(2006/08) AUGUST 2006 MTB

denise os likes whatever we are eating, especially chocolate! funny thing is, she never taste before but will act funny whenever she sees it(start laughing & giggling non stop)...weird huh?


hello mommies

i haven't logged on since i started work! been vvv busy, luckily cocomo sms me to tell me her house got gathering otherwise i'd have missed it altogether. i'll see u gals there. thing is, after work im so tired n bz w leon, the last thing i feel like doing is being on the comp

catch up w u gals then!
hi cocomo,
confirmed i will be going liao. thanks.

hi cynthia,
oh so sorry. i din know abt that. u taking nite classes ah? must be very tiring then. haiz... in that case, just give natalie porridge when you bring her home on weekends. at least she still get a bit of solids and experience different taste and texture.

hope natalie gets well. u take care too.

hi pups,
how's leon? din see his pic for a long time.

hi net,
welcome to our thread.

Gathering on 1 May starting from 1:00pm at cocomo's place Redhill:-
1) cocomo, hubby and Jayden
2) Piyo, hubby, megan and maid
3) augbaby, hubby, jay and maid
4) Kelly, hubby, Gabe and Edward
5) Superdad,Sophia and Dickson
6) Kris, hubby and Zorian
7) Erin, hubby and Kayden
8) Jasmine, hubby, Jadelle
9) Fiona, hubby, Denise
10)Pups, hubby and Leon
11)Leobbsmom, hubby and Shervonn (TBC)
hehe... tks fion.. Elysia was enjoying seeing so many babies in the hall but hor... she really exhausted liao, so r my family and me... haha..
hihi, tks for inviting us to join...pls count us in...net, hubby & evan =) ...wld like to contribute something as well...awfully choc cake or mas puteri durian puff can? looking forward to meet u guys!

here's evan's photos..slightly fuzzy tho..
Have PM u my address and tel no. See ya on tuesday.

Gathering on 1 May starting from 1:00pm at cocomo's place Redhill:-
1) cocomo, hubby and Jayden
2) Piyo, hubby, megan and maid
3) augbaby, hubby, jay and maid
4) Kelly, hubby, Gabe and Edward
5) Superdad,Sophia and Dickson
6) Kris, hubby and Zorian
7) Erin, hubby and Kayden
8) Jasmine, hubby, Jadelle
9) Fiona, hubby, Denise
10)Pups, hubby and Leon
11)Leobbsmom, hubby and Shervonn (TBC)
12)net, hubby & evan
hi mummies,
wish to bring my boy for "those professional photo taking", izzit call coverlook photo? :p can mummies here recommend? remember seeing 1 very nice photo here, baby sitting in a big metal bucket, but i cant remember who..
Hi Cynthia..

Take care.. I stay with my PIL also.. usually for such things, i get my hubby to talk to his parents.. but must use opportunities.. like i will usually ask the PD about weight and things like that and ask him to let his parents know.. it is really not easy being a DIL and mommy so dun put too much stress on yourself.. give yourself a pat on the back.. you have been doing a great job..

baby zorian cant crawl as well even though he is always on his tummy.. my PIL commented that he is slow too when compared to his cousin who is 4 months older.. i got stress up as well but after talking to my gal friend, i relax.. like all other mommies say here, each baby is unique and grow up at their own pace.. some babies dun crawl.. they just got up and walked.. so relax and enjoy your time with natalie.. hug and kiss her and always encourage her... : )

hope natalie gets well soon.. : )

hi Catherine..

keekee.. baby zorian also born on 17-Aug, 7.23am.. where is your baby born? Mine is gleneagles..

hi net..


hi cocomo..

thanks for the sms.. have not logged in till today.. been busy with work and baby zorian.. think his top tooth coming out.. been very cranky.. refused to drink his milk whole day yesterday!! lucky he still took his porridge..

hi piyo..

u manage to find the float you want?
Hi Cynthia,

My son is over 8 mths and I aso haven't really started him on porridge. My MIL fed him cereal 2 times per day but he is a fussy eater and eats according to his mood so he maximum eats only 2 tablespoon of cereal each time. But he drinks a lot of milk, abt 200ml every 4 hrs and must only drink when he's drifting off to sleep. In fact I already started him on cereal at 6 mths but he's taking more time to adapt to his semi solids diet. I used to stress over this but I learnt to let go, cos he's a healthy baby who has never fallen sick to date, except for the slight fever after injection. Sometimes on weekends when we go out, he end up missing his solids feed, but i tried to at least feed his solids when we get home.

