(2006/08) AUGUST 2006 MTB

hi all mummies,

me new to this thread .. have been reading the thread since last yr but haven got time to participate ...

seeing you all enjoying on the 1may gathering so shiok ...

can i bring my bb to the birthday bash also? bb lucas also born in Aug06 ...

1. Piyo, hubby, Megan and maid - My gym
2. cocomo, hubby, Jayden and maid - My Gym/ Leia's Condo
3. jasmine, hubby, jadelle - Leia's condo
4. Doris, hubby, Elysia - My Gym/ Leia's Condo
5. kelly, hubby, edward & gabriel - My Gym
6. fiona, hubby, denise - Leia's Condo
7. Augbaby, hubby, jayden, maid - My Gym/Leia Condo
8. Kris, hubby, zorian
9. Babyboy, hubby, keiran
10. erin00, hubby and kayden - Leia's Condo
11. superdad, sophia and dickson - Leia's condo
12. CrispyApple, hubby and Aden - My Gym
13. cheers, hubby & gwen - Leia's condo
14. Cecelia, hubby, raphael n rachelle - My Gym (if on 28Jul), Leia's Condo (if on other days such as 22 or 29jul) cecelia, m i right 2 assume it tis way?
15.jesline81, hubby, Jia Hui
16. racoon, husband, justin, maid - Leia's Condo
17. augustmum, husband, noah, zac - My Gym
18. butter8, husband, ryan - Leia's Condo or My Gym
19. net, husband, evan - Leia's Condo or My Gym
20. leia, hb, jadon - Leia's condo
21. honeyhaven, kayden - My Gym
22. jojos, (hb mayb working cannot confirm), lucas, maid - My Gym

Hi Piyo,

Today just bring Nat for follow up. She still need to be on neubiliser till Next Mon and see how it goes. She still have alot phlegm inside lo.. So costly also have no choice.

I also heard of HOU NING from EU. Was thinking to get for her or not after she finish the western med and let her rest. I heard of relapse so hb was thinking to buy a neubiliser at home instead and if need medication jus buy fro PD.. like this I rent from SBCC 1 day cost $10 etc.... burn a hole esp recently she just done a ultrasound scan & xray on her head where a big bump occur! Hai...

Alot ppl is sick.. so must built up our health for sure. Hope all pass to me not to my bb..
me oso been considering whether to have the 2nd one(machiam i wan sure have...hahaha), and same thots...worry abt coping lor. and i dun wanna end up being the one who suffer & keep complaining abt it, then become a hag...pengz...lol

re: drinking from sippy cup
i'm just wondering, if my gal doesn't like water at all, how am i gonna train her on the mag mag cup/straw??? i've even tried giving fruit juice but she simply refuses, will only take water if spoon feed *lost*
it does takes some time for respiratory condition to clear up and honestly, the risk of recurrent bronchitis is highly likely (not wanting to frighten u), so do step up on preventive measure if possible.
hi erin,
saw this cute turtle bag from samsonite on this website http://www.ebags.com/samsonite/sammies_smile_small_backpack_turtle/product_detail/index.cfm?modelid=47913
dunno if too big tho...think not easy to find something they can use right now..

aiyo cynthia, cannot pass to u too! else cant play with Nat too...must take care =)

Hi Piyo,
was gonna c if some diff photos to put up and hubby and me realised we dunno where's the camera now! sheesh...hope it appears man...blur blur us..

hihi jojos =)
im new here too! joined us before the 1 May gathering..heh i was also a 'thread reader' until recently..
fion, piyo, erin,
u all so brave... got think of 2nd one.. i loves kids alot... but like fion, afraid cant cope, in the end me suffer... haha.. so one will do..
here is the link..

but is not chevron lor..is aloha resort at changi and loyang

welcome on board jojo..
more baby more fun..

if yr hb is helpful/like to care of kids, den it shd be alrite..else you nd gd helper..maid, haha..
R u referring to urself ;)?

Jo jo

The bag dat u refering is the turtle bag har??? Kind of big for bb, saw it before. Me oso searching for bb bag....

Piyo, fio
Can share with me where u got the cute lil hairclip for ur princess??
Hi Kelly..

