(2006/08) AUGUST 2006 MTB

Leon & Jay


wow...so many babies enjoying the fun today...guess tonite babies will be having sweet dreams and nice nice sleep... haha...
cant imagine when the Aug bash comes, will have even more Aug babies' meetin... haha..
the gathering was great and we all sure had fun!

thanks for being such a fantastic host!

jay showing off his steady stand *wink*
denise admiring...
hm... fion, u congrats to Augbaby ..meant she's pregnant? if so, then must congrats to Augbaby.. guess u r aiming for a princess this time.. haha.. hope ur wish come true.. haha..
two princess Denise and Megan sittin together, so cute... somemore hair so much.. how i wish i can doll up my ger's hair... so many hairclips i saw so so sweet and cute...
Wow.... the gathering seems very fun and meaningful for bbs to interact each other.. too bad Natalie couldnt meet all other bbs..

She is now on neubiliser.. lucky when I place it on her she didnt move and enjoy the 7-10mins for breathing. Just that at night she is more cranky due to some breathing difficulty with those phlegm and sometime block nose. Sleepless nite for me for sure and some disagreement from mil.. As mil mention so youny why use neubiliser and cant take medication etc. She is already on medication also and with neubiliser can help her more.. MIL even mention don let her use! I was realli v angry and 1st time blow up my temper infront of them.

Now jus hope she will recover soon. I requested a week away from office as mil is giving mi some attitude on using neubiliser.. no choice. Jus hope her fever go off fast and let her sleep better every night.

Thanks mummies for the greatest concern. I wil try to relax off too..

Augbb.. hmm seems like u r preg? Its a good thing yeah!keep us update okie..
hi mummies,
it was great meeting all of you. kayden sure had fun playing with the toys and meeting all the babies. he was knocked out for almost 3 hrs after coming back from cocomo's place. we took the opportunity to have a good nap too.

the girls all so pretty hor. made me long to have one too. can 'da ban' mei mei. denise and megan so cute hor. say hi to each other.

i like the photo where leon wants to pass the toy to jayden and jayden only wants megan. keke...

also saw some babies such as dickson able to drink from the milk bottle themselves. kayden still refuses to hold his milk bottle. must show him what the babies are doing to motivate him.

last of all, must thank cocomo for being a great host.
wow...all of u so fast download pics liao..haha..i haven got the chance yet...the gathering was simply great yest!! mummies were chatting away n babies were having so much fun playing wif all the toys...thanks cocomo for everything and providing all the babies with yogurt somemore
N i agree wif erin, both megan n dennis look so nice in the pics....so sweet...hee hee...

wah.. i peng san after gathering!! jadelle, me & hubby knock out for 2 hrs!

smurf@zoh.. hehe.. ya lor.. no clean walls, so got spiders!!
i bought the float @ taka bb fair! think like 5.90sgd?
hi mummies,
yes..seem like all baby enjoy so much on toys and frenz..thx cocomo for yr great effort, nd to prepare food 4 us & rent toys 4 bb.
Tis group like lot of bb boys vs gers lei..
so e boys nd to be more garang to fight..haha

congrats!! now got 3 mummies from tis group oredi p 4 e 2nd bb..tat's great.

Dickson milestone, just practice to stand up tis 2 days(pulling up fr baby cot, nd to lower down e bed again), but still not steady lor, tis morning just knock on head while fall down from standing.
And yes, he has being trained up to hold his milk bottle in 2 mth back, tat make us more easier when feed him lor.
Hi all,
Just got back from Perth yesterday, and oh wow Ryan missed a great gathering again !

what's the good news? you expecting?

new mum questions again by me:
- when we were in perth, we ran out of ryan's FM, we thought we could buy there, but.... couldnt find the same thing, so we tried S26.
is S26 good? any info on it?

- Ryan drank sooo much milk in perth, could it be cuz he is cold? he drank up to 240 at every feed and also needed 2 feeds in the nite

- he started needing a midnite feed again, should i slowly decrease so that he skips it?
thks 4 hosting e gathering. it was a fantastic party n gabe & i had a gd time. cant say 4 edward cos he was cranky when he dun nap enuff in e morn. i enjoyed mtg up wif familiar & new faces n e food...omg! so much! gabe definitely enjoyed e galore of toys! it was like a toys (and babies) paradise.