I tried to give him carrot porridge last Sat and he show much dislike cos its probably so plain compared to his favourite super sweet Nestle Brown Rice Cereal. I can only say I have learnt to be more patient cos babies develop at different speeds. I'm just thankful that he's healthy and strong.

My mom told me my sister only started solids at 3 yrs old, and she has to fight with my sister and my grandma for the 1st 3 yrs over this cos my sister just hated cereal. But today, my sister is strong woman who's 1.75m tall.

I understand how u r feeling. My MIL stays with me on weekdays to help take care of my son, so I have lots of adjustments too.
i bring along some snacks okie...or would u like me to bring along something else? Cool so many mummies confirm going liao..yeah!! it be fun coz it been a while since jay interact wif his friends n we never join the last few trials as well...
Dear Mummies,
D u have this problem? My gal who is in a mid of having her 1st teeth take a v lil milk during the day. Make me worry sick. She took her porridge which MIL gave 2X a day. Milk wise 20 ml every 2 hours. How har???
Think maybe his gum itchy la, you can take a wet cloth and rub it gently? My Jay will bite things whenever itch so I just do it and he guai guai let me rub, maybe he feel song song lo. Ha. . .

Actually no need to buy anything la. I will prepare:-

Mee Hoon
Fried chicken wing
Curry chicken
fingerfood from OCK
Roasted duck and pork
Fried finger lady
Packet drinks & fruit juice


Rented some toys for the babies also, got slides and swing, rocking puppy etc. Hope they enjoy themselves.
Wow Cocomo... 12 princes and princess will be meetin tomolo... must be v v fun.. it's a pity i cant go and bring my princess to join u all.. Hav fun...remember to upload some photos tomolo to let us share the happiness here too..
wow! u prepared so much for us! i oso feel pai seh leh...

me only will log in tonite liao...gg to work soon. see ya!
Wow...u r so nice to both us and our babies..makes me so paisei leh...mayb we can get u something like u can eat the next few days lah..jay gives auntie cocomo a big smaucks in advance...:p cya all tom..today v bz at work so dun think will log in much....i be there abt 1+ ba...
Hi Cocomo..

Thanks for taking the trouble to make us so much food.. see you, jay and the rest of the mommies and babies tomorrow..

I tried wiping but end up he bites me and keeps on laughing.. i think he takes it as play more than relieve..haahaa.. but at night, just have to carry him and forgo my sleep.. haaha..

Hi Cecelia..

dun worry about it.. your baby much better than mine lor.. Zorian is going to have his third and / or forth teeth coming out (the ones at top).. yesterday, he only took his cereal in the morning and porridge for lunch and dinner.. he only drank 70ml of milk after almost 12 hours.. i checked with my friends and SIL and they said same thing for their babies.. my SIL even said my nephew can go without milk the whole day when he was having his first tooth..

but to keep them hydra, must give water.. i feed zorian with water yesterday when he refused his milk..
Hi all,
No need to bring anything la, later cant finish wasted! No worries la, I enjoy seeing those babies gather together!!! Like ppl to come to my place also. . . hee. . . but then my place a bit small, hope not too crowded when total 39 of us all in there!!
As for the food. . . I will BUY all, lazy to cook also, so. .. no worries!!!

Kelly. . wow you bake cake ya. . ok ok good! Augbaby, siao ya, no need to bring anything la!!!
My sis teach me to put some 'fei zai shui' on baby's gum as the cold feel will release the itch and pain. Perhaps u wanna try, but b4 that please check if anyone did that also??
Hi Mummies,

I'm thinking of giving my son ikan bilis porridge i.e soak and grind into ikan bilis powder and add onto porridge. But when my MIL went to buy the ikan bilis, the shop told her nobody give their babies ikan bilis, usually give "yin yu". Is that true?
i dun give ikan billis 2 my boys in their porridge. bcos it's not fresh. my mum never use ikan billis 2 feed me & my siblings b4. she used tis scenario...imagine e ikan billis is fr malaysia or indonesia. it's technically preserved small fish n they pack e ikan billis into e gunny sack or plastic bag. how "nutritious" can it b 4 bbs?