So sorry been busy so no time log in..

1. Piyo, hubby, Megan and maid - My gym
2. cocomo, hubby, Jayden and maid - My Gym/ Leia's Condo
3. jasmine, hubby, jadelle - Leia's condo
4. Doris, hubby, Elysia - My Gym/ Leia's Condo
5. kelly, hubby, edward & gabriel - My Gym
6. fiona, hubby, denise - Leia's Condo
7. Augbaby, hubby, jayden, maid - My Gym/Leia Condo
8. Kris, hubby, zorian - My Gym / Leia's Condo
9. Babyboy, hubby, keiran
10. erin00, hubby and kayden - Leia's Condo
11. superdad, sophia and dickson - Leia's condo
12. CrispyApple, hubby and Aden - My Gym
13. cheers, hubby & gwen - Leia's condo
14. Cecelia, hubby, raphael n rachelle - My Gym (if on 28Jul), Leia's Condo (if on other days such as 22 or 29jul) cecelia, m i right 2 assume it tis way?
15.jesline81, hubby, Jia Hui
16. racoon, husband, justin, maid - Leia's Condo
17. augustmum, husband, noah, zac - My Gym
18. butter8, husband, ryan - Leia's Condo or My Gym
19. net, husband, evan - Leia's Condo or My Gym
20. leia, hb, jadon - Leia's condo
21. honeyhaven, kayden - My Gym
22. jojos, (hb mayb working cannot confirm), lucas, maid - My Gym

Hi Cynthia..

Dun say that.. like wat net says, if you fall sick, cant take care and play with Nat.. take care okie..

Hi cocomo..

Thanks for the sms.. you are so wonderful.. : )

Hi jojos..


Hi Fiona..

Zorian used to be like that also.. only drink when fed with spoon.. but we continue to find him the mag mag cup with straw and show him how to suck (use cocomo's method).. after a month or so, he just start to suck on his own.. just keep trying okie..

You really very slim lah.. teach me how you maintain such great figure.. me still fat and working hard to lose my fats before trying for second one.. keekee..
u refering urself izzit.. haha..if my hubby got ur half, i dun mind 2nd,3rd or even 4th..(like real, as if my factory can anytime produce) haha..
Wat method to show baby to suck frm straw? My ger loves to drink water, either thru bottle or feed with spoon not a prob.. got the mag mag cup, she dunno how to suck thru straw ley... now, she even wan to drink straight thru her cup after seeing us drinkin frm cup..
hi all,
sorry had been busy with my girl, she was sick since monday having flu & cough, now she have slight bronchitis as well, hopefully the medicine can help to clear her phlegm.

i am also down with flu and cough after which my girl got it. i feel i am so weak always sick, is there anyway which i can prevent from getting sick again. even antibiotic also uselss for me now.

chervron chalet is nice good for small gathering, if you thinking of inviting lots of people i strong not advising that chalet. inside is nice but too small. that time my 21 birthday i invited all my relative & friends, very squeezy inside.
emm....a bit lah..
cos i like kids very much..
haha, tat's y got e 2nd bb so fast mah..

May be can try to let denise drink water when she just wake up..cos my boi can finish half a bottle of water at tat moment. later part he take lesser oso.
hi mummies and daddies, are most of the babies crawling? With tooth/teeth? My boy is already 9 mth and 4 days old, not crawling, no tooth but can stand with support on his own???
Hey Julie,

u muz be really concerned.. post in july & aug thread..

my girl is crawling and have 2 teeth coming out now.

I think your boy will skip crawling stage leh.. note that crawling is not a milestone to be hit.
Kelly maybe can advise you on that, as her 1st boy skipped crawling?
like 2 share wif u tat i come across of a few bbs who dun crawl. they juz pulled 2 stand n then moved onto walking.

mayb u like 2 know tat crawling isnt considered a milestone. pulling 2 stand, walking, pincer grip, flipping, etc r considered milestones. so dun worry. ur bb's doing very well.

u came online 2 post 2 augbb but u didnt join in e poll. huh? so can i assume u r ok wif both?
Calling Jesline & babyboy for Kelly. Both your votes very important because now is 6 for My Gym and 7 for Leia's Condo!

