun wan me to pat and sleep. still insist seeing all the surrounding wat happen...v v cranky if i insist pattin her sleep, but then awhile she surrender, sleep. haah..but hor, everyone will look at me when she scream like thunder(as if i pinch her).. now my skin is as thick as hippo. buay pai seh liao..