for me, i used fresh yin yu 2 cook porridge 4 my elder boy.

thks 4 sharing wif us abt ur sis. very comforting 4 me cos my lil edward still wont eat solids.

hope natalie gets well soon.

my butter cake nothing fantastic hor...wah, 39 pp in ur hse a bit packed hor...got space 4 e bbs 2 crawl abt anot?
Hi cocomo and kelly,

Thanks, great information. No wonder my MIL dun feel good giving my son ikan bilis, she said got lots of "medicine" added, i think she meant preservatives?? I will tell her to give yin yu instead. Then again, must we grind the yin yu? How to prepare yin yu porridge?
He... he... It is not only the gunny sack that dirty but it is the process of getting fish dry is much more yucky.... My father's hometown is well-known for the preserved ikan bilis therefore witness it from young.

I may join the gathering tomorrow. Will let you know tomorrow. Sorry for the last min rsvp.

Gathering on 1 May starting from 1:00pm at cocomo's place Redhill:-
1) cocomo, hubby and Jayden
2) Piyo, hubby, megan and maid
3) augbaby, hubby, jay and maid
4) Kelly, hubby, Gabe and Edward
5) Superdad,Sophia and Dickson
6) Kris, hubby and Zorian
7) Erin, hubby and Kayden
8) Jasmine, hubby, Jadelle
9) Fiona, hubby, Denise
10)Pups, hubby and Leon
11)Leobbsmom, hubby and Shervonn (TBC)
12)net, hubby & evan
13) Cecelia, hubby n rachelle
39 includes, 24 mummies + Daddies, 12 BB, 3 maid. Hee. . .

Gathering on 1 May starting from 1:00pm at cocomo's place Redhill:-
1) cocomo, hubby and Jayden
2) Piyo, hubby, megan and maid
3) augbaby, hubby, jay and maid
4) Kelly, hubby, Gabe and Edward
5) Superdad,Sophia and Dickson
6) Kris, hubby and Zorian
7) Erin, hubby and Kayden
8) Jasmine, hubby, Jadelle
9) Fiona, hubby, Denise
10)Pups, hubby and Leon
11)net, hubby & evan
12)Cecelia, hubby n rachelle (TBC)
hi cocomo,
very paisey u do so much! how bout this..instead of adding to the list, maybe we help u buy something? can we buy the drinks or the OCK? u need another playmat since so many babies?

hihi racoon,
wat's yin yu? issit the tiny white fish? i've been using 'ngor he' supposed to be nice and soft...if u want to make the porridge more tasty for ur baby, can try to cook the grains with fish stock first. At the end then add the fish and vege...so porridge is yummy and nutrients in ingredients still intact. i normally blend with stick mixer so my boy can eat easily.

i cannot attend liaoz.
got family matters to attend to last minute.. so sad i will miss it.. haiz, please post photos ok?

Meanwhile, this weekend, i brought jadelle for swimming again, so here are some pictures!





Would like to share with all mummies how I did up The baby's room plus my living room with the winkplay stickers i bought on BP here..
Hey mummies
The gathering seems so fun. Do have a great time today!

Your float is similiar to the float we bought. so cool. The tail can be a shade. I think Doris and Piyo might be interested. Where did u get it? Baby stuff are so cute...sometime I couldnt help but want to buy them....but I $ conscious.

Your wall deco is very nice. Did U do it yourself? The spider hanging down is very interesting.....U never clean your house right : ) Hi hi
haha... my bro jus saw this thread and suddenly tell me 'wow.. mamy poko model swimmin, .. haha..
oh ya... nice deco..jadelle must be thrilled to see her room full of butterflies...
haha... my bro jus saw this thread and suddenly tell me 'wow.. mamy poko model swimmin, .. haha..
oh ya... nice deco..jadelle must be thrilled to see her room full of butterflies...
You are fast! I just woke up. After the gathering me and Jay lie straight sstraight liao.

It's fun to meet togather today. . .

Top: Fiona(Denise), Smlow(Louisa), Jasmine(Jadelle), Net(Evan), Augbaby(Jayden), kRis(Zorian)
Bottom: SuperDad(Dickson), Erin(Kayden), cecelia(Rachelle), cocomo(Jayden), Piyo(Megan), Kelly(Edward & Gabe), Pups(Leon)