I nothing to post so post this for fun. :p
jasmine - yes, kind of concern and kiasu...

Kelly, thanks for your reassurance. I know, my niece also skip the crawling stage...guess wanted more assurance....1st time mummy, want the best of everything, if you know what i mean.
thk u so much!
i doing it cos our chairlady not working lor. she supposedly 'shaking legs' at work n pumping milk at intervals while i chase my 2boys around e hse. :p
hi-5...great minds tik alike. we even posted at e same time.

jasmine's 1/2 right abt my boy. my elder boy crawled but he did it e commando way. didnt crawl on all fours until he was 1yrs old but then he was already more keen on walking.

jasmine's also rt 2 say tat crawling isnt a milestone. u can check all websites n even ur bb's healthbook. nothing is being mentioned abt crawling being a milestone.
mummies who bbs havent teeth yet,
fyi i came across 2 bbs who only teeth at 1yrs old n these 2 girls r still sprouting their teeth. so not 2 worry if ur bb has no teeth. mayb by 1yrs old, still no teeth then raise a concern wif e dentist or PD?

my elder boy started teething at 6mths n til now (at 2.5yrs old), he still hasnt got his full set of bb teeth n i not worried cos i know e remaining 2 molars'll come.
hi julie,
ya lor... not to worry.. each baby has her/his own pace..
i also tot my ger will skip crawling as she dun really has confident crawling (v cautious on the floor), but now no prb crawlin, like to stand with support.. she has 5 teeth, (3top,2 bottom)..her favourite teethin toy is my hp(sooner or later, my hp will spoilt due to saliva)
Then u got a v gd reason to ask from ur hubby a new hp lor.... Mother's Day present

Ouch... dat realy straight to the pt lei... chairlady must be v v busy no x to log in...
Sorrysorry....babyboy has been bz at work & juggling some issues...

i am fine with any location since my keiran's bday is on 1st aug,i will be doing his celebrations either 28th or 29th - which i have yet to confirm also. so if aug babies bash is on the 28th, then i try to do my own on the 29th. I am flexible ....

weekend is finally here!!~ Enjoy mummiesssss & one daddy! : )
re: drinking water
my gal hates water jux like fiona's.. she don even drink from spoon.. sometimes if i m lucky i can force her to drink from cup.. so practically her fluid mainly come from milk & food lor.. headache..

re: california baby
i m tinking of switching my gal skincare to CB.. cos i hv seen so many mummies in tis forum using their products.. & itz much cheaper than GAIA which i m using.. but is their products good?? if so.. maybe would like to get from Luckyvitamin.com.. any mummies wanna get stuff from dat site? maybe can get together
hi mummies and 1 papa and ESP KELLY,
me finally here! me not shaking legs lei! my eyes n fingers r busy working lei:p came in and read what cecilia says so sms kelly asap haha! Since kelly is doing such a good job, "kelly, you take over! wo3 bu2 gan4 le4!" Announcing "job vacancies available in Aug06 thread, pls apply!":p

Hi Julie,
dun worry so much!babies grow at their own unique pace. Megan crawls quite slowly and have 2 small teeth at the lower gums, hope she can creep soon but like not so soon lei...

Hi fio,
I think no need to train, they will just get the hang! like that day during the gathering, we passed megan the cup with the straw for the 1st time, she has difficulties sucking initially now she just suck and suck liao!main thing just keep letting them have chance to have contact with the straw!

Hi Cecilia,
I bot it at Tiny Toons and 1 of the push cart at the Exchange underground raffles place MRT station when I go lunching alone hehe...
doris ,

Wow , ur baby very fast , got so many teeth , mine only 2 ....