IMO lah, all FM is gd. if ryan accepts S26, by all means keep wif it. e only setback i know abt S26 is tat e follow-on milk not so popular cos i know gabe's friens mostly on Gain IQ, Mamil/Dugro or Friso.

how was ur perth trip? how many days were u there?
seems like some mummies/daddies/bbs had a gd nap after e gathering. me & my boys went 2 my mum's plc right after cocomo's plc so no chance 2 nap. edward leh...didnt even sleep well last nite. kept waking up every 1-2hrs. he was even awake fr 4-5am. *FAINT*
haha, same happen to dickson, guess is e routine timing has change or he simply play too hard @ cocomo plc, nd extra feeding as well on top of his usual 240ml milk.

at 1st nd to hold his hand on bottle for begining, and once he can hold it..slowly let go & monitor/assist to put back e bottle to right position again and keep repeating tis, he will master it!! tat's how they learn everything.
hi mommies..

enjoyed meeting up with all of you.. zorian had a fun time yesterday.. but after that we went shopping before going back.. he only slept during the car drive..

hi cocomo..

thanks for organizing and you have been a great host.. foods are delicious..
Hi all,
No worries and I really happy all of you enjoy the gathering.

Looking forward to our next gathering. Who's turn?
Wow, the gathering looks so fun. However, could not join as I'm still having my cough. Next time, I will def. go

All the babies have grown up. Look so diff. Many faces which I have not met b4 too.
Hi mummies,

Wow, Justin has missed such a great gathering. Will try to join the next one

Does anyone know where to get those bath chairs? I've seen pics of some mummies bathing their babies by letting them sit in it. Cos Justin is very active and he'll never sit still in the bath tub, will keep wanting to climb out or bend his body to look at the floor from the tub. My maid need to hold him while I soap him. Not sure if securing him in such a chair is easier to bathe or not?
I was there for about 8 days. tiring cuz the place we stayed had no baby cot or even baby chair... kekeke so a lot of carrying for baby.. however, it was good for ryan cuz they had carpeting in most rooms, so we could let him crawl all over.
on the whole the trip was good for bonding for the family, a bit tiring for me, cuz i always have to keep an eye on him and also sleep with him...and i over packed cuz i kiasu, 1st time travel with baby.
erin, piyo, fiona, jesline and jas,
please transfer to me $1.50 per tin for the shipping charges for the cream...the lady email me liao...
I will PM u my account no tonite ya...
those who bought 2 tubs means $1.50 x 2 tks mummies
congrats!! i still do not have the courage for 2nd one yet.. keke.. very contradicting ley.. cos my heart yearn for another one bt scared cant cope..
Hi mummies
Looks like all the babies and mummies have great fun..
Hope I can attend the next one too. My Kayden is back to his old self again. Drinking his 240 ml, porridge and fruits etc. When he is happy, I am happier.. hehehe. Last nite, I wake up middle of the nite to check on him. He was found at the end of the mattress. His head on the mattress and his body and legs on the floor. He is still sleeping soundly. Luckily he sleeps on the floor. I dun know how he landed up there. Dun know is he flip and flip or crawl there. I think I have to be more alert at nite too.

Hi augbaby
Congrats to u.
U still have lobang for the CB cream. I want 2 tubs. Or any other mummies have lobang??

Hi white lady
My Kayden also born on 08/08/06 at 8.17am. Your boy is a few mins older than mine. I remembered u mentioned u saw my boy at the nursing room.
Hi Piyo
I saw Megan drinking from the straw in the photo. How u train her to suck from the straw?? My boy ironically can drink from the cup but dun know how to drink from straw.

HI butter,
Every time when baby drinks milk.. I just tell him to hold yr bottle... slowly he will hold his own bottle and drink it. He will drink milk, take out rest for a while and put back in his mouth and drink again.
maybe i can email u the girl contact n u ask her if she has an extra..
wat yr email address ah? my jay v lazy one..always wan us to hold the bottle for him. I must train him to hold the bottle himself liao...i also juz bought the straw mag mag for jay. hope he knows how to drink from a straw too...:p
Hi Kelly,

I'm keen to join the Bday Bash
tentative 29th ok. Will bring Justin, hubby and maid (maybe). I'm trying to share Justin's pic with everyone but seems to have problem uploading it
pls add 2 tis list if u r keen 2 join our bday bash

1. Piyo, hubby, Megan and maid-ok for both 28/29Jul
2. cocomo, hubby, Jayden and maid - 28/29
3. jasmine, hubby, jadelle 28/29 both ok
4. Doris, hubby, Elysia - 28/29 ok
5. kelly, hubby, edward & gabriel - 28/29jul both ok
6. fiona, hubby, denise - 28/29 ok
7. Augbaby, hubby, jayden, maid- 28/29 ok
8. Kris, hubby, zorian - 28/29 both ok
9. Babyboy, hubby, keiran - 28/29 tentative
10. erin00, hubby and kayden - 28
11. superdad, sophia and dickson - 28/29 both ok.
12. CrispyApple, hubby and Aden - prefer 29 but 28 also can. Cos' our car is weekend car, if 29, no need to pay $20. Hee...
13. cheers, hubby & gwen - 28/29
14. Cecelia, hubby, raphael n rachelle - 28/29 ok
15.jesline81, hubby, Jia Hui 28/29 tentative

hi mummies,
as i was doing research 4 edward's birthday, i did some calculation n discussed e following wif piyo