And i saw a artical before on HP , they say that its even more dirty then the toilet bowl ! Wonder how truth it is ... =)
1. Piyo, hubby, Megan and maid - My gym
2. cocomo, hubby, Jayden and maid - My Gym/ Leia's Condo
3. jasmine, hubby, jadelle - Leia's condo
4. Doris, hubby, Elysia - My Gym/ Leia's Condo
5. kelly, hubby, edward & gabriel - My Gym
6. fiona, hubby, denise - Leia's Condo
7. Augbaby, hubby, jayden, maid - My Gym/Leia Condo
8. Kris, hubby, zorian - My Gym / Leia's Condo
9. Babyboy, hubby, keiran - My Gym / Leia's Condo
10. erin00, hubby and kayden - Leia's Condo
11. superdad, sophia and dickson - Leia's condo
12. CrispyApple, hubby and Aden - My Gym
13. cheers, hubby & gwen - Leia's condo
14. Cecelia, hubby, raphael n rachelle - My Gym (if on 28Jul), Leia's Condo (if on other days such as 22 or 29jul) cecelia, m i right 2 assume it tis way?
15.jesline81, hubby, Jia Hui
16. racoon, husband, justin, maid - Leia's Condo
17. augustmum, husband, noah, zac - My Gym
18. butter8, husband, ryan - Leia's Condo or My Gym
19. net, husband, evan - Leia's Condo or My Gym
20. leia, hb, jadon - Leia's condo
21. honeyhaven, kayden - My Gym
22. jojos, (hb mayb working cannot confirm), lucas, maid - My Gym

I added Babyboy's poll right... eh, so now how ah?
hehe, I going chi chi pom pom aka pump milk soon, come back must have replies k haha...
possible cos imagine our fingers touch so many things then touch the phone, the keypad etc then when we talk our face touch the screen and the whole phone... toilet still got pple clean lei
trying to add value to the polls:p

My Gym Voters:

Leia's condo:

The humpty dumpties:

Jesline - you v v v impt liao:p
lang lai liao! long time din log in, long story.

me prefer 1st choice leia's condo. second choice my gym. like this how to count my vote ah?
everything ok wif ur family cos u wrote abt issues? MIL problems?

wat long story, share leh?

u har...chairlady never do anything so i help u out lor. me so hor sim, now kenna shoot by u. sob! sob! u cant quit cos u r e one who came up wif e idea. u wrote out a nice summary on e poll. continue working lor... :p
btw the last time we had a August mummies' list was quite some time ago. anybody still updating u since we got so many new member joined us?

missed ur desitin BP. next time organizing let me noe ah.

dun worry, my bb still bo gey. i hope one fine morning wake up his teeth all suddenly pop out one shot den can relax liao.
<font color="ff0000">POLL on WHERE to HOLD AUG06 BIRTHDAY BASH</font>
1. Piyo, hubby, Megan and maid - My gym
2. cocomo, hubby, Jayden and maid - My Gym/ Leia's Condo
3. jasmine, hubby, jadelle - Leia's condo
4. Doris, hubby, Elysia - My Gym/ Leia's Condo
5. kelly, hubby, edward & gabriel - My Gym
6. fiona, hubby, denise - Leia's Condo
7. Augbaby, hubby, jayden, maid - My Gym/Leia Condo
8. Kris, hubby, zorian - My Gym / Leia's Condo
9. Babyboy, hubby, keiran - My Gym / Leia's Condo
10. erin00, hubby and kayden - Leia's Condo
11. superdad, sophia and dickson - Leia's condo
12. CrispyApple, hubby and Aden - My Gym
13. cheers, hubby & gwen - Leia's condo
14. Cecelia, hubby, raphael n rachelle - My Gym (if on 28Jul), Leia's Condo (if on other days such as 22 or 29jul) cecelia, m i right 2 assume it tis way?
15.jesline81, hubby, Jia Hui
16. racoon, husband, justin, maid - Leia's Condo
17. augustmum, husband, noah, zac - My Gym
18. butter8, husband, ryan - Leia's Condo or My Gym
19. net, husband, evan - Leia's Condo or My Gym
20. leia, hb, jadon - Leia's condo
21. honeyhaven, kayden - My Gym
22. jojos, (hb mayb working cannot confirm), lucas, maid - My Gym
23. cj, husband, kaefer, maid - Leia's Condo/My Gym

My Gym Voters:

Leia's condo:

The humpty dumpties:
u r right man! chairlady cant juz quit like tat 1

i keen 2 get some stuff fr lucky vitamin. how do i join in ur spree? collection where huh?
ok next time will tell u. now dunno wher to start.

kelly, piyo
usually wen ther's chairman, ther's oso vice- chairman hor... hehe... so both of u one leg in oreadi, mai siam.

no lar, me not kan cheong. in fact now cuter. i heard once teeth comes out, dey start biting u. OUCH!
1. Piyo, hubby, Megan and maid - My gym
2. cocomo, hubby, Jayden and maid - My Gym/ Leia's Condo
3. jasmine, hubby, jadelle - Leia's condo
4. Doris, hubby, Elysia - My Gym/ Leia's Condo
5. kelly, hubby, edward & gabriel - My Gym
6. fiona, hubby, denise - Leia's Condo
7. Augbaby, hubby, jayden, maid - My Gym/Leia Condo
8. Kris, hubby, zorian - My Gym / Leia's Condo
9. Babyboy, hubby, keiran - My Gym / Leia's Condo
10. erin00, hubby and kayden - Leia's Condo
11. superdad, sophia and dickson - Leia's condo
12. CrispyApple, hubby and Aden - My Gym
13. cheers, hubby & gwen - Leia's condo
14. Cecelia, hubby, raphael n rachelle - My Gym (if on 28Jul), Leia's Condo (if on other days such as 22 or 29jul) cecelia, m i right 2 assume it tis way?
15.jesline81, hubby, Jia Hui
16. racoon, husband, justin, maid - Leia's Condo
17. augustmum, husband, noah, zac - My Gym
18. butter8, husband, ryan - Leia's Condo or My Gym
19. net, husband, evan - Leia's Condo or My Gym
20. leia, hb, jadon - Leia's condo
21. honeyhaven, kayden - My Gym
22. jojos, (hb mayb working cannot confirm), lucas, maid - My Gym
23. cj, husband, kaefer, maid - Leia's Condo/My Gym

My Gym Voters:

Leia's condo:

The humpty dumpties:

wah 7 against 7, can all those humpty dumpties plps decide and dun sit on the fence? wait fall down hor
<font color="ff0000">POLL on WHERE to HOLD AUG06 BIRTHDAY BASH</font>
1. Piyo, hubby, Megan and maid - My gym
2. cocomo, hubby, Jayden and maid - My Gym/ Leia's Condo
3. jasmine, hubby, jadelle - Leia's condo
4. Doris, hubby, Elysia - My Gym/ Leia's Condo
5. kelly, hubby, edward & gabriel - My Gym
6. fiona, hubby, denise - Leia's Condo
7. Augbaby, hubby, jayden, maid - My Gym/Leia Condo
8. Kris, hubby, zorian - My Gym / Leia's Condo
9. Babyboy, hubby, keiran - My Gym / Leia's Condo
10. erin00, hubby and kayden - Leia's Condo
11. superdad, sophia and dickson - Leia's condo
12. CrispyApple, hubby and Aden - My Gym
13. cheers, hubby & gwen - Leia's condo
14. Cecelia, hubby, raphael n rachelle - Leia's Condo (if on other days such as 22 or 29jul) <font color="ff0000">i'm changing cecelia's vote cos we cant go 2 My Gym on 28Jul</font>
15.jesline81, hubby, Jia Hui - My Gym
16. racoon, husband, justin, maid - Leia's Condo
17. augustmum, husband, noah, zac - My Gym
18. butter8, husband, ryan - Leia's Condo or My Gym
19. net, husband, evan - Leia's Condo or My Gym
20. leia, hb, jadon - Leia's condo
21. honeyhaven, kayden - My Gym
22. jojos, (hb mayb working cannot confirm), lucas, maid - My Gym
23. cj, husband, kaefer, maid - Leia's Condo/My Gym

My Gym Voters: 7

Leia's condo: 8
cecelia (but only on 22 or 28jul)

The humpty dumpties:

Hi kelly,
you vice-chairlady, so when I not ard you take over mah! haha!

Hi CJ,
I also wanna know! quick tell me *bring my ears to CJ's mouth* really long time no c no hear you hor!

eh, it's me again..the list also with me...must update huh? then mummies who dun rem giving me the details, pls pm me k
then I fwd to all!