<font size="+2">2 OPTIONS</font>
<font size="+1"><font color="ff0000">OPTION 1</font></font>
1) Hold at Leia's plc on 228 or 29Jul (depending on availability)
2) Get Leia 2 book 9am-3pm slot so e tods can go 4 a swim abt 10-11am
3) We'll book buffet lunch at $10/pax max
4) Volunteers mummies will decor e plc wif stuff we buy ourselves
5) Get a birthday cake at $90 max (abt 3kg which is enuff for abt 40adults) <font color="0000ff">if getting fr prima deli, cos i can get 20% disc</font>
6) each family 2 bring 1set of toy 4 e tods 2 enjoy n whichever family has e playmat, pls bring it
7) each family 2 bring a toy 4 exchange

Cost per family = $10 (buffet) + $5 max (cake) + $5 (decor+goodie bag) + $20 (gift exchange) = <font size="+2"><font color="ff0000">$40</font></font>

<font size="+1"><font color="ff0000">OPTION 2</font></font>
i've tentatively booked My Gym at Woodlands (www.mygym.com.sg) on Sun, 22jul (29jul is booked). i guess it's gd 2 book on 22jul cos there r a few bbs who r celebrating their birthdays on 28/29jul since they r born in early aug.

1) it's a 2hrs prog at $430 which includes 1.5hrs of play with 3 instructors and 30mins of cake cutting & makan
2) there r lotsa things 4 our tods 2 do at my gym
3) e time is fr 230-430pm
4) We'll book a hi-tea at $10/pax max or we can even get hi-tea at $8/pax
5) Get a birthday cake at $90 max (abt 3kg which is enuff for abt 40adults) <font color="0000ff">if getting fr prima deli, cos i can get 20% disc</font>
6) each family 2 bring a toy 4 exchange

Cost per family = $10 max (buffet) + $5 max (cake) + $20 (gift exchange) + $21.50 (my gym only allows a max of 20bbs so $430/20bbs) = <font size="+2"><font color="ff0000">$56.50</font></font>

<font size="+1">TAKE NOTE</font>
1) mummies who r bringing their maids, pls pay extra for e food
2) payment needs 2 b paid b4 e function so if u cant attend last min, e amt is forfeitted esp for e My Gym
3) for those who opted for My Gym, pls take note tat if there arent 20bbs, e cost'll b higher cos i divided $430 by 20bbs.

mummies in e list above, pls do a poll n mummies who r not in e list n r joining us, pls do a poll too

<font color="ff0000">POLL</font>
1. Piyo, hubby, Megan and maid
2. cocomo, hubby, Jayden and maid
3. jasmine, hubby, jadelle
4. Doris, hubby, Elysia
5. kelly, hubby, edward & gabriel - My Gym
6. fiona, hubby, denise
7. Augbaby, hubby, jayden, maid
8. Kris, hubby, zorian
9. Babyboy, hubby, keiran
10. erin00, hubby and kayden
11. superdad, sophia and dickson
12. CrispyApple, hubby and Aden
13. cheers, hubby & gwen
14. Cecelia, hubby, raphael n rachelle
15.jesline81, hubby, Jia Hui
pls check out my posting above. thks!

mummies & a daddy who r joining e Aug06 birthday bash,
i 4got 2 add tat since there's a change of date, pls indicate if u can make it.

in short, there r 2 decision 2 b made
1) 22Jul, My Gym at Woodlands = $56.50 min (cos if <20bbs, e cost goes up)
2) 29Jul, Leia's condo = abt $40 min (seems like most mummies chose 29jul so let's keep 2 tis date n we may incur >$40 if there r other miscellaneous stuff which i didnt consider)
<font color="ff0000">POLL for WHERE to HOLD AUG06 BIRTHDAY BASH</font>
1. Piyo, hubby, Megan and maid
2. cocomo, hubby, Jayden and maid
3. jasmine, hubby, jadelle
4. Doris, hubby, Elysia
5. kelly, hubby, edward & gabriel - My Gym
6. fiona, hubby, denise
7. Augbaby, hubby, jayden, maid
8. Kris, hubby, zorian
9. Babyboy, hubby, keiran
10. erin00, hubby and kayden
11. superdad, sophia and dickson
12. CrispyApple, hubby and Aden
13. cheers, hubby & gwen
14. Cecelia, hubby, raphael n rachelle
15.jesline81, hubby, Jia Hui
16. racoon, husband, justin, maid - Leia's Condo 29Jul

pls take note tat leia has mentioned tat 29jul may juz b a possibility cos there's no guarantee tat she can book it fr 9am-3pm so if 29jul is out, we'll do it on 28 or 22jul?
